

British Columbia

Terrace: John Fitzpatrick had ministry for younger believers January 20-28. Dave Richards ministered, March 24-31, on Romans 12 and 13.

Vancouver: The Easter conference was a enjoyed by area assemblies and visitors from a distance. The platform was shared by J. Baker, B. Funston, J. Gould, M. Radcliffe, D. Richards, N. Thomson, and Gordon Williams. The Bible Readings led by Jim Baker on Galatians 1 and 2 were most profitable. The Centenary weekend of the Victoria Drive assembly, April 25-26, went well with good interest from believers, and a number in from the community to hear the gospel. Gospel meetings into the second week were well-attended, and help from God given nightly. Please continue to pray. At the monthly missionary meeting in Carleton, Paul Poidevin spoke of the on-going translation work in Zambia.


Brandon: The assembly enjoyed two nights of ministry from Bruce Rodgers; Paul Poidevin, visiting with his wife Eunice, reported on the work at Sakeji School in Zambia.

New Brunswick

Fredericton: The McAdam Ave. assembly enjoyed recent visitors for the conference and appreciated very much the ministry of Eric Parmenter, Jim Allen, and Andrew Ussher. The gospel was ably preached by Al McCandless, Jon Procopio, and Noel Burden, and the SS lesson by Paul Robertson. Recordings of the conference are available from Steve Cassidy (stephen.cassidy@route2.pe.ca). Numbers were down a bit from last year but the weekend was very profitable.

Moncton: During April, Matthew Cain gave three days of ministry on Basics for Believers. The assembly is also working on building a new hall. Your prayers for guidance in this would be very much appreciated.

Nova Scotia

Nineveh: The annual conference held on Easter weekend was larger than previous years, with a good representation of young believers. Many expressed help from the ministry that was shared by ten brethren. The Bible reading on Romans 6 led by J. Allen was very good with excellent participation.

Weaver Settlement: The saints enjoyed a week of Bible readings with John Meekin on the subject “The Feasts of Jehovah.” The readings were encouraging and well-attended.


Clinton: The saints were enlightened and encouraged to pray for the Lord’s work in Venezuela when Uel Ussher gave ministry and a missionary report in February. Michael DeSilva, Jr. spoke faithfully at a week of well-attended children’s meetings in a rural community school near Ethel in early April. The saints were encouraged, and local brethren are continuing each Tuesday evening with good attendance and some parents also showing interest. The saints enjoyed profitable ministry given by Bert Snippe for two nights in April. Please pray for a proposed gospel effort planned for July, D.V.

Hamilton: The believers appreciated recent visits by Uel Ussher, Paul Poidevin, Peter Ramsay, and Marvin Derksen. Four young believers were baptized, bringing much joy to the assembly.

Huntsville: Due to construction for the G-8 at the Huntsville Centennial Center, the Conference usually held on Labor Day weekend is cancelled this year.

Sudbury: In March, the assembly enjoyed having Stephen Vance for the annual Sunday School treat, monthly ministry meeting, and Lord’s Day. In April, the saints appreciated having Gary Sharp for the monthly ministry meeting and Lord’s Day.

Thunder Bay: During April, the saints very much enjoyed visits from Stephen Vance for a gospel weekend with our Chinese friends and two nights of ministry, Paul and Eunice Poidevin with a report on the work in Zambia, and Peter Smith for two nights of ministry.

Toronto: Over the Easter weekend, large numbers enjoyed three days of conference gatherings convened by the Broadview, Eglington, Highfield, Langstaff, Lansing, Unionville, Victoria Park, and West Hill assemblies. There was added joy when there was blessing in salvation at the closing gospel meeting taken by Norman Crawford and Harold Paisley.

West Lorne: Saints have been encouraged by three souls trusting the Savior recently. Prayer for salvation is requested for the husband of one lady who cannot get out to the meetings due to ill health. Visits of the Lord’s servants and brethren from surrounding assemblies are appreciated.


Glen Ewen: In March, Peter Simms had six meetings on “The Mysteries of the Kingdom.” On April 7, Dan Shutt ministered on “Teach the Children Well” from Deuteronomy 6:2; April 22-25, Bruce Rodgers on “Blessings Believers Have in Christ” from Colossians; April 29, Paul Poidevin gave ministry and a missionary report. These meetings were marked by exhortation and encouragement.



Culver City: David Richards had three nights of ministry in February on 2 Peter.

Panorama City: A new Spanish assembly (Sala Evangélica) was formed in the home of Roberto Mejia three years ago (Tel: 818 786-8429), after eight years of outreach work from the East Los Angeles Gospel Hall (Sala Evangélica). There are about 35 in fellowship. Jack Saword ministered to the saints on April 6.

East Los Angeles: The East Los Angeles and Panorama City Sala Evangélicas (Gospel Halls) had their tenth Spanish conference April 3-5. Three full-time Lord’s servants were present: Jack Saword, David Thompson, and Tom Baker. Glen Baker was also present and ministered to about 75 children in Spanish. Over 200 adults were in attendance for ministry and gospel. Jack Saword ministered the Word on April 7.

Fontana: The East Los Angeles assembly has been doing gospel outreach work here in homes for three years with about 30-40 in attendance. We are waiting for the Lord to open up a regular hall meeting place. These meetings are entirely in Spanish. J. Beattie visited and spoke via translation about two months ago along with his visit to the ELA assembly.

Fresno: Dave Richards was here for a week of meetings in February on the book of Ruth. The attendance was excellent.

Rialto: Please pray for a young man who was saved a few months ago from a life of drugs and violence. He went on well for awhile, but is struggling emotionally. He desires to be faithful to God, and to his wife and children, and has requested prayer that God will give him victory. His wife also professed last month.

San Diego: Dave Richards had two ministry meetings here following the February conference, and the assembly also appreciated three ministry meetings by David Morgan.


Brookfield: The assembly recently concluded a series of children’s meetings. Young brothers from the Midland Park assembly assisted in the efforts, and the gospel was faithfully preached to children and some parents.


Antioch: Robert Orr and Joel Portman had five weeks of gospel meetings, fours nights each week in Antioch and two in St. Ansgar. Seed was sown and some interest seen.


Saugus: Eric McCullough had one night in ministry speaking on the 12 references in Ephesians to the Holy Spirit. The Sunday school awards night was held the first weekend in April. Eugene Higgins spoke to the children, and on the Lord’s Day faithfully presented the gospel at our fellowship dinner. A number of unsaved were present at both events. Marvin Derksen gave challenging ministry on the milestones and turning points of Old Testament saints.

Commencing June 30 through August 18, the Children’s Bible Hour will continue each Tuesday, 7-8:30pm.


Jackson: The believers enjoyed brief visits by Walter Gustafson and Mark Bonnell (S. Africa). Please pray for Gospel Tent Meetings to begin May 31 with John Meekin and Murray McCandless.


Fridley: S. Thompson and W. Skates were here in April for a series of well-attended gospel meetings which were an encouragement to the saints. For the first time in 30 years, a relative of one of the believers (now in his 40’s and familiar with the message from his youth) was present at every meeting.

New Jersey

Livingston: The saints are thankful to the Lord for a wonderful conference May 1-3 and to all who were able to attend. Marvin Derksen, Eugene Higgins, Alex Lawson, Eric McCullough, Bill Seale, Frank Sona, Dan Shutt, Frank Tornaquindici, and Andrew Ussher shared in ministry and gospel. Books made available by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson were a great help to the saints.

Midland Park: The saints appreciated three evenings of ministry by A. J. Higgins, and Lord’s Day visits from Gaius Goff and Mark Procopio in February; John Slabaugh and Walter Gustafson in March. Eugene Higgins was with the assembly for two weeks’ gospel meetings at the end of April. A number of visitors were in, and the word of life was faithfully preached.

Pennsauken: Please pray for the tent meetings planned for the month of June with D. Oliver and P. Ramsay.


Akron: During April the assembly had helpful visits from Walter Gustafson and Jim Bergsma. Please pray for gospel tent meetings starting in early July with Eugene Higgins and David Oliver.

Cleveland: The assembly appreciated a visit from Walter Gustafson.


Hatboro: The assembly appreciated the visit of Robert Surgenor for a week of ministry from the Gospel of John.

Please pray for the tent meetings planned for the month of June with E. Higgins and D. Petterson.

Indiana: The assembly had a much-appreciated visit from David Oliver in ministry for a mid-week meeting. There was a very favorable reception for a second outreach at the Indiana University of PA in April with over 200 Scripture texts, many Bibles, New Testaments, and gospel magazines handed out. Also, delivery has been taken of 5000 “door hangers,” laminated plastic gospel messages with the assembly website, for delivery around the hall this Spring.


Egg Harbor: Eugene Badgley and Lorne Mitchell had almost four weeks of gospel meetings with the small assembly here. A good number from the community came out. Two were interested in being saved; an 81-year-old man and a teenager, but the meetings closed with both still outside the door. We continue to pray for them.

Fitchburg: In June, Lord willing, Al Christopherson, with local brothers from the area, will be working in the gospel in this suburb of Madison.


Noel McKeown: We have just finished gospel meetings in San Diego, Valencia, Carabobo State. My preaching companion was Bernardo Chirinos, a national worker with a gift in both the gospel and ministry. Two years ago, God in mercy gave some blessing. We were asked to join them in a second tent effort and we had some 270 to 280 each evening. These meetings started on March 8 and finished April 5. A number professed to be saved, mostly young men. Josué Marín, 19,was saved on the Friday night of the first week. His girlfriend, Yesenia, a Roman Catholic, is attending and searching the Scriptures. On the last night of the meetings, Sra Taís, after a truly ferocious struggle, stayed behind to tell us she had accepted Christ. She has a little girl of ten who attends with her, but her two grown children and her husband never come. Please remember her in prayer. Please remember San Diego in prayer.


Bancroft, ON

June 6, with Bible Reading at 10am, Ministry at 2 and 7pm. All meetings in the Lakeview Gospel Hall, 644 Maxwell Settlement Rd. Corr: Mark Freymond, RR#1 Bancroft ON, K0L 1C0, Tel: 613 332-4317.

Glen Ewen, SK

June 19-21, with Prayer Meeting on Thursday, June 18 at 7:30pm. Bible Reading will be on Romans 12. Meetings on Friday , Saturday and Sunday will be at 10:30am, 1:30, and 7pm. Communications to Sidney Griffin, Tel: 306 925-2248, sgriffin@sdcwireless.com.

Fort McMurray, AB

August 28-30, hosted by the Wood Buffalo Assembly. Prayer meeting Friday, August 28 at 7:30pm. All meetings will be held in the Senior’s Activity Centre, 10111 Main St. Saturday: Ministry 10am, Bible Reading (2 Tim 4) 1:30pm, Ministry 4pm, Gospel 7 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 11:45am, Ministry 2pm and 4pm, Gospel 7pm. Lunch and supper will be served. For information or accommodation, contact Wade Bauld Tel: 780 743-1024, or Rob Routhier, Tel: 780 791-6903.

Conference Reminders:

Eden Grove, ON – June 7

Garnavillo, IA – June 6-7

Saugus, MA – June 6-7

North Bay, ON – June 13-14

Portage la Prairie, MB – June 11-14

Victoria Road, ON – June 20-21

Corner Brook, NF – June 26-28

Kirkland Lake-Englehart-Earlton-Charlton, ON – June 27-28

Augusta, ME – June 27-28

Taylorside, SK – June 26-28

Kamloops, BC – July 3-5

Pugwash Junction, NS – July 4-5 Bible Readings: The Local Assembly (1 Cor 1-3), and The Resurrection (1 Cor 15).

Change of Address

Mrs. Alvina (Henry) Fletcher, 208 – 5 Coronation Blvd., Lively, ON P3Y 0A7.

Wm. and Linda Lavery, 804 Hilltop Drive, Parkersburg, IA 50665. Phone and E-mail remain the same.

Mrs. Cis (Sydney) Maxwell, #109 – 2526 Waverley Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5S 4W1; Tel: 604 326-5109.

Larry Perkins: Cell number is 815-210-9636. Former VOIP number discontinued.

Mrs. Lilian (Jack) Yocum, 28 Munford Cres., Toronto, ON Canada M4B 1C1; jb.yocum@sympatico.ca.

Change of Correspondent

Earlton, ON: Jeffrey Taylor, Box 6, Earlton, ON P0J 1E0; E-mail: taylor.abattoir@xplornet.com; Tel: 705 563-8131.


Help is needed collecting evangelism tools to be displayed at our Fall Conference in Arlington. If you have materials that you are using and others might benefit from (curriculum, neighbourhood handouts, tracts, VBS/ESL/booth/fairs/hobby classes, magazines, correspondence courses, take home papers, teaching tapes, etc.), please send samples to Murray Funston, 2415 Cindy Place, Mount Vernon, WA 98273, or resources@arlingtongospelhall.com. A web page is being developed to display all of these items as well as a number of sound teaching tapes.


Jean Macdonald of Unionville, ON, on August 24, 2008, age 85. Brought up in a Presbyterian background in Nova Scotia, she was saved on July 1, 1939, through the preaching of a young minister who believed in preaching the necessity of the new birth. After attending Teacher’s College in Truro, she taught in a rural one-room school in the Glencoe district, and then in various Halifax schools. Early in her life she developed multiple sclerosis, and after living with it for 65 years, she wrote, “I can sum up my whole life’s story with just one word, ‘Ebenezer – hitherto hath the Lord helped me.’” In 1972 she moved to Bowmanville, ON, to care for a widowed aunt, and in 1988, moved to Bethany Lodge in Unionville. She is survived by nieces in the New Glasgow, NS, assembly, and great-nephews in the Lansing assembly in Toronto.

Tom Taylor of Peterborough, ON, on October 20, 2008. Tom was born February 19, 1914, in Scotland. When he was 24, he was saved at the Pape Avenue Gospel Hall in Toronto through 1 Peter 2:24. Tom and his wife Eileen (Brewster) were in Midland for a while. He came to Peterborough in 1975 from the Lansing assembly in Toronto. Tom was a faithful man and gave much help to the Peterborough assembly. He moved to Elim Homes in Waubaushene in 1997. Andy Fletcher spoke of him at his funeral as a “happy man.” Tom is survived by two daughters Anne and Ruth, one son Mark, and a number of grandchildren.

Destiny Hofman of Portage la Prairie, MB, on February 11, age 29, after a long battle with leukemia. Her peace and courage in times of trial were a tremendous testimony to all who knew her. Destiny was born in Winnipeg in 1980, graduated from Daniel McIntrye Collegiate in 1997, and married Gerrit in 1999. Saved as a teenager, she enjoyed the fellowship of believers in Winnipeg, Brandon, and Portage la Prairie. Destiny found comfort in Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.” Destiny leaves behind her husband Gerrit, children, Ethan Dai (8), Josiah Matthew (3), Annaliya Faith (2), and Nathaniel John (1); parents, five brothers and sisters, in-laws and many extended family. Destiny will be greatly missed. Please continue to bear up her family in prayer.

Valmah H. Brandt of Garnavillo, IA, on February 17, age 97. Although raised in a Christian home, our brother wasn’t saved until November 19, 1942, as a young married man, during gospel meetings held by Lorne McBain and Herbert Dobson. His wife, Ivy, was saved two weeks later and together they shared a keen interest in the assembly and showed hospitality in their home. He was steadfast in his life for the Lord and an elder in the Garnavillo assembly for many years. He had an active interest in the work of the Lord and supported the furtherance of the gospel at home and abroad. He was faithful in attendance at all of the assembly meetings until the last year of his life when failing health no longer permitted. Val is survived by his two daughters, Ruth Cairns and Lois Asche, two sons, Larry and Dale Brandt, seven grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren. At the funeral service the gospel was faithfully preached and words of comfort extended to the family by Joel Portman and Robert Orr.

John R. Craig of Moncton, NB, on March 14, age of 87. He was born in 1921 in Windsor, ON, and saved November 16, 1938. John never missed an opportunity to tell others of Christ, and stood firm for assembly principles. John and his wife, Lillian (Mclean) moved to Moncton permanently in 1974. He will be sadly missed by his wife of over 69 years, his brother, Howard (Doris) Craig of Windsor, daughter Grace (Allison) Morton, son-in-law Andrew Labenne whose wife, Sharon, went to be with the Lord February 2007; also three grandchildren, three great grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. He will also be missed by the Moncton assembly. Please pray for those unsaved who heard the gospel preached, and for the comfort of the family.

Elizabeth Sluiter of Hitesville, IA, on March 16, age 85. She was saved April 8, 1954, receiving her assurance of salvation through John 5:24. She was in happy fellowship with the believers in the assembly at Hitesville until her passing. Her house was destroyed in the May 2008 tornado, and found in the rubble afterward was a little stuffed rabbit with the word “grace” attached. This mascot became precious to her in the closing days of life and marked her demeanor as a gracious woman. She was preceded in death by her husband, Warner, in 2005, and is survived by three children, five grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren. Eric McCullough, Russ Nesbit, and her son Russ Sluiter shared the service in the hall, with Robert Orr speaking at the grave.

Andrew McPhee of Newington, CT, on March 17, age 97. He was saved at age 16 as his mother read to him from John 3. He was in the assembly for close to 80 years, and was faithful to the Lord all his days. He was a respected elder and a beloved brother who was easily approachable, and always ready to counsel and guide both young and old among the flock. He lived a full life and was a wonderful example to the believers in every respect. Always in his place in the gatherings, he took part acceptably right up to the last few weeks when he was hospitalized. He was predeceased by his beloved wife of 65 years, Josephine, in 1999 and in 2005 by a son, Skip, who also professed. He is survived by his only daughter, Holly Ramsay, who, along with her husband Donald, lovingly cared for him. He leaves three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, some of them not saved. The large funeral was taken by Bill Brescia, Matt Brescia, and Frank Tornaquindici. He will be sorely missed. “Help, Lord: for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men” (Ps 12:1).