British Columbia
Kamloops: The third week of meetings with John Fitzpatrick and Cap Van de Wetering started with good numbers coming out most nights. The most recent report was that nineteen unsaved were out to hear the gospel.
Port Alberni: Bryan Funston and Jim Webb commenced here in the gospel May 2.
Port Coquitlam: Tent meetings are planned to start here July 11, D.V., with Bryan Funston and Jim Jarvis. Children’s meetings will be conducted in the mornings. Visitation of the city will take place July 1-3.
Vancouver: Jim Smith had a week’s ministry in Deep Cove, Richmond, and Main St. assemblies in Vancouver following the conference, and Gordon Williams gave helpful ministry in the Fleetwood and Victoria Drive assemblies.
Brandon: We expect, Lord willing, to have a series of tent meetings in the Brandon Fair Grounds during the month of August.
Roblin: Peter Smith paid two weekend visits here in April with ministry in between at Arborfield and Taylorside.
Winnipeg: West End assembly enjoyed one of its larger conferences March 26-28, with solid exhortative and teaching ministry from a number of able brethren. Many young people were present and a good spirit prevailed throughout the meetings. In early April, the assembly had a week of teaching from Andrew DeVille of Scotland on John 13-17. The believers were edified, exhorted, and comforted.
New Brunswick
Shediac: With the help of a French speaking interpreter, Noel Burden gave four nights of appreciated ministry here in March from John 6 and John 10. In March, Grard Roy was present for a week of Bible studies on the Functioning of Assembly Meetings. A young man from a Christian home and a sister of a brother in the assembly, obeyed the Lord in baptism on March 28, bringing joy to the saints.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander: The annual Easter conference was held in the Gospel Hall instead of the usual school. A good number attended the conference with profitable ministry given. The assembly is hosting another conference with ministry geared toward the young May 1-2 with Peter Ramsay and Bryan Joyce giving ministry.
McIvers: Gospel meetings started on the April 25 with Carl Payne and Roy Foster of the Corner Brook assembly. Pray for the Lord’s blessing as the assembly is quite small.
St. John’s: Gospel meetings are scheduled to begin on May 2 with David Oliver and Marvin Derksen. A large number of Seed Sower materials was distributed on April 24, with help from various assemblies. Please continue to pray for Charles Hiscock with his worsening cancer condition.
Nova Scotia
Nineveh: The conference went well, with nine of the Lord’s servants present to share in the ministry. The saints were encouraged by the helpful ministry given.
River Hebert: Noel Burden visited in both February and March for children’s meeting and ministry. Children’s meetings continue with 35-45 attending.
Tatamagouche: Fred Bartlett and Bill Bingham commenced in the gospel on April 25.
Clinton: Attendance was most encouraging during five weeks of stirring gospel preaching by Murray Pratt and Brian Crawford, when the seed was faithfully sown. We have never seen as many in from the community, some a number of times, through the diligent effort of the saints.
Clyde: Lorne Langfeld had a week of children’s meetings April 12 -16, with a good number of children and parents attending. Our brother stayed for the Lord’s Day. Don Nicholson spent Lord’s Day April 25 with the saints, followed by three nights of ministry on 1 Timothy.
Englehart: Brian Owen conducted children’s meetings March 28 to April 4 that were evidently preceded by much prayer, planning, and preparation. They were marked by harmony and prayerful interest by the believers. The average attendance for children was 50 each night, except for Friday. The work is the Lord’s.
Guelph: The Yorkshire Street assembly enjoyed a week of ministry on the New Testament Assembly from Corinthians, by Jim Smith, in March. In early April the assembly was encouraged by a visit from David Gilliland and a visit from Bill Metcalf later in April.
London: The assembly was encouraged by a visit from James N. Smith for a Lord’s Day on March 14 and Larry Perkins on April l8. John Grant and Jim Baker, both from Scotland, gave profitable and appreciated ministry during April while in our area.
Mimico: The hall was filled for every meeting of the weekend (April 16 -18) of Bible Readings on the Ephesian assembly. The readings were opened by Jim Baker, Norman Crawford, John Grant, Harold Paisley and William Lavery. The appreciation of believers for the teaching was expressed very warmly.
Newbury: Jim Beattie and William Metcalf purpose to commence gospel tent meetings in a new area north of here beginning July 4, D.V.
Niagara Falls: Jim Smith hopes to commence a gospel series, starting mid-May. Please remember this effort in prayer that souls may be saved.
Ottawa: From March 21-28, Albert Hull had a profitable week with timely ministry, and the saints were cheered. It was encouraging to see so many younger believers present. Prayer is requested for Mr. Ken Prince who is unable to attend the assembly meetings owing to deterioration of health. Our brother has been a faithful elder for many years. Pray for his unsaved son and his wife.
Picton: From March 29-31, Albert Hull had three nights with the assembly. The ministry was appreciated by the saints. Prayer is requested for planned meetings with Murray McCandless and Shad Kember (Sarnia).
Port Hope: The assembly enjoyed four meetings with Jack Yocum using his chart , “The Testimony unto the Lord.” It was most encouraging and appreciated.
Sudbury: The assembly appreciated having Alvin Cook for a mid-week ministry meeting in April. Also the saints enjoyed having Brian Owen for a Lord’s Day.
Thunder Bay: Peter Smith visited in April for a week of appreciated ministry.
Toronto: The Easter conference was very well attended. The teaching was heart-warming and very practical. There was much appreciation for the ministry given by David Gilliland of N. Ireland and John Grant of Scotland. Harold Paisley was able to come to one meeting, and ministered very ably.
Prince Edward Island
Freetown: James McClelland and Peter Orasuk were encouraged in the meetings which commenced March 28.
St. Damase: Larry Buote is visiting in this village 20 miles from his home in Price.
Taylorside: Jack Gould, Shad Kember, and Peter Smith visited recently with appreciated ministry.
West Phoenix: December saw another clothing distribution, with the hall packed each night. The Lord has blessed in salvation. Since January, Shad Kember, Ed Doherty, Marcus Cain, Aubrey Kelly, and Jim Smith have visited. Shad Kember had gospel meetings and was helped by brethren from the assembly.
Alpena: During March and April, Joel Portman and Harrys Rodriguez held four weeks of well-attended Spanish gospel meetings in Huntsville and Springdale. The Lord blessed in salvation as well as encouragement to the believers.
Chico: Bryan Funston was with the assembly April 15-16 and gave helpful ministry.
Culver City: The Easter Conference was a time of refreshing for the saints. Tom Baker, Bryan Funston, John Slabaugh, and David Thomson (Columbia) gave appreciated help. Following the conference, Bryan Funston ministered in Monrovia and Long Beach.
Turlock: The saints were encouraged when a number of visitors from the area attended the Lord’s Day meetings on September 18. Bryan Funston was with the assembly for the day, giving ministry and preaching the gospel.
Manchester: Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio finished five weeks of gospel meetings. One teenaged girl professed and others showed concern. The Manchester conference was well-attended with helpful ministry given by J. Beattie, W. Gustafson, E. Higgins, W. McBride, M. McCandless, J. Procopio, and R. Surgenor.
Dunkerton: A large number of visitors attended the recent meetings with Dan Shutt and Russ Nesbit, and the Lord gave blessing in salvation.
Waterloo/Cedar Falls: The recent joint conference at the end of April was well-attended. Twelve of the Lord’s servants were in attendance and the ministry was timely and very practical. One week of Bible readings, conducted two weeks prior to the conference and considering “Things to Come,” was well-attended and helpful.
Monticello: Allan Christopherson and William Skates plan a series of gospel meetings in this new location commencing May 4. A Seed Sower distribution in the town and the surrounding area was planned before the meetings. Our brethren would appreciate the prayers of the saints for this effort.
Stout: The conference was well-attended with very challenging ministry. Twelve of the Lord’s servants were present to share in the ministry and gospel.
Methuen: The Saturday evening gospel meeting on April 3 saw a few unsaved out to hear the gospel preached by Jonathan Procopio. The conference on Lord’s day April 4 was an encouragement to God’s people who were gathered. Timely ministry was given by Alex Dryburgh, William Lavery, Murray McCandless, and Jonathan Procopio.
Watertown: The saints appreciated the helpful and encouraging ministry of Jim Beattie on April 14.
Saginaw: Lord willing, William Metcalf and Jack Nesbitt purpose to commence gospel tent meetings here June 6.
Jackson: Gary Sharp and Peter Ramsay concluded four weeks of gospel meetings on April 25th. Many unsaved attended and there was blessing in salvation. The assembly greatly enjoyed the ministry of these two brethren and were encouraged by the many unsaved young people who came to hear the gospel.
New Jersey
Livingston: Gospel meetings started May 5 with Eugene Higgins and David Petterson. There is also a Seed Sowers event being planned in the New Jersey area this summer, the week of July 19, Lord willing. Please contact Allan Valvano at 201-404-5611 for details and lodging.
Long Branch: David Petterson had a week-and-a-half of gospel meetings on the Book of Revelation.
Midland Park: In late March and early April, the assembly enjoyed nine days of helpful ministry from Robert Surgenor on the “Assembly of God” from 1 Corinthians.
New Mexico
Albuquerque: On June 6, William Skates and Roy Weber commenced preaching the gospel here.
North Carolina
Denver: Many texts and fridge magnets were distributed at a yearly spring festival here. The Sunday night gospel meeting continues regularly in Denver, as well as an afternoon Sunday School. Prayer for this effort is greatly appreciated. Children’s meetings are planned for July.
Hickory: Two young people obeyed the Lord in baptism in April when David Petterson was with us to speak with quite a few family members present. Malcolm Radcliffe had nine meetings of very thorough and enjoyable ministry on the Tabernacle, which were well attended by the Christians.
Akron: Bill Lavery gave helpful ministry on the church of Ephesus from the Book of Acts. Eight weekly children’s meetings ended with over 100 children present. The Word of God was faithfully taught.
Hatboro: Walter Gustafson was with the assembly for its monthly ministry meeting.
McKeesport: The annual spring conference was a blessing to the saints. Ministry that was centered on the family was much appreciated and helpful to those in attendance. A very large number of unsaved were present for the gospel meeting. Prayer is requested for purposed gospel meetings beginning June 6, with Gene Higgins and David Petterson.
Seattle: Dr. A .J. Higgins and David Oliver conducted a conference on Marriage and the Family on April 17 and 18. It proved to be very profitable and instructive to all those in attendance.
Ontario: Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber planned to start gospel meetings here on April 25.
The saints at South Oakleigh (Vic) just concluded their 12th Annual Conference in early April on a high note and were much refreshed spiritually by the ministry of Bruce Gellatly, Les Hills, Jim McColl, Stan Wells, Alex Wilson, and Neville Young. The subject matter on Spiritual Partnership and the 1st three Servant Songs of Isaiah benefited both the young and old alike in the appreciation of their walk and the worth of the Savior. The assembly saw blessing in the baptism of three believers after the conference. S. Wells gave help at the Sydney and Brisbane Conferences during Easter and visited a number of other assemblies in the surrounding districts.
Jim Smith and Earl Ritchie were scheduled to have ministry meetings in four of the assemblies in the vicinity of Seoul for two weeks. Brother Smith writes, “It has been a great pleasure to see the dear saints here, gathered in the Lord’s Name, bearing testimony for the Lord Jesus. Attendance has been excellent with large numbers. DV, we are to go to Beijing for a few days to visit the saints there before returning home.”
Chihuahua: John Dennison has been laboring here with the Lord’s blessing. The work began by a sister from the West Phoenix assembly taking the gospel back to her family. Other brethren helping in the Chihuahua work have been Jeff Sharp, and Michael Rodgers.
Ixtapa: The assembly hosted its first conference on the weekend of May 1st. All the full time workers and Randy Polley gave help in the various meetings. About 200 attended the final gospel meeting, when five believers were baptized.
Tepic: In April, the assembly had just over two weeks of meetings on Revelation. The attendance was very encouraging, both by believers and unsaved, and many expressed their appreciation for the truths clearly presented. A family who had not been coming to meeting for a year came every night.
N. Ireland
During the month of March, Jack Nesbitt visited assemblies in Belfast, Larne, and Dromore. This was his first visit in eight years. He appreciated the hospitality and kindness of God’s people.
Conferences D.V.
Glen Ewen, SK
June 25-27 in the Gospel Hall, located 9 miles south of Glen Ewen. Prayer meeting June 24 at 7:30 p.m. Two Bible Readings on Friday (I Corinthians 5 and 6). Meals and accommodations provided. Contact: Sid Griffin, Tel: 306-925-2248; Email: or Bruce Smith, Tel: 306-935-4932; Email b.smith@sasktel .net. Hall:306-925-4805.
Kamloops, BC
July 2-4 with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 9 a.m. (End Times Review – 2 Timothy), Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Open Sunday School 11:15 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. All meetings in Westsyde Gospel Hall, 849 Wawn Rd. Meals and accom. provided. Corr: John Eggers, 3664 Westsyde Rd., Kamloops, B. C. V2B 7H6; Tel: 250-579-8814; e-mail:
Pugwash Junction, NS
July 3-4 preceded by a Prayer meeting Friday at 7:30 p.m. Bible Readings 8:45-9:45 (Subjects: Saturday – The Local Church: the Assembly, gathered to His Name alone: the Person, Place, Purpose, Privilege, and Responsibility; Sunday: John 19). Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. Order of other meetings as usual. Advance accom: Jerry Thompson, Tel: 902-243-3112. Corr: Harold Elliott, R.R.#1, Wallace, N.S. B0K 1YO. Tel:(902)257-2236 or 902-257-2206; Hall: (902) 243-2205.
Westbank, BC
July 30-August 1 in the Highway Gospel Hall, 2549 Hebert Road. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30 p.m.; Saturday: Bible Reading 10 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Ministry/Gospel 7 p.m., Sing 9 p.m.; Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:15 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7:15 p.m. Corr: Glenn A. Griffin, 3344 Elliott Road, Westbank, B.C. V4T 1P2; Tel: (250)768-3343; Email: griffarm@telus.bc
Conference Reminders:
Bancroft, ON – June 5
Burgessville, ON – June 5
Eden Grive, ON – June 6
Garnavillo, IA – June 5-6
Saugus, MA – June 5-6
North Bay, ON – June 12-13
Portage la Prairie – June 17-20
Victoria Road, ON – June 19-20
Augusta, ME – June 26-27
Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Earlton, Charleton, ON – June 26-27
Taylorside, SK – June 25-27
Change of Address
Bruce & Elma Cottrill, 7 Queen’s Hill Cres., Leamington, On., Canada N8H 5M6; email:
Tony Flett, c/o 11222 – 52nd Ave. NE, Marysville, WA 98271. Effective Sept. 2004: Apartado 80, Correos de Jinotepe, Carazo, Nicaragua
W.D. (Bill) Halliday, 5 Oakwood Heights, Carryduff, N. Ireland, BT8 8SP.
Bryon Meyers, 1748 N. 23 Avenue, Pasco, WA 99301; Tel: 509-544-0197.
Frank Sona, email:
Neal Thomson, Apartado 5094, NaguaNagua, Venezuela, 2005 A; Tel: (58)245-564-6121; Cel:(58)414-341-8698; email: nealthomson@
Address Correction
Tom Hoy, 3309 – 180th Street N.E., Arlington, WA 98223; Tel: 360-653-7939.
With Christ
Jessie MacLellan of Blues Mills, NS on September 24, 2003, age 83. She was saved in 1973 during gospel meetings in Baddeck. She was in happy fellowship in Blues Mills and took an interest in all the meetings and outreach efforts. She prayed and longed for the salvation of others. She was a quiet and consistent sister who left a good testimony to those who knew her. The funeral was shared by Peter Ramsay and Fred Bartlett with Gordon Ramsay at the grave. Many family and friends who are not saved came to the lunch at the Gospel Hall later said, “We never heard anything so beautiful and fitting for Jessie.”
William Johnston of Charlottetown, P.E.I. on December 21, 2003, age 84. He was saved in 1971 and for 32 years was in the Charlottetown assembly. Our brother was a quiet-spoken man who enjoyed reading his Bible. Prayer is requested for his wife, one son, and two daughters who are not saved. The funeral service was conducted by Robert McIlwaine and Douglas McLeod.
William Clark of Pittsboro, NC on December 22, 2003, age 91. William was saved at 14, and later baptized and received into fellowship in Homestead, PA. He and his late wife, Murrelle, were very active in the assembly, and he was an assembly overseer in Ferndale, MI, for many years. They had a special interest in young people and their house was always open to the Lord’s people. After retirement they resided in Florida, and then moved to Pittsboro Christian Village, where he spent his last six years. He is survived by a daughter Linda (Carl) Page, and three grandchildren, all of London, ON. Also, a sister, Mary Moore of Pittsboro, NC, and a brother, Harold Clark, of McKeesport, PA, and three generations of nieces and nephews. The funeral was taken by nephews Stan and Bill Moore, with Harold Clark at the graveside.
Gladys (Leech) Owen of Gore Bay, ON on March l. She was saved as a young woman shortly after her prospective husband, under the preaching of the late Sam McCune of Chicago. She was the wife of respected elder, Edgar Owen, of Rexdale assembly. In later years the couple was in fellowship in Bracondale (now Langstaff), Waubaushene, and Gore Bay assemblies. Gladys, a victim of Alzheimer’s disease from l990, was a resident in Manitoulin Lodge Nursing Home from August l996. She leaves to mourn two sons, Brian with wife Carolyn, James with wife Valerie, and their children and grandchildren, many of whom are saved. The funeral service was taken by Ed Miller in Toronto on March 5.
Maria (Mary) Miller of Arborfield, SK on March 19, age 92. She received Christ as her Savior in 1929. Her husband, Angus Miller who passed away in 1994, was instrumental in her salvation. Both lived a godly life, making sure that their family of five children were kept under the gospel. Four of the five have accepted Christ as Savior. It was a glorious day when she was called home. Many friends and relatives attended the funeral. Speakers at the funeral were Dave Taylor of Taylorside at the hall, and Gordon Williams of Grande Prairie at the grave site.
Violet Miriam Elizabeth Nicolle of Rocky Harbour, NL on April 10, in her 85th year. She was saved August 22, 1961 and was one of the original members of the Rocky Harbour assembly, where she continued faithfully until a few years ago when she was stricken with Alzheimers. Violet was predeceased by her husband Earl in 1991. She leaves four sons and three daughters, some of whom are not yet saved. A large number attended the funeral held in the Gospel Hall. Son Randolph and his wife, Constance, travelled together from Athabasca, AB to pay their respects to a loving mother.
William Junker of Hampton, IA on April 19. Our dear brother was saved in December of 1941 during gospel meetings in Aredale held by Oliver Smith. He and his wife were in the Aredale assembly until moving to Hampton in 1973, and were in the assembly here. Our brother appreciated his salvation. The past year he was in a nursing home. His wife Louise survives along with two daughters, one son, their spouses, and families. Robert Orr took the funeral service.
Jonathan Quigley of Blues Mills, NS on April 29, age 16. Our dear brother was saved in August 1996 through the truth of John 3:16 while attending tent meetings in Auld’s Cove, NS and lately was received into fellowship in Blues Mills. Jonny was exercised to help with the local testimony, visiting older saints, and especially enjoyed helping with children’s meetings. His enthusiasm was much appreciated. He leaves behind his parents, two brothers (one his twin) and a sister. David Hunt and Fred Bartlett shared in the large funeral service held at a local school auditorium, with Albert Hull at the graveside. Many students and teachers heard the gospel (some for the first time) as it was faithfully and tenderly presented. He is missed and so prayer is valued for the family.
Light for Young Paths and the Little Light
For a number of years John Dennison, with help from others including his father and mother, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Dennison, have edited, published, and mailed Light for Young Paths and the Little Light Sunday school papers.
Shawn St. Clair who labors for the Lord in El Salvador has agreed to take on these responsibilities. The work of the Dennisons has been done well and we owe a large debt of thanks to them. We believe that brother St. Clair has special ability for this kind of work, and we thank God for Shawn and Heidi being willing to do it.
LIGHT FOR YOUNG PATHS is published quarterly by Truth & Tidings to be used as a weekly Sunday School paper. Editor: Shawn St. Clair, Subscriptions and address changes: A. Dennison, 7799 Capri Dr., Canton, MI, USA 48187, Printed in Canada, Transcontinental Coronet Printers Ltd., Winnipeg, MB.
Gospel Trusts
Sending Fellowship to Missionaries? We Can Help.
The Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust Funds are willing and able to help you to send fellowship to missionaries on the field, because some information regarding the transmission of funds to those serving the Lord abroad is not always available to individual believers and assemblies. For instance, almost all of the missionaries from Canada and the United States have requested us not to send checks or money orders directly to them on the mission field. For various reasons, these missionaries have found it necessary to have their fellowship deposited in a bank account either in Canada or the United States.
For many years, the Canadian and the United States Gospel Trusts have faithfully and successfully remitted funds to missionaries worldwide. Experience gained during these years has taught us the safest and most practical way to forward fellowship to our missionary brethren and sisters.
Both trusts can be used by any assembly, whether registered or not, as well as by individual Christians. Their addresses are given in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover. Please remember that all checks should be made payable to Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust.