

British Columbia

Kamloops: During February and March, Dave Richards ministered on “The Local Assembly.” Prayer is requested for gospel meetings starting May 12 with Stan Wells and John Fitzpatrick.

Vancouver: Gospel meetings commenced in the Carleton Gospel Hall on March 3 with Kyle Fairfield and Murray Hutchison for two weeks. The assembly is also exercised about a follow-up series with Peter Ramsay and Tom Hoy in the will of the Lord. Please also pray for gospel meetings with Marvin Derksen and Bryan Joyce in the West Richmond assembly after the Easter conference.


Portage la Prairie: Please note that the annual conference has been changed to June 7-9. See Conferences section.

New Brunswick

Sussex: The saints appreciated a week of ministry in February by Shawn St. Clair on “New Testament Assembly Principles.” The ministry followed the annual winter weekend that included the Sunday school treat and a day of meetings. Because of inclement weather, the treat could not be held on the Saturday and was incorporated into the meetings on the Lord’s Day. As usual, the presence of a large number of young Christians was most encouraging.

Newfoundland and Labrador

English Point: Gospel meetings concluded on February 26 after three and a half weeks with David Booth and Lorne Langfield. Some blessing was seen in salvation and restoration, and the saints were very encouraged by listening to the gospel preached. On Sunday, February 24, dinner and supper were served in the hall and both brethren gave ministry in the afternoon.

Gander: Andrew Bergsma visited for ministry on March 5-6 and the annual Easter conference on March 29-31.

Sandringham: Wallace and Olive Buckle visited for the weekend of February 24. Our brother gave appreciated ministry and help in the gospel. Andrew Bergsma was expected for ministry in early March.

St. John’s: The assembly is planning three weeks of gospel meetings from May 5-26 with Marvin Derksen and Tom Hoy. Prayer is valued for this effort.

Nova Scotia

Pugwash Junction: Albert Hull had a week of ministry in mid-February on “The Local Churches: Foundation, Features, Fellowship, Functions, Fortifications, and Foes.” The meetings were well-attended and appreciated by the saints.

Weaver Settlement: Gospel meetings commenced on January 13 with Noel Burden and Bruce Barkhouse, preceded by an afternoon ministry meeting on the 12th. The gospel was faithfully preached for four weeks. Although no one professed, the area was visited and we leave the results with the Lord.


Chatham: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Shawn St. Clair for a week of meetings, January 29-Feb 3, on the “Five Books of Psalms.” In the last couple of years, God has blessed by saving a number of young people, several of whom have been added to the assembly.

Clinton: The Christians are thankful to the Lord for the souls saved during the July gospel effort with Peter Ramsay and Mark Bachert which was well-attended. God’s voice was also heard in the varied ministry at both the summer and fall conference. The assembly was thankful to God for the attendance of parents and grandparents at the Sunday school treat in December and also for good attendance at a baptism of three young believers in early January.

Hamilton: The assembly was encouraged by the week of ministry meetings with Sandy Higgins on timely truths relating to the local assembly. Two recent baptisms gave the assembly much joy to witness three young believers obey the Lord.

Sarnia – The assembly was encouraged with the salvation of three souls during the month of February in meetings by Eugene Higgins on “The Impact of the Bible and Christianity on World History.”

Timmins: Early in the year, the assembly appreciated a week of ministry by Bruce Rodgers on the topic “Managing Fear and Anxiety.”

Wallaceburg: The assembly enjoyed three weeks of gospel meetings in January with Eugene Badgley and Bruce Cottrill. There were a number in each night who listened well. The Lord blessed with good clear preaching and the saints were encouraged.

Victoria Road: The annual winter gospel outreach in Kirkfield is underway every Monday night in the elementary school gym and is aimed at reaching teens from the Sunday school, and many from town who normally wouldn’t come to the assembly meetings. The assembly enthusiastically supports this effort and looks to the Lord to bless the gospel seed sown as He has in the past. Fred Krauss was expected for several nights of ministry meetings in February. As a recent encouragement, a couple and their two children who had been attending the assembly meetings regularly for over seven months, asked to be received into the assembly fellowship.

Windsor: The assembly had two weeks of well-attended gospel meetings in the Student Centre at the University of Windsor. These were followed by a further two weeks at the Gospel Hall. The clear message of the gospel was presented with power and God was glorified in the salvation of a number of souls. The Lord’s people were very encouraged.

Prince Edward Island

Crapaud: The saints are very thankful for the gospel faithfully preached nightly by Mark Bonnell, with younger brethren helping, from February 24 to March 1. There was a nice interest with some into the hall for the first time, and prayer continues for blessing on the Word sown. Work is continuing on the new Gospel Hall, and the saints are thankful for God’s faithfulness. Please pray for blessing for children’s meetings planned for mid-April.

Rosebank: The gospel meetings with John Meekin and Brody Thibodeau continued into their sixth week with good attendance and some encouraging blessing in salvation. A number of Filipino ladies told of trusting Christ along with one of the Christian’s teenage son. Also, the unsaved parents of a sister in fellowship, who had been indifferent to the gospel and would not attend in the past, professed and seem quite happy.



Alpena: The assembly enjoyed a five-day visit in February by Joel Portman who gave appreciated help with the meetings in Alpena. Hispanic believers in Springdale also benefited from his meetings in Spanish. The assembly also enjoyed a visit by Isaiah (Ike) Frazier who gave helpful ministry at Alpena and Springdale, and also took time to help with the renovation of the new hall in Springdale.


Terryville: In February, the assembly appreciated a visit from Paul Barnhardt who, with help from local brethren, had a week of gospel meetings. Robert Surgenor is commencing ministry meetings on the subject of the “Tabernacle.”


Tampa: The assembly enjoyed a week of ministry meetings, January 14-18, with Gene Higgins, beginning with a baptism on Sunday. The five nights were well-attended, and the subject of the Person of Christ was heartwarming and appreciated.


Battle Creek: The assembly had a recent visit from Bill Lavery with encouraging ministry.

Cass City: Beginning on April 7, the assembly plans to commence gospel meetings with Jim Smith.

Ferndale: The assembly appreciated a weekend visit from Frank Sona.


Fridley: The saints were fed good basic teaching for two nights by Al Christopherson regarding a deeper appreciation for the house of God. Later in the month, Andrew Bergsma gave ministry for two nights covering fundamental truths. A brother from southern India has been received into assembly fellowship.

New Jersey

Barrington: Eugene Higgins is expected for gospel meetings beginning April 7.


Arlington: The assembly appreciated all who came to the conference on February 17-19, and also for the sacrifice made by John Dennison and Peter Ramsay to lift up the saints with ministry and exhortation.


Cancun: About 25 people continue to attend regular meetings held six times a week in a rented house. Please pray for the consolidation and future of this work. A young man, Antonio, attends regularly although still struggling since the tent series in January, trying to understand how to be saved.

Chihuahua: In the fifth and final week of a gospel series in Valle de la Madrid, with help from Ricardo Gomez, an overseer of the assembly in Zamora, and his son Josue. God blessed His Word with souls saved. These brethren also were a real encouragement in ministry and Sunday school classes. The work in this large state was also blessed by the visit of Philip Lampkin (London, ON) and Michael Rogers (Kitchener), both at assembly meetings in Valle de la Madrid, at the outreach in El Porvenir, and further south in house meetings and visits in Parral and Camargo.

El Barril: Eleonor Mosquera spent two weeks here visiting the women in the town with Shelley Wahls. In the evenings, Jason Wahls had ministry meetings and was very encouraged with the attendance. Please pray earnestly for the salvation of men, Raúl and Jose in particular. James Dyck, Ricardo Gomez (Zamora), Joel Portman, and Joel Thiessen (Zapopan) have also visited recently and given appreciated help.

Hermosillo: A significant milestone has been reached in the work in Mexico in the commendation to full-time service of Abisai and Carmen Vieyra, a couple in the assembly since its formation in 2006. Their involvement in the activities of the assembly and their help in the work of the gospel has been consistent, not only in Hermosillo, but in other parts of the country. A commendation meeting is planned on March 17, the Lord’s Day of the conference. See Updates.

Iguala: Duncan and Anna Beckett have rented a house and plan to move here, Lord willing, in the latter part of March. After meeting in several different homes, a meeting place has been rented, as brethren Shad Kember and Duncan Beckett seek to further consolidate the work. Dave Smith, John Barnhardt (Barrington), and Heriberto Gomez (Zamora) have set up the display of the model of Noah’s Ark and are being encouraged with the number of people who have engaged in conversations and taken literature. After a house meeting, our brethren had the joy of seeing the wife of one of the believing men trust Christ as Savior.

Paraiso: Timothy Stevenson is encouraged with the discernment and spiritual growth of the brethren here. Please pray for the preservation of this work. With his wife Jenna, he continues to deliver hundreds of gospel tracts in and around the large city of Merida where they live.

Santa Rita: Several believers from the assembly on the island of Carmen came to the conference in this small and rather remote town in the state of Campeche. Most of the believers who attended the conference were from Chiapas and Guatemala. One brother donated and slaughtered three cows on location to feed the people of God present. Five believers obeyed the Lord in baptism in the Chumpan River. One of the sisters baptized is from the large city of Villahermosa, state of Tabasco, where there is no assembly testimony.

Zamora: Joel Portman gave appreciated devotional ministry in the assembly of La Rinconada on the subject of the Garments of Christ. Local brethren continue to actively support works in outlying areas like Los Reyes and La Purisima.

Zapopan: It was a happy day for the assembly on February 10 to see two young men, Samuel Pena and Nicholas Thiessen, obey the Lord in baptism. Chucho Gomez (Zamora) and Norman Thiessen (5th Avenue, Portage) preached the gospel to about one hundred and thirty people who attended. Paul Thiessen has appreciated the hard physical labor by brethren from Canada, USA, and Mexico on the construction of the second floor of the hall. Jonathan Seed has started a weekly outreach on the south side of the city, helped by believers from the Zapopan assembly. A more suitable meeting place is being sought.


Bicester: Andrew Ussher was with the assembly February 21-24 and gave excellent and appreciated ministry.

Northern Ireland

Ballynure: Leslie Craig and Rodney Moore have erected a portable hall in the village and are preaching the gospel during the week.

Ballyshield: The assembly had two weeks of gospel meetings in their new hall, with good interest and attendance. John Rogers and Stanley Wells shared in these meetings and were encouraged with blessing in salvation.

Belfast: Roy Reynolds and Peter Kaestner are having gospel meetings in the Windsor Gospel Hall. In a community centre on an estate in Shankill Road, Paul Macauley and David Williamson are preaching.

Buckna: John Fleck and John Rogers commenced meetings at the end of January in the Gospel Hall and are continuing. Large numbers are attending, with support from surrounding assemblies.

Dromore: The Lough Road assembly continues in the gospel with Wesley Martin and Elton Fairfield with excellent attendance and support from surrounding assemblies. Some locals have been in the meetings and some blessing seen.

Keady: Tommie Wright and Noel Fleck are preaching the gospel in the Gospel Hall.

Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh:Stephen Gilfillan has been preaching here and has been encouraged with blessing.

Magherafelt: Robin McKeown and Raymond Kirkpatrick commenced February 24 in the Magherafelt Gospel Hall.

Rasharkin: Gary Woods and Aaron Colgan had a series of gospel meetings here.

Tullyronan, Co. Armagh: David Gilliland and Mark Campbell are preaching in a portable hall with good interest and attendance.

Republic of Ireland

Dublin: The monthly Saturday afternoon gospel meeting was held in February in the Rathmines Gospel Hall. The hall was well filled, a number attending for the first time. David Gilliland preached an appropriate gospel message. Please continue to pray for blessing.


Ottawa, ON

May 18-19, in the Gospel Hall, 1087 North River Road. Prayer meeting, Friday, May 17 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 9am (Hebrews 1), Prayer/Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am (Hebrews 2), Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Open Sunday school 1pm, Prayer/Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Accom: Colin Meaklim, Tel: 613 730-7410, E-mail: meaklim@primus.ca. Corr: Raeburn MacDougall, Tel: 613 832-2340, E-mail: rae.lillm@gmail.com.

Prince Edward, Island

May 18-19, in the Bluefield High School in Hampshire, convened by five Island assemblies. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Bible Study 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 1pm, Prayer/Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Accom: Neil Thompson, Tel: 902 892-7216, E-mail: neilthompson@pei.sympatico.ca. Corr: Glen McKenna, Tel: 902 836-3073, or Brian MacDonald, Tel: 902 566-3831.

Goodwood, ON

May 25, in the Goodwood Gospel Hall. Contact Bob Diebel, E-mail: rdiebel@sympatico.ca.

Welland, ON

May 24-26, 19th annual Spanish conference in the Welland Gospel Hall, 405 Lyons Creek Road, Welland, ON. Friday: Prayer meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: First meeting 10am. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am. Gospel meeting both days at 7pm. Expected speakers are John Dennison, Kevin Flett, Harrys Rodriguez, and Shad Sluiter. Accom: Fernando Rodriguez, Tel: 289 820-7289, E-mail: fernando.rodriguez149@yahoo.com.

Bancroft, ON

June 1, with Bible Reading at 10am (Subject: 1Cor 12, Spiritual Gifts). Ministry at 2 and 7pm. All meetings in the Lakeview Gospel Hall, 644 Maxwell Settlement Rd. Corr: Mark Freymond, RR#1 Bancroft ON, K0L 1C0. Tel: 613 332-4317.

Burgessville, ON

June 1, at Burgessville Gospel Hall. Meetings start at 10am. Expected speakers are Brian Crawford, Scott MacLeod, and Stephen Vance. Corr: Ernie Dyck, Tel: 519 469-3097; or Luke Winkels, Tel: 519 424-2796. 

Eden Grove, ON

June 2, in the Gospel Hall, with Prayer on Saturday, June 1, at 7:30 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Directions: one mile west of Bruce County Rd. #3 (Elora Road) on Bruce Rd. 15 (#111). Corr: John W. Boddy, 1745 Bruce Rd. 3, RR 4, Walkerton ON N0G 2V0. Tel: 519 366-2302; E-mail: boddysyrup@xplornet.com.

Saugus, MA

June 1-2, Annual Bible Reading Conference, with prayer on Friday, May 31 at 7:30pm. The study will be “The Gospel.” The format will be ministry followed by a Bible reading for each subject. Saturday: “Knowing the Gospel” (D. Vallance) 10am, “Preaching the Gospel” (D. Shutt) 2pm, Gospel 4:45pm, followed by dinner. Sunday: Remembrance Meeting 10am, Sunday school 11:45am, “Living the Gospel” (J. Meekin) 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Outline for the readings at www.walnutstreetgospelhall.com. Corr: Tony Grillo, 46 Grey Lane, Lynnfield, MA, 01940; Tel: 781 248-8900; E-mail: tonygrillo@netzero.net. Accom: David Lusk, Tel: 781 942-7006; E-mail: luskdanda@yahoo.com.

Portage la Prairie, MB

June 7-9, with Prayer, Thursday, June 6 at 7:30pm in the First Street Gospel Hall, 102 First Street. All other meetings will be in the Herman Prior Centre, 40 Royal Road North. The conference will continue with three full days of ministry, Bible readings, missionary reports, gospel and the Breaking of Bread. General inquiries: Philip Ronald, Tel: 204 857-9339, E-mail: pronald@xplornet.com. Accom: Malcolm Stanley, Tel: 204 857-9074, E-mail: mj@thestanleyshouse.com. The conference is sponsored jointly by the assemblies meeting at First Street Gospel Hall and Fifth Avenue Gospel Hall.

Conferences Previously Published:

Antioch, IA – April 7

Palm Springs, CA – April 7

Stout, IA – April 13-14

Cedar Falls/Waterloo, IA – April 20-21

McKeesport, PA – April 19-21

Fredericton, NB – April 26-28

Waukesha, WI – April 26-28

Newmarket, ON – May 5

Byfield, MA, May 25-27

Addition to Commended Workers

Abisai and Carmen Vieyra, Cerrada Nocedal Oriente # 21, Puerta Real Residencial, Hermosillo, Sonora, México, C.P. 83177. E-mail: iasiba@yahoo.com

Change of Address of Correspondent

Don Jennings (Broadview Ave. Gospel Hall, Toronto, ON): E-mail: donald.jennings@rogers.com.


Chin Soo Choi of Calgary, AB, on October 8, 2012, age 69. He was saved at 28 years of age in S. Korea and was part of a local assembly in Seoul where he met his wife Sin Sook. He worked as a teacher before immigrating in 1975, then worked for the Calgary School Board for many years and opened two family businesses. His real passion and joy, however, was in serving the Lord, and in this was selfless and willing to give of his time. His strength, commitment, and love for souls were an example to all, and a legacy of his labor continues on in an ESL gospel work. He suffered with cancer for a number of years, but still encouraged and assisted as he was able. He leaves to mourn, his wife of 39 years, and one daughter and son-in-law. The funeral was taken by D. Hanna, with M. Dadamo at the graveside.

Don Brunne of Arnstein, ON, on October 29, 2012. He was saved on July 6, 1957 while reading John 19:30. Don had a love for the Word of God and spent many hours studying it. One of his last comments to a brother in the assembly was that his work on earth was finished. He leaves behind an example of many dedicated years serving his Lord and God’s people as an elder in the Arnstein assembly. He was the correspondent and maintenance man for 38 years. He leaves behind his wife, Genevieve, and two daughters, and families. His funeral was taken by Byrne Foreshew. The eulogies were given by Fred Culin, Sherry Forsman (daughter), Cody Rogerson (for Kelly Rogerson), and Tom Dellandrea. The graveside service was taken by Bruce Rodgers.

Stanley Joseph Seymour of Collingwood, ON, on December 2, 2012. He was born on June 9, 1919, the second oldest in a family of 12. He joined the Army during WWII, and in 1943 was posted at Camp Borden where he worked with bomb armaments. He met a man there who got down on his knees to pray every night. Through further conversations with this man and the reading of John 3:16, Stanley accepted the Lord Jesus as Savior. At the end of the war in 1946, he married Mary Elizabeth Hunt. They moved to Collingwood where they came into assembly fellowship and where Stanley eventually became a respected overseer. After retirement, Stanley happily helped with the construction of a number of gospel halls. He was a loving person who will be greatly missed by his wife, two sons, Berkley and Philip and their wives, six grandchildren, one great-grandchild, and also the assembly.

Beulah Margaret Bell of Vancouver, BC, on February 15, age 86. Our dear sister was saved as a young lady of 24 years of age, on November 21, 1951 at a series of gospel meetings held in the South Main Gospel Hall by the late A. Joyce and H. Harris. She was baptized and received into the Cedar Cottage assembly (now Victoria Dr.) the following spring, and continued steadfastly in her Christian testimony for 62 years. She lovingly cared for her widowed mother for many years, and retired after a lengthy career with Canada Revenue. She engaged to the very end in a labor of love in baking cookies by the hundreds of dozens for a homeless outreach, and scones for the workers at the two yearly city conferences. Her ready wit and brisk admonitions were trademarks that endeared her to all. Despite her frailty, she was at the Breaking of Bread the week of her passing. She is survived by her younger brother, Dr. Philip (Helen) Bell of Seattle, and many nieces and nephews. She will be greatly missed.