


Fort McMurray: In mid-January, the assembly held five weeks of gospel meetings via Zoom with local brother Troy Thomas and Jack Zhang (Vancouver, BC) preaching. The good response locally, support from other assemblies, some unsaved watching, and blessing in salvation were all a great encouragement.

British Columbia

Abbotsford: Gerard Roy preached the gospel and gave ministry via Zoom for the Parkview assembly in late February. They also appreciated hearing his report of the work in the Congo on February 28.

Vancouver: Frank Sona gave helpful ministry via Zoom for the Victoria Drive assembly on March 4.


Winnipeg: The Parkview assembly hosted two online ministry conferences on January 30 and February 27. On both occasions, Stephen Grant, Jack Hay and John Meekin gave appreciated ministry. The ministry from both conferences and other meetings can be viewed on the assembly’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxsRbnst7y3cYAmPVUGWqrA/videos.


London: The Highbury Avenue assembly purposed an online Easter gospel series from March 28 to April 4 entitled “Eight Days That Changed the World” with Eugene Higgins livestreamed on Facebook, YouTube and Zoom.



Alpena: Lord willing, the assembly will hold an in-person conference for the September 25-26 weekend. Details to follow later.


Stout: As of February 28, gospel meetings with Brandon Doll and William Skates were entering their fifth week with some blessing in salvation. Masks and physical distancing measures were implemented to conduct these in-person meetings.

New Jersey

Midland Park: The assembly continues to have gospel webinars every Lord’s Day in English at 6pm followed by Spanish at 7pm with different brethren taking part each week. Webinars can be viewed on their assembly Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/midlandparkgospelhall.


Nuevo León

Monterrey: In February, the assembly resumed their two weeknight meetings in person, but still cannot gather together to break bread. The Zoom children’s meeting on Saturday afternoons continues to see good interest. Help was appreciated recently from Ricky Sawatzky, Ryan Turkington (Battle Creek, MI) and Timothy Turkington.


Chihuahua: The assembly held two weeks of virtual gospel meetings with Ruben Mendoza, a full-time worker in Venezuela. Several people from the city wrote to ask questions about the gospel. At the end of February, the assembly resumed mid-week in-person meetings. The Wednesday afternoon children’s meeting in the hall in El Porvenir was well attended.

Aurelia Castro was saved in 2006, and was a member of the assembly. After a short battle with COVID-19, she was called home on January 29, leaving an 18-year-old unsaved son, Cristian. The gospel was shared at the wake and at the graveside. Family members listened with reverence.


Hermosillo: The assembly was unable to meet for five weeks until the middle of February when the government allowed religious organizations to resume in-person gatherings.


La Purísima: Several believers from the assembly fell ill with COVID-19 in February and required oxygen, but they showed gradual improvement at the end of the month.


Iguala: Alvaro Martinez was saved in 2013 and was one of the original members of the assembly when it was formed. On January 30, he went home to be with the Lord after a difficult battle with COVID-19, just a few weeks shy of his 70th birthday. Many members of his family are believers as well.

Duncan Beckett and Tim Stevenson have been preaching the gospel nightly via Zoom and Facebook since January 31. During one of these meetings, Alvaro’s son placed his faith in the Lord Jesus.

Northern Ireland

Co. Down

Ballykeel: The assembly was greatly encouraged with the continuation of the Drive-In gospel outreach at Riverside Farm. After months of lockdown and disagreeable weather, the interest has been maintained with good attendance and a number listening online throughout the world. Please pray that the Lord’s hand will be further seen in blessing.


Stout, IA

April 9-11. Prayer meeting on Friday, April 9, at 7:00pm. Ministry begins on Saturday at 10am. Lord’s day: Bible reading (Colossians 1:12-20) 9am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am. All meetings held in the Gospel Hall.

Waterloo/Cedar Falls (Online)

April 17-18. Saturday, 2:00-3:00pm Missionary report by Jim McMasters, 3:00-4:00pm Ministry by Gaius Goff, 6:30-7:30 pm Gospel by Gaius Goff & Brody Thibodeau. Sunday 2:00-3:00pm Missionary report by Alan Clark (El Salvador), 3:00-4:00pm Ministry by Stephen Grant, 6:30-7:30pm Gospel by Alan Clark & Clive Barber. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7750380752?pwd=ak52VjNmYzdqSXBWZXBNamcycUVsdz09

Alpena, AR

September 25-26

Conferences Previously Published:

Toronto, ON – April 2-3 (Easter Missionary, online)

Toronto, ON – April 2-4 (Annual Easter, online)

Clarksville, IA – April 4 (canceled)

Change of Address of Correspondent

Tylertown, MS: Keith Young; Tel: 601-549-7287


Clifton Aulenback of Berwick, NS, on November 21, 2020, age 76. Clifton was saved February 8, 1970, through Isaiah 53:5. He and Judy, his wife of 55 years, were first received into the Nineveh, NS, assembly. But for over 20 years, they gathered with the Berwick assembly, where Clifton was a respected elder. After the removal of his kidney in early 2020, his cancer returned in the summer and he quickly weakened and was called home. Clifton is also survived by three children, four grandchildren, four sisters and three brothers. Clifton was faithful in witnessing to his family, and prayer would be valued for those not saved. Due to COVID-19, only a graveside service at the Falkland Ridge Cemetery was held on November 25, 2020, where a large number gathered to show their respect for Clifton. The service was shared by John Meeken and Paul Potter.

Stanley Haugh of Annalong, Co. Down, NI, on January 20, 2021, age 81. Raised in a Christian home, he was saved at age 12. He and Mary were married in New York in 1960. They returned in 1963 to NI and were separately received into fellowship at the Annalong assembly in 1966 and 1967, respectively. A godly man who loved the Lord and His people, Stanley was involved in all assembly activities, and visited the sick. He and Mary enjoyed showing hospitality. Young men appreciated his advice and experience. He is sorely missed by his family, the Christians and the community. Many gathered at the Twelve Arches Drive-In, Newcastle, for a service of thanksgiving following his funeral and burial at the Annalong Gospel Hall cemetery. The service was shared by Roland Pickering and Jonathan Bingham. Prayer is requested for his wife Mary, his children, their spouses, and his extended family.

Mrs. Lydia Valvano (nee Cappiello) of Livingston, NJ, on February 16, 2021, age 95. After more than 70 years of marriage, she was predeceased by her husband Frank, Sr., in 2015. Lydia was born on August 29, 1925, and was saved at the age of nine, listening to her father read to her the words of John 14:1-10. She was a Sunday school teacher who often gathered neighborhood children to tell them about the Lord Jesus. Eminently hospitable, greatly talented, an artist, firmly committed to the assembly, and a woman who loved the gospel and her family, she will be greatly missed. She is survived by her two sons Frank (Muriel) and Allan (Yolanda), six grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.