British Columbia
Kamloops: Noel Burden gave a week of helpful ministry and also visited Westbank and Okanogan, WA.
Vancouver: In December, the saints in the Fairview and Woodland assemblies enjoyed the visit of Noel Burden. On the first Sunday of the New Year, the Victoria Drive assembly had the joy of baptizing a mother who was saved through the Sunday School work.
Westbank: Prayer is requested for gospel meetings commencing early February with Larry Perkins and Stan Wells.
Brandon: The assembly had a series of children’s meetings recently with Lorne Langfeld. The attendance was good and several parents came to the meetings.
Winnipeg: In one of the largest conferences we have had to date, Sandy Higgins spoke on the subject of “Relationships” on November 22-24. The topic was capably explored in its various facets, starting with our relationship to God and ending, after eight sessions, with our relationship to the world and to believers outside the assembly. We have heard of at least one believer who asked for assembly fellowship after this ministry.
New Brunswick
St. Lonard: Please continue to pray for Tim and Charlene Smith, and their family. Charlene and their four children were in a tragic car accident which took the lives of Katie (11) and Victoria (10) early in December. Charlene and Suzannah (6) are recovering from serious injuries, and Joshua (8) is partially paralyzed. The funeral for the two girls took place in Grand Falls, NB on December 21. Donations can be made by check to the Smith Family Trust, c/o Mr. Robert Stairs, 177 Rocky Road, Keswick Ridge, NB, Canada E6L 1V1.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Red Bay: Wallace Buckle and David Swan had gospel meetings here.
Carbonear: Wallace Buckle spent the Lord’s Day with the assembly on December 29.
Corner Brook: The assembly enjoyed a good time of fellowship with profitable ministry given from local brethren and J.A. Joyce on New Year’s Eve.
English Point: The Labrador assembly is looking forward to gospel meetings starting in mid-January with A. Hull and J. McClelland. Please pray for God’s blessing.
Gander: Several local brethren gave appreciated ministry at the New Year’s Eve ministry meeting.
New Harbour: J. Procopio spent the Lord’s day with the assembly on December 29.
Sandringham: Gospel meetings are planned with J.A. Joyce and D. Hunt to start in mid-January. Your prayers are valued.
St. John’s: Two weeks of excellent children’s meetings were held by Gary Sharp in November. The visit was a boost to the children’s work and a great help to the assembly. B. Joyce was with the assembly on the 22nd of December to help in the two annual children’s programs. We had appreciated visits from W. Buckle, K. Taylor, and J.A. Joyce.
Clinton: On December 8, a young brother was received into the fellowship. The home-call of our aged brother, Roy Parton, has left us with a keen sense of loss.
London: The believers were encouraged by visits from Larry Steers, Shad Kember Jr., Frank Sona, and Jack Nesbitt during the month of December.
Niagara Falls: The saints enjoyed a visit from Ernest Moore, a few nights of appreciated ministry by Alex Dryburgh, and two weeks of childrens meetings at the end of November with Lorne Langfeld.
Toronto: Murray McCandless and Andrew Ussher have concluded five weeks of gospel meetings with the assembly at Langstaff with appreciated support in prayer and attendance from the Toronto and area assemblies. The gospel was faithfully preached, the Lord was honored, souls were saved, and the saints rejoiced.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown: Friday night children/youth meetings commenced in the fall with over 40 attending. In November, Murray Poidevin from Zambia gave an enlightening and encouraging report on the missionary work in Zambia. He also had similar meetings in the Rosebank and Freetown assemblies. The assembly has also appreciated visits by brethren Burden, McIlwaine, Orasuk, and Ramsay in the various meetings of the assembly.
Crapaud:. Gospel meetings commenced January 18, with Wallace Buckle and Mark Bonnell.
Glen Ewen: Gary Sharp had two nights with the saints in mid-October. Gordon Williams ministered October 27 to November 3 on Assembly Principles illustrated by a tabernacle model. Peter Simms gave ministry December 1-8 on The Doctrine of God in Relation to the Trinity. Lorne Langfeld visited on December 9.
Taylorside: William Skates and Roy Weber plan, Lord willing, to start gospel meetings on February 23.
Anchorage: After the Thanksgiving Day conference, Gordon Williams had a week of appreciated ministry meetings on the Local Assembly.
Phoenix: The Sunnyslope assembly appreciated recent ministry by John Dennison, Shad Kember, and Stanley Wells. The assembly also had the privilege of helping with the Seed Sowers distribution and rejoices with the Phoenix Spanish assembly in hearing of two souls professing, with others coming each night as the special gospel meetings continue. We would value prayer for the purposed special gospel meetings in the Sunnyslope Hall beginning March 2 with John Fitzpatrick and John Slabaugh.
Palm Springs: Please pray for purposed gospel meetings with Gaius Goff, March 2-14, D.V.
Newington: Mr. Paisley had three nights of appreciated ministry following the conference. Four young men who were baptized the evening of the conference were received into fellowship.
Garnavillo: Hans Bouwman was here for three nights of ministry on his chart “Eternity to Eternity.” He was also in Hampton for three meetings and then in Dunkerton.
Hitesville: Dan Shutt was here for three nights on “The Person of Christ.” Believers from Hitesville and Stout were faithful in attending.
Manchester: Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber plan, Lord willing, to start Gospel meetings on Jan. 5.
West Union: In December, Jerry Jennings and Art Ward had 3 1/2 weeks of gospel meetings here. Brother Ward then joined J. Slabaugh for Bible readings in progress in Manchester. The subject was “Things Surely Believed Among Us.” The interest was encouraging.
Augusta: We enjoyed visits during December from Albert Hull and Peter Orasuk. David Vacca spoke to parents and children at the year-end Sunday School program.
Byfield: Jim McColl visited on October 20, giving an excellent word in ministry. James McClelland also visited on Lord’s Day, December 8.
Watertown: The Christians were encouraged by visits from William Skates and Peter Orasuk in December. The ministry given by both brethren was very helpful and challenging. The saints from the Cambridge assembly joined with us at these meetings.
Ferndale: Gospel meetings in November with brethren Larry Perkins and Frank Sona were a time of blessing and encouragement. Brother Sona was expected back for the Sunday School treat.
Kansas City: Bill Lavery was with the believers, Lord’s Day, November 24. His visit was very appreciated.
Omaha: Wm. Lavery and Dan Shutt commenced a gospel series on January 5 in the Hartman Ave. Gospel Hall.
New Jersey
Livingston: Dan Shutt was here for three nights with a chart on Ezra and Nehemiah titled, “The Return From Babylon.” He spoke on assembly truth, and there was a nice turnout from Livingston and Midland Park.
Longbranch: Dave Petterson and John Slabaugh were here for two weeks of gospel preaching. The gospel was preached with clarity, a number of unsaved attended, and the assembly was greatly encouraged.
Pennsauken: Gene Higgins, using his chart of Coming World Events, had 2 weeks of gospel meetings. With appreciated support from the Barrington assembly, there was consistently good attendance, with overflow numbers on the Lord’s Day evenings. A nice number of unsaved were in every night, and some made professions of salvation, including a young woman and her husband. There are other new contacts showing an interest as well.
New Mexico
Albuquerque: William Lavery was with the assembly for a week of ministry beginning December 10. The ministry was encouraging and appreciated. A Seed Sowers distribution was held from December 30 to January 3. Nearly 45,000 Acts 4:12 texts were distributed. Prayer is requested for a gospel series starting, January 12, D.V. with Gary Sharp and John Slabaugh.
New York
New York: Through the labors of Joseph Chung since 1995, an assembly has commenced according to New Testament principles and practices in Corona, in the borough of Queens, where 27 believers began to break bread on October 6, 2002. Please pray for the furtherance of the gospel among almost half a million Koreans in the New York area, and that the assembly will be firmly established.
Akron: The assembly enjoyed visits from Jim Bergsma and James Smith during December.
Mansfield: Please pray for purposed gospel meeting to begin February 16, DV, with Dan Shutt and Andy Vallance.
Salem: Gordon Williams had two weeks of ministry on the tabernacle with the use of a model.
Bryn Mawr: The saints enjoyed a Lord’s day visit from Gilbert Stewart before he returned to his field of labor in Ireland. The assembly also had a visit for a Lord’s Day and mid-week meeting from David Oliver. Please pray for gospel meetings starting on January 12 with Eugene Higgins and David Oliver.
San Antonio: The assembly enjoyed the visit of the Seed Sowers group, on December 22nd, on their way to Mexico.
Lynden: Noel Burden visited the saints here for a night in December before returning to P.E.I.
Tri-Cities: We greatly appreciate all those who came over a number of weekends to paint the outside of our hall and install a kitchen. We had a large number of children and parents out to our Christmas program at which Tom Hoy made the gospel clear as he narrated the program. Gauis and Linda Goff paid us a visit, giving help with visitation and our brother giving encouraging ministry. We look forward to two weeks of gospel meetings with Gaius Goff and Mark Bachert from February 9-23, D.V. following our first conference.
During 2002, brethren from the west visited the five assemblies located in the Ural Mountains and western Siberia. Jesse Fitch was with the Tobolsk assembly during the spring and summer. Alan Davidson, Alex McLean, and Eric Fowler accompanied him at different times with visits to the Surgut and Kaskara assemblies. Funds were left with poor saints and for building improvement needs. Lenova, a city south of Novosebersk, was visited, where there are a handful of believers, who desire to commence as an assembly, but patiently wait Gods timing.
During the summer, Louie Smith and Doug Yade spent six weeks in the Urals at Severouralsk and Volchansk. Three young men were saved and baptized and two women also professed faith. Purchases were made for orphanage needs and funds were left for needy saints. Tom Cooper also visited four of the assemblies.
Three Christians from Severouralsk moved to an area south of Ekaterinburg. Louie returned to Russia for six weeks in the fall, and visited seven villages in this area with the gospel and distribution of Bibles. Meetings were held in village auditoriums with 30-70 attending nightly. Louie also gave ministry at four of the assemblies.
Eleven years ago Sergei, an invalid of Tobolsk, was saved and baptized. At the time he was bed ridden four years with a broken back. His mother, Galena, cares for him. She always seemed to be in opposition to God. The Christians have been meeting in her home once a month for the past two years for the Breaking of Bread, and Galena became more serious about her soul. In November, brother McLean again visited the home and set the gospel before her. With tears flowing, Galena believed on Christ.
We enter Russia for the thirteenth year and appreciate the prayers of the saints.
Conferences. D.V.
Tri-Cities, WA
February 8-9 with the first meeting on Friday, February 7 in the Gospel Hall, 316 N. 11th Ave., Pasco, WA 99301. The main subject of the conference will be Choices and Consequences. If you plan to come, please contact Bryon Meyers or Tom Hoy at (509)544-0197.
Matoaca, VA
March 8-9 in the Gospel Hall, 6204 River Road, Matoaca. Prayer Meeting Friday, March 7 at 7:30 p.m. The first meeting on Saturday will be at 10:30 a.m. Corr: John Nobles, Tel: (804)590-2988 or email: for accommodations.
Palm Springs, CA
March 16. All meetings at Assembly building, 320 West Racquet Club Road. Tel: 760-325-8815. Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Corr: Charles Spataro, 945 Buttonwillow Cir., Palm Springs, CA 92262; Tel: 760-322-7090.
Winnipeg, MB
March 28-30. Friday: Ministry 7:30 p.m.; Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m., 2 p.m., Ministry/Gospel 7 p.m.; Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Ministry 1 p.m., then Gospel. Supper will follow. Friday and Sunday sessions will be in the West End Gospel Hall, 492 Victor St. Saturday sessions will be in the Westwood Community Church, 410 Westwood Dr. The conference is planned to be dedicated, in part, at least, to the exposition of Romans 5-8. John Stubbs and Robert Thomson, both of Scotland, will be responsible for all of the meetings. Corr: Blair Seale, Tel: 204-488-6897, email, or Richard McCammon, Tel: 204-889-2361, email:
Stout, Iowa
April 12 and 13 in the Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m.; Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m. (John 20:19-31), Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Corr: Gary DeGroote, 28073 Westbrook St., New Hartford, IA 50660, Tel (319)983-2713;; Gospel Hall (319)346-1153.
Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA
April 19-20 in the Cedar Falls High School Auditorium, Cedar Falls, IA (note change of location). Friday, April 18: Prayer Meeting, at 7 p.m. More details to follow next month.
Kapuskasing, ON
April 19-20 with Prayer Meeting on Friday the 18th at 7:30pm in the Kapuskasing Gospel Hall, 154 Mill Street, Kapuskasing, ON. All other meetings will be held at the Kapuskasing Education Center, 64 Devonshire Street, Kapuskasing. Saturday topical Bible Reading from 10-12 noon (The Two Aspects of the Lord’s Return for His People, and His Return to the Earth). Corr. Gerald Labelle, (705)335-3712.
Conference Reminders:
Deland, FL – February 1-2
San Diego, CA – February 15-16
New Assembly
New York City: (Korean speaking), currently meeting at 54-09 100 Street, Ste. 200, Corona, New York 11368. Contact Joseph Chung, Tel: 718-760-3677; E-Mail: hyungmonyc @ hotmail. com
Change of Correspondent
Brookfield, CT: Jim Batterton, Jr, 235 Kent Rd, Cornwall Bridge, CT 06754; Tel: (860)672-6157; e-Mail: jcbjr@gathered.comTurlock, CA: Mr. Albert Babilla, 825 W. Tuolumne Rd., Turlock, CA 95382; Tel: (209)677-8163.
Change of Address of Correspondent
Langstaff Gospel Hall, Toronto: Harry Clingen, 1300 Langstaff Road, Thornhill, ON L4J 8P8
With Christ
Donald Ross of Baddeck, NS on September 28, age 65. Our brother was saved on August 21, 1994 during special gospel meetings. On October 22, 1995 he was baptized and shortly after received into fellowship where he remained until his home call. He is sorely missed by the saints, being a brother who was devoted to the assembly, spiritual in his walk before the Lord, and faithful to his family. The funeral service was shared by Fred Bartlett and David Swan. Graveside message and prayer were shared by David Swan and Lloyd MacRitchie, respectively. Donald is survived by his wife Helen, six children, and their families. Please pray that God, in his infinite grace and mercy, will continue to bless the Ross family in salvation.
Anthony Rosania of Newington, CT on November 21, age 92. Our dear brother went home to be with the Lord after many years of faithfulness to God, the assembly, and to his wife and family. He was saved in 1921 at the age of 11 in Philadelphia while sitting back at the remembrance meeting and hearing the words of Luke 23:33. Hecontinued steadfastly right up until his home-call. We shall miss his harmonious singing but are thankful that he has joined the song with the redeemed in heaven. He is survived by his wife, two sons and one daughter, and their spouses, as well as grandchildren and great grandchildren, for whom prayer is requested. The funeral was shared by Harold Paisley, Frank Tornaquindici, Matthew Brescia, and family members.
Ingrid Alfhild (Ollie) Jensen of Vancouver, BC on December 7, age 95. Of Norwegian birth, our dear sister was saved April 11, 1932 during gospel meetings in Woodland Drive conducted by the late H. Harris and J. McCullough. She was baptized and received into the Cedar Cottage assembly (later Victoria Drive) where she continued faithfully in service to others. She taught a large class of older girls in the Carleton Sunday School before that assembly was formed. As a selfless, devoted, single sister, she cared for her parents and other members of her family throughout most of her life. Confined to a seniors home in later years, she continued to bear a bright testimony. The memorial service was shared by her grand-nephew Kris Petersen, and Philip Broadhead.
Roy Parton of Clinton, ON on December 10, age 93. Our beloved brother was saved at 42 in 1951, having moved his family back to his native South Wales from Toronto after his wife was saved. They returned in 1952 to the former Birchcliffe assembly. With little formal education, he became a diligent student of the scriptures and excelled in Bible Readings. His love of the gospel, childrens work, and ministry to the saints was appreciated. After retiring, they were in Gore Bay until coming to Clinton in 1995. Hospitality was ever a feature of their home. Remember in prayer his dear wife, Betty, in a seniors home. He also leaves two sons, three daughters, 18 grandchildren, and 24 great grandchildren. The funeral was shared by sons William and David, son-in-law Graham Russell, Richard Hanna, and John Adams.
Mrs. Elizabeth McCormick of Limavady, N. I. on December 11, age 90, after a severe and prolonged trial borne with much fortitude. She was saved in 1954, and received into the Limavady assembly of which she was a faithful member, having borne a godly, consistent testimony until her home-call. Predeceased by her husband for some years, she is survived by three sons and two daughters, most in assembly fellowship, along with grandchildren, some not saved for whom prayer is requested. Many listened reverently to the spoken word at the large funeral shared by M. Caskey, S. McBride and J. Thompson, and at the grave by W.J. Nesbitt and B. Smyth.
Mary Jane Gill of Charlottetown, PEI on December 11, age 87. Mary was saved September 6, 1953 in meetings at Wheatley River, P.E.I. by Albert Ramsay and Russell Harris. She was received into fellowship in September 1954 and continued until her death. Our sister manifested a quiet and happy spirit. Robert McIlwaine, Peter Orasuk, and Peter Ramsay shared in the funeral service.
Miss Elsie Turkington, of Lurgan, N.I. on December 12. Saved as a girl in 1929, our sister was for many years associated with the assembly in Lurgan. As a Christian lady, she bore exemplary testimony with dignity, both in the assembly and in her secular calling as a school teacher. She was an encourager of the Lord’s servants in Northern Ireland where her brother Norman is a well known evangelist. She also had a deep interest in missionary work, particularly Venezuela, where her late brother Joseph served the Lord for many years. Her visits there were much appreciated and she will be greatly missed by many in that land also.
John T. (Jack) McGrath Jr. of Brookfield, CT on December 14, age 77. Our dear brother grew up in Danbury, CT, and was saved in February of 1953. He was received into fellowship shortly after. Jack was a devoted elder who loved the assembly. His faithfulness and enthusiasm were an encouragement to many. His presence and guiding hand will be greatly missed. He is survived by his wife Mary, his daughter Sheila Silvernail and her family; a son John and wife, two brothers and a sister. His well-attended funeral was taken by several local brethren.
Mrs. Ida Bowers of Parry Sound, ON on January 2, 2003, age 85. Our dear sister was saved on November 14, 1949 when a Mr. Taylor came to preach the gospel to her family and neighbors at her parents farm. For many years she admired the consistent testimony of the Christians in the assembly at Parry Sound, and at the age of 71, she was baptized in a local lake. She was soon in happy fellowship and faithfully attended all the meetings until a stroke laid her aside. She resided in the local home for the aged until her home-call. Remember in prayer family members not yet saved who heard the gospel plainly preached by Glenn Madigan at her funeral service.