


Edmonton: The saints enjoyed a night of ministry with Andrew Bergsma, and appreciated four nights of ministry with Bruce Rodgers on the High Priestly work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

British Columbia

Kamloops: During February, the assembly appreciated visits from Bryan Funston and Jim Webb. We would also value prayer for planned gospel meetings starting April 18 with John Fitzpatrick (Oregon) and Cap Van Wetering (B.C.). Any one with contacts in the Kamloops area can send information to John Eggers, 250-579-8814 or jfeggers@telus.net.

Nova Scotia

Amherst: The saints appreciated ten nights of meetings in January with Larry Buote on the The Feasts of Jehovah.

Nineveh: The Christians enjoyed a visit from Ken Taylor for a Sunday. He had an afternoon meeting and gave a report on his visits to Haiti and Dominica. David Hunt also visited for the annual Children’s Treat.

Sydney Mines: The ministry of David Swan with his dispensational chart was appreciated by the assembly here and a number of believers from other assemblies. Albert Hull will be having ministry meetings March 7-12, D.V.

Weaver Settlement: In January a young sister was received into fellowship. In February the saints were encouraged with Ken Taylor’s ministry on the subject “How to Study the Bible.” Please pray for purposed gospel meetings in April with Bruce Barkhouse and Eric Fowler.


Brampton: Jim Jarvis and Bryan Funston commenced gospel meetings February 22 in the recently purchased Brampton Gospel Hall. They are visiting among a large number of Newfoundlanders living throughout the area, many with little or no interest in the gospel.

Kapuskasing: Children’s meetings held in January with Peter Smith were most enjoyable and encouraging. Despite bitter weather they saw over 50 children at the start and at the end of the week, plus several parents throughout. The saints have continued a weekly Friday night meeting and have seen between 20-30 who have attended regularly.

North Bay: The assembly enjoyed having Don Nicholson for the Sunday School treat and monthly ministry meeting in January when he spoke on James 1. Alvin Cook was with us for a mid-week gospel meeting arranged because of a contact of his, who was present at the meeting. Peter Simms was expected for three nights of ministry in March.

Peterborough: The saints enjoyed one week of ministry with Bruce Rodgers in January and one week of ministry in February with Brian Owen on Acts 2. Christians from other assemblies attended.

Sarnia: Alex Dryburgh was with the saints, considering truth regarding the Spirit of God.

Sudbury: Alan LeBlanc gave helpful and appreciated ministry at the monthly ministry meeting in January and remained for the Lord’s Day. The assembly was encouraged by excellent ministry on 2 Timothy given by Alex Dryburgh during the first week of February. Gary Sharp was with the assembly for the annual children’s treat February 14. A number of children attended along with several of the parents. He also gave appreciated ministry the same night for the monthly ministry meeting and remained for the Lord’s Day.

St. Thomas: Alex Dryburgh ministered to the saints in February on spiritual maturity.

Waubaushene: The saints were encouraged with ministry given at the monthly Midland-Orillia-Waubaushene ministry meeting on February 28.


Nouvelle: Twenty-one people gathered at a recent biweekly meeting in February. A follow-up work is being carried on after tent meetings by Larry Buote and Grard Roy last summer when a number attended. A Christian couple from Sussex have bought a house here where the meetings are being held.

Montreal: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green who for many years labored in France are now living in Montreal. We hope to have his new address for next month’s magazine.



Phoenix: The Garfield Street assembly received help in ministry from Ed Doherty, G.P.Taylor, and Eugene Higgins at the February month-end meeting. John Slabaugh was with the assembly in March for ministry meetings on “Things to Come.”


Los Angeles: During late January and early February, Tom Baker had two weeks of ministry meetings with the Spanish assembly in East Los Angeles on the Local Church. The attendance and interest were most encouraging. Please pray for the many Spanish assemblies and outreach works across the U.S. and Canada, and also for the exercise to find an adequate building for the new assembly that is soon to be established in the greater Los Angeles area, D.V.

San Diego: Appreciated ministry was given at the conference by T. Baker, E. Doherty, and G. Williams. Gordon Williams remained after the conference for three ministry meetings.


Manchester: Gospel meetings planned to start on March 7 are to be shared by Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio, not Peter Orasuk, as reported last month.

Terryville: The assembly was encouraged when a young sister obeyed the Lord in baptism on February 29.


Deland: Two weeks of gospel meetings conducted by W. Skates and F. Sona were appreciated by the saints, and some from the community were in to hear the Word. A good effort was extended by the assembly.

Tampa: The one-day conference was enjoyed by the assembly and a number of visitors. Speakers were E. McCullough, R. McIlwaine, W. Oliver, and D. Oliver.


Cedar Falls: During February the assembly had an appreciated visit from Larry Perkins.

Dunkerton: S. Wells and M. Derksen had an evening of helpful ministry.

Garnavillo: Five weeks of gospel meetings ended February 22. The Christians were encouraged by the attendance and interest shown throughout the meetings and by several professing salvation. The speakers were Stan Wells and Marvin Derksen.

Hitesville: Prayer is requested for a gospel series that J. Jennings and A. Ward planned to commence on February 28, D.V .

Stout: The five weeks of gospel meetings held by Larry Perkins and Dan Shutt were a time of blessing with three souls professing salvation, very good attendance, and the saints encouraged.


Byfield: The assembly appreciated a visit from Alan LeBlanc on February 10 for ministry.

Saugus: On February 28-29 the assembly enjoyed a very profitable weekend of ministry meetings with A. J. Higgins and David Oliver on Christian Living. The good attendance, interest, and skilful handling of the topics were a great encouragement to the believers.

Watertown: The saints appreciated the helpful and encouraging ministry of Allan LeBlanc on two occasions in February. It has also been encouraging recently to see some from the community attending the gospel meeting on Lord’s Days.

New Jersey

Barrington: An interesting report was given by Earl Ritchie on the Lord’s work in South Korea and the great need in North Korea and northeast China.

Midland Park: The assembly enjoyed visits from Walter Gustafson and Ken Taylor during January. Brother Taylor reported on the recent Seed Sowers work in Haiti. January 24 was the Sunday School treat, and Eugene Higgins spoke to the children.

Pennsauken/Barrington: The topical conference February 20-21 on “Consecration” was well-attended by area assemblies. Excellent devotional ministry was given with practical and challenging application.

New York

New York: Earl Ritchie from Vancouver visited the Korean assembly in Corona, Queens from February 20-27. Our brother’s comforting and edifying ministry in the Korean Language was greatly appreciated by all in attendance. One woman, ill in the hospital, professed to be saved during his visit.


Akron: David Oliver had a well-attended week of ministry meetings on assembly truth, February 15-22. The believers were encouraged by the interest and responsiveness to the teaching shown by a young Christian who attended.

Cleveland: Bill Lavery gave help at the weekly prayer meeting.

Clyde: Excellent help was received when Bill Lavery spent a Lord’s Day here, ministering on James 3. A visit by David Petterson ministering on Acts 12, was also very helpful.

Mansfield: The second of the Ohio Bible Readings on February 21 was enjoyed by a number of the Lord’s people. Norman Crawford led the reading on Titus Chapter 2, with appreciated help given by brother David Oliver. The theme of the chapter, “Godliness in the Family and Personal Life” was very profitable. The two brethren also ministered the Word. Please remember in prayer purposed gospel meetings with Jonathan Procopio and Frank Sona beginning May 2.


Grants Pass: The believers are rejoicing in the Lord’s goodness after five souls professed salvation during three weeks of gospel meetings by Art Ward and John Slabaugh. It seems God has indeed opened wide the windows of heaven and poured out His blessing. Please pray with us for these newborns and for the salvation of eight others who heard the word faithfully preached.

Salem: On Feb. 15, John Slabaugh and Art Ward commenced Bible readings on the subject of “Things Most Surely Believed Among Us.”


Hatboro: The assembly appreciated a ministry meeting with David Oliver.


Okanogan: Ministry meetings were held by Brian Funston February 13-15, including the Lord’s Day.


Blue River: Gospel meetings commenced on January 4 and continued for five weeks. George Patterson and Eric Fowler were with us and God was pleased to bless His Word and the solemn presentation.

Other Countries

N. Ireland

The following gospel meetings were being conducted in the province in January/February:

Belfast: (Donegal Road) – B. Currie and J. Palmer; (Newtownbreda) – S. Ferguson and W. Boyd; (Whitehouse) – M. Turkington and B. Graham; (Bloomfield) – M. McKillen and W. Fenton

Ballynahinch: B. Glendinning and R. Fairley

Banbridge: J. Martin and W. Martin

Bangor: Harold Paisley

Buchna: T. McNeill and M. McKillen

Castlewellan: R. Shannon and A. Davidson

Coleraine: Peter Orasuk is conducting Bible Readings here and in Ballymena.

Drumnacanver: A. Aiken and J. Rogers

Kilmore: W.J. Nesbitt and S. Nelson

Londonderry: A. Colgan and L. Craig

Newmills: D. Gilliland and J. Fleck

Port Stewart: H. Paisley (2 weeks)

Conferences D.V.

Clarksville, IA

April 4 in the Antioch Gospel Hall. Ministry and Sunday School 10 a.m., Breaking of Bread 11 a.m., Children’s Meeting 1 p.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel Meeting 7:30 p.m. Corr: Harry Schmidt; Tel: 641-823-5691.

Methuen, MA

April 3-4. Saturday: Gospel Meeting 5:30 p.m., dinner to follow. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Prayer, Praise and Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Corr: Daniel Netti, Tel: 978-372-3039; e mail: dannetti@juno.com, Hall: 978-794-8679.

Newbury, ON

April 3 in the Gospel Hall, 370 Walnut Dr. Meetings are at 2:30 and 6:30 p.m. with a dinner break between meetings. Corr: David Cooper, Tel: 519-674-3073; Fax 519-674-5659; Email: dcooperd@mnsi.net.

Toronto, ON

April 16-18. Mimico Bible Readings. Subject: The Ephesian Assembly in the N.T. – Its Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical Implications. Friday at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday at 10a.m., 2 p.m., 7 p.m.; Sunday at 9:45 a.m., 2 p.m., 7 p.m. Corr: P.W. Robinson; email: drback@interlog.com. Note: These will be the last readings in the present location.

McKeesport, PA

April 24-25 with Prayer Meeting Friday, April 23 at 7:30 in the Gospel Hall, Prescott and Broadway. All other meetings in the Francis McClure Junior High School. Meetings begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday and Lord’s Day. The homes of the Christians will be open for visitors. Contact Rob Oliver, 412 664 1004 or rob@oliverpages.com for accomodations, or for local motel phone numbers for those desiring to make their own arrangements.

Peterborough, ON 

May 1 in the Gospel Hall at 592 Park Street North. Ministry at 2 and 7pm. Corr: Arthur Morrison, Tel: 705-760-9242.

New Lenox, IL

May 7-9 in the Gospel Hall, Rt. 6, one mile east of Cedar Road. Friday: Prayer, 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m., Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 6 p.m. Please notify in advance for accommodations. Brent Studnicka, 11048 Denny Ave., Mokena, IL 60448, Tel: (708)479-0958.

Frostburg, MD

May 14-16. Prayer and Ministry meeting Friday 7:30 p.m. in the Frostburg Gospel Hall, Davidson St. Meetings on Saturday and Sunday will be at Beall High School, East Main St. at 10 a.m., 2 and 6:30 p.m. All are heartily welcome to attend. For hotel reservations, contact Michael Bachert, 204 Wilmont Ave., Cumberland, MD 21502. Tel: (301)724-5806, E-mail: Artistic@gcnetmail.net.

Toronto, ON 

Missionary Conference at Langstaff Gospel Hall. Friday: Ministry and Prayer 7:30 p.m. Ministry, reports, panel discussions on Saturday and Lord’s Day; Saturday at 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 7 p.m.; Lord’s Day: 10 a.m. (Breaking of Bread), 2 p.m., 4 p.m. Participating brethren: Wm. McBride (Chile), Daniel Ussher (Trinidad), David Thomson (Colombia), Uel Ussher (Venezuela), John Dennison (Phoenix). Contact Harry Clingen, 905-889-1556, harry@eventuredesign.com

Midland/Waubaushene, ON

May 22-23 in the Penetanguishene Community Centre (Arena), 61 Maria Street, Pene-tanguishene, ON. Tel: 705-549-6957 . Directions: Hwy. 93 to Penetanguishene, turn right on Thompsons Road (first street inside town). Go one block to Arena on left. Meeting times both days: 10 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m. Bible Readings: Romans 6. Corr: Ed Heels, 2379 Rumney Rd., RR#1, Midland, ON L4R 4K3. Tel: (705)534-3698, or Paul Barbour, 328 John Street, Midland, ON L4R 2J5; Tel: 705-526-3516. Accom: Ted Joyce; Tel: 705-526-6129, or Daniel Green 705-534-4271.

Byfield, MA

May 28-30 in the Gospel Hall, 1 Central Street, Byfield. Friday: Prayer Meeting 8 p.m. Saturday: Prayer, Praise & Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 12:15 p.m., Prayer, Praise & Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Corr: John H. Short, Tel: 978-465-2207, Hall: 978-465-5569; email: jhshort @juno.com. Accom: Edmund Hudon, Tel: 978-465-8756; email: enhudon@comcast .net.

London, ON (Spanish) 

May 29 -30 in the Gospel Hall, 1196 Highbury Ave with Prayer meeting, Friday at 8:00 pm. Saturday: Ministry at 10:30 a.m., 2 and 7 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Ministry at 2:30 pm. All ministry will be in Spanish. For accommodations, please give advance notice to Philip Lampkin 519-472-8747 or email at felipe524@execulink.com

Eden Grove, ON

June 6, with Prayer meeting Saturday, June 5 at 7:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. All meetings in the Eden Grove Gospel Hall, on Bruce Rd. 15 (#111), one mile west of Bruce County Rd. 3 (Elora Rd.). Corr: John W. Boddy, Sr., R.R. #4, Walkerton, ON, N0G 2V0. Tel: 519-366-2302, email: boddysyr@wightman.ca.

Saugus, MA

June 5-6. Bible Reading Conference with prayer meeting on Friday 8 p.m. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 213 Walnut St., Saugus. Subject will be on Hebrews 11-13. First meeting on Saturday at 10 a.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. Corr. Joseph Procopio,11 Forest St., Saugus, MA, 01906. (781) 233-5780. Accom: Tony Grillo, 46 Grey Lane, Lynnfield, MA 01940, (781) 334-6363. Hall (781) 233-5570.

Conference Reminders:

Kapuskasing. ON – April 9-11

Manchester, CT – April 10-11

Nineveh, NS – April 10-11

Stout, IA – April 10-11

Toronto, ON – April 9-11

Vancouver, BC – April 9-11

Fredericton, NB – April 24-25

Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA – April 24-25

Livingston, NJ – April 30-May 2

Newmarket, ON – May 1-2

Change of Address of Correspondent

Sault Ste. Marie, ON: R. A. Clark, 275 Albert St. East, Apt. 705, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 6N7; Tel: 705-759-0968.

With Christ

Vera Grace (Winters) Regis of Milton, ON on January 17, age 79. She was born in 1925 in St. Catharines, ON. The family moved to Scarborough in her early years. She was saved in her mid-teens in 1941 through John 6:37. She was baptized and received into the fellowship of the Pape Avenue assembly, where she maintained a faithful testimony for almost 50 years. Upon her retirement in 1990, she moved to Milton, and was a faithful and helping sister, knitting outfits for Zambia, and assisting in the Sisters Missionary Sewing ministry. In April 2000 she married Murray D. Regis and had nearly four happy years together. The large funeral, with many extended family members present, some who are not saved, was shared by David Regis, Norman Lorimer, and Thomas Morrison.

Ellen Macko of Albuquerque, NM on January 25, age 86, after a stroke. Ellen was saved in her early 20s while reading a tract. She was received into fellowship in Torrington, CT. Ellen and her husband, John, moved to Albuquerque in 1962. They were most hospitable and faithful to all assembly meetings. John predeceased her in 1972. Ellen lived in Omaha, NE for 12 years and then returned to Albuquerque along with her caregivers in 1998. Ellen was buried in Torrington. A memorial service was shared by local brethren in Albuquerque.

Edna Miller of Mimico, Toronto, ON on January 28, age 89, at Bethany Lodge. In spite of 20 years of severe progressive debilitation with ALS, she possessed a gracious Christ-like spirit which touched all who visited her. In earlier years in Thunder Bay and Mimico, she was, with her husband Walter who predeceased her, an ardent supporter of the assembly and gospel outreach. Though latterly confined by paralysis, and unable to speak, she communicated her hearty interest and fellowship by a writing tablet . Two saved daughters with their husbands faithfully cared for her over many years. A service in Toronto was followed by burial in P.E.I where she was saved in 1942 on the last night of a gospel series by Ernest Sprunt and Doug Howard.

Gerald Bates of Toronto, ON on February 1, age 88. Our beloved brother was saved in 1937 and was in happy fellowship in the Pape Avenue (now Victoria Park) assembly for 66 years. He continued steadfastly to the end, being noted for his faithful and consistent attendance at all the meetings. In his younger days, Gerry gathered the young folk of the neighbourhood in his home for children’s meetings. He had the great joy of seeing all his children and grandchildren saved and in assembly fellowship. His three oldest great-grandchildren are also saved. The very large funeral, which was shared by R. Reilly, N. Lorimer, and D. Jennings, indicated the high esteem in which our brother was held.

Mrs. Jean McCullough of Cedar Falls, IA on February 9, age 105. She was born near Ballymena, N. Ireland in 1898. She was saved for over 95 years having trusted Christ just before her 10th birthday during meetings at Clough by the late Robert McNeely. She married evangelist James McCullough, in 1921. Together they immigrated to Nova Scotia in 1924 to labor for the Lord. After the death of her husband, she moved to Cedar Falls in 1967 and lived alone until she was over 100. She loved the assembly, but was unable to attend for over a year. She will be missed by her two sons, Eric (Jean) of Cedar Falls and James (Helen), seven grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. Eric McCullough, Brian McCullough, and Robert Orr shared the funeral service.

Grace McIntosh of Peterborough, ON on February 16, in her 86th year. Our dear sister was saved over fifty years ago. She, her husband Irvine, and others were saved when G.P. Taylor and T. Kember were having special gospel meetings here. Grace was preceded in death by her husband and three brothers. She is survived by her sister Fern Doig and many nieces and nephews.

Jean Hostynek of Seattle, WA on February 19, age 89. She was saved as a young woman prior to her marriage to Felix who predeceased her in 1977. For the past few years she lived in the Norse Home in Seattle. She was very faithful to all the assembly meetings when able. She will be remembered as a woman with very sincere convictions. She is survived by two daughters, two grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Her funeral was taken by local brethren.

Gerald Hutchinson of Langley, BC on February 25, age 75. Gerald was born in Limavady, N. Ireland and trusted Christ as his personal Savior at age 14. In 1951, he came to Canada as a young man of 21. Here he met and married his wife Eileen, in Vancouver in 1955. For 48 years, they devoted themselves to the service of the Lord, and His people in the South Main, West Richmond, and in recent years, Langley assemblies. Gerald’s spirit inspired everyone, and his faith was evident. His love for life, and passion to touch the lives of those around him will be greatly missed. He leaves behind his devoted wife, a son and daughter with their spouses, and five grandchildren. Ed Rollins and Bill Hague shared the large funeral service, with Harold Warnock at the graveside.

Wills and the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust

The Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust can be named as a beneficiary in your will and all money received by the Gospel Trust from your estate will be distributed promptly. The basic principles which are followed in the distribution of estate funds are as follows:

1. If there are specific instructions in a will, the directors follow these instructions implicitly.

2. If there are no instructions in the will, but the executor of an estate gives instructions to the Gospel Trust, the executor’s instructions are followed.

3. If there are no instructions in the will or from the executor, but the person leaving the will has used the Gospel Trust in the past, the directors are guided by his or her previous exercise.

4. If there are no instructions whatsoever, and the person leaving the will has not used the Trust previously, the directors distribute the fellowship as the Lord may guide.

A lawyer will be able to assist you in drawing up your will exactly as you wish it. The addresses for both the Canadian and U.S. trusts are shown in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover.

Donor Forms

The Canadian magazines for April have a donor form inserted in the center to be used by believers who desire to use the Canadian Trust to send fellowship to workers. Cheques should be made out to Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust. Please note the change of address. It is:


Mary Beth Potter
80 Robarts Drive
Milton, ON Canada L9T 5P3

Bound Volumes for 2003

As in former years, the twelve issues of the Truth & Tidings for 2003 have been bound in an attractive red, hard binding. Please order from Truth and Tidings, 2148 Creglow Drive, Jackson, MI 49203-3814. $12.50, U.S. including postage. This is actually less than our cost.

In Canada, orders can be placed with Mr. Robert Reilly, 610 Bullock Drive, Suite 209, Markham, ON Canada L3R 0G1.