

British Columbia

Vancouver: The Thanksgiving Conference was held online October 10-11. The three 1 1/2-hour sessions were shared by Tom Hoy, Andrew Ussher, Stephen Harper, Michael Penfold, Stu Thomson and Willians Alcala. The interest was encouraging. Recordings can be accessed at http://www.victoriadrivegospelhall.com/media/thanksgiving-2020/. The Victoria Drive assembly appreciated Willians Alcala, Tom Baker, Clive Barber and John See sharing their testimonies on Tuesday evenings in October and November via Zoom during the adult ESL Bible class outreach.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Flower’s Cove: Brody Thibodeau preached the gospel on November 5 instead of giving a word of ministry due to several unsaved family members of believers being present.

L’Anse au Loup and English Point: Both assemblies have resumed Sunday morning meetings since July and mid-week prayer and Bible study. Brody and Sharon Thibodeau spent October 25 in English Point. Brody also had ministry in English Point on Wednesday, October 28, and Thursday, October 29, in L’Anse au Loup. They spent November 1 with the assembly in Charlottetown, Labrador.

Sandringham: The assembly appreciated a visit from Alex and Jean Stephenson on the Lord’s Day, October 18. On October 25, Wallace and Olive Buckle visited the assembly. A number of unsaved attended the gospel meeting each Lord’s Day evening as well, for which they are thankful.

St. John’s: The assembly commenced a short series of online gospel meetings via Zoom with Tom Hoy and Peter Ramsay in early November.


Sudbury: The assembly held one week of gospel meetings October 26-30 via both Zoom and their 705 Gospel Outreach YouTube channel. Brian Crawford faithfully shared the gospel on the theme of “The Gospel in Parables.” The meetings were well attended by the local Christians, some from neighboring assemblies and a few unsaved from the local community. The recorded meetings are available on demand via their YouTube channel. The assembly also purposed to resume weekly Sunday evening gospel meetings via Zoom starting November 8. Please pray for the assembly and the gospel outreach in Sudbury.

Waubaushene: On September 20, the assembly had the joy of witnessing the baptism of eight young people, ranging in ages from 12 to 16, most of whom were raised in their Sunday School. COVID restrictions limited the gathering to 25 persons, so parents and participants gathered on the shores of Georgian Bay while the assembly and many others witnessed the happy occasion on Zoom.

They continue to gather twice a week, along with a weekly Sunday School, on Zoom. Even while physically separated, the Lord has blessed the saints through a young girl professing faith in Christ as a result of one of the testimonies given.

The assembly is also in the final planning and approval stage for a major addition to their building. It will address long overdue accessibility issues, and add much needed space for Sunday School, community dinners, outreach activities and meeting space for prayer meetings, etc. They are looking to the Lord to provide, not only the financial means, but specific guidance on how to proceed in these uncertain times.

On October 18, the assembly once again had the joy of witnessing the baptism of another young man from their Sunday School. They are also rejoicing in the salvation of an eight-year-old grandson of assembly believers, and are praying that this will speak to his unsaved father and to his mother, who was once in fellowship.



Springdale: In October, the assembly resumed their Breaking of Bread meeting in person. They are also assembling together goods for shipment to Venezuela.


Culver City: The assembly held gospel meetings October 11-16 via Zoom with Glen Baker.


Ankeny: Following their recent gospel series that concluded October 2, the assembly was encouraged as several visitors attended and many heard the gospel for the first time. The meetings were also broadcast over Zoom, and the recordings from each night can be found on the Ankeny Gospel Hall Facebook page.

Dunkerton: Robert Orr was with the assembly for the Lord’s Day, October 11.

Marion: The assembly hosted live-streamed gospel meetings beginning October 18 with Shad Kember and Dan Shutt via Facebook and Zoom.


Livonia: The Stark Road assembly held gospel meetings October 4-18 (no meeting on Saturday) with Russ Coleman. Recordings are available on their website and on YouTube.

West Virginia

New Creek: The assembly held in-person gospel meetings with Brandon Doll and John Fitzpatrick beginning October 25.


Blue River: Robert Surgenor was with the assembly beginning Wednesday, October 21, for a week of ministry meetings.


Nuevo León

Monterrey: Since October 4, the assembly has met just once a week for prayer and Bible teaching. A devotional time online is spent with the believers on the Lord’s Day morning in the meantime.


Chihuahua: The assembly met together to break bread for four Lord’s Days before the COVID-19 situation deteriorated in the state, causing in-person meetings to be suspended again. The believers continue to show good interest in the Zoom meetings, and unsaved family members are also hearing the Word of God in this way.


Pachuca: On Friday evenings, the assembly has been enjoying teaching on Zoom, and Sunday mornings there is a meeting for devotional thoughts and a message from the Word of God. On Saturday, October 24, the gospel was preached in the home of one of the believers’ neighbors. Pili is quite ill, and has lost sight in one eye, but she and others were very attentive to the gospel message, expressing an interest in return visits in the following weeks.

Mexico State

Nezahualcóyotl: On October 11, the assembly was able to gather together in person again to break bread and hear a devotional message. On October 18, they also added a meeting for the youth, but the rest of the meetings remain virtual.


Iguala: During the month of October, the assembly enjoyed virtual visits from Jesse Klein, Shad Kember, John Nesbitt and Marcus Cain. They have been unable to meet together in person.

Quintana Roo

Cancún: In October the assembly resumed meeting together in person, and they are also thankful that the Lord preserved them from harm during the two hurricanes that passed through the area.


Editor’s note: Due to numerous conferences being cancelled since last April because of the ongoing pandemic, no projected conference date listings for 2021 are included in this issue. For conferences that do take place in person or online, assemblies are encouraged to submit the details at least two months in advance of the date for inclusion into an upcoming issue.

Conferences Previously Published:

Saugus, MA – December 4-5 (cancelled)

Change of Address of Correspondent

Beetown, WI: Joe Schmaedick, Tel: 501-887-6162 (correction from the October issue)


Shirley Maling of Clementsvale, NS, on October 12, 2019, age 94. Already saved, Shirley was one of the foundation members of the assembly in Clementsvale that was planted in 1944 as a result of the labors of Robert McIlwaine, with his father helping him afterwards. She continued faithfully, attending all the meetings until she had to move to her daughter’s home for health reasons. Shirley was a godly sister who is missed by all. She was preceded to glory by her husband Willard and son Roger. Shirley is survived by her daughter Lois, son Wayne, daughter-in-law Reta, several grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Prayer is requested for the family, and in particular for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, many of whom are not saved. Her funeral was taken in the gospel hall by John Meekin and David McClelland, with Lionel Cress praying at the grave.

Rena Burrell of Clementsvale, NS, on January 8, 2020, age 97. She went to Pugwash Jct. Conference in 1948 with Sadie McIlwaine, where she learned that her good works weren’t enough to take her to heaven. She was deeply moved by the preaching of the late brother Andy Aiken. Within a day or so, she trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior at home. Rena was devoted both to the pupils she taught over the years and the Clementsvale assembly, where she was a member since 1954 until moving into a nursing home a few years before her passing. She prayed faithfully for her nieces and nephews, plus many of the Christians’ children. Only eternity will reveal the result of her prayers. Her funeral service, held in the gospel hall, was taken by brethren John Meekin and Paul Potter.

Leander “Len” James Thomas of Orillia, ON, on May 12, 2020, age 83, after a short illness. Born and raised in New Chelsea, NL, Len came to Ontario as a young man and spent the rest of his life there. Saved in his early 40s through the truth of John 3:16, he received assurance through John 10:28. Len was a man who appreciated his Savior and always marveled that the Lord would save a sinner like him. A faithful brother in his support of the assembly, he loved to listen to the gospel. He enjoyed the company of the saints, and most Sunday evenings their home would be opened for a time of fellowship. He leaves behind his loving wife Nancy, two daughters, four stepsons, nine grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, a private family service took place, with words of comfort given by Keith Potter.

Robert Reeve of Clyde, ON, on July 5, 2020, age 94. Raised in a Christian home, Bob learned early in life of his need of the Savior. He was saved on June 12, 1949, at age 22 through the preaching of George Shivas, who later wrote in his diary that he caught a fish that was over six feet long. After being baptized, he continued faithfully both in the Clyde assembly for many years and then the Valens assembly until his homecall. Bob was unwavering in his devotion to the Lord, the assembly of God, and the people of God. He was a “brother beloved,” appreciated by the saints. He was predeceased by his wife Irene (nee Watson) in 2009. He is survived by four children, their spouses, nine grandchildren, and eleven great-grandchildren. Please pray that the many unsaved family members would be spoken to by his homecall.

Della May Elizabeth Sawyer (nee Nickason) of Port Sydney, ON, on July 23, 2020, age 72. She was saved in her early teens and was in happy fellowship in the assembly at Deer Lake since 1977. Della taught the primary class in Sunday School. In later years she hosted a ladies’ Bible study in her home. Three years ago she was diagnosed with PLS (a type of ALS). Relying on the Lord, she accepted this with grace and peace, witnessing for Him even in her disability. Observing social distancing restrictions, the funeral was held in the large auditorium of Faith Baptist Church, with a comforting and encouraging message in the gospel from Gary Sharp.

Emily Young of Oshawa, ON, on August 1, 2020, age 97. She was born in Kapuskasing and later moved to Toronto. Emily was saved in her thirties after being invited to gospel meetings with Fred Holder and Frank Pearcy. A short time after, her husband Gordon also professed. A year later, he was called home and left her to raise her young daughter Linda. Emily was received into fellowship at Pape Avenue, and later moved to Oshawa, where she was in fellowship for nearly 50 years. She had a burden for souls and distributed thousands of tracts. Even when almost blind, she continued tract distribution on streets with drug addicts. She saw some of her own relatives saved. She loved God’s assembly and prayed for every saint daily. Words of comfort and the gospel were spoken by Kevin Marshall, Gary Oakes and Ken Nicholson during her funeral.

Eric Glen Turnbull of Grand Bend, ON, on September 23, 2020, age 90. He was born to Fergus and Hilda Turnbull on October 19, 1929. Eric resided in the area with his childhood sweetheart, Betty Brenner, and married her on December 7, 1949. His trades were plumbing and electrical, allowing him to help build or remodel gospel halls throughout the years. Eric never considered this work laborious but as a way to meet new brothers and sisters in Christ, thus becoming great friends with many of them. This prayer warrior is missed by his wife Betty, sons Jim (Suzy) and Steve (Nancy), daughter Deb (Kerry) Ferguson, 16 grandchildren, and 15 great-grandchildren. Eric was preceded in death by his parents, oldest brother Allan (Carol), sister Esther (Peter) Warner, and leaves behind his siblings Mary (Tim) Kember, Carl (Lois), Ross (Nancy), Paul (Margret) and Alec (Marlene).

Jerry Lee Studnicka of Blue River, WI, on September 26, 2020, age 83. He was saved May 11, 1956, at the age of 20 in Janesville, WI, after days of soul trouble. He was in the Black Earth, WI, assembly in earlier years and gathered with the saints at Blue River from December 2010 until his homecall. He was an encourager and is greatly missed, as he often participated in assembly gatherings. He is survived by two daughters, Wendy Wittwer and Shelly (John) McLaughlin, one son-in-law, two granddaughters, and two sisters in the Black Earth assembly, Barbara Mulhern and Diana Studnicka. The funeral was shared by Tim Draves and Jim Frazier.

Harold Leonard Virgint of Orillia, ON, on September 29, 2020, age 90. He was saved at age 22 during a gospel series with Doug Howard and Frank Pearcy through Matthew 11:28. Harold lived to prove the reality of his profession and was a true shepherd for many years in the Lansing assembly. He was a faithful brother who knew the truth and stood for it. Harold loved his Savior, and it showed on his countenance. Moving north in 1999, he spent his last 21 years in active fellowship with the believers at Dominion Gospel Hall. Until the last few years, he was a ready and willing participant in visits to the prison. He will be missed by all, especially his wife Wilma of 65 years, his children Susan, Sophia, Stanley and Elizabeth, and grandchildren Amanda, Harley and Charley. The funeral was shared by Brian Crawford and Larry Steers.

Stephen Lovell of Oshawa, ON, after a brief illness on October 6, 2020, age 60. He was saved as a boy of 10 and later came into fellowship. Eight years ago Stephen moved from the Rexdale assembly in Toronto to Oshawa. He was faithful to the meetings and willing to do whatever he could. Stephen left behind a good testimony to the healthcare workers in the hospital. The funeral was taken by Ken Nicholson, Ken Thompson and Gary Oakes.

Kevin Marshall of Oshawa, ON, went home suddenly to be with the Lord on October 13, 2020, age 62. Kevin’s wife Rosa was saved in Trinidad, and then they came to West Hill, ON, to live. After hearing the gospel and greatly struggling against it, he bowed to the claims of the cross. For the last 24 years, Kevin was in the Oshawa assembly and a great help. As well as having a shepherd’s heart, he shared the gospel in both English and Spanish. Kevin also had an interest in the Sunday School work. He and Rosa had the joy of seeing all four of their children saved. After the children spoke well of their father, the service was taken by Ken Nicholson and Gary Oakes.

Elizabeth (Betty) Cummings of Waterloo, IA, on October 14, 2020, age 95. She adorned herself with the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price (1 Peter 3:3). Due to dementia, she spent her last years as the resident of a nursing home. Previously, she enjoyed fellowshipping with the believers who gather in the Waterloo assembly. She is survived by her son, David (Becky) Cummings; three daughters, Diane Cummings, Debbie (Robert) Frickson and Kathy Reuter; 10 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; and 7 great-great-grandchildren. The funeral service was taken by Russ Nesbit.

Aleasa Mae Kampman of Allison, IA, on October 19, 2020, age 98. Aleasa’s parents were saved when she was four years old, so she heard the gospel from an early age through the Sunday school. She was saved on June 4, 1948, at the age of 26 through Isaiah 53:5 after attending gospel meetings with Oliver Smith and William Warke at the Hitesville Gospel Hall. Aleasa was in fellowship in the Hitesville assembly for 72 years. She is remembered as a sister who loved the Lord, God’s assembly and the Lord’s people. She is also remembered as a caring mother and homemaker, content and cheerful through difficult times and consistent in her spiritual walk. Aleasa was predeceased by her husband, Willie, two sons-in-law and two sisters. She is survived by three children, five grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and one sister. Prayer is requested for her family.