


Fort McMurray: The assembly had ministry meetings with Ron Steffensen and Bob Curry recently. Gordon Williams visited for ministry and gospel from March 15-18. The plans for the new gospel hall have been submitted to the city and building is expected to start in late April, DV.

British Columbia

Port Alberni: Malcolm Radcliffe visited the assembly here on Vancouver Island in the month of April.

Vancouver: The Easter conference was a profitable time spent under the ministry of Tom Baker (CA), Stephen Baker (UK), Jim Jarvis (ON), Malcolm Radcliffe (UK), and David Weir (Romania). Two missionary reports were complemented by ministry on the theme of the gospel in various aspects, with the balance of ministry on the person of Christ and His coming again. Each day concluded with a gospel meeting. Brethren S. Baker, M. Radcliffe, and D. Weir shared ministry in the area for several nights after the conference among the Deep Cove, Fairview, South Main, Victoria Drive, and West Richmond assemblies.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Sandringham: The saints were happy to have Scott MacLeod for a week of ministry. He took up prophecy, using a chart based on Daniel. A good number of the Christians came from Gander as well.


Goodwood: Due to a slow decline in the number of saints with some moving away, mostly for jobs, and the aging of others, it is no longer appropriate to carry on testimony. Prayer is requested for the saints in the choice of new spiritual homes. The final meeting at this hall will be May 31, 2015.



Los Angeles: The East Los Angeles and Panorama City gospel halls held their annual Spanish speaking pre-Easter conference March 27-29. Excellent ministry and gospel preaching were shared by Glen Baker (CA), Tom Baker (CA), Marcus Cain (Mexico), Jorge Lopez (Honduras), and Juan Seguel (Chile). There were two baptisms. Almost 300 were in attendance representing local assemblies and some from neighboring states.


Ruskin: Several from the assembly in North Tampa have, for several years, been conducting gospel meetings in Spanish in their homes in their local area 35 miles southeast of Tampa. God has blessed in the salvation of souls and a number have been baptized. On Sunday, April 5, they met to break bread for the first time in a rented building. The assembly in North Tampa has encouraged the Spanish believers in this work and are in full fellowship with this new testimony. Pray that the Lord will continue to bless them in this work.

Tampa: The assembly in North Tampa had a baptism followed by a week in February of much appreciated ministry meetings with Gene Higgins on the subject of “Egypt to Canaan.” In March, the believers enjoyed a profitable and encouraging time around the Word of God at the conference. Brian Joyce, Mark Bachert, and Dale Vitale gave help in the ministry. Following the conference, Mark Bachert gave a report on his work in Nicaragua and also had several nights of ministry with the Guatemalan believers in Ruskin, FL.


Antioch: The conference on April 5 was very helpful and searching with ministry given by Allan Christopherson, Jerry Jennings, William Lavery, Scott MacLeod, Robert Orr, and William Skates.

Cedar Falls: The gospel series with Gary Sharp and Russ Nesbit closed on March 17. Several professed and the assembly is deeply thankful to the Lord. Gary Sharp started a children’s series on March 23.

Dunkerton: Russ Nesbit had a children’s series here commencing March 22.

Manchester: The Word of God was preached nightly by Roy Weber and Larry Perkins, and a nice number attended. The town was covered once again with John 14:6 texts. God’s Word will not return to Him void.

West Union: John Meekin and Jonathan Procopio concluded gospel meetings April 5 after eight weeks which the Christians supported faithfully. One man professed salvation, but a number of believer’s children remain in their sins. Some of these will be making critical decisions in the next few months, so prayer would be valued for them.


Saugus: The assembly enjoyed a Lord’s Day visit from Brody Thibodeau whose ministry was encouraging and challenging. The gospel was solemnly spoken to a good number, and preached the following day at the rehab center.


Deckerville: Louis Smith visited on a Lord’s Day in March and spoke in the gospel with a blend of ministry. Also in March, Bruce Rodgers gave excellent ministry. The meeting was well attended and supported by surrounding assemblies.

Saginaw: Bruce Rodgers visited the assembly at the end of March while visiting surrounding assemblies in Deckerville and Cass City. The saints appreciated his ministry on Colossians 1 and Hebrews 1. Dan Shutt and Matt Smith (Jackson) gave encouraging ministry and gospel messages at the bimonthly ministry meeting April 12. This was a warm time of fellowship and encouragement for the saints in this area.


Clyde: The Lord was honored and the saints were greatly encouraged by four who obeyed the Lord in baptism on April 19. Three are young believers from Christian homes and one in his eighties. He is the husband of a dear sister that lived faithfully before him for many years.


Waxahachie: Please pray for gospel meetings planned by Frank Sona and William Skates to be held in Hampton Inn in this town south of Dallas. The meetings are planned April 8-29 daily except Saturdays.


Clearview: Sandy Higgins visited in March with four nights of profitable ministry on the topic of “Old Testament Glimpses of the New Testament Church.”

Marysville: Please pray for gospel meetings which commenced April 5 with Bryan Joyce and Peter Ramsay.


Black Earth: Scott MacLeod (PEI) gave four nights of ministry, March 23-26, on “The Assembly.”

La Crosse: Ministry meetings were held April 12-24 with Larry Steers on the “Feasts of the Lord” using his chart.

Ontario: Gospel meetings with Murray McCandless and Brandon Doll commenced March 8. Blessing has been seen in salvation.



Irapuato: Guanajuato is one of the most Catholic states in the country, but God has been at work in this city. In the week leading up to Easter, a group of believers delivered more than 40,000 Seed Sower texts and invitations to gospel meetings with Ricky Sawatzky and Paul Thiessen commencing April 7 in a rented hall.

State of Mexico

Ciudad Netzahualcoyotl: The assembly has seen God’s blessing in numerical growth over the past few years and has appreciated visits for the Lord’s Servants who have helped with teaching from God’s Word.


Zapopan: Paul Thiessen had a week of helpful meetings on the “Local Assembly” at the end of March.

San Luis Potosi

El Barril: On March 29, a few more believers obeyed the Lord in baptism.


San Luis Rio Colorado: On March 29, five believers were baptized, including a married couple. The same Lord’s day, a believer was added to the assembly and a few others have expressed this same desire.

Nogales: Believers from Phoenix and Hermosillo plan to deliver texts in this border city on May 1-2. John Dennison and Marcus Cain will commence a short series in the rented hall and appreciate your prayers for God’s blessing in salvation.

Hermosillo: John Dennison and Marcus Cain preached the gospel for three weeks, finishing with the annual conference in mid-March. The support of the believers was encouraging, and God blessed in the salvation of a few souls, including three young men in their mid to late teens, and a married woman. Apart from one young man, the rest had no previous contact with the assembly. John Nesbitt, Abisai Vieyra, and Anderson Hernandez all gave encouraging reports on their respective spheres of service, and appreciated help in ministry and the gospel along with John Dennison. Ten different assemblies or works were represented at the conference from as far away as Cancun. A young man was baptized on the Saturday evening, and he, along with his wife, were received into the fellowship on the Lord’s Day, bringing much joy to the assembly.

Ciudad Obregon: Abisai and Carmen Vieyra, visiting from Iguala, were able to spend a few days with the assembly here where he shared both in the gospel and ministry of God’s Word. The 24-year-old unsaved son of one of the sisters in the assembly died unexpectedly in March, and local believers were able to preach the gospel at the wake.


Iguala: Four weeks of gospel meetings concluded on March 24, with Shad Kember helping during the last two. Although no one new came as a result of 15,000 invitations given out, there were unbelievers out nightly, and God gave blessing in salvation.

El Salvador

Alan Clark writes on March 27: “In the last three months some of the focus of our work has changed as we tried to balance our time equally between the four assemblies in the west end of the country. Previously, most of our time was with the assembly in Acajutla and we worked out from there, including Amatal, El Carmen, and Chalchupa when it was possible. This has changed with a more determined effort to help each assembly. Generally the assemblies can handle most of their gospel efforts, but sadly lack in ministry and teaching. We have sought before the Lord to fill in some of these gaps as well as continue to carry out the efforts in Acajutla relative to Diana’s sewing class, and the hospital visits to Sonsonate hospital. These efforts, as well as bus maintenance, seem to require more time and effort than these older bodies can keep up with. We have seen some blessing in the Acajutla assembly and we thank the Lord for it. Two young twin boys (15 yr.) have both professed to be saved a few months apart and one is now in the assembly. Their mother professes to be saved and we trust that this will encourage her to some further steps in her spiritual life. Our conference is next weekend and we have much on our plate relative to this. It is a very busy time but the Christians love to be together; we trust the Word of God spoken will have the desired results in their lives. The conditions in the country have not changed, at least not for the better, and for many an existence is a struggle. It does seem at times to be an impossible task to help, but we thank God for His goodness in so many ways. The gospel efforts are always well attended and we leave the results up to our God.”

Northwest Territories, Canada

Steve McCandless writes on April 1: “I have been home from the far north now for two weeks this past Saturday. Although it is very encouraging and enjoyable to be working where the Lord is working, there is the need to rest a little. We have visited about 4000 homes over an eight-week period. John Weed (Staffordsville) joined me and we left Ontario mid-January and returned mid-March. We met up with Steve Kember and his grandson, Austin Bergsma, in Saskatchewan. After travelling north from Prince Albert for about a week we were in the far north in the Northwest Territories. It is always interesting to see who the Lord leads us to as we visit home to home. As we sow the seed we pray the Lord will give the increase. Some have never heard of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is such a blessing to tell others of the way of salvation. In a place called Coleville Lake above the Arctic Circle we met two brothers named Derek and Murray. They were very interested in knowing about the Lord Jesus and the forgiveness of sins. They had never heard the message of truth, and were eager to listen. After spending time with them, we committed them in prayer to the Lord. Our country of Canada is full of people searching and we seek to find them. Some of these communities still go to the shaman witch doctor and evil spirits are a real force. In a town named Fort Smith this was quite evident. We so value the prayers of many like yourselves for the strength needed to go forth. With the many physical challenges and spiritual battles we are cast upon the Lord for the power and strength that only can be provided through Him. Some of these that we meet will have many scars on their arms from cuts that look deep. This is how they attempt to let the evil depart from their being. We trust the Lord for his power in their life to be displayed by His grace.”


Gander Bay, NL

May 16-17, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, May 15 at 7:30pm in the Gander Bay Gospel Hall, Main Point, Gander Bay. For accommodation or information, contact Herbert Harris, Tel: 709 676-2634, E-mail: herbdoris@stormpost.com; or Lindsay Earle, Tel: 709 676-2252, E-mail: learle@wheygroup.com.

Goodwood, ON

May 23, the 12th and final conference in the Goodwood Gospel Hall. Meetings from 1pm to 7pm. Corr: Bob Diebel, E-mail: jrdiebel@gmail.com.

Hickory/Denver, NC

May 22-24, in the Hickory Gospel Hall, 253 17th Ave NE. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30pm. Saturday: First meeting at 10:30am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am. Meals will be served between meetings. For information or accommodations: Philip Moore, Tel: 828 324-1532, E-mail: pemchile@charter.net; or David Turnbull, Tel: 828 459-9711, E-mail:dpturnbu@charter.net.

Burgessville, ON

June 6, in the Burgessville Gospel Hall. Corr: Robert Dyck, 293559 Culloden Road, Ingersoll, ON, N5C 3J7. Tel: 519 317-6271, E-mail: Burgessvillegospelhall@gmail.com.

Garnavillo, ON

June 13-14, with the Prayer Meeting June 12 at 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry, Gospel 4:50pm. All meetings in the school gymnasium. Speakers planned are David Vallance, Matthew Cain, and Peter Ramsay. Contact John Kregel, Tel: at 563 880-0520, Email: j_kregel@yahoo.com.

North Bay, ON

June 13-14, in Nipissing Junction Gospel Hall, 1340 Lakeshore Drive. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 9am (“If ye love me …”). Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Bible Reading 11:30am. (“If ye love one another …”). Gospel on both nights 7pm. Contact: Glenn Pratt, Tel: 705 474-9473, E-mail: pratt144@hotmail.com. Accom: Terry Hurd, Tel. 705 752-2058, E-mail: terlis@sympatico.ca

Augusta, ME

June 20-21, with Prayer Meeting, Friday, June 19 at 7:30pm. All meetings in the gospel hall, 421 Old Belgrade Road, Augusta, ME. For more information on times and expected speakers, contact Jim Thompson, Tel: 207 512-2636; Cell: 207 215-7986; E-mail: jptbooks@gmail.com.

Kamloops, BC

June 26-28, in the Westsyde Gospel Hall, 849 Wawn Rd. Friday: Prayer 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 9am, Bible Reading 2pm (2 Peter 3), Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Open Sunday school 11:15am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Meals served Sat. and Sun. at 12 noon and 5pm. For accommodations please give advance notice. Corr: John Eggers, Tel: 250 579-8814, E-mail: jfeggers@telus.net, www.westsydegospelhall.com.

Pugwash Junction, NS

June 27-28, with Prayer meeting June 26 at 7:30pm. All meetings are at the Gospel Hall, 6120 Thomson Rd. Pugwash Jct. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2:15pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Bible Study 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 12:45pm, Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Accom: Jerry Thompson, Tel: 902 243-3112. Corr: Merlin Russell, Tel: 902 243-3197, E-mail: m.russell462@gmail.com.

Taylorside, SK

June 26-28, with Prayer meeting on Thursday, June 25, at 7:30pm in the Taylorside Gospel Hall. Meetings on Friday begin at 2pm. Corr: John Parker, Tel: 306 752-4079.

Conference Date changes to note:

Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON – September 26-27, 2015.

Huntsville, ON – A one-day conference is planned for Saturday, September 5. Please note a change in date from last year. Details to follow.

Conferences Previously Published:

Newmarket, ON – May 3

Toronto, ON – May 8-10 (Missionary)

Cumberland, MD – May 16-17

Ottawa, ON – May 16-17

Prince Edward Island – May 16-17

Grants Pass, OR – May 23-24

Hamilton, ON – May 23-24

Saugus, MA – May 30-31

Bancroft, ON – June 6

Portage la Prairie, MB – June 12-14

Glen Ewen, SK – June 18-21

Change of Address

Jim and Zonya Bergsma, 9267 Middle Line, R.R.#5, Blenheim, ON, N0P 1A0. Tel: 519 676-1912, E-mail: jzbergsma@bell.net.

Sadie Noble: New phone number is 519 749-9245, Ext 325.

George Patterson: New E-mail address is geopatt1947@tcc.on.ca.

Change of Address of Correspondent

Valens, ON: Ted Lapsley, 1902 Gore Rd., RR2, Puslinch, ON, N0B2J0.

Change of Correspondent

Victoria Road Gospel Hall, ON: Chad Foreshew, 497 Balsam Lake Drive, RR1, Kirkfield, ON, K0M2B0. Tel: 705 438-3666, Cell: 705 761-4005, E-mail: crforeshew@live.ca.


Arsene (Archie) Arsenault of Freetown, PE, on January 4, age 83. Archie was saved May 20, 1980 as a devoted Roman Catholic. He loved his Savior and was always so thankful for his new found joy. Archie was one of 15 siblings and is survived by his wife, Julie Ann, seven sons, and four daughters, two of which are in assembly fellowship. Please pray for the other family members. The large funeral was shared by Ira Kember and Peter Ramsay, with burial in the Crapaud Gospel Hall Cemetery. The family seemed very appreciative for the kindness of the Christians, so please pray that this might be a connection with this large family in reaching them with the gospel. Their respect for the Word faithfully spoken at the funeral gave witness to the godly testimony of our dear brother.

William H. Taylor, Jr. of Newington, CT, on January 25, age 90, after a brief illness. He was born April 26, 1924 and saved at meetings in Manchester, CT in April 1934 through the blessed truth of John 3:16. With his second wife (former Nevy Faita of Torrington) who he married in 2002, he was faithful to all the meetings of the assembly right to the end. For many years both willingly and faithfully, he cared for the upkeep of the Gospel Hall weekly until unable to do so because of advancing years. Those who remember him, especially in former days, can testify of his kindness, generosity, and helpfulness to all. His beloved wife Nevy is presently cared for by her daughter Sharon, and now attends the assembly in Terryville, CT. She needs our prayers. He leaves his two sisters, both saved, Nancy Gull of Garnavillo, IA and Susan Heller of Granby, CT, as well as numerous nephews and nieces. The funeral was shared by Frank and Paul Tornaquindici, and Matthew Brescia.

Catherine Elaine McKenzie of Winnipeg, MB, on February 20, age 71, following complications from cancer. She grew up attending the assembly in Glen Ewen, SK, and accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior at age 17. She moved to Winnipeg, and married Donald McKenzie in 1974. She faithfully attended the assembly for over 50 years at West End Gospel Hall (latterly Parkview Street). She was very much loved by her family for her devoted love and care, particularly for her special needs son, Ian. Elaine was greatly appreciated by many believers for her kind hospitality; her home was often a place of gathering for the saints. She helped elderly and needy saints in practical ways, and her many kindnesses endeared her to the believers. The large funeral service was a fitting tribute to her consistent life of faith and service. Al Christopherson faithfully preached the gospel. Prayer is appreciated for her husband, Don, sons Ian and Russell, sister Donna, and other family members.

Myrven Taylor of Taylorside, SK, on February 24, age 94. Our dear brother was saved in his late teens, baptized, and received into fellowship, remaining in the district his whole life and attending the meetings until prevented by failing health. He lived a godly, contented life with evident love to his family and concern for others. He loved the gospel and the continued spread of its soul-saving message. He was predeceased by his beloved wife, Lillian, a marriage lasting 71 years. Prayer would be valued for the family. His son, Bernard, and Riley Taylor spoke faithful words at the funeral.

Dulcie Gillingham of Davidsville, Gander Bay, NL, on March 5, age 64. She was saved in August 1973. She will be missed by the saints in the assembly at Gander Bay where she was in fellowship since its beginning in 1974. Dulcie leaves behind her husband, Harvey, four adult children, and 10 grandchildren. A large number of family and friends came out to the funeral service to pay their respects to a very dear friend. The funeral service was taken by Wallace Buckle, Lindsay Earle, and Herbert Harris. Scott MacLeod spoke at the graveside.