


Edmonton: The believers enjoyed a very profitable conference. In attendance were Duncan Dunsire, John Fitzpatrick, Gaius Goff, James Ronald, Peter Simms, Peter Smith, Ross Vanstone, Jim Webb, Stan Wells, and Gordon Williams. The conference was followed by a week of well-attended and appreciated Bible readings on Philippians with Stan Wells. In all, it was a very profitable and God-honoring month.

Fort McMurray: Stan Wells was with the assembly from October 20-23 for meetings on prophecy using his chart. The believers found the meetings to be both informative and encouraging.

British Columbia

Terrace: The assembly was encouraged during three weeks of gospel meetings from September 20-October 11. John Fitzpatrick and Jim Jarvis shared the preaching. Two professed, and two others received assurance of their salvation.

Vancouver: Gospel meetings in Fairview commenced on October 25. James McClelland and John Meekin are preaching the gospel, the Word of Life.

New Brunswick

Tracadie-Sheila: The assembly held five weeks of gospel meetings in late September and October. Leslie Wells was assisted by several local brethren. Christians’ children attended and some from the community were brought, mainly by one brother. The town was visited, but not much interest was shown. About 20% refused the invitations.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Corner Brook: The assembly held a week of Young Peoples’ meetings with the help of Peter Smith from September 27-October 2. The meetings were well-attended and the attention given by the children was excellent. We look to the Lord for the results. The saints appreciated the ministry of Marvin Derksen on a Monday night, followed by three consecutive nights from Robert McIlwaine during the last week of October.

Fogo: Bryan and Elizabeth Funston were here October 19-25 and visited among the saints and unsaved contacts. Our brother gave two nights of ministry and helped in the meetings on Lord’s Day. A number of unsaved were at the Gospel meeting.

Gander: Bryan Funston, visiting with his wife, Elizabeth, gave ministry on October 26, and Marvin Derksen was present for ministry on October 28.

Gander Bay: The saints enjoyed a visit by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Williams for the last weekend in September. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Funston spent a Lord’s Day here in October, our brother giving timely ministry and speaking in the gospel. On Monday October 26 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoy paid a very welcome visit during the last week of October en-route between conferences. His ministry from John 13 was refreshing for the saints.

L’Anse au Loup: The conference on October 15-18 went well again this year. Preaching brethren present were W. Buckle, M. Derksen, D. Hierlihy, J. A. Joyce, T. Hoy, S. MacLeod, and M. McCandless. Stephen Joyce shared in ministry and gospel. A gospel meeting was held in Red Bay on Monday night after the conference. Tom Hoy and Marvin Derksen spent two nights in Charlottetown for ministry after the conference, and Tom Hoy had a night in L’Anse au Loup before going on to Parsons Pond.

Seal Cove: Marvin Derksen visited for ministry on October 27.

St. John’s: A nice spirit prevailed during the conference on the first weekend of November. Speakers were W. Buckle, M. Derksen, B. Funston, T. Hoy, R. McIlwaine, and K. Taylor. The Bible study was on the practical implications of the Lord’s return for His people.

Nova Scotia

Weaver Settlement: The believers were encouraged by ministry from a variety of brethren. John Meekin and Albert Hull shared the gospel meeting..


Clinton: The assembly appreciated visits from Eric Fowler and Noel Burden in September. The Fall conference in October was well-attended and the saints enjoyed a variety of godly ministry given by J. Beattie, A. Cook, B. Crawford, A. Dryburgh, I. Frazier, L. Perkins, F. Sona, and L. Steers. The two Bible readings on John 17 were interesting and helpful.

Deer Lake: The assembly appreciated a visit from Fred Krauss in September. In October, a young man from the federal prison identified with the Lord in baptism at the hall. Some prisoners are allowed to be brought to the gospel meeting, so over the last number of years a good number of these men, some of whom have life sentences, have attended. There are also bi-weekly visits into the prison where the gospel is freely proclaimed.

Hamilton: The assembly which met in the Kensington Avenue Gospel Hall for almost 90 years, has now relocated to a more commodious building. Please see Updates for more information.



Alpena: At the end of September, the assembly distributed calendars, texts, and invitations to the local residents, followed by a week of gospel meetings in which local brethren participated. Unfortunately, there was no response to the invitations from the town’s people. In October, Melvin Mendez and his family returned to their home in Pennsylvania where there is pressing need for the Lord’s work among Hispanics. During his stay in our area, brother Melvin gave valuable help, working with the other brethren among Hispanics which led to a number of souls being saved.


San Diego: Joe Clark gave an interesting and stirring account of the work with the Hutterites. It is very evident that God is working among these dear people, and many have suffered persecution for their stand for Christ. Clifford Law and Terry Topley from Ireland started gospel meetings. Interest is very good and large numbers of unsaved are attending.


Terryville: The annual October conference meetings were shared by Walter Gustafson, Albert Hull, David Oliver, and other visiting brethren. A large number of young people attended the hymn sing at the Gospel Hall Saturday evening.


Byfield: The assembly had two weeks of gospel meetings from September 16-30 with Eugene Higgins. He was helped each night by brethren from the area giving their testimony. The gospel was faithfully preached.


Fridley: Stan Wells was here for one week of prophetic ministry from the book of Revelation, employing a chart. Also, several visits this fall were appreciated from Bruce Cottrill, R. Orr, A. Christopherson, E. McCullough, S. Thompson, and A. Bergsma.

New Jersey

Midland Park: The Vacation Bible School in August saw good attendance; the messages were given by young, local brethren. Saturday of the VBS week was the annual Sunday school picnic, and brother Marvin Derksen spoke in the gospel to the people attending. The following Lord’s Day, brother Derksen ministered God’s Word to the saints, and spoke in the gospel. Following the gospel, two sisters were baptized, giving joy to the believers gathered for the occasion. One of the sisters was received into the assembly the following week.


Akron: We had appreciated visits from John Slabaugh, Gary Sharp, and Robert Surgenor.

Mansfield: At the October conference, challenging and encouraging ministry was given by Jack Coleman, Andrew Robertson, Dan Shutt, James Smith, Stu Thompson, and David Vallance. Other brethren who visited us recently were Gary Sharp, Larry Buote, Murray McCandless, and Scott MacLeod.


Matoaca: The assembly was encouraged during two weeks of gospel tent meetings in which local brethren, as well as Paul Barnhardt from Barrington, NJ, took part. There were 21 different people attending who don’t normally come to the hall, some of whom returned regularly. Also, the interest was good at a booth at a local county fair despite unfavorable weather. An invitation was received to set up at another function next month.


Waukesha: Larry Perkins and Stu Thompson held a three-week gospel series in nearby Waterford, WI. A number of contacts were made and a few that were prayed for were out during the series. Pray for the Seed that has been planted, and that God will yet use these meetings to save souls.


Ciudad del Carmen: There was much joy as the assembly moved its meeting location into the new hall and celebrated its first conference. Paul Thiessen and Jason Wahls helped in the ministry and gospel meetings. Three believers obeyed the Lord in baptism.

Mexico City: There was much rejoicing as three believers were received into fellowship recently in the assembly that meets in the Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl hall.

Pachuca: Jason Wahls had two weeks of gospel meetings in the Matilde hall, with some interest.

Puerto Vallarta: Paul Thiessen had an excellent and very well attended series of ministry meetings in the Coapinole hall on “Leadership Lessons in the Life of Moses.”

N. Ireland

Lurgan: The conference on October 10-15 was well attended. Brethren responsible for leading the Bible Readings in key chapters in Genesis were J. Baker, David Oliver, David Gilliland, and John Grant. Other brethren contributed in ministry and gospel.

Robin McKeown and Gary Woods started a gospel series on October 25.

Other gospel series are in Glengormley (John Rogers and Ivan Gordon), Temple outside Carryduff in a portable hall (Leslie Craig and Paul McAuley), Broughshane (Jim Martin and Wesley Martin); Burnside (Stephen Gilfillan and Chris Bearsford).

D. Gilliland had one week of ministry in Harryville. Walter Boyd was expected November 2 in Killyleagh for one week of ministry. During October, Andrew Turkington gave a number of interesting and informative reports on the work in Venezuela.

Republic of Ireland

Bridgetown, Donegal: The believers enjoyed a visit by Stephen Gilfillan. The series of ministry meetings was well-attended by those recently saved, as well as by some believers from denominations. The support of believers from other local assemblies was also appreciated.

Rathmines, Dublin: An extended Sunday school series on Creation, conducted by Mark Sweetnam, was concluded in October, with all present gaining some understanding, knowledge, and conviction of God’s power and revealed purpose.


Calgary, AB

November 28-29, Youth Conference in the West Hillhurst Gospel Hall. Ministry on Friday, November 27 at 7pm. The topic will be “Personal and Public Testimony.” Speakers will be Dan Shutt and Matthew Cain. Contacts: K. Armson, Tel 403 285-8185, or D. Hanna, Tel 403 236-4126. Accommodations provided.

Pennsauken, NJ

January 9-10, in Haddonfield Middle School, Lincoln and Chestnut Aves., Haddonfield. Prayer Meeting on Friday, January 8, at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 6530 Caroline Ave. at Route 38 near Rte. 70, Pennsauken, NJ; Tel 856 662-1201. Brethren M. Derksen, B. Foreshew, D. Hierlihy, D. Oliver, and D. Shutt plan to be with us. Corr: David A. Curran, 326 Windsor Ave., Haddonfield, NJ 08033-1142; Tel 856 429-4443; E-mail: dacurran@aol.com.

Jackson, MI

February 12-14, in the Jackson Gospel Hall, 910 Bennett Street. Prayer meeting on Friday, February 12 at 7pm. Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 10am. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Sunday School 11:30am, with Prayer and Ministry in the afternoon. Several brethren have responsibility for the conference ministry meetings. Accom: Jason Wielenga, Tel 517 917-0282; E-mail: jt@marketplacejackson.com. Corr: R. Douglas Losey, Tel 517 787-9169; E-mail: rdlosey@juno.com.

Conference Reminders:

Saugus, MA – December 5-6

Change of Address

Duncan Beckett, 1019 Waterford Rd., Waterford, NB, Canada E4E 5C2; E-mail: duncanbeckett@gmail.com. Duncan is serving alongside Shad Kember in Ciudad, Obregon, MX.

Melvin Mendez, 123 Bridal Path Lane, Feasterville, PA 19053; Tel 479 287-9280.

Hamilton, ON: Nash Road Gospel Hall (formerly Kensington Avenue Gospel Hall), 105 Nash Road South, Hamilton, ON. Order of the meetings is unchanged. For information, visit www.nashroadgospelhall.com.

Mark and Lori Procopio, Rua Vereador Ricardo Afonso de Lima, 353, 59575-000 Jenipabu, Extremoz, Reio Grande do Norte, Brazil; E-mail: loriprocopio@mac.com.

Shad and Cynthia Sluiter, PO Box 506, 349 W Post Street, Postville, IA 52162. Shad’s cell 563 379-6437; Cynthia’s cell 563 379-6438; shadsluiter@gmail.com; cynthiasluiter@gmail.com.

Change of Correspondent

Parry Sound, ON: Delcoe Jeffery, RR#3, 11 Hoddy’s Side Rd., Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W9; Tel 705 746-8453; deltess@cogeco.ca.

Change of Address of Correspondent

Calgary, AB (West Hillhurst Gospel Hall): Jim Robinson, 193 West Lakeview Place, Chestermere, AB, TIX IK3; E-mail: robinji@shaw.ca.

Change in Meeting Times

Mt. Sterling, WI: Lord’s Day: Lord’s Supper 9:30am, Sunday School/Ministry 11am, Gospel Meeting 7pm; Wednesday: Prayer and Bible Study 7pm.


Allison Lucille Everitt of Straffordville, ON, on August 15, age 83. She was saved in 1963 through gospel efforts in the Straffordville area. She was baptized shortly thereafter and continued faithfully for the rest of her life. She is survived by three daughters, eleven grandchildren, and twelve great grandchildren. Many unsaved heard the gospel at her funeral service which was taken by Reynold Janzen and Jim Bergsma.

Eileen McCurrie of Port Alberni, BC, on September 6, age 81. Our dear sister was saved in 1953 while under the preaching of bre. Wilkie and Campbell (Sr.) in Vancouver, BC, through the words of John 5:24. She married Norman McCurrie and they were in fellowship in South Main Street Gospel Hall for some years before moving to North Vancouver. Later they moved to Vancouver Island, where Eileen was in fellowship with the saints at the Lathom Road Gospel Hall in Port Alberni for the past 37 years. Predeceased by her husband in 2003, Eileen is survived by three children, and six grandchildren, for whose salvation she longed. A lady of great dignity and bearing, she was loved by all and is sorely missed. The funeral was taken by John Fairfield and family members, while Ralston Atkinson and Matt Baxter spoke words of comfort at the graveside.

Margaret Thomson of Hamilton, ON, on September 22, age 93. Margaret was born in Larkhall, Scotland and came to Canada with her parents in 1925. The following year, troubled about her sin and being left behind at the Lord’s return, she was saved through reading the gospel tract, “Two Ways.” Margaret’s life was one of commitment to the Lord, the assembly, and the Lord’s people. For over 70 years she was in happy fellowship in the Kensington assembly. She will be remembered as an example of one who was “given to hospitality” in that she regularly entertained the believers while able. The funeral was shared by Martin Kerr and Paul Glenney.

Calvin (Bud) Elliott of Stout, IA, on September 24, age 84. He was saved on October 22, 1947 while attending tent meetings held in his home town, New Hartford, by his oldest brother, the late Paul Elliott, and the late Oliver Smith. He received his assurance of salvation through Isaiah 53:5. He and his wife were in happy fellowship in Stout until ill health prevented them from attending. He was a humble brother and is much missed. He is survived by his loving wife, Gladys, three children, eight grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren, and one sister. The funeral service was shared by Roy Weber and grandson, Bryce Elliott.

Herb Taylor of Taylorside, SK, on October 1, age 71. Our dear brother was born on April 8, 1938. He lived his whole life close to the Taylorside district, and received the Lord Jesus as his Savior at the age of 11 through the truth of John 3:16. He was later baptized and received into assembly fellowship. He was noted for his generosity. Left to cherish his memory are his wife Ruth, one son, one daughter, their spouses, and four grandchildren, for whom prayer is requested. He will be missed by all. The large funeral was shared by Murray Myers and Morgan Taylor who faithfully preached the gospel.

Rita Wacome of Augusta, ME, on October 4, after a long illness with cancer. She appreciated God’s assembly and was active in distributing Seed Sower texts and calendars in many of the communities around home, and also in Mexico. She had a Bible reading in her home with co-workers and neighbors. Albert Hull, Jim McCullough, and Walter Gustafson spoke at the funeral. She leaves two sisters in assembly fellowship in Florida.

Carrie Bennett of Arlington, WA, on October 7, age 87. Her husband John preceded her in death in 1977. Carrie then moved to the Arlington assembly where she was a very faithful, kind, hospitable, and loving sister. Her home was always open and many wonderful meals were served there, with conversations centered around her Lord and Savior. She had a great love for the lost, and supported the mission fields. Carrie accepted the Lord Jesus Christ at the age of 18 and lived to prove it. She will be greatly missed by the saints. Her funeral was well attended where Scott Goff faithfully preached the gospel and Tim Klein spoke at the cemetery.

Emma C. Vizzini of Phoenix, AZ, on October 18, age 92. Our dear sister was born again on November 12, 1934, after hearing the gospel preached at the Center Street Gospel Hall, Methuen, MA. She lived in the enjoyment of God’s salvation for almost 75 years, and was in happy fellowship for more than 70 years in Methuen and Benson, MD, and lastly, Sunnyslope, Phoenix, AZ. The Lord blessed her marriage of 38 years to Carl Vizzini who was taken home to glory in 1984. She leaves one son, Paul, two grandchildren, Jonathan and David, and three great-grandchildren. Words of comfort and the gospel were spoken by John Dennison and Shad Kember at the well-attended funeral.

Alice Brokopp of Chico, CA, on October 19, age 90, after a brief bout with cancer. Our sister was saved at the age of 16. She was a faithful supporter of the assembly and an example of godliness in the twenty years she was in fellowship. Her husband Gordon preceded her in death in 2004. They were known by many as they traveled from Newfoundland to Alaska visiting assemblies, and their home was always open to any of the Lord’s people passing through. Her testimony was evident by the neighbors and family that attended her funeral. She had a quiet, godly spirit that will be missed by the saints. She is survived by one son, four grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. The funeral was taken by Ivan Hoath, Jr, with Ivan Hoath, Sr speaking at the graveside. Please pray for her unsaved family who considered her the “rock” of their family.

Paul Hinders of Clarksville, IA, on October 31, age 80. He was saved March 1, 1980 while reading John 3:16 during meetings in the Antioch hall; preachers were Fred Krauss and Russ Nesbit. His wife and one of their sons were also saved during that series of meetings. He was baptized and received into the fellowship of the Antioch assembly shortly thereafter, where he remained faithful until health prevented him from attending the meetings in recent years. He leaves his wife Ruth of 60 years, two sons, one daughter, nine grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild. Several hundred people, mostly from the community, heard the gospel at the funeral service taken by Russ Nesbit.