


Edmonton: The saints recently enjoyed a week of practical and helpful meetings with R. Jennings on Hebrews. Please pray for upcoming gospel meetings with J. Jarvis and J. Fitzpatrick in May.

British Columbia

Kamloops: During April, L. Buote gave helpful and interesting ministry using his chart on Solomon’s Temple.

Port Coquitlam: Please pray for a gospel tent effort planned for this, the fourth summer, commencing July 9. There will be visitation of the area on July 1.

Vancouver: The Easter Conference was well attended, and the ministry excellent and challenging. Brethren who helped in the conference were J. Fitzpatrick, B. Funston, J. Grant, M. McCandless, F. Tornaquindici, and G. Williams. Saints at Victoria Dr. were encouraged when a husband and wife were baptized on May 7, saved during meetings in Nanaimo Rd. in March.


Winnipeg: The West End assembly had an enjoyable and spiritually-profitable one-day conference with J. Beattie and B. Rodgers on April 1. The hall was filled for both sessions, with a young people’s meeting held in the evening in a home. The brethren also visited area assemblies.

New Brunswick

Green River: L. Buote visited the assembly for the gospel meeting on April 30.

Pigeon Hill: The assembly appreciated G. Roy being with them for one Lord’s Day in March.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Gander: At the conference, G. Goff directed his ministry toward young believers, followed by a week of ministry taking up the theme, “Going further and higher” in our Christian experience.

Goose Bay: D. Hunt visited some northern Labrador communities by snow machine for about two weeks in April, and is thankful for the Lord’s preservation.

L’Anse Au Loup: W. Buckle was present at three meetings on Lord’s Day, April 30 in L’Anse au Loup, English Point and Red Bay. G. Goff visited Parsons Pond and Rocky Harbour with appreciated ministry April 23-28.

Sandringham: G. Goff was here for a Thursday night ministry meeting, prior to Gander Conference.

St. John’s: The saints enjoyed a visit from G. Goff for one night of ministry April 12. The believers were encouraged when a young sister obeyed the Lord in baptism April 23.

Nova Scotia

Nineveh: The conference was well attended, with eleven full-time workers present; the saints were encouraged, and appreciation was expressed for the ministry and gospel preached.

Sydney Mines: D. Hierlihy and J. McClelland commenced gospel meetings on April 18, with a nice number of unsaved in nightly thus far.


Cairo: In the will of the Lord, J. Beattie and Wm. Metcalf plan a gospel tent series here beginning July 5.

Cambridge: B. Crawford visited Lord’s Day, April 2, and stayed for two nights of ministry. L. Langfeld visited for Lord’s Day, April 16, followed by a week’s children’s meetings April 17-21. A number of children from the regular Friday night program attended. Please pray for some local children and a few mothers who are coming on a regular basis to all of the meetings each Lord’s Day.

Clinton: A. Hull gave an appreciated visit with ministry on April 10. G. Patterson, helped by Jim Bell, had ten nights of gospel meetings during April at the Bell Fruit Farm. Goderich Township was covered with invitations and “Via” magazines, but the response was not encouraging.

Oshawa: The assembly was encouraged when a teenage girl and middle-aged sister were obedient in baptism. The hall was full to witness the event and many unsaved heard the gospel. The elder sister has since come into assembly fellowship.

Ottawa: J. McClelland was here for five nights of helpful ministry and also for a Lord’s Day in March.

London: The assembly enjoyed visits from B. Joyce on April 8-9, A. Hull and P. Ramsay on April 18, and J. McColl (Australia) on April 27-30.

Niagara Falls: J. Smith conducted chart meetings on the High Priest’s Garments for five nights, and also had similar meetings in Kitchener in March.

Parry Sound: The assembly enjoyed 2 weeks of gospel meetings in early April with D. Booth and J. Jarvis when the gospel was plainly preached. Though there were no known professions, there were unsaved out every night and an interest was shown. Please pray God will bless the seed that was sown.

Sudbury: E. Badgley was with the assembly for the monthly ministry meeting in April, and remained for the Lord’s Day and four nights of ministry. The saints enjoyed his visit and appreciated the ministry given.

St. Mary’s: The saints have appreciated ministry during the past months from B. Rodgers, A. Dryburgh, D. Petterson, F. Sona, E. Miller, J. Gould, and Noel Burden. During the March school break, children’s meetings were conducted by George Patterson.

Thunder Bay: Helpful and practical ministry was given by L. Steers at the end of March.


D. Hunt, helped by three young brethren from Ontario, visited along the Quebec north coast in late March, with some cause for encouragement.

Longueuil: At the recent conference in April, the believers profited from the Bible Reading lead by E. Green on Romans 14 to 15:7. L. Wells and G. Roy were also present to help.

Nouvelle: Brethren from Tracadie and Shdiac are continuing, with some encouragement, with a gospel meeting and ministry meeting every two weeks. G. Roy gave help the last weekend of April.



Phoenix: The Garfield St. assembly enjoyed ministry on the regular week nights in March with J. Slabaugh on the subject of the Messiah. Also in April, J. Currie and J. McColl gave a few nights of ministry. The Sunnyslope assembly received much appreciated ministry during recent months from J. Slabaugh, J. Currie, J. McColl, J. Saword, and A. Kelly.


East Los Angeles/Panorama City: The Spanish Conference was well attended, with helpful ministry given by T. Baker, D. Thomson, and brethren from Guatemala and Honduras. Glen Baker held two days of English young people’s meetings, allowing room for the Spanish-speaking in the main hall. A mother and her son obeyed the Lord in baptism.

Palm Springs: The visit of J. Currie of Japan was appreciated as he ministered God’s Word for two evenings prior to the Culver City conference.

San Diego: Jim Currie was with the assembly for several nights of ministry in April which was appreciated by the saints.


Manchester: M. Derksen and D. Shutt recently concluded gospel meetings which were well attended by a number from the community. The support of the assemblies in the area was superb and deeply appreciated. The conference was a refreshing time, with great exercise shown in the periods set aside for prayer. Seven brethren participated in ministry which was very soul-searching, and relevant to the time and circumstances at hand.


Dunkerton: J. Gould was with the saints for two nights of excellent ministry on the subject of fellowship.

Stout: The recent conference was very encouraging with 14 servants of the Lord present. Much help was given and good fellowship enjoyed. J. Currie was present for one night preceding the conference, and R. Surgenor stayed on for four nights in ministry. The week of children’s meetings in April was well attended and encouraging.

Sioux City: Jim Webb gave timely and comforting ministry from March 30 to April 2.

Waterloo/Cedar Falls: The annual conference held April 15-16 was a time of enjoyment when 11 servants of the Lord gave messages with the Spirit’s help. The gospel was preached faithfully as well. There were 300 in attendance both days.

West Union: The assembly commenced gospel meetings with R. Surgenor on April 16. Several visitors and a number of unsaved children from Christian homes have been attending.


Augusta: The saints appreciated a visit for ministry from E. Higgins in April.


Saugus: E. Higgins visited with the assembly on Lord’s Day, April 2nd, giving challenging ministry to the saints concerning our service to the Lord. That evening the saints learned of the death of brother Scott Procopio, serving with the U.S. Marines in battle in Iraq. His funeral on Tuesday, April 11th, was held in full military honor. Many hundreds were in attendance and heard the gospel faithfully presented by E. Higgins and at the grave by Matthew Brescia, as well as words of comfort by Bill Brescia. The community was stirred by the solemnity of the services. Scott’s profession of faith in Christ as a youth is a source of comfort to the family and loved ones. Pray for Kevin and Mary Procopio, their family, and Scott’s wife Kristal, as well as for salvation in Kristal’s family. God is able to bring blessing through this tragedy.

Watertown: Many from the New England assemblies were present for a one-day conference on April 2 where the saints were encouraged and edified by ministry from A. Dryburgh, W. Gustafson, E. Higgins, K. Taylor, and F. Tornaquindici.

Worcester: The assembly has enjoyed a year-long visit from a Korean family staying in the area for schooling purposes. With a desire to visit this couple and encourage the assembly, Joseph Chung of New York City visited Sunday, April 30.


Deckerville: J. Beattie and Wm. Metcalf continue to have a gospel meeting here each Wednesday night. Interest has been encouraging and visits in the area profitable.

Livonia: In March, A. J. Higgins and D. Oliver held a weekend series of ministry meetings in Stark Road on Christian Relationships. Over 400 attended these meetings, and God blessed His Word.


Fridley: The teaching of Wm. Skates on Bible prophecy for a week in April was both encouraging and awakening for the saints. Our May all-day meeting coincided with our first year in the new building.

Willmar: Please pray for Holly and Eric Hopkins whose three-month-old daughter, Gracie, went to be with the Lord on March 23 due to heart complications. Her short life touched the lives of many people. The large funeral service was shared by R. Orr and R. Nesbitt.

New Mexico

Albuquerque: The assembly appreciated visits in April by Jim and Edythe Currie when Jim gave two nights of helpful ministry and a report on Japan. Al and Gloria Christopherson and Jack and Ellen Saword were with us over two Lord’s Days. John Fitzpatrick had one week of very practical and encouraging ministry.


Bryn Mawr: The last of the Philadelphia area ministry meetings for the season was held on April 30. The subject was Sunday School and outreach work to children. Those that spoke were Don Draper, Bill Morrison, and John Nesbitt. There were many helpful points made and encouragement for this work was given.

McKeesport: In April, the assembly held a dinner for the families of Sunday School students. D. Oliver gave an excellent word in the gospel. Please pray for continued efforts with Sunday School children and their families. The annual Spring Conference was much larger than usual. It was well attended by many young people. Many saints expressed appreciation for the excellent help given by E. Higgins, A. Hull, M. McCandless, D. Oliver, D. Petterson, P. Ramsay and J. Smith.


Schoonoord: The assembly had the joy recently of having three servants of the Lord in their midst – Lou Swaan, Andrew Bergsma (Canada), and Michael Browne (UK).


Old Bonalbo, NSW: The little assembly was greatly encouraged by the recent visit of S. Wells with 15 consecutive nights in the gospel, plus ministry on the weekends. One man of 54 years professed to be saved, many heard the good Word, and the believers were refreshed.

Melbourne, Victoria: The liberty and movement of the Holy Spirit were markedly evidenced at the South Oakleigh Conference held over 5 days from April 8-12, when brethren brought ministry that dovetailed so beautifully. The saints were treated to a “spiritual feast” on Hebrews 4-5 in the Readings and Revelation 1-3 in the ministry, by our brethren Jim McColl, Stan Wells, and William Banks.


Sibinal: Due to a recent hurricane in the area, all the regional conferences were consolidated into one. It was their largest conference ever with over 5,000 in attendance. Tom Baker and Dr. John Thropay helped in the ministry of the Word, along with another Guatemalan worker.


Brethren from the Kota Kemuning Gospel Hall (formerly Eng Ann Gospel Hall) report that S. Wells (Canada) had a week of ministry with good interest in early March when the assembly was spiritually helped and encouraged as he spoke on the Life of Joseph.

During the March 11 weekend, brethren from a new assembly in Ipoh in the north of Malaysia arranged four sessions where S. Wells spoke clearly on New Testament assembly principles and practices. The brethren deeply appreciated the ministry and help of our dear brother, who then held a week of gospel meetings in the Paramount Gospel Hall from March 13-19 which were well attended.

New Zealand 

The Miramar assembly in Wellington is expecting Wm. Skates for gospel meetings commencing mid-June; prayer is valued for the effort, that the little assembly may be encouraged with the blessing of God.


Kyle Wilson reports: We finished five weeks of gospel meetings in the little area behind Dolores called “Sandanea” and were able to find a little house to rent to continue meetings. There were a number that professed in the tent and so we are having informal studies in the house each Tuesday afternoon to help the young believers develop in their Christian walk. We continue with a gospel meeting each Sunday afternoon. We have come up against some resistance in the area from evangelicals.

We had a good conference over the Easter weekend with over 120 believers gathering to enjoy two days of exhortation and ministry. We are continuing with regular meetings in Jinotepe and Dolores. There are a number of believers who have professed in the past few months, and they want to take the next step in baptism. Please pray for the growth of new believers!


Malcolm Stanley of Portage la Prairie, MB, reports on his seven-week visit to Ukraine, accompanied by his 19-year-old grandson Kevin Beauchamp. They had meetings in Lviv, and then with the new assembly in Ivano Frankivsk, where about 12 broke bread, with several looking on. Meetings were arranged for both teaching and gospel, with an average of 35 people out each night. The subject for the first two weeks was the Tabernacle, with Kevin opening with a word in the gospel.

Each day was busy with visiting schools and poor people in their apartments, taking food supplies, as most cannot afford healthy food. The health system is in a shambles in Ukraine. Before anyone can receive treatment, they must find what medications are needed and buy them before going to the hospital. Once in the hospital, which in many cases is in desperate need of repair and upgrading, the family must continue to bring medicine, or the treatment stops. Opportunities abound to help in these situations.

Corruption is rampant in every area of the former Soviet Union. Thankfully, preaching and the distribution of Bibles are still allowed. Many hundreds of Bibles are given away daily. Malcolm was also able to speak in men’s and women’s prisons.

Flo Kancir, Gilles and Helene Plourdes, and Jeanette Payne are presently in Lviv distributing humanitarian aid as well as Bibles in the schools. Gifts for the work may still be sent to the “Seed Sowers” address in both Canada and the USA, and will be receipted for tax purposes.


Pugwash Junction, NS

July 1-2 – details reported in last issue. Subject of Bible Readings: Put on the Whole Armour of God – Eph. 6:10-18 (Sat.), and Luke 24:19-53 (Sun.).

Sioux City, IA 

July 15-16 in the Gospel Hall, 120 S. Leonard Street, Sioux City, IA. 51103. Saturday: Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m.; Sunday: Breakfast 9 a.m., Breaking of Bread 9:45 a.m., Bible Reading 11:15 a.m. (James 3), Children’s Meeting 1:30 p.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Testimony 6 p.m., Gospel 6:45 p.m. Dinner and supper will be served. Corr: Sam Hayes, Tel: 712-255-4962; E-mail: george44987@msn.com. Accom: Enoch Hayes, Tel: 712-277-1176.

Waukesha, WI

July 22-23 in the Salvation Army Building, 445 Madison Street, Waukesha, WI. Meeting times for Saturday: Bible Reading (I Timothy 5) 10 a.m., Ministry 1:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 4 p.m. For accommodations, directions or local hotel information, contact: Cory Peppler, Tel: 262-549-2386; E-mail: cpeppler@earthlink.net, or Stephen Moffitt, Tel: 262-650-9190; E-mail: stephenmoffitt@earthlink.net

Conference Reminders:

Eden Grove, ON – June 4

Saugus, MA – June 3-4

Garnavillo, IA – June 3-4

North Bay, ON – June 10-11

Portage la Prairie, MB – June 15-18

Victoria Rd., ON – June 17-18

Augusta ME – June 24-25

Cornerbrook, NF – June 24-25

Glen Ewen, SK – June 23-25

Taylorside, SK – June 30-July 1

Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, ON – July 1-2


Change of Correspondent

London, ON (Highbury Gospel Hall): Philip Lampkin, 1742 Attawandaron Road, London, ON, N6G 3N1; Tel: 519-472-8747; E-mail: felipe524@execulink.com

Change of Meeting Times

St. Mary’s, ON: Weekly meeting is changed to Wed. 7:30 p.m. from Tues.


Constance (Connie) L. Cox of Salem, OR, on January 2, age 56. She was born in Phoenix, AZ, saved at the age of six, and later received into the fellowship there. She worked as a ticket agent for the Willamette Shore Trolley in Lake Oswego, OR, for a number of years with her husband, who was the railway’s general manager. She loved working with people and many had commented on her helpful, friendly ways, and would often bring her a thank you gift. In spite of pain suffered because of cancer, she never complained, but always sought to comfort and encourage others. She leaves her husband, Rodney, five children, and 12 grandchildren. The Gospel Hall was filled at the funeral.

Robert (Bob) W. Price of Hampton, NB, on January 28, age 64. He was born in St. John, NB, where he was saved 29 years ago. He was in fellowship in St. John for a number of years before moving to Sussex. He took an active part in gospel preaching, open-air meetings, children’s meetings, and Bible studies until failing health and frequent hospital stays made it difficult for him to attend. In his last year, he wrote several gospel tracts, completing his last tract, The Sting, a few days before he died, copies of which were handed out at his funeral. He leaves behind his loving wife of 42 years, three married sons, their wives, and one daughter, all whom profess Christ as Savior, and five very young grandchildren. The very large funeral was taken by Steve Budd of Saint John, Dave Beckett, and Tim McCandless of Sussex.

Ethel Deady of Port Alberni, BC, on February 22, in her 104th year. Our dear sister was born on June 15, 1902, saved at 10 years of age (while riding on a horse-drawn wagon) and in assembly fellowship for over 85 years. Predeceased by her first husband, Ed Hern, and her second husband, John Deady, Ethel was a widow for over 30 years, 13 of them in a senior’s home. Although of frail body, and latterly unable to attend meetings, she was of clear mind and wit, and was generous with her substance. She maintained a faithful witness to all where she lived. Ralston Atkinson and John Fairfield shared the funeral ceremony, and Matt Baxter spoke words of comfort at the graveside.

Clifton Arthur Rathburn Sr. of Hardwick, VT, on March 13, age 94. Our brother was born again on December 8, 1977, in Hardwick. A very respected and knowledgeable man, both he and his wife had been prayed for by his mother Hattie Parker Rathburn, and, in more recent years by his mother’s sister-in-law Flossie Corliss Parker. At the funeral of Flossie’s son, Silas, in the spring of 1977, the preaching of James Smith reached both Clifton and wife Irene, resulting in frequent gospel meeting attendance. Later that same year, Timothy Kember and Eugene Badgley shared a gospel series during which both husband and wife found the joy of sins forgiven. Irene was saved first, and was first called home in 1981. Once again they are both together and at Home.

Margaret Moore of Toronto, ON, on March 25, in her 83rd year. Our much loved sister grew up in Vancouver and was saved at the age of 12 through John 3:16. In 1946, she was married to Henderson Moore. As part of the Bracondale assembly in Toronto (now Langstaff), their home was characterized by steady hospitality and service for others. Her husband predeceased her in 1995. Despite failing health in recent years, her love for the assembly and in helping others continued. She is survived by her son Glenn, his wife Sharon and their two daughters, Esther (Joshua) West and Anna; also her brother Erol Nixon and sister Alice Vernon and their spouses in B.C. Randy Marisette, Paul Glenney, and John Vance shared in the funeral service.

Stanley Taylor of Taylorside, SK, on April 9. Our dear brother was born in 1917 in the Taylorside district where he lived and farmed all his life. He was saved in 1941 and later received into the fellowship of the assembly where he was a faithful attender until the Lord called him Home. He will be greatly missed by his dear wife, Ethel, of 64 years; also, two sons and their wives, and one grandson. He also leaves to mourn many other family members and friends. The funeral was large and the gospel was faithfully presented by his nephew, Bernard Taylor.

Annie Edna Grexton of Midland, ON, on April 14, age 93. Our dear sister was saved at the age of 27 through the preaching of S. McEwen and J. Sylvester. She was baptized and received into the Midland assembly where she continued steadfastly for 57 years. She resided five years at Elim Homes in Waubaushene, and then the final four years at the Villa Nursing Home in Midland. Our sister loved to be with the Lord’s people and appreciated the Word of God. She consistently supported the meetings and was very active in supporting missionary work. The funeral service was taken by Gary Sharp. She leaves many grandchildren and great grandchildren, some of whom are not yet saved; prayer for them would be valued.

Edna E. (nee Coomber) Scott of Philadelphia, PA, on her birthday April 16, age 91. She was born and raised in conjunction with the Pape Ave. Gospel Hall in Toronto where she was saved in her teens. In 1948 she married Robert Scott (departed 1990) and moved to Philadelphia to be associated with the Mascher Street Gospel Hall, and of later years, the Olney Gospel Hall. The past few years she has resided in a retirement home not far from Olney. As well as the assembly Christians, there were a number of residents present to hear of her quiet and consistent testimony told by a nephew, Doug Scott. The gospel was preached by Wm. Oliver.

Mary Taylor of River Hebert, NS, on April 19, age 92. Our sister was saved in 1940 through the preaching of A. Ramsay and J. McCracken, when the Spirit of God began to work in the community and many souls were saved. She was faithful to her Lord and Savior, and the assembly, going on steadfastly for forty-four years through much opposition. Finally in 1984, she saw her husband saved during meetings of F. Stewart and Wm. Bingham. Pray for her unsaved daughter and husband, Barbara and Harry Latter, who live in Whitby, Ontario. Cecil Morton took the funeral service.

Mrs. Esther Ince of Cambridge, MA, on April 26. She was born in Bermuda in 1912, and saved at the age of 12. After her marriage to Mark Ince in 1939 and the birth of their first daughter, they came to the U. S. Until poor health required nursing home care, she and her husband, who predeceased her in 1978, were part of the assembly in Cambridge. During much of that time, she faithfully made the bread used for the Lord’s Supper. Her family and friends appreciated her counsel and hospitality, and the nursing staff valued her cheerful and uncomplaining disposition. She leaves two daughters, their husbands, 9 grandchildren, some with spouses, and 11 great-grandchildren. The funeral was shared by her son-in-law, John Webb, and grandsons, Timothy, Philip, and Jonathan Webb.

Sadie Orsini of DeLand, FL, on April 26, age 89. Our dear sister was born in Waterbury, CT, and saved there at age 15 in 1932. After some years in the Waterbury assembly, Sadie came to DeLand in 1973 where she was in the assembly from its beginning until her home-call. Along with Anthony (Tony), her husband of 74 years, she was faithful and steadfast to the assembly, and diligent in raising her family in the fear of the Lord. A good number of unsaved friends and family heard the gospel faithfully preached by local brethren Fred King and Alan Creed. Don LeCureux spoke a comforting word at the graveside. Please pray for those who mourn and some family members and friends who are not yet saved.