Fort McMurray: The Christians of the Wood Buffalo assembly held their Sunday School Christmas program at Heritage Park on December 5. Although the weather was a bit stormy, a number of parents and others attended, some for the first time, to observe the children show and tell the Christmas story. The event closed with the gospel message and refreshments. We had a baptism December 19 when a sister in the Lord had the joy of obeying the Lord. On December 31, the assembly gathered in the evening for a time of refreshments, singing, a gospel message, testimony, and ministry until midnight.
British Columbia
North Vancouver: The Deep Cove assembly baptized a young lady on January 2; a number of family members were present to witness the event.
Kamloops: During December, the assembly at Westsyde had an appreciated visit from Andrew Bergsma for a night of ministry.
Austin: Please pray for gospel meetings which started with Al Christopherson on January 16.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Burgeo: David Hunt, along with help from local brethren from Nova Scotia and western NL, gave out calendars on the south coast of NL. David Hunt and David Mullett had several encouraging gospel meetings in the town of LaPoile.
Cartwright: Calendars were distributed door-to-door from Old Fort Bay in Quebec to Cartwright, LB. Eric Fowler along with local brethren were involved in this effort.
Corner Brook: Gospel meetings are planned for the New Year with Albert Hull and James McClelland. Prayer is valued for this effort and also for the recovery of Bert Joyce, who, as a result of a fall, sustained a hip fracture.
English Point: The assembly had its annual Sunday School program on December 19, which went well with a large number in attendance.
L’Anse au Loup: The Sunday school program was December 28 and a large number attended with many of the children’s parents and others in for the first time.
Parsons Pond: Gospel meetings with James McClelland and David Hunt finished December 5. The brethren were encouraged to have unsaved visitors each night. Continue to pray for the Lord’s blessing.
Red Bay: A week of gospel meetings at the beginning of December with Eric Fowler and David Swan went well, although the attendance was small.
Clinton: Alex Dryburgh was with the assembly on the last Lord’s Day of the year; he gave encouraging ministry and help in the gospel.
Clyde: Frank Sona provided practical ministry December 8, and Marvin Derksen began a Sunday afternoon ministry series for young people December 26 and January 2. He plans to continue on a once-a-month basis.
North Bay: The Nipissing Junction assembly enjoyed and appreciated four and one-half weeks of excellent gospel meetings with Jim Jarvis and David Booth. The servants of the Lord felt joy and liberty in preaching. We are thankful for the salvation of a precious soul. Others remain interested and continue to attend the weekly gospel meeting.
Port Sydney: The Deer Lake assembly enjoyed a visit lately from Fred Krauss, and also Gary Sharp who was with us for our Sunday School treat. On December 15, the assembly welcomed Lauren Larose, who has been in Zambia for the last couple of years. A group from the assembly who sing together have been busy giving presentations at retirement homes and the prison where we have an ongoing ministry.
Sudbury: Alex Dryburgh was with the assembly for the December monthly ministry meeting and remained for the one day conference on the Lord’s Day. Bruce Rodgers and Alvin Cook were also present and the ministry given was appreciated.
Newington: The conference was well-attended and helpful ministry was given by Walter Gustafson, Gene Higgins, Harold Paisley, and Dan Netti. Mr. Paisley stayed for ministry meetings in Newington and Manchester the following week. Prayer is requested for gospel meetings purposed to begin in February.
Terryville: The assembly was encouraged by the reception of a young sister into fellowship.
Waianai: Gospel meetings were planned to commence mid-January with Bryan Funston and Bill Lavery. Please pray that the assembly will be strengthened and encouraged.
Hitesville: Robert Surgenor had four nights of appreciated ministry in November, and William Skates helped us a couple of weeks later with ministry for five nights on “Biblical Prophecy” from his large chart.
Stout: The assembly enjoyed a recent visit from Robert Surgenor for a few nights of ministry and a Lord’s Day.
Augusta: Paul Tornaquindici spoke to the children and parents at the Children’s Christmas Bible Program on December 12. His message was about the light out of the darkness at His birth, and the darkness in the daylight at His death.
Watertown: On December 8, Eric McCullough paid an appreciated visit with helpful and encouraging ministry. The believers from the Cambridge assembly joined for the meeting.
Worcester: Dan Shutt visited the assembly December 6 with practical and profitable ministry.
New Mexico
Albuquerque: Stan Wells and David Hunt began a gospel series on January 2 after the distribution of over 40,000 Seed Sowers packs by about 50 young believers from many areas of the U. S. A. and Canada. Some visitors have been attending in response to these invitations.
North Carolina
Hickory: In December the assembly baptized a teenage sister and received a young sister into the assembly. The believers look back on 2004, encouraged to see the Lord’s blessing on the assembly.
Akron: The Fall children’s meetings were well attended and closed with Gary Sharp speaking at the Sunday School treat. He continued for two nights in ministry. Dan Shutt was with the assembly for a farewell gathering for the Slabaughs as they move to Iowa.
Clyde: Ministry from Bill Lavery and John Slabaugh was encouraging. Jerry Jennings was expected to visit in January.
Mansfield: William Skates had a week of practical ministry on “Back from Babylon.” The assembly also appreciated a short visit from Murray McCandless.
Arlington/Marysville: Both assemblies enjoyed eight nights of ministry in early December with Stan Wells on the Dispensations of Scripture. It was encouraging to see many believers staying after each meeting for discussion and inquiry.
Egg Harbor: Art Ward had four nights of appreciated ministry with the assembly here, December 27-30. Before that he spent a Lord’s Day at Ontario, followed by two nights of ministry.
N. Ireland
Co. Antrim
Harryville, Ballymena: D. Gilliland and J. Fleck – gospel
Co. Armagh
Derrynoose, Annaghmore: J. Martin and W. Martin – gospel
Kilmore: S. McBride and J. Meekin – gospel
Co. Down
Gransha: T. Meekin and A. Bingham – gospel
Ballyhay: S. Ferguson and W. Boyd – gospel
Growell: S. Grant (Scotland) had one week of ministry meetings on basic assembly principles.
Dromore: T. Bentley had two week’s ministry meetings from the Minor Prophets, utilizing an illustrated chart.
Co. Tyrone
Killycurragh: A. Aiken and J. Rogers – gospel
Co. Monaghan, Ireland
Erryroe: B. Glendinning and A. Redpath – gospel
Conferences held on Christmas and Boxing Days: Gransha, Co. Down; Kilkeel, Co. Down; Buckna, Co.Antrim; Cregagh St., Belfast; King’s Hall, Balmoral, Belfast.
Conferences held on New Year’s Day: Albertbridge Road, Belfast; Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone; Ahoghill, Co. Antrim; Ardmore, Co. Armagh. The Word of God was ministered to profit and the Bible Readings in Newtownstewart, Albertbridge Road and Balmoral were considered to be helpful.
St. Lucia
A small group of believers from Canada and the US gathered in St. Lucia from December 15 – 23 to help the local believers distribute approximately 18,000 Seed Sowers texts. These 1 Timothy 1: 15 texts were given out in the areas surrounding each of the assemblies. The texts were very well received and personal contact was made with many. Gospel meetings have commenced in La Gare to follow up this work. Please pray for this effort. The New Year’s Day conference was well attended with over 200 present. The ministry given by five brethren was both timely and profitable.
Russia and Ukraine
Jesse Fitch writes in a report for 2004: In the spring, a Bible Conference was held in the Ural Mountains. Louie Smith, Howard Pratt, and I shared the ministry. A conference was held in Tobolsk with Alan Davidson giving help. Alan and I then visited Kaskara and the Ural assemblies. Alex McLean of Scotland gave ministry at several of the assemblies. God has blessed in saving a few souls. Local brethren continue to give shepherding care and food for the flocks. Several of us visited the village of Yarkova, which is south of Tobolsk, where Larisa, a doctor, lives. She continues to arrange for numerous private home meetings with a number of folks showing an interest for the first time in things of God. Her niece, Julie, who was with us in America, has her home open for foreign guests.
My wife and two girls were with me in the fall. We stayed mostly near the assembly in Tobolsk and then ventured north to the Surgut meeting followed by a visit to the other assemblies. When in the Urals, the Saveruralisk and Volchance saints came together on a Saturday for ministry and fellowship. Further west, in the city of St. Petersburg we understand that David Richards will be doing gospel work. Prayer requests: a sister Claudia, recently saved, but now has cancer spread throughout her body. Sergey, who is in fellowship at Tobolsk, has been confined for sixteen years to bed with a broken back. He now has the possibility of going to Moscow for an operation with hopes of recovery. Pasha, of Saveruralisk desires to give vacation time this spring to gospel work. Young Pasha has gone into the Russian Army with a desire to stand for the things of God.
In the Ukraine, gospel work continues by Flo Kancir of Ontario. She gives six months of the year to distribution of literature, clothing, and other needs to the poor, and speaking the joyous news of Christ to individuals. Many young people from the west assisted in the work during the summer. More souls have been saved and many of them taught scriptural truths, especially in the city of L’viv, where meetings are conducted in Flo’s home. Timothy Sloan continues gospel work in Lufsk, where there is an assembly. Malcolm and Jean Stanley, Max and Adele McLean, Louie, Howard and I assisted in the work and found many places open to receive the gospel. Please pray for young people to be exercised for this field of labor, to learn the language, and to go forth to serve the Lord. Remember in prayer the newly elected government. “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest” (Matt 9:38 ).
Tsunami Relief
Word has reached us of destruction to the homes and halls of believers in India, especially in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Funds to help believers can be sent to the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trusts earmarked for the help of these believers. The gifts will then be sent to the Indian Evangelical trust who will oversee their distribution to meet the need.
Matoaca, VA
March 5-6. The 14th annual conference will be held, Lord willing, on March 5- 6, with a Prayer Meeting on Friday, March 4, at 7:30 p.m. All meetings to be held in the Gospel Hall, 6204 River Road, Matoaca, Virginia. For accommodations contact John Nobles, Tel: 804-590-2988, or email:
Watertown, MA
March 11-13 with Prayer and Ministry on Friday, March 11 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Prayer and Bible Reading (Col. 1:15-29) 10:30 a.m., Prayer and Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 12:15 p.m., Prayer and Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 4:30 p.m. All meetings held in the Gospel Hall (directions at Corr: Joe Grillo, 2201 Lewis O. Gray Dr., Saugus, MA 01906-4422; Tel: 781-233-8520; email:; Gospel Hall: 617-924-7696. Accommodations: Frank Procopio, 10 Windsor St., Melrose, MA, 02176; Tel: 781-665-3911.
Mount Sterling, WI
March 19-20. Bible Reading Conference on Philippians, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 pm in the Gospel Hall. All other meetings in the North Crawford High School, north of Gays Mills. Saturday, first meeting at 10 a.m. Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m. For accommodations contact Richard M. Dudgeon, Tel: 608-734-3639; email:, or Wayne Granzow, Tel: 608-874-4760. Outlines of the readings and order of meetings will be sent on request.
Nineveh, NS
March 26-27 with Prayer Meeting on Friday 7 p.m. in Gospel Hall. Supper will be served at 5 p.m. All other meetings will be in the Parkview Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater, NS. Ministry meeting on Saturday at 10 a.m. Corr: Robert Kaulback, 19 Medway St., Bridgewater, NS B4V1J8. Tel: 902-543-5530. For accommodations, contact Clark Hubley, Tel: 902-543-3268.
Toronto, ON
March 25-27 in Premier Banquet and Convention Centre, 9019 Leslie St., Richmond Hill. Meetings each day at 10 a.m. (except Lord’s Day), 2:00, 4:00, 7:15 and 8:45 p.m. (except Lord’s Day). Prayer meeting on Thursday, March 24 at 7:30 p.m. in Langstaff Gospel Hall, 1300 Langstaff Rd. Corr: Don Jennings, 53 Karnwood Dr., Scarborough, ON, M1L 2Z7; Tel: 416-757-7019 and Robert Reilly, 209 – 610 Bullock Drive, Markham, ON, L3R 0G1; Tel: 905-480-9520. Expected speakers: J. Baker, R. Baker, N. Crawford, M. Derksen, E. Higgins, H. Paisley, and J. Smith.
Winnipeg, MB
April 1-3 with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the West End Gospel Hall, 492 Victor Street (near Ellice Ave.). The remainder of the conference (except Sunday a..m.) will be in the Westwood Community Church, 410 Westwood Drive (near Portage Ave.) Saturday: 10:30 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. (Gospel Hall), Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 6 p.m. Accommodations provided. Contact: Wayne Friesen (, 204-889-0126
Stout, IA
April 9-10, with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m. (Col. 1:12-20), Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. All meetings in the Gospel Hall. Corr: Gary DeGroote, 28073 Westbrook St., New Hartford, IA 50660, Tel: 319-983-2713; email:;. Gospel Hall 319-346-1153.
Livingston, NJ
May 6-8 with Prayer Meeting on Friday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:45 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m. and Gospel 5 p.m. Meals and accommodations will be provided. All meetings will be held at the Livingston Gospel Hall, 405 E. Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Livingston, NJ; Tel: 973-535-1485. Directions are on the web site Contact Allan Valvano at 973-377-7839, or Dave Valvano at 973-884-2484 if you need assistance or accommodations.
McKeesport, PA
April 23-24 with Prayer Meeting Friday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, Prescott and Broadway. All other meetings in the Francis McClure Junior High School. Meetings begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday and Lord’s Day. The homes of the Christians will be open for visitors. Contact Rob Oliver at 412-664-1004, or for accommodations, or for local motel phone numbers for those desiring to make their own arrangements. The brethren here would like ministry that is focussed on the needs of a local assembly. We are asking all speakers to notify us in advance of their coming. Speakers may contact Tom Clark, Jr. at 412-751-5283, or
Conference Reminders
Deland, FL – February 5-6
San Diego, CA – February 19-20
Tylertown, MS – February 20
Change of Address
John M. Slabaugh, 2970 Stone Creek Ct., Marion, IA 52302; Tel: 319-373-6242; E-mail:
Change of Correspondent
Deep Cove, BC: George Veraljay, 1955 Eastleigh Lane, North Vancouver, BC V7G 1W1; Tel: 604-929-2860; email:
Hinckley, MN: David J. Klar, 609 Hwy 123W, PO Box 203, Sandstone, MN 55072 (Post Office will not deliver without PO Box.); Tel: 320-245-0559; email:
Tillie Hicks of Sudbury, ON on October 11, age 82, entered into the Lord’s presence from her home after a courageous battle with cancer. Throughout her illness, she accepted the will of the Lord, and desired that her life and death would be a testimony to His glory. Our beloved sister was saved at the age of 19 in Arnstein through the preaching of Mervyn Paul. She was received into fellowship in Peterborough, and has been in the Sudbury assembly since 1979. She was a cheerful Christian, an encourager, given to hospitality, and faithfully attended all meetings until her homecall. Percy Williams and Craig Clark shared in her eulogy; A. Dryburgh spoke a faithful message in the gospel.Her large funeral was a testimony to the esteem in which she was held. She leaves to mourn her husband, and four children, all who await our Lord’s return
Mary Ferris of Marion, IA on December 4, 2004. Mary, one of eight, was brought up in the Christian home of James and Clara O’Brien, who were influential in the planting of the Cole Creek, KS assembly. At the age of 13, through the preaching of John Brown and Charlie Stow, she was saved through Isa. 55:3. She was united in marriage to Harry Ferris in 1943 and soon transferred to the Des Moines, IA area, raising their two sons and two daughters in the DeWolf St. assembly. Today, along with many grandchildren, they are linked with assembly testimonies. All who knew Mary could tell of her prayerful faithful service to God and unselfishness to others. The last three years of her devoted life were spent with the Christians at Marion. Al Christopherson spoke at the large funeral.
John Kramer of Shell Rock, IA on December 6, 2004, age 90. Our dear brother was saved September 1, 1971, while attending tent meetings in Allison, IA being conducted by brother Harold Paisley. Having been the object of prayer for a number of years, his salvation was a great encouragement that, “ye shall reap in due season if ye faint not.” Shortly thereafter he was baptized and received into fellowship with the believers who gather at Hitesville. He leaves Carrie, his wife of nearly 67 years; four sons and one daughter along with their spouses, 12 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren. Prayer is requested for the family, some of whom are not yet saved. The large funeral service at the Hitesville Hall was shared by Robert Orr, Al Christopherson, and Russ Nesbitt.
John R. Robertson of Phoenix, AZ on December 9, 2004, age 66. Our dear brother went home to be with the Lord after a long illness with an occupationally acquired cancer. He was saved on March 5, 1964, was baptized, and received into the Garfield St. assembly soon after. He continued in happy fellowship, and was active in gospel testimony. He loved the gospel work carried on among the Spanish speaking population, both with the children from the area and the adults attending the gospel meetings. He leaves his wife, two children, and six grandchildren, all professing to be saved. The assembly feels keenly the loss of this dear brother. Tom Baker took the funeral, and David Alves and Marcus Cain took the graveside service.
Albert Kluiter of Clarksville, IA on December 14, 2004, age 82. Our dear brother was saved October 4, 1947 as the result of gospel meetings in Clarksville conducted by Walter Eltges. He and his wife Dorothy have been part of the Hitesville assembly these many years. In recent times he was not able to attend the meetings due to health difficulties. He was thankful for his salvation and shared his testimony with many. He is survived by his wife, three sons, their spouses and families, two sisters, and a sister-in-law. Russell Nesbit and Robert Orr shared the service in the Hitesville Gospel Hall.
Mrs. Naomi Scott of Barrington, NJ on December 17, 2004. She was born in 1915, her parents being among the original group who gathered to the Lord’s name in Barrington. The assembly began the same year she was born. In a very real sense, she is the last link with a previous generation to whom we are deeply indebted. She leaves to mourn two daughters, Mrs. Jane Amadio and Mrs. Ruth Higgins of Barrington, and one son, William Scott, of Hardwick, VT. The funeral service was conducted by Dan Shutt, a grandson, with Eugene Higgins and David Oliver sharing at the graveside.
Elizabeth Irvine Rennix of Bryn Mawr, PA on December 27, 2004, age 83. Lib was saved on March 6, 1946 in the middle of nine weeks of gospel meetings with Robert McCracken and Oswald Macleod. Very troubled about her soul, the words of the hymn, “It was for me, yes all for me” were used by the Spirit to unfold to her the completeness ofthe work of Christ for her. She has been in the fellowship of the assembly here since 1946. Her husband was called home in June 1977. Her last three years were in a care-center in poor health and it was a release to glory. She leaves a sister and brother-in- law, Ann and John Fitzpatrick, a nephew, and step son. A number of work associates and neighbors heard the clear gospel at the funeral which was taken by David Oliver and William Oliver.
Leslie Grice of Vancouver, BC on December 28, 2004, age 77. Our dear brother was a respected overseer for many years in the Victoria Drive assembly. He was saved July 14, 1954 through Isaiah 53:5 at meetings held by the late Robert Peacock. He had a shepherd’s heart, a radiant Christ-likeness in his demeanour, and was particularly gifted in personal evangelism. He suffered much over the years with poor health, and spent the last year in St. Michael’s Centre after a debilitating stroke that left him unable to walk or speak. He leaves his wife Jean, daughter Esther (Sandy) Jennings of Huntsville, ON, son Stephen (Maria) not yet saved, and five grandchildren. The large funeral was shared by Phil Broadhead and Dave McGaughey, with his brother Don Grice at the graveside.
Hilltop Manor, Langley BC
Employment Opportunity
The present Administrator at Hilltop Manor is retiring in May 2005 and a suitable person or couple is needed to take over this salaried, live-in position. The work entails responsibility for the day-to-day operation of a small (ten resident) rest home on the Langley Gospel Hall property. Two additional staff members are employed, but a considerable amount of hands-on work, including food preparation, is involved.
Accommodations consist of a one bedroom and living room suite. This could possibly be expanded if a suitable couple is available. Remuneration will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
The preferred candidate will have training and experience in food handling and senior’s care. A current driver’s licence and first aid certificate, or some nursing experience is required. Further details are available here or by contacting:
David Chesney, Secretary,
Hilltop Manor, 4775 – 221st St.,
Langley BC Canada V2Z 1M7
Fax 604-530-0280
Via Magazine
A new English version, volume 34, is now ready for use, and a Spanish, volume 3, has recently been printed.
Via is intended to be a free resource for gospel work, and is supported through gifts of the Lord’s people. We’ll gladly send you whatever copies you can prayerfully use. Full, part, or multiple boxes may be ordered (English – 720 per box, Spanish – 900 per box).
Order Information:
Main distribution: Box 551, Portage la Prairie, MB Canada R1N 3B9; Tel: 204-857-8435; Fax: 204-857-7728; Email:
Toronto area (for pick-up only): International Bible House, c/o Joy Robertson, 6 Beech St., Brampton, ON Canada L6V 1V1; Tel: 416-908-6787; Email:
SW Ontario (for pick up only): Tim Woodford at St. Thomas; Tel: 519-637-3374; Email:
Vancouver area: International Bible House, c/o Daphne Bell; Tel: 604-649-7759; Email:
United States: Rick and Joanne Zahnow, 1718 Deerfield Dr., Fergus Falls, MN 56537-4321; Tel: 218-736-3028; Email: