

Newfoundland and Labrador

Corner Brook: In February, the assembly appreciated a week of ministry meetings with Jonathan Procopio on assembly related truth. Bryan Joyce was in Sandringham for gospel meetings and came to Corner Brook for a Lord’s Day morning. He held a ministry meeting during Bible class time.

L’Anse au Loup: The assembly commenced gospel meetings with Jim Jarvis and John Meekin in mid-February.  Encouraging numbers were attending nightly. Please pray that God will bless in salvation. On Sunday night, February 24, two believers obeyed the Lord in baptism and the hall was filled, with some out to hear the gospel for the first time.

Parsons Pond: Gospel meetings began on March 1 with Eric Fowler and Brody Thibodeau. The series was preceded by two weeks of prayer meetings.

Nova Scotia

Pugwash Junction: The assembly held two weeks of gospel meetings February 16-28 with Eric Fowler and Dustin Hayes (Stout, IA). Some new contacts were made and the Lord blessed in the salvation of a young boy whose parents are in assembly fellowship.


Kitchener: In mid-February the assembly appreciated three nights of ministry by Alan Summers (Scotland) from the Epistle to the Galatians. He returned again on Sunday, February 23, and gave helpful ministry prior to returning to Scotland.

Prince Edward Island

O’Leary: David Hierlihy and Joseph Potter (Sussex, NB) gave appreciated ministry at the assembly’s annual winter weekend meeting on Lord’s Day, February 16.

Rosebank: Brody Thibodeau had several nights of ministry using the “Journey from Egypt to Canaan” chart in mid-February.



Alpena: A four-day visit by Paul Barnhardt was much appreciated. He gave ministry after the Breaking of Bread and followed up with a Sunday School lesson for the children. Paul stayed on to give three nights of profitable ministry before moving on to visit the assembly in Springdale.

Springdale: The assembly appreciated several nights of ministry recently from Paul Barnhardt followed by several teaching sessions on the temple, shared by Miguel Mosquera.


Phoenix: The Garfield assembly held three weeks of gospel meetings in February, with a good number of unsaved in to hear the gospel preached by John Fitzpatrick and Bill Lavery. A few showed interest in salvation, and we leave this to the further working of the Holy Spirit in God’s time.


Dunkerton: Al Christopherson and Russ Nesbit had gospel meetings from February 23 to March 6.

Garnavillo: Gospel meetings with Bill Seale and Gary Sharp commenced March 1.

Hitesville: Gospel meetings that commenced January 5 with Al Christopherson and Brandon Doll closed on February 14 after six weeks. Many attended the meetings from the surrounding assemblies as well as several others interested in hearing the gospel of the grace of God. The assembly was encouraged with several professing salvation.

Marion: The assembly commenced gospel meetings February 16 with Brandon Doll and Larry Perkins.

West Union: Meetings with Frank Sona and local brethren closed on February 21 after five weeks.


Saugus: The assembly enjoyed the February 28-March 1 visit from Duncan Beckett. His ministry was uplifting and challenging to the saints. On the Lord’s Day he gave a report on the work in Iguala, Guerrero, Mexico, which had a positive impact on some of the younger believers. He provided examples of the need for prayer for both the work and the workers. On Sunday evening, Duncan preached the gospel with his father, David Beckett, who was visiting from Sussex, NB.


Battle Creek: Venezuela Relief Fund: The need for medical assistance has increased and help is being sent for medications that are being brought into Venezuela, as well as continued assistance for necessary medical procedures and operations there, as many Christians are unable to afford the cost of the needed medical treatments. Please keep Venezuela in your prayers.

Since January, the assembly appreciated ministry and visits from John Montean (Livonia, MI), Jonathan Seed and Matt Smith (Jackson, MI). The gospel is preached in Spanish at noon every Sunday now.

Jackson: Prayers are valued for a series of meetings to begin at the end of April with Eugene Higgins using his chart on how the gospel impacted U.S. history.

New Jersey

Barrington: Gospel meetings with Gene Higgins commenced February 23 and ended March 6.

North Carolina

Hickory: The assembly held their annual Sunday School program on January 26. The two-week series of gospel meetings also commencing that evening in English and Spanish with Brody Thibodeau and Johnny Seed was extended an extra four nights as several children of the believers showed interest. Please pray that they will soon be saved, and also for a family from Mexico that attended several nights.


Brodhead: Gospel meetings with Jerry Jennings and Robert Orr closed on February 7 after four weeks.


Baja California Sur

La Paz: A week of house meetings was held in February. Cecy, a relative of a believer in Guasave, was saved recently and opened her home so that the gospel could be shared with others. Please pray for this new open door.


San Luis Río Colorado: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Moisés Roseyón (Puerto Vallarta) along with his help in ministry and the gospel. A family from Tijuana recently moved here, with a desire to be received into fellowship.

Hermosillo: The gospel series that began on January 1 in the south of the city in a rented building concluded the second week of February but meetings carry on four nights a week presently. Attendance has been encouraging, and the support of the local believers has been most helpful.

Ciudad Obregón: The annual conference was held the last weekend of January with encouraging attendance from other assemblies. The ministry and the gospel was shared by Duncan Beckett, Anderson Hernández, John Nesbitt and Paul Thiessen. Three believers were baptized on Saturday night, and the saints also appreciated teaching from John Nesbitt for two nights after the conference.


Chihuahua: The gospel series concluded in the middle of February after four weeks. It was encouraging to hear of a young lady professing faith. Her children attend the weekly Sunday School. Please pray for others who heard the gospel at this time.


Guasave: The assembly held a week of children’s meetings on the life of Joseph in February. Andrew Zuidema (Midland Park, NJ) taught the daily lessons, and the believers were encouraged to see some parents out on the Saturday evening to hear the gospel.


Santiago Ixcuintla: The annual conference was held in February, and the assembly was encouraged by the support of believers attending from different assemblies. The ministry and the gospel were shared by Marcus Cain, Shad Kember and Jason Wahls. Sergio Arres (Tepic) taught the Sunday School. A gospel series commenced February 23 with Shad Kember, who was helped by local believers.

Tepic: Marcus Cain visited the assembly in February on two occasions, as well as two outreach works outside the city that commenced many years ago: El Borrego and El Cora. Please pray that the work in both of these places will continue to prosper.


La Purísima: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Paul Thiessen for four nights of Bible studies. The themes taken up on consecutive nights were development, gifts, leaders and the role of women. The attendance was encouraging and the believers expressed appreciation for the teaching.


Veracruz: A believer named Julian who travels each Lord’s Day into this port city to attend the assembly meetings was baptized in the Cotaxtla River on February 22.

Quintana Roo

Cancún: The new assembly enjoyed a visit from Sidney and Ruth Turkington (Battle Creek, MI). Sidney shared in the responsibilities of both preaching the gospel and teaching. Calendars and literature were delivered in the areas near the hall, with the saints trusting that some will come out to hear the message of the gospel.


McKeesport, PA [online]

April 25-26, online.  The speakers will be David Oliver (Bryn Mawr, PA) and Brett Swauger (full-time worker in Bradenton, FL). The topic will be the book of Ephesians.  The messages will be available on both their website and on their Facebook page: http://mckeesportgospelhall.org/ and https://www.facebook.com/McKeesportGospelHall/

Waukesha, WI [cancelled]

April 25-26, with prayer meeting on Friday, April 24, at 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am. All meetings are in the gospel hall, 2641 Pebble Valley Road, Waukesha. For information contact John Orr, Tel: 262-227-1400; Email: j.c.orr@earthlink.net, or Cory Peppler, Tel: 262-844-6287; Email: mrpeppler@gmail.com.

Charlottetown, NF [cancelled]

May 1-3, Labrador Bible Conference with prayer meeting on Friday, May 1, at 7:30pm, in the Charlottetown Gospel Hall. The first meeting is on Saturday at 10:30am. Contact: Lewis Powell, Tel: 709-949-0226 or Roy Freake, Tel: 709-949-0277; Email: roy_freake@hotmail.com.

Toronto, ON [cancelled]

May 9-10, Missionary Conference in the Langstaff Gospel Hall, 1350 Langstaff Rd., Thornhill, ON. Expected speakers: Enris Nase (Italy), Pablo Seguel (Chile, with a focus on Bible education), Caleb Simonyi-Gindele (An Overseer’s Perspective to Missions), and Dale Vitale (Montana/Hutterite colonies). Accom: Sheryl Payne, Tel: 416-809-2061; Email: sheryl.payne@icloud.com. For more information or to register, please visit http://www.langstaffassembly.com or contact Vince Giraldi, Email: vince.giraldi@gmail.com.

Cumberland, MD [cancelled]

May 16-17, with prayer meeting Friday, May 15, at 7pm in the Cumberland Gospel Hall, 700 E. First St. All other meetings (except the Breaking of Bread at 10am Lord’s Day) will be held at the Salvation Army building, across from the gospel hall. First meeting Saturday 10am. Accom: Tim Harrison, Tel: 301-707-0828; Email: tlharrison78@aol.com.

Hickory, NC [cancelled]

May 22-24, in the gospel hall, 253 17th Ave. NE, Hickory. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30pm; Saturday: First ministry meeting at 10am; Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am. Speakers expected: Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI), Craig Saword, Dan Shutt and Dale Vitale. Craig Saword will give a report on the work in El Salvador. Contact: Philip Moore, Tel: 828-244-8329; Email: pemchile@charter.net; or David Turnbull, Tel: 828-218-2417; Email: dpturnbu@charter.net.

Bancroft, ON [cancelled]

June 6, in the Lakeview Gospel Hall, 644 Maxwell Settlement Rd. Prayer Meeting/Bible Reading 9:45am, Ministry 2pm and 7pm. Corr. Mark Freymond, Tel: 613-332-4317; Email: mbfreymond@gmail.com.

Saugus, MA [cancelled]

June 6-7, with prayer meeting, Friday, June 5, at 7:30pm. Subject: The Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Studies in 2 Thessalonians. Saturday: Bible Readings 10am and 2pm, Gospel 4:45pm. Sunday: Remembrance 10am, Sunday School 11:45am, Bible Reading 2pm, Summary 4:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lunch and dinner will be served.  Expected speakers: Phil Coulson, Mervyn Hall (UK) and David Vallance. Accom: Shad Brook, Tel: 617-285-4677; Email: shad.brook@yahoo.com. Corr: Tony Grillo, Tel: 781-248-8900; Email: tonygrillo109@gmail.com.

Portage la Prairie, MB [cancelled]

June 12-14, with prayer meeting on Thursday, June 11, at 7:30pm, followed by three full days of ministry, Bible readings, missionary reports, gospel, and the Breaking of Bread. The opening prayer meeting will be at the Fifth Avenue Gospel Hall, 502 Fifth Avenue. All meetings on Friday and all meals provided during the weekend are to be at the River Road Gospel Hall, 350 River Road. Meetings on Saturday and Sunday, except for the Breaking of Bread, will be in the William Glesby Centre, 11 2nd Street NE. The two Bible readings arranged for Friday are to consider Ephesians 3 & 4. General inquiries: Philip Ronald, Tel: 204-870-1140; Email: pronald@mymts.net. Accom: Shane Griffin, Tel: 204-872-4217; Email: shg152@yahoo.ca. The conference is sponsored jointly by the assemblies meeting at the River Road Gospel Hall and Fifth Avenue Gospel Hall.

Conferences Previously Published:

Manchester, CTApril 4-5 Cancelled

Clarksville, IAApril 5 Cancelled

Toronto, ONApril 10-11 Cancelled

Kapuskasing, ONApril 11-12 Cancelled

Nineveh, NSApril 11-12 Cancelled

Stout, IAApril 11-12 Cancelled

Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IAApril 18-19 Cancelled

Edmonton, ABMay 2-3 Cancelled

Newmarket, ONMay 2 Cancelled 

Ottawa, ONMay 15-17 Cancelled

Kitchener, ONMay 16-17 Cancelled


Najla Hanna Batarseh of Phoenix, AZ, on November 15, 2019, age 97. Our dear sister was born in Bethlehem, Palestine, in 1922, and born again in 1944. Najla was born into a large family of nine children. She married her husband Ayoub in 1947 in Jerusalem and they came to the United States in 1953. Her beloved husband passed away in 1987. She is survived by one brother, Dr. Fred Sahhar, four children, Charles, Rhema, Sandra and Darlene, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Najla was a faithful sister in the Sunnyslope/Orangewood assembly for over 65 years (Rhema and her husband, Thomas Brandt, are also in fellowship at the Orangewood assembly). She will be remembered for the generous hospitality of her home. The large funeral bore testimony to the faithfulness and kindness manifested during her life.

David James Casson of Vancouver, BC, on January 13, 2020, age 95. He was saved at age 15 on April 19, 1939, baptized, and first received into fellowship at the Seymour Street Gospel Hall. He loved the Lord and His Word, as evidenced by a consistent, godly testimony and faithfulness to the assembly. He was very gospel minded, with support for missionaries and local gospel and Sunday School efforts. He spent many years helping at the Gospel Booth during the annual Pacific National Exhibition (PNE). David was predeceased by his wife Evelyn in 2005, and his great-grandson Caleb Casson. He is survived by his children, Dave (Heather), Bob (Cathy), and Ruth; five grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. The funeral was shared by his son Dave, grandsons, and David Seed. Wesley Barr spoke at the graveside. He will be greatly missed by his family and the Deep Cove assembly.