British Columbia
Kamloops: The assembly decided to change this year’s conference date from June 28-30 to September 13-15. The ministry will be focused on the family, with various aspects covered by Sandy Higgins.
Vancouver: As a follow-up to the recent four-week gospel series, the Fourth Street (Korean language) assembly in North Vancouver also held three nights of gospel meetings December 26-28 with local brethren Chris Park, Jin Young Pyo, Peter Pyo, Steven Pyo, and Craig Wong speaking in English at the presently unoccupied Nanaimo Road Gospel Hall.
Brandon: Mike Knox was with the assembly for a week of children’s meetings December 3-7. They were encouraged to see a number of older teens as well as parents and grandparents in attendance. The assembly also distributed 1500 calendars in several areas of the city.
Newfoundland and Labrador
L’Anse au Loup: The assembly was encouraged with a full crowd in attendance during their Sunday School program on December 21. Vernon Buckle (English Point, NL) preached the gospel at the end of the program.
English Point: The assembly had their Sunday School program on December 23 and was encouraged by the good turnout. Following the program, local brother Darren Buckle spoke a word in the gospel.
Gander Bay: Marvin Derksen and Dave Mullett (St. John’s, NL) finished two weeks of gospel meetings on December 2. The assembly continues to look to the Lord for blessing.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown: The assembly had four and a half weeks of encouraging gospel meetings that began October 17 with Allan Smith (Scotland) and Brody Thibodeau. The gospel was faithfully and plainly preached, and there was an encouraging number from the community that attended nightly. A gospel supper was held prior to the gospel meeting one Sunday evening and a good number attended.
North Tampa: The believers were edified in a weekend of ministry in December with Sandy Higgins on the subject of Marriage and the Family.
Cedar Falls: A series of gospel meetings with Brandon Doll and Brody Thibodeau commenced January 6.
Dunkerton: The assembly was encouraged with ministry from the book of Philippians in early December with Larry Perkins.
Byfield: Eugene Higgins visited the assembly during the week of December 9, 2018. After the children’s Sunday School program, he began his one-week series on the History of Christmas Carols. The Sunday night meeting was one of the largest in recent history, with many relatives and some neighbors attending. Prayer is requested for those who heard the gospel preached for the first time.
Saugus: The conference in December was well attended, including a good number of younger believers present. Matthew Cain, David Hierlihy, Gene Higgins, Murray McCandless, David Petterson, Harry Rodriguez, Dan Shutt, Timothy Stevenson, Brody Thibodeau, and Andrew Ussher took part. The ministry was both edifying and challenging, and the gospel was faithfully presented during both gospel meetings and in the Sunday School.
Harry Rodriguez gave a report on Venezuela, emphasizing the economic impact on believers as well as the social and political problems of the country. Inflation and shortages have made it impossible to purchase basic needs in food and health care. Conditions have made many leave the country but have also resulted in many others thirsting to hear the gospel. Prayer is requested for the work and for the believers there.
Timothy Stevenson gave a report on the work in Mexico, where he presented some of the challenges there but also how the response to the gospel produces such thanksgiving. Prayer is requested for Mexico, and that others would be exercised to labor there.
The Christmas program was held December 16. Gene Higgins clearly and faithfully presented the gospel. At least 25 people responded to distributed invitations, and they attentively listened to the message of the One who came into the world to save sinners.
Battle Creek: Venezuela Relief Fund: Food shipments to Venezuela were planned to restart in January 2019 and continue for the year (there was a brief pause in December). The Lord has been generous with the donations that have come into the fund, enabling us to continue to ship food and provisions to the assemblies and to the Lord’s people there. Thank you to all who have donated for this purpose!
The assembly appreciated the recent visits in December by Jonathan Seed from Mexico who gave ministry and preached the gospel, both in Spanish and in English.
New Jersey
Barrington: E. R. Higgins had one week of excellent gospel meetings November 25-30. The assembly was encouraged by the attendance of several visitors.
Midland Park: A. J. Higgins had two nights of ministry December 13 and 20, taking up lessons from the book of Habakkuk.
Pennsauken: The assembly held a theme-based conference on Egypt to Canaan January 5-6. John Dennison, E. R. Higgins, and Andrew Ussher were the speakers. The ministry was deemed excellent for its content and Christ-centered approach. Attendance was good.
La Crosse: In early December, gospel meetings with Al Christopherson and Brandon Doll closed after four and a half weeks, with good interest and attendance.
Chihuahua: A young sister was recently baptized and has expressed her interest in being added to the local church. In December, the annual Sunday School gift-giving took place in the El Valle de la Madrid hall, as well as in the outreach work in El Porvenir.
Nuevo León
Monterrey: On December 16, the Sunday School children received their prizes. The interest of the children and young people is an encouragement in the work here.
Zacatecas: Late in November, house meetings resumed each Tuesday in the home of Homero and Marta Gallegos (from the nearby El Barril assembly). Prayers are appreciated for God’s blessing in salvation.
Guasave: The assembly appreciated a weekend visit in December from Marcus Cain and Angel Hermosillo (Hermosillo, Sonora) when they shared in ministry and the gospel. Andrew Zuidema (Midland Park, NJ) arrived in early December to help in different activities.
Puerto Vallarta: The annual conference was held in mid-December with encouraging attendance from local believers as well as from several other assemblies. The ministry of the Word and the preaching of the gospel were shared by Duncan Beckett, Marcus Cain, Shad Kember, Omar Lozada, Miguel Mosquera, and Paul Thiessen.
Zapopan: The believers delivered 5000 calendars in the area surrounding the hall. The attendance at the gospel meeting held December 25 was very encouraging, with several out who normally do not attend mid-week meetings.
Irapuato: The believers very much enjoyed a visit from Ross Vanstone at the end of November. On December 22, three believers were baptized in La Purísima, a nearby work.
Pachuca: The assembly in Matilde had an encouraging year-end Sunday School event where the children quoted verses concerning the life of Abraham, and then heard a message in the gospel. The work with the children has also drawn in other contacts lately.
Mexico State
Nezahualcóyotl: The assembly rejoiced when a young believer was recently added to the fellowship. The year-end Sunday School event was well attended.
Zamora: In December, the believers delivered calendars and invitations to a series of gospel meetings that were purposed to commence mid-January.
Iguala: The believers have been giving out New Testaments here, as well as in Oacalco and San Lucas, and were encouraged with the good response to the Word of God.
Veracruz: The assembly appreciated the visits of many believers who arrived to deliver over 140,000 Seed Sowers Romans 5:8 texts. On December 23, Abisaí Vieyra gave ministry, and then Jason Wahls and Shad Kember shared in the gospel. The gospel series commenced December 30. That same day, a young believer was baptized, bringing joy to the assembly.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: Special gospel meetings were held December 4-13. The believers appreciated the help Shad Kember gave during this time. December 9 was the last day of Sunday School for 2018, and Shad shared a message in the gospel to all those present. At the end of December, the visit of David Shutt (Jackson, MI) was an encouragement as well.
Northern Ireland
Co. Antrim:
Ballymena: The Cambridge Avenue assembly planned gospel meetings commencing January 13 with J. Fleck and A. Steele.
Ballintoy: The assembly planned a gospel series commencing January 13 with J. Black and J. Rogers in the hall, situated on the North Antrim coast.
Broughshane: Gospel meetings held in a portable hall situated at Eaton Park RFC just outside the village concluded on Friday, December 14. W. Martin and D. Strahan, along with the local believers, rejoiced in seeing blessing among the homes of the Lord’s people and from the community.
Carrickfergus: J. Black and M. Penfold gave very practical ministry on December 31 in the Sandringham Gospel Hall. The ministry meeting was well attended by the saints.
Larne: The Craigyhill assembly held gospel meetings in the hall with P. Kissock and G. Woods, concluding November 14 after eight and a half weeks. The interest and attendance were encouraging, with some still seeking salvation.
Co. Armagh:
Armagh: The assembly planned to commence gospel meetings with N. Agnew and H. Milligan in early January.
Co. Down:
Ballymacashon: The small assembly was greatly encouraged during the recent gospel meetings in the hall with J. Fleck and S. Gilfillan. Many local people attended and the support of surrounding assemblies was appreciated.
Banbridge: The assembly held Gospel meetings in a vacant store during October/November with D. Gilliland and J. Rogers. There was a good response from the locality to the invitations given, and the meetings were well supported.
Bangor: The Ebenezer assembly purposed to have a series of gospel meetings in a local primary school commencing Lord’s Day, January 13 with T. Armstrong and W. Martin.
Kilkeel: In the Mountain Road Gospel Hall, A. Nesbitt and T. W. Wright are planning to commence a gospel series early in the new year.
Co. Tyrone:
Limavady: The assembly has booked the local town hall for a number of weeks in January, and D. Gilliland and J. Hay will be responsible for the preaching of the gospel.
Magherafelt: P. McCauley and D. Williamson plan to commence gospel meetings on Lord’s Day, January 26 in the gospel hall.
Moneymore: In association with the Quilly assembly, M. Turkington and G. Woods had gospel meetings for several weeks in a rented room in a local hotel. A number from the locality attended.
Newtownstewart: On January 1, J. Fleck opened the Bible Reading on Hebrews 11:1-19 at the Corrick Gospel Hall, followed by ministry from W. Martin, N. McKeown, and A. Nesbitt.
Arlington/Marysville, WA
February 16-17, in the Arlington Gospel Hall. A very warm invitation is given for all to attend the annual Youth Conference. Mike Knox and Peter Ramsay have kindly accepted the invitation to minister God’s timely Word to the youth and young of heart alike. Accom: Jim Klein, Tel: 425-508-2807; Email: or Phil Kazen, Tel: 360-659-4611; Email:
Matoaca, VA
March 2-3, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, March 1 at 7:30pm, in the Matoaca Gospel Hall, 6204 River Road, Matoaca. First meeting on Saturday is at 10:30am. Contact: John Nobles, Tel: 804-265-5455; Email:
Nineveh, NS
April 20-21, with prayer meeting on Friday, April 19 at 7pm (preceded by supper served at 5pm) in the gospel hall, Route 208, civic # 2495, Nineveh, NS. All other meetings are in the Park View Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater, NS. Saturday: Ministry 10am. Corr: Robert Kaulback, 19 Medway Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 1J8, Tel: 902-543-5530. Accom: Clark Hubley, Tel: 902-527-7490.
Corrections/Additions to the 2019 Conference List:
Hampton, IA – August 30-September 1
Kamloops, BC – September 13-15
Conferences Previously Published:
DeLand, FL – February 1-3
Jackson, MI – February 16-17
Cambridge, ON – March 1-3
Change of Correspondent
Ankeny Gospel Hall, IA: Dan Massoth, 2582 NE 96th Avenue, Ankeny, IA 50021, Tel: 515-556-9470; Email:
Joseph Smith of Edmonton, AB on August 11, 2018, age 87. He was saved at age 7 through his late uncle, Dan Taylor. He attended the 97th Street Gospel Hall with his mother, Cecilia Smith, and his two sisters, Ruth (Norman) Cummings and Margaret (Doug) Relf; it was there he also met his wife, Ivy MacTaggart, of 62 years. They had two children, Brian (Sandra) Smith and Diane (Gerald) Cummings, along with grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They moved to the Connor’s Hill Gospel Hall in 1960. Joe worked in everything from the building of the new Hall to all manner of work in it through the years. He faithfully served as an elder for over 40 years. He is survived by his wife, Ivy, who is in a home. The well-attended funeral was taken by James Ronald and Doug King, along with Grierson Taylor. The assembly will miss him. Pray for unsaved family members.
Fernando Rodriguez of Welland, ON on October 6, 2018. Having fled El Salvador during the civil war, Fernando brought his young family to Canada in search of a better life. After hearing the gospel through a local Spanish evangelical work, he was saved in 1990, baptized, and embraced the truth of gathering to the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Fernando started a local Spanish evangelical work with bi-weekly gospel meetings with the help of family and believers from Hamilton and Kitchener. He was a brother beloved who exemplified the spirit and work of building up God’s assembly. Fernando will be missed by all, but especially by his wife Marta, daughters Delmi and Rina (Jorge Hernandez), son Walter (Marina), and three grandchildren for whom he prayed continually. During the funeral, Roberto Ortiz spoke and Frank Sona preached the gospel. Darren Kucman spoke words of encouragement at the graveside.