British Columbia
Langley: At Canada Day celebrations, July 1, the assembly purposes to rent space at the local airport to distribute literature and invite people to tent meetings planned July 7-28 which will mark the 90th anniversary of the assembly.
Surrey: A Gospel Booth was set up at the Cloverdale Rodeo during the long weekend in May. Eighteen hundred John 3:16 texts were given out. The booth was attractive, in a good, indoor location.
Squamish: Please pray for gospel tent meetings, July 14-28. This is the third summer in this location.
Vancouver: The South Main assembly held a baptism on May 19 with four obeying the Lord: a young couple, a married man and a young teen from the Sunday School. Many family and friends attended. During the first week of June, Neal Thomson conducted five meetings in Victoria Dr. on the Levitical Offerings and Sacrifices.
Westbank: In late May, Neal Thomson gave instructive ministry on the Levitical Offerings and Sacrifices.
Lethbridge: Sandy Higgins ministered on Marriage and the Family over a weekend in May. This was followed by two weeks with David Oliver speaking on prophetic subjects.
Calgary: The conference in May was well-attended with the focus of the ministry on the life of the believer before God, in the world, and in the assembly. Nine brethren shared in ministry and gospel. New believers from surrounding areas were present.
Elie: Andrew Bergsma and Jack Gould continue to visit Hutterites, both on and off the colonies. God continues to work.
Please pray for tent meetings in Elie during the month of July. Jon Procopio will be helped by local brethren. The town of Elie is surrounded by colonies and we pray that God will come in and save souls for His glory.
Brampton: Two weeks of uplifting ministry meetings concluded June 2 with Eugene Badgley on his chart Egypt to Canaan. The saints were encouraged by the practical ministry. Please pray for a gospel tent effort which began on July 7, in Chinguacousy Park, with Murray Pratt and Gary Sharp. We do look to the Lord for blessing at this time.
Clinton: During May, the assembly had appreciated visits from Jim Jarvis for ministry, Max McLean for a Lords Day and a report on the Ukraine, and Sam Maze for ministry and an update of work in the West Indies.
Clyde: Alan LeBlanc visited the assembly on April 28. Jim Webb had a weeks ministry, May 5-10, on 1 Timothy, and Marvin Derksen spent Lords Day, May 12, with the assembly.
Hamilton: The believers expressed appreciation for the week of ministry on assembly truth by D. Oliver. Visits by G. Williams and Jim Allen in April were also appreciated.
London: Five weeks of gospel meetings with James Smith and Stephen Vance closed on May 5. Attendance was excellent and the Lord richly blessed in the salvation of several teenagers and a young man from Iraq.
Peterborough: The conference on May 4 was well-attended with a nice time of fellowship. Nine speakers took part in the ministry which we felt was profitable to both young and old alike.
New Brunswick
Green River: The assembly was encouraged by the good attendance at the annual conference on May 4-6. Leslie Wells, Larry Buote, Grard Roy, and three local brethren shared in the ministry of the Word and in the gospel.
Lagacville: Leslie Wells and a brother from the Tracadie assembly are in their third week of gospel meetings. Visiting has been difficult, but a few strangers have attended.
Shdiac: In late May, Grard Roy spent a week with the assembly speaking on the basics of prophecy for young believers.
Sussex: The assembly had cause for rejoicing in May, as three teenage girls obeyed the Lord in baptism. Following the P.E.I. conference, the assembly enjoyed a week of profitable ministry by Alvin Cook. The assembly has also begun a monthly hymn-sing at a seniors residence. A good number of the residents have expressed their appreciation, and some are interested in attending gospel meetings. Please pray for this outreach effort.
Nova Scotia
Nineveh: The saints enjoyed two weeks of gospel meetings with Eugene Higgins on his chart on Future Events. There were good numbers each night and it was encouraging to see many outsiders come from the immediate and surrounding areas, including some who have not been out before.
Port Hawksbury: During the last two weeks of May, Albert Hull and Fred Bartlett had gospel meetings in the Community College. A number from the town attended, some consistently. We were cheered when a young boy professed the last night.
Truro: The assembly desired a few gospel meetings as there were some attending in recent months for the first time. Albert Hull, helped by Arthur Quigley from Rosebank, had one week in the gospel May 5-12. Seed was faithfully sown.
Prince Edward Island
Springfield: Springfield and Rosebank assemblies joined for one week of ministry meetings with Albert Hull in April in the Springfield Gospel Hall. The saints were encouraged and the attendance was excellent.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Burgeo: There has been ongoing gospel activity in this south coast town which is quite far from the closest assembly in Corner Brook. David Hunt has been leading the work here and plans, in the will of the Lord, to have gospel meetings with help from other brethren, in late June.
Gander Bay: The annual conference was an encouragement to the Lord’s people. The Bible study taken by Marvin Derksen on Philippians. 2 was very practical and helpful to all.
Seal Cove: David Hunt and George Whey had a very encouraging two-week gospel series in May. A good number of unsaved attended the meetings with new contacts being made.
Marysville: Gaius Goff held a week of teaching on Families and Parenting which was appreciated and attended by some community families associated with our youth outreach. Norman Mellish and Neal Thomson have also visited the assembly recently. Please pray for gospel meetings scheduled to begin July 28 with David Booth and Tom Hoy.
Tri-Cities: Two weeks of tent meetings with Gaius Goff and Jack Saword, with a childrens work each morning, are planned for June 16-30.
Forest Grove: Gaius Goff and Tom Hoy had a few tent meetings June 5-9. The assembly had the joy of seeing a middle aged woman saved at their gospel meeting on the preceding Sunday night which was a nice way to start tent meetings.
Grants Pass: Over 90 attended the Memorial Day Conference. The testimonies given on Saturday night by eight visiting brethren, were a highlight of the conference . Sharing in the ministry and gospel were David Chesney, John Fitzpatrick, Bryan Funston, Gaius Goff, Tom Hoy, and John Slabaugh.
San Diego: John McDowell from Australia was with the assembly in May and gave helpful ministry as well as an
interesting account of gospel work in that land.
North Dakota
Minot: Gaius Goff and Bryon Meyers start tent meetings from July 7-21, combined with a childrens work each morning and a gospel booth in the local mall for three weeks. The effort is in conjunction with the outreach that James Ronald has here. James is working the area and will also have an outreach in the local fair.
Baldwin: The Coal Creek assembly appreciated a visit from Robert Orr for our Sunday School Picnic May 5 and three ministry meetings following on Romans 6, 7 & 8. The small company was encouraged when the Lord brought out a total of around seventy on the Lord’s Day. Please continue to pray with us for God’s work in this needy area.
Cedar Falls: During May, Paul Thiessen and Al Christopherson each gave one night of appreciated ministry and a report of their work in Mexico and Rapid City, South Dakota, respectively.
Dunkerton: Please pray for tent meetings that are planned (D.V.) in July for the Littleton area with brethren Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber.
Garnavillo: Paul Thiessen gave a report on the work in Mexico. He spent an afternoon visiting the work in Postville and was also at Marion, Cedar Falls, and Hitesville for reports.
Hampton: Paul Thiessen spoke at a treat here where there is a Spanish children’s work.
Black Earth: Arthur Ward, Don Wardell, William Skates, and Jim Frazier gave appreciated ministry at the May 19 all-day meeting.
Blue River: The assembly enjoyed six weeks of gospel meetings with Lorne Mitchell and Eugene Badgley. The interest was sustained throughout, with four professing. They closed on April 19.
Humbird: Jim Frazier and Art Ward had three weeks of gospel meetings ending on May 15, with a response on the part of a few who were contacted by door to door visitation.
New Lenox: The May conference was blessed by God with helpful and practical ministry by N. Crawford, J. Gould, W. Lavery, M. McCandless, D. Shutt, W. Skates, J. Smith, and Gary Sharp.
Jackson: William Skates visited the assembly for a night of appreciated ministry.
Battle Creek: The assembly had welcome visits recently from William Metcalf, Stuart Thompson, and Norman Crawford. The assembly will sorely miss Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mason who have been in the assembly from its foundation, and have moved their residence to Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Saginaw: The Saginaw assembly enjoyed a visit from William Skates in ministry, May 28. Jack Nesbitt and Ken Taylor gave encouraging ministry at the June 2nd monthly ministry meeting, and a young sister in the Lord, age 17, obeyed the Lord in baptism. Brother Taylor had an additional ministry meeting on June 3.
Toronto: Art Ward and John Slabaugh are expected to commence a tent series in Toronto, OH on June 9.
Bryn Mawr: John McDowell of Australia visited for two nights, giving ministry and a report of the work which were appreciated. He also visited in Hatboro with report and ministry.
Indiana: The assembly recently enjoyed visits by Walter Gustafson and John Slabaugh. The recent Sunday School/Youth Bible Club program saw 55 in the hall, with over 20 children present. Keith Kluiter from the Vandergrift assembly spoke to the children, and a number of parents were present.
New Jersey
Midland Park: John Slabaugh and Gary Sharp preached the gospel here for two and a half weeks. The meetings were well attended and some new contacts were made.
Barrington: Gospel meetings began on May 12 with Brian Crawford and Dan Shutt.
North Carolina
Hickory: This was the first conference since the homecall of Mr. Oswald MacLeod. There was a deep sense of loss, but the ministry was encouraging with a fresh view of the glory to follow. Four brethren ministered the Word and preached the gospel. Two precious souls professed to be saved, one on Lord’s Day evening, and the second on Monday night when Harold Paisley and Murray McCandless stayed for an extra gospel meeting.
Byfield: The conference was a source of encouragement and blessing to God’s people. Eight of the Lord’s servants were present to give help in the ministry and the preaching of the gospel.
Saugus: The annual Bible Reading conference, June 1-2, filled the hall. The six readings on the Epistle to the Galatians were opened by Harold Paisley, James N. Smith, David Oliver, William Lavery, John Stubbs, and Norman Crawford. The participation was lively and the truth was plain and practical.
Terryville: The saints were greatly encouraged by two days of ministry given on “The Life of Joseph” by Sandy Higgins in April. The teaching was both practical and profitable. It was nice to see the interest in the large gatherings both days.
Conferences. D.V.
Westbank, BC
August 2-4 in the Highway Gospel Hall, 2549 Hebert Road. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30 p.m.; Saturday: Bible Reading (Rev. 22:6-21) 10:00 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Ministry/Gospel 7:00 p.m., Sing 9:00 p.m.; Lords Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:15 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7:15 p.m. Corr: Glenn A. Griffin, 3344 Elliott Road, Westbank, B.C. V4T 1P2, Tel. (250)768-3343, Fax (250)768-3312, Email:
Grande Prairie, AB
August 31-September 1 in Grande Prairie Gospel Hall. Friday, August 30: Prayer and Ministry 7:30 p.m. Corr: Robert Eyers, Tel: (780)513-8916, email:
Akron, OH
August 31 and September 1 in Copley High School, 3797 Ridgewood Road, Copley. Saturday: Ministry at 10 a.m., Bible Reading 1:30 p.m. on “Uniqueness of the assembly”. Breaking of Bread at 10:00 am. Prayer meeting Friday at 7:30 in Gospel Hall, 2705 Smith Road, Tel: (330)867-3818. Accom: David Metcalf, 3228 Blake Road, Wadsworth, OH 44281, Tel: (330)334-9691, e-mail: Corr. Kenneth Webb, PO Box 13350, Akron, OH 44334, Tel: (330)666-9466.
Sussex, NB
October 5-6 in the Sussex Regional High School, with prayer meeting on Friday, October 4, at 7:30 p.m. at the Sussex Gospel Hall. Corr: Jim MacIntosh, 111 Longbow Place, Quispamsis, NB, E2E 1S1, Tel.(506)847-5863, email:
Livonia, MI
October 27-28 in the Stark Road Gospel Hall, with prayer meeting on Friday 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lords Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m.
Corr: James K Vallance, 47100 Maplebrook, Northville, MI 48167, Tel. (248)349-4258. Accom: Jeff Joyce, Tel. (248)442-8858, email: One week advance notice would be greatly appreciated. Hall (734)425-4910.
Conference Reminders:
Sioux City, IA – July 20-21
Change of Correspondent
Battle Creek, MI: Hal Parks, 9153 Weathervane Trail, Galesburg, MI 49053, Tel: 616-665-3535, email:
With Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan Boutilier of Port Bickerton, NS on March 22 as a result of a car accident. Vaughan, age 65, was saved in 1953 at meetings conducted by A. Aiken. Eileen, age 69, was saved at meetings in Sydney area in 1949 conducted by R. Roberts and R. Harris. Both lived their lives for Gods glory and had a good gospel exercise. Eileen taught Sunday School to the end. Vaughan often shared in the gospel locally and had an interest further afield, often encouraging workers with personal phone calls. He helped David Swan in recent years on the Magdalen Islands. Both were appreciated amongst the Maritime assemblies, most of which were represented at their large funeral held in a local school. David Swan and James McClelland shared in the funeral where over 600 listened reverently to the gospel. Carl Payne spoke at the graveside. Prayer is requested for two sons and two daughters, and grandchildren some of whom are not saved; also pray for the small assembly of six members, mostly elderly, who mourn their great loss.
Mrs. Pauline Hiltz of Port Bickerton, NS on March 22, suddenly called home as a result of a car accident. Our sister was saved in 1955 at meetings conducted by A. Aiken and D. Petrick. Shortly after, she was baptized and received into assembly fellowship, where she continued steadfastly to the end. She had a happy spirit, and “adorned the doctrine of God with the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit.” She was predeceased by her husband in 1998. Prayer is requested for a son, daughter, and family circle, some of whom are not saved.
Elizabeth Ronald of Victoria, BC on May 9, age 85. She was born in 1917 and was saved in 1929 at the age of 12 years. She was a resident of Portage la Prairie, MB and in her later years was part of the West Richmond assembly in Richmond, BC. In her retirement years she lived in Victoria. She was ever a witness to those she came in contact with, seeing many of her home care workers saved. Her motto was “For me to live is Christ.”
Mrs. Anna Ferguson of Lurgan, N.I. on May 15, aged 87. She was saved on May 15, 1942, baptized and received into fellowship in Lurgan in 1947. From 1955 to 1976, she and her late husband Jack resided in Belfast, gathering with the saints in Ballyhackamore. She returned to Lurgan and remained in the assembly there until her homecall. She was the affectionate sister of the late Joe Turkington of Venezuela, Norman , esteemed evangelist in N. Ireland, and William, who is correspondent of the assembly. As a family, they were a great support to the work of the Lord. Her sister Elsie, with whom she lived in her closing years, is herself frail and needs our prayers. David Gilliland and Sam Ferguson shared her funeral service.
Don Williams of Culver City, CA on May 18, age 45. As a university student and a convinced agnostic, he was witnessed to and prayed for by two sisters in assembly fellowship. He began an earnest search for salvation and after hearing Albert Joyce speak from John 19:30, he rested in that finished work. He was received into assembly fellowship in Culver City. Don was much loved as a gifted teacher of God’s word, and he vigorously sought the advancement of the Lord’s work in and through the assembly. He leaves a large hole in the little assembly and is deeply missed. The funeral was shared by Dr. John Thropay, Dr. Adam Thropay, Martin Baghramian, and David Singleton. Around 600 heard the gospel faithfully preached. Surviving are his dear wife Ruth (Thropay), son Matthew (18), and daughter Virginia (16), as well as his 80 year old father and two brothers who need God’s salvation.
Leonard Thomas of Ontario, WI on May 19, age 73. Our dear brother was saved on February 20, 1992 during a series of meetings conducted by Paul Elliott and Robert Orr. He had a good testimony with a patient and kindly spirit, despite being afflicted with a heart problem for 18 years. He and his wife Dory were received into the Ontario assembly several months after their conversion. He is survived by his wife, five daughters, three sons, and their families. The youngest son, David, is in the fellowship. The well-attended funeral was taken by Robert Orr.
Mrs. Matilda (Keen) Strom of Pennsauken, PA on May 22. Born in 1916, she was saved on April 14, 1929, when the late Mr. Alex Cather used Isaiah 53:6 to point her to Christ. Later that year she was baptized and added to the 20th and Dickinson St. assembly in Philadelphia. In 1938, she married Charles Strom and for 59 years they served the Lord and His people together until his home-call in 1997. She is survived by one daughter, Ruth Ann Curran (husband David), three grandsons, and one great-grandson. The funeral was taken by D. Curran, Jr., A. J. Higgins, D. Oliver, W. Oliver, and G. Higgins. The large number of believers who attended gave evidence to the high esteem in which our beloved sister was held.
Leslie McIntyre of Toronto, ON on May 26, age 67. He was saved in N. Ireland at the age of 15. He came to Canada in 1957 and soon after was baptized and received into fellowship in the Highfield Road assembly. He was a quiet, godly, consistent and faithful brother, and a respected elder. On Lord’s Day, he took part in worship, and following the gospel meeting, baptized two young sisters. After leaving the baptistry he collapsed as the company was still singing “Happy Day,” and in a short time went to be with his Lord. He will be greatly missed by his wife Florence, three sons, two daughters-in-law, a little granddaughter, and eight brothers and sisters in N. Ireland. H.S. Paisley took the very large funeral. His three sons and a brother from Ireland also took part.