Fort McMurray: The yearly children’s Christmas program was held December 10 with a number of visitors and two new children in attendance. On Christmas Eve, the assembly held a carol sing followed by a gospel message. Nine visitors previously unknown to the saints attended, which was encouraging. Please note that the Wood Buffalo Gospel Hall Conference will be changed from the last weekend in August to the Labor Day weekend, August 31-September 2.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander: The assembly had their annual Sunday school Christmas program on December 17. The attendance was encouraging with about 100 people out to hear the children say their parts and then hear a Bible story about the birth of the Lord Jesus.
Barrie: The assembly convened three weeks of gospel meetings that ended on December 10 with Isaac Bond (Barrie) and Stephen Harper (NI) preaching. They were thankful for God moving in power in the preaching, and then blessing in salvation. The Lord also gave favorable weather, making travel to the meetings trouble free. Each night, unbelievers attended and there was excellent support from Christians. The meetings ran nightly with the hope of reaching those who work during the day. Although unbelievers attended, Saturday nights had smaller attendance, but those nights were still encouraging. The day after the meetings closed, winter returned to its usual norm with snow and high winds (Psa 24:1). Stephen stayed with the assembly for additional ministry meetings afterwards.
Phoenix: The annual Thanksgiving conference was an encouragement to all who attended. Bill Lavery and Stan Wells stayed for ministry after the conference.
Muscatine: Meetings with Ryan Hayes and Frank Sona closed in early December.
Augusta: The assembly appreciated a visit from Eugene Higgins from November 5-12 as he worked on his new two-week series, “What the God of the Bible is Like” from Exodus 34:6, and “The Lord Jesus” from Isaiah 9:6. Some unsaved were out each night. His illustrations made his messages riveting and solemn.
Methuen: The believers appreciated a visit by Gene Higgins for a gospel series in late October. His gospel messages relating to the “Miracles, Parables, and the Types,” were powerfully illustrative and clear. One professed to trust the Savior near the close of the series, for which they give God much thanks. The assembly was also encouraged by visits from Marv Derksen, Murray McCandless, and Paul Thiessen.
Battle Creek: Thank you for the prayers for the food shipments to Venezuela in 2017. Please continue to pray for the 2018 food shipments, planned to resume again in January.
New Mexico
Albuquerque: The assembly enjoyed profitable ministry from Bill Lavery and Stan Wells in late November and early December respectively.
Rio: Gospel meetings with Brandon Doll and Jim Frazier concluded on December 22. Between four and eight community members were out each night.
El Vergel: At the end of a series of gospel meetings, a meeting was held where the Sunday school children quoted verses, and several parents attended. Andrew Zuidema (Midland Park, NJ) preached the gospel at this event.
Hermosillo: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Miguel and Ruth Mosquera along with Edgar and Raquel Roseyón (Puerto Vallarta). Edgar and Miguel gave appreciated help in the Sunday school, ministry, and the gospel.
San Luis Río Colorado: The gospel is being preached in two rehabilitation centers each week, and each Saturday, outside the government hospital. God has blessed in salvation in these efforts.
Puerto Vallarta: Omar Lozada (Venezuela) and Ashley Milne (Vancouver, BC) had three weeks of gospel meetings that closed mid-December, with God blessing in salvation. The conference was held at the end of the series with appreciated help from Shad Kember, Miguel Mosquera, Ricky Sawatzky, Jonathan Seed, and David Smith (Vancouver, BC).
Iguala: In the last week of December, around 60 believers from Canada, Mexico, and the United States distributed 40,000 John 1:29 texts as well as 40,000 of 1 Corinthians 15:3. A gospel series commenced on January 1 in a tent.
Mexico State
Nezahualcóyotl: The annual Sunday school event was held on December 10, with a good number of children citing Bible verses. The ministry given by Omar Lozada (Venezuela) was a blessing to the assembly.
Xalapa: Calendars were delivered in the city and surrounding villages. Several people made calls expressing interest in attending meetings. On December 24, 10 new visitors attended the gospel meeting and then enjoyed a meal with the believers. Timothy Stevenson recently preached the gospel in Tuxpan and Puebla, where there are many with an interest in hearing the gospel message.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: Over the last couple of months, the believers enjoyed visits from Eleonor Mosquera, Marcus and Alison Cain, and Shad Kember. Shad helped in the first of two weeks of gospel meetings when several unbelievers attended.
Matoaca, VA
March 3-4, in the Matoaca Gospel Hall, 6204 River Road, Matoaca, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, March 2 at 7:30pm. First meeting is on Saturday at 10:30am. Due to circumstances beyond their control, the conference will not be held in the school this year. It would be a help to the assembly if those planning to attend could let them know beforehand. Contact: John Nobles, Tel: 804 265-5455; E-mail:
Manchester, CT
March 24-25, the 100th annual conference, with Prayer Meeting Friday at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 415 Center St, Manchester. All other meetings will be held in the Bolton High School, 72 Brandy St. Bolton, CT (not the original Middle School location). Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry/Gospel at 2pm. Contact: Ted Kaulback, Tel: 860 742-0002; E-mail: for information and accommodations.
Nineveh, NS
March 31-April 1, in the Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre, 135 North Park St, Bridgewater, NS. Friday: Prayer meeting 7pm in the Gospel Hall, Route 208, Civic # 2495 Nineveh, NS where supper will be served, 5pm. All other meetings will be at the Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre. Saturday: Ministry 10am. Corr: Robert Kaulback, 19 Medway Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V-1J8, Tel: 902 543-5530. Accom: Clark Hubley, Tel: 902 527-7490.
San Diego, CA
February 17-18, in the Gospel Hall, 4646 Twain Ave., with Prayer Meeting on Friday, February 16 Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (Genesis 3), Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Contact info for visitors is Enrique Tel: 619 840-1904.
Stout, IA
April 7-8, with prayer meeting on Friday, April 6 at 7:30pm. Ministry begins on Saturday at 10am. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am (Matthew 28), Breaking of Bread 10:30am. All meetings held in the Gospel Hall. Corr. Gary De Groote, 28073 WestBrook St., New Hartford, Iowa 50660; Tel: 319 983-2713; Cell: 319 231-4132; E-mail:; Hall Tel: 319 346-1153.
Gander, NL
March 30-April 1, all meetings will take place in the Gander Gospel Hall, 125 Magee Rd. Contact: Kevin March, Tel: 709 256-4723; E-mail:
Conferences Previously Published:
DeLand, FL – February 2-4
Jackson, MI – February 17-18
Cambridge, ON – March 2-4
Turlock, CA – March 10-11
NOTE: Please limit obituary notices to approximately 150 words when possible.
Susan Regan of Akron, OH on June 5, 2017 at the age of 91. Born on October 30, 1925 in Northern Ireland, Susan trusted the Lord as her Savior at the age of 19. In 1947, she married William Regan and in 1952, both Susan and Willie immigrated to the United States and to the Northeast Ohio area. At the time of her passing, she was in fellowship with the believers who gather at the Monticello Gospel Hall. Susan was predeceased by her husband, Willie, to whom she was married for 63 years. She was a warm and caring believer who took an interest in the lives of others and never missed an opportunity to present the gospel, regardless of her age. Her favorite question was, “Are you saved?” Susan is survived by three children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
William Aiken of Kitchener, ON on September 19, 2017, age 87. Beloved husband of Lily (61 years), and cherished father of Dr. Geoffrey Aiken (Nita) and Yvonne Curragh (Colin). He is survived by his sister, Lily, and predeceased by siblings Andrew, James, Thomas, Ann, Maggie, and Sarah. Saved at age nine in N. Ireland, William was received into fellowship at the Ahoghill Gospel Hall. He loved to preach the gospel, and many Sunday evenings were spent preaching with Jim Craig. William and Lily, along with their young family, immigrated to Canada in 1973 and settled in Kitchener. He took part in many gospel series throughout Canada. He was an esteemed elder in the Kitchener assembly, and encouraged many young Christians in Bible study, Sunday school work, and gospel preaching. The funeral service was respectfully conducted by Jack Halliday, John Sharpe, Keith Arndt, and Philip McKinley.
Dorothy McGarvey of Mississauga, ON on November 2, 2017, age 77, after battling cancer for over two years. Born in Monaghan, Southern Ireland, Dorothy was saved in her early teens. Together with her husband, she immigrated to Canada in 1970. They were in fellowship at the West Toronto Gospel Hall, then at Mimico (Applewood Heights) for 40 years. In April 2014, they were welcomed into the Brampton assembly where they encouraged the Christians. Dorothy had great faith, and was always positive and hopeful right to the end. Her cheerful disposition will be greatly missed by all that enjoyed her company. She is survived by her husband of 54 years, Arden, her children Stephen (Natalie), Alastair (Theora), and Arlene (John Kember), five grandchildren, and her sister, Doreen Stewart. A large number attended the funeral where family tributes were given by John Kember, and the gospel was clearly presented by Jim Jarvis.
Deloris Rama of Blue River, WI on November 4, 2017, age 64. She came to know the Lord after hearing the gospel for the first time in 1984 after she was 30 years of age. Deloris was baptized on September 9, 1990 and was in fellowship with the Blue River assembly for 27 years. She was faithful in a life of prayer for family members, of whom some share the blessed hope. Paul Aspenson and Jim Frazier shared in the funeral service with a large number in attendance. Greg Cliff spoke words of comfort at the burial.
Ruth Vitale of Methuen, MA on November 27, 2017, age 94, after seven weeks of home hospice care. Ruth was well known and greatly appreciated for her consistent, charitable, and faithful life of service to her Savior and to the saints. Her warm smile and encouraging presence in the assembly will be greatly missed. Born in 1923, she was saved at the age of 11, just a few months before her mother passed away. She came into assembly fellowship in 1944 in Hartford, CT. Ruth later gathered faithfully for many years in East Boston/Saugus (MA), McKeesport (PA), DeLand (FL), and most recently in Methuen. She was predeceased by her husband Frank in 2006, and leaves four children and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The funeral gave tribute to her godly life, and was taken by her sons Dale and Wes, as well as Jon Procopio and Mark Quitadamo.
Don Hitchner of Albuquerque, NM on December 17, 2017, age 94. He was born on August 14, 1923 in Canada, then raised in Perry, Kansas by godly parents. In 1943 during WWII, he trusted Christ while reading a gospel tract sent from his mother. After WWII, his family moved to New Mexico and he was received into fellowship at the Albuquerque assembly. There he met and married Anita Guynes. Together they served the Lord, raising five daughters, and constantly showing hospitality and care for God’s people for 63 years, until her passing on November 25, 2010. Don was a highly-respected overseer with a true shepherd’s heart who ably ministered God’s Word. He loved preaching the gospel and personal witnessing. Don is survived by his five saved daughters, their husbands, 12 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren. Please pray for the many unsaved who heard the gospel at the memorial service and graveside.
James Martin (evangelist) of Northern Ireland on December 19, 2017, aged 92. He was saved in 1941 through the truth of Isaiah 53:5 (He was wounded for our transgressions), while attending gospel meetings conducted by David Craig. As a young man ,the Lord stirred a longing in his heart to see others saved. In 1951, he went on a borrowed motorcycle to the West of Ireland where he proved his God in the salvation of souls who were baptized and added to a little assembly. This was the beginning of 66 years of full-time service for the Lord throughout Ireland, Canada, USA, Venezuela, and Australia. Many older believers will especially remember his visits to the Maritimes and the midwest. Among those who were saved are a number who went on to serve the Lord in Northern Ireland, South America, and Africa. His very large funeral was taken by Alan Davidson and John Fleck who were saved as boys while attending gospel meetings conducted by Mr. Martin and other brethren. Predeceased by his wife in 2001, he was cared for by his son Wesley and wife Karen. Wesley is a full-time servant of the Lord who labored with his father in recent years until his father’s ill health made this no longer possible. He is survived by his only son, daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter, and their spouses, all in assembly fellowship. The assemblies of the Lord’s people remember, with deep affection, the labors of this dear servant of God, whose praise was in the gospel.
Naomi Lamb of Ontario, WI on December 23, 2017, age 94. She was saved on February 22, 1958 through the labors of Paul Elliott and Eric McCullough. Her husband, Everett, predeceased her in 1980. They were a great help during the early years of the Ontario assembly. She was a cheerful, consistent believer, who was given to hospitality and greatly loved. She was in happy fellowship in the Ontario assembly until health conditions caused her to move to the home of her daughter and son-in-law in Black River Falls, WI, in 2010. James Frazier and Robert Orr shared the funeral at Ontario, with many people from the community attending the visitation and funeral. She is survived by three sons, one daughter, and their spouses, as well as 14 grandchildren, and 31 great-grandchildren. She will be deeply missed.