Edmonton: The challenge the assembly faced was having enough space to gather and meet all the COVID-19 protocols. After having to halt all in-person meetings in March 2020, they obtained use of a building that enabled them to regather in August 2020 for the Lord’s Supper, the preaching of the gospel, and Wednesday evening prayer/ministry. Meetings were also livestreamed via Zoom for the saints that were unable to meet in person. In early December 2020, heavy restrictions halted gatherings. Thankfully, they obtained permission to use an evangelical building on Sunday afternoons, allowing them to meet with 62 people, while still following present government guidelines, with the hope of resuming in-person meetings on Easter Sunday. Through the use of Zoom, the assembly has enjoyed ministry from numerous brethren from other parts of the country and overseas. They are presently enjoying a series on Wednesday evenings giving teaching on the subject of the Trinity with Mike Knox and Thomas Seale (Austin, MB).
British Columbia
Burnaby: The South Burnaby assembly held a Lunar New Year Gospel Meeting on Sunday, February 14. Local brethren and Ross Smyth preached the gospel in English, and Richard Wang translated the message live into Mandarin. The assembly also had a special Zoom Family Night for the Burnaby Bible Hour on Monday, February 15, during the Family Day holiday. A nice number of parents and children tuned in, and Eddie Wong (Vancouver, BC) gave a message on “the heart.”
Vancouver: The Victoria Drive assembly appreciated hearing David Hierlihy in the gospel via Zoom on April 4. He also shared his testimony to the online adult Bible class outreach on March 9. Brandon Doll gave helpful ministry via Zoom on April 8. During their online Easter Sunday School Program, Gordon McCracken, from his home in Scotland, shared a message in the gospel with the children and their parents.
Austin: Mike Knox, with the help of Matthew Cain, has started up The Practicology Podcast, a podcast that focuses on how the teaching of Scripture (theology) shapes everyday life (practical). A new episode is released each Sunday night. Subjects covered so far include forgiveness and reconciliation, remaining with the local church through hard times, the Christian’s identity, and how to bring the gospel home to our children. All the messages can be accessed at the website,, where you can also subscribe through your favorite podcast app (Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, etc). Listeners can interact via email ( or on Twitter (@MandMsPodcast). Daniel Barbour (St. John’s, NL) was a huge help in getting this initiative off the ground.
New Brunswick
Sussex: Gospel meetings with Murray McCandless that began January 12 finished after seven weeks. The meetings in the hall were well attended and were livestreamed via Zoom. A young man was saved in the second week, and has since been baptized. His wife (saved earlier) has now been received into fellowship.
Nova Scotia
Halifax: The assembly was encouraged with two young believers obeying the Lord in baptism on March 28. Before witnessing both baptisms, a good number of visitors listened to John Meekin preach the gospel, followed by David McClelland’s (Clementsvale, NS) word on baptism.
Pugwash Junction: The in-person gospel meetings that began January 24 with David Hunt and John Meekin concluded after three weeks. The gospel was faithfully preached.
Mississauga: The Applewood Heights assembly held a gospel webinar series March 14-21 with Paul Robinson (Toronto, ON) and Shawn St. Clair.
Sudbury: The assembly continues regularly with Sunday evening online gospel meetings via Zoom and the 705 Gospel Outreach YouTube channel. Eugene Badgley, David Booth, Lorne Langfeld, Gary Sharp and brethren from neighbouring assemblies have shared appreciated messages. A “Focus On” study series for teens has also begun via Zoom, based on the John Ritchie booklets. Please pray for the gospel outreach and assembly growth.
York: The Fairbank assembly has been prayerfully encouraged during the past winter months in the distribution of gospel literature in the district, and they continue in limited numbers with in-person meetings in accordance with local COVID-19 regulations.
Taylorside: Emily McCandless, with the help of others, has been mailing out Scripture posters in the Gospel 4 Saskatchewan Project since January 2019, with some return responses received. During March, local brethren have held weekly Children’s meetings on Zoom. Since the cancellation of in-person meetings in the hall at the beginning of December, the assembly has appreciated commended brethren ministering God’s Word via Zoom during their regular weeknight meeting.
Springdale: The assembly enjoyed a series of ministry meetings in the hall by Sandy Higgins. The meetings were also broadcast on Facebook, and it was encouraging to see hundreds of believers watching from different countries. The messages were simultaneously translated into Spanish by Joel Thiessen. The Alpena assembly also appreciated the ministry given.
Tampa: The assembly held an online Easter gospel webinar series March 28-April 4 entitled “Eight Days That Changed the World” with Eugene Higgins via Zoom.
Ankeny: The assembly held a Spanish gospel meeting on March 29 in Des Moines with brethren Ryan Hayes (Marion, IA) and Shad Kember.
Garnavillo: Isaiah Frazier and Jason Wahls commenced gospel meetings March 7 that were also streamed live on the Garnavillo Gospel Hall YouTube channel. The meetings concluded after four weeks with one person professing salvation.
Stout: The Gospel series with Brandon Doll and William Skates closed on March 12 after six weeks. The interest and attendance were very good, and God graciously blessed in the salvation of several of the saints’ children and three adults. The assembly planned to host a conference April 10-11.
Methuen: Four young people were baptized mid-February, to the encouragement of the assembly. Saved in the last year, they had all been recently attending meetings. Many of their family members were present to witness their desire to “walk in newness of life.”
New Jersey
Barrington: The assembly held a week of gospel messages March 28-April 4 online with Paul Barnhardt with the topic of “The Good News for Today of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.” Meetings were livestreamed via YouTube and can be accessed from https://
Pennsauken: In February the assembly was encouraged by witnessing the baptism of a 13-year-old young man. Eugene Higgins presented the gospel prior to the baptism.
Nuevo León
Monterrey: On March 7, the assembly was able to break bread for the first time since March 2020. The attendance at the mid-week meetings has also been encouraging. Anderson and Mariú Hernández have been delivering Via magazines and invitations in the areas surrounding the hall.
Chihuahua: The assembly was able to resume breaking bread and all the other regular meetings.
Hermosillo: The assembly held a short virtual conference on March 13. Ministry given by John Dennison, Anderson Hernández, Shawn St. Clair and Timothy Turkington was much appreciated. The attendance from several different countries was encouraging.
Puerto Vallarta: The believers rejoiced at being able to break bread again after a year without permission to do so. Four believers, including three young ones, were received into fellowship as well, encouraging the assembly. The gospel is once again being preached in the rehab centre near the hall, and a meeting on Saturday evenings has been added to the schedule with the young believers especially in mind.
Mexico State
Nezahualcóyotl: After four months of being unable to meet together in person, the assembly was happy to break bread on March 7. The prayer and Bible study is also held at the hall while the remaining meetings are still virtual.
Iguala: The assembly enjoyed the visit of Jorge and Sulay Gómez (Venezuela) during February and March. Jorge gave appreciated help in the teaching of God’s Word.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: The assembly held two weeks of gospel meetings in the hall, following all the necessary protocols. Several people listened with good interest while others followed along via Zoom. The good seed was sown and the assembly is praying for resultant fruit.
Kirkland Lake /Englehart /Earlton, ON
June 26-27, Online. Details TBA.
Pugwash Junction, NS
July 3-4 (cancelled)
Conferences Previously Published
Alpena, AR – September 25-26
Change of Address
Malcolm and Rhoda Radcliffe, 28 Castle Hill, Rathfriland, Co. Down, Northern Ireland, BT34 5NH; Tel: 028-40630597
Change of Address of Correspondent
Akron, OH: David Metcalf, 3228 Blake Rd, Wadsworth, OH 44281; Email:
Taylorside, SK: John Parker, Email:
Kendy Sue Reiss of Manchester, IA, on March 17, 2021, age 60. Raised in the godly assembly home of Kenneth and Sue Ellen Gentz, Kendy was saved on May 31, 1970 at the age of ten through John 3:16 during tent meetings at Strawberry Pt. with Harold Paisley. After God opened her eyes to see her need, she said, “I am very happy, and love Him with all my heart.” In June of 1981, she married David Reiss and together, they were key workers in the assembly. Kendy was marked with a depth to her Christian life that was often overlooked. She remained faithful to God’s principles being fully committed to the assembly. Kendy is survived by her husband David, three children and spouses, eight grandchildren, her father Kenneth Gentz, and her siblings Kay Mulder, Tonya Naber, Jeff and Chad. Robert Orr and Al Christopherson shared in the funeral service.