

British Columbia

Kamloops: Pray for gospel meetings that started April 18 with John Fitzpatrick and Cap Van de Wetering.

Langley: Gospel meetings are planned to commence on May 9 with Kyle Fairfield and Aubrey Kelly.

Port Alberni: Bryan Funston and Jim Webb will join for gospel meetings here the first week in May.

Vancouver: Gordon Williams was with the Deep Cove assembly for ministry during the first week of April, preceding the Easter Conference. Several assemblies in the Lower Mainland are conducting weekly meetings in their halls for the benefit of newcomers from different ethnic backgrounds. The opportunity to learn English and also satisfy a thirst for spiritual things has led several to salvation in recent months. Many of those attending are from Mainland China.


Brandon: The two-week Royal Manitoba Winter Fair outreach resulted in hundreds of text magnets, VIA magazines, and Seed Sower texts being distributed. Peter Smith reports many conversations with parents about Postal Bible Studies for children.

New Brunswick

Pigeon Hill: The believers from Pigeon Hill and Tracadie had their monthly meeting on March 14. Larry Buote, Grard Roy, and two local brethren took part in ministry.

Shdiac: Grard Roy gave help in Bible readings during the first week of March on the different meetings of the assembly. The assembly also appreciated four nights of ministry with Noel Burden during the third week of March. Following the weekly gospel meeting on March 28, two believers obeyed the Lord in baptism.

Tracadie: In March, Leslie Wells and Grard Roy had nine Bible readings on the Philippian epistle. There was a good participation and liberty from the Lord.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Charlottetown: Gospel Meetings concluded with Wallace Buckle and Eric Fowler. They were marked by a good turnout of unsaved from the community.

Corner Brook: Gospel meetings with James McClelland and Carl Payne ended on a high note with a good number of souls professing faith in Christ. On March 28, a large number gathered to witness six young believers obey the Lord in baptism. Bert Joyce spoke in the gospel prior to the baptism.

English Point: The annual conference March 19-21 was very encouraging with ministry given by Wallace Buckle, Eric Fowler, David Hunt, Bryan Joyce, David Swan, and Stephen Vance. Stephen Vance led the Bible Study on Romans 12, which was extended an extra hour and was very profitable to all.

Gander Bay: Carl Payne gave appreciated ministry on March 25 and was also with the Templeman assembly for ministry.

Goose Bay: Bill Bingham and Wallace Buckle had four weeks of meetings. There was a little blessing as two young people professed.

Lance Au Loup: Gospel meetings ended on March 7 with Brian Crawford and Tom Hoy. Bryan Joyce helped for the final two weeks of the six-week series due to the illness of brother Crawford. The assembly was encouraged and thankful for a little blessing in salvation. Continue to pray for the three grieving members of the Barney family whose mother, Greta, was taken home to heaven recently. Their father died two years previously.

St. John’s: Two believers were baptized on March 7 with Eric Fowler present for the occasion. Tom Hoy had ministry both in St. John’s and New Harbour on his return home from Labrador. The assembly in St. John’s is looking forward to gospel meetings in early May with David Oliver and Marvin Derksen. In view of these meetings, a Seed Sower distribution is planned for April 24.

Nova Scotia

Clementsvale: Lloyd Cain (Halifax) had three ministry meetings with the saints here March 18-20, and also a two-hour Bible Reading on the Lord’s day. He planned to visit Weaver’s Settlement as well for two nights.

New Glasgow: The saints were encouraged when seven believers were baptized in March. Bill Bingham purposes to pitch a tent in this area in the summer, D.V., and values prayer.

Sydney Mines: From March 7-12, Albert Hull had well-attended ministry meetings on “The Basics of Assembly Gatherings.” The saints were helped and cheered. Some unsaved were also present and listened with evident interest.


Brampton: Gospel Meetings with Jim Jarvis and Brian Funston concluded on March 14. This was the opening series in the new building purchased by the assembly in February. There was a good interest in the new neighborhood and a good interest shown by several teenagers. We leave the final results with our Lord.

Clinton: The saints appreciated a visit on Lord’s Day, March 7, by Alex Dryburgh with ministry and help in the gospel. On Lord’s Day, March 21, Murray Pratt and Brian Crawford commenced gospel meetings. There was encouraging attendance during the first week.

Laurel: Gospel outreach continues with Jim Jarvis and local brethren from Brampton and Bolton. Weekly children’s meetings concluded in mid-April, but the Friday evening and Lord’s Day gospel meetings continue.

Ottawa: The assembly was encouraged with a one-week visit of Albert Hull, who gave some very practical teaching on the subject of the Local Church. His messages were stirring to young and old. He was also with us for our final Saturday night ministry meeting for the season.

Picton: Albert Hull was with the saints in March for three nights of ministry.

Port Sydney: At gospel meetings through January and February, testimonies were given by local brethren and brethren from other assemblies. In March, Lorne Langfeld had a week of well-attended children’s meetings. Bi-monthly meetings at the prison continue as well as sings at two rest homes. The assembly is looking forward to the return of the Baileys who have been helping for six months at Chitokoloki, Zambia.

Thunder Bay: Three teenagers were baptized the last day of February. Timothy Kember spoke and also had one night of ministry. Fred Krauss and Robert Boyle visited at different times during March. It included a weekend along with several nights of much appreciated ministry for the Lord’s people.

Sudbury: Don Nicholson was with the assembly for their March ministry meeting and remained for Lord’s Day and three nights of appreciated ministry.

Victoria Road: Over the last few months the believers have been blessed with visits from Lorne Langfeld, Ed Miller, Bruce Rodgers, Norm Lorimer, and Kevin Morphet.


Rimouski: Larry Boute is visiting here with the gospel.

Sainte-Flavie: Grard Roy recently visited the assembly seeking to help the saints with basic ministry on the subject of prophecy.


Taylorside: The saints appreciated a week of ministry on the “Levitical Offerings” from Gordon Williams.



Phoenix: The Sunnyslope assembly rejoices in God’s blessing upon the recent gospel series by Eugene Higgins. Two teenage boys from an assembly family professed faith in the Savior. Response to invitations brought many to hear the gospel, and we continue to pray for further blessing. The support of the West Side and Garfield Street assemblies, as well as many winter visitors, was a real encouragement.


Huntsville: Meetings with Harrys Rodriguez and Joel Portman among Hispanic people began March 13 and continued into April with good interest and some blessing. The Sunday night meeting in Springdale, AR, also continues to be encouraging with good attendance of the Hispanic people in that city.


Fresno: The assembly enjoyed the visit of Jim Beattie for the Lord’s Day on March 21.


Brookfield: The assembly recently concluded an encouraging series of weekly children’s meetings. Dave Zuidema IV from Midland Park was a big help in the meetings. Please pray that the seed sown in these meetings will result in the salvation of these children and their families. Manchester: Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio started gospel meetings here in March.


Cedar Falls: Gary Sharp spoke at the Sunday School Treat March 5, and conducted children’s meetings each night during the following week. Attendance was good and a number of parents were in.

Garnavillo: Peter Orasuk was here for two nights of ministry before the Mt. Sterling Bible Readings. The time was appreciated.


Frostburg and Cumberland assemblies enjoyed a visit with good ministry by Walter Gustafson in March.


Byfield: The saints appreciated two nights of ministry with Robert Surgenor.

Watertown: The conference held March 27-28 was enjoyed by many. Speakers included M. Derksen, A. Dryburgh, W. Gustafson, W. Lavery, A. LeBlanc, M. McCandless, D. Oliver, and F. Tornaquindici. The ministry given was practical and appreciated. Subsequently, A. Dryburgh and Wm. Lavery gave ministry on March 31 with the saints from Cambridge, MA attending.

Worcester: The assembly was greatly encouraged with practical ministry given by Robert Surgenor on March 25-26.


Saginaw: The assembly enjoyed visits from Fred Krauss and Stuart Thompson in March. Larry Perkins and George Patterson gave encouraging ministry at the monthly ministry meeting April 4.

Jackson: Gary Sharp and Peter Ramsay began gospel meetings on March 28. There is an encouraging interest and much liberty in the plain gospel messages.


Tylertown: At the February all-day meeting, the saints were encouraged with a good attendance and a number of visiting saints. Joel Portman was with the assembly for a few meetings on the Christian’s position and responsibilities from the book of Ephesians.


Kansas City: Wm. Lavery had a week of helpful ministry with the saints January 26-30.

New Jersey

Barrington: Gene Higgins had two weeks of excellent gospel meetings with blessing in salvation. The meetings were the result of an exercise to sow the seed in the hearts of some new contacts. God gave them to see some reaping as well.

Longbranch: The annual conference was a time of encouragement with a full hall and helpful ministry. Present to help were W. Gustafson, G. Higgins, W. Oliver, and D. Petterson. Brother Petterson remained for gospel meetings in which the assembly was encouraged with some visitors in to listen. A good effort had been made with invitations.

New Mexico

Albuquerque: The saints appreciated two nights ministry by Jim Beattie in March. He spoke from John’s gospel.

New York

East Aurora: Alex Dryburgh was with the saints here for a few ministry meetings on the Life of Paul.


Akron: The well-attended area Bible reading was led by Norman Crawford, followed by a ministry meeting. James Smith also paid a visit to the assembly. The Christ-exalting teaching and ministry was appreciated by the saints.

Mansfield: The believers were encouraged with ministry by James Smith for two nights, Frank Sona for a week, and Max McLean for a Lord’s Day.


Hatboro: The monthly afternoon ministry meeting saw a good number in attendance with appropriate and practical ministry from W. Gustafson, G. Higgins, and W. Oliver.


Hardwick: The assembly had a series of gospel meetings with Wm. Lavery using his chart on Future Events.


Matoaca: The conference was the largest ever held here. Brethren present to minister the Word included Joseph Chung, Walter Gustafson, A. J. Higgins, David Oliver, Robert McIlwaine, David Petterson, Joel Portman, and Robert Surgenor. The Christians were greatly encouraged and the ministry was refreshing.

Other Countries 


Stanley Wells arrived here February 5 and spent about a week in each of the three assemblies (Eng Ann Gospel Hall, Malacca Gospel Hall, and Paramount Gospel Hall.) He also visited the outreach work of Eng Ann in Kota Kemuning area as well as that of Paramount in USJ area where the gospel was preached and many had the opportunity of hearing the Word of God for the first time.


A new Gospel Hall was inaugurated March 27 in an isolated village of Batatal. About 400 were present, including seven servants of the Lord who gave ministry (Gelson Villegas, Kenneth, Andrew and Allan Turkington, James Walmsley, Uel Ussher, and son-in-law Steven Redpath). Steven arrived from Ireland last year, the first new laborer from the Northern Hemisphere since Noel McKeown in 1977. Five believers were baptized and added to the assembly. At two Easter Conferences, most of the Lords servants shared in ministry and Bible Studies in over-flowing Halls, while Paul Chapman and Edward Smith went to the Sincelejo conference in Colombia. Carlos Farias is in El Salvador to share with Jack Saword for several months. Amidst the political and economic crisis in Venezuela, the work of the Lord is not impeded.

Conferences D.V.

Ottawa, ON

May 22-23 in the Gospel Hall, 1087 River Road, with Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 21. Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Bible Readings 9 a.m. Subject for both days: Sanctification – Positional (John 17:17; Eph 5: 25-26); Practical (2 Tim. 2: 21; Rom 12: 1-2). Corr: M. Cottrill, 207 Withrow Ave., Ottawa, ON. Tel: 613-225-4708; Hall: 613-748-0269.

Calgary, AB

May 22-23 preceded by a Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 21 in the West Hillhurst Gospel Hall. Corr: Gary Seale, 3111 Conrad Cres. N.W. Calgary, AB T2L 1B7; Tel: 403-282-1383. Accommodations provided.

Grants Pass, OR

May 29-30 in the Gospel Hall, 1611 SW ‘G’ Street, with prayer meeting Friday at 7:30 p.m. Breaking of Bread at 10 a.m. Corr: Don Gratias, 141 Timber Lane, Grants Pass OR 97526, Tel: 541-479-4521. Accom: Steve Lamb, Tel: 541-476-1515.

Hickory, NC

May 28-30 in the Hickory Gospel Hall. Friday: Prayer 7:30 p.m.; Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. (afternoon meeting will be closed with gospel). A sing will follow the evening meal. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Ministry 1:45 p.m., Gospel 6 p.m. For directions or information call Bob MacLeod, Tel: 704-483-3521.

Sarnia, ON

May 28-30. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m.; Bible Reading 1:15 p.m. (Ephesians 5:21-33); Ministry 3 p.m.; Gospel 6:30 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10a.m.; Sunday School 1p.m.; Ministry 2:30 p.m.; Gospel 6:30 p.m. Corr: Shadrack Kember, Sr., Tel: 519-337-7476, or John Prins, Tel 519-384-8671; email: prinsj@sofsurfaces.com.

Bancroft, ON

June 5, with Bible Reading at 10 a.m. Subject:”The Pathway of Discipleship in the Last Days” (2 Tim. 2). Ministry at 2 and 7 p.m. All meetings in the Lakeview Gospel Hall, 644 Maxwell Settlement Rd. Corr: Mark Freymond, RR#1, Bancroft, ON, KOL 1CO; Tel: 613-332-4317.

Burgessville, ON

June 5. Meeting times at 10 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Subject: Practical teaching directed toward “Young Christians’ Needs.” Participating brethren: Stephen Vance (Toronto), Andrew Ussher (Toronto), Jim Bergsma (Leamington). Meals Provided. Contact Ernie Dyck, c/o Robert Dyck at facts100@hotmail.com.

Garnavillo, IA

June 5-6 with Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m., June 4, in the Gospel Hall, 506 S. Washington St. Meetings continue in the Garnavillo School Gymnasium. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m., 2 p.m., and Gospel 6 p.m. Sunday: Bible Reading 9:30 a.m. (Psalm 69), Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Corr: Donald Kregel, Tel: 563-964-2588; e-mail: dkregel@alpinecom.net.

North Bay, ON

June 12-13 in the Gospel Hall, 1340 Lakeshore Dr. with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Bible Readings on Saturday 9 a.m. (Relationships) and Lord’s Day 11:30 a.m. (Christ’s Sufferings – Ps. 22) Corr: Clarence Black, 63 Massey Dr., North Bay, ON P1A 3Y3. Tel: 705-497-1284. Accom: Glenn Pratt, Tel: 705-474-9473, Hall: 705-474-3384.

Portage la Prairie, MB

June 17-20 with Prayer Meeting Thursday, June 17, 7:30 p.m. in the Portage Gospel Hall. All other meetings will be in the William Glesbe Centre, 11 – 2nd Street NE. Subject of Bible Readings will be “The Conversion and Call of the Apostle Paul” (from parts of Acts 7 to 13). General inquiries: David Vanstone, Tel: 204-857-8435; email: v@mts.net . Accom: Dennis Walker, Tel: 204-857-7794; email: dswalker@mts.net.

Victoria Road, ON

June 19-20 in the Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 8:45 a.m., Ministry 10:30 a.m., 2 and 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:45 a.m., Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Bible Readings will be on “Responsibilities to God in Service” and “Responsibilities to God in Worship.” Supper served at 6:30 p.m. Friday. Corr: Ken Stone, RR 3, 187 Sandhills Rd., Woodville, ON, K0M 2T0, Tel: (705)374-4688, email: kenstone@sympatico.ca.

Augusta, ME

June 26-27 with Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m. June 25 in the Gospel Hall, 421 Old Belgrade Road, Tel: (207)626-2786. Corr: Jim Thompson, Rte. 1, Box 2971, Belgrade, ME 04917, Tel: (207)495-3590; email: jptbooks@prexar.com.

Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, ON

June 26-27 in the Englehart High School, with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Meetings both days at 10 a.m., 2, and 7 p.m. Supper served at 5:30 p.m. Friday in the school. Corr: Philip Potter, Earlton, ON P0J 1E0, Tel (705)563-2942 or Harvey Pratt, R.R.#1, Charlton, ON P0J 1B0, Tel (705)544-7758.

Taylorside, SK

June 25-27 in the Taylorside Gospel Hall, located 3 miles south and 4 miles west of Beatty, SK. Prayer meeting on Thursday, June 24 at 7:30 p.m. Meetings on Friday begin at 2 p.m. Corr: John Parker, Box 2666, Melfort SK, S0E 1A0, Tel: (306)752-4079, Fax: (306)752-5574.

Pugwash Junction, NS

July 3-4 preceded by a Prayer meeting Friday at 7:30 p.m. Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. Order of meetings as usual. Subject of Bible Readings to be in June issue. Corr: Harold Elliott, R.R.#1, Wallace, N.S. B0K 1YO. Tel:(902)257-2236 or 902-257-2206; Hall: (902)243-2205.

Conference Reminders:

Newmarket, ON – May 1-2
Peterborough. ON – May 1
New Lenox, IL – May 7-9
Frostburg, MD – May 14-16
Toronto, ON – May 14-16 (Missionary Conf.)
Midland/Waubaushene, ON – May 22-23
Byfield, MA – May 28-30
London, ON – May 29-30 (Spanish)
Eden Grove, ON – June 6
Saugus, MA – June 5-6

Change of Address

Allan Christopherson, 1925 Maplecrest Dr., Marion, IA 52302; Tel: 319-377-5990.

Change of Meeting Times

Augusta, ME: The weeknight meeting at the Augusta Gospel Hall is now Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. for Prayer and Bible Reading.

Tylertown, MS: Mid-week meeting has been changed to 7 p.m. on Wednesday.

With Christ

Ruth Sage of Ontario, WI on October 1, 2003, age 91. Our dear sister was raised under the sound of the gospel in La Crosse, Wisconsin, but wasn’t saved until she was 50 years old. She was in assembly fellowship in La Crosse before coming to Ontario. Her life was marked by godliness, love of the saints, the assembly, and the “old paths.” Bodily infirmities marked her latter years, but her life still centered around the assembly and many hours were spent praying for the needs of the saints. Her presence is keenly missed. The funeral service was taken by Jerry Jennings. Prayer is requested for her large family, many still unsaved.

George Nelson Vardy of Huntsville, ON on January 31, age 99, 11 days before his 100th birthday at Huntsville District Memorial Hospital. George was born in Bancroft ON and moved to Huntsville in the 1950’s. He was married to Mildred Maxwell, who predeceased him on October 20, 2002. He was in the assembly in Huntsville until his health limited him in the last few years. He was in Elim Homes for a while and then moved back to Huntsville and resided at Muskoka Haven. The funeral was taken by Gary Sharp.

Mr. Harry Donaldson of Granshaw, N.Ireland on February 10, age 59, passed suddenly into the presence of the Lord. He was saved in 1966, and received into the Granshaw assembly of which he was a faithful member until his homecall, having borne a consistent testimony to the end. He leaves an aged mother of 94 years, and also brothers and sisters for whom prayer is requested. At the large funeral, responsibility was shared by Samuel McBride in the home and by John Rogers at the grave side.

Lydia M. Ware of Kansas City, MO on February 10, age 68. Our sister passed peacefully into the presence of the Lord after a year or more of illness from cancer, during which she was tenderly cared for by her husband at home. Lydia was in fellowship at the Kansas City Gospel Hall for over 25 years. A faithful and beloved sister, she will be missed by the assembly and her husband Clifford. Please pray for him. David Williams, Leroy Scott, William Jackson and Gary Toombs took her funeral service.

Mrs. Greta Barney of L’Anse au Loup, LB on February 29, age 54. Our dear sister has gone through much grief over the past few years with the death of a son at 18, and her husband two years ago at the age of 51. She suffered much pain the last few months from cancer. Greta was saved in 1973 and has been in assembly fellowship for many years. She leaves behind one son and two daughters. The funeral in the L’Anse au Loup Gospel Hall was shared by Eric Fowler and Francis Barney, with Bryan Joyce speaking at the grave.

Dorothy Naber of Mason City, IA on March 21, age 99. Our dear sister was saved in 1934 as the result of the labors of Oliver Smith and others. She was a faithful believer and appreciated her salvation. The past three months she was unable to attend the assembly meetings after being in fellowship for over 68 years. Her husband George preceded her in death in 1990, as did four sons. She is survived by five daughters, two sons, 32 grandchildren, 62 great-grandchildren, and 21 great-great-grandchildren. Robert Orr took her very large funeral.

Dorothy St. Clair of Welland, ON on March 21, age 91. Our beloved sister was saved in October 1930 through the words of John 14:6 after attending three meetings during a gospel series in the Gospel Hall in Barrie, conducted by a missionary from Africa. In January 1935 she was baptized and received into fellowship. In 1942 she moved to Welland and was in fellowship with the assembly there. Predeceased by her husband Ron, she is survived by three daughters, 12 grandchildren, 34 great-grandchildren, and eight great-great-grandchildren, on whom she has had a great spiritual influence. The saints will miss her faithful presence and encouragement. Her large funeral was shared by Douglas Yade and Murray Pratt. Larry Montean spoke at the grave site.

Donald J. Grob of Akron, OH on March 30, age 80. Our dear brother was born to Christian parents in Cleveland, OH in 1924, and was saved in 1965 during gospel meetings by Herbert Dobson and James Smith. His brother had the joy of pointing him to Christ. He took an interest in the assembly and Sunday school work, and was faithful to the Lord he loved. Don suffered a massive heart attack two weeks before being called home to Glory. His wife of 24 years, Bernice, is left to mourn his loss with the believers of the assembly. James Smith and Kenneth Webb preached the gospel and spoke words of comfort at the funeral.