


Edmonton: The saints were thrilled to see the Lord moving during a recent three-week gospel series with John Fitzpatrick and Jim Jarvis. The daughter of a sister in the meeting and her new husband were saved, and two days later, her brother. As well, a young sister was received into assembly fellowship. Continue to pray that the seed sown will continue to bear fruit.

British Columbia

Kamloops: “The top floor of our hall, which was insured, was completely gutted by fire on May 8, and the lower floor damaged extensively by water. We continue to maintain our regular schedule of meetings at a temporary meeting place at #102-1103 12th. St. Kamloops. We had an encouraging night of ministry from Bryan Funston since the fire. Demolition and clean-up of the hall is progressing. The assembly wishes to thank all for their prayers and expressed concern.”

Williams Lake: Please pray for tent meetings planned for August in this interior community where there is no assembly. Ross Vanstone and Kyle Wilson will share the meetings.


Brandon: The assembly enjoyed recent visits from Jim Beattie for one night and Bruce Rodgers for two nights.

New Brunswick

Moncton: The saints recently enjoyed the visit of Walter Gustafson on April 23. During the month of May, Peter Ramsay had two weeks of meetings, the gospel being presented in a very simple way for young children as well as adults. Good numbers of unsaved attended.

Saint John: Matthew Cain and Eric Fowler concluded 4 weeks of gospel meetings in a shopping mall in May. Many visitors attended and one man professed to be saved. The believers appreciated the support of other assemblies both during the meetings and with the 18,500 Seed Sowers distributed prior to the meetings.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Charlottetown: The assembly held its conference on May 6-7 with a good number in attendance.

English Point: Lawrence Roberts passed away on May 12 and the funeral was at the Gospel Hall on May 15. Francis Barney and Wallace Buckle spoke. Brother Roberts was 92 and was saved for many years.

Gander Bay: The conference in Main Point was May 19-21. Wallace Buckle, Eric Fowler, Peter Matthews, and Carl Payne gave help. The conference in Seal Cove was May 27-28. Wallace Buckle and Eric Fowler shared the ministry. Both conferences were smaller in number but encouraging to those who attended.

L’Anse au Loup: The assembly had a “Mother’s Day Special” Sunday school program, with most of the children’s mothers attending. Morley Linstead gave the message.

Parsons Pond: Gaius Goff spent a Lord’s Day and three evenings with the saints in ministry on April 23-26.

Rocky Harbour: G. Goff spent two evenings giving appreciated ministry, April 27 and 28.

St. John’s: On May 24, the saints enjoyed an informative presentation by George Whey on the rebuilding effort of the assembly believers in Sri Lanka following the tsunami which occurred in December 2004. On May 28 the assembly enjoyed a visit from A. Joyce, who ministered and presented the gospel while with the saints for the Lord’s Day.

Nova Scotia

Sydney Mines: David Hierlihy and James McClelland continued into the 5th week of gospel meetings with good interest. One man professed salvation, which was a joy to all; others are showing interest.

Truro: On May 19, Albert Hull and Ken Turkington concluded four weeks of gospel meetings here. A number were present for the first time, but the interest was inconsistent. One girl (13) confessed Christ, which give encouragement. The meetings concluded with a number of visitors present.


Brampton: Tent meetings are planned to commence July 9, Tuesday through Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at Chinguacousy Park in Brampton with David Booth and Jim Jarvis. The assembly has been working with many single-parent families in the area and does look to the Lord for blessing in these meetings. For further information please contact Dwight Dyke, ddyke@sympatico.ca, or 519-853-3090. Brother Jarvis and other local brethren are continuing the gospel outreach work in the Orangeville area with regular Sunday evening gospel meetings and Bible studies.

Burgessville: The assembly enjoyed recent visits from Bert Snippe, Jim Bergsma, and Jim Webb. Ernie Dyck from this assembly is with Sam Maze in Maine for gospel meetings.

Clinton: During May, the saints appreciated visits with helpful and encouraging ministry from J. McColl, J. Stubbs, and J. Campbell (Scotland); they also enjoyed a report meeting by D. McAllister on the work in Livingstone, Zambia. Work on the hall renovation and addition is nearly completed and they are now using the new auditorium.

London: The saints here were encouraged with ministry from J. McColl, J. Stubbs, D. Weir, J. Webb, D. Jones, and J. Campbell (Scotland). The Spanish conference was held on May 27-28 and the saints were blessed with good fellowship and ministry from J. Saword, K. Turkington, A. Kelly, and J. Thropay.

Peterborough: The conference had very good and encouraging ministry from a number of commended servants of the Lord as well as other able speakers. It has given much joy to see a young man baptized in May who had been attending the meetings for quite some time.

Toronto: The three-day Easter conference was a time of great profit with challenging and searching messages given by N. Crawford, J. Dennison, J. Hay, A. Higgins, A. Hull, H. Paisley, P. Ramsay, and J. Stubbs. The conference was crowned with blessing in salvation during the closing gospel meeting.

Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown: Robert McIlwaine is recovering nicely from surgery. He requests continued prayer. He and his wife Joan greatly appreciate the many assemblies and individuals who have prayed for them. Our God answers prayer!



Chico: The assembly is planning a week-long Seed Sowers effort with a gospel series that week and the following. The effort starts June 26 in the will of the Lord. The first week of meetings will be held on the local university campus when various younger brethren will help Stu Thompson.


Terryville: On May 28, a large crowd gathered for the baptism of two young sisters and a young brother.


Saugus: Tom Meekin visited the assembly with helpful and uplifting ministry on the steadiness, stability, and spiritual balance of the Christian. Later in the month, Howard Barnes ministered on the Saints in Ephesians, and the useful guiding principle “as becometh saints.”


Fridley: The saints enjoyed good one-day visits from J. Slabaugh and E. McCullough in May. Children’s meetings are planned for July 17-21 with S. Thompson, who will be joined by L. Perkins for a series of gospel meetings starting July 23. A distribution of 50,000 Seed Sowers is planned for the week of July 9-14.

New Jersey

Livingston: The saints were encouraged by all who travelled and participated in the annual conference. Those who shared in the ministry were W. Gustafson, A. Higgins, A. Kelly, D. Oliver, D. Shutt, F. Sona, T. Thompson, and F. Tornaquindici. The provision for sale by Jim and Lois Thompson of Bibles, books, etc. for the blessing of the saints, was deeply appreciated.


Akron: Following the children’s meetings in Barberton, Gene Higgins was with the assembly for gospel meetings using his chart on Future Events. We were encouraged by the number of visitors who attended.

Cleveland: David Petterson is expected in June for a week of children’s meetings.

Mansfield: Frank Sona was with the assembly recently, giving ministry on Egypt to Canaan. The assembly was also encouraged when five believers were baptized. Elton Decker was here for that meeting.


Grants Pass: A nice spirit was present and helpful ministry given throughout the Conference, attended by believers from California, Oregon, Washington. and B. C. Brethren sharing in ministry and gospel were Jim Currie, Bryan Funston, Tom Hoy, Bryon Meyers, John Slabaugh, and Ross Smyth. The Saturday night testimony meeting was most encouraging with six brethren giving interesting accounts of conversion.


Bryn Mawr: J. McColl had an appreciated visit in ministry for a Lord’s Day and a mid-week meeting. While in the area, he also had a night in Pennsauken/Barrington and Hatboro which the saints enjoyed.

Philadelphia: The assembly in Olney enjoyed two weeks of well-attended gospel meetings with Eugene Higgins and David Oliver. The Christians enjoyed the response to personal invitations that saw visitors in each night of the series. Good contacts were made and they look to the Lord to yet save souls.


Hardwick: Wm. Lavery was with the assembly during the week of May 7 through Lord’s Day May 14. Ministry was given from the book of Judges on the oppression of the Israelites by Midian, and the Lord’s deliverance by the hand of Gideon.

Northern Ireland

Co. Antrim

Ballinaloob: R. Reynolds and D. McGarvey are preaching in the newly renovated hall.

Buckna: S. Wells and J. N. Smith (USA) have commenced in the Gospel Hall with good numbers attending.

Plantation, Lisburn: M. Radcliffe and M. Turkington hope to commence here in mid-May.

Randalstown: E. McCullough and M. Radcliffe were encouraged by good interest and attendance while preaching the gospel here.

Co. Armagh

Tassagh: S. McBride and T. Wright have concluded a series of gospel meetings in the Gospel Hall here.

Co. Down

Ballymacashon: On Sat. 27th May, in the Gospel Hall, a number of brethren ministered the Word of God to profit.

Drumlough: The annual conference was well attended on May 17. Profitable ministry was given by J. Hutchinson, W. J. Nesbitt, S. Wells, J. N. Smith (USA), and S. McCauley.

Drumlough, Rathfriland: J. Martin and W. Martin have erected a portable hall and are getting a few in from the locality to hear the gospel.

Growell: D. Gilliland is having three weeks of gospel meetings. The area has been well covered with tracts and invitations.

Kingsbridge, Belfast: T. Topley and D. Armstrong have commenced in the gospel in this difficult part of the city where the assembly is now very small.

Moira: A. Colgan and L. Craig have commenced here in the hall where a Lord’s Day gospel meeting is carried on.

Newtownards: T. Wright and A. McKee are preaching in the Gospel Hall and have sought to cover the area with tracts.

Co. Londonderry

Killykergan: J.Rogers and R. McKeown are in their sixth week of gospel meetings with encouraging numbers.


Co. Donegal

Laghey: G. Stewart and J. Fleck have commenced a series of gospel meetings in the Bridgetown Gospel Hall and are encouraged by the numbers attending.


Chihuahua: Marcus Cain had four nights at the end of May on the Seven Pillars of the Local Assembly. It is hoped that things will continue to develop there, and that the Lord will see fit to form an assembly.


Porto Alegre: Crawford and Heather Brown would appreciate the prayers of the Lord’s people. Heather gave birth to a daughter, Sara, who has required extensive and serious surgery. She has done well so far but more therapy and possible surgery is needed.


Westbank, BC

August 4 – 5 in the Highway Gospel Hall, 2549 Hebert Road. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 10 a.m. (2 Tim 1-4 – Spiritual Gift), Ministry 2:30 p.m., Ministry/Gospel 7 p.m., Sing 9 p.m.; Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:15 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7:15 p.m. Corr: Glenn A. Griffin, 3344 Elliott Road, Westbank, B.C. V4T 1P2; Tel: 250-768-3343; E-mail: griffarm@telus.net.

Fort McMurray, AB

August 25 – 27, hosted by the Wood Buffalo Assembly. Prayer meeting Friday, August 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Waterways Community Centre, 7302 Bulyea Ave. All other meetings in the Senior’s Activity Centre, 10111 Main St.. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m., Bible Reading 2 p.m. (1 Thess 3), Ministry 3:45 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Bible Reading 2:30 p.m., Ministry 3:45 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Contact Sam Payne 780-715-0468, or Terry Lush 780-598-3712.

Akron, OH

September 2 – 3 in Copley High School, 3797 Ridgewood Road, Copley. Prayer meeting Friday at 7:30 p.m. in Gospel Hall, 2705 Smith Road. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m., Ministry on Gospel Outreach 1:30 – 3 p.m., Ministry 3:30, Gospel Meeting 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m.. Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel Meeting 7 p.m. Accom: David Metcalf, 3228 Blake Road, Wadsworth, OH 44281; Tel: 330-334-9691; E-mail Dmetcalftt@msn.com. Corr: Kenneth Webb, PO Box 13350, Akron, OH 44334; Tel: 330-666-9466.

Clementsvale, NS

September 2 – 3 in the Champlain Hall, Cornwallis Park. Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:30 a.m. (John 19), Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Corr: Lionel Cress; Tel: 902-467-3115. Accom: please call in advance Jonathan McClelland, Tel: 902-638-3260; E-mail: jkmcclelland@.ns.sympatico.ca.

Grande Prairie, AB

September 2 – 3 in the Grande Prairie Gospel Hall. Saturday: Lunch will be provided at the hall for those arriving Saturday morning, Bible Study 1:30 p.m. (2 Peter 1), Ministry 3:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Open Sunday School 12:45 p.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. For information contact Robert Eyers, Tel: 780-513-8916; E-mail: roberteyers49@msn.com.

Arnstein, ON

September 16 – 17 with Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 15, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 8:45 a.m. (Headship), Ministry 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:45 a.m.(1 Cor. 11:20-34), Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 10762 Hwy 522. Please note: No supper will be served on Friday evening as in previous years. For advance accom. contact Tommy Dellandrea, Tel: 705-757-0222. Corr: Don Brunne, Tel: 705-757-2030.

Hitesville, IA

September 16 – 17 with Prayer Meeting in the Gospel Hall on Friday, September 15 at 7:30 p.m. The other conference meetings will be held at the Aplington/Parkersburg Middle School, 215 10th Street, Aplington, IA 50604; Tel: 319-347-2394. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m. (Isa. 52:13-53:12), Breaking of Bread at 10:30 a.m. Corr: Larry L. Brandt, 509 Lincoln Street, Parkersburg, IA 50665; Tel: 319-346-1084; Hall: 319-347-2333.

New Lenox, IL

September 23 – 24 with Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 22. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 13550 West Route 6, Mokena, IL. Meetings on Saturday: 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m., Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m. Corr: Brent Studnicka, 138 Wallace St., New Lenox, IL 60451; Tel: 815-463-9590.

Manchester, IA

September 30 – October 1, with Prayer Meeting, Friday 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 1308 N. Third St. All other meetings are in the Manchester West Delaware Middle School, 1001 Doctor St. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m (Revelation 1), Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m. Corr: C.F. Foster, 130 Clare Ave., Manchester, IA 52057-1306; Tel: 563-927-2963; Hall: 563-927-3887.

Conference Reminders:

Taylorside, SK: June 30 – July1

Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, ON: July 1 – 2

Pugwash Junction, NS: July 1 – 2

Sioux City, IA: July 15 – 16

Waukesha, WI: July 22 – 23

Arlington, WA – September 1-4


Changes to T&T Address List

Mrs. Elizabeth Frith, Hilltop Manor, 4775 – 221 Street, Langley, BC, V2Z 1M7

Miss Helen Griffin (spelling correction), El Salvador

Miss Fanny Goff (deceased)

Miss Eileen Hatt (married – requested deletion)

Mr. Steve Kember, P.O. Box 2418, LaCrete, AB, T0H 2H0

Mrs. Sam Patton (deceased)

Change of Meeting Times

Springfield West, PE: Breaking of Bread changed to 10 a.m.

Change of Address of Correspondent

Deckerville, MI (Mills Road Gospel Hall): Barry Brinker; Tel: 810-404-4800, 810-404-4802; E-mail: ma_n_pa_brinker@yahoo.com

New Lenox, IL: Brent Studnicka, 138 Wallace St., New Lenox, IL 60451; Tel: 815-463-9590.


Mr. Herb Berger of Arnstein, ON, on April 4, age 97. He was saved in 1941, baptized, and received into the Arnstein assembly the following year. Because of age and poor health he was not able to attend the meetings the past few years. His favorite expression was “Keep looking up, God loves you.” The past four years were spent in North Bay with his daughter Eleanor who lovingly cared for him. He leaves to mourn his wife, Kathy, five children, eleven grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. The funeral was taken by Russell Foreshew and Mike Trahan.

Irene Kramer of Hitesville, IA, on April 4, age 88, went home from a care center. Saved in 1931, through John 3:36, she was in fellowship at Hitesville, Iowa, for many years. She and her husband, Chris Kampman, were known for their hospitality. He went to be with the Lord in 1987. She later married Siefert Kramer, who also predeceased her. Surviving are two sons, four grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Robert Orr spoke at the funeral service.

Miss Grace McCormick of Lurgan, NI, on April 4. She was born December 18, 1917, and born again in 1933 through the preaching of David Walker, of Aberdeen. Grace was born in the USA. Her father, James McCormick, was one of the foundation members of the Manchester, CT, assembly. Grace was saved in her teens after she came to Ireland. She was afterwards baptized, and received into the fellowship of the Lurgan assembly where she was in happy fellowship for 70 years. “We have suffered a great loss in her home call. She truly was a corner stone, polished after the similitude of a palace.” Her funeral was large and God-honoring, with words of comfort and warning given by D. Gilliland and J. Lennox.

Mrs Nancy Lapsley of Valens ON, on Apr. 5, age 55. Our sister was saved at the age of 14 on the last night of Gospel Meetings held by Larry and Wade Steers in a local fire hall. Being the end of summer, she was awakened by Jer. 8:20. She was later baptized and added to the Strongville assembly. After marriage to her husband Ted, she was in the Valens assembly for the last 30 years. She was a faithful sister and given to hospitality. She had a love for the children as well as for guiding many young believers. During illness, she bore a good testimony with the medical staff and neighbours. At the large funeral, Ken Nicholson and Larry Steers shared the gospel and words of comfort. Ed Miller gave a message of hope at the burial. Pray for her husband and family, and aged mother at Elim Homes.

Mr. Emil Dittberner of Ashfield, MB, on April 15, age 91. He was born in Germany and immigrated with his family to Winnipeg in 1953. After hearing the gospel in 1950 in Germany, he received the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. He was in fellowship in the West End Gospel Hall, Winnipeg, for 36 years. During those many years his faithfulness and quiet dignity were traits which endeared him to all. He was a man of conviction and faith. In 1989 he and his wife went to the Ashfield assembly where he remained until the time of his death. His help in that small assembly was deeply appreciated. The large funeral was taken by Ken McCorkle.

Verna Maxwell of Bancroft, ON, on April 24, in her 88th year. She was saved at age 33 on September 18,1951, and was in happy fellowship in Lakeview. Many of the Lord’s people have enjoyed her kindness and hospitality. She was predeceased by her husband, Audrey, and son, and is survived by her four daughters and their families. She will certainly be missed by the assembly here. Timothy Kember and Eugene Badgley shared in the funeral service.

Doris (Easton) Ammann of San Diego, CA, on May 24, age 85. She was saved at age 19 and received into the Cedar Cottage assembly (now Victoria Drive) in Vancouver, BC. She was active in children’s work for over 40 years in Nanaimo Rd, Victoria Drive, and also in Squamish. A number of her pupils in whom she took genuine interest are now in assembly fellowship. The gospel from her lips was lived out in her life, which demonstrated the reality of God’s salvation. In 1987 she married Robert Ammann, and moved to San Diego where she was in happy fellowship until her homecall. Tom Baker took the funeral service.