Calgary: Ministry at the West Hillhurst conference in May was very helpful and challenging. Matthew Cain, M. Derksen, D. Richards, and G. Williams ministered from Philippians, each taking two sessions to cover a chapter.
Edmonton: The believers had a profitable week of ministry from D. Richards (1 Thess), and also enjoyable visits from P. Poidevin and J. Ronald.
Grande Prairie: D. Richards had a week of well-attended and appreciated ministry meetings on Acts 2:41-42.
British Columbia
Vancouver: Matthew Cain gave appreciated ministry at Victoria Drive and also spoke at the Sunday school picnic in May. Please pray for the Pacific National Exhibition outreach in August. A new booth is being constructed that will be more commodious, self-contained, and easier to erect.
Brandon: The saints enjoyed a Lord’s Day and two nights of ministry with P. Simms recently.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Corner Brook: The saints appreciated the ministry of N. Burden for a weekend in May, and also of J. Fitzpatrick and J. Jarvis who were having meetings in McIvers.
Gander: G. Goff, visiting with J. Klein and A. Zuidema, had ministry on practical Christian living May 6-8. N. Burden and E. Fowler also gave appreciated visits in May.
Gander Bay: The assembly in Main Point enjoyed a visit from G. Goff for ministry/gospel from May 3-5, with the help of J. Klein and A. Zuidema, The saints were very encouraged when several young Christians from St. John’s distributed gospel literature and invitations before the annual conference over the Victoria Day weekend. It was nice to see a larger number this year than in past years. W. Buckle, N. Burden, E. Fowler, G. Goff, C. Payne, and D. Swan helped in ministry and gospel. M. Swan and others helped with the young people’s meeting and Sunday school.
McIvers: The assembly held a four-week series of gospel meetings with J. Fitzpatrick and J. Jarvis. The meetings were an encouragement to the saints. Many contacts attended, with some fruit in salvation.
Parsons Pond: The assembly held four weeks of gospel meetings with J. Fitzpatrick and J. McClelland. A number of souls professed faith in Christ for which we thank God. The saints also appreciated the visit and ministry of Noel Burden.
Sandringham: G. Goff and two young brethren from the USA were with us for five nights in May. Mr. Goff took up the book of Daniel for four nights. N. Burden was here on May 21 for a ministry meeting.
St. John’s: The saints were encouraged in recent weeks when a sister and two young brethren obeyed the Lord in baptism. E. Fowler visited for a mid-week ministry meeting May 20. E. Fowler and G. Goff were with the saints for the Lord’s Day, and brother Goff gave ministry for three nights following.
Nova Scotia
Tatamagouche: In May, A. Hull and P. Ramsay were in their fourth week, with good attendance and some blessing. The support of surrounding assemblies has been of great cheer. The assembly has renovated the hall, which is a credit to them.
Falkland Ridge: J. McClelland and J. Meekin had encouraging meetings here recently, with excellent interest, and the seed faithfully sown.
Westville & New Glasgow: Prayer is requested for meetings that will be conducted each morning at 11am in the Westville Recreational Center from July 13-24. This is a new venture. A. Hull and D. Hunt will follow up with tent meetings in New Glasgow.
Clinton: In May, the assembly enjoyed an informative report on Nicaragua by T. Flett. Please pray for the sixth annual Summer Conference July 25, and proposed gospel meetings to follow.
Staffordville: During the winter, the assembly put a united effort into weekly “Pathfinders” children’s meetings. These were well supported by people from the area as well as a consistent response from the families of the various home Bible study groups. On most nights the hall was filled with as many as 89 children, as well as 21 adults that don’t usually attend assembly meetings. On the final night the hall was packed to overflowing. Dave & Yvonne continue with one bi-weekly and five weekly home Bible studies in homes in the area. In the past few months four have professed as a result of God blessing in this method of outreach. This Spring, we enjoyed four nights of ministry by D. Booth on Commitment, with a good number attending from the various home Bible study groups.
St. Mary’s: The saints enjoyed a recent week of ministry with S. MacLeod. Prayer is requested for a gospel tent series beginning July 12. Speakers will be B. Snippe, helped by A. Fletcher, G. Patterson, and possibly M. Derksen.
Sudbury: D. Booth and B. Rodgers had almost three weeks of gospel meetings in May with some blessing in salvation. The meetings were well supported by the Christians, and unsaved were out most nights. We continue to pray for those who showed interest.
Welland: Spanish believers came from many assemblies and distances to hear encouraging, challenging, and comforting ministry May 23-24 given by T. Flett, A. Kluge, D. Thomson, Dr. J. Thropay, and S. Ussher. The hall was filled Sunday evening for the Spanish/English gospel meeting, culminating in the baptism of a woman recently saved.
Melfort: Please pray for tent meetings in June with B. Meyers and W. Skates. Many visitors from the town attended winter gospel meetings.
Alpena: The assembly enjoyed helpful ministry on 1 Peter from Joel Portman during his five-day visit in May when our brother also spoke at the Spanish meetings in Huntsville and Springdale.
Phoenix: The Garfield Street assembly enjoyed a week of ministry with D. Morgan in April, and the all-day meeting on the last Lord’s day.
Ashford: Please pray for a series of tent meetings to begin June 7, D.V., in this area not yet visited by assembly gospel workers. J. Smith and D. Hanley (West Springfield) will be preaching the gospel.
Brookfield: The saints enjoyed a recent visit by S. Maze for a Sunday and weeknight meeting. The believers were encouraged, and there were some visitors in to hear the gospel.
Cedar Falls: The joint Waterloo/Cedar Falls Conference in April was a time of blessing. Timely ministry was given by a number of the Lord’s servants. In May, the assembly appreciated an informative missionary report by P. Poidevin, detailing his work as headmaster at the Sakeji Mission School in Zambia.
Clear Lake: R. Orr and R. Weber were starting in the gospel here.
Stout: The conference in April was well attended and appreciated ministry was shared by 13 of the Lord’s servants. The gospel was preached on both Saturday and Sunday evenings with good interest. There have been welcome visits recently from A. Christopherson, M. McCandless, P. Poidevin, and J. Slabaugh, as well as good support from local servants.
Augusta: The assembly appreciated the ministry of A. J. Higgins on Christ in the Gospels May 15-17.
Byfield: The conference over the Memorial Day weekend was much enjoyed, with very practical and edifying ministry. The gospel was preached with power. W. Gustafson, E Higgins, M. Procopio, K. Taylor, and F. Tornaquindici gave help.
Cass City: On the last Lord’s Day of May, J. Nesbitt visited and gave encouraging ministry.
Saginaw: Attendance and support from surrounding assemblies was good as B. Cottrill and W. Metcalf gave excellent ministry at our June 7 ministry meeting.
Sherman: The booth at the annual Mesick Mushroom Festival (Mother’s Day weekend) was a good opportunity again for meeting local people and those visiting the area. Many texts, tracts, fridge magnets, etc., were distributed although the weather fluctuated over the three days. God willing the assembly intends to have a gospel series and children’s meetings in late August. B. Crawford and S. Thompson will be preaching in this effort.
Moorhead: Tent meetings are planned in the area starting July 16. Speakers will be B. Doll and Wm. Skates. A large Seed Sowers distribution will accompany the series.
Tylertown: The assembly was greatly encouraged by the recent conference. A good number of visitors attended, including some unsaved from the community. L. Mitchell and L. Perkins were aided by E. Hill, J. Nobles, and L. Smith, during the conference and there was distinct guidance from the Holy Spirit in the meetings. One visitor from the local area commented that it was the best ministry he had ever heard. L. Perkins remained for two nights of appreciated ministry.
Kansas City: J. Slabaugh was with the saints May 10-13, and gave some very helpful and encouraging ministry.
Omaha: The saints appreciated three nights of teaching by W. Gustafson in April. Work continues on the new hall, with partial occupancy intended for later this year. The Lord has given provision, guidance, and wisdom in working through the necessary requirements.
New York
Flushing: E. Higgins (Pennsauken), M. Hughes (Hatboro), and A. Valvano (Livingston) were here for our monthly Gospel meeting for ESL students in the months of February, March, and April, respectively. In one meeting approximately 20 students from Turkey, Macedonia, Yemen, Japan, Korea, and other nations attended. Many of these from predominantly Muslim nations were hearing the gospel for the first time. We ask for your prayers.
North Carolina
Denver: The assembly joyfully received four believers into the fellowship in May.
Cleveland: B. Lavery was with the assembly for a Lord’s Day and three nights of encouraging ministry. He also visited the Akron assembly. A. Kluge gave ministry and an interesting report of the work of the Lord in Chile.
South Dakota
Aberdeen: In conjunction with a Seed Sower distribution, a series of tent meetings is planned starting August 2. Speakers will be William Skates, helped by M. Taylor (Saskatoon, SK), and another brother.
Okanogan: D. Richards ministered from Hebrews 11 for a week in May with good attendance.
Tri-Cities: The small assembly benefited from a couple of nights of ministry from Dave Richards in May.
Madison: A. Christopherson worked with local brethren in the gospel for two nights a week during the month of June.
Republic of Korea
J. Chung visited 12 assemblies in Korea in April and May, conducting ministry meetings for four weeks on the subject of the beauty, order, confusion, and disorder in the assembly by a study of the wilderness journey of the Israelites in Exodus and Numbers. Afterward, he attended a two-day special meeting held in the suburbs of Seoul of elders and concerned saints from eighteen assemblies who deeply appreciated his ministry and help through Q & A sessions concerning sound assembly practices. Prayer is much appreciated at the present difficult time by concerned elders and godly saints who earnestly desire to see change according to the teachings in the New Testament.
Ciudad Obregon: Shad and Cynthia Sluiter, Shad and Deborah Kember, and several others, have already spent considerable time with Duncan Beckett in two gospel outreaches carried on simultaneously in this northern city.
Guadalajara: Paul Thiessen is very encouraged as he works with several couples that are seriously searching for a Scriptural gathering. One of them has already been received into fellowship into the Zapopan assembly.
Tepic: On May 31 over a hundred people, many of them unsaved, listened to the gospel preached. Afterwards, Marcus Cain baptized three young people that are fruit of Seed Sower distributions in this city in 1996 and 2001.
Veracruz: John and Rebekah Nesbitt and the new believers here look forward to the first Breaking of Bread meeting July 5.
Chiapas: Marcus Cain attended a conference hosted by a local church of indigenous believers in this southern state. This was the first such conference visit in Mexico, and was a response to the many pleas for Biblically-correct teaching that have been received from various brethren in that state and in Guatemala. The work in Chiapas, Mexico, started with one assembly in 1939; there are now approximately 40. There are approximately nine with the Tzeltal Mayan language, with several completely in Tzeltal.
Thomas Baker and John Thropay have also made various visits in recent years. At this point there appears to be receptivity to clear teaching and the whole counsel of God, and on that basis there is an interest to continue giving help among these believers as time permits. Prayer is requested that the apparent reception of truth will translate into concrete changes in the application of that truth in the various local churches, and that wisdom will be granted to missionaries to discern how to best help the work there, and gauge the profit of continued visits.
N. Ireland
Ballyclare and Buckna: P. Harding had one week of ministry in both assemblies.
Dromore, Co. Down: T.W. Wright and J. Fleck concluded gospel meetings and were encouraged with blessing.
Kells: S. Wells had one week well attended Bible Readings on 1Timothy, May 25-29.
Magherafelt: D. Gilliland and S. Gilfillen are in gospel meetings with good local interest and blessing in salvation.
Republic of Ireland
Dublin: J. Smith (USA) was at the conference (Rathmines) May 2, and gave helpful ministry in a number of assemblies, including Newtownstewart, Coleraine, Buckna, and Craigyhill, before going to France to be with D. O’Hare for a week.
J. Fitch reports that a visit to Russia was made this Spring and saints expressed appreciation for the ministry of the Word of God. Christians send their thanks for the material help to repair several halls. There is a desire to publish a monthly magazine to meet the spiritual need among the Russian assemblies.
Sioux City, IA
July 18-19, in the Gospel Hall, at 120 South Leonard Street, Sioux City, IA. Saturday: Prayer Meeting 7pm. Sunday: Breakfast 8am, Breaking of Bread 9:45am, Bible Study (Gates of Nehemiah 3) 11:15am, Lunch 12:45pm, Children’s Meeting 2pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Dinner 4:30pm, Gospel 6pm. Contact Gary Hayes
Clinton, ON
July 25, at the Gospel Hall, 143 Joseph Street, commencing at 9am. For more information or overnight reservations for Friday evening , contact Marvin Bachert, Walton, ON at 519 887-9791, or E-mail
Westbank, BC
August 1-2, at the Highway Gospel Hall, 2549 Hebert Road, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, July 31 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (Baptism, Indwelling, and Filling of the Holy Spirit), Ministry 2:30pm, Ministry/Gospel 7pm, Sing 9pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Sunday School 11:15am, Ministry 2:30pm, Prayer Meeting 6:30pm, Gospel 7:15pm. Meals will be provided. If accommodation is required, please contact in advance. Corr: Glenn Griffin, 3344 Elliott Rd., Westbank, BC V4T 1P2; Tel: 250 768-3343;
Akron, OH
September 5-6, in Copley High School, 3797 Ridgewood Road, Copley, with Prayer Meeting Friday at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 2705 Smith Road, Tel: 330 867-3818. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 1pm (Godly Living in a Godless World). Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. Accom: David Metcalf, 3228 Blake Road, Wadsworth, OH 44281; Tel: 330 334-9691; E-mail: Corr. Kenneth Webb, PO Box 13350, Akron, OH 44334; Tel: 330 666-9466.
Arlington/Marysville, WA
September 4-7 in the Gospel Hall, 323 S. Stillaguamish Ave., Arlington. Prayer/Ministry, Friday 7pm. Saturday: Bible Study 9:45am, Ministry 2pm, Ministry-Gospel 7pm, Ministry for the Young 8:45pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am (Arlington and Marysville), Bible Study 11:20am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm (Arlington and Marysville), Ministry for the Young 8:45pm. Monday: Bible Study 8:45am, Q&A/Ministry 10:30am-1pm. Breakfast served 8am each morning. Bible Study subjects are on “The Fruit of the Spirit” led by David Booth, Frank Sona, and Dan Shutt. Information and accom: Phil Kazen, 360 659-4611,; or Jim Klein, 360 435-6611,
Beetown, WI
September 7, in the Lancaster Senior High Auditorium, 806 E. Elm Street, Lancaster. Meetings begin at 10am. Corr: Marvin Studnicka, 1026 Ridge Ave., Lancaster, WI 53813; Tel: 608 723-7156.
Clementsvale, NS
September 5-6, Champlain Hall, Cornwallis Park. Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 10am, Bible Reading 1:15pm (Godliness), Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:30am (Col 1:14-29), Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: Lionel Cress 902 467-3115. Accom: please call in advance Jonathan McClelland, 902 638-3260; Directions and Bible reading outlines will be available at
Sault Ste Marie, ON and MI
September 11-13, at 475 Wellington St. East, Sault Ste Marie, ON. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am, 1:30pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: meetings at 10:15am, 1:30pm, 3:30pm, 7pm. The subject of Bible readings at 1:30pm both days will be posted next month. Corr: David West;; Tel: 705 945-9245; Hall: 705 949-1101(leave message).
Hitesville, IA
September 19-20, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 18 at 7:30pm. All meetings will be at the Hitesville Gospel Hall, rural Aplington, IA. Directions: from Highway 3 about 6 mi. west of Allison, take county road T25 south to 260th Street (gravel road), then east 1/2 mile to the hall. From Aplington, take county road T25 north (at the Lincoln Bank corner) to 260th Street (gravel), then east 1/2 mile to the hall. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:15pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm. Corr: Dr. Larry L. Brandt, P.O. Box 683, Parkersburg, IA 50665; Tel: 319 346-1084; Hall: 319 347-2333.
Bryn Mawr, PA
November 14-15. This is a preliminary notice with specific details to follow. The Hatboro assembly will be joining as co-sponsors of the conference in the Colonial Elementary School in Plymouth Meeting, PA, as in former years. Your prayers will be appreciated.
Conference Reminders:
Kamloops, BC – July 3-5
Pugwash Junction, NS – July 4-5
Fort McMurray, AB – August 28-30
Additions to Address List
Shawn and Rhonda Markle, Chitokoloki Mission Station, Box 50, Zambezi, Zambia; E-mail:
Change of Address
Jim Beattie – E-mail: (please do not forward emails to this address)
David and Yvonne Patten, PO Box 202, 55739 Main St., Straffordville ON, N0J 1Y0; 519 866-5696; Cell: 519 860-6792;
Change of Correspondent
Arnstein, ON: Tom Dellandrea, 10 Mill Road, Box 39, Port Loring, ON; Tel: 705 757-0222;
Change in Meeting Times
Hampton, IA: Remembrance meeting has been changed to 11am, and ministry to 12 noon.
Patsy A. Smith of Jackson, MI, on November 15, 2008, age 73. She was saved in December 1951 after attending gospel meetings held by Norman Crawford. She was baptized and came into fellowship in the Jackson assembly and was faithful in attendance. The Christians and her family were her concern and joy, and she desired to see others saved. When tent meetings were held by her husband or others she traveled with the family and camped, supporting the work. For many summers she helped in the Seed Sowers efforts in various places. For 16 years she was willing to be alone when her husband Louis worked in Russia and Ukraine each Spring and Fall. She was able to make one trip to Russia in support of the work. Despite poor health and weakness, she did not complain and seldom missed a meeting. She is survived by her husband, Louis, son Matthew, daughters Martha and Mary, and five grandsons. The funeral was taken by N. Crawford. Two grandsons spoke briefly and M. McLean spoke at the cemetery.
Garry Seale of Calgary, AB, on February 22, age 74. He was born in Melfort, SK, in 1934, and left at the age of 17 to study Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Toronto. He married Verna Taylor in 1956 and worked for DeHavilland Aircraft Co. for 3 years before accepting a job as an instructor at SAIT in Calgary where he remained until 1991. Garry’s true joy and passion, however, was studying the Word of God of which he was an able teacher. He wrote numerous booklets on Biblical subjects and served faithfully as an elder at the West Hillhurst Gospel Hall for over 40 years. His character was above reproach, a godly example and a spiritual mentor to many including his own family. He is survived by his loving wife of 52 years, Verna; sons Blair (Catherine) and Geoff (Heather), daughter Verlaine (Steve) Meyers, and eight grandchildren.
Elizabeth Fisher of Hardwick, VT, on March 3, age 87. She and her late husband Manville were saved during one of Walter Gustafson’s gospel efforts in the 1960’s. Elizabeth was reached through the truth of John 3:36. Predeceased by Manville in 1971, she was left alone to raise her daughter Irene, and two sons, George and Kenneth. Her life was one with many difficulties and challenges without complaint; she was at the assembly meetings whenever her health permitted. The funeral service was shared by local brethren, and Walter Gustafson preached the gospel at her burial service. Elizabeth was the last of an older generation of believers associated with the assembly’s earlier days. Please pray for a younger sister and all her family members.
Mrs. Evelina Crarey of St. Thomas, ON, on March 9, in her 89th year. She was born February 6, 1921, and born again August 21, 1934. She was gathered in assembly fellowship in 1935 in Victoria Road. Later, she and her husband George moved to Richmond Hill and were in the Lansing assembly. In 1975, they returned to Victoria Road. She took up residence in St. Thomas in 2001 after her husband went to be with the Lord, but had recently moved to Bethany Lodge and was in fellowship in the Unionville assembly at the time of her home-call. She was a faithful attender at all meetings and will be missed by her nine children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Ed Miller, her nephew, preached the gospel and gave words of comfort at her funeral.
Shad Kember of Sarnia, ON, on March 14, age 83, after a heart attack two days earlier. During gospel meetings by A. W. Joyce, the solemn preaching awakened Shad. On January 14, 1941, he went home after meeting and trusted Christ through Romans 10:9. Zeal for the gospel, love for assembly truth, and care for the Sarnia assembly marked his life. He was a soul-winner through his faithful personal witnessing and through his preaching in gospel series near home and further afield. He and his wife Anne appreciated God’s grace in saving their family, so that the most of their six living children and many grandchildren are in assembly fellowship. Their son, Shad, Jr., serves the Lord primarily among Hispanics. Shad’s large funeral testified to the respect of believers and unbelievers for our brother and his family.
Muriel Maude Fletcher of Gore Bay, ON, on March 26, in her 100th year. Saved as a young girl in Galt, she married Stephen Fletcher and was in fellowship in the Cambridge St. assembly in Galt until they moved to Manitoulin Is. in the mid ‘50s. She faithfully supported her husband and the assembly work in Gore Bay. Many Christians enjoyed their unique hospitality shown both in their home and in the “lighthouse” which they leased from the Federal Gov’t and was scenically located on the North Channel. Muriel raised eight children, had 26 grandchildren, 51 great grandchildren, and three great-great grandchildren. The large funeral was taken by three of her sons, Philip, Andy, and Paul.
Stanley Chromiak of Ashfield, MB, on April 5, peacefully in his sleep at Betel Home in Selkirk, age 86. Our dear brother was saved on January 18, 1948, and received into fellowship in Ashfield in the Fall of 1948. For more than 50 years, he attended faithfully, and steadfastly served his Lord as an elder. He was a man who kept in touch with his community and will be missed by his neighbors as well as the assembly. Ken McCorkle and Klaus Dittberner shared in the well-attended funeral service.
Moreen Haras of Kamloops, BC, on April 13, age 74, following a long period of suffering with different health problems. She was saved in early July, 1995, during tent meetings conducted by her brother Dave Richards and Bryan Funston. Moreen was baptized and received into the assembly in Kamloops where she has been until her home-call. Moreen’s consistent trust as she waited to see her Lord was seen right up to her exodus. She is survived by her husband Willie, daughter Leslie, sister Norma, brother Dave, and other family members. The memorial for Moreen was attended by a large number of unsaved where her husband read the eulogy for his departed wife and her brother Dave spoke faithfully in the gospel. She will be greatly missed.
Ashley Hegi-Ronald of Coalhurst, AB, beloved daughter of Lori and Jay Ronald, on April 21, age 17. Ashley was born in Lethbridge and born again on October 11, 2005. She rested in the promise found in Romans 10:9. Ashley lived with progeria and throughout her short life she was nearly always in pain, but remained cheerful and never complained. She attended Coalhurst High School and was to graduate in May. Ashley’s faith was strong and the Lord Jesus was precious to her. She desperately wanted for people to be saved. Ashley is survived by her parents and three younger siblings, and will be missed by all who knew her. The large funeral was taken by Joe Clark, and there was a clear declaration of the gospel in word and song. J.W. Ronald spoke words of comfort at the grave.