Fort McMurray: The assembly was encouraged by an 11-year-old boy professing to be saved in September. He is very consistent in attending meetings both online and in the hall.
British Columbia
Vancouver: The Victoria Drive assembly appreciated ministry via Zoom from Clive Barber on September 10. David Richards also preached the gospel online on September 27.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander: The assembly held on September 27 their first in-person gospel meeting in the hall since the COVID shutdown. They were encouraged with about 35 people out, including some visitors. The assembly used their open-air trailer in the hall parking lot for gospel outreach during the summer months. David Hunt came from Nova Scotia in August and used the open-air trailer in Seal Cove, Fogo and Gander. Eric Fowler was with the assembly in early September for a week of open-air meetings in the hall parking lot; meetings were both well attended and encouraging.
Wallaceburg: The assembly was encouraged by a sister being baptized on September 27. Jim Jarvis spoke a clear gospel message and Bert Snippe gave a word on baptism. A nice number were in attendance.
Prince Edward Island
O’Leary: The assembly commenced in-person gospel meetings October 4 with Scott MacLeod and Jon Procopio.
Summerside: Online Zoom gospel meetings with Brody Thibodeau and local brother Tim Burton concluded on September 13 after two weeks. The assembly was encouraged with news that one young man professed to be saved.
Glen Ewen: The “Refuge Series” of Sunday afternoon ministry meetings provided online in a webinar format, which began March 22, concluded September 27. Between August 2 and September 27, believers far and near enjoyed ministry (in chronological order) from Stephen Grant, David McGahie, John Parkinson, Tom Hoy, Marius Minaar, Clive Barber, Bruce Rodgers and Lindsay Parks (Indiana, PA). All the ministry can be viewed online at by searching under “Refuge Series.”
Springdale: The assembly hosted Sandy Higgins via Zoom for five nights of ministry September 28-October 2, considering Hebrews 11-13.
Ankeny: The gospel series that began September 13 with Al Christopherson and Brandon Doll closed on Friday, October 2. The assembly is encouraged by a 14-year-old boy professing salvation and is thankful for all the prayers during this series.
Dunkerton: William Lavery visited the assembly on the Lord’s Day, September 27.
Saugus: The assembly commenced online gospel meetings via Zoom with Marvin Derksen and Brody Thibodeau, who preached alternating nights for a half-hour-long meeting.
Battle Creek: Venezuela Relief Fund (VRF): The COVID-19 pandemic is hitting Venezuela very hard. As of October 1, over 1,100 of the Lord’s people have been infected and 11 of those have been taken home to heaven. The health system in most of the country has all but collapsed, meaning that even those that are able to get to a hospital are not able to get medical care, unless friends or local Christians go to provide care. With virtually no fuel available in many parts of the country, travel to provide help to those in need is severely hindered. The Lord has given help as a number of Christian medical doctors are attempting to give instruction by phone to the believers who have the virus so they can take treatment at home. Others help by distributing the medicines and oxygen that have been positioned in various areas for the Christians who need them. Although some of the Lord’s people have passed away because of the virus, thankfully, a great many who were critically ill have been able to recover. Currently, we are continuing to support both the shipping and local production of basic foods for the Venezuelan believers, but have stepped up the purchase and distribution of medicine and medical-related products with the severe impact of COVID-19 at this time. Distribution has been severely impacted, but not stopped, for the distribution of both food and medical supplies due to four- to five-day line-ups for gasoline (which has gone from the cheapest in the world to now the most expensive).
Hardwick: The assembly had one week of children’s meetings September 20-27 with Paul Barnhardt.
Beetown: Jerry Jennings was with the assembly for the Lord’s Day, September 13, and then for three nights of ministry, Monday through Wednesday.
Nuevo León
Monterrey: September was a difficult month for many of the believers in the assembly. Although none became sick with COVID-19, many of their family members were affected, including some who had to be hospitalized. The assembly was able to resume meeting again on October 1.
Chihuahua: The assembly was able to meet for the first time since March on September 27 to celebrate the Lord’s Supper, although for the moment the rest of the meetings will continue on Zoom.
Hermosillo: Over the course of the pandemic, many of the believers and their families contracted COVID-19, with one brother being promoted to glory, and some extended family members passing into eternity, seemingly without hope.
The assembly is now able to meet on Sundays and Thursdays. On the first Lord’s Day of September, two brethren broke bread for the first time. Alejandro Preciado was saved four years ago in a gospel series at the hall. Jesús (Chuy) Rochín was saved in January in the new work that commenced in the south of the city at the end of December with a Seed Sowers effort.
Guasave: The assembly appreciated virtual teaching visits from Shad Kember, John Nesbitt and Marcos Tulio Sequera (Panama) during September.
Mexico State
Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl: Recently, the assembly appreciated teaching from Jonathan Seed and William Turkington. They have been joining the believers from the Iguala assembly each Tuesday for meetings as well.
Update from R.C. Revie
There is quite a bit of unrest in Ethiopia at the moment, and I want to share some things to generate prayer for my adopted country.
The following is a summary of the conflict:
From 1930 to 2018, the Oromo tribe, which is the biggest tribe in Ethiopia, had never ruled the country. They were in opposition to the government, but were divided into many different groups. From 2015 to 2018, there was a lot of unrest, and many were thrown into prison and many lost their lives.
Around this time, the Oromo tribe worked to become a united opposition party, and after much turbulence, the existing Prime Minister from a southern tribe resigned and a new Prime Minister was elected.
His name is Dr. Abiy Ahmed, and he is a committed believer who is also from the Oromo tribe. He tried to bring the country together and released many of the political prisoners. He also allowed the people to form parties to produce a democratic system. Much of what he has done is commendable, and he received the Nobel Peace Prize because he was able to bring together Ethiopia and Eritrea, which had been enemies since 1993.
Sadly, some in opposition did not like what was being done, and as a result, disturbances began to rise from both the Muslims and some in the Oromo tribe who had belonged to parties that had at one time been illegal. This has resulted in a lot of looting, and burning of buildings and hotels, etc., in a number of major towns in Ethiopia.
There has also been serious conflict with Egypt over a large dam that Ethiopia has been building on the Nile to produce electricity. The dam began to be filled earlier this year, and Egypt has been working in an underhanded way to destabilize the government.
In addition to all this, the Corona virus, which started off in a very small way in March, has risen to around 77,000 positive cases, with around 1200 deaths. A lot of these deaths have been in and around Addis Ababa.
Also, in the southeast of the country, there has been a locust invasion which has completely destroyed the crops in that area. The locals have never seen such large locusts in their lifetime.
With all this unrest, Ethiopia is in need of much prayer. I feel that the devil is using these disasters to cause difficulties, especially against a born-again leader who has been trying to do his best for the country.
I understand that the believers outside of Addis have been allowed to meet again as assemblies, for which we are glad. From all the reports I hear, it seems that Covid-19 is confined mainly to Addis and some major cities and does not seem to have spread to the countryside. Please pray that the believers will continue to reach out with the gospel, and that they might be preserved with regard to the Corona virus.
I am hoping, D.V., to return to Ethiopia in mid-January for three months if possible, which will give me a clearer picture of the situation.
Northern Ireland
Since the lifting of some restrictions after “lock-down,” a number of assemblies have been able to hold “drive-in” gospel meetings. Assemblies with suitable parking space set up extra amplification and commenced regular weekly Sunday afternoon gospel meetings. Others without sufficient parking space used local parking lots to present the gospel. As a result, many who have not attended gospel meetings before have been reached. Some parking in the lots, others parking on the roadside, and others passing by on foot have stopped to listen for the duration of the meeting. A number of conversions have been reported.
During July, brethren S. Gilfillan and P. Kissick held drive-in gospel meetings in Draperstown. The meetings were held in the parking lot of the local livestock market for three weeks, and they saw a very encouraging number of local people attending.
Lurgan Gospel Hall commenced drive-in gospel meetings for three weeks in their large parking lot on July 14, using a flat trailer as a platform. Many from surrounding assemblies attended with families, and local people also came to listen to D. Gilliland and J. Rogers.
The Whitehouse assembly received permission to use a parking lot belonging to a large vacant shop in the Abbey Centre area. R. Kirkpatrick and D. Strahan preached the gospel for three weeks, Sunday to Friday each week, and many heard the gospel.
A believer from the Moneydig assembly gave his business yard near the Causeway Hospital in Coleraine for gospel meetings during the month of July. Gary Woods was the speaker, and again, many heard the gospel.
In Gransha, Co. Down, J. Fleck had two weeks of drive-in gospel meetings in August.
S. Gilfillan and D. Gilliland conducted two weeks of drive-in gospel meetings during August in the Newtownstewart livestock market, where many heard the gospel clearly presented
D. McGarvey had two weeks of drive-in gospel meetings in Ballinamallard, Co. Fermanagh in late August. The assembly was encouraged with a good number of local people attending.
The Cambridge Avenue assembly in Ballymena arranged drive-in gospel meetings with W. Fenton and W. Martin for the month of August in the Ballymena Showgrounds. Attendance exceeded expectations due to great interest from surrounding assemblies, and many from the local area with no assembly connection attended and heard the gospel faithfully preached every night. The meetings were extended to seven weeks, and a number were saved by grace.
At the Connswater Shopping centre in Belfast, the Bloomfield assembly had use of a vacant parking lot for three weeks of gospel meetings that commenced September 6, with E. Fairfield and R. Kirkpatrick preaching. They were encouraged to see people from the area attend.
M. Radcliffe held three weeks of drive-in gospel meetings in connection with the Killykergan assembly, and they were encouraged with the attendance of local people.
Conferences have been cancelled during this lockdown, due to all the restrictions on numbers meeting indoors. However, the Kingsmills assembly was able to mark their 140th Annual Meeting for Believers by using a field opposite the hall. A large number attended the drive-in ministry meeting on July 13, where E. Fairfield and D. Gilliland gave helpful ministry.
On the evening of July 13, the Ballybollen assembly held a similar drive-in ministry meeting in the field beside the barn where the normal conference would have been held. The very large number that came to hear the ministry from D. Gilliland and W. Martin were both greatly encouraged and helped.
Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a complete list of cancellations is available at ttp://
London, ON
November 7-8 (cancelled)
Bryn Mawr/Hatboro, PA
November 13-15 (cancelled)
Oshawa, ON
November 14 (cancelled)
Phoenix, AZ
November 28-29, in the gospel hall, 1246 E. Garfield Street, with Prayer Meeting at 7:30pm on Friday, November 27. Saturday: Bible Reading (Isaiah 52:13; 53:1-12) 10am, Ministry 1-3pm, Gospel 4pm. Lord’s Day: Sunday School 9:30am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 1pm, Gospel 4pm. Lunch will be served both days. Corr. Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Ave., Glendale, AZ 85305; Tel: 602-818-4190; Email:
Maberly, ON
November 28 (cancelled)
Saugus, MA
December 4-5 (cancelled)
Conferences Previously Published:
Alpena, AR – November 7-8
Blues Mills, NS – November 14-15 (online)
Oil Springs, ON – November 14-15 (cancelled)
Assembly Gospel and Missionary Trust Fund (AGMTF) was established in 1970. Its mission is to support the work of the Lord by distributing the interest from investments. The principal has been received from the Lord’s people mainly by donations and bequeaths from estates. Further information may be obtained by contacting
Jakie Walters of Hitesville, IA, on September 20, 2020, age 85. He was saved on December 4, 1949, during nightly gospel meetings with speakers Leonard Debuhr and Archie Stewart. While reading Acts 16:31, he understood that Jesus had died for him, and received the Lord Jesus as his personal Savior. Jakie was in fellowship in the Hitesville assembly. He is survived by three children, nine grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, two great-great-grandchildren, one brother and one sister. Jakie was preceded in death by his wife, Lillian, in 2012. Russ Nesbit spoke at the service in the Hitesville hall.