British Columbia
Kamloops: During September, Dave Richards gave four sessions of ministry on “Elders” in his home assembly which were greatly appreciated by the saints.
Langley: The assembly hosted a mini-conference on “Relationships” on the last weekend of September. Gaius Goff and a brother from Vancouver gave helpful ministry.
North Vancouver: Four weeks of gospel meetings in the Deep Cove Gospel Hall ended on October 4 with Peter Ramsay and Kyle Wilson. There was joy to see a few saved.
Richmond: Marvin Derksen and Jack Gould concluded two weeks of gospel meetings on September 27 with the West Richmond assembly. Many from the community attended, and a lady made a clear confession of faith.
Terrace: During the latter part of September and into October, John Fitzpatrick and Jim Jarvis held gospel meetings in this northern community.
Vancouver: There was joy to learn of a man of 73 trusting Christ through reading some tracts and the Gospel of John received at the Gospel Booth near the close of the Pacific National Exhibition on the Labor Day weekend. This work has been going on for 36 years. Robin McKeown gave ministry on “Sowing” and a brief report on recent visits to South Korea at the monthly missionary meeting at the South Main Gospel Hall on Saturday, October 3. At the same location, he and Peter Ramsay shared the monthly afternoon ministry meeting. During the week leading up to the Thanksgiving conference, brother McKeown gave instructive ministry in the Victoria Drive and Fairview assemblies.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander: Gordon and Doreen Williams made a visit here in late August. Brian and Caroline Owen from Manitoulin Island, ON were with the assembly September 16-17.
Gander Bay: The saints were encouraged when Gordon Williams had one night of ministry in late August. He also visited Seal Cove. Brian Owen and Glenn Moore visited for two nights of appreciated ministry in mid-September.
Charlottetown: Peter Smith was here for a week of children’s meetings from September 14-18 and for the Lord’s Day, and in English Point the following week. Good numbers were out in both places, including many adults.
L’Anse au Loup: The saints enjoyed the visit of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Joyce who were on the coast August 10-16. The Lord’s Day was spent in L’Anse au Loup and English Point where a supper was held in the hall to celebrate 50 years of the assembly. Mr. Joyce gave a history, and in the gospel meeting told of his conversion 70 years ago. The community has been saddened during the summer with the death of Jim Jarvis’s brother-in-law in a plane crash, and the drowning death of an 18-year-old young man.
Sandringham: Gordon Williams visited for a Lord’s Day at the end of August. Also appreciated was a visit from Wallace and Olive Buckle for a weekend in early September.
Nova Scotia
Weaver Settlement: Matthew Cain was with the saints for a week of ministry on the “Holy Spirit.” The believers were also encouraged at an afternoon conference with a good variety of ministry from Albert Hull and John Meekin.
Sudbury: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Lorne Langfeld in August. In September, Fred Krauss had two nights of appreciated ministry. The saints were encouraged when a young sister was recently received into fellowship.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown: Gospel meetings with Murray McCandless and Scott MacLeod ended after almost eight weeks, with a number professing salvation. A baptism was also held in July for some who were saved in tent meetings last year.
Anchorage: The annual Bible conference was held September 25-27. A nice spirit prevailed among the saints. Brethren visiting from a distance were Jim Frazier (Blue River, WI) and Bryan Funston (Delta, BC). Three Bible readings were shared by Bryan Funston, John Bang, and Tommy Thompson. Visitors from the assembly at Wasilla were also present for the weekend.
Terryville: Once again the assembly had the privilege of distributing gospel literature from a booth at the annual town fair. Pray that the Lord will send along searching sinners to the weekly gospel meetings.
New Lenox: God provided a new facility for the September conference, so the large crowd was comfortably accommodated. Encouraging and helpful ministry was given by J. Beattie, W. Lavery, S. MacLeod, R. Nesbit, W. Skates, S. Sluiter, J. Smith, L. Smith, and S. Thompson.
Cedar Falls: Eric McCullough and his wife have left for a three month visit to Australia, New Zealand, and Malaysia. Please pray for ministry and gospel meetings that have been planned for our brother in the will of the Lord.
Hitesville: The conference in September went well with a nice spirit prevailing. Profitable ministry was given by A. Bergsma, A. Christopherson, W. Lavery, E. McCullough, L. Perkins, W. Skates, and J. Smith.
Manchester: The saints were very encouraged with the attendance at our recent conference, including a good number of young people. Very profitable ministry was given by A. Christopherson, E. Fowler, J. Jennings, W. Lavery, R. Orr, W. Skates, J. Slabaugh, and R. Weber.
Augusta: The saints enjoyed a weekend visit August 30 from Duncan Beckett who labors in Mexico, and also from Albert Hull and Walter Gustafson during September.
Saugus: Frank Sona conducted, with the help of God, a series of six ministry meetings on, “The Church, God’s Unique Showcase of Truth for this Age.” There was great interest particularly on the part of younger believers, and a good number attended from other assemblies. The series is available at
Deckerville: Recent visits by J. Beattie, W. Metcalf, and W. Lavery were encouraging to the saints. The assembly had the joy of receiving a young sister into the fellowship, and also baptizing a man who trusted Christ a year ago. We continue to see the Lord’s faithfulness.
Jackson: Gary Sharp was with the assembly for a week of well-attended children’s meetings during September. Also, the Christians enjoyed recent visits by Bill Lavery and Jim Smith.
Saginaw: The saints were refreshed and greatly encouraged during visits by Ken Taylor and Jim Smith in September. Lorne Mitchell and George Patterson gave sound teaching at our October ministry meeting.
Sherman: The gospel series with Brian Crawford and Stu Thompson concluded after three weeks on September 11. There was sustained interest with local contacts of believers attending several nights. Do pray that this interest will continue. Children’s meetings in the mornings of the first week were equally encouraging with a consistent number of children attending and some adults. Brother Crawford took up a series of lessons on “Surprises from the Bible.”The assembly has also been encouraged with the baptism and subsequent addition earlier this summer to the fellowship of a young man from the area.
New Jersey
Barrington: John Grant of Scotland was with the assembly, September 14-18, ministering on “Riches in Romans.” His ministry was rich and valuable, and deeply appreciated by all.
Midland Park: At the September conference, the Word ministered by Mark Bonnell, John Grant, Murray McCandless, and Dan Shutt was encouraging and profitable to the saints. The missionary report by brethren Bonnell (South Africa) prompted the saints to pray. Some of the brethren purposed visits to neighboring assemblies prior to returning to their spheres of labor. A young sister who was baptized in August was received into the assembly on the conference Lord’s Day.
Akron: The Labor Day conference was a time of rich blessing as a variety of ministry was given to help the people of God. The summer tent meetings with Eugene Higgins and David Oliver were most encouraging with a number of visitors attending.
Clyde: Larry Buote visited us recently giving encouraging ministry. James Smith was present for a baptism and gave practical and helpful teaching on the subject.
Arlington: The annual Arlington/Marysville Labor Day conference was very well attended with profitable ministry and gospel meetings. The Bible study on the “Nine-fold Fruits of the Spirit” (Gal 5:22) emphasized the need to make the Lord Jesus Christ a reality in our lives as a priority, and to display each one of these characteristics daily. The assembly thanks all the speakers who came – Jim Beattie, John Fitzpatrick, Bryan Funston, Gaius Goff, Walter Gustafson, Bryon Meyers, Bruce Rodgers, Frank Sona, Dan Shutt, and Kyle Wilson. Jim Beattie ministered God’s Word before the conference and Bruce Rodgers gave ministry a week after the conference.
West Virginia
New Creek: Ten weeks of gospel tent meetings were held here with Robert Surgenor, who was joined by Jim Frazier of Blue River, WI for the first five weeks. The attendance was excellent throughout the whole series and God gave blessing in salvation.
Fuchu: The assembly here marked the 60th anniversary of Jim Currie’s labor in that land. The years have been marked by faithful, consistent, sacrificial service. His ministry, writings, and publishing have resulted in a vast legacy which he will leave for the assemblies in Japan.
Ciudad del Carmen: The saints look forward to moving the assembly meetings to the new hall being built here. Several of the Lord’s servants are expected for a special weekend of meetings on October 23.
Ciudad Obregon: Duncan Beckett is seeing fruit in his diligent labors in this new work. While Shad Kember recovers from surgery, Michael Rodgers (Kitchener) and Nathan Dennison, along with other brethren from the Hermosillo assembly, have been a great help. Four meetings a week are held in two different locations in the city. Marcus Cain is expected for meetings on Church Truth.
Cotaxtla: John Nesbitt is very encouraged with another man professing faith here, and for a new venue for meetings in this town. There is increasing interest in the work among children too.
Hermosillo: Several believers are interested in assembly fellowship. The children’s work in Tirocapes is very well attended.
Santiago Ixcuintla: Paul Thiessen had four well-attended sessions of ministry over the first weekend in October.
Talpa: Saints here continue very faithfully in this stronghold of Rome. Baptisms are expected on October 17. The work is growing. Please pray for the formation of an assembly. Sid Emberly (Portage) visited here during September.
Veracruz: Two women obeyed the Lord in baptism, and one of them was received into fellowship. The new assembly is doing well. Jack Nesbitt visited here in September and helped with the teaching and gospel preaching.
Volcanes: Over 100 children and adults attend here every Monday. A few gospel meetings were held here, helped by local brethren, with good attendance and blessing in salvation.
Zamora: Joel Portman gave a week of ministry here on the subject of the upper-room ministry of the Lord Jesus.
Zapopan: Several couples here have gone outside the camp of Christendom and have taken their place in the assembly. Joel Portman visited them with ministry for two nights on Romans 8.
Northern Ireland
Gospel efforts continue in a number of areas around the province, including Ballymoney: W. Martin and J. Fleck; Belfast (Grand Parade): D. Oliver and D. Gilliland; Craigyhill: J. Rogers and T. Meekin; Kingsmills: G. Woods and S. Gilfillen; Portadown: N. Fleck and A. Colgan.
A number of assemblies held one week of children’s meetings during September in preparation for the winter season of week-night children’s work, usually from October to March. Saturday night ministry meetings have recommenced in Armagh, Ballymagarrick, Ballymena, and Cloughfern, with Bible readings in Lurgan and Albertbridge Road, Belfast.
Republic of Ireland
Longford: Tom Matthews visited the assembly in September. His report of the work in Brazil focused on the smaller assemblies in that country, and has encouraged the assembly to remember them in prayer.
Alan McKee (Newtownards) gave a clear gospel message at the children’s meeting prize-giving and the assembly was also encouraged to see some parents.
Rathmines: The assembly appreciated a visit from Tom Matthews (Brazil) for a report meeting and also for ministry and gospel. A number of unsaved came to the meetings, including one young man from Brazil, now working in Dublin, who is known to our brother. Prayer is valued on behalf of the Lord’s work in Dublin.
Blues Mills, NS
November 7-8, in the Gospel Hall, 34 Mountain Rd. Saturday: Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Corr: John Bain; E-mail; Tel 902 625-2409;
Oshawa, ON
November 7, in the Gospel Hall, 150 Albert St. Meetings will be at 2pm and 7pm. Corr: Ken Nicholson, 753 Central Park Blvd. North, Oshawa, ON L1G 6B2; Tel 905 579-7540.
Conference Reminders:
London, ON – October 30-November 1
Saskatoon, SK – October 31-November 1
St. John’s, NL – October 30-November 1
Alpena, AR – November 7-8
Newington, CT – November 7-8
Oil Springs, ON – November 7-8
Brampton, ON – November 13-15
Bryn Mawr, PA – November 14-15
Maberly, ON – November 28
Phoenix, AZ – November 26-29
Saugus, MA – December 5-6
Additions to Address List
Mark and Lori Procopio, Rua Vereador Ricardo Afonso de Lima, 353, 59575-000 Jenipabu, Extremoz, Reio Grande do Norte, BRAZIL; E-mail:
Change of Address
David and Penelope Alves: New E-mail address is
J. Albert (Bert) Joyce: New E-mail address is Former sympatico address is no longer valid.
Harold Paisley, 12 Lisa Jane Court, Barrie, ON L4M 6M6; Tel 705 252-7067.
Larry Perkins: Cell number is 815 210-9636. Previous home phone number (815 463-9967) is no longer valid.
Marcos Tulio Sequera, Apartado 0426 – 00963, David-Chiriquí, Rep. Panamá.
Maymie Minger, of Garnavillo and Marion, IA (Linn Manor Care Center), on August 29, age 89. She trusted Christ in meetings held by Louis Brandt, and then was received into fellowship with saints in Garnavillo. Maymie was a faithful sister in the assembly, helpful, interested in the saints, and involved in the activities of the assembly. For many years she and another sister cleaned the Gospel Hall in Garnavillo. She is survived by two sisters, one in assembly fellowship. Joel Portman spoke at the funeral and Grant Hagen read the obituary with some comments on her life.
Joy Aspenson of Mt. Sterling, WI, on September 6, age 90. She was born again as a young girl on October 30, 1932. She was among the first 26 believers baptized and forming the fellowship at Blue River, WI, when the assembly first gathered to His Name on May 28, 1933. After her marriage to Alfred Aspenson, they continued faithful to the assemblies in Lynxville, Blue River, and Mt Sterling. Her funeral was lovingly and faithfully conducted by her son, Paul, and Joel Portman. Please pray for some children and grandchildren yet unsaved.
Judith Jennings, Black River Falls, WI, on September 16, age 68. Saved in Baptist meetings in 1973, she and her husband Jerry were received into assembly fellowship in LaCrosse after seeking the Scriptural way to worship. Judy was faithful to the assembly of the Lord’s people, and a helpful partner to her husband in his desire to preach the gospel. The funeral was shared by Dick Bruley (LaCrosse) and Ron Doll (Ontario), with Roy Weber at the graveside. She leaves behind her husband Jerry who lovingly cared for her during her last weeks with cancer, and one son, Greg, for whom prayer is requested.
Laura Quitadamo of Manchester, CT, on September 16, age 79. Our dear sister was saved at the age of nine. Her parents were saved shortly before she was born, giving her the privilege of being brought up in a Christian home. She was received into the assembly in Bristol, CT, until marrying Frank; then moved to the Worcester assembly and later to Manchester where she and Frank have been in fellowship for over 40 years. After suffering extreme weakness for a number of years, she spent her last two and a half weeks in the hospital and a home. She will be greatly missed. She leaves her husband Frank, son Mark and daughter Lynn, and six grandchildren. The gospel was spoken by two local brethren with a good number of unsaved attending.
Raelene Sheppard (nee Pearson) of Byfield, MA, on September 24. She was born on February 17, 1937, and trusted Christ in September of 1975 in gospel meetings in Byfield taken by James Smith and Eugene Higgins. Raelene was in happy fellowship in the Byfield assembly and was a faithful attendee at all the meetings as well as a willing worker whenever there were tasks to be done. Her husband, Robert, went to glory in 2001. She is survived by one son, three daughters, and seven grandchildren. Her funeral was taken by John Short, an elder in the Byfield assembly. Ed Hudon and Eugene Higgins took part at the grave side.
Martha Kember of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, on September 29, in her 85th year. Martha was commended to Venezuela by assemblies in Toronto, ON in 1951, and was laid to rest in the land of her adoption along with many others who have labored in that land. She went to teach at the Gospel Day School in El Mene where Edith Gulston was the main teacher. When Miss Gulston left the school in 1951, Martha became the force behind this work. Martha was known for her vigor and ability in the face of adversity, and could manoeuver her famed 4-wheel drive Jeep across mountain tracts and mud when many others failed. She raised a lad called Johnathan Romero, who was later saved, but didn’t go on. He went to Scotland for higher studies where he was restored to the Lord, then returned to Venezuela. When Martha was too old to teach, he and his wife cared for her for years until Martha needed the care of the Assembly Home in Puerto Cabello. Fruit of her labors remains. A Venezuelan brother commended to full time service 25 years ago and pioneering now in Peru, first heard the gospel as a boy from Martha and other sisters laboring in children’s work. At the funeral, Johnathan, now among the responsible brethren in the Coro assembly, Neal Thomson, and Jim Walmsley shared the funeral service in the hall of the Central Puerto Cabello assembly. Others spoke at the graveside.
Alice Clark of Westland, MI, on October 2, age 77. Alice was saved July 17, 1945 when Tom McCullagh and John Elliott were preaching at Schoolcraft Gospel Hall. She was baptized and received into the assembly there. In 1952 she married Donald Clark. She was devoted to the assembly and enjoyed entertaining the Lord’s people in their home. Since 1978 they have been with the Stark Road assembly. She had three children, Jerry (Kathy), Jim (Phyllis) and Mary Jane, six grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Please remember her husband Don and the family in your prayers.