Fort McMurray: Gordon Williams had ministry meetings with the Wood Buffalo assembly from January 14-17. They were a help to the assembly. The Lord’s Day gospel meeting was held at the Senior’s Centre preceded by a supper. A number of visitors attended.
British Columbia
Kamloops: During January, the assembly enjoyed helpful visits for ministry from Gordon Williams and Stanley Wells. Our hall reconstruction is progressing nicely with a possible move-in at the end of April.
Port Coquitlam: Bryan Funston and Phil Broadhead had two weeks of gospel meetings in the Hyde Creek Recreation Centre during January. They followed up a number of contacts in the area. A few unsaved attended.
Vancouver: Jim Webb was with the Victoria Drive assembly for weeknight ministry and a Lord’s Day, and was able to engage in visitation of personal contacts before returning home. J. Webb and R. Blair ministered at the monthly ministry meeting in February.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Corner Brook: Gospel meetings began on January 14 in Corner Brook with David Oliver and Jonathan Procopio. A good number of unsaved came, but not with consistency. Saints were refreshed and encouraged.
English Point: Gospel meetings are to commence February 11 with David Booth and Bryan Funston.
Parsons Pond: Saints have been encouraged with blessing in the gospel since meetings began January 1. Gaius Goff and Brian Myers continue into their fifth week.
St John’s: Gospel meetings with Jim Jarvis and Frank Sona began January 14 with good attendance and interest.
Nova Scotia
Halifax: Eugene Higgins commenced gospel meetings January 21. There has been excellent attendance with some interest, and the saints have been greatly encouraged.
Weymouth: David Hierlihy and James McClelland continue in the gospel with interest. The assembly is encouraged with attendance.
Clinton: The saints appreciated two nights of ministry in early January by Alex Dryburgh.
North Bay: The Nipissing Junction assembly enjoyed a visit from Alvin Cook for ministry regarding the local assembly. Larry Steers had an encouraging visit for four days, ministering from Revelation 19. Also, he shared the gospel with the older people at a nursing home in the area. Don Nicholson had three profitable meetings on James’ epistle and preached the gospel to the young people at the outreach work in Mattawa.
Port Sydney: The Deer Lake assembly appreciated a visit from Larry Buote in January. Also, Sabrina Booth visited; she labors in the St. Petersburg area in Russia. The assembly continues to bring the gospel to two local retirement homes, as well as the minimum security prison which allows some prisoners to attend the Sunday night gospel meetings while under our care.
Sudbury: The saints enjoyed having David Booth for the monthly ministry meeting in January and also for the Lord’s Day, with appreciated help in ministry and gospel.
Wallaceburg: Andrew Robertson and Tim Woodford are sharing in the first week of a gospel series with Jack Nesbitt. We appreciate brethren with home responsibilities and employment who give their evenings to advance the gospel. Jack Gould will join brother Nesbitt as the meetings continue into February.
Welland: In January, Jim Smith conducted five nights of meetings on prophetic subjects. Following these meetings, he was in Niagara Falls for five nights on 1 Corinthians.
Prince Edward Island
Springfield West: Larry Buote gave two weeks with teaching on Solomon’s temple, reminding the saints that we are looking forward to a heavenly meeting and to a heavenly temple.
Rimouski: Larry Buote is visiting new contacts made through mailing Seed Sowers. This city of 50,000 is about 20 miles west of his home.
Alpena: The believers were greatly encouraged by the larger than normal attendance at the annual conference held in early November. Help throughout the two days was given by Bill Lavery, Joel Portman, Jack Saword, Harrys Rodriguez, Jerry Jennings, and Louis Smith. Some 150 or more calendars were distributed on January 6. The response was encouraging as two children and one local resident came to meetings as a result of contacts made.
Springdale: The work among the Spanish-speaking population continues, and the turnout to gospel meetings in various homes has been encouraging with some having professed salvation. Work on a meeting place continues in spite of some local resistance over zoning issues. It has been a great encouragement to the assembly at Alpena that brethren have come to help with the renovations from as far as Arizona, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Washington. It was heart-warming to witness the baptism of a young Hispanic brother who is already helping in the preaching of the gospel. Joel Portman continues to give help as often as possible. Gospel meetings are held on Saturdays and Mondays to accommodate work schedules of Hispanic attendees. Ellen Saword continues to recover from her recent hip surgery and currently undergoes weekly therapy. Prayer and encouragement is needed as brother Jack Saword continues to labor in the area.
Turlock: J. Fitzpatrick and E. Ritchie had gospel meetings with this small assembly in January.
Newington: Albert Hull had an appreciated visit on Lord’s Day, January 14, and gave valuable help in both ministry and the gospel.
Dunkerton: An all-day meeting is planned for March 24 with Dan Shutt. Children’s meetings will be held for the next six nights, Lord willing.
Marion: Al Christopherson and Peter Ramsay planned to begin a gospel series February 4.
Marshaltown: Robert Orr joined Joel Portman in gospel meetings in a rented room where brother Portman, with brethren from other local assemblies, has had gospel meetings for several months. A little interest has been seen and the weekly meetings are expected to continue, D. V. Many Hispanic people live here and there is no nearby existing assembly.
Stout: W. Lavery and D. Shutt were having a series of gospel meetings here.
St. Louis: Joel Portman visited West End Gospel Hall on October 3-5 for ministry meetings. It was very encouraging to the assembly. Eric Parmenter visited the area from November 30-December 10 during which time he visited both New Lenox and St. Louis for a series of ministry meetings.
New Jersey
Midland Park: The assembly had the joy of receiving a sister into the fellowship in December. We had a visit from Eugene Higgins who spoke to the Sunday School children and in the gospel. Walter Gustafson also spent a Lord’s Day with us in December in ministry and the gospel. In January, brother Gustafson again ministered the Word, and two young men were baptized; the assembly anticipates receiving them into the fellowship in February. Paul Barnhardt from Barrington and Wallace Brown from Northern Ireland came one Lord’s Day in January for the gospel meeting, and Mark Procopio from Saugus spoke to the children at the Sunday School Treat.
New Mexico
Albuquerque: Gospel meetings with William Skates and Brandon Doll closed on January 19. These meetings were a real blessing to the assembly. Please pray for those who heard the gospel faithfully preached. We also appreciated a weekend visit from David and Ethel Hunt.
New York
East Aurora: During the latter part of 2006 we had appreciated visits from a number of the Lord’s servants: Frank Sona in July, Jim Smith in September, Brain Owen in October, and Marvin Derksen in December. In August we had help from Jim Jarvis when we had a booth at our County Fair, and also help from several other assemblies. God blessed and several thousand texts were given out along with other gospel material. Some good conversations took place also. Lord willing, we plan to repeat this outreach effort again this year. We ask for your prayers in this matter.
Niagara Falls: Jim Smith is presently distributing literature here and would appreciate prayer that contacts may be made for visiting.
Salem: R. Weber and J. Jennings planned to start gospel meetings here in February.
Bryn Mawr: The subject of the area (2-day) monthly meeting was “Christ and the Church”: The Divine Purpose – Servants (J. Coleman); The Divine Provision – Shepherds (A . J. Higgins). The good attendance expressed the interest.
Hatboro: The Lord’s people enjoyed a week of ministry in January with Albert Hull teaching local church truth from the metaphors of the assembly in the NT. The Saturday area ministry meeting covered the subject “Christ and the Church” with an overview of the Divine Pattern by William Oliver, and the Divine Privilege as Saints by A. J. Higgins. The Lord’s people appreciated the ministry.
McKeesport: Please continue to pray for the Sunday School work. Many children and several parents continue to attend on a regular basis.
Ontario: E. McCullough and W. Skates planned to start gospel meetings here February 18, Lord willing. Prayer is valued.
Monroe: Robert Orr and Brandon Doll were preaching the gospel here.
Jesse Fitch reports, “Louie Smith, Jesse Fitch, Doug Yade, Alan and Shonagh Davidson, and Alex McLean ministered in the assemblies in the Ural Mountains and western Siberia. Saints were encouraged and strengthened in faith. God blessed their labors with added opportunities to speak of Christ in many homes.
“In the village of Yarkova there are a handful of believers and several showing interest in salvation. A new log home for one of the believers is nearly completed. This will be a place for guests to be invited to hear the Word of God.
Precautions and prayer are necessary as the law does not allow foreigners to be involved in any kind of gospel activity.
“A new FSB officer now forbids foreigners to visit the assembly in Volchance, which is known as a ‘secret city.’ Several of us have been fined for being there without having an official invitation. Saints in Severuralsk, which is also in the Ural Mts., distribute gospel literature locally and preach the gospel in a home in a nearby village. Pasha is exercised about serving the Lord full-time.
“Siberian assemblies are small in number. Sergey, who has a broken back, attends some meetings and gives ministry in Tobolsk. Slava, who spent a number of years in prison, is a help in the assembly at Kaskara, and saints are delighted to see visitors at their meetings. Surgut and Severuralsk brethren provide car service for the elderly and those who live at a distance.”
“We entreat your prayers on behalf of this work.”
Antioch, IA
April 1, all-day meeting in the Antioch Gospel Hall, three miles east of Clarkesville, IA. First meeting at 10 am. Dinner will be served followed by Ministry at 2 pm. Corr: Harry C. Schmidt, Tel: 641-823-5691.
Kapuskasing, ON
April 6-8, Prayer meeting Friday at 7:30 at the Gospel Hall, 154 Mill Street, Kapuskasing. All other meetings in the Kapuskasing Education Center, 64 Devonshire Street. Saturday: Bible Study (Commitment and Steadfastness) from 10-12 noon. Ministry in the afternoon, Gospel 7 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 am, Sunday School 1-2 pm, Ministry 2:30 pm, closing with the gospel. For accommodations and correspondence please contact: Gerald L. Labelle 705-335-3712 or E-mail at, or Michel Larocque 705-335-5223 or E-mail at
Manchester, CT
April 7-8, with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 pm in the Gospel Hall, 415 Center St., Manchester. All other meetings will be held in the Bolton Center School, 108 Notch Rd., Bolton, CT. Meetings on Saturday at 10:30 am, 2 and 6:30 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Ministry/Gospel 2 pm. Corr: Richard Trombly, 121 Cushman Dr, Manchester, CT 06042; Tel: 860-649-9462. For accommodation, contact Ted Kaulback, Tel: 860-742-0002.
Toronto, ON
April 6-8, in Premier Banquet and Convention Centre, 9019 Leslie Street, Richmond Hill. Meetings each day at 10 am (except Lord’s Day), 1:30, 3:30, 7 and 8:45 pm (except Lord’s Day). Prayer meeting on Thursday, April 5 at 7:30 pm in Langstaff Gospel Hall, 1300 Langstaff Rd. Corr: Don Jennings, 53 Karnwood Dr., Scarborough, ON, M1L 2Z7; Tel: 416-757-7019, and Ian Margerison, 47 Manor Ridge Trail, Mount Albert, ON, L0G 1M0; Tel: 905-473-5400. Expected speakers: C. Brown, N. Crawford, J. Currie, D. Gilliland, D. Oliver, H. Paisley, F. Sona, and G. Williams.
Vancouver, BC
April 6-8, with Prayer Meeting on Thursday, April 5 at 8 p.m in the South Main Gospel Hall. The Easter conference will be held in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby, BC. The two Bible Readings will be in 1 Corinthians 5-6. Meetings on Friday and Saturday will be at 10 am, 2 and 7 pm.; Sunday at 9:30 am, 2:30 and 7 pm. Communications to Earl Ritchie, Tel: 604-277-7019.
Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA
April 14-15, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, April 13 at 7 pm in the Western Avenue Gospel Hall, Waterloo. All other meetings in the Cedar Falls High School, 11th and Division St., Cedar Falls. Saturday: Ministry 10 am. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 am (Rev 4), Breaking of Bread 10:15 am. Corr: Richard Orr, 614 Bland Blvd. S.W., Independence, IA 50644, Tel: 319-334-3931, and Erwin Stickfort, 223 N. Francis St., Cedar Falls, IA 50613; Tel: 319-266-6271, or E-mail Please note: There will be no Bible Readings in the week preceding the Bible Conference.
McKeesport, PA
April 21-22, at the McKeesport High School on Eden Park Blvd. Prayer Meeting on Friday, April 20, at the McKeesport Gospel Hall on Prescott & Broadway Streets. Brethren expected are M. Derksen, E. Higgins, D. Oliver, D. Petterson, and D. Shutt. For directions please visit our website at, or contact Tom Clark at 412-751-5283. Accom: Rob Oliver at 412-664-1004, or If you are not able to be with us please remember us in prayer.
Newmarket, ON
May 5-6, All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 736 Davis Dr. Saturday: Young People’s Ministry (taken by Byrnell Foreshew) 7 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am, Bible Reading (Hebrews 13 taken by Larry Steers), Sunday School 11:30 am, Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Corr: Tim Scheer, 222 Lloyd Ave, Newmarket, ON L3Y 5M3. All are welcome.
Conference Reminders:
Matoaca, VA – March 3-4
Mt. Sterling, WI – March 24-25
Watertown, MA – March 25
Nineveh, NS – April 7-9
Change of Address
John Fitzpatrick, #190 – 2532 Santiam Hwy. SE, Albany, OR 97322; E-mail:
Timothy Kember, 87 West Mary Street, Picton, ON, K0K 2T0.
Emily McCandless, Apartado 466, Santa Ana, El Salvador
Mrs. John (Margaret) Norris, Room 253, 375 Trunk Rd., Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6A 6T5
Shawn and Heidi St. Clair, Apartado 104, Santa Ana, El Salvador
Colin & Christine Raggett, E-mail:
Gordon Williams, 317, 12310 – 102 Street, Grande Prairie, AB, T8V 0N4; Tel: 780-513-0144; E-mail:
Change of Status
Aubrey Kelly has left full-time service for the Lord and has returned to secular employment in Canada. He and his wife, Heather, are in fellowship in the West Richmond, BC, assembly.
Change of Correspondent
Alpena, AR: Fred Stevenson, 920 Great Oaks Drive, Rolla, MO 65401; Cell Phone: 573-201-1282; E-mail:
Change of Meeting Time
Clinton, ON: Lord’s Day – Gospel meeting 7:00 pm, Thursday – Prayer/Bible Study 7:30 pm.
Dunkerton: Beginning March 11, Sunday Gospel Meeting: 7 pm.
John S. Lyall of Livonia, MI, on October 6, 2006, age 101. He was born in Scotland and saved there in 1925. He moved to the Detroit area in 1930, and has been associated with the assembly now meeting in the Stark Road Gospel Hall for more than 75 years. His wife of more than 70 years, Florence, went home to be with Christ in 1996. He was devoted to the assembly, and his cheerful, encouraging words will be missed.
Betty Carrell of Council Bluffs, IA, on October 17, 2006, age 83. The mother of Linda (Tim) Porter of the Omaha assembly, she was saved later in life (1999) and was in the fellowship at Omaha. She appreciated what the Lord had done for her at Calvary, and could hardly sing the hymn “Behold, behold, the Lamb of God…” without being brought to tears. She had been a resident at a care facility for a short time prior to her home-call. The funeral was taken by Mark Fitch, Paul Eadie, and Mark Van Der Hart.
Dorene (Moose) Kember of Sarnia, ON, on October 24, 2006, age 51, went home to be with her Lord suddenly as a result of a car accident. Our sister was saved at the age of 12 reading a booklet called “The Way Home.” She sought to be a help in the Sarnia assembly whether building the new hall and caring for it, helping in the kitchen during assembly functions, or teaching Sunday School. She always offered a willing set of hands to help. Dorene was a true “help-meet” to her husband Don and a loving mother to their two children Jordan and Ashley. She is sadly missed. The large funeral was taken by brethren Bill Seale, Jack Nesbitt, and Albert Hull.
Constance Young of Toronto, ON, on November 28, 2006, age 89. She was saved as a young girl in Bracondale Sunday School before the assembly was formed in 1939, and was the longest living member of that assembly (later Langstaff). Aunt Connie was a faithful sister who loved the Christians and was given to hospitality. She was a devoted wife to her husband of over 60 years, William Young (Uncle Bill), who predeceased her on September 6, 2005. On December 1st (her 90th birthday), her funeral was taken by Harry Clingen, Randy Marisette, and Andrew Ussher. She is survived by her sister Dr. Margaret Thorpe-Clipstein (101 years of age), her two sons, David and John, six grandchildren, three great grandchildren, as well as nineteen nieces and nephews.
Alexander H. Joyce of Livonia, MI, on December 20, 2006, age 80. He was born in Exeter, ON, and saved in 1939 at the age of 13. He was first received into fellowship at Highfield Road Gospel Hall in Toronto. He married Lois Kitchen from Detroit in 1954, and they moved to Detroit a short time later. He was in fellowship with the assembly now meeting in the Stark Road Gospel Hall for more than 50 years, and served for most of that time as a faithful elder and guide. He was an outstanding teacher of God’s Word, and greatly contributed to the well-being of the assembly. His integrity and wisdom will be missed. Norman Crawford, David Oliver, and James K. Vallance spoke at the large funeral. Please remember his wife Lois in prayer.
Mrs. Ellen Frances Booth of Unionville, ON, on December 23, 2006, age 85. Beloved wife of the late Robert Booth, and mother to David and Douglas. She was saved during meetings at Pape Avenue in 1938 with Mervyn Paul and Lester Wilson through Isaiah 44:22. She continued in happy fellowship at Broadview until her move to Bethany Lodge. She was devoted to the work of the Lord, and was a faithful “help-meet” to her husband for 41 years through many difficult times. Representation at her funeral was a testimony to the high regard in which she was held. Her sons and their families await the day when she will “bring in her sheaves.”
Robert Howard of Unionville, ON, on December 23, 2006, age 88. Our beloved brother was saved in his teens and in fellowship in the Pape Avenue assembly. In 1998 he went to reside in Bethany Courts where he was in fellowship in the Unionville assembly. He was a faithful brother who taught the teenage Bible class at Pape Avenue for 35 years and had a great interest in missionary work. He leaves his wife Margaret, one niece, and two nephews. John Adams and Ed Miller shared the funeral service.
Adele Margie (Cutcliffe) McLean of Oil Springs, ON, on December 30, 2006. She was born in PEI on June 21, 1939, and saved in 1956. In 1975 she married Max McLean and was in the Oil Springs assembly until her home-call. She proved to be a great asset to the assembly and was loved by all. She was of quiet deportment and faithful to all the meetings, bringing a sense of the presence of God with her. She was a faithful supporter to the work Max sought to do in Russia and the Ukraine where she accompanied him at different times. Her home was always open to entertain the saints of God. She suffered patiently and won the hearts of all who cared for her in her sickness. The large funeral was shared by Bert Joyce, Robert McIlwaine, Don McLean, and David Netti, with Lorne Mitchell at the graveside.
Ruth Taylor of Toronto, ON, on January 2, age 71. Ruth was born in Gourock, Scotland. At age 16 she was pointed to Christ by her father in the family home. The family came to Canada in 1956 and she was in fellowship in the Victoria Park assembly (Pape Ave.) for many years. She lived a quiet, consistent, godly life and at every opportunity testified of her Savior and Lord. She is survived by two sisters, Ina and Morag (Mrs. Fred Krauss), her brother Crawford, one niece, and six nephews. Our sister will be greatly missed by the assembly as she was always ready with a smile and handshake for visitors. The large funeral was taken by Robert Reilly and Ernest Storey.
Alice Studnicka of Blue River, WI, on January 6, age 92. She was saved in 1933 through the labors of Stephen Mick, and received into the fellowship of the Blue River assembly later that year. She and her husband, George, who predeceased her in 1983, were given to hospitality. Alice was faithful to the Lord and to the assembly. She entered a Care Center 4 years ago. She is survived by two daughters, Elaine Chitwood of Blue River and Ruth Gentz of the Manchester, IA, assembly; also five grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren. James Frazier and Robert Orr shared the funeral service.
Margaret Peterman of Livonia, MI, on January 16, age 72. She was born in Hatboro, PA, and saved in 1952 at the age of 18. Her father was evangelist Samuel Rea. She was first received into fellowship in Hatboro in 1952. In 1965, she married Allen Peterman, and they moved to Detroit. After a few years of fellowship in the Schoolcraft assembly, they joined the Stark Road assembly in 1980. She began to suffer from health problems in 1980, when she developed heart disease. The physical difficulties continued to mount over the years, and finally she developed leukemia shortly before her home-call. She will be remembered for the Christ-like way she bore her trials with patience and cheerfulness. Please remember her husband Allen in prayer.