British Columbia
Langley: Gospel meetings with Gaius Goff and Peter Ramsay commenced February 17 for two weeks. They were well supported by the saints, with several in from the community. God was pleased to bless in salvation.
Vancouver: The Fairview assembly was privileged to have Sandy Higgins give Christ-exalting ministry during the first week of March on, “The Surpassing Salvation of the Saints” from the Hebrew epistle. Many from city assemblies supported the meetings. Please pray for gospel meetings to commence May 4 in the Victoria Drive Gospel Hall. John Meekin is expected to share the responsibility with two brethren in the assembly.
Newfoundland and Labrador
English Point: Gospel meetings started February 1 with Jim Jarvis and Brody Thibodeau. Weather conditions hindered a few nights but good numbers came each night for the full month, although not much interest was shown. The meetings ended on March 3. Continue to pray for the many needing salvation. A full day of meetings was held on March 1 with meals served in the hall. It was a good time of ministry and fellowship among the Christians.
Gander: Eric Fowler was with the assembly on January 23 for a ministry meeting concerning the believer’s purpose. He was enroute to Ontario to prepare for a planned trip to Ukraine in the latter part of February.
Guelph: The assembly recently enjoyed ministry on “Growing in Grace” with Bruce Rodgers, and also visits from Andrew Robertson and Marvin Derksen.
Owen Sound: Gospel meetings were held here, February 15 to 27. There has been no report on how these meetings went.
Toronto: The Rexdale assembly plans to have a gospel series beginning Sunday, April 12 to the end of the month as the Lord leads. Meetings will be Sundays to Fridays with speakers Marvin Derksen and Jim Jarvis.
Cedar Falls: Gospel meetings started here March 1 with Gary Sharp and Russ Nesbit. Please pray for these meetings.
Dunkerton: William Lavery was with the assembly for ministry on his “Egypt to Canaan” chart from February 15-27.
Marion: William Lavery and Brian Crawford planned to commence gospel meetings, Lord willing, on March 8 at the Marion Gospel Hall.
Manchester: The assembly expected to start gospel meetings March 8 with Roy Weber and Larry Perkins. Prayer will be appreciated.
Stout: The meetings with Eric McCullough and Roy Weber were encouraging to the saints. A boy of nearly 12 professed.
West Union: John Meekin and Jonathan Procopio commenced gospel meetings at the West Union Gospel Hall on February 8.
Cass City: The assembly expects to have gospel meetings starting on April 13 with Matt Smith and Dan Shutt. Please remember these meetings in prayer.
Akron: In November, Gene Higgins had a gospel series with a number from the area attending. In January, Bill Seale gave help for a Lord’s Day. During February, John McCann ministered the Word and gave a report of the work of God in Brazil. Andrew Robertson was present for the February area ministry meeting and continued a number of nights with the assembly. All of these visits were greatly appreciated.
Arlington: The many who attended the President’s Day weekend conference were blessed with messages given by Stephen Grant (Scotland), instilling a desire to live a more transparent life before God and others. It is hoped the ministry given was received as from the Lord and will lead to a more authentic life at home, at school, in the assembly and in the workplace.
Brodhead: Jerry Jennings and Robert Orr planned to start gospel meetings here on February 22.
Jacksonport: William Skates and Eric McCullough started in the gospel on February 25 in the assembly’s new hall. Some from the locality have expressed an interest in the function of the new building.
Waukesha: The assembly had a day of ministry on February 28 with David Vallance (Stark Road) on the topic of “The Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ: Deity, Humanity, Messiah, Atonement, Resurrection and Ascension, and Coming.”
Ciudad del Carmen: Please remember in prayer David Jr. and Penelope Alves whose little eight-week-old son, Damian, was taken home to be with the Lord on February 9 in the city of Mérida after several days of respiratory illness.
Chihuahua: Gospel meetings held in the hall in El Porvenir (an outreach work) closed in February after three weeks. The interest was not as encouraging as Anderson Hernandez had hoped for, but the cold weather was a factor.
Ciudad Delicias: Gospel meetings are now being held twice a week in this city one hour south of the capital.
El Vergel: Shad Kember spent almost two weeks in this mountain village preaching the gospel. God has blessed since the commencement of this work in 2014 in the salvation of a few souls, and many more listen when it is possible to make a visit. A house meeting was also held in Hidalgo de Parral on the way to El Vergel with 10 present.
Iguala: The assembly believers delivered over 15,000 texts and invitations at the annual “Flag Fair” during the last two weeks of February. The packets were well received in this city that faced much turmoil over the last several months. Gospel meetings began with Duncan Beckett and Abisai Vieyra on February 22. Jorge Gomez (Morón, Venezuela) also helped in the work during his month-long visit to Iguala. Andrea Gomez, commended to the Lord’s work from Venezuela, arrived in Iguala in early February.
Guadalajara: Paul Thiessen had a profitable week of ministry in the work in the south part of the city on the subject of “The Family.” They were encouraged to see some new people in to hear these messages.
Mexico State
San Lucas: Duncan Beckett and Abisai Vieyra continue to visit this village once a week for house meetings. During Jorge Gomez’s visit, they were able to go twice a week. God has recently blessed in the salvation of two souls.
Oacalco: As with San Lucas, house meetings are held weekly. There are now three believers here and about a dozen regularly attend the gospel meeting. Several have been threatened by their religious leader due to their attendance, but continue to come.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: Timothy and Amy Turkington appreciated the helpful visit of Pedro Torres (Venezuela), along with his wife and three sisters. They were a help in working in the neighborhoods close to the hall.
Hermosillo: John Dennison and Marcus Cain commenced gospel meetings on February 22. The interest in the first week was most encouraging.
Tuxpan: Believers in the Cotaxtla area have been exercised about taking the gospel to their family members in this city for some time. Harrys Rodriguez and Moses Roseyon were able to make a visit to initiate the contact, holding a meeting with good interest.
Veracruz: Harrys Rodriguez and Moses Roseyon visited the assembly in the port city, as well as the work in Cotaxtla and Coscomatepec. Their help was appreciated. The believers continue to search for a property where they will be able to build a hall.
Xalapa: Timothy and Jenna Stevenson were encouraged by two recent visits from Samuel and Ruth Chesney (N. Ireland), as well as Harrys Rodriguez and Moses Roseyon. The growing interest on the part of the believers regarding the establishment of an assembly is also encouraging.
Balcatta, Perth, Western Australia: A short series of conversational Bible readings was held during February, covering the three chapters of Titus. The meetings were well attended by the assembly and by other local believers, with the hall filled each day. Visitors taking part were John Williams and Clive Barber travelling from the east coast, and Ernest Dover, Mark Sweetnam, and Neil Dover from Ireland. Perth is a long distance from other cities and the visiting brethren appreciated the warm welcome and the encouragement of the local believers.
N. Ireland
Co. Armagh
Armagh: J. Rogers and D. Gilliland are having gospel meetings in the hall. Exceptional numbers of local people and believer’s families have been attending.
Kilmore: T. Wright and N. Fleck are in their seventh week of gospel meetings in the gospel hall as of the end of February. A few people from the locality have been attending along with those associated with the believers.
Teaguy: In January, B. Glendenning and H. Milligan had three weeks of gospel meetings in the gospel hall.
Co. Antrim.
Ballybollan: The assembly commenced a gospel series in a hall at McClellandstown on March 8. E. Fairfield, M. McKillen, and G. Logan, a local brother, are sharing in these meetings.
Bushmills: W. Martin and J. Fleck are continuing a gospel effort in the Gospel Hall. Blessing was seen early in the meetings, and the interest has been maintained. The meetings were into the fifth week at the beginning of March.
Clough: On March 1, Stephen Gilfillan and Samuel Nelson commenced in the gospel in the hall. Prayer is valued for this area.
Co. Down
Belfast: On Sunday, March 1, D. Williamson and P. McCauley commenced in the gospel in Windsor Gospel Hall, close to the center of Belfast. This is an area with a large student population, with many young people from around the Province and from farther afield studying at the local universities.
Kilkeel: A. Nesbitt and C. Beresford concluded nine weeks of gospel meetings in January. A good interest was seen and many heard the gospel clearly presented.
Millisle: P. McCauley and D. Williamson had a short series of gospel meetings in a portable hall, with some local interest.
Shanaghan: T. Armstrong and A. Steele are continuing in the gospel are encouraged by the number of local people attending.
Co. Tyrone.
Cookstown: D. McAllister and L. Craig are holding a series of gospel meetings, but interest among the local community is somewhat lacking. Please pray for this effort.
Republic of Ireland
Dublin: Wesley Martin was with the Rathmines assembly at the beginning of January for the annual Thanksgiving meeting. David Hawthorne conducted the monthly outreach meeting in a former schoolhouse. Please continue to pray for blessing in the preaching of the gospel in Dublin. The assembly was pleased to resume meeting in the gospel hall following completion of essential maintenance after meeting temporarily in a portable hall located in the car park.
Longford: Gary Woods was with the assembly for a weekend in February, giving helpful ministry on the truth of propitiation. He also spoke in the gospel at the monthly outreach meeting in Billis. He continues to distribute invitations in one of the larger towns in this locality. Please pray for this work.
Toronto, ON
May 8-10, Langstaff Missionary Conference. Servants of the Lord expected are Clive Barber (Australia & New Zealand), Jack Gould (St. Lucia), Dr. David McAdam (Zambia), Timothy Sloan (Ukraine), and Edward Smith (Venezuela and Colombia). Contact Irving Payne for accommodations: Tel: 905 773-3822; E-mail:
Prince Edward Island
May 16-17, the annual Island Conference will be convened at Bluefield High School in Hampshire. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Bible Study 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 1pm, Prayer/Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Accom: Neil Thompson, Tel: 902 892-7216, E-mail: Corr: Glen McKenna, Tel: 902 888-8849; or Brian MacDonald, Tel: 902 566-3831.
Grants Pass, OR
May 23-24, with Prayer Meeting Friday, 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 8:15am (Rev 3), Ministry 10:30am, 2:30pm; Testimonies/Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:15am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7:30pm. Accom: Steve Lamb, Tel: 541 476-1515. Corr: Don Gratias, Tel: 541 479-4521; E-mail:
Hamilton, ON
May 23-24, Spanish Conference in the Nash Road Gospel Hall. Lord willing, David Booth (Canada), John Nesbitt, and Raul Aguirre (El Salvador) will be the speakers. Sessions of ministry of the Word of God and gospel meetings are in the agenda of the conference. For further information and accommodations please contact Roberto Ortiz, Tel: 905 537-4042 or
Saugus, MA
May 30-31, Bible Reading Conference, with prayer and ministry, Friday, May 29, at 7:30pm. The study will be “The Scriptures – What Every Believer Needs to Know.” Joe James (Saugus), Dan Shutt, and Michael Penfold will be responsible for the readings. Saturday: “Study of the Scriptures” 10am, “Structure of The Scriptures” 2pm, Gospel 4:45pm. Sunday: Remembrance Meeting 10am, Sunday School 11:45am, “The Savior in The Scriptures” 2pm, Study Review 4:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Study outline will be posted at Accom: David Lusk, Tel: 781 942-7006, E-mail: Corr: Tony Grillo, Tel: 781 248-8900. E-mail:
Bancroft, ON
June 6, with Bible Reading 10am, Ministry 2 and 7pm. All meetings in the Lakeview Gospel Hall, 644 Maxwell Settlement Rd. Corr: Mark Freymond, 39 Shannick Rd., Bancroft, ON, K0L 1C0. Tel: 613 332-4317.
Portage la Prairie, MB
June 12-14, beginning with prayer, Thursday, June 11, 7:30pm in the First Street Gospel Hall, 102 First Street. There will be three full days of ministry, Bible readings, missionary reports, and gospel held in the William Glesby Centre, 11 2nd Street NE. The Breaking of Bread will be held in each hall. Two Bible readings on Friday will consider 1 John 1 & 2. General inquiries: Philip Ronald, Tel: 204 857-9339, E-mail: Accom: Malcolm Stanley, Tel: 204 857-9074, E-mail: The conference is sponsored jointly by the assemblies meeting at First Street Gospel Hall and Fifth Avenue Gospel Hall.
Glen Ewen, SK
June 18 -21. Prayer Meeting on Thursday at 7:30pm. Friday: Bible Readings 10:30am and 1:30pm (Galatians 5), Prayer/Ministry 3:30 and 7pm. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10:30am to 5pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday School 1pm, Prayer/Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Contact: Sidney Griffin, E-mail:
Conferences Previously Published:
Antioch, IA – April 5
Kapuskasing, ON – April 4-5
Nineveh, NS – April 4-5
Toronto, ON – April 3-5
Vancouver, BC – April 3-5
Stout, IA – April 11-12
Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA – April 18-19
Waukesha, WI – April 25-26
Newmarket, ON – May 3
Cumberland, MD – May 16-17
Ottawa, ON – May 16-17
Change of Address of Correspondent
Brandon, MB: Glen Hanna, E-mail:
Sally Connery (Andrews) Cambridge, ON, on January 3, in her 80th year. She was saved as a girl of 12 through Sunday school work held at Crawford’s barn in Moneyreagh, N. Ireland. In 1986, along with her husband, she immigrated to Canada. In 1993 she was baptized and received into fellowship in the Cambridge (formerly Clyde) assembly. Predeceased by her husband in 2012, she leaves behind two daughters and eight grandchildren. Most, along with their spouses, are in Cambridge. The funeral was taken by Max McLean (Oil Springs) and the gospel was faithfully preached. Prayer is requested for one grandson (spouse) and several great-grandchildren not saved. The graveside was taken by sons-in-law, Trevor Shaw and Phillip Watson.
Mrs. Mercedes Everson of Lindsay, ON, on January 12, age 85. She was saved at the age of 19, and was in assembly fellowship for 65 years in the Lindsay and Victoria Road assemblies. Mercedes was very committed to the assembly, and was faithful and consistent in her service for the Lord. She was marked by a kind and humble spirit and will be greatly missed. Her last two years were spent with failing health in Elim Homes, Waubaushene, ON. She is survived by her husband, Gratton, son Doug (Carolyn), daughter Sandra (Ken) Bond, and six grandchildren. The funeral was shared by Ken Bond and Ken Nicholson.
Miss Sarah Campbell of Niagara Falls, ON, on February 14, age 34, after a brief illness. Sarah was saved at age 11 at gospel meetings with Jim Jarvis, and lived to prove it. She was baptized and received into fellowship in Niagara. From an early age she loved the Lord and loved to tell others about Him. Sarah went on a number of Seed Sower efforts. She had a real interest in the young people, and taught the teenage girls until just a few weeks before her passing. She will be greatly missed. It was a large funeral, and the gospel was clearly presented. Pray for the family as they try to deal with such a sudden loss.
Albert Amadio of Barrington, NJ, on February 7. Born November 20, 1930, he was saved at a Pennsauken conference in 1982 while speaking with brother Jim Smith. He was in fellowship for a number of years in Longport, NJ, and latterly in Barrington, NJ. Al was a big man with a large heart for the gospel. He is survived by his wife Beth, three sons, one daughter, five grandchildren, and his brother John. The funeral service was taken by Paul Barnhardt, A. J. Higgins, and E. Higgins. The large funeral procession displayed the esteem in which Al and the Amadio family were and are held.
Karen Berger of Guelph, ON, on February 22, age 72. She was born in Port Loring, near Arnstein, ON, on July 16, 1942. She was saved November 11, 1956 at home, while reading “Today is the Day of Salvation” following a gospel meeting taken by Bert Joyce and Harold Paisley. At noon the next day at school, she played on the piano, “Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul,” to all the students who stood around in the little three-room high school, which was a great testimony to them. Karen was initially in fellowship at the Arnstein Gospel Hall, and then in later years with the Yorkshire Street assembly in Guelph. She was a faithful attender and a help in many practical ways, often playing the piano at hymn sings as she had done the day after she was saved. She is survived by a son and three grandchildren. Her funeral was taken by Don Nicholson who faithfully preached the gospel to a number of unsaved.