Fort McMurray: Jim Webb was with the assembly January 13-17 for ministry and also shared in the gospel. The meetings were very well attended, considering the size of the assembly, and all were encouraged.
British Columbia
Vancouver: A mini-conference on “Reaching the Young” was held in Victoria Drive, January 30-31. Profitable help was given by Matthew Cain, Pete Smith, and local brethren, Derek Lam and Dan Singh. Please pray for a special effort in the gospel in the week following the Easter conference in the Michael J. Fox Theatre. Marvin Derksen and John Grant will be the speakers.
New Brunswick
Shediac: In October and November, Gérard Roy, helped by local brethren, held nine weeks of gospel meetings during which a good number of mostly Christians’ children professed faith in Christ. The saints were encouraged and refreshed.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Corner Brook: The visit of Gaius and Linda Goff, January 11-15, was an encouragement to the saints. The ministry of brother Goff on the “Doctrine of God,” was appreciated. The saints of the McIver’s assembly also attended.
Gander: Mr. and Mrs. Goff, and Justin Klein visited from January 18-24. Appreciated ministry was given on the “Attributes of God.” Special children’s meetings commence in February every Monday for seven weeks until the conference in March.
L’Anse au Loup: Gospel meetings which began January 17 with Marvin Derksen and Frank Sona continue with good numbers coming out. Please pray.
Parsons Pond: The weekend visit of Gaius Goff and the ministry given were appreciated.
Seal Cove: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne for Lord’s Day, January 24.
Nova Scotia
Clementsvale: John Meekin and Jon Procopio continued with gospel meetings into February with 15-20 unsaved out every night.
London: The assembly was encouraged by the gospel faithfully proclaimed by Andrew Robertson and Bryan Joyce in the Chelsey Gospel Hall during the month of January. Some came in from the area through the invitations received. There were also children’s meetings held with interest, and these will continue until Easter. Also, a Sunday night gospel meeting in this area is planned on a continuing basis as the Lord leads.
North Bay: The Nipissing Junction assembly enjoyed the clear preaching of the gospel by Murray Pratt with Mike Trahan of this assembly. Attendance of unsaved was somewhat disappointing. Terry Hurd followed with a week of well-attended children’s meetings on the topic of “Creation.” Encouraging and profitable visits for ministry and gospel were had from Alvin Cook and Brian Crawford for two Lord’s days each, and Stuart Thompson for one Lord’s day. Don Nicholson visited for a Lord’s day, Monday ministry, and Tuesday children’s meeting in Mattawa. Brian Owen gave an interesting report of his visit to his former field of labor in St. Lucia, and of the obvious progress in the work.
Alpena: The assembly enjoyed an extended visit by Joel Portman in January, who gave very helpful ministry from 2 Corinthians. He also gave help in a special series of gospel meetings in Huntsville, and with the help of local believers, distributed tracts and invitations in the town area. There was a week of meetings in English, a week in Spanish, followed by a week of children’s meetings. Dan Shutt, during a short visit, shared speaking responsibilities with Harrys Rodriguez, Joel Portman, and Jack Saword. Believers gave good support, though local attendance was poor, but there was great rejoicing when a young boy professed salvation. Regular meetings in Springdale continued as usual with the afore-mentioned brethren.
Chico: The assembly was encouraged by one week of ministry meetings with Stan Wells, using his chart for the study “Egypt to Canaan.”
Manchester: On January 3, the assembly celebrated 100 years of testimony. It began when three young brethren in their early twenties from Scranton, PA came to visit relatives, and faithfully preached the gospel for at least a couple of years. Souls were saved and they rented a building in 1908. In July of 1909, a number of saints gathered for the first time to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The following summers saw many tent series with more saints being added, and so by the grace of God the assembly continues. The saints appreciated David Oliver’s presence for the day, and a good number attended. A free, 50-page instructive and historical booklet is available by contacting
Hitesville: Roy Weber and Jerry Jennings started gospel meetings here January 11.
Manchester: Excellent ministry was given by Eric McCullough and Bill Lavery at the January all-day meeting. Brother Lavery also gave a week of ministry on the subject of Separation. Local brethren held encouraging children’s meetings in Lamont and Ryan. One dear lady, bitterly opposed when her husband was saved ten years ago, came out to the children’s meetings and brought her mother also.
Stout: Gospel meetings begin February 28, with Murray McCandless and John Meekin, in the Gospel Hall at 7pm. Prayer would be appreciated for this special effort.
Saugus: Eugene Higgins, with his chart on “The Impact of the Bible and Christianity on American History,” continued into February for a third week. The gospel has been faithfully and solemnly presented, with some apparent interest. The meetings have been well attended and supported by the local assemblies. CDs, handouts, and a chart are available at
Frank Sona is expected April 10-14 for the Sunday school treat and four meetings on the book of Ruth. The outline for this study will be posted on the website.
Worcester: The assembly enjoyed a visit by Alvin Cook in early January.
Saginaw: Bruce Cottrill and Jon Slabaugh (Sherman, MI) gave uplifting ministry and clear gospel messages during the bi-monthly meeting, February 7. The surrounding assemblies supported this effort and were encouraged by the teaching and ministry of the Word.
Fridley: William Skates was here in mid-January with three sessions of practical ministry on lessons learned from Biblical references to fish and fishing.
New Mexico
Albuquerque: Since September, the assembly has benefitted from ministry by Jim Webb, Bill Lavery, and Stan Wells; there was also a two-week gospel series in the hall with Bryon Meyers and Matt Smith. In late December, a new outreach effort in the Los Lunas area, 25 miles south of Albuquerque, resulted in the distribution of over 10,000 texts, thanks to the efforts of Tim and Eunice McCalley, with a group of young people from the U.S. and Canada. This was followed by two weeks of gospel meetings in a rented motel room in early January. The speakers were John Fitzpatrick and Steve Anderson. Some interest was shown.
McKeesport: In November, Albert Hull conducted gospel meetings using his chart on the eight dispensations. These meetings were extremely well-attended with visitors in every night. In December, David Oliver gave appreciated ministry. In January, Jim Smith gave three nights of appreciated teaching. Please pray for gospel meetings to begin March 7 with Eugene Higgins.
Ciudad del Carmen: Gospel meetings are into their second week in the new hall. A lot of canvassing has been done in the area and some new contacts have been made.
Ciudad Obregón: Duncan Beckett, John Dennison, and Shad Kember continue in special meetings here with excellent attendance, and rejoice in that two souls have professed faith in Christ. Daniel Mendoza (Ixtapa) spent two weeks here giving appreciated help in this work.
El Barril: Following up on a fruitful gospel series in Postville, IA, Jason Wahls and Shad Sluiter plan to visit here, as many of the contacts in Postville are from this Mexican town.
Hermosillo: The special series in the north of the city has ended, but local brethren carry on with gospel meetings three nights a week.
La Purisima: Several believers from Portage la Prairie, MB, as well as a good crowd of local people, witnessed the baptism of a man and a woman here, fruit of the labors of Portage believers with Hispanic farm workers in that area of the Canadian Prairies. The work in Purisima calls: who will go?
Puerto Vallarta: Young brethren from the Coapinole and Ixtapa assemblies are very encouraged with the salvation of a young man who has been attending several weeks of cottage meetings in Progreso. As well, they have had a very encouraging start in another weekly outreach in a poor suburb called Canadas. The older work in Volcanes has 140 children and adults attending weekly.
Rancho Nácar: Daniel Mendoza has seen fruit for his labors in this small village close to Ixtapa. Recently, a man was baptized, while another man trusted Christ that same night.
Santiago Ixcuintla: James Dyck, Sid Emberly (Portage), and local brethren are preaching the gospel nightly in a new location.
Tepic: Continued prayer is requested for brother Antonio Camacho who is in a persistent vegetative state as a result of a serious car accident suffered last November. His wife and children are in fellowship and have grown in this trial. Marcus Cain has spent many long vigils at the hospital in support of the family.
Veracruz: The new assembly in this port city on the Gulf continues to grow, and the work in nearby Cotaxtla is seeing blessing as well.
Zapopa: Brethren here are very busy with the construction of a new hall. If you have time, skills, and willingness to help, please contact brother Paul Thiessen.
Two brothers, Veralndieu (Pennsauken, NJ) and Rubin Marcellus (Barrington, NJ) visited their homeland of Haiti. They left on January 5 and visited in a number of villages and cities. They distributed Seed Sower texts, held personal conversations, and preached in the open air. The people of Haiti are very open to the gospel and receptive to receiving texts and tracts. Conversations are easily had with the people. The main religions in the nation are Catholicism, Protestantism, and Voodoo. There is a good knowledge of the Bible, but little knowledge of God’s way of salvation. There have been a few professions as a result of their visits, and some interest in assembly truth.
The brethren were scheduled to leave Haiti on January 15; the earthquake on the 12th changed their plans. Although they were in a distant area holding a gospel meeting at the time of the quake, the walls in the house shook and the ground trembled. They were able to visit Port au Prince several days after the earthquake and reported on the devastation. They found people more responsive and serious concerning spiritual things after the earthquake. They were able to finally get flights out of the country and return home on the 23rd.
N. Ireland
The following meetings are planned or in progress:
Bangor: Paul McAuley and Aaron Colgan
Ballykeel, Mourne: David McGarvey and Fred McAuley
Castlewellan: T.W. Wright and David McKinley
Cregagh Street, Belfast: Blair Martin and Paul McAuley
Dromore: Malcolm Radcliffe and Willie Fenton plan to commence meetings in mid-February.
Kilmore, Co. Armagh: Brian Currie and Jack Palmer
Limavady: Jim and Wesley Martin
Magherafelt: John Rogers and Raymond Kirkpatrick
Newtownstewart: Gary Woods and Leslie Craig
Sionmills: Aaron Colgan for two weeks on Future Events
Tassagh: Robin McKeown and John Fleck
Jesse Fitch writes, “Prayers for the gospel work in Siberia are appreciated. Spring and fall visits were made to the assemblies. The gospel continues to spread to individuals in private and to unbelievers who attend the meetings of the saints in Saverouralsk: saints are holding weekly meetings in a nearby village. Several have been saved through the singing of Christians working at their garden plots in Volchance. Saints expressed gratitude for the ministry of A. Davidson of N. Ireland in October and for the funds provided for remodeling projects on several halls. Prayer is needed for the publication of a new Believer’s magazine.”
Clarksville, IA
April 4, in the Antioch Gospel Hall. Ministry 10am, Breaking of Bread 11am, Lunch 12pm, Children’s Meeting 1:30pm, Ministry 2pm, Supper 4:30pm, Gospel 6pm. Corr: John Wessels, Tel 319 269-3493, E-mail
Manchester, CT
April 2-4, 92nd annual Easter conference. Prayer Meeting, Friday, at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 415 Center St, Manchester. All other meetings will be held in the Bolton Center School, 108 Notch Rd., Bolton, CT. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry/Gospel 2pm. Communications and accommodations: contact Ted Kaulback, Tel 860 742-0002.
Nineveh, NS
April 3-4, in Park View Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater. Prayer Meeting on Friday, April 2nd at 7pm in the Gospel Hall, Route 208, Civic #2495, Nineveh. Supper will be served on Friday at 5pm in the Gospel Hall. Saturday: Bible Reading 8:30am, Ministry 10am. Corr: Robert Kaulback, 19 Medway Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 1J8; Tel 902 543-5530; E-mail: Accom: Clark Hubley, Tel 902 543-3268.
Vancouver, BC
April 2-4, the annual Easter conference commences with the Prayer Meeting, April 1 at 8pm at the S. Main Gospel Hall. All other meetings, except the Lord’s Supper, to be held in the Michael J. Fox Theatre in the Burnaby South Senior Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby. There will be Bible readings (Galatians 5 & 6), ministry, gospel, reports, and youth meetings throughout the weekend. Accom: Earl Ritchie, 604 277-7019, or Om Chand 604 321-3331.
Following the conference there will be gospel meetings April 5-9 at 7:30pm in the conference location with Marvin Derksen and John Grant. The need of God’s presence and blessing is deeply felt; the prayers of His people are requested for the conference and meetings to follow.
Newbury, ON
April 10, in the Newbury Gospel Hall. Ministry 2:30- 5pm, Ministry/Gospel 6:30-7:30pm. Contact Chris Snooks at 519 695-5779, or
Stout, IA
April 10-11, commencing with Prayer Meeting on Friday, April 9 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry begins at 10am. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am (Luke 24:1-35), Breaking of Bread 10:30am. All meetings in the Gospel Hall. Corr. Gary DeGroote, 28073 Westbrook St., New Hartford, Iowa 50660-8508; Tel 319 983-2713; Cell 319 231-4132; E-mail: Gospel Hall: 319 346-1153.
Winnipeg, MB
April 9-11, in the West End Gospel Hall, 492 Victor Street, and the Assiniboia-Charleswood Community Church, 760 Charleswood Road, Winnipeg. Friday (WEGH): Bible Reading 1:30- 5pm (Subject: Luke 1 – led by Tom Baker and Robert Thomson), Ministry 7-8:30pm. Saturday (all at ACCC): Ministry 10:30-12 noon; 2-5pm, 7-8:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread (WEGH) 10-11:30am, Ministry (ACCC) 2-5pm; Gospel (ACCC) 7-8pm. Please note varying venues. Meals and accommodation provided. Corr: Wayne Friesen,, Tel 204 889-0126; Ian Gibson,, Tel 204 832-9930.
Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA
April 17-18, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, April 16, at 7pm in the Cedar Falls Gospel Hall, 1304 Walnut St., Cedar Falls. All other meetings are in the Cedar Falls High School, 11th and Division Sts., Cedar Falls. Saturday: Ministry 10am. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am. (Hebrews 2:7-18), Breaking of Bread 10:15am. Corr: Richard Orr, 614 Bland Blvd. S.W., Independence, IA 50644, Tel 319 334-3931; or Erwin Stickfort, 5027 Sage Rd., Cedar Falls, IA 50613, Tel 319 266-6271, E-mail Please note: There will be no Bible Readings in the week preceding the conference.
McKeesport, PA
April 23-25, in the McKeesport Senior High School. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30pm at the McKeesport Gospel Hall. Saturday: Ministry 10am & 1:45pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school at 11:45am, Ministry 1:30pm, Gospel 4pm. Speakers expected are Tom Baker, Eugene Higgins, David Petterson, and Andrew Ussher. Accom: Rob Oliver at 412 664-1004, or Other inquiries: Tom Clark at 412 751-5283 or
Waukesha, WI
April 24 and 25, in the Salvation Army Citadel, 445 Madison St, Waukesha, WI. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (Eph 1:1-14), Ministry 1:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm. Contact Cory Peppler, Tel 262 549-2386, or
Newmarket, ON
May 2, in the Newmarket Gospel Hall, Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Bible Study 11:30am (Titus 2 – Bruce Rodgers), Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. For directions or accommodations, contact Tim Scheer at 905 898-4369, or Pre-conference ministry/question & answer for the young in Christ on Saturday, May 1 at 3pm followed by supper and a time of fellowship/activities in the early evening.
Sarnia, ON
May 28-30, in the Sarnia Gospel Hall. The conference theme is “Godly Women.” The first session on Friday night is “The Significance of Womanhood”. Following sessions are “Singleness and Womanhood,” “Submission of the Woman,” “Symbolism and the Women,” “Scriptural Service of Women,” “Spiritual Development of Women,” “Secular Work and Christian Women,” and “Seeking a Woman from God. For more information contact John Prins, Tel 519 542-8091, E-mail
Conference Reminders:
Matoaca, VA – March 6-7
Mt. Sterling, WI – March 27-28
Clarksville, IA – April 4
Toronto, ON – April 2-4
Change of Address
Lorne Langfeld: Box 20, 70 West Bay Blvd., RR #3, Kirkfield, ON, K0M2B0. Tel 705 374-4483; E-mail
Murray & Grace Poidevin: E-mail address is Other addresses have been discontinued.
Dr. Don L. Kiser, DDS of Frostburg, MD, on April 22, 2009, age 83. Don joined the believers in Frostburg in August of 1995 and was a tremendous help with the assembly meetings and gospel outreach. He served his residential community as a prominent dentist for 56 years. Saved by God’s grace in the 1980’s during tent meetings held by Robert Surgenor in the Keyser, WV, area, Don was able to be an excellent witness of Christ to his many patients, family members, and friends. Don never ceased to appreciate the beauty and simplicity of gathering to the person of the Lord Jesus. He leaves behind a wife, two sons, and grandchildren. He is greatly missed by all.
Vera Janetta Miller of Arborfield, SK, on June 9, 2009, in her 86th year. She was saved in her early years and lived to prove the reality of her sins forgiven. She was in happy fellowship in the Arborfield assembly for over 60 years. She will be remembered as an example of one who was “given to much hospitality.” She is greatly missed by the assembly, her three children, their spouses and their families, and one sister. Her husband was called home soon after (see following notice). The funeral service was shared by Floyd Pickering and Dave Taylor.
Wallace John Miller of Arborfield, SK, on July 30, 2009, just seven weeks after his wife, Vera. He took Christ as his Savior early in life, was in the Arborfield assembly, and was an encouragement to young and old all his life. Left to cherish his memory is his one son and two daughters, their spouses, ten grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, and one brother. The assembly misses him. Words of comfort and the gospel were spoken at the large funeral by Bruce Smith.
Hendrick (Henk) Scholte of Kelowna, BC, on October 17, 2009, age 81. He was born in Lisse, Netherlands in 1928 into a Dutch Reformed family. At age 18 he immigrated to Canada, and settled on the BC coast. In May 1950, Henk heard a clear gospel message and trusted the Lord Jesus as his Savior. In 1951 he married Hilda Bergsma. After a struggle leaving the old ways of the church, Henk saw the truth of gathering to the Lord’s Name. He was received into fellowship at the Woodland Drive assembly where Hilda was already in fellowship, and soon manifested a gift in gospel preaching. After three years, they moved to the Langley assembly. Then, a work began in the Fleetwood area where he, the late Bill Bingham, and others saw a number saved and an assembly planted in 1968. About 11 years later, he moved to Kelowna, and was a real asset to the Westbank assembly. He served as an elder for 40 years altogether. While visiting in the Calgary area in October, he had a serious heart attack and passed into the presence of his Lord and Savior. He is sadly missed by his wife Hilda, one son, two daughters, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Mary C. Moore of Pittsboro, NC, on December 24, 2009, in her 100th year. Saved at 14 in McKeesport, she and her husband William (d 2000) were faithfully devoted to the care of that assembly until 1996, when failing health required them to move to Pittsboro Christian Village in North Carolina. Her godly life and kindly interest were a blessing in the assembly there right to the end. She leaves five children: William (Betty), Ernest (Kay), Stanley (Christina) Arlene Robinson (Paul), James (Cindy). At the service, touching testimonies were read from all 16 grandchildren as to her consistent godly influence upon each, especially her prayer life, hospitality, and kindness. The service was shared by William Moore, Ernest Moore, Paul Robinson, and Gerald Baker; the latter testifying on behalf of the Pittsboro Home to the godly life and gracious spirit she displayed there. Grandson William read her conversion. Kurt Peterson spoke kind words at the graveside. “Whose faith follow.”
William D. Halliday of N. Ireland, on December 30, 2009, age 90. Our brother, affectionately known as Bill, served the Lord for 54 years in N. Rhodesia/Zambia.
Born in 1919, he was privileged to have a good home life, but suffered a tremendous loss at age 11 when his father died. Some years later while working as a works engineer, a colleague informed him he was a sinner on the way to hell; this shocked him greatly. Unable to sleep, another friend told him about a God of love Who gave His Son to die for him. Eventually, in great distress, while working on the roof of an air compressor house, he cried out to God to save him. He then discovered the truth of Romans 10:13, and in his own words he said, “I heard and I believed; I called and I was saved.” This great event took place in May 1938 when Bill was 18 years of age.
Shortly after conversion, Africa was impressed on his mind and he yielded his life to the Lord for missionary service. Soon after the beginning of WWII, Bill became concerned about the things practised in the church he attended. While he had many good and appreciated friends there, he decided to visit other companies of Christians. One day, he found himself at the Gospel Hall on Adam Street, Belfast, in the company of the late Robert Gordon, to witness the Christians remembering the Lord in the Breaking of Bread. After a few weeks he approached the elders there and was received into the fellowship, having already been baptized elsewhere.
After the war ended, Bill left for Africa with the hearty commendation of the assembly at Adam Street. He traveled alone for three weeks by troop ship to Durban, then inland by train through Botswana to Bulawayo. Wearied with the journey, he arrived at Chitokoloki and made his way to Dipalata to the warm fellowship of the local brethren there. Bill was on his own for a number of months before Mr. and Mrs. Geddis and other missionaries arrived. He immediately began to learn the Lunda language by spending time with the local people in the surrounding villages.
On January 25, 1950, Mary Geddis, whom he had met briefly in N. Ireland, became his beloved wife and helpmeet. They were blessed with a daughter and son, Elizabeth and William. They finally left Dipalata in 1968, and in 1970 Bill returned to Africa alone for long periods while Mary stayed in the homeland to facilitate the children’s education. This was a time of great sacrifice on the part of both, but God sustained and blessed until they were able to labor together again for the Lord on the Copperbelt. In 1999, with Mary very frail, they returned to N. Ireland from where she went home to heaven in 2006. This was a great sorrow to Bill and his family, and only the comfort and consolation of God and His Word sustained them.
During his time at home, Bill was active in ministry, gospel preaching, and visitation. Some of those gospel efforts were conducted with Jim Martin who became a very close friend. Their first series together was in 1972 when God was pleased to bless. Bill was also a great exhorter, especially to those who were younger. He had tremendous zeal and determination, and a lively sense of humor which allowed him to be straight without giving offense. Many in Africa will rise to call him blessed, but, likewise, many here in the homeland will thank God for his memory, his care, and his encouragement. Missionaries and local Christians presently in Zambia bear witness to the legacy our brother has left behind in assembly work. Bill spent the last ten years in almost daily contact with the Zambian believers, exhorting them and helping to build halls, provide seating and books. His heart was still in Zambia and he was greatly focused on the work there. He was tireless in his labors, and never stopped serving. The last thing he did was to provide seats for a new gospel effort on the Copperbelt, and was overjoyed on hearing that the seats had arrived safely. He fell ill shortly after celebrating his 90th birthday in October 2009.
The funeral service was conducted by Ivan Gordon and Jim Martin, with the help of local brethren. The Newtownbreda Gospel Hall was packed to overflowing, a testimony to the high esteem in which he was held. Prayer will be appreciated by Bill’s son and daughter who gave him their love and care until he was called home.
Betty Mitchell of Toronto, ON, on January 1, in her 87th year. Our sister was born in Motherwell, Scotland. Her father died when she was a baby and her mother and three young children came to Canada in 1928 to join other family here. She attended the Pape Avenue Gospel Hall and was saved in 1941. She enjoyed happy fellowship there until she moved to Bethany Lodge and to fellowship in the Unionville assembly in 2002. She was a quiet, consistent, and faithful sister who loved her Lord and the assembly of the saints. She is survived by a nephew, two nieces, and their families. The funeral was shared by her nephew John Stainton, J. Adams, N. Lorimer, and R. Reilly.
Julia Smith of Akron, OH, on January 12, age 96. Our dear sister was saved in 1948 during gospel meetings held by Lorne McBain and Norman Crawford. She was baptized, and received into the fellowship of the assembly for which she had a genuine care until the Lord called her home. Julia and her late husband William were known for their good works and kindness to both saved and unsaved. She loved the Lord and will be greatly missed. David Metcalf and Kenneth Webb preached the gospel and spoke words of comfort to a good number of relatives.
Gladys Hannigan of London, ON, on January 19, age 81.Our dear sister was born in Welland, ON on November 16, 1929, and was saved there in 1954 at meetings held by G.P. Taylor. She loved to tell how she was gloriously saved through the truth of Galatians 2:20. She and her husband moved to London in 1960, and have been in happy fellowship in the assembly here for 50 years. Gladys loved to entertain the Lord’s people – and this she did often. She was a faithful Christian, a loving mother, and a giving grandmother. Various family members spoke lovingly of her at the funeral service. Please pray for Gerald, her husband of almost 60 years, who was physically unable to attend the funeral service.