


Fort McMurray: On Lord’s Day, January 13, the Wood Buffalo assembly baptized a man saved at the conference. The saints rejoiced.

British Columbia

Vancouver: Gospel meetings which began January 13 in Fairview continued four weeks with J. Meekin and F. Sona. Forty-thousand invitations were distributed, and a few came from the district to hear the gospel faithfully preached. On Saturday, January 19, D. Jones and E. Fowler gave missionary reports to a large audience at Victoria Drive. E. Fowler and S. Simonyi-Gindele also gave interesting reports in Fleetwood the following Lord’s Day. Carleton had a similar gathering on February 2 where D. Richards spoke of the work in Russia. West Richmond convened a mini-conference on February 9 when J. Meekin, D. Jones, F. Sona, and G. Williams ministered the Word.

New Brunswick

Moncton: A. Hull had a week of ministry using his chart on the dispensations; he also was in Sussex in early February.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Charlottetown: D. Hunt and J. McClelland reported a few showing good interest during the fourth and final week in the gospel in early February. They are looking to the Lord for blessing in salvation.

Gander: S. Vance was here from January 9-19 for very profitable meetings among the Chinese students that are attending flight school here. One professed to be saved and is doing well. Others are still coming and show interest. One young girl also professed to be saved. Another gospel series starts on February 3 with E. Fowler and H. Verlage from Sydney, NS. They plan to spend a couple of weeks in Gander and then a week or so in Bishop’s Falls.

L’Anse au Loup: Gospel meetings with Matthew Cain and P. Ramsay were in their fourth week at the end of January. One 32-year-old man professed, and attendance was good. Please continue to pray for the seed sown.

Parsons Pond: The saints were encouraged with three weeks of gospel meetings with B. Crawford and P. Simms in January.

Sandringham: The saints are planning a series of meetings to commence on March 2 with M. Derksen and D. Oliver.

Nova Scotia

Clementsvale: D. Hierlihy and A. McCandless (Sussex) commenced their third week in the gospel here in late January. They were encouraged by the attendance.

River Hebert: On the last Sunday of December, the assembly was encouraged by the visit of S. MacLeod and his father, D. MacLeod. Please pray for the small assembly. A good number of children and young people attend our Friday night meetings, and some have professed faith over the years for which we thank God.

Tatamagouche: A. Hull recently visited here and Amherst in ministry. Numbers and interest were excellent even though the weather was not favorable.


Cambridge: The saints appreciated a report on January 2 by B. Poidevin on the work in Zambia. Our third annual conference was two days this year, February 2-3. Ministry was given by A. Dryburgh, J. Jarvis, B. Joyce, F. Krauss, D. Nicholson, H. Paisley, B. Rodgers, G. Sharp, and L. Steers. Gospel meetings were taken by B. Crawford, J. Jarvis, G. Sharp, and L. Steers.

Gospel Meetings began February 10-24 with M. Derksen and D. Oliver .

Kitchener: The Christians meeting in the Kitchener Gospel Hall will be moving to an interim location as we await the completion of our new facility located on 218 Bleams Rd., Kitchener. March 4, 2008, will mark the last day in our present location. We anticipate being in our new building in July or August of 2008, Lord willing. Our temporary location will be in the Holiday Inn, 30 Fairway Road South, Kitchener. Please contact Philip McKinley (E-mail: philipsherri@yahoo.com) for directions and assembly meeting times.

Sault Ste. Marie: G. Sharp spent a weekend here for a mini-conference on the subject, “Time for a Checkup.” He visited Arnstein for the Sunday School treat and a Lord’s Day.

Sudbury: The saints enjoyed a visit from Murray and Grace Poidevin and family in January when our brother gave a report of their work in Zambia and Angola.

Toronto: With the full fellowship of the Langstaff and Lansing assemblies, an assembly has been formed in the Agincourt area of the city meeting in the Stephen Leacock Collegiate. Order of meetings: Lord’s Supper 9:30 am, Bible Study 10:15 am, Gospel Meeting and Sunday School 11:30 am. Friday evening: Children’s meeting, ESL group, adult Bible study. The assembly is bilingual using English and Mandarin. Contact 647-802-6244.

Victoria Road: Over the past few weeks, the assembly has been encouraged by visits from Ed Miller, Paul Markle, and Lorne Langfeld. Fred Krauss is expected in February and Brian Owen in March, D.V.

Wallaceburg: Bill Metcalf and Larry Steers started gospel meetings January 20.

Welland: Jim Beattie and John Slabaugh began gospel meetings here February 10.

Prince Edward Island

Summerside: A. Hull and P. Ramsay shared in a weekend conference December 1-2. The theme was “Let Your Light So Shine.” It was encouraging to see the number of young people in attendance with their interest and enthusiasm. The topics were very practical, timely, and thought provoking.


Taylorside: The saints enjoyed profitable visits from J. Gould and Wm. Skates when the Word of God was ministered.



Alpena: During a short visit by J. Portman, the assembly enjoyed encouraging ministry on the exemplary life of Caleb. Brother Joel also took time to visit among the Hispanic population in the area and give help with the Spanish meetings in Huntsville and Springdale, AR.


Deland: A gospel series commenced March 9 with A. Christopherson and R. Orr.


Antioch: R. Orr and R. Weber started gospel meetings here on January 27.

Dunkerton: The assembly appreciated recent ministry from the book of Numbers by W. Lavery. Prayer is requested for gospel meetings purposed the end of March with P. Ramsay and D. Shutt.

Garnavillo: S. MacLeod and M. McCandless were in gospel meetings here.


Augusta: The assembly enjoyed visits from K. Taylor and A. Hull in December.


Byfield: There was good attendance and blessing in salvation during a week of gospel meetings with E. Higgins. Believers from Methuen and Saugus gave outstanding support.

Methuen: The believers very much enjoyed encouraging visits from E. McCullough, J. Smith, and S. Wells in November for ministry. E. McCullough and F. Sona preached the gospel to a good number of teenagers one Sunday night in December. Both the ministry and gospel efforts were very helpful to some who have been recently saved, as well as those who still express an interest in their salvation. Please continue to pray with us for these young lives.

Worcester: Melvin Mendez from Philadelphia, PA (Olney), was with the assembly for three nights, helping in the Spanish work.


Sherman: G. Sharp was here for one night of ministry in January. He also ministered for a night in Saginaw, and was then in Jackson for the Sunday School Treat. There was a good number of adults out to hear the gospel.

New Jersey

Midland Park: In January, the believers appreciated a visit and missionary report by S. St. Clair from El Salvador. J. Baker spent a weekend with the assembly with ministry from Haggai 2, and he and J. Chung gave interesting reports on the work of the Lord in Southeast Asia. On the Lord’s Day, a sister connected with the work of the assembly in Flushing, NY, was baptized. L. Perkins was with the assembly for the annual Sunday School treat, and for ministry and gospel on two following Lord’s Days.

Please pray for gospel meetings planned for March 30 through April 13 with E. Higgins and M. Procopio.

New York

East Aurora: During the last months we have had helpful and encouraging visits from L. Buote, M. Derksen, A. Dryburgh, J. Jarvis, and J. Smith. In August we again had a spot at our County Fair and were able to distribute approximately 5,000 texts, along with other materials. We thank all who helped in this work. Recently we have had enlightening and uplifting visits from Bruce and Murray Poidevin from Zambia/Angola. Lord willing, we plan in April to have a series of gospel meetings. Please pray that hearts will be touched and souls saved.


Clyde: D. Vallance was with the assembly for the area ministry meeting in January. Teaching was given on the useful life of Jeremiah in a difficult day, with its application to young believers today.


Bryn Mawr: The assembly enjoyed a three-night visit from J. Baker with helpful ministry. Also S. St. Clair had one night with the assembly for a report and ministry that was appreciated. Gospel meetings followed with M. Derksen and D. Oliver where there was a good interest with a number in, many for the first time. The Lord blessed the faithful preaching with salvation, for which we are most thankful to the Lord.

McKeesport: In the last part of the year, the assembly enjoyed visits from J. Clark, G. Goff, A. Hull, D. Oliver, P. Ramsay, and D. Vitale. The assembly has greatly appreciated these visits and the helpful teaching given from the Word of God. We continue to have monthly Family Dinners for the families of Sunday School students. Gospel meetings in March with Joe Clark saw excellent attendance. The Lord blessed His Word in salvation.


Marysville: In January the assembly enjoyed visits from J. Saword and D. Jones. They each gave ministry and reports on their involvement in the Lord’s work in Arkansas and Chile. S. Thompson also visited in January, giving a week of ministry on the subject of “Headship” which was appreciated.


Mt. Sterling: A. Christopherson and J. Slabaugh preached the gospel for two weeks. Severe cold and snow hindered the attendance.


Ciudad del Carmen: Meetings in the eighth week continued with good interest. Please pray for this door which has opened for the gospel in this area on the Gulf side of Mexico.

Cotaxtla: John Nesbitt made very appreciated visits to the assemblies in Nezahualc�yotl and Matilde, before going to this town in the state of Veracruz to have a week of gospel meetings, helped by two local brethren who initially heard the gospel while doing migrant work in Hampton, IA.

Guadalajara: Paul Thiessen and Jason Wahls concluded a five-week series in the gospel.

Puerto Vallarta: A. J. Higgins had eight extremely helpful ministry meetings, by translation, over the first weekend in February. His subject: “Rightly Dividing and Rightly Applying the Word of Truth” was most timely. One of the messages was given in Tepic, one in Ixtapa, and the remaining six in the Coapinole hall. Believers from up to three hours away travelled to the meetings and enjoyed the Word of God along with visiting English-speaking believers. Our brother also had clinics in Volcanes and Bucer�as, helped by Dr. Carolyn McCandless (Hampton, IA), checking the poor and needy for signs of diabetes and other health issues.


Vancouver, BC

March 21-23, hosted by the Deep Cove, South Main, and West Richmond assemblies, with Prayer Meeting on Thursday, March 20 at 8 pm in the South Main Gospel Hall. All other meetings except Breaking of Bread will be held in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby, BC. The two Bible Readings will be on Isaiah 42:1-21 and 52:13-15; 53. Meetings on Friday and Saturday will be at 10 am, 2, and 7 pm; Sunday at 9:30 am, 2:30, and 7 pm. Young People’s meetings will be in the Burnaby South Gospel Hall on the three days at 9 pm. Accom: Earl Ritchie, Tel: 604 277-7019; or Om Chand, Tel: 604 321-3331.

Palm Springs, CA

March 30, in the assembly building at 320 West Racquet Club Road. Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School 11:30 am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Corr: Charles Spataro, Tel: 760 322-7090; Cell: 760 774-2806; Assembly: 760 325-8815.

Stout, IA

April 12-13, commencing with Prayer Meeting on Friday, April 11 at 7:30 pm. Ministry begins on Saturday at 10 am. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 am (Revelation 1), Breaking of Bread 10:30 am. All meetings in the Gospel Hall. Corr: Gary DeGroote, 28073 WestBrook St., New Hartford, IA 50660; Tel: 319 983-2713; E-mail: gdegroote2@msn.com; Gospel Hall: 319 346-1153.

McKeesport, PA

April 18-20, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, April 18 at 7:30 pm in the Gospel Hall, Prescott & Broadway Streets. Saturday & Sunday meetings will be in the McKeesport Senior High School, O’Neil Blvd., McKeesport. Saturday: Prayer, Praise & Ministry 10 am, 2 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Prayer, Praise & Ministry 1:45 pm, Gospel 4:30 pm. Tom Baker, Eugene Higgins, David Oliver, David Petterson, and Bill Seale, Jr. will be the speakers for the weekend. Accom: Rob Oliver 412 664-1004, rob@oliverpages.net. Corr.: Tom Clark, 412 751-5283, tclarkjr5@aol.com.

Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA

April 19-20, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, April 18 at 7 pm in the Western Avenue Gospel Hall, Waterloo. All other meetings in the Cedar Falls High School, 11th and Division St., Cedar Falls. Saturday: Ministry 10 am. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 am (Christ – My Servant, Isaiah 42,50,52 & 53), Breaking of Bread 10:15 am. Corr: Richard Orr, 614 Bland Blvd. S.W., Independence, IA 50644, Tel: 319 334-3931, and Erwin Stickfort, 5027 Sage Rd., Cedar Falls, IA 50613; Tel: 319 266-6271, or E-mail tstickfort@cfu.net. Please note: No Bible Readings in the week before the conference.

Fredericton, NB

April 25-27, with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 pm in Gospel Hall, 109 McAdam Ave. All other meetings in the Royal Road Elementary School. First meeting on Saturday at 10 am: Report on Postal Bible Study (PBS) and Elements for Effective Children’s Work – Peter Smith. Saturday and Sunday afternoons: Encouraging Lessons from 1 Peter on How to be a Mature, Established, Strengthened, and Settled Christian. Speakers Lloyd Cain, Matthew Cain, Jon Procopio, James Smith, Peter Smith, and Stephen Vance. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am. Corr: Rob Griffin, 506 472-5512, RDLGriff@nb.sympatico.ca.

Waukesha, WI

April 26-27, (please note date change) in the Salvation Army Building, 445 Madison St., Waukesha, WI. Meeting times for Saturday: Bible Reading 10 am (1 Timothy 6), Ministry 1:30 pm, and Gospel 6:30 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30 am, Ministry 2 pm, and Gospel 4 pm. For accommodation, directions, or local hotel information, contact Cory Peppler, 262 549-2386, or E-mail: info@waukeshagospelhall.com.

Livingston, NJ

May 2-4, Prayer meeting will be on May 2 at 7:30 pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 am and 2:30 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel 5 pm. Meals and accommodations provided. All meetings in the Livingston Gospel Hall, 405 E. Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Livingston, NJ; Tel: 973 535-1485. Directions at www.livingstongospelhall.org. Contact Allan Valvano, 973 377-7839 or 201 404-5611, allanvalvano@livingstongospelhall.org, or David Valvano at 973 884-2484, dvalvano@optonline.net, if you need assistance or accommodations.

Newbury, ON

May 3, at the Newbury Gospel Hall. Prayer and Ministry 2:30-5 pm and Ministry/Gospel 6:30-7:30 pm. Contact: Chris Snooks, snooks6@sympatico.ca, Tel: 519 695-5779.

Newmarket, ON

May 4, in the Gospel Hall, 736 Davis Dr. Breaking of Bread 9:30 am, Bible Study 11:30 am (1 Timothy 4, led by Lorne Langfeld), Sunday School 11:30 am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Corr: Tim Scheer, 222 Lloyd Ave, Newmarket, ON L3Y 5M3. All are welcome.

Cumberland, MD

May 17-18, with Prayer Meeting Friday, May 16 at 7:30 pm in the Cumberland Gospel Hall, 700 E. First Street. All other meetings at South Penn Elementary School, 500 E. Second Street. First meeting Saturday 10 am. Breaking of Bread Lord’s Day at 10 am. For accommodations, directions, or local hotel numbers for those wishing to make their own arrangements contact: Harold Harrison 301 689-2432, or Tim Harrison at 301 689-0152, or E-mail sonnyh60@aol.com.

Tylertown MS

May 18, An all-day meeting will be held in the Gospel Hall at 179 Oral Church Road. There may be some ministry on the Saturday evening before, depending on attendance. Questions about accommodations and interest may be directed to either Ben Lohrbach at 228 396-8876, or Keith Young at 601 268-6802.

Conference Reminders:

Matoaca, VA, – March 1-2

Long Branch, NJ – March 9

Watertown, MA – March 15-16

Kapuskasing, ON – March 21-23

Manchester, CT – March 21-23

Nineveh, NS – March 22-23

Toronto, ON – March 21-23

Mt. Sterling, WI – March 29-30

Change of Address

Andrew E. Bergsma, 60 – 10th Ave S.W, Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 2P8

Murray & Martha Pratt, General Delivery, Beachburg, ON K0J 1C0. E-mail: h.murraypratt99@yahoo.com

Change of Correspondent

Vancouver, BC (Carleton Gospel Hall): Lawrence Hanna, #26 – 5221 Oakmount Crescent, Burnaby, BC V5H 4R4, Tel: 604 437-0315.


Agnes Hutchison of Vancouver, BC, on March 10, 2007, age 84, early in the morning after being at all the meetings on Lord’s Day at Carleton Gospel Hall. She and her husband George, who predeceased her in 2002, were associated with this work soon after their marriage in 1950. Our dear sister was contacted in Portage la Prairie, MB, in 1943, through the witness of Iona McKillop, her workmate at the Air Base. After hearing the gospel at the regular Sunday night Gospel meeting, she was thoroughly alarmed about “eternity” by a large fire at a grain elevator nearby. As she read Romans 10:9, the light shone in. Some members of her family are in happy fellowship here.

Ruth Grice of Burnaby, BC, on May 22, 2007, age 77. She was the youngest member of a large family which has been influential in assembly testimony. Her eldest brother was John Frith of Venezuela. They were brought up in connection with the Cedar Cottage assembly. She and her surviving husband, Don, were in the Carleton assembly since it was formed in 1966. Our dear sister was hospitable, considerate, and kind. A number of her relatives and descendants are in happy fellowship in assemblies in the area.

Mr. Clifford Budd of Collingwood, NS, on August 19, 2007, age 77. Clifford was saved at the age of 17 in 1947 through 1 Peter 3:18, and received into the assembly at Moncton. He later moved to Grand Prairie, AB, for employment, and was in the Dawson Creek assembly until he returned to the Maritimes. He was predeceased by his first wife, Marjorie (Seaman), son David W. Budd, and brother Gordon Budd. Clifford married Olive Mercer in 1983, and both were in the Oxford assembly until his homecall. He was a lover of the assembly and the gospel, and, until he was called home, continued to witness for his Savior. Olive devotedly attended her husband until his call to the glory. He is survived by his wife and three children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, brothers, and a sister. His son Stephen Budd, Paul Robertson (grandson), and David Hunt shared in the large funeral service with words of tribute, comfort, and a clear presentation of the gospel. Prayer is valued for Olive and all the family members.

Mrs. Jane Howze of Hickory, NC, on October 11, 2007, age 75, after battling cancer for a number of years. Throughout her illness she faithfully attended assembly meetings with no complaints and a cheerful attitude. She grew up in New Canaan, CT, and was saved as a teenager through John 3:16. In 1952 she married Jesse Howze, and they settled in Louisiana. They traveled almost 100 miles each way to the small assembly in Forest, LA, but later re-located to Tylertown, MS, where they gathered with the believers. In 1970 they moved to Hickory and have been faithful helpers in the assembly. She was well-known for her hospitality and for visiting older saints and the sick. She was a faithful sister and a godly example to younger women. She will be greatly missed by the assembly and her family.

Elaine Grace Brewer of Fredericton, NB, on November 10, 2007, age 79. Our dear sister was the faithful help-meet and beloved wife of Reg Brewer, a longstanding shepherd in the Fredericton assembly. Our sister was known for her hospitality, her gentle, non-critical spirit, her happy countenance, and her love for children. Born again in 1953, Elaine’s perspective in life was to serve others. She is missed. We continue to pray in particular for the salvation of her son Freddy Brewer. Speakers at the funeral service and graveside were Rob Griffin, Murray McCandless, and Jon Procopio.

Daisy Samson of Sandringham, NL, on November 16, 2007. Our dear sister Daisy was one of the first-fruits of the gospel in the Eastport area, where she was baptized, and gathered to the Lord’s Name. She was faithful to the Lord and to the assembly meetings until failing health made it difficult for her to attend. When the new hall was built in Sandringham in 1988-89, Daisy and her husband John were very helpful. Their house was open, and they prepared many lunches and meals to help the workers. She will be greatly missed by the saints here. The large funeral was taken by Bert Joyce and her son, Joe.

Clementina Rannelli of Livingston, NJ, on November 27, 2007, after a long illness. She was born on August 6, 1925, in Orange, NJ, and was saved at the Hoboken, NJ, conference in 1935. “Clemmy” was faithful with the saints who met at the Italian Gospel Hall that was located in Orange (now known as the Livingston Gospel Hall). She was the daughter of the late Joseph Rannelli, sister of the late Michael Rannelli, and the fourth in a family of nine children. Clemmy exhibited a gentle and humble spirit to all, and served happily in all the activities and functions of the assembly. She will be missed by all who knew her, but she is now with the Lord she loved and served.

Mr. John Fulton of N. Ireland, on December 16, age 74. He was saved in 1967, later baptized, and received into fellowship in the Donemana assembly. He was heartily commended to the Lord’s work in Southern Ireland in 1971. He was a founding member of the assembly in Longford, where he continued in happy fellowship for over 30 years, being much respected, and was present and active in all the assembly gatherings. He had a sound knowledge of the Scriptures and his teaching and contributions in Bible Readings were highly valued in the local and surrounding assemblies over the years. John continued faithfully in gospel and open-air work along with personal visitation, much of which was done among children in Longford, Cavan, and Leitrim. His good testimony and work were appreciated in the large attendance at the funeral services in Longford and Co. Fermanagh. Prayer is requested for his wife Eunice.

William (Bill) Llewellyn, of Cumberland, MD, went home to be with the Lord on December 29, 2007. Our beloved brother was of a quiet nature but was a faithful witness to the gospel. His funeral service was taken by local brethren. He leaves behind his dear wife, Mary.

Marion June Stickfort of Cedar Falls, IA, on January 4, age 77. She was saved as a girl of ten while reading John 3:16. At first, she was in fellowship at Western Avenue in Waterloo, then in the Dunkerton assembly when it commenced in 1976, and recently in Cedar Falls where she moved with her husband Alvin to an assisted living complex. Since the age of 32 she was afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis which she bore patiently and cheerfully. She is survived by her husband and two daughters with their families. Robert Orr and Russ Nesbit shared in the service held in the Dunkerton Gospel Hall.

John A. Davis of Cumberland, MD, on January 6, age 81. Our beloved brother was saved at the age of 27 after hearing the gospel for the first time during meetings held by Fred Mehl. He was a faithful brother who had a true love and care for God’s assembly. The past year his health failed greatly and he was unable to attend any meetings. He was preceded in death by his dear wife Etta in 1996. The funeral service was taken by David Oliver and Bill Seale, along with help from local brethren. Many unsaved relatives of John’s attended; much prayer is requested for their salvation.

Robert Fuller of Lambton Shores, ON, on January 8, age 87. Converted in 1955, he was faithful, attending meetings at the Lake Shore Gospel Hall until a few weeks before his home-call. His first marriage to Madeline, who preceded him to glory, was blessed with two daughters. He is survived by his two daughters, Dorene his second wife, and five grandchildren. Many assemblies throughout Ontario were helped by Robert’s building skills. James Jarvis preached the gospel to a large funeral gathering. Philip Grainger gave words of comfort at the grave.