British Columbia
West Kelowna: Gospel meetings in Westbank with Jack Gould and James McClelland concluded May 2 after three weeks. One young man showed interest in salvation. Please continue to pray.
Brandon: The assembly witnessed the baptism of a young believer recently. We also had three nights of ministry with Alex Dryburgh which were appreciated.
New Brunswick
Moncton: The new hall was occupied about a month ago after using various venues since last August. Jim Smith was recently with the assembly for a few nights of appreciated ministry. A young woman from Nova Scotia who is going to school in Moncton has been received into the fellowship, and a young man who was saved last year has requested baptism.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Fogo: Bryan Funston gave ministry for three nights here, and also in Carbonear and St. John’s.
Gander: The saints were encouraged with a good number in attendance and a happy spirit among all. Wallace Buckle, John Fitzpatrick, Bryan Funston, Tom Hoy, Jim Jarvis, Bert Joyce, Robert McIlwaine, and Carl Payne shared in the meetings at the conference.
McIvers: A three week series of gospel meetings commenced on March 28 with Jim Jarvis and John Fitzpatrick. The saints were encouraged with a good number of people attending with a sustained interest. It was a joy to witness a middle-aged couple that had professed faith a year ago obey the Lord in baptism.
Rocky Harbour: It was an encouragement to the saints to have John Fitzpatrick for ministry April 20-23. Pete Smith joined him for the last meeting.
Sandringham: Tom Hoy and Robert McIlwaine conducted three weeks of gospel meetings in March. Christians were encouraged and attendance was excellent, but no unsaved seemed to have any real interest. A young lady obeyed the Lord in baptism on the first Sunday night. Bryan and Elizabeth Funston visited the saints the weekend following the Gander conference.
Clinton: Through the winter and spring seasons, the assembly appreciated the varied ministry and reports given by Andrew Robertson, Brian Crawford, Wallace Buckle, Alex Dryburgh, Mark Bachert, and Marvin Derksen. Sunday school attendance is encouraging and the treat was well-attended. Prayer is requested for lasting results of the spring children’s meetings in Ethel with DeSilva, and in Clinton with Andrew Robertson. The assembly continues monthly outreach efforts at five local retirement nursing homes, presenting the gospel with hymns and a message.
London: Prayer is requested for a series of gospel meetings to begin at Chelsea Heights Gospel Hall on July 4, DV, with Larry Perkins and Andrew Robertson. This area has been worked for 60 years, and there are some from this community that attend the Sunday school and the weekly gospel meetings.
Toronto: Large numbers, including many younger Christians, enjoyed three days of ministry, gospel, and missionary reports over the Easter weekend. A young lady, who was saved at the conference, was the third generation in her family to be saved at a Toronto conference.
Phoenix: The West Phoenix assembly convened its second conference early in April. The believers were encouraged by the ministry given by Tim Woodford, Ross Vanstone, Paul Thiessen, Shad Kember, and Marcus Cain. Milton Jaime (San Diego) gave appreciated help in the gospel on Sunday night. Over 130 people witnessed the baptism of four believers Saturday night, including a man who was saved recently after attending meetings for many years, and whose wife has been faithful in the assembly since its inception in 2002.
Chico: The assembly had a week of ministry meetings April 9-15 with Dave Richards on Acts 2, focusing on the fundamentals of an assembly. The teaching was very timely and appreciated by all.
Los Angeles: The Palm Sunday weekend conference in East Los Angeles, in concert with the Panorama City assembly, both Spanish-speaking, was well-attended. About 250 were in attendance with 120 at the Breaking of Bread. Two sisters were baptized and at least one teenager accepted the Lord. The Word was ministered by Marcus Cain, Tom Baker, Glen Baker (to the children), and Roberto Juarez (Guatemala). Marcus Cain gave ministry for one week prior and Roberto Juarez for one week after the conference.
San Diego: A young mother was recently baptized. Also two Sunday school scholars professed to be saved. This has been an encouragement to the assembly.
Newington: Four weeks of excellent gospel meetings with Eugene Higgins ended with blessing in salvation for a man who had been the object of prayer for many years. Other unsaved adults and children attended regularly showing definite interest. Pray for the Lord’s continued blessing in their salvation.
Stout: The recent series of gospel meetings with Murray McCandless and John Meekin continued for six weeks with large attendance each night, many from the community. The Lord was gracious with three souls professing. The conference this year was very well-attended with larger numbers than in the past. Thirteen of the Lord’s servants were present to share in the ministry of the Word which was wholesome and timely.
Methuen: The assembly was encouraged and refreshed with the recent reception into fellowship of a young sister in March. She was saved at age 16 through the Sunday school work, having attended since age six. David Hunt visited for a Lord’s Day in April, and gave appreciated ministry and a faithful message in the gospel.
Saugus: The Sunday school treat was attended by a number of unsaved parents. Frank Sona spoke a clear and faithful message in the gospel, and continued for four ministry meetings on the book of Ruth. The ministry was practical, exhorting, and helpful to God’s people. The meetings were supported by other local assemblies. Please continue to pray for the gospel outreach at the rehab center which continues each Monday evening.
Cass City: The assembly had two deeply appreciated visits: one from Fred Krause for a ministry meeting in late March, and the other from Bert Snippe on April 7 on effective witnessing.
Ferndale: The assembly appreciated a report on the work in St. Lucia from Jack Nesbitt, along with timely ministry and help in gospel preaching. Please pray for believers in southeast Michigan who need employment in order to remain in this area.
Jackson: A good number of visitors and Sunday school contacts attended gospel meetings with Albert Hull and Bill Seale during three weeks in April. The gospel was faithfully proclaimed and the ministry by our brethren was very much appreciated. Please continue to pray for the good seed sown, that there will be fruit in salvation for God’s glory.
Central America
Brethren from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador have united to form a provisional board of directors for the formation of a conservative assembly-guided University in native Mayan land in Chiapas, Mexico. Please pray for this endeavor.
Ciudad del Carmen: Paul Thiessen visited the assembly here in late April for a week of very appreciated ministry meetings on the Seven Churches of Asia.
Ciudad Obregon: Shad Kember and Duncan Beckett continue in their fifth month of nightly meetings following the distribution of John 3:16 texts at the end of December. They appreciate help given by brethren from Hermosillo and other parts from time to time. Attendance by those who have professed since the work started, and by unbelievers, continues. God continues to work in the salvation of souls. Teaching is being given to the new believers as well in the meetings, and a baptism is planned for early May.
Ixtapa: The annual conference was held the first weekend in May with excellent attendance and appreciated ministry given by Jason Wahls, Paul Thiessen, Marcus Cain, Carlos Gallegos (Coapinole), and Randy Polley (Ixtapa). Saturday night, Chucho Gomez (Zamora) shared in the gospel before three young men were baptized. A teenage girl from Tepic, whose older brother is in assembly fellowship, attended both Zamora and Ixtapa conferences, and on the Monday after the Ixtapa conference professed faith in Christ.
Veracruz: Gospel meetings commenced in the small town of Cotaxtla on April 25 with John Nesbitt and Marcus Cain. Daniel Mendoza (Ixtapa) joined brother Nesbitt for the second week. The attendance has been encouraging with some unbelievers attending nightly. The believers in the port of Veracruz appreciated ministry given by brother Cain during his visit.
Zamora: Over 300 believers from many different assemblies gathered together over the Easter weekend for the annual conference. There was great joy as nine believers were baptized on the Saturday night, many of them brought up in Christian homes. The gospel meetings were well attended with many neighbors in attendance. The ministry was shared by five missionaries and Sid Emberly (Portage).
N. Ireland
Lisburn: On April 25 gospel meetings commenced in the Lagan Valley Island Civic Centre. They are expected to continue preaching until May 21. There has been some encouragement in salvation.
Pugwash Junction, NS
July 3-4, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, July 2 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 8:45am (The Work of Shepherds, Elders, and Deacons in the Local Assembly), Ministry of God’s Word 10am and 2:15pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:30am (The Work of The Good Shepherd, The Great Shepherd, The Chief Shepherd), Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 12:45pm, Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel Meeting 6:30pm. Corr: Harold Elliott, 40 Hwy #6, Wallace, NS, B0K 1Y0; Tel 902 257-2236; E-mail Advance accom: Jerry Thompson, Tel 902 243-3112. Gospel Hall 902 243-2205.
Sioux City, IA
July 17-18, 33rd annual conference, with Prayer Meeting on Saturday, July 17 at 7:30pm. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 120 S Leonard St., Sioux City, IA. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:45am, Bible Reading 11:30am (1Thess 4), Lunch 1pm, Children’s Meeting 2pm, Ministry 2:30pm, dinner. Corr: Enoch Hayes, Tel: 712 204-9315; E-mail:
Clinton, ON
July 24, 7th annual Summer Conference at the Gospel Hall, 143 Joseph St., Clinton, ON beginning at 9am on the theme “Time Management for the Christian.” For more information, or Friday evening supper and overnight reservations, contact Marvin Bachert, Walton, ON; Tel 519 887-9791, or E-mail
Conference Reminders:
Bancroft, ON – June 5
Burgessville, ON – June 5
Eden Grove, ON – June 6
Garnavillo, IA – June 5-6
Saugus, MA – June 5-6
Barrie, ON – June 12
North Bay, ON – June 12-13
Portage la Prairie, MB – June 11-13
Glen Ewen, SK – June 18-20
Victoria Road, ON – June 19-20
Augusta, ME – June 26-27
Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Charlton, ON – June 26-27
Taylorside, SK – June 25-26
Pugwash Junction, NS – July 3-4
Kamloops, BC – July 2-4
Change of Contact Information
Joseph Chung: New phone number is 646 229-0715. Address remains the same.
Dennis and Gloria Hanna: New E-mail address is
Change of Address of Correspondent
Brandon, MB: Alan Ritchie, #316-4525 Victoria Ave., Brandon, MB, R7B 4A6
Change of Correspondent
Deckerville, MI (Mills Rd. Gospel Hall): Greg Trowhill, 4330 Mills Rd., Deckerville, MI 48427; Tel 810 376-8485; E-mail:
Special Notice
It is the intent of Truth & Tidings to publish, in the December issue, a list of conferences for 2011 which will include only dates. The purpose is to aid believers in planning holidays, and assemblies who are planning special events, so that conflicts will not occur with conferences in their area. Some conferences are on fixed weekends, and others float with national holidays such as Easter. Assembly correspondents are asked to contact the news editor (see inside cover) to confirm the dates of their conferences by November 4th to be included in the list.
Detailed conference notices will continue to be published on a monthly basis. It is recommended that these be received 3 months in advance of the conference by the 4th of the month.
Esther Aiken of Unionville, ON, passed away quietly at Bethany Lodge on May 28, 2009, age 94. She was saved when she was 17 years of age and lived a godly life until her passing into the presence of her Lord. She is fondly remembered by her brothers and sisters who all reside in Northern Ireland, as well as many other relatives and friends in Ireland and Canada. At her funeral, David Hughes gave a tribute to her life and Andrew Ussher preached a clear gospel message, and also spoke at the graveside.
Wilmar Lennox of Cleveland, OH, on December 31, 2009, age 73. Wilmar was saved April 24, 1949 at the age of 12 in Glasgow, Scotland, after a Sunday school class. She was baptized two years later and received into fellowship at Kilbirnie, Scotland where her family had moved. She moved from Scotland to Cleveland in 1954 with her family, and was in fellowship at the West 85th Street Gospel Hall for many years. She transferred to the Monticello Gospel Hall in 1986, and continued consistently in happy fellowship. The last couple of years she was unable to get to the meetings because of sickness, but continued to enjoy the Lord’s presence. Wilmar loved to sing and had a happy smile. She leaves two sisters and a brother. The funeral was shared by her twin brother Gordon Lennox and by Art Pile. Bill Cairns took the graveside service.
Lydia Viglione of Methuen, MA, on March 30, age 88. Our dear sister was saved as a young girl of 11 while living in Morristown, NJ. After the Netti family relocated to Methuen in the mid 1930s, she was among the early believers of the assembly there. Lydia was a quiet, consistent and very faithful sister, always seeking to be a help in whatever activity she could. She sorely missed not being able to attend the assembly meetings in the recent year of failing health, and was greatly missed by the believers as well. Her late husband, Virgil, went home to heaven many years before. She is survived by her daughter Judy Bedell, two grandchildren, three sisters, and a brother. The funeral service was shared by her brother David Netti, Mark Quitadamo, Buster Williamson, Dan Dibella, and friends of the family.
Albert G. Barbour of St. John’s, NL, on April 22, age 90. Albert accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior on June 26, 1946 through the words of Acts 16:31. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, an affectionate brother, and friend to many. Albert leaves his wife Sadie, to whom he was happily married for 68 years, six married daughters, two married sons, 18 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, and many other family connections. Albert was predeceased by his brother Raymond, and sisters Marjorie and Elizabeth.
Tom Barr of Vancouver, BC, on April 22, age 87. Our dear brother was saved 43 years ago. Brought up in a Christian home, he tried the world for 44 years until a memorable night in June 1967 when, in much soul trouble, he cried to God for mercy and was saved. He was in fellowship at Victoria Drive for most of those years and active in Sunday school work along with his wife Lorna, who predeceased him in 1999. He had a genuine care for the saints, and was a respected elder in that assembly. He leaves behind his second wife Helen, his three children, two brothers, and a sister. The gospel was clearly preached with many unsaved in attendance. Please remember the family in prayer, as most of them are not saved.