


Fort McMurray: The annual conference of the Wood Buffalo assembly, held the last weekend of August, was very encouraging and profitable. The speakers were E. Armson, W. Buckle, M. Derksen, B. Funston, J. Gould, J. Jarvis, and P. Simms. Brethren Gould and Jarvis stayed for ministry on Monday and Tuesday nights.

British Columbia

North Vancouver: Gospel meetings in the Deep Cove Gospel Hall with Peter Ramsay and Kyle Wilson commenced after the Labor Day weekend as a follow-up to the outreach at the Pacific National Exhibition. Please pray for this effort.

Surrey: The Fleetwood assembly hosted a week of children’s meetings during the third week of August with Pete Smith. The assembly was encouraged with the numbers attending. While here, brother Smith was able to meet with the area Postal Bible School teachers to discuss that work.

Vancouver: During August, the Victoria Drive assembly appreciated the ministry of Noel Burden and Pete Smith. A week of VBS was held in Carleton and Victoria Drive, as well as South Burnaby during the month of August. Continue to pray for meetings in October in Fairview with Jim McClelland and John Meekin.

West Richmond: Bruce Rodgers, en route to the Arlington Conference, ministered the Word on September 3. Marvin Derksen and Jack Gould are expected for meetings here commencing September 13. Please pray.

New Brunswick

Shippagan: Leslie Wells, assisted by local brethren, held a short series of gospel tent meetings close to this fishing town. Attendance was very disappointing, with few unsaved present. The nearby fishing village, le Goulet, was visited with texts and French Via magazines, and several conversations were held.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Corner Brook: Along with the Lord’s Day evening open-air meetings, the assembly held a series of open-air meetings in the Massey Drive area outside Corner Brook in a portable, open-air trailer. Bert Joyce and Carl Payne preached with help from local brethren. The results were encouraging.

Gander: Gordon and Doreen Williams visited from August 23-26. Brother Williams preached in the open-air on Lord’s Day evening and ministered encouragingly through to Wednesday on “‘Lessons from Peter.” This was followed by visits to Gander Bay and Sandringham.

Rocky Harbour: Along with a weekly open-air meeting, the assembly had a few meetings using the portable open-air trailer, with Carl Payne and local brethren from Corner Brook helping. The effort was thought to be profitable with a good number attending.

Seal Cove: For two weeks in July, Jim Smith and George Whey (Gander) worked at drive-in open-air work using an equipped trailer – five days in Benton and five days in Seal Cove. Gordon Williams visited for a Lord’s Day and gave a few nights of appreciated ministry in August.

St. John’s: Jim Smith was with the assembly here for three nights of ministry in July.

Nova Scotia

Ashmore: Bruce Barkhouse and Eric Fowler had six weeks of tent meetings during July/August in fellowship with the Weaver Settlement assembly. The saints were greatly encouraged with good interest and a few coming in for the first time.

Baddeck: On August 15, the Christians had the joy of seeing a grandmother of 87 years and her 16 year-old granddaughter baptized in the Atlantic Ocean not far from their home in Petit-de-Grat, Cape Breton. A large number of family connections heard the gospel presented, some for the first time. Continued prayer for the work in Petit-de-Grat would be appreciated as gospel meetings concluded in September.

Blues Mills: Fred Bartlett, with the help of local brethren, completed three weeks of gospel tent meetings in August.

Bridgewater: John Meekin and Jon Procopio concluded tent meetings after four weeks. The attendance was encouraging and the assembly was blessed.


Kitchener: The assembly was encouraged in July with a gospel tent series with John Dennison and a local brother. About 80,000 invitations were distributed with 35 new contacts attending the first evening, and 12-15 visitors present each night thereafter. Over 100 children attended the children’s outreach and heard the gospel, along with some parents. Prayer was answered and two teenage girls from Christian families professed.

Manitoulin Island: Brian Owen of Gore Bay and Terry Hurd of Nipissing Junction shared in the gospel at Britainville near Spring Bay in an old Methodist church building, August 2-20. Believers from various assemblies supported the effort, which was appreciated. There were visitors in all but three nights. In the mornings, from August 10-14, Terry Hurd conducted children’s meetings in the Gospel Hall at Providence Bay. Please pray for fruit from the seed sown. On the weekend of August 21, there was a Bible Booth at the annual Provincial Fair. Lorne Langfeld planned to have a booth at the Massey Fair on the weekend of August 28. A good number of framed gospel texts and assorted gospel literature are given away at these two fairs.

Newbury: The gospel tent effort in Cairo, ON with James Beattie and William Metcalf was a great encouragement with several unsaved attending during the four weeks. God granted blessing with three souls from the area professing faith in Christ.

Victoria Road: The assembly was encouraged during three weeks of gospel tent meetings in the village of Kirkfield. Brian Crawford and Ed Miller helped, with the Lord blessing in salvation. The assembly appreciated the faithful support of local Christians and others who prayed.



Alpena: There was joy in August when a Hispanic man from Springdale professed salvation, and an Hispanic woman, saved earlier this year, was baptized. Jack Saword, Melvin Mendez, and Harrys Rodriguez continue in Huntsville and Springdale among Hispanics.


Los Angeles: In August, a college girl who has been coming often to the meetings in an outreach work in the city of Norco, was saved. Three believers obeyed the Lord in baptism recently in the Norco Gospel Hall. The hall was completely full and many had never witnessed a Scriptural baptism before. Recently, four have professed in an outreach work in Long Beach. We do value your prayers for them.


Dunkerton: The assembly appreciated the visit of Larry Buote for a short gospel series in August.

Hampton: Raúl Aguirre from El Salvador had two weeks of ministry meetings that were an encouragement to the believers.

Manchester: Eric McCullough and Robert Orr held a four-week gospel series, with one man professing salvation. The saints were encouraged.


Augusta: The saints very much enjoyed and profited from three weeks of gospel meetings by Eugene Higgins on “The History of Christianity in America from Colonial Days to Present,” bringing out facts omitted in secular education. Unsaved were out each night. Pray that the Lord will yet bless His Word in salvation.


Saugus: The VBS children’s meetings concluded August 18 with good response. Several of the neighborhood children have returned to attend the regular Sunday school.


Ferndale: Bill Lavery recently ministered to the assembly on the life of the apostle Paul.

Saginaw: The saints enjoyed visits and ministry from Paul Thiessen and Harrys Rodriguez in July and August. Larry Perkins and Dan Shutt were present for the August bimonthly ministry meeting. They conducted two weeks of gospel meetings in Bridgeport, MI, nine miles south of Saginaw, which were well supported by the surrounding assemblies, and the saints were very encouraged. Numbers of unsaved contacts heard the clear, sound gospel.

New Jersey

Midland Park: The Vacation Bible School in August was well-attended with the messages given by young, local brethren. Marvin Derksen spoke at the annual Sunday school picnic which followed, as well as in ministry and gospel on the Lord’s Day. Two sisters were baptized following the gospel meeting and one was received into the assembly the following week, bringing joy to the saints.


Indiana: The assembly enjoyed an appreciated visit for a Lord’s Day in August from Jim and Margaret Smith. Our brother gave ministry and preached the gospel in the evening when two visitors were present, one for the first time.


Matoaca: A. J. Higgins was here for four meetings on “From Egypt to Canaan.” The ministry was outstanding and a real encouragement to the Lord’s people. We have also had numerous visitors on Lord’s Days stopping in as they passed through. This has also been a real encouragement to the assembly.


La Crosse: Larry Buote was here in August for a week of ministry on assembly truth.


Chihuahua: Four weeks of gospel meetings were held in the new hall. Several new contacts were made and there were some souls interested in salvation.

Ciudad Obregon: Shad Kember Jr. and Duncan Beckett rejoiced to see more fruit in the gospel in this pioneer work.

El Barril: Jason Wahls and his father Ron spent a few days visiting people and having gospel meetings. Over one hundred contacts have been made in connection with the work in Postville, Iowa.

Zapopan: Four believers obeyed the Lord in baptism on August 16. Edgar Roseyon, of Puerto Vallarta, had a week of encouraging children’s meetings here. Two children learned 80 verses from Psalm 119 during that time.

Northern Ireland

Ballymoney, Co. Antrim: John Fleck and Wesley Martin expected to start in the gospel in the town hall in mid-September.

Belfast: David Gilliland and David Oliver commenced a gospel series on September 6 in a portable hall on Grande Parade in association with the Bloomfield assembly.

Harryville, Ballymena: David Oliver had two nights of ministry with the assembly here.

Kingsmills: Stephen Gilfillen and Gary Woods commenced a gospel series on August 30. Sam Maze and Terry Topley also started in Eden Gospel Hall in association with the Sandringham assembly.

Larne, Co. Antrim: At the Craigyhill conference at the end of August, a sense of the Lord’s presence and help was enjoyed by good numbers, especially younger believers, who heard profitable, practical exposition and exhortation. Brethren responsible to open the Bible readings were J. Allen, J. Fleck, J. Hay, and D. Oliver. John Rogers and Tom Meekin (Glengormley) expect to start a gospel series in the Craigyhill Gospel Hall on September 13.

Portavogie, Co Down: David Gilliland had two weeks well-attended Bible readings at the end of August and start of September.

Republic of Ireland

Rathmines, Dublin: During the first week of September, the assembly appreciated a visit by David Oliver for two nights of helpful ministry on “The Will of God for Believers.”


Paradise Valley, Maidstone, & Mervin, SK

October 10-11, with a Prayer Meeting October 9 at 7:30pm in the Paradise Valley Gospel Hall. All other meetings will be held in the Paradise Valley Community Hall, Main Street. Saturday and Sunday meetings at 10:30am, 2pm, and 7:30pm. Corr: David Flint. Tel: 780 745-2560, or 780 871-3571.

Arborfield, SK

October 23-25 in the Gospel Hall with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30pm. Saturday: Prayer, Praise, and Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday school 1pm, Prayer, Praise and Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Contact Harold Thesen, Tel: 306 769-8596, or Floyd Pickering, Tel: 306 769-8608.

La Crosse, WI

October 24-25, with Prayer Meeting on October 23 at 7:30pm, and Gospel meeting on Lord’s Day at 7pm in the Gospel Hall, 1928 George St. All other meetings at the Logan Middle School, 1450 Avon St. Meetings on Saturday: 10am, 2pm, and 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Devotional ministry 9:15am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 1:45pm, Gospel 7 pm. Corr: Paul Aspenson, Tel: 608 787-0074; E-mail aspensonlumber@hotmail.com, or Cal Erickson, Tel: 608 790-7724; E-mail cberickso@hotmail.com.

London, ON

October 30-November 1, in the Gospel Hall, 1196 Highbury Ave. Friday: Prayer Meeting 8pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am, 2pm, and 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Corr: Philip Lampkin, 1742 Attawandaron Road, London, ON, N6G 3N1; Tel: 519 472-8747; E-mail felipe524@execulink.com; Hall: 519 451-8233.

St. John’s, NL

October 30-November 1. Prayer Meeting is on October 30 at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 47 Smith Avenue. Meetings on Saturday commence at 10:30am in the Hazelwood Elementary School, 391 Topsail Road. Breaking of Bread at 9:30am on Sunday and gospel meetings are at 7pm on both Saturday and Sunday. For information contact Eric Gill; E-mail esgill@nf.sympatico.ca, or Tel: 709 782-1797.

Oshawa, ON

November 7, in the Gospel Hall, 150 Albert Street. Ministry at 2 and 7pm with supper served between. Corr. Ken Nicholson, 753 Central Park Blvd., Oshawa, ON, L1G 6B2; Tel: 905 579-7540.

Alpena, AR

November 7-8, in the Gospel Hall, 401 Lane Street. Saturday: Bible Reading (James 1) 2pm with ministry following. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 11:30am, Ministry 1:30pm. For information or accommodations: Fred Stevenson, Tel: 573 201-1282, E-mail fstev153@embarqmail.com; or Will Trowbridge, Tel: 479 665-4189, E-mail Will@madisoncounty.net.

Newington, CT

November 7-8. Saturday: Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 5pm, then supper. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:45am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Brethren walking in and teaching the “old paths” are welcomed to minister as the Lord leads. Corr: Matthew J. Brescia, 81 Cobblestone Way, Windsor, CT 06095. Tel: 860 688-2388. Gospel Hall 860 666-4342.

Oil Springs, ON

November 7-8, with Prayer Meeting, Friday, 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall on Victoria St. All other meetings in the Youth Center, cor. Hwy. 21 and Victoria St. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am, Bible Reading 1pm (1 Timothy 3 – The Uniqueness of the Assembly), Ministry 2:30pm, Testimony/Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday school 1pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm (Gospel Hall). Corr: Arthur Whitton, RR3 Oil Springs, ON N0N 1P0; Tel: 519 882-1686.

Maberly, ON

November 28, at Wheeler’s Pancake House and Sugar Camp. Directions: Hwy. 7 to Maberly, take the Maberly-Elphin Rd. (formerly County Rd. 36) north to McDonald’s Corners, turn right and follow the signs to Wheeler’s Pancake House. Meetings are at 2:30 and 7pm. Corr: Gordon McLeod, Tel: 613 268-2616.

Phoenix, AZ

November 26-29, with Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 7:30pm. Each day, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Bible Readings 10am (1 Timothy, 1, 2, and 3), Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 1246 E. Garfield St. Corr: Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Ave., Glendale, AZ 85305; Tel: 623 872-1007; Hall: 602 253-4932.

Saugus, MA

December 5-6, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, December 4 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Remembrance Meeting 10am, Sunday school 12pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. All meetings will be held in the Gospel Hall, 213 Walnut St, Saugus, MA. Tel: 781 233-5570; www.walnutstreetgospelhall.com. Corr: Anthony Grillo, 46 Grey Lane, Lynnfield, MA, 01940; Tel: 781 334-6363; E-mail tonygrillo@netzero.com. For accommodations: David Lusk, Tel: 781 942-7006; E-mail luskdanda@yahoo.com.

Conference Reminders:

Clinton, ON – October 3-4

Lindsay, ON – October 4

Manchester, IA – October 3-4

Mansfield, OH – October 3-4

Sussex, NB – October 3-4

Brandon, MB – October 12

Cape Breton, NS – October 10-11

St. Thomas, ON – October 10–11

Vancouver, BC – October 10-12

Blue River, WI – October 17-18

Edmonton, AB – October 17-19

L’Anse au Loup, LB – October 16-18

Niagara Falls, ON – October 17-18

Terryville, CT – October 17-18

Wallaceberg, ON – October 17-18

Livonia, MI – October 24-25

Saskatoon, SK – October 31-November 1

Brampton, ON – November 13-15

Bryn Mawr, PA – November 14-15

Change of Address

Shawn and Heidi St. Clair, 62 Highfield Rd., Douglas, NB, Canada E3G 7P3.

Andrew Kluge (Chile): new E-mail address is amgtko@gmail.com.


Preston R. MacDonald of Freetown, PEI, on December 31, 2008, age 86. Our brother was saved in July 1954 though the truth of Acts 16:31. He was gathered with the saints in Freetown for almost 50 years. He is survived by his wife of 67 years, Cora, four sons and their wives, all in assembly fellowship. He is also survived by nine grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren of which several are saved. The funeral service was taken by Robert McIlwaine and David Hierlihy, and the gospel was faithfully preached.

Howard Gorle of Oshawa, ON, on July 2, age 86. After the death of his mother, our brother was saved in the Presbyterian church in Toronto. At age 15, Howard joined the Armed Services and fought oversees. After returning, he married Shirley Gillette, his faithful wife for almost 65 years. They were baptized and gathered out to His Name in the Brock Avenue assembly, and were blessed with four children and many grandchildren. Later they moved to Arnstein, and for the last 15 years have been in the Oshawa assembly. He loved the Breaking of Bread meeting and many times tears would flow as he thought of the sufferings of Christ. Although in later years he could not attend the meetings due to ill health, his heart was always there. Words of comfort and the gospel were spoken by Gary Oaks and Ken Nicholson.

Edythe Mildred MacPherson of Longport, NJ, on August 1, age 91. She was raised in a Christian home and saved in 1938 at age 20. She met her future husband, Alexander, at a missionary training camp in 1943 and they were married that year. They trained with New Tribes Mission in 1945 and were to leave for Bolivia from New Orleans. The ship never came, and while there they learned the truth of gathering to His Name. They returned to Bridgeport, CT where they were in fellowship for 30 years, then Brookfield for three years, and due to relocation, in Terryville for nine years. They moved to the Longport Home in 1990. Edythe had a pleasant disposition but for the last couple of years was locked in a body that was not aware of any fellowship until she was transferred to an eternal fellowship that has no hindrances. She leaves two sisters. A graveside service was a time of testimony.

Eva Ahopelto of Sarnia, ON, on August 2, 2009, age 82. Eva was born in Finland. She and her husband, Esa, and their two young children immigrated to Canada in 1951. She was saved in the spring of 1962 in Wyoming, ON and shortly thereafter baptized and received into fellowship with the saints who gather at the Sarnia Gospel Hall. Eva was quiet and unassuming, and her faithfulness to the Lord, the assembly, and her family was exemplary. Eva is survived and greatly missed by her loving husband Esa, son Joe (Ruth) Ahopelto of Colorado; daughter Rita (Bob) Dennison of Michigan; four grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and one brother Ernie (June) Leivo of Sarnia. A small private funeral service was shared by Max McLean and Jack Nesbitt.

Gordon Farnsworth of Huntsville, ON, on August 3, age 87. He was born in Huntsville and saved, along with his wife Jean, in 1951. For the rest of his life he was in fellowship in the Huntsville assembly. He had great skill in the construction industry and gave unstintingly of his time to assist assemblies with the construction or renovation of halls and related building projects, traveling to Africa, the West Indies, the U.S.A., and several Canadian provinces. He was well respected in his community and many have been the recipients of the kind hospitality that marked his home. The funeral service was shared by his grandson Stephen Fletcher of Orillia, and Mark Freymond of Bancroft. Philip Grainger of Deer Lake spoke at the graveside.

Ray Ward of Oil Springs, ON, on August 6, age 93. Ray was born in 1916 and saved in 1977 through Romans 10:9 while he and his wife attended gospel meetings held by George Patterson and David Kember. Both he and his wife were baptized , and received into the fellowship in 1992, where he continued until his home call. He was a quiet brother and faithful to the meetings as long as his health permitted. He is missed by all, and leaves his wife, one son, and two daughters. The funeral was taken by Max McLean and Fred Krauss, with Lorne Mitchell at the graveside. A good number of unsaved people heard the way of salvation clearly preached.