

British Columbia

Vancouver: The Gospel tent at the Pacific National Exhibition was erected for the 40th year. This is sponsored by the Deep Cove assembly with the help of area assemblies and is open 12 hours each day for 17 days. Complementary to the large multi-language John 3:16 text display, was a large map where visitors could push a button to hear John 3:16 in their own language. The weather was very favorable as the Good Seed was sown.

New Brunswick

Hampton: Murray McCandless and Scott MacLeod (with David Hierlihy helping the first two weeks) were having tent meetings in this small community halfway between St. John and Sussex. The meetings commenced in mid-July and the saints were encouraged with a nice number of visitors attending.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Gander: The assembly is conducting a seven week, Monday night children’s meeting series starting September 10
with local brethren taking part.

L’Anse au Loup: A young man in his twenties professed in August. He had been in soul trouble for some time. Also, a lady was baptized on August 26 with a combined gospel meeting that night between the English Point and L’Anse au Loup assemblies.

Nova Scotia

Annapolis Valley: James McClelland and John Meekin commenced gospel meetings in August in Weavers Settlement. Earlier in the summer, two local brethren rented a building for gospel meetings in the Deep Brook area.

Blues Mills: Fred Bartlett had two weeks of tent meetings in the community of Big Marsh with the help of local brethren. A number of believers from the denominations came out as well as a few unsaved. We leave the results with the Lord and ask for prayer for central Cape Breton Island.

Halifax: At the end of July and early August, the Christians in Halifax undertook an intensive street evangelism outreach in downtown Halifax. They used social media, billboards, transit bus advertising, flyers, and a webpage (www.areyousaved.ca) to do some preaching around the question “Are you Saved?” along with 1 Timothy 1:15, before taking to the streets with a number of young people from Halifax and elsewhere. There was daily tract distribution, as well as many conversations concerning the faith in Christ, and nightly preaching, all focused on the downtown streets of the city. John Wells and Matthew Cain organized and implemented this outreach and the saints were very encouraged with the response. “Go into all the world and preach the gospel.”

Isle Madame: Noel Burden and Holger Verlage, a local brother, had four weeks of gospel tent meetings in Isle Madame on the Verlage family’s property. This has been the fourth summer the tent has been pitched here with significant interest from the community. This year, the Christians were thrilled when a gentleman for whom they had long prayed was reached and saved. Your continued prayers for this new work would be most appreciated.

Pugwash Junction: Midsummer, Brody Thibodeau completed a week of children’s meetings in the village of Pugwash in a tent erected on the village green. These meetings followed a weekend “Harborfest” where the assembly had set up a booth.

Sydney: David Swan and Brody Thibodeau concluded six weeks of gospel meetings, ending in July, in the gospel hall. The Christians were primarily exercised for their older Sunday school children from the community and were encouraged with a very good number of them attending and the Lord blessing in salvation.


Cambridge: Frank Sona and William Skates are to start gospel meetings October 7, D.V. There has been recent attendance of parents of the believers as well as a number of younger children that need salvation.  Prayer is greatly valued for this effort.

Huntsville: The assembly is now meeting in the lower level in their new hall at 65 West Rd in Huntsville, ON. The first meeting was held Sunday, August 5. The hall phone number is unchanged at 705 789-3767.

Sarnia: The assembly was very thankful for a tent series August 5-29. The meetings were marked by excellent attendance and three souls professed faith in Christ during this time of preaching the gospel.

Prince Edward Island

Crapaud: The assembly in Crapaud started the construction of their new hall in early June and is hoping to have it closed in by early Fall. The Christians are very thankful for God’s leading in this undertaking. Please join them in prayer that God will continue to bless. The recent week of children’s outreach with Brody Thibodeau was well-attended by some from the area, and also the Christian’s children. This week of meetings complements the weekly children’s meeting held in the fall and spring in the local community hall.


New York

East Aurora: Jerry Jennings and Frank Sona purpose to commence gospel meetings in November, DV. There are several families with children that the saints are praying will be reached. Please pray for this effort that the Lord will bless in salvation.

Flushing: A series of ministry meetings July 19-22 was conducted by Joseph H. Chung and Bong Rae Han from the assembly in Mapo, Seoul, South Korea. The saints also held their annual conference from July 23-26 where there was ministry from Acts and Song of Songs. The ministry was a source of great encouragement to the saints here and those visiting from South Korea. In August, David and Andrew Zuidema (Midland Park) preached the gospel to a group of ESL students and other friends at the monthly outreach meeting. Your prayers that souls will be saved through this endeavor are requested.


Crandon: Frank Sona and Jon Procopio purpose having gospel tent meetings with the assembly starting September 16, continuing possibly into October. This is on the site of a large fair where the assembly set up a booth in preparation for the meetings. The saints would appreciate the prayers of the Lord’s people in this new location as they look to the Lord for blessing and for new contacts.


Arlington/Marysville: Many saints were blessed by attending the assembly’s 100th conference and good fellowship was enjoyed. Most of the meetings were attended by over 400, and many mentioned the unity of the messages given and their importance to daily living in a godless world. The study of “Christ the Son, Savior, and Sympathizer” was carefully and prayerfully discussed. The assembly thanks brethren Mark Bachert, Marvin Derksen, Bill Lavery, Dave Richards, Dan Shutt, Stanley Wells, and other speakers for their diligent help. The gospel was faithfully preached on Saturday and Sunday.


Ciudad Obregón: A young sister was baptized here, bringing joy to the believers. A regular house meeting is being held on Friday evenings with help from local brethren.

Cotaxtla: A lovely middle-aged couple obeyed the Lord in baptism here on July 8. The man’s mother used to keep the Catholic bishop in her home when he visited this area of Veracruz. She is regularly under the sound of the gospel. Please pray that she, and others in her family, will be reached and saved.

Hermosillo: An exposition (open house) on Creation was held in August. Although the interest from the community was not as great as desired, there were many good conversations. Much of the work was done by the Sunday school children.

Ejido Rodriguez: Shad Kember, Marcus Cain, and a young brother from the Obregón assembly, preached the gospel in this village for the first time in July. Six adults, mainly relatives of a believer from Obregón, were present. This place is located in the state of Sinaloa, on the west coast of Mexico where Mazatlan is also found.

Iguala: Shad Kember and Marcus Cain visited here for a week, holding meetings for teaching and preaching in six different homes. There are about a dozen believers now in this small city three hours south of Mexico City.

Nogales: John Dennison and Shad Kember held a house meeting in this border city in August in the home of the mother of two sisters from the West Phoenix, AZ assembly. Reading her Bible few days later, she came to a saving knowledge of Christ.

Paraiso: David Alves, Jr. made another visit here to strengthen the hands of this little group of believers.

Tarandacuao: Shad Kember, Marcus Cain, and Raul Martinez (Mexico City) held the first meeting in this very religious town of 10,000 souls in early September. Relatives of believers from the West Phoenix assembly live in this town which is 3 1/2 hours west of Mexico City.

Santiago: Helped by local brethren, James Dyck had a most encouraging week of children’s meetings, with about 120 children in attendance, plus twenty adults.

Veracruz: The assembly here, as well as the saints in Cotaxtla, enjoyed the visit of Paul Thiessen and Timothy Stevenson. A week of Bible readings and gospel preaching was a blessing to believers in both areas.

Northern Ireland

Armagh: Harry Wilson (Brazil) and Sam McBride continue in the gospel in an old school building close to here.

Ballywatermoy: Gary Woods has been preaching the gospel here.

Bangor: John Rogers and John Fleck commenced a gospel series in the new Ebenezer Gospel hall on September 2.

Coleraine: T. Wright and S. Gilfilllen were expected to commence in the gospel here on September 9.

Dungannon: D. McGarvey and K. Irwin continue in a community hall.

Garvagh: H. Gilmore and J. Davison commenced a short gospel series in a community hall in association with the Killykergan assembly.

Kilkeel: A. Nesbitt and C. Bersford were in their third week of gospel meetings here at last report.

Larne: At the conference August 24-28, A. Hull, D. West, and D. Gilliland shared in opening the Bible readings on the life of Daniel. Along with these brethren, M. Radcliffe, S. McBride, and H. Wilson took part in ministry. S. Ussher, G. Buchanan, E. Fairfield, and W. Fenton gave reports of the work of the Lord in which they have been involved.

Lisburn: Gospel meetings concluded in the Lisburn Civic Centre on August 23. Many heard the gospel preached simply and powerfully over the three weeks and blessing was seen. Albert Hull shared with David Gilliland in this effort which was sponsored by the four city assemblies.

Newtownbreda: David Williamson and Leslie Craig were expected to commence in the gospel on September 9.

Republic of Ireland

Longford: The annual week of children’s meetings in the Reid family home conducted by Leslie Craig was encouraging with a good number attending each afternoon. Brother Craig also had a weekend of profitable ministry meetings on local assembly principles. The assembly expects Stephen Harper for children’s prize giving and a missionary report in September, D.V., and then Robin McKeown for a weekend of ministry in October.

Rathmines: The assembly enjoyed a weekend visit from Samuel Ussher, and appreciated the helpful ministry and report of the Lord’s work in Venezuela.


Our brother John Stubbs from Scotland gave excellent and appreciated ministry during the end of August and into September in this country.


Cape Breton, NS

October 6-7, in Memorial High School, Memorial Drive, Sydney Mines. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry meeting 10am, Bible reading 1:30pm, Ministry 3:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible reading 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel 7pm. preceded by an open air meeting. Corr. Melvin Bonnell, Tel: 902 794-3888; or Lorne Richardson, Tel 902 562-2978. Accom: John Ingram 902 794-2691 (please call in advance). E-mail: j.p.ingram@ns.sympatico.ca. See www.thegospel.ca for Bible reading outlines.

La Crosse, WI

October 27-28, in the Logan High School, 1500 Ranger Dr., La Crosse. Saturday: Meetings at 10am, 2 and 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Devotional ministry 9:15am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 1:45pm, Gospel 7pm. Contact Paul Aspenson, Tel: 608 787-0074; E-mail: aspensonlumber@hotmail.com; or Cal Erickson, Tel: 608 790-7724; E-mail: cberickson@hotmail.com.

Livonia, MI

October 27-28, with the prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30pm. All meetings held in the Stark Road Gospel Hall, 9280 Stark Road, Livonia, MI. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 7pm, Meeting for young people 8:30pm.  Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 12:45pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Invited speakers: William Banks, Matthew Cain, David Petterson, and Peter Ramsay. Corr: David Vallance, 21600 Currie Road, Northville, MI 48167, Tel: 248 446-9346; E-mail: davidvallance@sbcglobal.net.  Hall: 734 425-4910; Website: www.starkrdgospelhall.com. Accom: Tim Fouts, Tel: 248 476-5013; E-mail: tf-sf@msn.com.

St. John’s, NL

October 26-28, in the Gospel Hall, 47 Smith Avenue. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30pm. All other meetings at Hazelwood Elementary, 391 Topsail Road, St. John’s. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10:30am, Bible Reading 2pm, Ministry 3:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Ministry 11:45am, Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel Meeting 7pm. Corr: Gary Tarrant, St. John’s, NL; Tel: 709 745-5886; E-mail: gtarrant@mun.ca.

Wallaceburg, ON

October 27-28, in the Wallaceburg Gospel Hall. Saturday: Prayer 7:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday school 1:15pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Testimony/Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: C. Workman; Tel: 519 627-8743; E-mail: clworkman@bell.net.

London, ON

November 3-4, in the Gospel Hall, 1196 Highbury Ave. Friday: Prayer meeting 8pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am, 2pm, and 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Corr: Philip Lampkin, 98 Moraine Court, London, ON, N6G 4Z1; Tel: 519 472-8747; E-mail: felipe524@execulink.com; Hall: 519 451-8233.

Blues Mills, NS

November 10-11, in the Gospel Hall, 34 Mountain Rd. Saturday: Ministry 2:00 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:00 am, Ministry 2:00 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Corr: John Bain, E-mail: john@thegospel.ca; Tel: 902 625-2409. See www.thegospel.ca.

Oshawa, ON

November 10, in the Gospel Hall, 150 Albert Street. Ministry 2 and 7pm; supper served between meetings. Corr. Ken Nicholson, Tel: 905 579-7540.

Maberly, ON

November 24, at Wheeler’s Pancake House and Sugar Camp. Directions: Hwy 7 to Maberly; take Maberly-Elphin Rd. (formerly County Rd 36) north to McDonald’s Corners, turn right and follow signs to Wheeler’s Pancake House. Meetings are at 2:30 and 7pm. Afternoon ministry on Lord’s Day is at the Gospel Hall. Corr: Gordon McLeod, Tel: 613 268-2616.

Phoenix, AZ

November 22-25, in the Gospel Hall, 1246 E. Garfield St., Phoenix, AZ; Tel: 602 253-4932. Wednesday: Prayer 7:30pm. Thursday thru Saturday: Bible readings 10am. Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. Subject for the Bible readings is John 19:1 through John 21:25 – “The Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Christ.” Corr: Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Ave., Glendale, AZ 85305; Tel: 623 872-1007.

Saugus, MA

December 1-2, Annual conference in the Walnut Street Gospel Hall, 213 Walnut St., Saugus, MA. Friday, November 30: Prayer 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2 pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Sunday: Remembrance Meeting, 10am, Sunday school, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Accom: David Lusk, Tel: 781 942-7006; E-mail: luskdanda@yahoo.com. Corr: Anthony Grillo, 46 Grey Lane, Lynnfield, MA, 01940, Tel: 781 248-8900; E-mail: tonygrillo@netzero.net.

Conference Reminders:

Brandon, MB – October 8

Manchester, IA – October 6-7

Paradise Valley, AB/Mervin, SK – October 5-7

St. Thomas, ON – October 6-7

Vancouver, BC – October 6-8

L’Anse au Loup, LB – October 12-14

Arborfield, SK – October 19-21

Blue River, WI – October 19-21

Terryville, CT – October 19-21

Alpena, AR – November 3-4

Newington, CT – November 3-4; Breaking of Bread at 9:45am

Saskatoon, SK – November 3-4

Oil Springs, ON – November 10-11

Bryan Mawr/Hatboro, PA – November 17-18

Corrections to Address Book 2012

Bruce & Becky Rodgers – 169 Amberdale Court, Sudbury, ON P3C 5T4.

Kyle and Allison Wilson: Current E-mail address is kyleallywilson@hotmail.com.

Change in Meeting Times

Black River Falls, WI: The Sunday night Gospel meeting and Wednesday night Prayer/Bible study have both been changed to 7:00-8:00 pm.


Mrs. Hazel Webster (Hicks) of Owen Sound, ON, on January 6, 2012. She was born at Owen Sound April 29, 1916, and was saved as a girl of 13 on November 11, 1929. She was baptized August 30, 1931 and received into fellowship at Owen Sound where she continued faithfully for over 80 years. Larry Steers took the funeral service and her nephew John Boddy Sr. spoke at the graveside.

Margaret Naber of Baldwin City, KS, on June 20, age 98. She was saved as a young girl of almost ten in October 1923 through Matthew 11:28. Growing up in Springfield, MO, she became acquainted with the assemblies of God’s people through her dear friend, Lottie Bollinger. She met Bruce Gilbert and Tom McCullough who helped ground her in the truth of meeting in the Savior’s Name alone. After graduating from high school, she moved to Kansas City to become part of the original Troost Avenue assembly. For years, she had a lending library to help other Christians. She and her husband Peter moved to Baldwin City after his retirement and were part of the Coal Creek assembly for many years. Her husband predeceased her in September 2001. She leaves their seven children and spouses, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. The funeral service was taken by son-in-law Sam Eadie, son Curtis, with grandson G. Paul Eadie at the graveside.

Helen McLean of Windsor, ON, on June 29, age 90. She was a faithful member of the assembly for 55 years, during which time she was actively involved in Sunday school work and was always a willing helper. Given to hospitality, many of the Lord’s servants were entertained in her home over the years. She remained keenly interested in young couples and their children, praying faithfully for them  She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, Lawrence, of 71 years, children Arleen Borrillo (Joe), Gary (Diane), Danny (Patricia), Barbara Pratt (David), and Russell (Beverly), 22 grandchildren, and 42 great-grandchildren. Pray for many still unsaved. The funeral service was taken by R. Wylie and L. Perkins. A large company of approximately 200 heard the gospel faithfully preached.

Richard (Dick) Melton of Orillia, ON, on August 11, age 88. As a young veterinarian in the early 1950’s, he was invited to gospel meetings in Barrie, ON, being conducted by Mr. James Gunn, where he trusted Christ. Later, he moved to Dominion Gospel Hall in Orillia where he was in happy fellowship for over 40 years. His funeral was taken by Harry Pronk of this assembly who was very faithful in visiting him during his final months of weakness. Please pray for members of his family who are not saved.

Mrs. Blanche Hodder of Gander Bay, NL, on August 22, age 92. She was predeceased by her husband, Herbert. God saved her in 1973 during the first tent series held in Gander Bay, and she met with others for the first Breaking of Bread when the assembly was formed the following year. In recent years, she had been living in a senior’s complex in the neighboring town of Gander. The funeral was conducted by David Hunt and Robert Harbin, and a tribute given by Simon Day. Please pray for the family that they will trust the Savior.

Mr. Albert (Bertie) McCullagh of N. Ireland, on August 30, in his 80th year, after a lengthy period of illness. Saved at the age of 17 through the preaching of John Elliot in Co. Fermanagh, he was baptized and received into the fellowship of the Lisbellaw assembly where he remained for 60 years until his home-call. A quiet and faithful brother, he was a valued member of the fellowship, attending and contributing to the assembly meetings until declining health prevented him. He bore his illness with tremendous courage, strength, and dignity. His godly patience was a testimony to all who cared for him. He was much loved and is greatly missed by the assembly and his family circle. His well-attended funeral service was conducted by T. McNeill and B. Glendinning, with local brethren assisting.