

British Columbia

Kamloops: Helpful ministry was given at the annual conference by Kevin Flett (El Salvador), Ian Gibson (Winnipeg), Ryan Langley (Langley), Robert Kenny (NI), Bryon Meyers (Arlington), and Dave Richards (Kamloops). Also during June, Phil Atkinson (Port Alberni) had a night of appreciated ministry on “Faith.” The ministry is available on the assembly website at www.westsydegospelhall.com.

Langley: On May 26, the assembly commemorated 100 years of assembly testimony. Gaius Goff provided an overview of the history of the early days of the assembly. Cap van de Wetering, Frank Klager, and Bill Hague provided personal reflections, including comments in appreciation of former elders Ken Foote, Gerald Hutchinson, and David Chesney. Peter Ramsay delivered a stirring challenge regarding “The Next 100 Years.” Three weeks of gospel meetings with Gaius Goff and Peter Ramsay concluded June 15. The assembly was encouraged to see the Lord bless in salvation.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Gander Bay: Three weeks of gospel meetings with Wallace Buckle and Noel Burden concluded on June 8. A few new contacts were made. Open air gospel meetings are held each Sunday evening as the weather permits.

McIvers:  Gospel tent meetings commenced on June 27 with John Fitzpatrick and Jim Jarvis. It is their intent to move the tent to Goose Bay, Labrador for a tent series to begin July 22 following these meetings in McIvers.

Nova Scotia

Hantsport: James McClelland and John Meekin continue to preach the gospel in a rented building in fellowship with the Avonport assembly. This is a new area and prayer is requested as they hold forth the Word of Life. They have had some encouragement in the attendance.

Sydney: David Swan and Brody Thibodeau were encouraged with the numbers attending the gospel series in June. Prayer is requested for many who attended who need salvation.


Beachburg: In the tent meetings in June with Murray Pratt and Larry Steers, a young couple attended who had been showing a good interest in the regular Sunday gospel meetings, with the wife professing to be saved. A few others attended, some for the first time. The tent was later pitched in Deep River (one hour northwest) for meetings commencing July 8. Several families from various assemblies were planning to camp there to support these meetings.

Goodwood: The assembly appreciated the prayers and support of other assemblies in tent meetings June 10-22 with Ed Miller and Lorne Langfeld. Attendance from the community was not as hoped for, but a few with denominational or assembly connections attended. The invitation and “Two Roads” chart were placed in two local newspapers. Please continue to pray.

Lambton Shores: Attendance was encouraging and some souls professed salvation during a June tent series with Marvin Derksen and another brother in the small community of Thedford. The meetings were sponsored by Grand Bend and Lake Shore, with support by other assemblies nearby. During the spring, Andrew Robertson had a series of well-attended youth meetings in the same location. Please pray for the Lord’s mind with regard to His work here.



Alpena: In June, the assembly enjoyed visits from Joel Portman and Melvin Mendez, and greatly appreciated their help with meetings, both in Alpena and Springdale, AR. There is also joy that a young lady who grew up coming to Sunday school put her trust in the Lord Jesus as Savior.


Stout: The assembly had four nights of children’s meetings with encouraging attendance. The young believers in the assembly handled these commendably. Paul Thiessen came for an appreciated visit recently, and Joel Portman visited over three nights and a Lord’s Day, giving enjoyable ministry on “Pictures of the Assembly in the Old Testament.”


Methuen: The assembly appreciated the visits of two brethren in May. Matthew Cain visited early in the month and gave two nights of practical ministry for Christian living. Later, Bill Seale clearly presented the gospel each night in a two-week series, impressing many gospel truths on all who attended. Many were invited, though only a few came, but the assembly looks to the Lord for blessing.


Cass City: The assembly completed two weeks of well-attended gospel tent meetings in June. Jack Nesbitt and Bruce Cottrill were given liberty to preach. The meetings were supported by surrounding assemblies. Seed Sowers were given out both in Cass City and Caro.

Jackson, MI: Tent meetings with Larry Perkins and Andrew Robertson, held during the month of June, were well-attended, with 10-30 visitors out nightly. The assembly is thankful to God for blessing in salvation.


Fridley: Two women professed salvation in the month of June, one while Bruce Rogers was opening up the truth of Isaiah 53:5 in a ministry meeting. Another woman professed salvation in the first week of gospel meetings through reading “God’s Way of Salvation.” The meetings, with speakers Jerry Jennings and Stu Thompson, were well-attended.

New Jersey

Midland Park: The assembly had the joy of seeing two young brethren baptized on July 1, one of whom desires fellowship in the assembly.

West Virginia

Harperton: Robert Surgenor commenced a gospel series in a schoolhouse here on July 1. This lies between Harman and Seneca Rocks.


Ontario: Isaiah Frazier and Brandon Doll (of the Ontario assembly) recently concluded three and one-half weeks of gospel meetings. These tent meetings marked 60 years since the first gospel tent meetings were held. New contacts were made and God blessed in salvation.


Cancun: Douglas Frith and Jack Zhang (Victoria Drive, Vancouver) finished a month’s visit to Mexico with a meeting here. Their help in the gospel and in ministry in Puerto Vallarta, on the west coast, and then in Ciudad del Carmen, Emiliano Zapata, Paraiso, and Santa Rita, and Cancun in the Gulf area, was well-received and appreciated. Prayer would be appreciated for a special series of gospel meetings planned to begin here on December 27, DV.

Ciudad Obregón: Shad and Cynthia Sluiter, Scott and Kim Hayes (Cedar Falls), and young people from the USA and Hermosillo were encouraged with the number of children they reached in street meetings held for 10 days during June.

Iguala: Shad Kember returned to this city located in the southern state of Guerrero for a week accompanied by Marcus and Alison Cain, and Jairo Garcia (Hermosillo). About 25 gospel, ministry, and children’s meetings were held in five different homes of relatives or contacts of the believers in the West Phoenix assembly. One lady professed faith in Christ during a gospel meeting held in her home. The believers have a tremendous desire to learn more from God’s Word and several unbelievers are showing an interest in salvation. One of the new believers expressed a desire to have a couple living here full time to teach them and to reach others with the message of the gospel.

Hermosillo: A sister in fellowship here, Elia Mondragon, age 41, was called home to glory two years after being diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. The peace she had during this trial spoke loudly to her friends, neighbors, and family. She leaves behind two young daughters and her husband, as well as siblings, all unsaved. Abisai Vieyra and Marcus Cain spoke to about 140 people that evening at the wake in the hall. The following evening, the service was shared by John Dennison and Marcus Cain, and the next day her body was laid to rest, awaiting the rapture.

Puerto Vallarta: Jonathan Seed gave a gospel message to over 150 children and adults at the annual Coapinole Sunday school program. The theme was “The Tabernacle,” and was attractively illustrated with artwork done by the children and teachers. Two believers recently obeyed the Lord in baptism.

Purisima: Four believers in this rural town in the central state of Guanajuato were baptized by Ricardo Gomez, an elder in the Zamora assembly.

Veracruz: Brian Array (McCallen, Texas) gave appreciated help in a week of children’s meetings in the hall, as well as with ministry and the gospel here, and also in Cotaxtla. Please pray for discernment regarding the establishment of an assembly in Cotaxtla. A lovely couple from there expects to obey the Lord in baptism on July 8.


Lviv City: Gospel work began in 1995 when Flora Kancir from Canada, her son, Timothy, and Gilles Plourde went there and contacted relatives. Others have since gone to help in the work of distributing Bibles and having meetings; so the work continues. Schools and orphanages are visited and the gospel presented. Clothing is distributed, and the needy are helped. Edmond and Agnes Johnston, commended from Ireland, are now serving in Lviv, and an assembly was formed there in 2010. A room was rented and renovated in 2012 for assembly meetings. Literature has been printed for distribution at the soccer tournaments in 2012. Flora Kancir had to return from the Ukraine for surgery. She needs our prayers.

Lutz City: Timothy and Rhoda Sloan began serving the Lord in Lutz in 2002. As a result of the gospel and contacts, an assembly began in 2002. Gospel work is carried on in Lutz and surrounding villages. Clothing is distributed, literature is printed, street children are fed, and the gospel presented. A conference is held every summer. A building was purchased in 2007 for the assembly meetings and it is being remodeled and used as the work on the building continues in 2012.

Ivano- Frankivsk City: In the spring of 2004, Malcolm Stanley and some young believers went to Ukraine to spread the gospel. In the fall of 2004 Eric Fowler, Howard Pratt, and Louis Smith continued the work, and Malcolm Stanley and Max McLain also followed. Visits continue to be made by these brethren. Bibles are distributed and meetings held in a rented apartment, schools, and orphanages. Clothing is distributed and needy are helped. In
2010, Dan Perez helped in the work in Ukraine. In 2011, Dan returned to Ukraine to continue the gospel effort for a year. He plans to return in the summer of 2012 and extend his time in Ukraine for as long as he can stay. In 2012, Eric Fowler, Dan Prez, Howard Pratt, Louis Smith, and Malcolm Stanley continued to work. Several are saved and baptized but an assembly has not been formed yet. There is a need for a missionary couple and men to be exercised and be responsible in teaching the Scriptures. There is much need in Ukraine. For more information, look at the blog “God’s work in Western Ukraine” (http://www.ukrainechristianmission.blogspot.com/).


Jessie Fitch writes, “The trip to Siberia during May was with the Lord’s blessing and in answer to prayer. Ministry was given at the Tobolsk and Cascara assemblies, and the gospel was preached in several homes in the village of Yarkova. Saints were encouraged to press on in their faith. A younger brother has been added to the fellowship at Cascara and several newcomers are attending with interest. I have plans to visit this region again in the fall. Thanks for continued prayer.” Dave Richards hopes to return to Russia around the middle of October and stay for about eight weeks, expecting to divide his time between St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, with the possibility of a visit to Severouralsk to help them with some doctrinal problems.


Hardwick, VT

September 8-9, with a Prayer meeting on Friday, September 7 at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 153 Cherry Street. All other meetings at the Hardwick Elementary School, junction of Routes 14 and 15. Meetings both days will commence at 10am and continue through until about 4:30pm. Breakfast will be served in the school at 9am Saturday and 8:45am on Sunday. Advance notice is appreciated for accommodations. Corr: Bill Scott, Tel: 802 472-6257, or E-mail: billsinvt@earthlink.net.

Arnstein, ON

September 14-16, in the Gospel Hall. 10762 Hwy 522, Arnstein, ON. Friday: Prayer meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading, 8:45am (Fruits of a Christian Life) Ministry 11am, 2pm, and 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading, 8:45am (Seven Cries From The Cross), Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. For advance accommodations call corr. Tom Dellandrea, Tel: 705 757-0222; or E-mail: tomdellandrea@hotmail.com.

Hitesville, IA

September 15-16. All meetings will be at the Hitesville Gospel Hall, rural Aplington, IA, USA. Directions: From Aplington, take county road T25 about 6 miles north (at Lincoln Bank corner) to 260th Street and take 260th Street 1/2 mile east to the hall. Friday: Prayer meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 5:45pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am (Psalm 22), Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm. Corr: Dr. Larry L. Brandt, P.O. Box 683, Parkersburg, IA 50665. Tel: 319 346-1084; Hall: 319 347-2333.

Midland Park, NJ

September 29-30, the 71st annual conference, with a Prayer meeting on Friday, September 28 at 8pm.  Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am and 2pm; Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 11:45am,
Prayer/Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Brethren expected are Phil Coulson (UK), Shad Kember (Mexico), Bill Seale (USA), and David Petterson (USA). Accom: David Hamilton, 189 S. Central Ave., Ramsey, NJ 07446. Tel: 201 312-8439, E-mail: davidandjoyhamilton@gmail.com.

Vancouver, BC

October 6-8, 99th Thanksgiving conference in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby. Prayer meeting Friday 7:30pm in the Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, 4659 Victoria Dr. Meetings on Saturday: Bible Reading 10am, Ministry 1:30 and 3:30pm, Missionary 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am (Gospel Hall), Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Monday: Bible Reading 10 am, Ministry 1:30 and 3:30pm. Bible Readings on 1 John 1-2. Corr: Phil Broadhead, Tel: 604 468-4979. E-mail: pabroad@gmail.com. Accom: Ben Frith, Tel: 604 931-3677; E-Mail: bjfrith@hotmail.com.

Blue River, WI

October 19-21, in Highland High School, off Hwy. 80, north side of Highland. Prayer meeting on Friday at 8pm in Blue River Gospel Hall. Saturday: Ministry 10am. Sunday: Bible Reading 9am (Consideration of the Lamb, Rev 21, 22), Breaking of Bread 10:30am. Gospel (Gospel Hall). Contact James Frazier, 15513 Richwood Estates Lane, Blue River, WI  53518; Tel: 608-537-2977; E-mail: woodind@mwt.net.

Terryville, CT

October 19-21, with Prayer meeting, Friday, October 19 at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 36 North Main St. All other meetings held in the Harry S. Fisher School, North Main St., 1/8 mile north of the hall. Saturday: Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. (NOTE: No meeting on Saturday morning). Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Accom: Steve Morin, Tel: 860 583-9904.

Bryn Mawr/Hatboro: Due to a scheduling conflict at the school, the dates for the Bryn Mawr/Hatboro conference have been changed to November 16 – 18, 2012, DV. Further details will be included in the September issue.

Conference Cancellations:

Watertown, MA – Cancelled this year

Niagara Falls, ON – Cancelled this year

Conference Reminders:

Westbank, BC – August 4-5

Fort McMurray, AB – August 24-26

Akron, OH – September 1-2

Arlington/Marysville, WA – September 1-3

Beetown, WI – September 3

Kansas City, MO – September 1-2

Sault Ste. Marie, MI/ON – September 7-9

Clinton, ON – September 29-30

Change of Address

Danny & Audrey Ussher, 11 Dairyvale, Limavady, N. Ireland. BT49 0DZ. Tel: 028 777 69338; E-mail: d.ussher670@btinternet.com (formerly labored in Trinidad).

Changes to Address Book 2012

Jim and Edythe Currie: Address all correspondence to their Canadian address: #63 – 7790 King George Hwy. Surrey BC V3W 5Y4. Tel: 604-598-0785. E-mail: japancurrie@aol.com.

Mrs. George Graham: 100 Braddock Street Unit 308, Frostburg, MD 21532.

Albert Hull: New E-mail address is albertwilliamhull@gmail.com.

Steve and Merle Kember (not Meryl)

Murray McLeod: New E-mail address is mmcleod22@cogeco.ca.

Robert McIlwaine: 46 River Ridge Drive, Apt. 205, Charlottetown, PE, C1C 0B7. Phone and E-mail are the same.

Andrew and Angela Robertson: 75 Madera Cr., Chatham, ON, N7M 5Z6.

Change of Address of Correspondent

Cass City, MI: Paul Battel – new phone number is 989 295-7788.

Fridley, MN: Fridley Gospel Hall, c/o Jim Brown, 97F South Drive Circle Pines, MN 55014. Tel: 763 780-9151; E-mail: jim.brown@usfamily.net.


Laughy Raymond MacNeill of Marysville, WA, on January 30, age 91. Laughy was saved on February 2, 1943, then later baptized and received into fellowship in Midland, ON. In the 1950’s, he moved to California and was in fellowship at Long Beach Gospel Hall. In 1996, he and Mary moved to Marysville, WA where he remained in fellowship at the Shoultes Gospel Hall until his passing. The Christians will miss a great prayer warrior and spiritual encourager to young and old alike. The service was taken very lovingly by Ed Rollins, Steve Meyers, and his grandson Brian MacNeill. He leaves behind his wife Mary, son Tim, daughter Betty George, seven grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren. Laughy’s life was a life of service. Whether in the Canadian military during WWII, as a salesman for Coast Knives, to his family, or in the assembly, his fervent desire was always to magnify his Savior through humble and dedicated service. His excellent character and constant encouragement will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

Valerie Thompson (Robinson) of Bangor, N. Ireland, May 12, peacefully in her sister and brother-in-law’s home. Predeceased by her husband Eric, she was the loving mother of son Mark, and sister of Eva and Jim. She was born June 1944 and saved in 1957. Poor health confined her to their home. The funeral service in the Garryduff Gospel Hall was conducted by Donald McQuillan and Desmond Gilpin.

Linda Rosalie Hatt of Truro, NS, on June 4. Linda was a member of the Young Street Gospel Hall for over 20 years, and of the third generation of believers in the Hatt family. Our dear sister had health problems and was on constant medication. She was saved at meetings in Debert in 1987 conducted by the late Peter Orasuk and Albert Hull. She faithfully attended all the assembly meetings and she will be missed. A large number attended the funeral service conducted by Albert Hull, James McClelland, and John Meekin. Linda is survived by her father and mother, Donald and Hazel Hatt, a brother and sister and their spouses, and predeceased by her sister Glenda in1990. Pray for the family and the many relatives of our departed sister.

Joel Dobbs of Ontario, WI, on June 14, age 26, as the result of a tractor accident. He was saved in 2005 through the truth of Romans 10:9. He had been stirred to seek salvation after hearing that he could “know for sure” that he would be in heaven. He was received into assembly fellowship in 2006, and his heartfelt appreciation for his Savior touched many hearts as he worshiped during remembrance meetings. At his funeral, Ron Doll of the Ontario assembly clearly presented the gospel to over 300 people. Joel’s life and death had an impact on many in the community and in the assembly.  Please pray for his family and friends that are deeply affected by his passing.

Mabel Kelly MacDonald of Blues Mills, NS, on June 14, age 99. She was born on October 13, 1912, in Whycocomagh Mountain, Inverness Co. Though she spent her twilight years in a Port Hawkesbury Nursing Home, even there she was known for her hospitality and love of her Savior. She never tired of telling how she was reached and saved in 1957 when L. K. McIlwaine first came to the area with the gospel. She was custodian of the school at the time when the Board of Trustees refused permission, so the gospel was preached in the next community. Mabel was favorably impressed, attended the meetings, and was saved. The funeral was taken by John Bain and David Swan, with Fred Bartlett having the committal service. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” (Psa 116:15).

Phyllis Whyte of Hamilton, ON, on June 19, in her 94th year. Our beloved sister was born in Belfast, NI and born again at the age of 13. Travelling to the seaside with neighbors, Phyllis and a friend stopped to hear the preaching of the gospel in the open air and she was saved that very night. After being baptized she was gathered to the Lord’s Name. In 1948, along with her husband Hugh and two young daughters, they immigrated to Hamilton where they were in assembly fellowship. Her husband Hugh predeceased her in 2002. During the past few years, unable to attend the gathering of believers, she maintained a keen interest in the believers, the assembly, and the Lord’s work. Remember in prayer her two daughters and their families who share in the blessed hope. Her grandson, Shawn St. Clair, and Paul Glenney shared in the funeral service.

Corinne Borrett of Marion, IA, on July 2, age 88, went home to be with the Lord from the Linn Manor Care Center. She was saved at the young age of 11 through the words of John 19:30, “It is finished.” Both she and her husband Ronald, deceased 2 1/2 years prior, were pillars of the Marion assembly for many years, especially during and after its formation in 1962. As the helpful wife of the assembly’s correspondent for 40 years, she continued to be a faithful example to the very end. She loved the truth of God and lived her life conscious of the guidance of God through the Word. After marriage in April of 1941, they moved to the Cedar Rapids – Marion area while continuing assembly fellowship in Manchester until the assembly was formed in Marion. She leaves one daughter and two sons, spouses, two grandsons, and one great-grandson. Al Christopherson conducted the funeral service.