


Fort McMurray: The annual Sunday school Christmas program was held on December 11. A number of parents and relatives attended and the gospel was faithfully presented by Robin Schiltroth. We would value the prayers of the saints as we continue to look for a suitable building for a hall.

British Columbia

Langley: The believers enjoyed three sessions of ministry (Numbers 1-6) with Norman Mellish in October.

Vancouver: David Alves, Jr. shared in a ministry/report meeting on December 29 in Victoria Drive, and were each with the saints for a Lord’s Day over the holiday season.

Nova Scotia

Avonport: The saints enjoyed recent visits from Noel Burden and James McClelland.


Beachburg/Deep River: In late November, the saints in Beachburgaints were privileged to have Bruce Rodgers for a week of excellent ministry from Romans 12. Since early November, Murray Pratt has been conducting a bi-weekly gospel meeting in the Deep River Public Library. It has been encouraging to see about 10 adults in attendance who had previously attended the tent meetings in July. The earnest prayers of God’s people are valued for blessing in the work in this needy area of the Upper Ottawa Valley spanning 60 miles.

London: The Highbury assembly enjoyed a week with David Richards ministering on Romans 6-8. David Patten, Marvin Derksen, and Jim Beattie were each here for a weekend of appreciated ministry and gospel.

Sudbury: The assembly held their annual mini-conference on December 10-11. The saints appreciated ministry by Alex Dryburgh, Brian Owen, Bruce Rodgers, and Bert Snippe. On Lord’s Day, the Sunday school children and parents heard a good gospel message which was followed by a meal prepared by the assembly.

Prince Edward Island

Rosebank: In September, Brody and Sharon Thibodeau were commended to the Lord for full-time gospel service.


Arborfield: The date of the conference in 2012 in the December listing was incorrect. Please note the date is October 20-21.



Phoenix: The Thanksgiving conference was a time of rejoicing for the assembly, with ministry from Tom Baker, Alan Davidson, John Fitzpatrick, David Morgan, and Bill Lavery. The Bible readings on Ephesians 4-6 were most profitable. Bill Lavery and Alan Davidson remained for a week of ministry following the conference.


Alpena: About 200 calendars and invitations were distributed in the community during the annual outreach. This was followed by five nights of gospel meetings with local brethren Jack Saword, Jerry Jennings, Harrys Rodriguez, and Gary Wasson helping. There was much joy in seeing better attendance in years, with visitors from both Alpena and Springdale.


Fresno:  Recently, the assembly had four nights of ministry and gospel with Alan Davidson speaking on the various houses linked with the Lord in the Gospel of Luke.


Terryville: The assembly was encouraged when a young sister and a young brother obeyed the Lord in baptism after a gospel meeting on Lord’s Day. The saints appreciated visitors from surrounding assemblies to witness this step of obedience.


Manchester: Joel Portman had four meetings on the Seven Churches of Asia. The ministry was helpful and filled with exhortation to the overcomers. It was very interesting that the meetings followed the completion of the subject in our regular Bible readings.

Stout: Murray McCandless and John Meekin are planning gospel meetings here beginning February 19, DV. The prayers of the saints are requested for this effort.


Worcester: The saints were greatly encouraged by a much appreciated visit from Brian Currie (N. Ireland ) on the first Lord’s Day of January.

New York

Flushing: The believers were joined by Jack Coleman (Hatboro) in November for the monthly gospel outreach to ESL students. Ted Chambers (Midland Park) preached from the Word in the December outreach meeting. Many ESL students from different countries studying in New York attended both meetings. We value your earnest prayers for the salvation of these students. The believers had special ministry meetings December 25-31 when Joseph Chung ministered from the book of Numbers. The believers were encouraged by the ministry. Several Korean believers from Korea and other assemblies on the east coast attended.


Arlington: Lindsay Parks and Dan Shutt are expected at the Youth Conference, February 18-19, DV.


Cancun: A brother here recently obeyed the Lord in baptism. Please pray for his unsaved wife. Meetings are held in conjunction with a few believers that have come over from Guatemala. David Alves, Jr. visited them in late December, as well as visiting the handful of saints in Paraiso on the Yucatan peninsula.

Chihuahua: The assembly greatly appreciated the help of Sergio Arres (an elder in the Tepic assembly) for several weeks. The work in Mexico is beginning to benefit greatly from second generation Christians that are quite gifted in preaching the gospel and ministering God’s Word.

Ciudad Obregon: Shad Sluiter visited here with his family and a group of young people from the US and had nine daily children’s meetings in various points throughout the city. Please pray for gospel meetings to be held in January by Duncan Beckett and Jonathan Seed.

Ciudad Netzahualcoyotl: This assembly on the outskirts of Mexico City has tripled in size in the last year. In December local believers, helped by Brian Array (Texas), distributed 16,000 texts and invitations. Sid Emberly helped with a week of gospel meetings during which about 25 new people came to the hall. The assembly also appreciated visits from Duncan Beckett, Shad Kember, and Jose Vicente Guzman (Punto Fijo, Venezuela).

Iguala: Duncan Beckett and Shad Kember made a second visit to this city in the southern state of Guerrero, and were thrilled to see sustained interest on the part of many, and to hear of some that have professed to be saved.

Puerto Vallarta: The Coapinole assembly was greatly encouraged by the good attendance at their recent conference in which John Dennison, Randy Polley, Jonathan Seed, and Jason Wahls participated in the reports, ministry, and preaching of the gospel.

San Luis Rio Colorado: Gospel meetings were held, helped by John Dennison and Marcus Cain, in a barber shop in the south of this city that lies on the US-Mexico border.

Tirocapes: Jessie Klein and Timothy Woodford plan to have a series of gospel meetings in this outreach work at the south end of Hermosillo.

Veracruz: Marcus Cain recently gave appreciated help, both in the assembly in the port, as well as the gospel effort in Cotaxtla.

N. Ireland

Conferences – Increased numbers were noted at both Bucknaand Kilkeel conferences which were both held on Boxing Day. The ministry  was helpful and challenging. At the BelfastChristmas Conference held in the Kings Hall Exhibition Centre, December 28-29, exceptional numbers attended the afternoon Bible readings and remained for the evening ministry. Bible reading passages considered were 2 Peter 2 & 3 opened by David Gilliland and Jim Baker. At the Bible reading at Newtownstewart on January 2, Hebrews 3 was opened by Dr. Wm. McBride, and ministry in the afternoon was shared by four brethren.

Gospel – John Rogers and John Fleck are to commence a gospel series January 8 in Fintona; Wesley Martin and Stephen Gilfillan in Banbridge, January 15; and Gary Woods and David McGarvey are expected to start at Ardstraw, DV.

Children’s Meetings – Robert Plant had children’s meetings at the Bushmills and Clonkeen assemblies at the end of the year and is expected to be with Cambridge AveBallymena and  Ballintoy in January, DV. Stephen Harper had a well-attended and encouraging week with with the Ebenezer assembly in Bangor.

Ministry – The following assemblies had a week of ministry during November and December: Gransha and Ballynashee – B. Currie; Ballymoney – J. Fleck; Ballywatermoy – D. Gilliland; Cardy – I. Jackson; Dunmurry – M. Radcliffe; Glengormley and Parkgate – P. Coulson; Drumenagh – L. Craig; Magherafelt – J. Grant; and Ballinloob – S. Jennings.

Republic of Ireland

Longford: John Rogers (Newry) had nine nights of gospel meetings at the beginning of December. There were 1,000 invitations and calendars distributed in the area. Many  neighboring homes were visited with a personal invitation which was well received, with some attending the meetings for the first time. Two local men that have been the subject of much prayer attended most nights; we continue to pray for their salvation. This series was followed by an evening of ministry and a report of the work in the Isle of Man conducted by Gary  Woods.

Rathmines, Dublin: A short gospel series was conducted by Wesley Martin during part of November and December. A large number of invitations were distributed, with some response.  Attendance was good with a number of unsaved present each night and a few attending regularly. Prayer is requested that we will yet hear of salvation resulting from the preaching of God’s Word.


Matoaca, VA

March 3-4, in the Matoaca Elementary School (two blocks past the Gospel Hall), with Prayer Meeting on Friday, March 2 at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 6204 River Road, Matoaca. First meeting on Saturday 10:30am. Contact John Nobles at 804 265-5455, or jnobles6@aol.com.

Mount Sterling, WI

March 24-25 – Bible Reading Conference. Prayer Meeting, Friday, at 7:30pm at the Gospel Hall. All other meetings will be at the North Crawford High School north of Gays Mills. First meeting on Saturday at 10am. Breaking of Bread on Lord’s Day at 9:30am. Bible Readings are on Romans 13-16. For accommodations contact Richard M. Dudgeon, Tel: 608 734-3639, rmdudgeon@juno.com; or Wayne Granzow, Tel: 608 874-4760, E-mail: wcgranzow@centurytel.net. Outlines of the readings and order of meetings will be sent on request.

Manchester, CT

April 6-8 – 94th, annual Easter conference. Prayer Meeting, Friday at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 415 Center St, Manchester. All other meetings will be held in the Bolton Center School, 108 Notch Rd., Bolton, CT.  Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm.  Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry/Gospel 2pm. Contact Ted Kaulback, Tel: 860 742-0002, or E-mail: kaulted@aol.com for communications and accommodations.

Stout, IA

April 7-8, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, April 6 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am (Psalm 23), Breaking of Bread 10:30am. All meetings will be held in the Gospel Hall. Corr: Gary DeGroote, 28073 WestBrook St., New Hartford, IA 50660-8508. Tel: 319 983-2713, Cell: 319 231-4132. E-mail: gdegroote2@msn.com. Hall Tel: 319 346-1153.

Conference Reminders:

DeLand, FL – February 3-5

Arlington, WA – February 18-19 (Youth)

Jackson, MI – February 17-19

San Diego, CA – February 25-26

Additions to Worker Address Book

Brody & Sharon Thibodeau  4192 O’Halloran Road, RR #1, Bloomfield, PE C0B 1E0. Tel: 902 859-1453; E-mail: bwthib@gmail.com.

Change of Address

John Fitzpatrick: New E-mail address is johnfitz2011@gmail.com. Old address has been discontinued.

Gary N. Sharp: 149 Bayview Ave, Port McNicoll, ON L0K 1R0. (This is not a new residence – please carefully note change made by Canada Post.)

Change of Correspondent

Kansas City, MO: Alan Leroy Scott, 597 NW AA Hwy, Kingsville, MO 64061. Tel: 816 697-4023; Cell: 816 739-1686; E-mail: alanesther@embarqmail.com.

Change in Meeting Times

Rosebank, PE: Sunday Gospel meeting 7-8pm, Wednesday Prayer/Bible Study 7:30-8:45pm.


Réjéanne Doucette of Rosebank, PE, on September 9, 2011, age 61. Réjéanne moved with her husband, Gerry, from Ontario around 1977 and came in contact with the gospel through Larry Buote. She was saved in 1979 and bore a faithful and consistent testimony over the years. She will be sorely missed in the assembly at Rosebank. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband Gerry, son Elvis, and daughters Julie and Michelle, together with their spouses and nine grandchildren. Her funeral was held in the auditorium at the West Prince Acadian Centre near her home in Tignish. Over 400 heard the gospel preached faithfully in both English and French by Noel Burden and Luc Bergeron, many hearing it for the first time. Brody Thibodeau spoke words of comfort to those gathered for the interment at the Rosebank Gospel Hall.

Jennie Matheson of Charlottetown, PE, on September 16, 2011, in her 96th year. Jennie was saved over 65 years ago. She was predeceased by her husband, Homer, an elder in the Freetown assembly before they moved to Charlottetown. She faithfully attended the assembly meetings until health no longer permitted. She had been a resident of a care facility for a number of years prior to her home-call and was a faithful witness to all who cared for her there. The funeral was taken by Peter Ramsay and Noel Burden.

Helen Belle Denham of Chilliwack, BC, on November 19, 2011, in her 93rd year. She was predeceased by her husband, Cecil, five and a half months before her home call. She was saved at an early age and was a faithful attendee at Parkview Gospel Hall, Abbotsford, BC, as long as health permitted. She longed to see her two boys, Grant and Barry, and their families saved. The funeral service was conducted by Jim Barron, and graveside by Phil Atkinson.

Sanford “Sandy” Smith of Portage la Prairie, MB, on November 28, age 86. Saved at 24, he was noted for a consistent testimony to his Lord and was a valued member of the First Street assembly for about 60 years. For a goodly number of those years he actively served as an overseer. Besides this, his skill as a carpenter was put to good use in the design and upkeep of the hall. For most of the last two years ill health kept him from attending the meetings, but did not diminish his interest in the saints. Sandy will be missed by his wife Audrey, his three sons, one daughter, and their families, as well as others who knew and loved him. Thankfully, this will only be until the Lord comes. The funeral service was conducted by David Vanstone, with Jim Solomon at the graveside. His son Bruce and grandson Ken shared memories of his life.

Art Mulder of Stout, IA, on December 5, age 83. He was saved August 18, 1947 through the truth of 1 Peter 2:24: “Who His own self, bore our sins in His own body on the tree,” while attending gospel tent meetings in Parkersburg conducted by Leonard Debuhr and George Gould. His faithfulness to the meetings of the assembly was an example to be emulated by all. He is survived by his wife, Darlene, three children, seven grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren. His funeral service held in the Stout hall was shared by Eric McCullough, Roy Weber, and Russ Nesbit.

Richard (Dick) Taylor of Taylorside, SK, on December 7, 2011, age 70. Our dear brother was born August 21, 1941 at Taylorside and born again on August 3, 1952. He was later baptized and received into assembly fellowship. He lived his life as a true testimony to others, both through words and example. He leaves his beloved wife Christina, four children, ten grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Even though his last month was a physical struggle, he continued his life legacy of being an encouragement to others through his gracious manner. His sons Kelly and Todd took the funeral service, with Murray Meyers at the graveside.

Elmer Swanstrom of Sudbury, ON, on December 13, 2011, age 96. He was saved in 1938 and was in happy fellowship in the Arnstein, ON assembly before moving to the Sudbury area in the mid-seventies where he and his beloved wife, Pearl (predeceased November 2008), were faithful to the assembly gatherings until he was unable to attend because of ill health. Elmer was a happy, cheerful brother and it was a joy to visit with him. Being bedridden for the last year and a half, he was lovingly cared for by his daughter and son-in-law. He will be sadly missed by two daughters and their families for whom prayer is requested. The funeral service was conducted by Brian Owen.

Virginia Van Der Hart of Phoenix, AZ, on December 20, age 68. Our dear sister in the Lord was saved as a girl of 17 in a gospel series with Sydney Maxwell in Phoenix. She was baptized and received into the assembly at Garfield St. Gospel Hall, and was later married for 47 years to her husband Clarence. She was devoted to the assembly, and was known for her hospitality to the Lord’s servants, as well as many others of the Lord’s people who needed help. Having no children of their own, they helped many a young person in the home, as if they were their own children. Her friendly smile and thoughtful care will be missed. The funeral and graveside service was taken by Bill Lavery. The Gospel was preached to many unsaved.

Elim Homes – Prayer Request

Elim Homes is a Christian Retirement Home located in Waubaushene, Ontario.  Established in 1945, Elim has always been committed to “Providing a caring, friendly, family-style environment that is supportive of the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of our residents,” as stated in our Mission Statement.

Some of the things that set it apart as a “Christian” Home are the giving of thanks before every meal, daily devotions held in the living room each morning, weekly speakers and Bible study, and regular visits from the local assembly Christians for singing and fellowship. The administrator and staff have a genuine care for the residents, and this is reflected in great meals, a clean and well-maintained facility, and a level of care that goes beyond the expected.

Elim Homes has never sought or received government funding or help of any kind, and so day-to-day expenses are funded entirely by resident fees and donations.  The year 2011 has been a challenging time and some of the many factors which have contributed to current challenges include:

• A diminishing awareness by believers in the Elim Homes ministry, as evidenced by a higher than usual vacancy rate, and declining support. For many, living in close proximity to family, and the benefits of newer facilities have become a higher priority than the Christian atmosphere found in the home.

• Government programs that encourage and allow people to stay in their homes much longer than in earlier years.  Many people are in their 90s before seeking a facility, and often times require Long-Term Care, skipping over the Retirement Home segment altogether.

• Increased government regulations and obligations that place a huge burden on staff.

Please pray that we will be given strength and wisdom as we seek God’s direction for both the present and the future.

The Board of Directors of Elim Homes