British Columbia
Vancouver: Leslie Craig gave ministry at several assemblies in May.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander: From March 18-19, Bruce Rodgers was with the assembly for the Lord’s Day and Monday. On March 28, Alex Dryburgh was with the assembly for a ministry meeting. From March 30-April 1, the assembly had its annual Easter conference which was a time of encouragement around God’s Word. Wallace Buckle, Alex Dryburgh, Eric Fowler, Tom Hoy, and Stephen Vance took part in the ministry. In early April, a believer from Gander Bay requested to be baptized and the assembly wanted to use the baptismal tank at the hall in Gander. About 60 people attended the supper at the hall before the gospel meeting. Wallace Buckle and a brother from Gander Bay shared in the gospel meeting after which the baptism took place. There were about 95 people in attendance, some of whom had never witnessed a baptism before. Please pray for the Lord’s blessing upon the Word spoken and the baptism.
Earlton: Alvin Cook and Lorne Langfeld gave help at the local Farm Show in April. A good number visited resulting in many contacts, especially for the youth outreach. In late April, four were baptized including a man contacted at the show last year. Several unsaved relatives attended.
Huntsville: Gospel meetings with David Booth and Jim Jarvis were ongoing at the end of April with good attendance; a 17-year-old girl professed.
Lakeshore: Al Christopherson and Gary Sharp had gospel meetings in April.
London: Gospel meetings with Larry Perkins and Bert Snippe began on April 29.
Niagara Falls: The community supper in late April saw about 25 visitors listening to a clear gospel message from Bryan Joyce who visited for the day.
Toronto: The 131st Annual Toronto Easter conference was a time of blessing, with encouragement given to study the Word, know our Lord, and live lives to honor Him. For the saints of the nine convening assemblies and the many visitors, and young people alike, it was a joy to share fellowship together, hear His Word in ministry, gospel, and reports of the mission fields in London, Oxford, Australia, and New Zealand.
Taylorside: The assembly enjoyed a week of profitable ministry in April given by Alan Smith of Scotland.
Phoenix: The annual conference in April was well attended (around 160 present), with believers coming from Mexico and different parts of the USA. The teaching and preaching of the Word of God was shared by Marcus Cain, Shad Kember, Paul Thiessen, Jason Wahls, and Tim Woodford. The Orangewood assembly concluded three weeks of profitable gospel meetings for both saint and sinner with Gene Higgins on April 28. He used a chart, and nightly handouts, to explore the topic of the influence of the Bible and Christianity on American history. After an introduction each night on various aspects of American history spanning the timeline from the 1600s to 2000s, the message and claims of the gospel were powerfully and clearly presented. The Orangewood Gospel Hall will be hosting a special weekend series with Sandy Higgins from August 3-5. He will be giving ministry on the first five chapters of the book of Genesis. All are most cordially invited to attend. For those coming from out of town and desiring accommodations, please e-mail Andy Feinberg at The weekend’s schedule is as follows:
Genesis 1: The Formation of the Cosmos and God’s Greatness (Friday night)
Genesis 2: The Foreshadowing from the Garden (Saturday session #1)
Genesis 3: The Fall and our Guilt (Saturday session #2)
Genesis 4: The Fallout of the Fall and Grief (Saturday session #3)
Genesis 5: The Faithful and Grace (Sunday–finale).
Ankeny: The assembly appreciated a recent visit from Alan Davidson. The one-day conference normally held in May is now purposed for Saturday, September 22, DV.
Dunkerton: The assembly was encouraged by a young sister being received into fellowship in early April. Frank Sona was with the assembly on April 22. Gaius Goff was with the believers on May 6. Paul Thiessen purposed to be with the assembly on May 15.
Garnavillo: Gospel meetings with Brandon Doll and Larry Perkins concluded in early April.
Manchester: Gospel meetings with Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber concluded in early April.
Stout: A large number attended the annual conference in April. Ministry given by Jerry Jennings, Murray McCandless, Robert Orr, Frank Sona, and Brody Thibodeau was appreciated.
Byfield: Gene Higgins visited the assembly for three weeks in March with his chart on Coming World Events from the Bible. Despite a spate of Nor’Easters during the series, some members from the community came out and the meetings were well attended. The assembly was especially thankful for the consistent support of the surrounding assemblies. The gospel was preached faithfully and we wait upon God for the seed to “bring forth its fruit.” Prayer is requested for a ministry series with Sandy Higgins on Wednesday, July 18 through Saturday afternoon, July 21, DV. He will be taking up a variety of topics which are relevant to Christian testimony. Note: The Byfield Conference has been cancelled for 2018.
Saugus: The assembly held a weekend series of meetings in April on the environment in the assemblies of believers. The sessions were well attended. Audio of the series is available at
Sherman: Though there were springtime winter weather issues, the recent gospel series in Sherman with Brandon Doll and Dan Shutt was encouraging with some attending and blessing in salvation. The assembly is thankful for the prayerful interest of the Lord’s people.
Fridley: A three-night ministry visit from Alan Davidson in early April, taking up the Messianic Psalms, was appreciated.
Kansas City: Alan Davidson was with the assembly from April 24-25 and gave both encouraging and informative ministry.
Beetown: William Lavery was with the assembly on the Lord’s Day and for three nights of ministry from April 22-25.
Ontario: The assembly had a short gospel series with Stan Wells in April.
El Vergel: Shad Kember had meetings once again in April. At the end of their time, he accompanied the believers to another town for the baptism of a sister in Christ. Jary Chávez also held some children’s meetings with as many as 25 present.
Nuevo Leon
Monterrey: Recently, God worked in the lives of two women, bringing them to faith in the Savior. The house facing the hall has been rented, mainly for the children’s work. Weekly teaching meetings were also being held on “The Dispensations.”
Hermosillo: Abisaí Vieyra and Tim Woodford held three nights of children’s meetings in the north of the city for the first time. The attendance was encouraging, and several mothers came along as well. Given the encouraging interest, a weekly effort has now begun on Sunday afternoons.
Guasave: Shad Kember, Jesse Klein, and Tim Woodford joined the assembly for a weekend of meetings in May to commemorate the second anniversary of the first Breaking of Bread. Believers from a number of assemblies enjoyed the rich teaching from the Word. That same Lord’s Day, a sister was received into fellowship and two young believers obeyed the Lord in baptism. Shad Kember has been preaching the gospel with a local brother since April 8, with some blessing in salvation.
Zapopan: Recently, the saints rejoiced when a woman who had been attending meetings for several months professed faith in Christ. During the last week of April, Paul Thiessen gave ministry on the characteristics of five Old Testament men.
Irapuato: As a result of changing the hours of the meetings on the Lord’s Day, two new families have commenced attending the gospel meeting.
Veracruz: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Timothy Stevenson who ministered on the different doors that can be opened in the daily life of the believer.
Xalapa: On April 14, the assembly held a special day of meetings to celebrate the third anniversary of the assembly’s formation. John Nesbitt and Paul Thiessen gave appreciated help in the Bible studies, the ministry, and the preaching of the gospel. For the last three years, Timothy Stevenson, along with some local believers, has made occasional visits to Pacho Viejo, a small town of less than 5000 souls, but known for its prison with more than 1000 prisoners. The Lord recently opened the door to rent a hall there and gospel meetings commenced on May 4.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: The believers enjoyed a two week visit from David and Mabel Swan (Amy Turkington’s parents). David not only helped in the ministry and the gospel, but also gave a report on the work of the Lord.
Northern Ireland
Gospel efforts in the following areas have concluded and encouragement has been seen in the awakening and salvation of quite a number of precious souls in these early months of 2018, proving to us again that, “the gospel of Christ … is the power of God unto salvation.”
Clough in Co. Antrim (D. McGarvey), Drumnacanver (M. Campbell & T. W. Wright), Lurgan (J. Fleck & S. Gilfillan), Newtownards (D. McAllister & D. Strahan), Kells (W. Fenton & A. Steele), Craigavon (P. McCauley & D. Williamson), Newtownhamilton (N. Fleck & A. Nesbitt), and Newtownstewart (W. Martin & G. Woods).
Co. Antrim
Ballyclare: S. Gilfillan and D. Strahan commenced a gospel series early in April in the gospel hall. The assembly was encouraged with blessing at the start of the meetings.
Carnlough: John Rogers had a short series of gospel meetings in this seaside village and was encouraged to see quite a few locals attend.
Ballywatermoy: The assembly commenced gospel meetings in early May with T. Armstrong and W. Martin in a portable hall situated in Cullybackey, a well-known village nearby.
Co. Down
Comber: Alan and Ian McKee were encouraged to see a number in to the gospel hall where the assembly is small. The whole town was given tracts and invitations.
Co. Fermanagh
Enniskillen: Gospel meetings are expected to commence early in June. The venue will be a meeting room in the local Killyhevlin Hotel.
Co. Londonderry
Killykergan: The assembly commenced gospel meetings with W. Fenton and W. Ussher in a portable hall in Garvagh.
Co. Tyrone
Drumreagh: The assembly started a gospel series early in April with D. McGarvey.
Dunmurray: The assembly was encouraged with good attendance and blessing in salvation in their gospel meetings with J. Fleck and Wm. Skates.
Byfield, MA
The conference has been cancelled this year.
Straffordville, ON
The conference has been cancelled this year.
Pugwash Junction, NS
June 30-July 1, with Prayer meeting Friday, June 29 at 7:30pm. All meetings will be held at the Gospel Hall, 6120 Thomson Road, Pugwash Junction. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2:15 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Accom: Jerry Thompson, Tel: 902-694-8146. Corr: Merlin Russell, Tel: 902-694-8431; E-mail: for more information.
Sioux City, IA
July 14-15, in the Sioux City Gospel Hall, 120 South Leonard Street, Sioux City, IA. Saturday: Prayer 7:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:45am, Bible Reading 11:15am (1Peter 2), Lunch 12:30pm, Children’s meeting 1:30pm, Ministry 2pm, Dinner 4:30pm, Gospel 6pm. Corr: Gary Hayes, Tel: 712 223-2398, E-mail:; or Bernie Mertens, Tel: 712 223-0439.
Conferences Previously Published:
Bancroft, ON – June 2
Saugus, MA – June 2-3
North Bay, ON – June 8-10
Portage la Prairie, MB – June 8-10
Garnavillo, IA – June 9-10
Taylorside, SK – June 22-24
Augusta, ME – June 22-24
Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, Kirkland Lake, ON – June 30-July 1
Kamloops, BC – June 29-July 1
Alpena, AR – September 8-9
Change of Address
Gospel Trust Canada, 3 Hill Top Trail, Stouffville, ON L4A 3G7 (new postal code).
Jim & Joyce Beattie, Tel: 226 670-0702.
It is requested that those submitting notices for the “Home-call” section limit the length to approximately 150 words. We appreciate your cooperation in this.
David Muir of Glen Ewen, SK on January 24, 2018, age 80. He was born on November 19, 1937 to Dave and Mary Muir in Winnipeg, MB. He trusted Christ on October 10, 1955 and was a faithful supporter of the assembly. He is survived by his wife Sharon, four children, and 13 grandchildren. Randy Logue officiated, with Richard Lawford sharing at the graveside.
John Henry “Jack” Woodhouse of New Westminster, BC on February 23, 2018, age 91. A farmer by occupation, he was saved in November, 1960 at age 34. With his wife Jessie, he enjoyed assembly fellowship in Binscarth, MB since its formation, serving as an overseer. After her death in 1984, he married Ivy and relocated to the West Coast in 1986. Jack was a respected brother in the Carleton, Vancouver assembly until his passing. For several years he worked alongside his son-in-law and grandsons in the undertaking business. After a second bereavement in 2001, Jack married Daphne Bell who mourns his passing along with two daughters, Peggy (Tim) Logue and Esther (Dave) Stewart, five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Pray for two remaining brothers and two sisters who are not saved. He possessed the wisdom of James 3:17. The funeral service was conducted by Doug McKillop and Phil Broadhead.
Esa Ahopelto of Sarnia, ON on March 27, 2018, age 92. Esa was born in Finland on April 21, 1925. Esa, a WWII veteran, was predeceased by his beloved wife Eva on August 2, 2009. Esa, Eva, and their two young children immigrated to Canada in 1951. Esa is survived, and greatly missed, by son Joe (Ruth) Ahopelto, daughter Rita (Bob) Dennison, four grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. On July 3, 1962, Esa was born again, when he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior, and shortly thereafter baptized and received into fellowship of the saints who gather at the Sarnia Gospel Hall. He was faithful to the assembly, and will be fondly remembered for his steadfastness, generosity, his innovative mind, and his humor. A private funeral service was shared by Jim Chisholm, Dennis LaVallee, and Max McLean.