
For the purpose of stimulating interest and prayerful exercise in the Lord’s work, this section will try to focus more on reports of work in new areas, as well as special events or extended activities of assemblies, including sustained efforts in gospel or ministry. Reports of single meetings may not be included in the interests of space utilization and newsworthiness.

Please bear in mind that the contents of each issue are submitted one month in advance to accommodate publishing time-lines. Therefore, announcements, requests for prayer, etc. must be current to the reader. Also, reports on series of meetings after their conclusion will be more informative than interim reports.



Edmonton: The Christians very much enjoyed a recent visit from Joseph Chung. Please pray for his work in New York among the Koreans and for the young Korean assembly there. It is moving into rented accommodations as its new meeting place.

Grande Prairie: Permission has been granted to pitch a gospel tent on the grounds of Grande Prairie College in July. Please pray for these meetings that will be shared by John Fitzpatrick and Gordon Williams.

British Columbia

Penticton: The Lord has opened the door for a tent work here in early June. Please pray that Cap van de Wetering will recover sufficiently from his recent health concerns to join John Fitzpatrick in this effort. Some believers live in this area where there is no assembly.

Port Alberni: Four weeks of gospel meetings with Phil Atkinson and Noel Burden were uplifting. It was a time of encouragement and blessing to the small assembly, which supported the meetings well.

Port Coquitlam: Please pray for tent meetings for the fifth summer on the same site. Brethren Peter Smith and Paul Thiessen will share the meetings July 8-27, D.V., with brother Smith taking the two weeks of children’s meeting in the mornings. Pray also for Bryan Funston’s full recovery. He has faithfully labored in this work, but will be unable to do so this summer.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Gander: There was a good turnout on the Easter weekend to hear excellent, challenging ministry by A. Hull. The gospel meetings held April 10-25 with D. Hunt and A. Hull ended with a good interest.

McIvers: The saints were very encouraged with the number of visitors that attended a two-week series of gospel meetings with Fred Bartlett and Jim Jarvis. There was some blessing seen in salvation.

Sandringham: Carl Payne was here for Lord’s Day evening on March 31 and stayed for two nights of ministry, April 1-2. Meetings were encouraging and appreciated.

Nova Scotia

Nineveh: The conference was well attended, with 12 brethren sharing in the ministry and gospel. Though the weather was stormy, it did not seem to hinder the attendance.


Cambridge: A young believer baptized in January was received into fellowship in April. The saints appreciated visits in April from Alex Dryburgh, Jim Allen, and Frank Sona.

Clinton: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Crawford Brown in April, telling of the work in southern Brazil.

Grand Bend: In April, Jim Smith ministered on the High Priest’s Garments, using a chart. A young convert was also baptized.

North Bay: Ed Miller and a young brother from the Nipissing Junction assembly held two weeks of gospel meetings in an office front in the west end of the city. Visitors attended the meetings and at least one continues to attend the weekly gospel meetings in the Hall. The gospel was preached with liberty and faithfulness and we await eternity to see the results.

Sault Ste. Marie: During the first weekend of April, the saints were blessed with the ministry of Bert Snippe on the subject of The Lordship of Christ – Four Divine Provisions (Acts 9:6 , 10:9-10, Luke 6: 46-49).

Thunder Bay: Jim Webb came for a week of ministry, but, because unsaved were present each night, he preached the gospel.

Toronto: During three days of conference meetings over the Easter weekend, the saints enjoyed encouraging, instructive, and devotional ministry by C. Brown, N. Crawford, J. Currie, D. Gilliland, D. Oliver, H. Paisley, and F. Sona.

Prince Edward Island

Freetown: On June 3-10, Albert Hull plans to have ministry meetings from the chart on the Dispensations. Prayer is valued for this timely subject.


Glen Ewen: John Fitzpatrick, with the help of local brethren, held gospel meetings in April in a rented building in the nearby town of Alida. Some came in nightly from the community.

Taylorside: The youth conference at Easter time was well attended with profitable ministry given by Steve Kember and Dale Vitale. The saints enjoyed visits from Peter Smith and Bryon Meyers who was here due to the home call of his mother. The saints enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Earl Armson when our brother gave a report on Zambia where they labor.



Alpena: The assembly enjoyed a week-long visit in early April from Melvin Mendez (Olney Gospel Hall, PA) and family. Brother Mendez also shared in the Spanish gospel meetings in Springdale, AR. A new outreach to Latin American residents has begun in nearby Huntsville, AR, where a place for gospel meetings has just been rented. The believers at Alpena are very grateful for the prayer intercession made by many on behalf of the work in Springdale. As a sign of answered prayer, city regulators have since made concessions so that the work on the meeting place on Success Avenue can move forward. Continued prayer is still needed and greatly appreciated. Many thanks as well, for prayer made on behalf of Ellen Saword who is recovering very well from recent surgery.


Newington: The meetings with Eugene Higgins were most encouraging, with several visitors and unsaved family members attending multiple nights. God worked mightily in salvation, bringing much joy to the saints.


New Lenox: Alex Dryburgh was with the saints here and in Blue River, WI, before the conference in Stout. He also visited Dunkerton and Manchester before the Cedar Falls/Waterloo conference and then went on to Hitesville for a few ministry meetings.


Dunkerton: The assembly appreciated recent visits from brethren J. Slabaugh, A. Dryburgh, F. Krauss, and W. Lavery.

Stout: The recent conference was a time of God’s blessing with the number of saints in attendance greater than the previous year. Twelve of the Lord’s servants were present to share in the ministry of the Word. In June there will be a children’s effort held for four nights, D.V.


Jackson: Prayer is requested for planned gospel tent meetings commencing in June with Marvin Derksen and David Oliver laboring together in the same excellent location as last summer alongside the US127 expressway. Local brother, Josh Smith will be taking responsibility for a week of children’s meetings in the tent during the second week.

Sherman: A gospel series commenced April 29 with Al Christopherson and John Mark Slabaugh. For the eleventh consecutive year a Seed Sower booth was set up at the annual Mesick Mushroom Festival over the Mother’s Day weekend.


St. Louis: Joel Portman visited West End Gospel Hall from April 22-25 with ministry meetings on the topic of the Tabernacle and its application to the local assembly. The assembly was very encouraged.

New Jersey

Pennsauken: Please pray for gospel tent meetings scheduled for June. Andrew Robertson will also help some of the local brethren with a week of children’s meetings in the tent.

Barrington: Marvin Derksen was with the assembly April 23 to the 27th for a week of ministry on our responsibility in the gospel. The meetings were excellent in content and were challenging.

New York

Caneadea: Jim Smith had the joy of visiting with the assembly here in April. The saints received into fellowship a couple who have been restored to the Lord after more than 20 years away. Also, this couple’s son, who received God’s salvation a few months ago, was baptized in the pond behind the Gospel Hall. It was a happy time for the little flock gathered in the Lord’s name.


Bryn Mawr: The assembly enjoyed a visit with Crawford Brown. He was able to provide ministry, a report on the work, and also join the assembly in a gospel outreach work in a Care Center as well as the Gospel meeting in the Hall. His visit was appreciated and very much enjoyed.

Hatboro: Crawford Brown visited here, giving an appreciated report meeting on the work in southern Brazil.

McKeesport: The assembly had an appreciated visit by D. Oliver in late March. The Easter Family dinner was well attended by Sunday School students and their families. Our annual Spring Conference was larger than usual. The ministry given by M. Derksen, E. Higgins, D. Oliver, D. Petterson, and D. Shutt was appreciated and a blessing to many.


Arlington: Please pray for tent meetings starting June 17 with David Booth and Jim Jarvis, and also a youth camp the last week in June.


La Crosse: The children’s meetings during the first week of March were well attended and good interest was shown. The subject of Creation drew interest from both the students and parents that attended. Gospel meetings commenced immediately after those meetings and concluded after three weeks. The focus of the meetings was primarily on teenage children of the believers, although there were a few other contacts that attended. Two days after the series ended one adolescent age boy told his Sunday School teacher that he had been saved, which gave all fresh encouragement.

Waukesha: The assembly will not convene a conference in July of this year. Prayerful consideration has led to rescheduling it for the last weekend in April 2008, DV.


A. J. Higgins and Ian Jackson shared in well-attended Easter Conferences at Basingstoke and Bicester. The ministry was timely and challenging. During the weekend several thousand Ultimate Questions were delivered door to door in a needy area of the city of Oxford.

St. Lucia

The Forestiere Gospel Hall was nicely filled for the island’s Easter Conference. Brethren Gould, Nesbitt, and Ragnanan helped in the ministry. Jack Gould and Jack Nesbitt then began a gospel series in a tent pitched on a lot beside the Lower Ciceron Road. The meetings had very good nightly attendance. St Lucian brethren love the Gospel and their enthusiasm was again evident.


The work of the Lord continues as the door remains open for the gospel. Bibles and Seed Sowers can be distributed in schools, institutions, and publicly. A visa is no longer required for Canadians and Americans to visit.

Lviv: Several have been saved and baptized. Meetings are held in Flo Kancir’s apartment with help at various times from Gilles and Helen Plourde, Howard and Robin Pratt, Eric and Margie Fowler, Glenda Wright, Ada Winkels, and Aislyn DeSouza. In surrounding areas, Bibles as well as clothing from Canada and America have been distributed to those in need. Schools and orphanages are visited with Bibles, John 3:16 texts, and a gospel message.

Ivano-Frankivsk: Several souls have been saved and baptized through meetings held for Christians and unbelievers. Many schools have been visited with Bibles and the gospel presented. Needy homes are also given Bibles, Seed Sowers, clothing, and in many cases food or money to buy doctor-prescribed medicine as many are left without needed treatment. There are many opportunities to spread the Word, and clothing has also opened doors for the gospel. Malcolm Stanley, his grandson Kevin Beauchamp, Jim Hanna, Howard Pratt, Eric and Margie Fowler, and Louis Smith have all been involved in the work. Yaraslav and Halia, a Christian couple who live here, are giving full time to the work.

Please pray for this needy field. Any wishing to help with purchase of Bibles or shipping costs can do so through Seed Sowers, with tax receipts issued. The address is Seed Sowers, PO Box 10834, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52410 USA, or Seed Sowers, Box 775, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada, R1N 3C2.


St. Petersburg: David Richards reports that work continues with the small assembly here. The husband of his translator attended the meetings for the first time, which is an answer to prayer, along with another young sister who hadn’t been before.

The Sunday School run by Sabrina Booth and Nadya Nosenko has doubled in size recently to four children. It is very difficult to get children without the advertising permitted in North America. Recently, Russian authorities have become more opposed to evangelical work, especially where foreigners are involved.

The work continues with homeless children, many of them addicted, with the privilege of sharing the gospel with them every week. The long-term goal is still to have a shelter for them, where they can learn life-skills, as well as hear the gospel.

At present there are three young women and a young man attending a conversational English class in the apartment each Thursday. Two of these may be saved. A little gospel can be woven in, with care to go slowly enough to gain their confidence.


Augusta, ME

June 23-24, at the Gospel Hall, 421 Old Belgrade Road. Prayer Meeting , Friday, June 22 at 7 pm. Corr: Jim Thompson, Tel: 207-512-2636

Burgessville, ON

June 2, at Burgessville Gospel Hall, Burgessville ON. Meeting starts at 10 am with meals provided. We are expecting Jim Bergsma and Andrew Ussher to minister the Word. Corr: Luke Winkels, Tel: 519-532-0796.

Grande Prairie, AB

August 31-September 1, in the Gospel Hall, Spring Creek Road and Highway 43. Friday: Prayer and Ministry 7:30 pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 am, Bible Reading 1:30 pm (John 17), Ministry 3:30 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30 am, Open Sunday School 12:45 am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Lunch will be served for those travelling on Saturday morning. Contact: Elton Krenzler, Tel: 780-539-5686, or Robert Eyers, Tel: 780-513-8916.

Conference Reminders

Bancroft, ON – June 2

Eden Grove, ON – June 3

Garnavillo, IA – June 2-3

Saugus, MA – June 2-3

Barrie, ON – June 9

North Bay, ON – June 9-10

Portage la Prairie, MB – June 14-17

Victoria Road, ON – June 16-17

Cornerbrook, NL – June 23-24

Charlton, ON – June 30-July 1

Kamloops, BC – June 29-July 1

Pugwash Junction, NS – June 30-July 1 (Bible Readings – Sat: The Lordship of Christ In Daily Life; Sun.: The Lordship of Christ in Assembly Meetings)

Taylorside, SK – June 29-July 1


Alan Clark, e-mail: alan.clark@integra.com.sv


Richard George Patterson of Bandon, Co. Cork, Eire, on January 28, age 78 years. Our brother attended gospel meetings in Skibereen conducted by brethren McNicholl and Pirie from Scotland, and was saved the second night on January 23, 1951. Shortly afterwards he came into assembly fellowship at Skibereen, and then in later years moved to Bandon assembly, where he remained until his home-call. “He was a good man” (Luke 23:50), who loved the Lord Jesus, His Word, and His people. A farmer, our brother had an excellent testimony. The very large funeral service at Bandon Gospel Hall was shared by his son Mervyn who gave an appreciation of his father and words of comfort. The gospel was preached by Thomas McNeill to many who would never have heard it before. Other local brethren shared in hymns and prayer. At the graveside, his two nephews Jonathan and Stephen Goodwin shared the service, where again the gospel was preached. Prayer is valued for his dear widow and family, all saved, and for unsaved grandchildren.

Elizabeth Alice Garnham of Livonia, MI, on February 11 after many years of illness. Alice was born in Detroit, MI, and saved at the age of 13. She married Donald Garnham in 1950 and they and their children moved to the McKeesport area in 1967 where they lived for 20 years before returning to Michigan. She loved the Lord, the gospel, and the assembly. She was known for her faithfulness in attending assembly meetings as she was able. She provided hospitality in her home to many of the Christians and servants of the Lord. Despite her disability and weakness, Alice was known for her patient spirit, and her ready smile and kind words for everyone. Her husband, family, and Christian friends faithfully cared for her in her home until her home-call. Norman Crawford and her son-in-law, Bill Seale, Jr., shared in her funeral service.

Thelma Marie Rumney of Eden Grove, ON, on March 21, age 70. Born in Kipling, SK, in 1936, she attended meetings being held by Lorne Mitchell and George Patterson, and was saved during the gospel meeting at the Oil Springs conference in 1982. The first time she heard the gospel, her testimony was, “This is the very thing I have been looking for all my life.” Her husband was saved a few weeks before. They were received into the fellowship at Eden Grove where Thelma continued faithfully until her home-call. She displayed a quiet and godly spirit, and was an inspiration to all who knew her. She leaves her husband who is in the assembly, two sons not saved, and two grandchildren. The funeral was well attended and shared by George Patterson and Lorne Mitchell, with Ed Miller at the graveside.

Samuel Gordon of London, ON, on March 28, age 92. Our dear brother was born in County Tyrone and was wonderfully saved July 7, 1946, at Martray, NI. In 1955, he came to Canada where he married dear Catherine, and they were in the Merlin assembly where he was a dearly loved overseer. Together they entertained and encouraged the small assembly. They moved to London in 1981. Sam was a quiet, prayerful, generous, faithful attender at the assembly meetings, although he was totally deaf. He loved the Lord Jesus and the place where He met with His people. The large funeral was taken by Gordon Brodie and Ross Parker.

John Asche of Parkersburg, IA, on April 7, age 90. Our dear brother was taken into the Lord’s presence while en route to the conference at Stout. He was saved in 1938, and in the fellowship of the Hitesville assembly these many years. A cheerful, faithful and steadfast brother, he was an example to others. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Anna, in 1986 . He is survived by his wife, Margaret, a son , Larry , and daughter, Betty McCandless, their spouses and families, as well as one brother. The large funeral was shared by Russell Nesbit and Robert Orr.

Patricia Aileen Doherty of Midland, ON, on April 8th, age 86. Our dear sister was saved at the age of 16, baptized, and received into the Highfield assembly in Toronto. She was commended as a missionary to Cuba in her mid-twenties where, after about seven years, she met and married Edward Doherty. They returned to Canada and resided in Midland due to political unrest. Our sister loved to be with the Lord’s people, appreciated the Word of God, and consistently supported the meetings. She was very active in supporting missionary work. Her love for the Lord, coupled with a godly, prayer-filled life, affected all who knew her. The last 17 months she resided at Elim Homes in Waubaushene. The funeral service was taken by Andy Fletcher, Al Lowrie, Darrell Pratt, and Murray Pratt. She was predeceased by her husband Edward and daughter Doris. She leaves one daughter Deb, seven grandchildren, and ten great-grandchildren.

Adelaide Meyers of Taylorside, SK, on April 18, age 88. Adelaide was born on Sept. 23, 1918, in Taylorside. She received the Lord Jesus as her Savior on March 9, 1930, and lived to prove the faithfulness of God in her life. She was a loving wife and mother, and her home and her heart were always opened to the needs of others. She was predeceased by her husband Harry in May of 1987. Left to cherish her memory are her four children and their families for whom prayer is requested. The funeral was shared by her sons, Bryon Meyers (who serves the Lord in WA) and Murray Meyers, with Ross Taylor at the graveside.

Cornelius (Casey) Plomp of London, ON, on April 20, 2007. Our beloved brother was born January 8, 1924, in the Netherlands and immigrated to Canada in 1953. He was a proud Calvinist, but when the local Baptist pastor came into his bakery, he was asked about the rapture and the millennium. Casey continued going to his regular place of worship, but would rush over to hear the man he had met in his bakery. He was saved on an Easter Sunday. During the recounting of the crucifixion, He learned that Christ had finished the work for him. G. Brodie and R. Parker spoke to large number of unsaved family and friends at the funeral home.

Prophecy Chart

The Moncton Gospel Hall has been producing the full-color Prophecy Chart since 1996. In the last few years a brother from Finland by the name of Olli-Pekka Tuikkala has been working with many brethren and sisters all over the world to translate the chart which up to this point has been translated into 40 languages. They are also working on translating the Two Roads and Two Destinies chart.

The languages in which the chart is available are: Albanian, Arabic, Bahasa-Indonesian, Bemba, Bengali, Brazil-Portugal, Bulgarian, Burmese, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese and Yoruba. Interested Christians who could help in translating the chart into other languages can contact Olli-Pekka at: olli-pekka.tuikkala@metso.com .

The charts, in JPG and PDF format, can be downloaded from the following sites: www.Monctongospelhall.com under Resources. Also you can access these charts at the web site of brother Olli-Pekka Tuikkala at: www.jeesusonherra.com and hit “Raamatun opetuksia,” then hit “Vieraskieliset kirjoitukset.” Finally, you can use the web site of Shad Sluiter at http://gospelhall.org under File downloads.

The large Prophecy Chart (English only) in the impressive 6’ by 12’ size is available for purchase at a low price of $175 US. We still have some small English and French Prophecy and Two Roads charts for $25 US for a bundle of 100. The originals of both charts are also available as well as just the graphic design without the text, suitable for inserting any language. Contact Richard Desrosiers at: rich4@rogers.com.