British Columbia
Vancouver: Joseph Chung (NY) visited the Victoria Drive assembly on December 6, followed by a number of ministry meetings with the Korean assembly. His visit was most appreciated.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Corner Brook: The saints appreciated the ministry of Ken Taylor who visited the assembly with his wife Doris on November 29.
Sandringham: Bryan and Elizabeth Funston, and Marvin and Barbara Derksen, were with the assembly for a couple of nights in late October. Bryan and Marvin shared a Thursday night meeting with profitable ministry. Ken and Doris Taylor visited in late November. Our brother gave profitable ministry.
St. John’s: The annual Bible conference was held on October 30 to November 1. The saints appreciated having Wallace Buckle, Marvin Derksen, Bryan Funston, Tom Hoy, Robert McIlwaine, and Ken Taylor. Tom Hoy had four nights of ministry from November 3-6. The saints enjoyed Ken Taylor’s help in weekly Bible readings, ministry, and gospel preaching November 8-25. Wallace Buckle shared twice in the gospel with brother Taylor.
Nova Scotia
Weaver’s Settlement: Albert Hull had one week of well-attended gospel meetings using the Dispensational Chart.
Grimsby: The assembly had children’s meetings during the last week in November with Jim Smith. Each night the gospel was presented clearly concerning right thoughts of God’s holiness, repentance, and turning to Christ for salvation. The children listened attentively.
Kirkland Lake: Max McLean (Oil Springs) had a week of encouraging children’s meetings in late October. He was then joined by Eric Fowler for five weeks of gospel meetings. A number came in from the town with some professing.
Lambton Shores: The Lake Shore assembly hosted gospel meetings during the month of November conducted by Al Christopherson and Jon Procopio. A middle-aged man professed after the first week, and others were interested. The assembly had a series of youth meetings in Thedford in early autumn.
Oshawa: The recent conference was well-attended with a full hall. It was nice to see many young people present to hear the Word. Timely ministry and the gospel were given by four of the Lord’s full-time servants and four respected brethren from visiting assemblies. Bruce Rodgers returned for a weekend and a couple of nights of ministry on the Grace of God. Fred Krauss was expected for the Saturday night ministry meeting in December.
St. Thomas: Attendance at the conference was encouraging although smaller in number than past years. Ministry and gospel preaching were profitable and timely. Participating were Jim Beattie, Jim Bergsma, Alvin Cook, Marvin Derksen, Alex Dryburgh, Murray McCandless, Murray McLeod, Andrew Robertson, Bruce Rodgers, Larry Steers, Frank Sona, and Shawn St. Clair. After the conference Bruce Rodgers had three nights of ministry. Visits were made by Andrew Robertson and William Metcalf. Frank Sona held a week of children’s meetings commencing November 23, followed by weekly Tuesday night meetings for children conducted by local brethren.
Sudbury: The assembly was happy to have Brian Crawford for the monthly ministry meeting and for the following Lord’s Day in November. Don Nicholson was with the assembly for a Lord’s Day. The ministry given by both brethren was appreciated.
Alpena: A good number attended the annual Bible Reading in November. Profitable ministry was given by Jerry Jennings, William Lavery, Joel Portman, Jack Saword, and John Slabaugh. There was great joy when a young woman professed salvation. Joel Portman used the opportunity to preach the gospel for Hispanic listeners in Huntsville and Springdale. A warm note of thanks is extended to all who attended and gave support. Larry Perkins visited during the last weekend of November, and gave help in Alpena, Huntsville, and Springdale. Lord willing, a series of Spanish gospel meetings is planned for Springdale in December, and a second English/Spanish series in Huntsville in January 2010. Prayer for the meetings will be greatly appreciated.
San Diego: The assembly was encouraged by recent gospel meetings with Clifford Law and Terry Topley from N. Ireland. There were large numbers of unsaved every night and a nice number professed to be saved.
Brookfield: Eugene Higgins recently concluded a two-week series of gospel meetings on week nights, and children’s meetings on Sundays. While attendance by the unsaved was small, the assembly was thankful that some heard the gospel faithfully preached. Some parents attended the children’s meetings with their children, and contacts were made.
Jackson: Dan Shutt was with the assembly from November 9-13 for ministry meetings on the Godhead. The Christians were also encouraged with the baptism of a man who was saved during tent meetings this past summer with John Meekin and Murray McCandless.
Saginaw: William Metcalf and Stuart Thompson gave uplifting ministry and clear gospel messages during the December 6 all-day meeting. The Saginaw assembly and surrounding assemblies appreciated the support from our brethren and were encouraged by the ministry of the Word.
New Jersey
Barrington: A series of gospel meetings were held in a rented hall in Lindenwold, NJ, in connection with the Spanish outreach work in this area. Attendance was excellent and new contacts were made; several men showed sincere interest. Bro. Mendez will be continuing with weekly meetings to see if interest is sustained.
Bryn Mawr/Hatboro: We are thankful to report larger conference attendance than recent years with valued help from D. Oliver, L. Perkins, P. Ramsay, and D. Vallance in ministry and the gospel. W. Gustafson gave a word at the Friday prayer meeting. We also appreciated help from local brethren and other visiting preachers in the prayer sessions of the conference. The attendance of a large number of younger believers was an encouragement.
Matoaca: The Christians had a great opportunity to take the gospel booth to a large Harley-Davidson charity function in Colonial Heights, VA, at the invitation of someone they had contacted at the county fair the previous month. The pens, pencils, and John 3:16 texts were very well received.
Egg Harbor: The assembly is grateful to George Patterson and Ed Miller, both from Canada, for coming such a distance to share in gospel meetings in November. Though the assembly is small, there was an excellent turnout, and two souls professed salvation.
Chiapa de Corzo: David Alves Jr. was with the assembly of 35 believers in Mexico’s southernmost state (Chiapas) for an appreciated ministry meeting. The work is the result of the labors of a Mexican brother saved in El Salvador. This city is a four-hour drive from Ciudad del Carmen and our brother plans to help there as much as possible. There is much spiritual need and interest in this area.
Hermosillo: The assembly was encouraged with the recent baptism of three young people. Two local brethren (Abisai Vieyra and Crisitan Lizarraga) plan to start gospel meetings in the NE area of this large city, and would appreciate your prayers.
Chihuahua: There was joy as the assembly celebrated its 2nd anniversary and four believers obeyed the Lord in baptism.
Santiago Ixcuintla: Dr. A. J. Higgins gave excellent ministry here in mid-November. A few days later, Freddy Haller (Tepic) and Jason Wahls preached to 100 people who also witnessed the baptism of two believers. There are plans to build a new hall in this place where James Dyck labors.
Tepic: Over 300 gathered at the conference November 14-15 which was marked by warm fellowship and excellent ministry by Dr. A. J. Higgins, given through an interpreter, and very helpful contributions from John Dennison, Shad Kember, and Paul Thiessen. After the conference, the assembly had two weeks of children’s meetings in an outreach work in the city, followed by gospel meetings held by Jason Wahls, helped by local brethren.
Zamora: The assembly appreciated a week of very helpful ministry by Paul Thiessen on the 70th week of Daniel.
Zapopan: The believers here were well-fed with four weeks of ministry meetings on the Tabernacle in the Wilderness by Paul Thiessen. A new hall is being planned.
Republic of Ireland
Cork, Co. Cork: The presence of an assembly here was recorded in 1818, and the building which most recently housed the assembly dated from 1891. On November 7, a special opening meeting was held in the new hall built on the same site. The hall was well filled as Jim Levis, Gilbert Stewart, and Wendell Webb took part.
Longford, Co. Longford: David Morgan (Wales) visited the assembly in November and gave challenging ministry on some Old Testament women that God used for the blessing of His people. Sam Patterson (Belfast) spent a weekend with the assembly helping in the gospel as well as on Saturday with the children. He also spoke at the weekly gospel meeting on the Lord’s Day. There were some unsaved in from the locality to both meetings.
Monaghan, Co. Monaghan: The assembly held meetings on November 21 and 22 to mark 50 years of testimony in the present hall. A number of full-time preaching brethren took part.
Rathmines, Dublin: The assembly enjoyed a visit from W. J. Nesbitt in early November. David Gilliland and Tom Matthews conducted a two-week series of gospel meetings toward the end of the month. Many invitations were distributed, and a number of unsaved were in each night, with the building full most nights. Interest was shown and some professed faith. Please pray that this good work will continue.
St. Lucia
Jack Nesbitt was in gospel meetings at La Gare in November through to early December. St. Lucian brethren shared the preaching nightly, and the support of believers from Ciceron and Forestiere was enjoyed. There were a number of unsaved adults and teenagers attending each night.
DeLand, FL
February 5-7, in the Gospel Hall, 109 E. Rosehill Ave., east off N. Woodland Blvd. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 3:45pm, Bible Reading 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Bible Reading 2pm, Ministry 3:45pm, Gospel 7pm. Bible Readings: Daniel 12. Lord willing, there will be two nights of ministry following the conference on Tuesday, February 9, and Wednesday, February 10. Corr: Fred King, 215 Lake Talmadge Rd., DeLand, FL, 32724, Tel 386 943-4000; Hall 386 736-1009.
San Diego, CA
February 13-14, in the Gospel Hall, 4646 Twain Ave., with Prayer Meeting on Friday, February 12 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (Acts 2:41-47), Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Corr: Wm. Smith; Tel 619 582-2109; Hall 619 280-7021.
Tampa, FL
February 13-14. Saturday: Ministry 2-4:30pm, Supper, then Gospel Meeting 6pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm and Gospel 6pm. Brethren walking in and teaching the “old paths” are welcome to minister as the Lord leads. Corr: Oronzo Dalfino, Tel 813 265-2757, Hall 813 932-9530.
Conference Reminders
Pennsauken, NJ – January 9-10
Jackson, MI – February 12-14
Address Correction
Shawn and Rhonda Markle: Correct E-mail address is
Change of Address of Correspondent
Portage la Prairie, MB (Fifth Ave. Gospel Hall): Philip Ronald, 100 Old Bridge Road, Portage la Prairie, MB, R1N 3X3; Tel 204 857-9339.
Irene Catherine Reeve of Valens, ON, on August 10, 2009, in her 81st year. In 1943, she was awakened to her need of salvation and came to Christ through Romans 10:9. After she was baptized, she was in the fellowship at Valens until her marriage, and then in the Clyde assembly. In 1992 she returned to Valens and was there until her home-call. She was always ready to help in all the activities of the assembly. She was tenderhearted, kind, and noted for her beautiful knitted garments. Seldom would a visitor leave her home without a sample of her preserves. She leaves her husband Robert, three sons, one daughter, nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. At her funeral, E. Badgley read a tribute and preached a clear gospel message to a large gathering; Frank Sona and Paul Glenney spoke at the graveside.
John Tries of Welland, ON, on August 13, 2009, age 78. John was saved at 63 years of age through the preaching of Murray McLeod and Peter Orasuk. After he was baptized, he and his wife Rosanna, who was saved prior, were received into the Welland assembly in August 1994, where they have been a pillar of strength. Our brother’s love for the Lord knew no bounds. The 15 years that God gave him were well used for the glory of God, whether building, framing and distributing Bible texts, or being available to help others as “Johnny-on-the-spot” with resources to start and finish a project. Their home always had an open door for the Christians and the Lord’s servants. At the very large funeral held in the Gospel Hall, the eulogy was given by Lorne Yade, Murray McLeod spoke comforting words, and the gospel with Murray Pratt at the grave side. John leaves behind a large family, some saved, others not. His dear wife of 51 1/2 years has requested prayer for herself and family.
David Anderson of Georgetown, ON, on September 21, 2009, age 77. Born in Belfast, NI, David trusted Christ as a young man in 1952. He came to Canada in 1958 and was in happy fellowship in the Pape Avenue assembly. There he met his wife Nan Kernahan whom he married in 1963. David was a happy Christian who loved to sing, teach Sunday School, engage in tract work, and help in numerous ways. In 2005 they moved to Georgetown and were in fellowship in the Milton assembly. He is survived by his wife Nan, daughter Moira (Tim), son Ron (Julie), and six grandchildren whom he dearly loved. Robert Reilly and Norman Lorimer shared the funeral service.
Barbara Lock of Calgary, AB, on October 11, 2009, age 78. Barb was saved as a young girl and lived her life in the enjoyment of sins forgiven. She was very faithful to the Lord in every aspect of her life. She was a true helpmeet to her husband Cliff in visitation, children’s work, booths at fairs, gospel outreaches, as well as given to hospitality. Just days before her passing, though not well, she felt the need to be at a gospel outreach work and bring refreshments. She will be sorely missed by Cliff, her husband of 57 years, 2 sons, 3 daughters, 13 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren. She will be missed as well by the West Hillhurst assembly. Please pray for sons and grandchildren still out of Christ, and for comfort to the family. Gordon Williams took the funeral in Calgary and memorial service in Paradise Valley.
Ronald Petersen of Oshawa, ON, on October 29, 2009, age 75. Ron was saved at the age of ten when the gospel was preached in the area by the late brethren Booth and Nugeant. Later he was baptized and received into fellowship where he continued until his home-call. As the result of his conversion, his mother, who was saved when younger, was restored, and his father and brother Ian were won to Christ. A year after salvation, he was struck with rheumatic fever which caused crippling arthritis. Although he spent most of his life on crutches and in a wheelchair, he never complained of his lot. He loved the Savior and lived a testimony for God. Although physically unable to attend meetings in later years, he was faithful until his home-call. Words of comfort were spoken and the gospel presented by Gary Oakes and Ken Nicholson.
Mrs. Lily Boulos of Albuquerque, NM, on October 31, 2009. Born in Cairo, Egypt, on March 1, 1923, she was saved as a teenager after listening to an English missionary preach on the Great White Throne judgment. She married Shukri (Joseph) Boulos in 1944 and they came to the US in 1970, setting up home in Boston first before moving to NJ. As a couple, their home was constantly open to the Lord’s people and, prior to his home-call in January 2001, Shukri was a respected brother in the East Orange, (latterly, Livingston), NJ, assembly. Lily was a beloved, godly, prayerful believer who endeared herself to all who knew her. For the last two years, due to illness, she resided in NM and was lovingly cared for by her son, Magued (Tony). Her funeral service was taken by Gordon Lennox and Eugene Higgins, with touching comments made by her son. A later service in NJ was taken by Alan Valvano and Cyril Binns. Her body was laid to rest in NJ next to her husband’s.
Vincenzo (Vince) Giraldi of Toronto, ON, on November 3, 2009. He was born in 1926 in Cosenza, Italy, and born again in 1952 after being given a Bible while working in a Belgian coal mine. Vince, his wife Cesira, and their five children immigrated to Canada in 1960. In Sault Ste Marie, ON, they started a better life, and all started for heaven, due to the kindness of assembly Christians. After moving to Toronto, he was in fellowship at the Fairbank assembly until illness seven years ago. He is survived by his wife of 63 years, 5 children, 15 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren. The large numbers that paid their respects attested to the impact of the gospel on his life. The funeral was shared by his three sons, Ralph, Lou, and Marcel, and at the graveside by his son-in-law Mario D’Adamo.
Elva Lou Lindaman of Waverly, IA, on November 7, age 75. Elva’s husband was saved on November 4, 1955 and she was saved early the following morning, during a series of gospel meetings held at Hitesville by O. Smith and L. DeBuhr. They were first received into fellowship at the Aredale assembly, and later at Hitesville for a number of years. Her husband, Vern, preceded her in death in 1996. Elva was faithful in attendance at the meetings until health problems hindered. She is survived by a daughter and a son, eight grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Robert Orr conducted the funeral service at the Hitesville Gospel Hall.
Mildred B. Wolf of Beetown, WI, on November 12, 2009, age 93. Mildred was saved in February, 1950 while attending meetings held by Elgie Jamison. Mildred was in fellowship with the saints in the Beetown assembly before being confined to a nursing home. Robert Orr conducted the funeral service. Please pray for several family members who are not saved.
Arthur Morrison of Peterborough, ON, on November 14, 2009, age 83. Our beloved brother was saved at an early age while reading John 3:16. He was in fellowship in Peterborough, but following his marriage he moved to Hastings and fellowshipped at Campbellford where he was a respected elder. Later, he moved back to Peterborough where he was a loving shepherd with a great heart for the people of God and the gospel. In spite of suffering greatly, he attended meetings right to the end. Among his last words in the hospital were the 25 golden words of John 3:16. An overflow crowd attended his funeral service to show their love and respect. Three family members spoke loving words about their father, all mentioning how much John 3:16 meant to him, and the gospel was preached from the same verse by Norman Lorimer. Arthur will be sadly missed by his wife Betty, all the family members, and by the assembly.
Albert Foreshew of Sudbury ON, on November 19, 2009, age 81. Our dear brother was saved 44 years ago at the age of 37 through Matthew 11:28, while working underground at the Garson mine. Shortly afterwards he was baptized and received into assembly fellowship where he remained until confined to a nursing home two years ago. He taught Sunday School for a number of years and took an active part in the Bible Study and in preaching the gospel. He was predeceased by his wife Dorothy in 1998 and by one grandson. He will be sadly missed by his two daughters, a son, and five grandchildren. The large funeral was attended by many relatives and friends and the gospel was faithfully preached. His brother Russell Foreshew and Don Nicholson shared in the funeral service.
Edward John Flynn of Forteau, LB, on November 20, 2009. Brother Ed John was in the English Point assembly from the early days until his home-call. The funeral was in the English Point Gospel Hall on November 23, shared by family members and David Hunt. Francis Barney spoke at the grave.
Betram Garfield French of Port Sydney, ON, on November 25, 2009, age 85. Our brother lived in this area since the age of three, and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior on March 10, 1955 while reading Isaiah 53:5. He was in fellowship in the Huntsville assembly, and later in the Deer Lake assembly where he was a mainstay and faithful to the last. He leaves behind Mildred, his wife for 64 years, seven children and their families, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. The funeral at Deer Lake meeting hall was shared by Lorne Langfeld, son Larry, and George Hines at the graveside. The gospel was clearly preached, with many unsaved in attendance. Please remember the family in prayer as a number of them are unsaved.