


Fort McMurray: The assembly was encouraged when a young sister was the first to be baptized in the new hall. To celebrate their first anniversary, a community outreach was held on Saturday, April 26 and resulted in an excellent turnout. The believers had good conversations with many of the people, and distributed literature and invitations. As a result, visitors attended the assembly supper on Sunday and stayed for the gospel meeting afterwards.

British Columbia

Kamloops: In May, the assembly enjoyed helpful ministry from Philippians by Alan Smith (Scotland).

Newfoundland and Labrador

Gander Bay: A young man who was saved during gospel meetings in the Fall obeyed the Lord in baptism on April 8. A large crowd came to witness this event. The annual conference was held over the Victoria Day weekend, with a nice number from across the province attending. Ministry was given by E. Dredge, S. Joyce, S. Macleod, D. Swan, and other local brethren. The ministry focused on understanding, appreciating, and valuing the Word of God, and foundational assembly truth.


Clinton: The assembly is thankful for the good turnout from the area during their recent Mother’s Day outreach dinner. The gospel was faithfully preached and prayer is requested that the Seed sown may take root. In the first five months of 2018, the assembly was blessed to have helpful ministry and interesting reports from Mark Bachert, Clive Barber, Jim Bergsma, and Gaius Goff.

Kapuskasing: Larry Steers visited the assembly in May with his chart and model of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. The believers were refreshed, encouraged, and edified by his week of practical and devotional ministry.

Lambton Shores: The assembly meeting at Lake Shore Gospel Hall enjoyed three weeks of gospel meetings with Al Christopherson and Gary Sharp, with encouraging attendance and manifest interest. Meetings closed April 29.

London: Gospel meetings with Larry Perkins and Bert Snippe closed on May 20 after three weeks.



Springdale: The annual conference held in May was well attended, with believers from Iowa, Florida, and Texas arriving to hear ministry shared by Matthew Cain, Marcus Cain, Isaiah Frazier, Anderson Hernández, and Paul Thiessen.


Cedar Falls: Kevin Flett visited the assembly on May 8. The assembly commenced a short gospel series beginning June 10 with Brian Crawford and Gary Sharp. They have a number of Sunday school children regularly attending the Sunday evening gospel meeting and felt the time was right for a series of meetings.

Dunkerton: Gaius Goff, Frank Sona, and Brody Thibodeau took part in an afternoon of ministry on May 7. The large number of believers present from several assemblies were encouraged to be “Career Christians:” the soldier (hang tough), the athlete (play fair), and the farmer (work hard). They were also exhorted to know the Scriptures, exercise their gifts, and consider full time service, especially the young men and women. The afternoon closed with “Can I say I know more of Christ than I did last year?”

Hampton: Kevin Flett was with the assembly on May 10.

Hitesville: The assembly appreciated a visit by Paul Thiessen on May 21.

Stout: Gospel meetings with Frank Sona and Brody Thibodeau closed on May 6 with blessing in salvation during the seven weeks. Gaius Goff was with the assembly on June 3, and gave a word of ministry in the afternoon. David Gilliland purposed to visit the assembly for ministry meetings from June 11-13.

Waterloo: Gaius Goff was with the assembly from June 4-6 for ministry.


Saugus: At our June Bible reading conference, the study of the book of Ruth was profitable. Many expressed appreciation for the subject: a small book, four brief chapters, but with the great message of the doctrine of redemption, ending with the genealogy that leads to the Lord Jesus Christ. John Dennison, Mervyn Hall, and Lindsay Parks were responsible for the ministry and Bible readings. The gospel was faithfully presented by Mervyn Hall and Lindsay Parks, and shared by Ed Hudon, and Aaron Shutt. A good number attended despite the busyness of the season. The assembly purposes a Vacation Bible School from July 9-13 with Dan Shutt. Prayer is requested for these meetings as they seek to renew contacts with some of the children and families previously attending.


Battle Creek: Visits from Matt Smith for gospel and ministry in May were appreciated by the assembly.

Venezuela Update: Conditions in Venezuela continue to deteriorate. Both inflation and devaluation continue to make it extremely difficult to purchase food and other necessities in the country. The transportation of food and staples around the country is “checkpoint” controlled, making it difficult to move quantities of food from place to place in Venezuela. As of June 1, shipments are still being sent from Florida weekly, as the delivery companies are still able to get shipments of food delivered safely. Continual prayer is requested for the gospel work, the Christians there, as well as the food shipments sent to assemblies and believers.

Saginaw: William Lavery visited the assembly for ministry on May 16. The June 3 bimonthly ministry meeting was well attended. William Metcalf and Dan Shutt gave encouraging ministry and clear gospel messages.


Fridley: A series of gospel meetings is planned to begin August 5 with speakers Brandon Doll and Frank Sona. Meetings will be held each night at 7:30pm, except Saturday.

New Jersey

Midland Park: The assembly purposes gospel tent meetings at the Eastern Christian Middle School athletic field, 518 Sicomac Road, Wyckoff with speakers Eugene Higgins and David T. Zuidema from July 8-22. Prayer is requested for these meetings.


Beetown: Paul Thiessen gave a missionary report on the work in Mexico on May 18. The assembly was encouraged recently with a husband and wife both professing to be saved.

Blue River: David Gilliland was with the assembly from June 6-7.

Ontario: Alan Davidson gave helpful ministry from May 8-9.



Chihuahua: The assembly renewed their exercise of preaching the gospel in the homes of different believers each Friday, with good attendance from family members and neighbors. A married couple originally from the State of Chiapas, but now living in Ciudad Juárez, was received into fellowship. It is close to a four-hour drive each way. Prayer is requested that the Lord will open a door in this large border city.

Nuevo León

Monterrey: On May 19, Miguel and Ruth Mosquera, along with their three young children, arrived in this large metropolitan area to labor in this part of the Lord’s vineyard.

San Luis Potosí

El Barril: The assembly enjoyed five nights of ministry with Paul Thiessen in May and a visit from Jesse and Emily Klein. Jesse not only shared in ministry, but also helped in the advancement of the construction of the new hall.


Guasave: Teodoro Guzmán, whose son Emeterio is in the Obregón assembly, passed away in May. He was from a small village near Guasave, and the believers were able to preach the gospel in his home for a week following his burial.

Mazatlán: Marcos Sauceda (East Los Angeles) visited this city in May and held several gospel meetings in the homes of his relatives. Those who attended listened with reverence as the gospel was preached.


Puerto Vallarta: The believers continue with the exercise of sharing the gospel weekly in a local rehab center, as well as the hospital. After the message, believers provide a small snack and hand out gospel literature to those who have heard the gospel.

Guadalajara: Shad Kember and Jonathan Seed commenced gospel meetings on May 20. In May, a young man was baptized, and it brought great joy to see more than 30 unbelievers under the sound of the gospel that evening.

Mexico State

Nezahuacóyotl: The assembly enjoyed a mid-week visit from Timothy Woodford when he shared an edifying word of ministry.


Veracruz: The assembly rejoiced on the last Sunday of May when a young man was baptized. The exercise in Cotaxtla continues, with a weekly children’s meeting followed by a gospel meeting.

Xalapa: Timothy Stevenson had a 12-night gospel series in the town of Pacho Viejo, with the help of believers from the Xalapa assembly. Although the attendance was not great, the Seed was sown. He also visited the city of Puebla to share the gospel in the home of some contacts.

Quintana Roo

Cancún: On Mother’s Day, Ryan Turkington (Battle Creek, MI) shared a message in the gospel. The hall was filled with children, and more than a dozen mothers were also present.


Eric Fowler and Dan Perez held several weeks of gospel meetings in April/early May in an area where many people are poor and also hungry due to drought and insects stressing both crops and fruit trees.


Clinton, ON

July 28, the annual summer conference at the farm facilities of Marvin & Wendy Bachert, 43892 Walton Rd., Walton, ON. Supper served Friday, July 27, 2018 at 5:30pm. On Saturday, July 28, 2018, following an 8:15am breakfast, the conference sessions begin at 9:30am. All ages are welcome. Expected speakers are Danny Di Marco and Michael De Silva, Jr. For further info, contact Marvin & Wendy Bachert, Tel: 519-887-9791; E-mail: mwbachert@yahoo.com.

Akron, OH

September 1-2, with a prayer meeting Friday, August 31 at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 2705 Smith Road. All other meetings are at the Copley High School, 3797 Ridgewood Road, Copley. Saturday: Ministry 10am, 1pm (Convictions: How they are formed? Commitment: What does it mean? Consistency: Why is it important?) Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am. Accom: Eric Prough, E-mail: akrongospel@gmail.com. Corr. Kenneth Webb, PO Box 13350, Akron, OH 44334, Tel: 330 606-1460; E-mail: kwebb330@aol.com.

Fort McMurray, AB

September 1-2, with a prayer meeting on Friday, August 31 at 7:30pm. All meetings will be held in the Wood Buffalo Gospel Hall at 119 Brett Drive. For more information call Wade Bauld, Tel: 780 370-5459, or Sam Payne, Tel: 780 715-0468.

Kansas City, MO

September 1-2, with a prayer meeting on Friday, August 31 at 7pm. All meetings are in the Gospel Hall at 4603 E. Linwood Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64128. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Sunday: Bible reading 9:30am in Romans 8:9-27, Breaking of Bread 11:00am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Corr. Leroy Scott, 597 NW AA Hwy, Kingsville, MO 64061, Tel: 816 739-1686; E-mail: alanesther@embarqmail.com. For advance accommodations, contact Leroy Scott as above.

Beetown, WI

September 3, Labor Day all-day meeting in the Lancaster Senior High School auditorium, 806 E Elm St, Lancaster, WI. Meetings begin at 10am. Corr: Marvin Studnicka, 697 Pigeon Creek Drive, Lancaster, WI 53813, Tel: 608 723-7156.

Alpena, AR

September 8-9, in the Alpena Gospel Hall, 401 Lane Street, Alpena. Saturday: Bible reading 12:30pm (2Peter 3), Ministry 2:15pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 11:30am, Ministry 1:30pm. For accommodations and directions: Fred Stevenson, Tel: 573 201-1282; E-mail: fstev153@embarqmail.com, or Tim Trowbridge, Tel: 870 423-8484.

Hitesville, IA

September 15-16, in the Gospel Hall, 17527 260th Street, Aplington. Prayer meeting on Friday, September 14 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am; Children’s meeting 1pm; Ministry 2pm; Ministry/Gospel 6:30–8:00pm. Sunday: Bible Reading (Hebrews 1) 9am; Breaking of Bread 10:30am; Children’s meeting 1pm; Ministry 1:45pm; Gospel 4pm. Contact: Larry Brandt, P.O. Box 683, Parkersburg, IA 50665, Tel: 319 346-1084 or 319 347-2333 (hall); E-mail: larry.diana@msn.com.

Conferences Previously Published

Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, Kirkland Lake, ON – June 30-July 1

Kamloops, BC – June 29-July 1

Pugwash Junction, NS – June 30-July 1

Sioux City, IA – July 14-15

Alpena, AR – September 8-9


Beatrice Ritchie of Brandon, MB on March 15, 2018, age 90. Beatrice was born October 27, 1927 and saved when she was 12 years old. She lived in Winnipeg with her late husband Alan Ritchie for about 10 years and then they returned to Brandon, hoping to be a help to the assembly there. Beatrice was a very faithful sister, a loving wife, and a kind and loving mother to her three children, Marilyn, Douglas, and Philip. She patiently bore the effects of a debilitating disease for 20 years. She is missed but she is in the presence of the Lord which is far better.

Ivy Blake of Main Point, NL on April 2, 2018, age 94. She was born again on February 15, 1973 and was faithful to the assembly gatherings at Main Point until sickness in recent years prevented her from attending. Ivy raised a large family of 11, many of whom need salvation. She faithfully spoke to each of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren about her Savior and their need of salvation. The large funeral was taken by Wallace Buckle.

Denta Kalmbach of Burlington, ON on April 18, 2018, age 86. Denta was born on February 22, 1932 in Sault Ste. Marie and raised in Echo Bay. As a young woman, she went to Toronto to take a course for teaching, after which she returned to teach in a one-class schoolroom in Rydal Bank. In August 1952, while talking to Ernie Sprunt, and through the words of 1 John 5:15, Denta trusted the Savior. Subsequently, she was baptized and received into fellowship at Sault Ste. Marie. Married in 1955 to Erich Kalmbach, they raised five children. In 1997, they moved to southern Ontario to be closer to family. Denta had spiritual interests and was faithful in attending the assembly until limited by health issues. Her funeral was shared by her son Eric and grandson Jason.

Murray Logue of North Vancouver, BC on April 20, 2018, age 87. He was saved while young in Portage la Prairie on his Dad’s market garden. Murray and his late wife Joyce (who predeceased him in 1985) were in fellowship in the Glen Ewen assembly until 1980 when they moved to North Vancouver. He later married Lois Gregory. Murray was a faithful overseer in the Fourth Street assembly for 37 years and is remembered for his devotional thoughts at the end of the worship meeting, and for his interest in encouraging every assembly member in their Christian life. He and Lois enjoyed showing hospitality to all. In November 2017, they became part of the Deep Cove assembly. His nephew, Ted Hull, gave a message at the funeral, followed by memories shared by several family members. He is survived by his wife Lois, four children and their families, a brother Sam (Betty), and sister Alice.

Millie Saul of Stout, IA on May 16, 2018, age 92. She was saved September 1, 1947 during tent meetings in Parkersburg, IA through the truth of 1 John 1:7: “The blood of Jesus Christ, His [God’s] Son, cleanseth us from all sin.” Millie was predeceased by her husband, Francis, in 1988. She lived a life “more precious than rubies” of faithfulness to God, to her family and to the assembly in Stout. Millie is survived by two sons, three daughters, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. The large service was held in the Stout Hall with Robert Weber, Laverne Weber, and Mike Van Mill participating. Russ Nesbit spoke at the grave.