


Fort McMurray: Don Nicholson was with the assembly in April for several nights of appreciated ministry and he shared in the gospel for the two Sundays he was here.

British Columbia

Vancouver: Please pray for gospel meetings in Fairview with David McKinley and Larry Steers which commenced May 17 continuing into June, DV. Ashley Milne gave a report at the monthly missionary meeting in South Main Street on his recent visit to five Cuban assemblies. The purposed gospel meetings in Victoria Drive have been postponed until the fall.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Corner Brook: Stu Thompson and Eric Fowler held gospel meetings in April in Corner Brook with unsaved visitors out each night. Pray that God will bless through this effort.

Gander: The Easter conference was encouraging with about 175 in attendance. Speakers were Wallace Buckle, Matthew Cain, Shawn St. Clair, and Stephen Vance.

Parsons Pond: The week-long gospel effort with Stephen Joyce and Ed Payne saw 18 unsaved out, some for the first time. They are planning a tent effort this summer, Lord willing. Pray that God will work in salvation.


Clinton: The saints recently enjoyed uplifting ministry by Alex Dryburgh, Fred Krauss, Andrew Robertson, and Kyle Wilson. Please pray for our annual summer conference in July.

Deer Lake: In March, a week-and-a-half of gospel meetings, which started with a community supper on a Lord’s Day evening, were well attended. The meetings that followed were not as well attended, but those who came heard the way of salvation clearly. The gospel was preached by Lorne Langfeld and his son John. Some believers have had the opportunity for more than 15 years to visit the federal prison bi-weekly to bring the gospel to 8-20 men. Some can get an ETA (Escorted Temporary Absence) so they can be brought to the gospel meeting, allowing additional time to be with them. Pray that the Lord will bless these times. Eternity will tell the results as contact with these men is lost when they leave the prison.

Earlton: A teenage girl was baptized in early May. Please pray for her unsaved grandmother. Many contacts were made and texts handed out at the Earlton Farm Show, April 10-11. The show had record attendance. The help of Brian and Carolyn Owen was very appreciated. Alvin Cook continues regular house meetings with new converts and contacts.

Kapuskasing: The saints enjoyed a profitable Easter Conference. Alex Dryburgh, Fred Krauss, Lorne Langfeld, Brian Owen, Murray Pratt, Larry Steers, and Ken Taylor participated in ministry. Brian Owen remained for three nights of ministry after the conference. A young woman, 35 years of age, was accepted into the fellowship on the Lord’s Day prior to the conference.

Kirkland Lake: In mid-March, Dan Shutt and Lindsay Parks had a weekend of appreciated ministry directed especially to the large gathering of teens.

Kitchener: The assembly has recently been blessed with four young people being added to the fellowship. In April, the hall was filled as four other teenagers obeyed the Lord in baptism with friends from school attending. The assembly has been encouraged.

Timmins: Recent visits were enjoyed from Lorne Langfeld, Brian Owen, and Fred Krauss for three nights of ministry over the Easter weekend. A sister was received into fellowship earlier this year.

Toronto: The 128th annual Toronto Easter conference was an answer to many prayers, with cause for thanksgiving for the Lord’s presence and a balance of both doctrinal and exhortative ministry that was able to meet the varied needs of the 1100 in attendance. An excellent gospel was proclaimed each evening which the Holy Spirit can use to yield fruit unto salvation. The unity and fellowship proved to be a spiritual tonic to young and old alike, including the impromptu hymn sings in the hallways during the breaks.

Toronto: This summer, Toronto and surrounding communities will host the 2015 Pan Am Games. Over 6000 athletes from 41 countries will compete on July 10-26 at venues across the GTA and the Golden Horseshoe. Officials estimate that more than one million people will attend. The GTA assemblies have a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reach out with the gospel at several events at some of the venues. A new gospel tract, specially designed for sports enthusiasts, will be distributed. In addition, a dedicated website will offer gospel articles in four languages, plus free material for those who are interested. Prayer that God would be honored and glorified, and that souls will come to Christ would be greatly appreciated. Any who can help distribute gospel literature at the games please register at http://goo.gl/forms/KXGqXDJAXT, or E-mail inquiries to gospelforgames@gmail.com.

Welland: Gospel meetings commenced on April 29 with Robert Surgenor from Cleveland, OH.



Alpena: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Melvin Mendez in mid-April. He gave appreciated help in all the Lord’s Day meetings. The believers were encouraged to hear his report on the Hispanic outreach on Castor Avenue in Philadelphia, PA.


West Phoenix: The assembly was thankful for God’s blessing during their seventh annual conference in April. Marcus Cain, John Clingen, Shad Kember, and Shawn St. Clair expounded the Scriptures and exhorted the saints. On both evenings, there was a good number of unsaved out under the sound of the gospel.


Hampton: The saints enjoyed recent visits from Ike Frazier and Mark Bachert.

Stout: The conference was a time of blessing in the ministry, Bible reading, remembrance, gospel, and children’s meetings. Twelve of the Lord’s servants ministered with much help from the Lord. The attendance was a little less on Saturday, but back up on Lord’s Day.


Saugus: The assembly rejoiced to learn of one who confessed Christ at the rehab center. Having been released from the program, she now attends the assembly gatherings. The Lord has opened another door at the center with an opportunity to meet with a group of men. Please pray that there will be further blessing in this work, and that God will be glorified. In lieu of the annual Sunday school treat, a Mother’s Day program was held when the children recited tributes to their mothers. A number of unsaved were present, and Michael Procopio gave a clear message on God’s way of salvation. There was a good response to the invitations and attentiveness to the gospel.


Battle Creek: Please pray for blessing from two weeks of gospel meetings in held in May.

Cass City: The assembly had gospel meetings during April which were well attended, with visitors most nights. Dan Shutt and Matt Smith of Jackson were the speakers. Support from Saginaw and Deckerville was helpful.


Fridley: In early April, Stan Wells gave three nights of basic teaching on conversion and baptism, assembly reception, and going on for God in the assembly. Three weeks later, Louie Smith visited and reported on continuing gospel work in the Ukraine.


Crandon: The assembly enjoyed a week of ministry on the book of Job in March with David Petterson. The believers were also delighted to receive a young man into the fellowship recently.


Marysville: Gospel meetings in April with Bryan Joyce and Peter Ramsay concluded after three weeks with cause for thanksgiving. The support of Arlington was appreciated. The target audience was almost exclusively children and teens from the community who attend the Bible Hours of both assemblies. Most come from dysfunctional homes and the gospel is the only hope and light for them in this life.


Ontario: Gospel meetings with Murray McCandless and Brandon Doll closed May 3. Two sisters (siblings), a young couple, and young mother professed to be saved.



Irapuato: Paul Thiessen and Ricky Sawatzky concluded three weeks of gospel meetings on April 26. Although the response was not as great as desired from the Seed Sower distribution, there were some who attended as a result of that effort, and family members of some of the believers also showed interest.

San Luis Potosi

El Barril: On April 5, Jason and Shelley Wahls, along with several believers from this small town, were able to remember the Lord for the first time. Jason and Shelley have been living in the nearby city of Zacatecas since September 2010, laboring faithfully in El Barril. They appreciate the prayers of the Lord’s people for His preservation of the assembly here as well as for growth, both numerically and spiritually.


Nogales: A group of close to 30 believers from Hermosillo was able to deliver 10,000 Seed Sower texts and invitations in this border city on May 1-2, with gospel meetings commencing at the same time with John Dennison and Marcus Cain.

Hermosillo: The believers were encouraged to see one of the young men saved in the recent series obey the Lord in baptism the last Sunday in April. His family circumstances are far from ideal and his efforts to get to the meetings are refreshing. The gospel is preached weekly in two rehabilitation centers, with different brethren sharing this responsibility. Some of the young sisters, along with Eleonor Mosquera, continue to have a Bible class on Saturday mornings in one of the poorer neighborhoods in the north of the city. Many of the children also attend the Sunday school the following morning, and several are old enough to come to the gospel meetings on Sunday evenings in the hall.

Ciudad Obregón: Duncan Beckett and Shad Kember commenced gospel meetings on April 13 in the new hall. Although the hall is not yet finished, it has proven to be a blessing already with the first meeting held there on April 12th. Duncan had to return to Iguala on April 29, but meetings continued with local brethren helping.


Xalapa: On April 12, after 19 months of weekly meetings, Timothy and Jenna Stevenson, along with the local believers, remembered the Lord for the first time in this city. John and Rebekah Nesbitt, who labor in the capital city of Veracruz, along with a young married couple, were with the assembly for this happy occasion. Timothy commenced a gospel series on April 26 due to the sustained interest and attendance of several over the past few months. Timothy and Jenna also have been making midweek visits to Actopan, a small town about 25 miles from Xalapa, for the last 15 months. There are several believers living here and Timothy is now able to go on Lord’s Days to teach them and preach the gospel.


Zamora: The annual conference held over the Easter weekend was a time of blessing for the assembly as well as those who were able to visit. Jesse Klein, John Nesbitt, Jonathan Seed, Paul Thiessen, and Tim Woodford, shared in the ministry and gospel. On Saturday evening eight believers were baptized, most of these being young people.


Sibactel: At the end of April, Timothy Stevenson and David Alves, Jr., along with their families, visited this assembly in the mountains of Chiapas for two days, sharing several meetings for the teaching of God’s Word. It was a great joy to see the evident appetite for sound doctrine. They then visited the assembly in Chiapa de Corzo the following day, receiving a warm welcome from the believers there.

Salto de Agua: This small assembly, located close to the Guatemalan border, held its first conference during Easter. There were over 2000 present, many of them believers from different areas of Chiapas and Guatemala. Anderson Hernandez and Dr. John Thropay (East Los Angeles, CA) gave much-appreciated help.

N. Ireland

Ballyduff: The assembly had a gospel series during March with W. Fenton and M. Campbell in another suburb of Belfast.

Ballymena: The Cambridge Ave. assembly held a monthly gospel meeting in the Garryowen Hall on the Waveney Road over the winter months. J. Fleck and D. Gilliland commenced a special series on April 19 in this hall.

Bangor: P. McCauley and J. Rogers commenced in the Central Gospel Hall on April 12, with the local assemblies giving support. The Ebenezer assembly held a special meeting on April 1, when Sam Ferguson recounted some of his experiences in gospel activity over 50 years, mostly in N. Ireland, but also in Wales and Australia. The new gospel hall was filled to capacity with over 40 assemblies represented.

Belfast: In Matchet Street, one of the inner city assemblies, B. Currie and J. Palmer commenced in the gospel on April 12. These inner city areas have seen a great population migration over the years, especially during the “Troubles,” and assembly numbers have been greatly reduced.

Carridkfergus: On the outskirts of the city, the assembly at Sandringham has a Sunday school and gospel work in the village of Eden. Andrew Steele and David Williamson commenced their third week (April 25) in a gospel series with some interest.

Dungannon: W. Martin and E. Fairfield commenced a gospel series in the hall on April 19.

Moneyreagh: The assembly here commenced gospel meetings on April 26 with C. Beresford (Moneyreagh), and K. Newell (Kilkeel) responsible.


Corner Brook, NL

June 26-28, in Corner Brook Intermediate, St. Marks Ave., Corner Brook, NL. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am and 3:30pm, Bible Study 1:30pm (John 13), Gospel 7pm, Sing 8:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 1:30pm, Prayer/Ministry 2:30 and 4pm, Gospel 7pm. Information/accommodations, contact Roy Foster, Tel: 709 634-5022; or E-mail: rfoster@nl.rogers.com.

Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, Kirkland Lake, ON

June 27-28, in the Englehart High School. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7pm. Meetings Saturday and Sunday at 10am, 2pm, 7pm. Contact: Jeff Taylor (Earlton), Tel: 705 563-8131, E-mail: jdtaylor1996@live.ca; Doug Yade (Kirkland Lake), Tel: 705 567-5951, E-mail: doug_yade@hotmail.com.

Straffordville, ON

June 27-28. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 1:30pm, BBQ/Hymn Sing 5:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Meals and breaks will be provided. Speakers will be Stephen Vance, Brian Joyce, and Max McLean. For more information please contact Andrew, Tel: 519 866-5929.

Sioux City, IA

July 18-19, in the Sioux City Gospel Hall. Saturday: Prayer and refreshments 7pm. Sunday: Breakfast 8am, Breaking of Bread 9:45am, Bible Reading 11:15am (2Peter 3), Lunch 12:30pm, Children’s meeting 1:30pm, Ministry 2:15pm, Dinner 4:30pm, Gospel 6pm. Contact: Gary Hayes, E-mail: george55698@outlook.com.

Clinton ON

July 25-26, Annual summer conference at the farm, 43892 Walton Rd., Walton, ON. Friday: Supper 6pm. Saturday: Breakfast 8:30am, meetings commence 9:30am. Peter Ramsay is expected to minister the Word, with other speakers yet to be confirmed. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread at the gospel hall, 143 Joseph St. Clinton. For further info or accommodations, please contact Marvin or Wendy Bachert, Tel: 519 887-9791, Cell: 519 357-8712, or E-mail: mwbachert@yahoo.com.

Kirkfield, ON

The Victoria Road Gospel Hall annual Bible conference date is changed from September 26-27 to October 3-4. The usual meeting schedule remains unchanged.

Conferences Previously Published:

Bancroft, ON – June 6

Burgessville, ON – June 6

Garnavillo, IA – June 13-14

North Bay, ON – June 13-14

Portage la Prairie, MB – June 12-14

Augusta, ME – June 20-21

Glen Ewen, SK – June 18-21

Kamloops, BC – June 26-28

Pugwash Junction, NS – June 27-28

Taylorside, SK – June 26-28

Change of Address of Correspondent

Saugus, MA: Tony Grillo – new E-mail address is tonygrillo109@gmail.com.

Change of E-mail address

Western Gospel Publishing Foundation, publishers and distributors of The Gospel Hymn Book and The Children’s Hymn Book, advise that their new E-mail address has been changed to ordersibh@gmail.com.


Please note that beginning with the July issue and thereafter, only the names and dates of submitted obituaries of believers who have passed away will appear in this section. Full obituaries will be posted on the Truth & Tidings website.

James (Jim) Dunn of Frostburg, MD, on February 20, age 88. Brought up in a Christian home, Jim was saved on May 17, 1948 after narrowly escaping death in the service. He trusted Christ through John 3:36. With Marie, his wife of nearly 65 years, he quietly served the Lord’s people and the work of the gospel. Genuine kindness, humble care for others, and faithfulness to the assembly marked him. Visitors at the funeral home gave evidence of his good testimony in the community and respect among area assembly believers. He loved his family: daughter Maureen, her husband and two sons, and his son, Edwin, all of whom are believers.

John E. Alexander of Medway, MA, on April 2, age 87. He and his wife attended cottage meetings held at Richard Dudgeon’s house where Jim Smith was preaching the gospel. As a result, he was troubled in his soul and, shortly thereafter, was saved by God’s grace on February 26, 1974 at the age of 46. He was received into fellowship at the East Boston assembly and then in Cliftondale, followed by Walnut Street., then Mt. Auburn (currently meeting in Sudbury, MA). John was a cheerful and humble person, and through his preaching of the gospel and personal witnessing, sinners have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ. After a short illness, he passed into the presence of the Lord with his family beside him. He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Audrey (Rogers) Alexander. He has six children, 16 grandchildren, and 20 great-grandchildren. The gospel was preached at the funeral by Kevin Procopio, and Bill Nason had a word of encouragement at the graveside. Please pray for those who are not yet saved.

Paul G. Fouts of Jackson, MI, on April 12, age 81. Paul was born again on July 31, 1946 through Colossians 2:14 and continued on to faithfully serve his Lord and Savior for the rest of his life. He was a revered elder among the saints of the Jackson assembly. Many have benefitted from his ardent love of the Scriptures and Paul was a gifted teacher. He loved missions and stayed in regular touch with missionaries. Through his solid testimony and life of integrity, he gained the respect of all who knew him. He will be remembered as a great encourager of young families. He and his wife loved children, and were known for their hospitality in their home. Illness resigned him to a care home for the last several years. Paul leaves behind his wife of 58 years, Mary Alice and three children: Mark (Mary) Fouts, Tim (Sharon) Fouts and Lois (Brent) Larson, and 11 grandchildren. The large funeral was taken by Dan Shutt, Sr., and included a touching and fitting tribute to his life and testimony by the three children and several grandchildren. Jim Smith spoke at the graveside. Prayer is requested for the salvation of eight great-grandchildren.

John Rockey of Cedar Falls, IA, on April 18, from the Western Home – Martin Center in Cedar Falls. For many years in fellowship in Matoaca, VA, and Bryn Mawr, PA, he spent the last years of his life in Iowa to be near one of his daughters. He trusted Christ on June 22, 1941 in Newport News, VA while reading Romans 10:9. Like the good man Barnabas, John always tried to encourage others in their efforts for the Lord. He himself constantly witnessed to others about his Savior. Predeceased by his beloved wife Vivian and son Stephen, he is survived by his three remaining children, Lois, Susan (Tom) Stickfort, and Philip (Joanne), and daughter-in-law Patti (Paul) Tornaquindici. He also leaves behind ten grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and one sister, Elizabeth. The funeral service in Iowa was taken by Tom Stickfort and Russ Nesbitt. The service in PA was taken by Mike Wenke, Paul Barnhardt, Tom Stickfort, and Gene Higgins. At the graveside, believers were reminded of the day of reunion that lies ahead as they sang, “How bright that blessed hope, Jesus will come!”

Hilde Schaum of London, ON, on April 20, age 78. Our dear sister was born January 4, 1937 in Germany and was saved as a young woman in Switzerland as the result of a faithful workmate witnessing to her of the Lord Jesus Christ. She came to Canada and married Halmut. As the result of a faithful Christian couple witnessing to her, and a Christian tour she took to areas of the seven churches of Asia, she came into assembly fellowship in Highbury. Six years ago she sustained a stroke that left her paralyzed and was confined to a nursing home. She was able to attend the weekly sewing class where she learned to use the sewing machine and to sing “Jesus loves me.” She was a happy, consistent Christian lady, who bore her trial graciously. Her husband was one of the last souls Art Ward saw saved before he was suddenly called home. D. Derksen, R. Parker, and H. Gratton spoke at the funeral service.

MacKay (Mac) Smart of Englehart, ON, on March 28. Our brother was born in Edmonton, AB in 1929 to Edgar and Winona Smart. The family moved to the Englehart and Kirkland Lake area, where, as a young boy, he saw his need of a Savior and trusted Christ. From a teenager he recognized the need to put God first in his life. His great desire was to reach out with the gospel, especially in Sunday school and children’s meetings. His appreciation of our Lord Jesus Christ would bring the saints into His presence in a worship meeting. As a stonemason and bricklayer, his excellent workmanship is displayed on many gospel halls as well as beautiful fireplaces in many homes. Predeceased by his wife Jean and daughter Ruth (David) Coats, he is survived by three children, Marc (Marianne) Smart, Kaye (Daniel) Kancir, Wayne Smart, and son-in-law David, as well as seven grandchildren and sister Muriel of Englehart. Prayer is requested for all, especially his son Wayne. The funeral service was conducted by Don Nicholson and the gospel was well present.