
New Fields of Labor

Cornwall, ON

Last year, Shawn and Heidi St. Clair and another couple joined Simon Kember, who already lived and worked in Cornwall. The first months were spent settling in, praying together, and visiting contacts from a Seed Sower distribution. In January, meetings began in a storefront with some initial discouragement, but the saints are thrilled to see what the Lord is doing. One couple has left the place they were attending and have come into fellowship in Ottawa. Two other Christian couples have expressed some interest in breaking bread. Please pray for these and other believers who are attending. Pray also for the six children who came to the VBS week, and for the unsaved who consistently come to the gospel meetings and other events. There are some additional contacts. The Fall weekly schedule now includes a gospel meeting, a prayer and ministry meeting, a mom’s and tots program, a senior’s coffee hour, a children’s Bible hour, as well as drop-in hours to offer free Bibles, tracts, and texts to those walking by. Prayer is valued and coveted for this work, and for more souls to be saved in Cornwall.

Wilkes-Barre, PA

Paul Barnhardt continued to work in this area, making periodic visits to follow up contacts. Two weeks of gospel tent meetings were held in September to maintain the contacts developed and in an attempt to make additional contacts. He was helped by David Petterson and Russ Coleman (Hatboro) during this time. Numbers are small and prayer is valued.

El Vergel, MX

In May 2014, Shad Kember accompanied a couple from Guasave, Sinaloa to this small mountain town. Since then, several visits have been made and God has blessed in the salvation of souls, four of whom have been baptized. The city of Parral, about two hours away, is also being visited with the gospel, and a few have professed to be saved and two have been baptized.

Monterrey, Nuevo León, MX

In February 2016, Anderson and Maria Eugenia Hernández moved from Chihuahua to Monterrey, a city they had been exercised about for some time, and where a number of contacts live. The metropolitan area has over four million people and represents a tremendous need. Gospel meetings were held in a small hall this summer, and they are looking for a larger building. As well as preaching the gospel, Anderson is giving regular teaching concerning local church truth. In the will of God, a Seed Sower distribution will be held in this city at the end of 2016.

Oacalco, Morelos, MX

In January 2014, Josefina and Armando moved from El Barril (where Jason and Shelley Wahls labor) to this town, as her mother was ill and needed additional care. Josefina had been saved in El Barril and was concerned about her family members’ spiritual condition and confusion, as they were part of a charismatic group with no clear preaching of the gospel. Contact was made with Abisai Vieyra and Duncan Beckett, both laboring in Iguala, Guerrero, about two hours south of Oacalco. They began house meetings with good interest, and then were able to rent a hall in 2015. God has blessed in salvation in this town, and graciously saved Armando this past July. Meetings are currently held on Sundays and Wednesdays.



Fort McMurray: The annual conference was smaller than usual, but was very good. Preachers were Jack Gould, James Ronald, Ross Vanstone, and Stan Wells.

British Columbia

Vancouver: The Pacific National Exhibition was the site of a gospel tent for the 44th year. The last half of the 15 days was rainy, so the attendance suffered. This good work is overseen by the Deep Cove assembly, but the area assemblies join in providing coverage for 12 hours each day. Much literature was handed out and some good conversations were held. Many visit the booth on a yearly basis and express appreciation for the gospel witness, but there have been occasions when individuals have dropped in to say how they were led to Christ as a result of a visit to the tent at some time in the past.

The assembly in South Main had the joy of baptizing a young married sister who was saved about a year ago and moved closer to their area. She was contacted through the Victoria Drive VBS work and her young son attended the Sunday school there.


Brandon: The assembly concluded two weeks of gospel tent meetings on August 14 with John Fitzpatrick and Mike Knox. There were some from the community present each night, and support from surrounding assemblies was much appreciated. There was also an afternoon VBS for children, with a good number of children and parents attending the first week. Some of the children expressed interest in coming to the Sunday school.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Fogo: David Hunt had a week of open air meetings August 21–26, assisted each night by local brethren.

Gander: On July 27, Eric Fowler gave an update on his recent trip to the Ukraine. Commencing in July, the assembly held open air meetings in the parking lot of the hall on Sunday nights using an open air trailer. The attendance was encouraging over the past two months. From August 8–14, Gaius Goff had a week of open air meetings using the trailer, with a local brother sharing in the gospel with him each night. He gave appreciated ministry on the Lord’s Day, August 14, and David Hunt gave helpful ministry on the Lord’s Day, August 28.

Seal Cove: From August 15–18, David Hunt, along with local brethren, had a week of open air meetings in Seal Cove, using the trailer.



Ankeny: The assembly appreciated recent visits from Joel Portman, Robert Orr, and A.J. Higgins. Dr. Higgins was here for a weekend during July giving ministry on John 13, 18-21. The assembly appreciated several visitors from nearby assemblies coming during that weekend. There has been further encouragement by the recent addition of three couples to the fellowship through job transfers.

Hampton: Clive Barber, helped by another brother, concluded three weeks of gospel meetings. Three souls who professed in the series, along with seven others, were baptized on the final night. Also, the first missionary conference was held on September 3-4. Speakers were Clive Barber (Australia), Marvin Derksen (Canada) and Craig Saword (El Salvador).


Saugus: The assembly rejoiced in the baptism of a young sister. Gene Higgins was present for the occasion to minister on baptism and preach the gospel following the baptism after which refreshments were served. A number of unsaved were present, some for the first time. Brother Higgins remained to present the gospel at the rehab center the following day. Bryan Joyce also visited for the weekend.
A gospel series is planned commencing October 9 (DV) with David Petterson and Dan Shutt. Meetings will be on Sunday at 6:30pm and Monday-Friday at 7:30pm. Please pray for these meetings.


Battle Creek: In August, the assembly appreciated ministry, and a Sunday school picnic lesson from David Richards of Kamloops, BC. Several new visitors from the neighborhood attended the picnic.

Ferndale: Pray that the Lord will bless the gospel preached in a series with Brian Crawford. There was good attendance and some heard the gospel for the first time.

Jackson: The assembly held gospel tent meetings in August conducted by Al Christopherson and Joseph Baker. There was cause for encouragement, with many visitors attending, evident help from the Lord in the preaching, and souls that were genuinely concerned.


Fridley: A woman in her mid-20’s professed salvation during two weeks of meetings in August held by Stan Wells and William Skates. Attendance was consistent and encouraging, with many of the Lord’s people faithfully travelling more than 60 miles nightly to support and bring their children to the meetings.

New Jersey

Midland Park: The saints had two weeks of gospel tent meetings in Wyckoff, NJ in July. Attendance was good, with visitors every evening. One young man professed faith in Christ. The speakers were Matthew Hebert (New Lenox, IL) and David T. Zuidema (Midland Park).

The VBS was held for a week in August on the grounds of the gospel hall. The lessons were gospel truths as illustrated by Noah’s ark. The speakers were David T. Zuidema and Andrew Zuidema. The attendance was good with numbers in the high 40s. The annual picnic was held on Saturday at the end of the VBS meetings, and Matthew Hebert spoke in the gospel to the children and adults who attended the picnic.


Crandon: The assembly held two weeks of tent meetings in White Gate August 8-19 with Russell Coleman, joined by Paul Barnhardt for the final week. The assembly enjoyed ministry August 24-26 by Frank Sona on “The Church Standing” in the book of Acts.


Beetown: William Lavery and Brandon Doll closed gospel meetings August 14 after three weeks. The all-day meeting on the same day was very helpful with ministry given by Brandon Doll, William Lavery, and Eric McCullough.

Blue River: The assembly was encouraged at their all-day meeting August 7 with ministry presented by Brandon Doll, Kent Hendrickson, William Lavery, and Eric McCullough. On August 20, two young men obeyed the Lord in baptism.


Nuevo León

Monterrey: Anderson and Mariu Hernandez enjoyed Abisai and Carmen Vieyra’s visit at the beginning of August.  They helped in a week of children’s meetings, dealing with the “Seven Days of Creation.” They were thankful to see some mothers coming along as well. This effort took place during four weeks of gospel meetings that Anderson commenced the end of July.


Chihuahua: Timothy Harvey (West Phoenix, AZ) visited for two weeks, and his time was a blessing to the believers. He helped in children’s meetings in the two halls, El Porvenir and El Valle de la Madrid.


Hermosillo: Eleonor Mosquera and Genoveva Meuly had a week of classes especially for the older group of girls who attend the weekly children’s meeting on Saturday in Laura Alicia Frías, in the north of the city. Fourteen adolescents attended and listened with interest as various themes concerning this stage of their lives was presented. They live in the midst of many difficulties and challenges, and prayer is appreciated for their preservation and salvation.


Guasave: On August 21, the assembly rejoiced when one brother was received into fellowship and a sister was baptized. The help of Emeterio Guzman (Obregón) in the gospel was appreciated.


Puerto Vallarta: The annual Sunday school event was held on July 31. The large number of parents of the Sunday school students was a real encouragement to the assembly. Tomás Salcedo (Tepic) shared a message in the gospel.


La Purísima: The believers from the Zamora assembly are thankful for the fruit seen in this village. On July 11, three believers were baptized while 60 people observed and heard the gospel preached by Chucho and Heriberto Gómez. Two of those baptized are contacts who live in León, Guanajuato.


Zamora: A week of children’s meetings in August were well attended, with about 170 children hearing the Word of God. On August 21, to commemorate the anniversary of the assembly, the annual Sunday school event was held on the theme of “Egypt to Canaan,” with the different children participating. Ricardo Gómez closed the meeting with a message in the gospel, speaking on the Passover.


Iguala: The assembly celebrated its second anniversary in August, and appreciated Shad and Debi Kember’s visit.  Shad edified the believers with a series of teaching on the opening chapters of Numbers, and also helped in the gospel here and in Oacalco. Andrea Gómez, Anna Beckett, and Carmen Vieyra have a monthly meeting for young girls in Andrea’s home. Around 10 young people attend, almost all of whom are unsaved. Their interest in learning more from the Word of God is encouraging.


Oacalco: Gospel meetings were held from July 17 until August 12. Believers from Iguala delivered invitations and Seed Sower texts the previous two Saturdays. The attendance at the meeting was encouraging, and God blessed in salvation.

Quintana Roo

Cancún: Special children’s meetings were held from July 25 to August 5 in the hall. Timothy and Amy Turkington were thankful for the helpful visit during this time of Joel and Amanda Thiessen (Omaha, Nebraska), and Eleonor Mosquera. Close to 100 children and several parents attended daily, giving tremendous encouragement.


Lindsay, ON

October 16, in the Gospel Hall 5 Howard Ave. Lord’s Day only: Breakfast 8:30am, Bible Reading 9:15am (subject to be announced), Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6pm. Contact: Don Nicholson, 191 Sandhills Rd., R.R. 3, Woodville, ON, K0M 2T0. E-mail: drnmen@yahoo.com, Tel: 705 374-4883.

Brampton, ON

There will be no conference in November due to construction on the Gospel Hall. One will be convened next year in the will of the Lord.

Alpena, AR

November 5-6, in the Alpena Gospel Hall, 401 Lane St., Alpena, AR. Saturday: Bible reading 1pm (Ephesians 3), Ministry 2:15pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread at 10am, Sunday school 11:30am, Ministry 1:30pm. For accommodations and directions: Fred Stevenson, E-mail: fstev153@embarqmail.com, Tel: 573 201-1282; or
Tim Trowbridge, Tel: 870 423-8484.

Blues Mills, NS

November 12-13, in the Gospel Hall, 34 Mountain Rd. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 1:45pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Invited speakers include Matthew Cain, Bryan Joyce, and Brody Thibodeau. Corr: John Bain, E-mail: john@thegospel.ca; Tel: 902 625-2409. See www.thegospel.ca. Please note the earlier start time on Saturday.

Oshawa, ON

November 12, in the Gospel Hall, 150 Albert St. Ministry 2pm and 7pm, with supper served between. The Lord’s servants walking and teaching in the old paths are welcome to speak as the Spirit leads. Corr: Ken Nicholson, Tel: 905 579-7540, E-mail: kencnicholson@live.com.

Maberly, ON

November 26, at Wheeler’s Pancake House and Sugar Camp. Meetings are at 2:30pm and 7pm. Directions: Hwy 7 to Maberly, take Maberly-Elphin Rd. north to McDonald’s Corners, turn right and follow the signs to Wheeler’s Pancake House. Lord’s Day (at Gospel Hall): Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Sunday school 11:15am, Ministry after lunch. Corr. Gordon McLeod, Tel: 613 268-2616.

Phoenix, AZ

November 25-27, in the Gospel Hall, 1246 E. Garfield St.; Tel: 602 253-4932. Wednesday: Prayer 7:30pm. Friday: Bible Reading 1pm, Ministry 3:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm.Lord’s Day: Sunday School 9:30am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Corr: Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Av., Glendale, AZ 85305; Tel: 602 818-4190.

Saugus, MA

December 3-4, with Prayer meeting Friday, December 2 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Sunday: Remembrance 10am, Sunday School 11:45am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Accom: Shad Brook, Tel: 617 285-4677, E-mail: shad.brook@yahoo.com. Corr: Tony Grillo, Tel: 781 248-8900, E-mail: tonygrillo109@gmail.com.

Conferences Previously Published:

Roseisle, MB – September 30-October 2

Clinton, ON – October 1-2

Manchester, IA – October 1-2

Victoria Road, ON – October 1-2

Sussex, NB – October 1-2

St. Thomas, ON – October 8-9

Vancouver, BC – October 8-9

Brandon, MB – October 10

Cape Breton, NS – October 8-9

Blue River, WI – October 15-16

Edmonton, AB – October 14-16

L’Anse au Loup, LB – October 14-16

Terryville, CT – October 14-16

Livonia, MI – October 23-24

Wallaceburg, ON – October 28-29

London, ON – November 5-6

Newington, CT – November 5-6

Saskatoon, SK – November 5-6

Bryn Mawr/Hatboro, PA – November 12-13

Oil Springs, ON – November 12-13


Change of Address

Ed Miller, 104 – 34 Swansea Road, Unionville, ON Canada L3R 0W3. Tel: 905 474-5684, E-mail: ed.miller@sympatico.ca.

Address Clarification:

Battle Creek, MI: Hall location is still Battle Creek Gospel Hall, 807 Michigan Ave E., Battle Creek, MI. The mailing address is Assembly of Christians, c/o Kerry Ferguson, 9733 Blue Heron, Eaton Rapids, MI 48827.


Aleatha (Lee) Barry of Sundridge, ON, on April 10, 2016, age 90.  She was born March 1926, and born again at the age of 18. She enjoyed 30 years of fellowship in the assembly at Chapman Valley. She was known for being pleasant and caring, and for her prayer for others. She is missed by her friends and large family. Family members participated in the funeral, and the gospel was faithfully spoken by Don Nicholson. Please remember the family in prayer.

Patricia Naber Kampman of Cedar Falls, IA, on June 8, 2016, age 87. As a teenager, our dear sister trusted Christ through John 3:36 and the truth of Exodus 12. She was in fellowship in Cedar Falls with her first husband, Sylvan Naber. He passed away in 1989, and she was also predeceased by her son, Dennis and grandson, Kyle. She married Bert Kampman in 2002 and moved to Marion, IA, where they were in happy fellowship. They relocated to Cedar Falls for the last few years. Surviving her are her husband, Bert, three daughters and their husbands, and many grandchildren.

Margaret Underhill of Staffordville, ON, passed into the Lord’s presence on June 8, 2016, in her 86th year. She was the beloved wife of Marvin Underhill, who predeceased her in August 2014. Margaret was saved as a young woman through the preaching of Mr. Nugent in Straffordville. She married Marvin and together they raised six children. Their daughter, Joanne, tragically predeceased her in September of 2012. Marvin and Margaret were both consistent in their labors for the Lord and in the assembly while their health permitted. Together, they entertained many of the Lord’s people and were very faithful to the assembly, even though it had dwindled to just nine a few years ago. Margaret was the last remaining member of those original nine. Margaret was delighted to see the growth in the assembly as the Lord began to work among the Mennonite people, and her love for each one was warmly reciprocated. Her funeral was officiated by Jim Bergsma.

Gladys Welsh of Brampton, ON, on June 28, 2016, after a courageous battle with cancer. Born in 1948, she had just celebrated her 68th birthday, but only a few days later, passed into the presence of her Lord and Savior. Gladys was saved in December, 1974 during the early days of the work in Hopeall, New Harbour, NL and along with her husband Ches, was part of the assembly that was planted in 1976. They were a vital part of the work there until they relocated to the Toronto area in the mid-1980s and were in fellowship, first at Langstaff, and then with the believers in Brampton. Gladys had a real love for the gospel and a deep burden for her family and friends. Even in the last stages of her illness, she was still telling her testimony of how God had reached and saved her. The large funeral in New Harbour, NL was taken by Jon Procopio and Marvin Derksen, with Wallace Buckle speaking at the graveside. Prayer is valued for a son and a daughter still not saved, plus a number of siblings who have all been deeply impressed by the reality of Gladys’ faith and love for her Savior.

Richard Junker of Cedar Falls, IA, on August 2, 2016, age 88. He was saved September 1, 1946 while attending a Bible conference in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. The truth of Romans 5:6 brought peace to his troubled soul. Following baptism, he was received into fellowship at Stout, where he continued until the formation of the Cedar Falls assembly. He honored the Lord by serving as an elder in Cedar Falls for over 50 years – “whose faith follow.” He was tireless in personally visiting any and all contacts as follow-up to the tract mailing outreach of the assembly. Four of the casket bearers were his sons in the faith. He is survived by his wife Kathryn of 69 years, two daughters, one son, seven grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren. His son, Leroy, and Russ Nesbit shared in the large funeral service in the Cedar Falls Gospel Hall, with Eric McCullough speaking at the grave.

Rosalyn Trueg of Cedar Falls, IA, on August 23, 2016, age 97. She was saved in 1946 while attending meetings being conducted by Oliver Smith and Paul Elliott. For many years, she and her late husband, Henry, were in fellowship at the Western Avenue assembly in Waterloo. In recent years she moved into Senior Housing and transferred to the assembly in Cedar Falls. She was a sister that displayed a happy countenance as she always had a smile for everyone. She is survived by two sons, one daughter, along with their spouses, nine grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren. Robert Orr and Russ Nesbit shared in the funeral service.