

British Columbia

Vancouver: Gospel meetings concluded on November 18 after four weeks. John Meekin was joined by three local brethren. The meetings were well attended and the assembly was blessed through the effort. Two ladies from the community, both with an earlier profession, continue to attend all the meetings as a result. A young man saved in 2007 has also started attending, and is seeking a Scriptural gathering. Some assemblies in the area distributed 2016 gospel calendars to homes and businesses in areas surrounding their halls.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Gander Bay: Three weeks of gospel meetings with Jon Procopio concluded on Sunday, November 21. The saints were very encouraged by the uplifting and soul-searching gospel messages preached each night. There were a number of good contacts made and visitation went well, although not many responded to the invitations. There is prayer to God for blessing and a break in the community.

Sandringham: Ken Taylor gave ministry on October 22, and Gaius Goff is expected for a week of ministry in December.


Grand Bend: With faithful support from neighboring assemblies, particularly Lake Shore and Clinton, the assembly was privileged to host 13 consecutive meetings held in the local school gym in October. Gene Higgins, using his chart “The Impact of the Bible and Christianity on the History of the World,” presented the gospel with clarity and compassion. Prayer continues for the individuals from the community who attended, as well as for many young people, consistently brought by burdened parents.

Kitchener: The Christians were encouraged with the gospel being preached by Bryan Joyce and Bert Snippe in November. Some visitors and a number of Sunday school students attended. The annual fall conference with David Petterson and Dan Shutt was well attended and the ministry was profitable. A week of children’s meetings in October yielded close to 100 children attending each night. The local brethren shared in presenting a message for these students.

Mississauga: The Christians at Applewood Heights Gospel Hall enjoyed three nights of ministry on the “Meal Offering” with David Richards. The first community gospel dinner was held in November and the assembly was encouraged with about 40 visitors in from the area. Prayer would be valued for God’s blessing as this outreach is continued.

Oshawa: The assembly recently enjoyed a visit from Stephen Harper (UK). A good number attended the one-day conference in November. Timely ministry was given by five of the Lord’s servants. Larry Steers was expected for the Saturday night ministry meeting in December.

St. Thomas: In the December issue, the speaker who spoke to the children at the conference was Gareth Sharpe, not Gary Sharp. Our apologies.

Sudbury: The assembly rejoiced in the baptism of four believers and the gospel being preached in a series of children’s meetings with Brian Joyce.



Alpena: The assembly deeply appreciated a week-long gospel series by Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber. Only one young lady (10th grade) responded to invitations distributed throughout the city. Please pray for Hailey as she is showing interest.


Davenport: The Friday night gospel meetings with Allan Christopherson and brethren from the Marion assembly have closed for the winter.


Saugus: Gene Higgins visited for two evenings, speaking to the men at the rehab center and then an evening in ministry on Paul’s message to the Thessalonians exhorting them to go on to holiness, using the helmet, the hope of salvation, as protection against Satan who is anxious to attack and to gain control over the mind of the believer.


Saginaw: On the last Lord’s Day in November, Dan Shutt visited the assembly with profitable ministry and a gospel message well-suited for international college students from Nepal who have been attending the regular gospel meeting. Bill Metcalf and Bert Snippe gave excellent ministry at the bi-monthly ministry meeting December 6. The saints from Saginaw and surrounding assembles were encouraged and the gospel was presented to the unsaved.


Bryn Mawr: The Bryn Mawr and Hatboro assemblies were very thankful for a good and profitable conference. It was evident that the Lord had given exercise to brethren for valuable ministry of the Word. One has commented, “If someone did not hear the voice of God, they were not listening!” A good number of younger believers attended, and there was the gracious support of local assembly believers.

The assembly had a series of meetings for younger folk on the five Friday evenings in October. It was an encouragement to have children in from the area that do not attend the Sunday school. David McAllister and Gene Higgins gave help, along with local brethren.


Snohomish: The construction of the new Clearview Gospel Hall is mostly finished on the outside, with the inside yet to be completed. The parking lot was recently paved and landscaping will eventually follow.


Beetown: The all-day meeting on November 8 was very helpful and uplifting with ministry given by William Skates and Joel Portman. William spoke from his chart, “Biblical Prophecy: Divine Forecast of the Church, Israel, and the Nations,” and continued through Thursday, November 12.


Quintana Roo

Cancun: Timothy Turkington held daily gospel meetings from November 8-27 with appreciated help from Timothy Woodford. Earlier in the month the believers enjoyed a visit from David and Penelope Alves, when they also helped in the monthly visit to Nicolas Bravo.


Zacatecas: Jason and Shelley Wahls have lived in this city since 2010, and have been working in the nearby town of El Barril. God willing, a Seed Sower text distribution will commence on December 26. Jason has found a hall to rent in the downtown area of Zacatecas where he and John Dennison will start gospel meetings January 1. Your prayers for this very Catholic part of Mexico are appreciated.


Actopan: Timothy Stevenson has been preaching the gospel in this town for two years. Due to the lack of genuine interest, and an increase in violence, these meetings have drawn to a close.

Xalapa: Timothy and Jenna Stevenson, along with believers from the assembly here, will be delivering 13,000 2016 calendars in December. The assembly enjoyed a visit from Marcus Cain and his family on a Lord’s Day in November, when an extra afternoon meeting for ministry was held.


Guadalajara: After preaching the gospel for some time in various houses in the south of Guadalajara, Jonathan Seed and Paul Thiessen began renting a hall in September 2013. God has blessed over the last two years in the salvation of souls, and growth in the believers. On November 29, the believers began breaking bread as a New Testament assembly.


Zamora: The assembly continues to be active in spreading the gospel to nearby towns and cities, including a weekly visit to Los Reyes where anywhere from 8-12 listen to the gospel. God has saved some souls here over the years. On Saturdays they travel to La Purísima in the state of Guanajuato where they have a children’s meeting and gospel meeting. Some from this village are in fellowship in Zamora.


Oacalco: In 2012, Josefina was saved while living in El Barril where Jason Wahls labors. In 2013, she returned to her home to care for her aging mother. This was the beginning of a work in this town near Cuernavaca, with Duncan Beckett and Abisai Vieyra making twice weekly visits. At the end of November, they had the joy of seeing her baptized with a good number present in the hall. Please pray for her husband, Armando, who attends every meeting and is still unsaved.


Tepic: The annual conference was held in mid-November with good attendance and appreciated teaching given by Ricardo Gómez (Zamora), Anderson Hernandez, Shad Kember, Jonathan Seed, Timothy Stevenson, Paul Thiessen, and Timothy Woodford. Marcos Sauceda (East Los Angeles, CA) was able once again to bring a number of unsaved relatives down from the state of Sinaloa.


Hermosillo: The assembly enjoyed refreshing, devotional, and challenging ministry from the gospel of John given by Shad Kember for three nights in November.

Ciudad Obregón: Jesse Klein and Ivan Penner (Portage la Prairie, MB) arrived in November to continue with the final stages of the construction of the hall here. Justin Pratt (Kirkland Lake, ON) was with the assembly for a visit and gave appreciated ministry on personal discipline in the Christian life.

San Luis Rio Colorado: The assembly had the joy of receiving Juan Pablo into the fellowship, fruit of the work in Guasave, Sinaloa. He has moved to this area for a period of time for work-related reasons.

N. Ireland

Co Antrim

Harriville, Ballymena: W. Martin and T. Armstrong had eight weeks of well-attended meetings at the end of September. There was encouragement with a sense of the Lord’s presence and blessing in salvation.

Portrush: Encouraging numbers from the area attended four weeks of gospel meetings with E. Fairfield and R. O’Neill responsible to preach.

Rasharkin: B. Currie and J. Palmer had a series of gospel meetings with the small assembly in this difficult village. The gospel was faithfully preached.

Co Down

Ballymagarick: The assembly here had had eight weeks of gospel meetings with excellent attendance. Many unsaved attended and blessing was seen in salvation. J. Rogers and A. Steele were the preachers.

Belfast: In the Bloomfield Gospel Hall, M. Radcliffe and J. Rogers had three weeks of gospel meetings. Many contacts were made and quite a number from the area attended.

Drumnahair: In this outreach hall, D. Gilliland and W. Martin commenced a gospel effort on October 11 and continued for seven weeks to November 27. Good numbers attended and heard the gospel clearly presented. The Lord granted His blessing.

Lisburn: G. Woods and C. Bersford have been preaching the gospel in the Plantation Hall, with good attendance and help to preach.

Co Tyrone

Omagh: The assembly here erected a portable hall on the outskirts of the town where D. McAllister and L. Craig have been preaching the gospel. Many assemblies take the opportunity to distribute gospel calendars door-to-door in their local areas during December. Over 200,000 homes will be visited with calendars that depict a local picture each month with a clear gospel verse. From this work, there are often conversations had and contacts made.

Republic of Ireland

Dublin: Rathmines Gospel Hall – A new outreach work was commenced on the north of Dublin city. A suitable venue was obtained and a week’s meetings planned. Elton Fairfield conducted five nights with the subject, “Places of Special Interest on the Unique Journey of Jesus.” Approximately 80 were gathered in each night, including some that had not attended gospel meetings before. The assembly was encouraged and thankful to the Lord for His blessing.


Nineveh, NS

Due to extensive renovations at the Park View Education Centre, and with no other facilities in the area that could accommodate us, the Annual Easter Conference for 2016 has been cancelled. Lord willing, a conference will be convened in 2017. Corr. Robert Kaulback, 19 Medway Street, Bridgewater, NS. B4V-1J8. Tel: 902 543-5530; E-mail: robert012@ns.sympatico.ca.

Marion, IA

January 23-24. Please note this correction from the December listing.

Jackson, MI

February 12-14, in the Jackson Gospel Hall, 910 Benett Street. Prayer Meeting on Friday, February 12 at 7pm. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am and 2pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Sunday school 11:30am, Prayer/Ministry 2pm. Several brethren have responsibility for the conference ministry meetings. Accom: Jason Wielenga, Tel: 517 914-1275; E-mail: jandtwielenga@gmail.com. Corr: Douglas Losey, Tel: 517 787-9169; E-mail: rdlosey@juno.com.

Turlock, CA

February 20-21, in the Turlock Gospel Hall, 3446 N. Golden State Blvd., Turlock, CA. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am, Ministry/Gospel 1:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:45am, Ministry 1:30pm. Lunch provided each day. Tom Baker and John Fitzpatrick are expected. Accommodation is available at a number of motels in the area. Corr: Narendra Singh, Tel: 209 526-0910; Cel:209-499-0519.

Kapuskasing, ON

March 25-27, Easter Conference. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 154 Mill Street. The following meetings are in the Kapuskasing & District High School, 61 Devonshire Street. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am to 8pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread and Ministry 10:30am to 8pm. Accommodations may be confirmed with Michel Larocque, Tel: 705 335-5223, E-mail: mtvs@personainternet.com; or Gerald Labelle, Tel: 705 335-3712, E-mail: gerrycarole@ntl.sympatico.ca.

Conferences Previously Published:

Pennsauken, NJ – January 9-10

Change of Address of Correspondent

Sault Ste. Marie, MI: John Wallis – new E-mail address is: ewallis1975@gmail.com.


Joan M. Sims of Sherman, MI, on February 21, 2015, age 85. Our sister was born January 1, 1930 in Detroit, MI to Robert and Margaret Murdoch. Saved at age 18 on February 18, 1948, Joan lived in the Detroit area during her younger years and began her career as a secretary at the Ford Motor Company. She married Paul Sims in 1958 and they eventually moved to the Cadillac, MI area. After the loss of her husband in June 1982, Joan devoted the next 33 years to being a faithful mother and a godly example to her family – Gregg (Nancy), Dale, Lori (Garth) Springberg, Diane (Jerry) Ledezma and Paula (Jeff) Longstreet, 13 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. A well-worn and marked Bible left a testimony of her love for God’s Word. After several years of active fellowship with the assembly in Sherman, declining health and circumstances kept Joan from attending the meetings for some time. The funeral service was taken by Stuart Thompson in Cadillac, MI.

(This was republished to correct an erroneous date of passing in the September issue.)

Ken Tomlinson of Sault Ste. Marie, ON, on October 28, 2015, age 71. Ken was saved as a teenager in September 1957 at the Sault Ste. Marie conference. Brother Ken was a faithful elder in the assembly for many years and will be greatly missed. Please remember his wife, Judy, daughters, Wendy and Shirley, son, John, and grandchildren, Nathan and Megan, in prayer. A large number of unsaved from the community attended the funeral and heard the gospel. Robert Clark took the funeral.

Arlene Peck of Manchester, IA, on November 1, 2015, age 94. She was saved at the age of 22, and married, Willard, at age 27. Both became committed to the assembly, first at West Union, then for nearly the rest of her life at Manchester, with the last few years at Marion. It could be said of Arlene that she loved the House of God. She lived humbly and content before God, and looked forward to heaven. She is survived by her four sons and an only daughter, Marilyn, who took her mother into her own home and tenderly cared for her the last 10 years of her life. She also leaves 12 grandchildren and 33 great-grandchildren for which prayer is requested. Robert Orr and Al Christopherson shared in the service.

Cecil Brownson of Oshawa, ON, on November 19, 2015, age 87. Our brother was raised in a God-fearing home, but it was when he took his first teaching job in the New Carlo area that he came in contact with the gospel. He was touched by the love of God and was saved through John 3:36 in February 1949. The following August, he was baptized and gathered out. Here he met his wife Eunice (Armstrong) and they later moved to Oshawa where they were blessed with three daughters. Our brother was a faithful shepherd in Oshawa and lover of God’s people. They retired in the Bancroft area where he was a great help to the Lakeview assembly for the past 30 years. For health reasons, he returned to Oshawa six months ago, but the Lord saw fit to call His servant home where he longed to be. He is greatly missed by both assemblies. The large funeral was shared by Mark Freymond, Ken Nicholson, and Gary Oake.

Louis Williamson of Marion, IA, on November 23, 2015, age 91. He was born on September 19, 1924. While in the army, his parents wrote of going to gospel meetings, so after his discharge in 1945, he attended gospel meetings in the Manchester and West Union area. He trusted Christ through Isaiah 53:6 in 1948. He and his faithful wife, Ermadel (deceased July 2005), were married and were soon brought into the fellowship at the West Union assembly. They moved to Iowa City in 1965 and became committed and faithful attenders with the believers at Marion until his home-call. He moved into the Linn Manor Care Center where he lived for two years, attending the assembly meetings almost until the end. His contentment in life and commitment to God’s things earned him the respect of all. He leaves a daughter, Iris, and son, Keith, both believers, along with their spouses. Al Christopherson spoke at the funeral service.

Scripture Teaching Library

Scripture Teaching Library is a publisher of quality Christian literature. We publish a range of books, including commentaries, devotional studies, and topical works. We publish new works by writers like Jim Allen, Sam Jennings, Clark Logan, Mark Sweetnam, and Adam Thropay. We are also republishing older works in high-quality editions, including books by J. M. Davies, Albert McShane, and F. A. Tatford, among others.

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