Paradise Valley: The assembly has been encouraged recently by visits from A. Bergsma, J. Ronald, S. Wells, C. Van de Wetering, J. Fitzpatrick, and P. Simms. There was also encouragement over the baptism of two young men.
British Columbia
Kamloops: The assembly enjoyed a visit from J. Fitzpatrick on November 23-26 with helpful and appreciated ministry.
Terrace: The saints were encouraged by a young man from Kitimat professing salvation in October.
Westbank: J. Fitzpatrick and R. Weber plan, D.V., to start gospel meetings on February 8.
Portage la Prairie: Three weeks of gospel meetings concluded on November 30. The assembly, along with brethren J. McMaster and P. Ramsay, were cheered to see God’s hand in the salvation of several souls. Pray in particular that God will deepen His work among the First Nations people who have been showing an interest.
New Brunswick
Green River: In December, the assembly enjoyed two weeks of ministry with L. Wells speaking on “The Life of Solomon.”
Sussex: S. Kember, Jr. and M. Cain had excellent gospel meetings in a rented store with a number of visitors in from the town. One young man professed and others were concerned..
Tracadie: On January 4, the assembly gathered to witness the baptism of a young man. Two local brethren spoke the Word to a filled hall.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Goose Bay: Wm. Bingham and Bert Joyce purpose holding a series of gospel meetings commencing January 11, D.V.
Sandringham: Gospel meetings were planned for early January with Gaius Goff and Stephen Vance. Many of the assemblies had Christmas programs in December. This involved children standing to recite parts, a gospel message, and a time of fellowship and food after. This has been very effective in getting unsaved relatives and visitors to hear the gospel.
Nova Scotia
Nineveh: The Christians enjoyed a visit from J. McClelland for a Lord’s Day. The assembly also had the joy of receiving a young man into fellowship.
Weaver Settlement: The saints were encouraged in the Fall by a sister being received into fellowship, and also having F. Bartlett come for ministry for a couple of nights and M. McCandless for a Lord’s Day. The extension on the hall is progressing very well.
Wilmot: J. McClelland and M. McCandless had gospel meetings in a rented store. There was interest and the profession of a woman was an encouragement to the Berwick assembly.
Brampton: The assembly is taking possession on February 15 of a building that has been purchased. Gospel meetings with Bryan Funston and Jim Jarvis are planned February 22 to March 14, God willing.
Clinton: The assembly was encouraged by excellent ministry on the theme, “God With Us, In Us and For Us,” given by B. Rodgers during the first week in December.
London: J. Jarvis was with us for the Lord’s Day, December 14, when seven young people were baptized, three from one family. The previous week, a young sister was received into fellowship, also bringing joy. M. Derksen, Wm. Lavery, and E. Miller paid appreciated visits during December.
St. Thomas: The conference was well attended with over 600 at the largest meeting. Timely ministry and gospel were given. Participating brethren were M. McCandless, Wm. Lavery, L. Steers, E. McCullough, J. Martin, A. Cook, Wm. Skates, T. Baker, F. Sona, S. Vance, M. McLeod, B. Rodgers, Wm. Metcalf, J. Beattie, and G. Sharp.
Sudbury: The assembly appreciated a visit by A. Cook on December 10. J. Beattie was with the assembly for their monthly ministry meeting on December 13 and remained for their one-day conference. B. Rodgers and B. Crawford were also present and the ministry given was both encouraging and uplifting. A number of young people from out of town attended.
Toronto: Seven persons, three men and four women from our Chinese immigrant community, were recently baptized, four in a Scarborough public swimming pool on December 13, and three at Lansing Gospel Hall on December 14. All had received Christ as Savior through attending tent meetings and home Bible studies over the past two years. S. Vance and R. Marisett preached the gospel and explained the doctrine of believer’s baptism to a large gathering of unsaved as well as local Christians on both occasions.
Longueuil: L. Buote and visiting brethren gave appreciated help at an all-day meeting in November. L. Wells also visited the assembly in December and gave practical ministry on “The Gates of Nehemiah.”
Sainte-Flavie: The saints from Sainte-Flavie and Green River had an afternoon meeting on January 3. L. Wells, L. Buote, G. Roy, and two local brethren, shared in the ministry to the encouragement of the believers.
Glen Ewen: The assembly appreciated the visits of Al Christopherson, November 14, for the Children’s Annual Sunday School Treat, and the following Lord’s Day. P. Simms gave interesting, instructive, and practical ministry on I and 2 Peter from November 23-December 5. Gary Sharp ministered December 24-30, encouraging godly living.
Taylorside: R. Weber and S. Wells closed three weeks of gospel meetings in November in Melfort. A nice number of visitors came, and we give thanks to God that some souls professed salvation.
Phoenix: The Sunnyslope assembly received encouraging ministry recently from brethren A. Dryburgh, J. Slabaugh, E. Doherty, and S. Wells. Ministry meetings with J. Fitzpatrick are purposed in the will of the Lord in late January and special gospel meetings with G. Higgins in late February.
Huntsville: J. Portman continues to work among the Hispanic people here and in Springdale, with regular meetings and daily visiting. He has also begun meetings in his apartment in Huntsville and is finding a good response among those from Guatemala, especially.
Newington: The conference was well attended with ministry given by W. Gustafson, G. Higgins, and P. Orasuk.
Manchester: D. Oliver was here in the Fall for a week of helpful ministry meetings on Joshua.
Cedar Falls: The assembly had an all-day meeting December 7 commemorating 40 years of testimony. Eight preaching brethren gave profitable ministry. An account of the workings of God in the forming of the testimony was given by two brethren who have been part of the assembly since its inception.
Hitesville: J. Jennings and A. Ward hope to preach the gospel here, commencing in late February or early March.
Augusta: An excellent number of parents and children attended the Christmas program and dinner on Lord’s Day, December 21. Bill Nason from Saugus gave a good gospel message.
Methuen: D. Oliver gave five nights of helpful ministry on the Psalms of Degrees. D. Hunt also had a night of encouraging ministry in December.Worcester: The believers appreciated a brief visit by W. Gustafson on December 4.
Saginaw: A visit from Brian Owen for ministry November 23-24 cheered the hearts of the Lord’s people. Wm. Metcalf and J. Nesbitt gave excellent ministry at our monthly ministry meeting December 7 .
Minneapolis: A two-week Bible Reading series, facilitated by J. Slabaugh and A. Ward, on “Those Things Most Surely Believed,” was a great help to local saints. We were further encouraged through the recent reception into assembly fellowship of a 20 year-old woman and the sound conversion of one, very happy, 43 year-old woman. We are still actively pursuing the purchase of a building for a meeting place. Prayer is needed.
Roseville: Lord willing, J. Slabaugh and A. Ward are to hold a Bible Reading series with the assembly here, commencing on January 7.
New Jersey
Livingston: The saints enjoyed visits from W. Gustafson, T. Hoy, and G. Higgins during the month of December. The presentation of the gospel and ministry of the Word was helpful for the edification of all in attendance.
New Mexico
Albuquerque: Over 60 from the U.S. and Canada participated in the Seed Sowers distribution of some 50,000 packets here between the holidays. A granddaughter of believers professed faith in Christ during one of the testimony meetings, bringing joy to the saints. S. Wells and D. Hunt began a gospel series January 4 with an encouraging interest.
New York
New York: A.J. Higgins visited the Korean assembly (Corona Gospel Hall) on December 14. Our brother’s instructive and encouraging ministry was interpreted for the Korean saints and was appreciated.
Grants Pass: J. Slabaugh and A. Ward expect to commence gospel meetings on January 25. Prayer is especially requested for four unsaved teenagers here.
Salem: After their meetings in Grants Pass, brethren Slabaugh and Ward are slated for a Bible Reading series with the assembly here, D.V. This is a follow-up to fruitful gospel meetings these brethren had in the Fall.
San Antonio: Believers enroute to Mexico for a Seed Sower distribution, visited December 21.
Arlington: The monthly ministry meeting, January 4, was shared by H. Bouwman and B. Funston with good attendance.
Beetown: A. Flett and R. Weber plan, Lord willing, to have gospel meetings commencing on March 21.
Janesville: J. Jennings and A. Ward had some ministry meetings here and in Egg Harbor, with encouraging interest in both places. A man from Janesville, whose wife was saved over a year ago in meetings here, has professed to be saved while reading “God’s Way of Salvation.”
Other Countries
Chihuahua: Sixty believers from various areas of North America delivered 55,000 texts in this large city in northern Mexico. John Dennison and Jeff Sharp began a gospel series in a rented building on New Year’s Day.
Palmar de Ixtapa: During meetings on Revelation one man was baptized and another man professed faith. A third man, Carlos de la Cruz, appeared to be perfectly healthy and attended the first two meetings of the series but became extremely ill with leukemia and died three weeks later. Just days before he died he made a very clear confession of faith in Christ. Please pray for his young widow (Marta, 32) who is in fellowship in this assembly and has two boys, one of them with cerebral palsy.
Puerto Vallarta: Three hundred people attended the largest meeting of the conference held in the Coapinole Hall. Nine believers obeyed the Lord in baptism after the gospel meeting on Saturday night.
Tizayuca: Thirty believers from Canada and the U.S. worked alongside as many Mexican saints and delivered 45,000 texts in this town and surrounding area, just north of Mexico City. Brethren Kelly and Rodriguez began a series of gospel meetings in a rented building on December 29.
Northern Ireland
Ballymena: W. Martin and two local brethren have had a series of gospel meetings in an outreach hall adjacent to a large housing development.
Bangor: H.S. Paisley has commenced gospel meetings here January 25.
Belfast (Donegal Road): B. Currie and J. Palmer hope to commence here in the gospel in early February. The assembly is small and the city has become difficult for the gospel.
Belfast (Newtownbreda): S. Ferguson and W. Boyd hope to commence a gospel series here in mid-February.
Belfast (Whitehouse): A. Hull and M. Turkington had gospel meetings here during Jan.
Buckna: T. McNeill and M. McKillen have commenced gospel meetings here January 4.
Drumnacanver: A. Aiken and J. Rogers are preaching in the Gospel Hall here close to the border.
Kilmore: W.J. Nesbitt and S. Nelson have commenced a series of gospel meetings in the newly erected hall.
Loughbrickland: J. Martin and W. Martin have commenced here in a portable hall midway between Banbridge and Newry.
Lungs: W. Fenton and M. Campbell have commenced in the Gospel Hall here with good numbers attending.
Newtownstewart: N. Coulter and R. Wilson have commenced here in the Gospel Hall after the conference.
Omagh: The annual conference on November 1 was well attended and practical ministry was given by six of the Lord’s servants.
Portadown (Chapman’s Store, Armagh Rd.): A. Hull and D. Gilliland have concluded the series of gospel meetings with good numbers attending and one man professing to be saved.
Conference gatherings over the holiday period were well attended in Belfast, Gransha, Kilkeel and Newtownstewart. Bible Readings were conducted in the King’s Hall, Belfast, by J. Allen and A. Hull, and in Albertbridge Road, Belfast, by S. McBride and P. Harding. The Bible Reading in Newtownstewart was conducted by A. Hull. The Word of God was ministered at the conference gatherings by various speakers and considered to be helpful to the saints.
Bridgetown, Co. Donegal: G. Stewart and J. Fleck have concluded an effort in the gospel with good numbers attending and blessing in salvation.
Stonewall, Co. Cavan: T. Topley and H. Milligan have concluded a gospel series prior to Christmas and were encouraged in the salvation of some souls.
Conferences D.V.
Tylertown, MS
February 15 (note correction) in the Tylertown Gospel Hall. Corr: Keith Young, Hattiesburg, MS; Tel: 601-268-6802.
Tri-Cities (Pasco), WA
February 20-22. Friday: Gospel 7 p.m.. Saturday: Breakfast 8 a.m., Ministry 9:15 a.m. All meals are served at the hall. Contact Bryon Meyers, 1748 N. 23rd, Pasco, WA 99301; Tel: 509-544-0197; Email:
Matoaca, VA
March 6-7 in the Gospel Hall, 6204 River Road, Matoaca. Prayer Meeting Friday, March 5 at 7:30 p.m. The first meeting on Saturday will be at 10:30 a.m. Corr: John Nobles, Tel: (804)590-2988 or email: for accommodations.
Palm Springs, CA
March 21. Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. All meetings at assembly building, 320 West Racquet Club Road. Corr: Charles Spataro, 945 Buttonwillow Circle, Palm Springs, CA 92262, Tel: 760-322-7090, Hall: 760-325-8815. Please pray for two weeks of gospel meetings to follow the conference.
Mt. Sterling, WI
March 27-28 with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall. All other meetings in the North Crawford High School, north of Gays Mills. First meeting on Saturday – 10 a.m. Breaking of Bread on Lord’s Day – 9:30 a.m. Bible Readings are on I Thessalonians. For accommodations, please contact Richard M. Dudgeon, Tel: 608-734-3639; e-mail: rmdudgeon@, or Wayne Granzow, Tel: 608-874-4760. Outlines of the readings and order of meetings will be sent on request.
Watertown, MA
March 27-28 with Prayer and Ministry on Friday, March 26 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Prayer and Bible Reading (Isa 52:13 – 53:15) 10:30 a.m., Prayer and Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 12:15 p.m., Prayer and Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 4:30 p.m. All meetings held in the Gospel Hall. Corr: Joe Grillo, 2201 Lewis O. Gray Dr., Saugus, MA 01906-4422. Tel: 781-233-8520; email:; Gospel Hall: 617-924-7696. Please contact Frank Procopio for accommodations: 10 Windsor St., Melrose, MA 02176. Tel: 781-665-3911.
Stout, IA
April 10-11, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m. (Phil 2:5-11), Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. All meetings in the Gospel Hall. Corr: Gary DeGroote, 28073 Westbrook St., New Hartford, IA 50660, Tel: 319-983-2713; email:;. Gospel Hall 319-346-1153.
Conference Reminders:
Tampa, FL – February 8
San Diego, CA – February 14-15
Change of Address
Mrs. John Norris: 95 Fauquier Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 2P2
Peter Ramsay:
Correction of Correspondent’s E-mail Address
St. John’s, NF: Dr. G. M. Tarrant, Phone 709 745 5886
Change of Address of Assembly
South Burnaby Gospel Hall (formerly Woodland Dr. Gospel Hall), 6907 Elwell Street, Burnaby, BC, V5E 1K3, Canada; Tel: 604-526-9661. Corr: Ralph Morton 604-986-6114. Meeting times are Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Sunday School/Bible Study 11:30 a.m., Sunday School (Nanaimo Road- East Vancouver) 12 noon, Gospel 7 p.m. Monday: Burnaby Bible Hour (Lakeview School) 6:30 p.m., Tuesday: Prayer and Bible Study/Ministry 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Korean Bible Study 8 p.m.
Change of Correspondent
Ottawa, ON (River Road Gospel Hall): Mervyn Cottrill, 207 Withrow Ave., Ottawa, ON, K2G 2J8; Tel: 613-225-4708; E-Mail:
With Christ
Mrs. Barbara Rodger of Toronto, ON on September 28, age 86. Our sister was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker of the Pape Ave. assembly. She was saved at the age of 16 and in assembly fellowship for many years. Our sister lived to serve others and is greatly missed in the Victoria Park assembly. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Violet MacMullen. The funeral service was shared by John Adams and Robert Reilly.
David Hodgkins of Bryn Mawr, PA on October 7, age 70, succumbed to a lately-diagnosed lung condition and went home triumphantly. Saved while young, Dave won souls through witnessing, beginning with a classmate at school. Joyous and enthusiastic, he loved the Scriptures, encouraged young believers, and introduced others to assembly teaching. Active for years in the Manchester, CT assembly, in 1989 he found work in California, where he helped the Turlock assembly. Coming to Bryn Mawr in 2003, he was an appreciated and needed help. Fittingly, the Lord blessed Dave’s funeral in salvation. His wife, two children, and their families await a joyous reunion.
Russell Snow Cairns of Crapaud, PEI on November 18, 2003, age 91. Our beloved brother was born in 1912 and came to know the Lord in 1934 through the tent efforts of bre. Herb and Russell Harris and Albert Joyce. Russelllived the reality of his salvation for almost 70 years until the Lord took him home. He was received at the first Breaking of Bread in Crapaud in 1935. He was active in local gospel outreach in Crapaud and Halifax, NS, beforesettling with his family in North Tyron, PEI. The saints will miss his faithful presence and encouragement. His funeral service was shared by R. McIlwaine and his son, Sam. Prayer is requested for his large family, some ofwhom do not know Christ.
Marlys Schrage of Hitesville, IA on November 18, 2003, age 72. Marlys was saved at 16 in tent meetings held by Leonard DeBuhr and the late Mr. Gould. Marlys was truly a happy saint that conveyed genuine warmth and zeal as she remained in happy fellowship at Hitesville, although suffering the last several months with cancer. A widow for the last five years, she and her husband had the joy of seeing their children profess salvation along with many more in the family. The assembly, five children and spouses, along with 16 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren will miss her dearly. The large service was shared by R. Orr and A. Christopherson.
James Timothy Frith of Vancouver, BC on November 22, 2003, age 50, very unexpectedly. Our dear brother was a respected elder in the Victoria Drive assembly and very active in Sunday School work and gospel activity in the assembly and surrounding area where his vision and energy will be sorely missed. He touched the lives of many. He leaves to mourn his wife of 20 years, Barbara, one daughter Charlotte, and two sons, Andrew and Douglas, all saved. Five hundred attended the funeral in the hall which was shared by P. Broadhead and D. Alves, the latter preaching the gospel faithfully to many Sunday School families, employees, and business associates. B. Funston and K. Taylor took part at the grave side.
Charlie Allport of Deseronto, ON on November 24, 2003, age 94, at Friendly Manor Nursing Home. Our dear brother was saved in 1953 through John 3:16 as he walked from his house to his barn. He was in fellowship for nearly 50 years. He was predeceased by brothers Normand and Fred and his sister Mae who were also in fellowship in the assembly here. He loved the Lord and His people. He was a quiet and consistent worker who attended all the meetingsfor as long as he was able to come. The funeral service was shared by T. Kember, M. McLeod,, and A. Madigan. There were unsaved friends and family present and the gospel was faithfully preached.
Grace Maxine Bethke of Muscoda, WI on November 25, age 87. Our dear sister was saved April 28, 1996 during gospel meetings in Blue River conducted by brethren James Smith and John Slabaugh. Shortly after conversion she was baptized and added to the fellowship. She loved the assembly and attended faithfully until recent months of sickness hindered her from attending meetings. She is survived by her husband, Howard, and a daughter. Buddy Bethke and Jim Frazier shared the funeral service.
Ulric McKenna of Freetown, PEI on December 4, age 70. For over 45 years in Christ, Ulric served his Master faithfully to the very end. To all those who knew him, saved and unsaved alike, it was obvious Ulric loved the Lord and put Him first in his life. As a respected and much loved elder, he displayed humility, compassion, gentleness, and a quiet spirit. He knew his Bible and stood for the truth. He leaves a faithful wife, four sons and a daughter and their spouses who are all in assembly fellowship. R. McIlwaine and P. Ramsay shared the funeral service.
Mrs. Betty Thomas of Toronto, ON on December 4, age 73. Our beloved sister was saved on November 14, 1947 during a fruitful series by Douglas Howard and Frank Pearcey at Highfield Road. Betty was baptized and received into fellowship the following year. After her husband’s death, she was in happy fellowship at Pape Avenue (now Victoria Park) since 1985. Betty was kind, sincere, caring, friendly, and compassionate. Despite deteriorating health in the past year, she maintained a very cheerful outlook. The large funeral, which was shared by Norman Lorimer and her brother David McCullough, showed the love and esteem in which she was held.
John O’Brien of St. Thomas, ON on December 7, age 78. Our dear brother was saved 32 years ago through the influence of a daughter and son who had been saved that year in tent meetings. He appreciated his Savior and the assembly, and is missed by all. William Metcalf preached the gospel faithfully.
Camilla Falconer of Lake Shore, ON on December 18, age 86. Born in London, England, our dear brother was reared by his grandmother until age 10. When he would have returned to his mother, he was turned out by his step-father. At age 14, the Barnardo Orphanage sent him to Canada, where he lived and worked on the Hodgson farms. Cam was saved January 2, 1957 as a result of hearing the gospel at Lake Shore. Elva, his wife, was taken home in September 2002. He was a quiet brother and will be missed. Wm. Metcalf and James Beattie spoke the gospel faithfully when family and friends gathered at the hall and grave.
Lucy Margaret Barr of Langley, BC on December 19, age 78. Our dear sister heard the gospel and was saved on November 17, 1943 at 18 years of age. She bore a faithful, quiet, consistent, and patient testimony. She was in happy fellowship for over 57 years in East Hastings, Woodland Drive, and latterly in Langley while she resided in Hilltop Manor. She was a faithful Sunday School teacher for many years and had a keen interest in missionary work. Her exemplary life can be summed up in the words of 1 Timothy 6:6, “But godliness with contentment is great gain.” Bruce Cummings spoke at her burial, and David Bagnall and Bill Adams shared the memorial service.
Mrs. Mary Boyles of San Diego , CA on December 31, age 97. Our dear sister was born in Drumenaugh, N.I. in 1906. She moved to New South Wales, Australia in 1929. In 1931 she was awakened through the words of Daniel 5:27 and saved shortly thereafter. She and her family came to Los Angeles in 1954. In later years she was in fellowship in San Diego. Our sister continued faithfully in the truth of God and assembly principles for over 70 years. She leaves her husband, three daughters, two sons-in-law, and five grandchildren. Martin Baghramian took the funeral.
Believers Magazine
Anyone in the USA or Canada wishing to subscribe to the Believers Magazine by John Ritchie Ltd. may send subscription in US currency ($34 surface or $42.60 air) to Jim Thompson, 262 Quaker Road, Sidney, ME 04330. Email: