British Columbia
Vancouver: VBS works have been held in various locations in the area. For those that have been held outdoors in city parks, the weather has been favorable, and the interest among children and parents has been encouraging. Samuel and Elizabeth Simonyi-Gindele and family have visited in the area. Samuel gave informative reports of the history of the work in Angola, the present situation, and challenges they face upon their return. Kyle and Allison Wilson from Nicaragua have also spent a short time in the area.
Please pray for gospel meetings to be held in the West Richmond assembly in September with Marvin Derksen and Brody Thibodeau. Gospel meetings in Victoria Drive are planned to commence October 18, DV with John Meekin, helped by local brethren.
Winkler: Jack Gould and Peter Smith had three weeks of gospel meetings during the month of July, with Peter speaking at a children’s meeting each morning. An average of 50 children and 10 adults attended daily. Unsaved were in each evening, but those attending on a regular basis were lacking. It pleased the Lord to bless in salvation. Winkler is one and a half hours SW of Winnipeg. Following a lead from the tent work in Roseisle last summer, Jack and Ruth Gould have had a home Bible study with two couples. Through this weekly effort, both couples have been obedient to the Word of God, and are now in fellowship in Roseisle. On Sunday afternoons for the past five months, a rented building has been used for a public meeting, primarily for teaching, to which a number of couples attend regularly. On August 2, two couples from a Mennonite background that have attended, obeyed the Lord in baptism. Prayer is valued for this new area of labor.
Nova Scotia
Halifax: In July, a team of over 35 people from 13 different assemblies gathered in Halifax for five days of gospel outreach. The team of mostly young believers labored in three different activities: Over 14,000 1 John 4:14 texts were distributed to doors, over 5,000 tracts were handed out on downtown streets, and an encouraging series of children’s meetings was held in a tent near Matthew and Esther Cain’s home. Two nights of open-air gospel preaching and singing were also encouraging. Peter Ramsay led the twice-daily Bible teaching sessions for the week. There were also two other youth outreaches in Halifax over the summer.
Isle Madame: Noel Burden and a local brother, Holger Verlage, continued into August with gospel meetings, after completing four weeks in July, including two weeks of children’s meetings. This will be the seventh summer that there has been a gospel tent effort at this location, with this being the largest numbers to date. The Christians were encouraged to see a number making professions of faith, including a lady and her husband, as well as another lady who was brought by her unsaved friend. The prayers of the saints would be appreciated for this area.
Nineveh: David Hunt and John Meekin concluded four weeks of gospel meetings on August 2. They were encouraged with the support of the believers and others from the area, and with the consistent numbers of unsaved attending. During the meetings, the assembly also had a week of encouraging children’s meetings in Bridgewater, spearheaded by a local brother, Scott Kaulback. A second week is planned for Bridgewater from August 17, with the primary focus on children who do not normally attending gospel meetings.
Pugwash Junction: David Hierlihy and Brody Thibodeau continued into August with gospel meetings following three weeks in July in the Village of Pugwash’s aptly named, “Search and Rescue” building, which they have rented for the series. This would be the first series the assembly has had in the village since perhaps the late sixties. The Christians have been encouraged with the strong numbers of visitors attending from the village as well as some associated with their young peoples’ outreach.
Weaver’s Settlement: At the beginning of August, the assembly, with Murray McCandless and Scott McLeod preaching, were in the fourth week of gospel tent meetings in Ashemore. Some have professed and others seem interested.
Clinton: In May, Bryan Joyce gave several nights of profitable ministry on Joseph. The saints appreciated the excellent ministry given on Nehemiah by Peter Ramsay and Mark Bachert at the well-attended summer conference in July. A children’s effort and gospel meetings are planned for the latter part of August with Larry Perkins. Prayer would be valued.
Mississauga: Lorne Langfeld had a gospel booth at the Home Show in April, working with the Applewood assembly. He also had a booth at the Lindsay Home Show in April, and at the Barrie Auto Flea Market in June. Attendance figures ranged from 6,000 to 110,000 for a four-day event. Many read gospel verses, some take literature and some will stop to engage in conversation.
Victoria Road: The believers were encouraged during the gospel tent meetings in Kirkfield during the last two weeks of July with Lorne Langfeld and Bert Snippe. Homes were visited in the two villages near the Victoria Road Gospel Hall as well as in outlying areas. Christians from nearby assemblies and churches, and unsaved visitors heard faithful gospel preaching. Some continue to attend the Sunday night gospel meeting.
Ankeny: The assembly had a one-day conference on May 3, marking one year of gathering to His Name. Robert Orr and Jerry Jennings, as well as several visiting brethren from neighboring assemblies, gave help in the ministry. A woman from the neighborhood who had been coming for several months professed to be saved in May. Scott Hayes of the Cedar Falls assembly was present for three nights of appreciated gospel work the week of May 25, and was also here for Vacation Bible School the week of July 12.
Dunkerton: Gospel meetings with William Skates and Russell Nesbit are planned to begin August 16. Prayer for this effort is deeply appreciated.
Saugus: Hearts were challenged by the ministry given by Harrys Rodriguez when he visited with his family for a Lord’s Day, and the gospel was solemnly preached to a good number. The work at the rehab center continues on Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays with three different groups. October will mark the tenth year of this effort. We thank God for this opportunity and for blessing seen. VBS meetings were held in August, with local brethren speaking to the children. There was a good response to the invitations.
Deckerville: In July, Bill Metcalf came for a Lord’s Day, and gave excellent ministry which the saints appreciated deeply.
Fridley: Two weeks of gospel meetings were held by Roy Weber and Jerry Jennings in a Sauk Rapids government building in early July. Near the end of the month, Stu Thompson taught the children five lessons on the person of Christ as: the Bread of Life; the Light of the World; the Door; the Good Shepherd; and the Way, the Truth and the Life. Attendance and interest were good. Also, one man was received into fellowship recently.
Crandon: Bill Seale was with the believers for a Lord’s Day and a week of appreciated VBS meetings July 12-17. A number of children were in to hear the gospel.
Highland: The Blue River assembly commenced gospel tent meetings with James Frazier and Isaiah Frazier on July 26. The meetings were held on Tom and Stacy Novak’s farm.
LaCrosse: Stu Thompson had two ministry meetings with the assembly here, July 27-28.
Ontario: The assembly had the joy of baptizing seven believers on July 12. There was further joy when a young woman was saved while the baptism was in progress. She had been seeking salvation since gospel meetings earlier this year.
Quintana Roo
Cancun: Gospel meetings were held in the hall from June 23 to July 17. Tiberio Hernandez (Hermosillo, Sonora) helped Timothy Turkington during the first 10 days, then local brethren helped. The attendance of unsaved was encouraging, including several new contacts.
Chihuahua: God blessed in four weeks of gospel meetings in the Valle de la Madrid hall.
El Porvenir: Children’s meetings were held during two weeks in the hall with good attendance. A regular Sunday night gospel meeting is now held here as well, and it is encouraging to see some parents of these children attending.
Iguala: Earlier this summer, a man driving his motorcycle ran into Abisai Vieyra’s vehicle. He was invited to meetings, began attending with his family, and was saved by God’s grace in July. He brings along his wife and 10 children, all unsaved, to the meetings of the assembly. The assembly enjoyed the visit of Ross Vanstone in July as well.
Pachuca: The annual conference was held from July 25-27 with good attendance from different parts of the country, including a good group from different assemblies and works in the state of Veracruz and the assembly in Iguala. The ministry and gospel was shared by Duncan Beckett, Chucho Gomez (Zamora, Michoacan), Ricardo Gomez, John Nesbitt, Timothy Stevenson, Paul Thiessen, Timothy Turkington, and Ross Vanstone. Four believers were baptized on the Saturday night.
Guadalajara: Jonathan Seed, helped by other brethren, had an encouraging week of children’s meetings in the south of the city with new contacts coming along.
Oacalco: Duncan Beckett and Abisai Vieyra have been visiting this town near Cuernavaca for house meetings during the last 18 months. They have now located a hall to rent on the main street, and plan to deliver invitations and have gospel meetings in August. God has blessed in the salvation of several souls in this time and prayer is valued for the progress of this work.
Xalapa: The assembly enjoyed visits from Abisai Vieyra and Timothy Turkington the week before the Pachuca conference.
Veracruz: Abisai Vieyra and his family spent a week with the Nesbitts. During the visit, Abisai gave appreciated help in ministry and gospel, as well as in the work in Cotaxtla.
Huntsville, ON
September 5, in the Gospel Hall at 65 West Rd. (off Hwy 11 at Muskoka Rd. 2). Ministry 10am, 2pm and 7pm. Corr: David Traves, Tel: 705 789-8420; Cell: 705 783-9587; E-mail:
Mississauga, ON
September 26-27, Applewood Heights Conference. The conference this year will be the same format as the previous Mimico Bible Readings. The study will be Matthew 5-7. The following brethren will be responsible for leading the readings: Scott McLeod, Dan Shutt, Shawn, St. Clair, and Ken Taylor. If you require accommodation please contact Al Bell, E-mail:, or Tel: 905-274-3527.
Clinton, ON
October 3-4, with all meetings held at the Gospel Hall, 143 Joseph St. Clinton, ON. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10:30 am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. Corr: Keith Bachert, E-mail:
Hamilton, ON
October 3-4, in the Nash Road Gospel Hall, 105 Nash Road South. Michael Penfold will be taking up subjects related to creation. They include the Origin of the Universe, of Life, of Man, of Consciousness/Thought, of Morality/Meaning and of the Bible. The first meeting will start Saturday 10am. For more information visit
Sussex, NB
October 3 and 4, at the Sussex High School, with prayer meeting on Friday, October 2 in the Sussex Gospel Hall. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2:30pm, Gospel 7 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday school 1 pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Meals are provided each day. Corr: Jim MacIntosh, Tel: 506 943-0101, or E-mail: Accommodations in advance: Trevor McClelland, Tel: 506 433-1234, or E-mail:
Victoria Road, ON
October 3-4, with prayer meeting, October 2, at 7:30pm. Saturday: Breakfast 8:30am, Bible Reading 10am (Marriage), Ministry 2pm and 7pm. Sunday: Breakfast 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. All meetings held in the Gospel Hall, 1108 Fenel Road, Kirkfield, ON. Brethren teaching “the things most surely believed among us” are welcome. Contact Chad Foreshew, Tel: 705 438-3666; E-mail:
Cape Breton, NS
October 10-11, Thanksgiving Conference in Memorial High School, Memorial Drive, Sydney Mines. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am, Bible Reading 1:30pm, Ministry 3:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel 7pm, preceded by an Open Air Meeting. Information: Lorne Richardson, Tel: 902 562-2978. Information/Accommodations: John Ingram, please call in advance 902 794-2691; E-mail: See for Bible reading outlines.
St. Thomas ON
October 10-11, with Prayer at 7:30pm on Friday, October 9 in the Gospel Hall, 1 Sunset Drive.All other meetings will be held in the Parkside Collegiate, 241 Sunset Drive. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: John McCandless, 5846 Boxall Rd, Port Stanley, ON N5L1J1; Tel: 519 769-2119; E-mail:
Vancouver, BC
October 10-11, Thanksgiving Conference in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby. Prayer meeting Friday 7:30pm in the Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, 4659 Victoria Dr. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am, Ministry 1:30 and 3:30pm and 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am (Gospel Hall), Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Corr: Phil Broadhead, Tel: 604 468-4979, E-mail: For accommodation, please contact in advance Ben Frith, Tel: 604 931-3677; E-Mail:
L’Anse au Loup, LB
October 16-18, in the Gospel Hall, with prayer meeting, Thursday, October 15 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Study 10:30am (1John 4). Sunday: Lord’s Supper 10am. A warm welcome is extended to all. Accom: Francis Barney, Tel: 709 927-5696; or Preston Belben, Tel: 709 927-5622.
Terryville, CT
October 16-18, with prayer meeting on Friday, October 16 at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 36 North Main St. All other meetings held in the Harry S. Fisher School, N. Main St. (1/8 mile north of the hall). Saturday: Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. (NOTE: No meeting on Sat. morning). Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Accom: Steve Morin, Tel: 860 583-9904.
Conferences Previously Published:
Arlington/Marysville, WA – September 4-7
Forgo, NL – September 4-6
Beetown, WI – September 7
Hardwick, VT – September 12-13
Sault Ste Marie, MI/ON – September 12-13
Arnstein, ON – September 19-20
Hitesville, IA – September 19-20
Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON –
September 26-27
Midland Park, NJ – September 26-27
New Lenox, IL – September 26 and 27
Manchester, IA – October 3-4
Blue River, WI – October 17-18
Change of Address
Bruce Cottrill: Please note current E-mail address is Tel: 519 326-2741.
Brian Owen: New phone number is 705 282-7172. E-mail:
Change of Address of Correspondent
Cass City, MI: E-mail address for Paul Battel is
Joan M. Sims of Sherman, MI, on February 21, 2013, age 85. Our sister was born January 1, 1930 in Detroit, MI to Robert and Margaret Murdoch. Saved at age 18 on February 18, 1948, Joan lived in the Detroit area during her younger years, and began her career as a secretary at the Ford Motor Company. She married Paul Sims in 1958, and they eventually moved to the Cadillac, MI area. After the loss of her husband in June 1982, Joan devoted the next 33 years to being a faithful mother and a godly example to her family – Gregg (Nancy), Dale, Lori (Garth) Springberg, Diane (Jerry) Ledezma, and Paula (Jeff) Longstreet, 13 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. A well-worn and marked Bible left testimony of her love for God’s Word. After several years of active fellowship with the assembly in Sherman, declining health and circumstances kept Joan from attending the meetings for some time. The funeral service was taken by Stuart Thompson in Cadillac, MI.
Bill Garner of Charlton, ON, on February 14, 2015, age 62. Bill was born and raised in Guelph, ON and moved to the Charlton area in 1984. Through the faithful witness of his wife and an uncle, he heard the gospel and was saved in 1991 during gospel meetings with Don Nicholson and Ken Moore. Bill’s humble manner and sincere interest in children won him their respect and love. We loved to hear him pray! Bill displayed a bright testimony as he struggled with cancer for the last two and a half years. Bill will be greatly missed by his wife Deb, his family, and the assembly. Jeff Schinkel spoke at the local funeral service, and Bruce Rodgers at the memorial service in Guelph. His son Ryan spoke of his father’s care for the family and the hope they share of seeing him again. Many family members and friends heard the gospel, some for the first time. Please pray for Bill’s family.
S. Lloyd Tolman of St. Thomas, ON, on June 11, 2015, age 96. He was saved six months after his wife, Doris, in meetings that opened the Erie St. Gospel Hall in September 1951. Lloyd was baptized and added to the assembly later that year. Until prevented by ill health in later years, his life was focused on the assembly and the Lord’s people, serving as a faithful elder for many years. Both the hall and the Lord’s people benefited from his many practical abilities. The large numbers attending both his viewing and funeral testified to the respect he had earned both in the community and among the Lord’s people. He leaves his beloved wife, Doris, of 71 years, four children, 10 grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren. Prayer is appreciated as not all share the blessed hope of reunion. Family memories at the funeral were related by his oldest son, Jeff. Murray McCandless followed with a solemn, clear, yet simple presentation of the gospel, and also spoke words of comfort at the graveside.
Audrey Pears of Orillia, ON, on June 26, in her 86th year. Audrey was saved as a young teenager and married Earl at age 22. They made Orillia their home for over 56 years, where they were in happy fellowship at the Dominion Gospel Hall. Friends from far and near, including many of the Lord’s servants, enjoyed their warm hospitality. In 2007, due to Earl’s poor healthy, they moved to Elim Homes in Waubaushene, where they were wonderfully cared for. Earl passed away in 2008 and Audrey remained there until 2014 when, after breaking her hip, she moved to Bethany Lodge where she was lovingly cared for until she passed peacefully into the presence of her Lord. The funeral was taken by Audrey’s nephew, Ross Clark, and the gospel was clearly presented to many unsaved relatives. Eulogies were given by her son Bradley, daughter Valerie, and granddaughter Sarah. Andrew Adams spoke at the graveside.
Barbara Gentz of Manchester, IA, on July 11, 2015, age 77. She was saved at 14 through gospel meetings with Paul Elliott and Oliver Smith. Barbara remained faithful to the Manchester assembly, and loved the fellowship of saints all her life, until the last few years, when her illness prevented her from attending the meetings. Barbara displayed a compassionate and gentle spirit which was witnessed by many. Her husband Don, three married daughters and spouse’s, grandchildren, along with one sister and brother, will miss her deeply. The funeral service was taken by Al Christopherson.
Sarah (Cis) Maxwell of Vancouver, BC, went to be with Christ on July 12, 2015, two weeks after her 95th birthday. She was predeceased by her husband, Sydney, in 1993 and her daughter, Margaret, in 1982. Saved as a young girl of 16 through the words of the hymn, “Just as I Am,” she was baptized, and received into fellowship, with her husband, at Frances Street Gospel Hall in Newtownards, Northern Ireland. In 1948 they were commended to full-time service in Canada, and eventually settled in Vancouver, where they made their home assembly Cedar Cottage before relocating to South Main Street. As long as she was physically able, Cis was a punctual, faithful attendee of all assembly meetings. She lived her life with a consistent love for the Lord, His Word, her family, and the assembly. She maintained an exemplary testimony to those around her, and was an encouragement to others. She was a true help-meet to her husband, and their lifelong partnership never waned or ceased until Sydney’s home-call after 51 years of married life. Survived by her daughter, Colleen (Pete), six grandchildren, and sixteen great-grandchildren, she will be dearly missed. The funeral was taken by Eugene Higgins and Kevin Cox, and Reddie Blair spoke at the grave.