British Columbia
Kamloops: The assembly has been encouraged by over 75 Zoom messages since COVID-19 started in 2020. They are looking forward to meeting regularly soon.
London: The assembly that meets at the Highbury Ave. Gospel Hall appreciated ministry via Zoom from John Meekin, June 14-18, on the topic of “The Support of Spiritual Strength.”
Mississauga: In May, Dan Shutt gave a week of ministry on “Behold the Lamb of God,” which was very Christ-exalting and uplifting for the Christians.
Waubaushene: The assembly appreciated meeting in person beginning July 4, having been on Zoom for most of the last year and a half. These virtual meetings, along with Sunday school, have been a time of real blessing, with local brethren ministering the Word, along with brethren from Chile, Nicaragua, Mexico, Ireland, Costa Rica, Zambia, Newfoundland and Alberta. The assembly is still working through the final stage of approvals for their major building expansion. Municipal planning and engineering requirements have taken a great deal of time and expense, but they are anticipating site plan approval and subsequent building permit requirements to be met in the next few months. This major undertaking is the subject of much prayer, that the Lord will guide us and also provide the financial means to proceed, in His will.
Welland: The assembly appreciated ministry via Zoom from John Nesbitt on June 9, David Hunt on June 16, Harry Rodríguez on June 23, Sidney Turkington (Battle Creek, MI) on June 30, and John Dennison on July 7.
Prince Edward Island
Summerside: Drive-in gospel meetings took place June 20-25 at a strip mall owned by one of the brethren in the assembly. David Hierlihy, Jon Procopio and Brody Thibodeau gave three short messages each night using an FM transmitter to broadcast to cars who chose to park in the immediate area.
Newington: The assembly held tent meetings with Eugene Higgins June 13-27.
Dunkerton: Bill Lavery was with the assembly on June 13 and held teaching meetings on Monday through Wednesday evenings, June 14-16. Robert Orr visited the assembly for the Lord’s Day, June 20.
Dyersville: Following the June 1-11 gospel meetings with Al Christopherson and Dave Yoder (Manchester, IA), Seed Sowers texts were distributed to most homes in this 95% Catholic community.
Hitesville: The Bible reading topic for their annual conference September 18-19 is Psalm 22.
Battle Creek: VRF: Efforts to support the Lord’s people in Venezuela continue. Normal local food supply sources are being severely hampered due to severe fuel shortages that hinder crop production and distribution. The fuel scarcity also is making it very difficult for the timely distribution of medications to those suffering from COVID-19, which does not show any sign of diminishing. Of much concern is a growing lack of oxygen that so many need as they try to recover. Despite all these difficulties, the Lord’s work continues to grow and a new assembly was formed on Sunday, July 4, in Tapa de Piedra in the state of Portuguesa.
Jackson: The assembly is thankful to the Lord for visiting in salvation during the recent tent meetings June 6-30 with Jonathan Seed and local brother Joseph Baker.
New Jersey
Pennsauken: Tent meetings with Shad Kember Jr. that commenced June 6 in connection with the assembly closed on June 20.
Wyckoff: Gene Higgins and David T. Zuidema (Midland Park, NJ) planned to hold tent meetings July 11-25.
Akron: The assembly purposes to host an online mini-conference on Sunday, September 5, D.V. For more details, please see the Conference section below. They look to the Lord for His help and blessing as His Word is ministered to His people and presented in the gospel.
Hatboro: The assembly commenced gospel tent meetings with Russ Coleman and Brandon Doll on June 13. As of July 3, the meetings were continuing due to strong interest from the community and several professions.
Blue River: The assembly purposed gospel tent meetings with Jim Frazier and Frank Sona in the nearby town of Boscobel, commencing July 11.
Brodhead: Cal Erickson (La Crosse, WI) was with the assembly for children’s meetings June 21-25. Given their small Sunday School numbers, the believers were encouraged with around 20 children attending. Cal gave ministry on the Seven Churches of Asia in the evenings. Bill Lavery visited the assembly for the Lord’s Day, June 27, and gave evening ministry June 28-30.
Ontario: The assembly commenced gospel meetings June 27 with John Fitzpatrick and Isaiah Frazier.
Chihuahua: The assembly was encouraged to see Carlos attending the gospel meeting each Sunday night, having lost his daughter to COVID-19 a few months ago. Aurelia was a member of the assembly.
Ciudad Obregón: The believers enjoyed the May 24-26 visit from Duncan Beckett and Paul Thiessen. Duncan spoke in ministry on the importance of the Word of God in different spheres of our life, and Paul shared messages in regard to Christ being the Word. It was encouraging to see good attendance of various family members and other unsaved people during the three nights of meetings.
San Luis Potosí
El Barril: The assembly was happy to recently receive a sister into the fellowship. Paul and Barb Thiessen visited as well, and he gave ministry for five nights. Timothy Turkington and Jason Wahls began gospel meetings on July 6.
Pachuca: The assembly resumed in-person meetings in June. Harry Rodríguez was with the believers on this occasion. The saints also rejoiced when a woman attending meeting for the first time came to know the Savior the very same day.
State of Mexico
Nezahualcóyotl: The assembly appreciated the help given by Pedro Pérez from the Sibactel, Chiapas, assembly. He has been in the city awaiting surgery for a brain tumor, with no date given as yet for the procedure. It has affected his vision and memory, and your prayers are appreciated for him and his family at this difficult time.
Veracruz: The assembly resumed meeting together in person on June 6. They also appreciated a visit from Harry Rodríguez that Lord’s Day when he gave a word of ministry and spoke in the gospel.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: At the beginning of June the believers enjoyed two nights of ministry by Jason Wahls.
Akron, OH
September 5, online, D.V. Ministry: 3-5:30pm EDT, Gospel 5:30-6pm EDT. The expected speakers for these meetings are John Dennison, Marvin Derksen and John McCann. Additional details and a link to this hosted event are available at
Ankeny, IA
September 11-12, in the (new location at the) Lakeside Center, 400 NW Lakeshore Dr. Saturday: Ministry 10am. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am. The full schedule will be available on the Ankeny Gospel Hall Facebook Page and at Corr. Dan Massoth, E-mail:
Conferences Previously Published:
Arlington, WA – September 3-5
Hampton, IA – September 4-5
Hitesville, IA – September 18-19
Alpena, AR – September 25-26
Charlotte Braithwaite of Glendale, AZ, on April 1, 2021, age 93, on the 75th Anniversary of her conversion. She was saved at 18, baptized and received into the fellowship of the Manchester, CT, Gospel Hall in 1946. She was in happy fellowship there until 1963 when she moved to Phoenix, AZ, to be with her two sisters, Gladys Weimann and Dorothy Patricca. She continued faithfully in the Sunnyslope/Orangewood assembly until her homecall. Charlotte was known for her sense of humor, her gracious hospitality, and the many hymn sings enjoyed in her home. She taught Sunday School for over 30 years. Charlotte was always exercised to support missionary work, commended workers and widows. Due to the pandemic, a private burial service was held, as well as an online memorial service by Jon Vizzini, both in which a wonderful word was spoken.
Jean Fitzpatrick of Glen Ewen, SK, on April 7, 2021, age 101. She was born into a large family, and her mother passed away when she was only eight years old. Jean began attending the gospel hall meetings as a young girl and was saved September 30, 1936, and later received into the Glen Ewen assembly. She married Ross Fitzpatrick in 1940, taking on the care of his two children; five boys followed, as well as two grandchildren and three foster children. “Grandma Jean” (as she was known to many) was always in her place at the meetings at the gospel hall. She was very faithful in attendance until poor health caused her to settle in a nursing home. Jean was predeceased by her husband; three sons; three grandchildren; brothers, of which one was her twin; and sisters. Randy Logue officiated at the funeral, presenting the gospel to many unsaved.
Clyde Barney of L’Anse au Loup, NL, on April 23, 2021, age 75, after a short battle with esophageal cancer over the winter months. Clyde was a great help in the assembly Bible studies, as he was a man who enjoyed studying the Scriptures. He was saved in February 1987 during a series of gospel meetings in L’Anse au Loup with Marvin Derksen and Steve Kember preaching. Before salvation he was known to be a wild character and the whole community was moved when Clyde trusted Christ. He will be greatly missed by the assembly. Prayer is requested for his wife Sandra, son Rodney (Elizabeth), and daughter Tammy (Greg) and her two girls. The funeral was held in the L’Anse au Loup Gospel Hall with Eddie Barney and Bert Belben speaking. Eric Fowler spoke at the graveside.
Roland Taylor of Taylorside, SK, on May 14, 2021, age 88. After a short hospitalization, our dear brother passed peacefully into the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Saved in 1959 through the truth of the words of Romans 10:9, Roland was baptized and received into assembly fellowship the following year, where he remained for his entire life. Predeceased by his loving wife Merla in 2015, they leave three married children, their spouses, and 9 grandchildren. Roland will be missed. A graveside service will be held at a future date in the will of the Lord.
Murray Coates of Newmarket, ON, on June 9, 2021, age 92. Murray was born and raised in the Newmarket area. His mother was a believer and taught the Scriptures to her four children as they grew up. Murray and his wife Doris were saved on the same day in April 1957 during a series of gospel meetings at Highfield Gospel Hall in Toronto. They were in fellowship there until an outreach resulted in the formation of the assembly in Newmarket in May 1962. Murray faithfully served the Lord as an overseer in the Newmarket assembly for nearly 60 years. His steadfastness, cheerfulness and caring manner will be sorely missed. He leaves behind his brother Fred, his wife Doris of 67 years, their five children and their spouses, 16 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. The funeral service was shared by Bryan Joyce, Murray’s son Philip, and grandson Andrew Coates.
Betty (Penny) L. Smith of Orillia/Waubaushene, ON, on June 10, 2021, age 75. Saved at a gospel outreach in Scarborough, ON, she met Jim and Brenda Jarvis in her birth province of Newfoundland and was one of the first believers to break bread in the newly-formed assembly in McIvers. After moving back to Ontario she fellowshipped in Midland, and later in Waubaushene where she worked as a cook at Elim Homes. Betty loved the assembly, and assisted with Sunday School, VBS, monthly outreach suppers, etc. She brought meals to unsaved neighbors in her apartment building with a gospel tract. Her effort to get her grandson out to Sunday School was rewarded by his profession of salvation several months before her passing. Jim Jarvis spoke the Word faithfully to the restricted funeral gathering. Her husband Robert, her family, and many friends feel keenly the loss of this dear lady.
Darlys Kluiter (Smith), of Waverly, IA, on June 29, 2021, age 61. Raised in Manchester, Iowa, she was the daughter of Harlan and Arlene Gentz. In 1980 she married Dennis Smith, who passed away in 2001. Darlys was saved August 17, 1987, through Romans 5:6 while attending special meetings by Al Christopherson and Roy Weber. Following baptism she was received into fellowship in the Manchester assembly. On August 5, 2014, she married Allan Kluiter and became a part of the Antioch assembly. Darlys was a warm and caring person who had many friends. She enjoyed Christian music, listening to her favorite gospel songs every day. She leaves behind her husband, two step-children, two siblings, three in-laws, and many nieces and nephews. The funeral was held in Manchester with her brother Dennis Gentz and Russ Nesbit sharing in the service. Her brother-in-law Tim Draves spoke at the graveside.
Madeline Fuller (Brandon, Walterhouse) of Lambton Shores, ON, on June 30, 2021, age 93. As a 27-year-old married mother of three, after reading her Bible and attending some gospel meetings, she was saved through Isaiah 53 and the gospel hymn “Just as I am.” Faithfully bringing her eight sons to hear the gospel, Madeline was in fellowship at Lake Shore for many years. The family rejoiced when her husband Harold Fuller, of nearly 45 years, was saved shortly before his death in 1994. She married James Brandon in 1998, and was widowed again in 2009. Ever an optimist, she married John Walterhouse in 2012 and they fellowshipped in the Sarnia Gospel Hall. Following his passing in 2018, her health steadily declined until her homecall from her residence in the Country Manor, Thedford, ON. The funeral service was taken by grandson David, with sons Russell and Thomas paying tribute to their mother.
Fred Nordman of Dunkerton, IA, on June 30, 2021, age 77. He was saved in March 1958 through the truth of Luke 19:10. Following baptism, he was in fellowship in the Waterloo assembly until relocating to Dunkerton with his family, and was steadfast in the assembly there until his homecall. Fred is survived by his wife Elaine; a son, Jim (Carrie), and his family; a special friend, Maggie, whom Fred and Elaine welcomed into their home as a teenager, and her family; and widowed daughter-in-law Cindey, who was married to their son Dean that died in 2008, and her two sons. Fred is also survived by one brother, and was preceded in death by another brother in 2021. Fred’s two brothers-in-law, Al and Tom Christopherson, along with Russ Nesbit, shared the funeral service.