Joseph Procopio from the assembly in Saugus, MA went home to heaven on February 1, after a brief illness. The assembly feels keenly the loss of a true shepherd, a godly leader, and a faithful brother. He not only labored in the assembly, but was, for many years, an invaluable help to the Words in Season magazine. The words of the Apostle Paul, “a servant of Jesus Christ” (Romans 1:1), are a fitting description of our dear brother. There were large numbers at the funeral, including many unsaved. After his son Kevin opened the service in prayer, another of his sons, Jonathan Procopio, who serves the Lord in New Brunswick, read a tribute from each of the children. Following this, David Oliver spoke words of fitting tribute for the grace of God that worked so mightily in our brother Joe. Eugene Higgins closed with a message in the gospel. An encouraging word for the family and the believers was spoken at the grave by Matthew Brescia, and the service closed with prayer by Albert Hull. Our brother was saved at an early age and has been in the fellowship of the Walnut Street Gospel Hall (formerly East Boston) for over 60 years, serving the saints in deacon work, the oversight, and as correspondent. He leaves his wife of 54 years, Frances, (nee Brescia), seven children all of whom are saved and in assembly fellowship, and his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.