British Columbia
Vancouver: The monthly missionary meeting in October was held in South Main with speakers E. Ritchie and B. Funston.
Surrey: Fleetwoods monthly ministry meeting in October, was shared by B. Funston and M. Richards.
Squamish: B. Funston held ministry meetings October 16-19, and in Abbotsford October 24-26 with saints encouraged in both places.
Edmonton: The Christians of the Connor’s Hill assembly would like to thank all who attended and prayed for their recent conference where valued ministry was given by H. Bouwman, R. Boyle, J. Webb, J. Ronald, and Wm. Banks, a visiting brother from Scotland. The conference was followed up by a week of Children’s Meetings. Pray that fruit may be seen.
Portage La Prairie: The brethren rented a building in Elie, between Winnipeg and Portage, where A. Hull conducted ten nights in the gospel with a view to the strengthening of the work among the Hutterites. The meetings were well attended with over 300 present on the final night. It was a joy to witness three young girls honor the Lord in baptism in the Portage Gospel Hall. A. Bergsma and J. Gould have given themselves to the work here. Pray for its preservation.
Chapman Valley: D. Booth and T. Walker completed four weeks of gospel meetings during which several souls confessed Christ.
Desoronto: E. Badgley had a week of well attended childrens meetings in September. The assembly was encouraged by the recent addition of a young brother to the fellowship. Visits by brethren M. McLeod , T. Kember, L. Langfeld, D. Patterson (Maberly), and B. Chiponski (Portage) were much appreciated.
Englehart: P. Simms was with the assembly for the last two weeks of October for ministry.
Kingston: E. Badgley and R. Vanstone had three weeks of gospel meetings in a tent August 13-31. Seed Sowers distributed Romans 5:8 with invitations the first week in August. One young man, who has only been in Canada for eight months from China, confessed Christ.
Newmarket: T. Walker, assisted by local brethren of the assembly, conducted one week of children’s meetings with an encouraging response in attendance and interest, some of those present being parents.
Niagara Falls: The annual conference was well attended with well over 200 present. The ministry and Bible studies were excellent with eight of the Lords servants present. D. Oliver gave very helpful ministry on Assembly Principles for four nights following the conference.
London: N. Crawford, J. Walmsley, L. Wells, and A. Dryburgh were present for the farewell meeting, October 27, for Elton and Ruth Fairfield as they leave with their two little boys to serve the Lord in Japan. M. McCandless and J. Walmsley were also with us for a Lord’s Day during October. Uel Ussher and his son, Samuel, gave an interesting report on the work in Venezuela on October 9.
Orillia: T. Walker and A. LeBlanc are in gospel meetings here at the moment. The assembly has saturated the area with Seed Sowers just before the meetings.
Toronto: Victoria Park had four weeks of excellent gospel meetings with M. Derksen and P. Ramsay, September 16 to October 12. Two from the Sunday School professed and another young man professed later. We had great support from the other assemblies in Toronto and the saints were greatly cheered and encouraged. At Eglinton, T. Walker was present for two Lord’s Days and one week of children’s meetings when a nice number of boys and girls attended, many in their teens. S. Vance and G. Higgins are preaching the gospel in Lansing Hall with good interest and a number of unsaved attending. The Highfield assembly requests prayer for gospel meetings commencing January 7 with J. Nesbitt and F. Sona, D.V.
Welland: L. Langfeld and T. Walker assisted in the gospel outreach at the Niagara Regional Exhibition. In September, B. Rodgers gave two weeks of ministry using his “Egypt to Canaan” chart. The saints also enjoyed encouraging visits in October from H. Paisley and J. Slabaugh. E. Doherty gave help in the bi-weekly Spanish meeting. Please pray for gospel meetings expected to begin November 11 with N. Burden and D. Swan.
Saint-Donat: L. Buote and G. Roy, with the help of the St-Flavie assembly, preached the gospel under the tent during three weeks in July. The believers were encouraged by the attendance of a few strangers.
Sainte-Flavie: The saints from the Green River assembly met with the saints here for their first monthly all-day meeting on November 3. L. Wells, G. Roy, and two local brethren took part in ministry.
New Brunswick
Bathurst: Helped by a brother from the Tracadie assembly, J. Walmsley had three weeks of tent meetings during August. Several strangers attended the meetings and blessing was seen.
Edmundston: In fellowship with the Green River assembly, L. Buote and G. Roy had tent meetings during the month of August. Almost two thousand gospel texts where distributed in the area and a few unsaved came out for the first time.
Fairisle: L. Wells and a local brother had tent meetings just outside this village, July 3 to August 10. Our brethren have been encouraged by the attendance of many strangers in this area where much opposition has been experienced in the past.
Pigeon Hill: L. Wells and G. Roy had some gospel meetings with the small assembly from October 16 to November 2. French gospel texts and invitations were distributed in five small villages around the hall. Although the visiting was easier than previous years, the response was poor.
Sussex: F. Sona and B. Crawford continue in Sussex in the gospel with one professing salvation. Prayer is requested for some who have been long prayed for.
Tracadie: J. Walmsley was with the assembly for three ministry meetings at the end of June, and also for their annual conference the first weekend in August. A young sister was baptized on August 12, giving joy to the saints.
Nova Scotia
Blues Mills: P. Orasuk was with the saints for ministry on September 19. E. Fowler visited on October 20 with a report on the work in Russia. Both meetings were of interest and encouragement to the saints.
New Glasgow: N. Burden and E. Fowler concluded four weeks in the gospel. The saints were encouraged and one confessed Christ.
Yarmouth: J. McClelland has obtained a building for gospel meetings in this needy town. Prayer is requested for this effort.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander: Gospel meetings started with P. Ramsay and B. Joyce on November 4.
Gander Bay: A very large crowd gathered for the funeral of our esteemed brother Alvin Blake on October 23.
Lance Au Loup: The annual conference October 12-14 was an encouragement to the Lord’s people. The ministry was shared by J. Procopio, D. Hunt, B. Bingham, E. Dredge, C. Hiscock, J.A. Joyce, and B. Joyce.
Parsons Pond: The ministry of the Word at the annual conference on October 20-21 was shared by D. Swan, D. Hunt, P. Matthews, M. Derksen, B. Bingham, C. Hiscock, V. Boutlier, J.A. Joyce, and B. Joyce.
Red Bay: A large gospel meeting was held on the Monday night following the Lance Au Loup conference. Seven brethren took part in short ten minute messages, with a good number of unsaved from the community. Prayer is requested for gospel meetings to begin November 4 with J.A. Joyce and B. Bingham.
St. Johns: The annual conference October 27-28 was a blessing with ministry given by G. Goff, J. Procopio, P. Matthews, B. Bingham, E. Dellandrea, E. Fowler, M. Derksen, and B. Joyce.
Phoenix: Recent baptisms of a young brother and two young sisters have brought much joy to the assembly.
In West Phoenix, a clothing distribution was held on October 27 when more than 100 adults and children from the neighborhood heard the gospel preached. A young couple, recently saved, are to be married on November 3 in the building which has been named the Phoenix Gospel Center (Centro Evangelico Phoenix). Some that stopped coming over the summer have returned .
Cedar Falls: A. Kelly gave a report on the work in Mexico, and also visited Hitesville, Marion, Dunkerton and Garnavillo. He also planned to speak to the Spanish-speaking people in Postville. E. McCullough was expected here in early November for ministry with a model of the Tabernacle.
Hampton: J. Jennings and A. Ward started meetings here on October 21.
Hitesville: We appreciated having A. Kelly from Mexico for meetings the last Lords Day of October and J. Smith on the first Lords Day in November. Mr. Smith also had four nights of Bible Readings on 2 Timothy. Please note: Since it seems better for many to attend all-day meetings on a Lords Day throughout the year rather than at the busy time at the years end, we will not be having our usual January 1st meeting.
Waterloo: The assembly has been encouraged by the recent visits of F. Krauss, R. Orr, J. Webb, and R. Weber.
Alpena: T. Walker and A. LeBlanc are in gospel meetings here at the moment. The assembly saturated the area with Seed Sowers just before the meetings.
Egg Harbor: G. Badgley and L. Mitchell are laboring here in the gospel.
Ontario: E. Miller and G. Patterson are preaching the gospel here.
Waukesha: One week of children’s meetings with Dan Shutt were well attended, and a number continue to come to the weekly children’s meeting as a result. A. Dryburgh paid an appreciated visit to the assembly for a Lord’s Day and stayed for a few nights of timely ministry.
New Lenox: R. Orr and E. McCullough were cheered at the close of gospel meetings in New Lenox when a Roman Catholic man professed to be saved. He has been coming to all the meetings since.
Jackson: Meetings began on November 4 with N. Crawford using a chart on Revelation. Attendance and interest have been excellent with visitors each night.
Akron: The assembly appreciated visits by J. Bergsma, W. Gustafson, and R. Surgenor. A Seed Sower effort was held in the area of the hall, and also in Barberton.
Clyde: N. Crawford and J. Nesbitt gave helpful ministry in October.
Cleveland: W. Gustafson and G. Hanna gave encouraging ministry in recent visits.
Mansfield: D. Oliver was with the assembly, giving practical and heart-warming ministry on the subject of Relationships.
Toronto: J. Slabaugh and A. Ward held forth in the gospel for 4 weeks. There was some interest, and one couple that had professed several years ago are interested in assembly fellowship. These brethren expect to return January 6, D.V., for two weeks of meetings, alternating with the Steubenville assembly, on “The Things Most Surely Believed Among Us.”
Bryn Mawr: The assembly held a week of children’s meetings in mid-October and was encouraged by the number in each night. Some brethren from local assemblies assisted with the lessons. An 82 year old man who recently indicated assurance of salvation, died suddenly, after having been raised in the Sunday School and attending weekly gospel meetings all his life.
New Jersey
The saints were strengthened and encouraged by a week of ministry meetings in October with D. Oliver on the subject, “Old Testament Truths Concerning Priesthood”.
Frostburg: W. Gustafson gave profitable ministry on October 17 on the Gospel of Mark and Unique Aspects of the Servanthood of Christ.
Tampa: Prayer is requested for the Seed Sowers effort at the end of the year.
Augusta: E. Parmenter was here for a week of ministry on Peter’s epistles. He also had a meeting in Madison on the Life of Peter.
Hardwick:, J. Procopio visited the assembly for ministry on Lord’s Day, September 2, and a young brother was baptized. The assembly had its annual conference September 8- 9 and enjoyed the ministry of several full-time servants of the Lord including H. Paisley, W. Gustafson, L. Wells, and G. Roy. Several local brethren also gave help during the conference. From October 15-18, E. Parmenter ministered on Ephesians.
Byfield: September 10-14, E. Parmenter was present for three nights of ministry from Johns Gospel. W. Gustafson and J. Slabaugh also visited during September.
Methuen: The assembly appreciated ministry during October by our brethren W. Gustafson, E. Parmenter, and J. Slabaugh.
Saugus: The believers appreciated J. Slabaugh’s visit October 23 for ministry.
Newington: R. Surgenor was here for three nights of ministry and remained for the monthly Bible Reading. Friday night children’s meetings began in October.
Terryville: R. Surgenor paid an appreciated visit for ministry in early October. The conference was a time of encouragement, with ministry addressing the needs of the Lord’s people in troublous times. Those who shared in the ministry were A. Higgins, E. Higgins, D. Oliver, E. Parmenter, J. Slabaugh, J. Smith, and F. Tornaquindici. Lord willing, the assembly plans to start gospel meetings on November 4 in Bristol with D. Petterson, helped by local brethren. Please pray for this effort.
Pacucha: J. Portman spent two weeks having ministry meetings with H. Rodriguez in Spanish and English for the encouragement of the saints here and the work in Mexico City.
N. Ireland
Ballintoy: H. Paisley had two weeks of well-attended meetings on prophetic events with the use of a chart. Our brother also gave profitable ministry in Dromore, Newtownbreda, and Crossgar.
Ballymena: Brethren McCandless and Orasuk have had a good start to gospel meetings here and look to the Lord for blessing in salvation.
Belfast: W. J. Nesbitt and his son Andrew have commenced in Windsor Gospel Hall, in this densely populated area of the city. T. Meekin is preaching the gospel nightly in Glenburn Gospel Hall, with fairly good numbers attending. J. Lennox and B. Currie commenced gospel meetings in Dunmurry in mid-October.
Castlewellan: J. Rodgers and A. Davidson are preaching in the Gospel Hall here.
Donaghcloney: B. Glendenning and A. Redpath are preaching the gospel in the village and visiting the surrounding area with gospel tracts and literature.
Donnemanna: The annual conference saw the hall full. The Word was ministered to profit by W. J. Nesbitt, David Kane, Jack Hay, and Alan Davidson.
Kells: S. Wells and W. Fenton are now in their eighth week in a large portable hall erected in Caldwells yard. The attendance has been excellent and the Lord has blessed in the salvation of souls, with others still interested.
Laurelvale: A. Aiken and a local brother have commenced to preach the gospel in this country district near the village of Richill.
Lurgan: The annual conference was very well attended with profitable Bible Readings on Hebrews 1-3 by A. McShane, S. Ferguson, D. West, and J. Grant. The gospel meetings were conducted by J. Walmsley, M. Radcliffe, and T. Matthews.
Omagh: T. Bentley and D. Gilliland have commenced here in the Gospel Hall. The meetings have been encouraging so far.
Conferences. D.V.
Saugus, MA
December 1 and 2, with prayer meeting on Friday at 8:00. Meetings on Saturday at 10:30 a.m., 2:30 and 6:30 p.m. Breaking of Bread at 10 a.m. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 213 Walnut St., just East of Route 1. Corr: Joe Procopio, 11 Forest St., Saugus, MA, 01906, Tel: (781)233-5780. For accommodations please contact Tony Grillo, 46 Grey Lane, Lynnfield, MA 01940, Tel: (781)334-6363, Gospel Hall (781) 233-5570.
Pennsauken, NJ
January 5 and 6, 2002, in the Haddonfield Mem. High School, Kings Highway East, Haddonfield (please note new location). Prayer Meeting Friday, January 4 at 7:30 p.m. in Pennsauken Gospel Hall, 6530 Caroline Ave. at Route 38 near Route 70. Corr. David A. Curran, e-mail, phone 856-429-4443.
Seattle, WA
January 19 and 20 (Note: One week earlier than previous years) with Prayer Meeting on Friday 7:30 p.m. and Sunday evening Gospel meeting 7 p.m. in the West Woodland Gospel Hall. All other meetings will be in the West Woodland Elementary School adjacent to the Gospel Hall. Bible Readings at 8:45 a.m. both days; Saturday: II Thes. 1: 6-10 “The Lord’s coming with His saints.”; Sunday: I Thes.. 4: 13-18 “The Lord’s coming for His saints.” Saturday meetings are at 10:30 a.m., 2:30 and 7 p.m.; Sunday at 10 a.m., 2:30 and 7 p.m. Corr: David Hale, 16813 – 19th Ave SW, Normandy Park, WA 98166, Tel: (206)243-0557, Hall: (206)783-1368.
Tampa, FL
February 9 and 10 with Prayer Meeting on Friday 7:30 p.m. All meetings will be held in the Gospel Hall, 12704 Marjory Avenue, Tampa. Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Testimony and Gospel 7 p.m. Lords Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 12 p.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Corr: Oronzo Dalfino, Tel: (813)265-2757; Hall: (813)932-9530.
Change of Address
Timothy Walker, 3936 Cardinal Drive, Niagara Falls, ON, L2H 2W2 Canada; Tel: (905)371-2227 E-mail:
Change of Correspondent
Grande Prairie, AB: Robert Eyers, 10201-89th St., Grande Prairie, AB, T8X 1G2; email:
Mansfield, OH: John Hoffman , 1385 Agnes Drive, Mansfield, OH 44903; Tel: 419-884-1990
Montreal, QC: (Grace Gospel Hall) Stephen R. Johnston, 14 Evergreen Crescent, Beaconsfield, QC H9W 2S2
Tel: (514) 630-1168;
Salem, OR: Gaylord Lowry, 536 Nebergall Loop NE, Albany, OR 97321; Tel: 541-967-0575.
With Christ
Miss Eileen Iere Spencer of Trinidad, W.I. on September 23, age 73. She was born in 1928 in Cardiff, Wales when her parents, Henry and Henrietta Spencer, missionaries to Trinidad, were on furlough. She was saved in 1939, and as she grew up, threw herself whole-heartedly into the work of the Lord in Trinidad. She served faithfully in childrens work, the Bryn Mawr Preparatory School founded by her sister Annie, and the Assembly Fairhaven Home for Senior Citizens. She passed into the Lords presence in Cardiff after a long, trying illness borne with fortitude. At the funeral, Graham Watkins spoke fittingly to a full hall, with Michael Jones at the grave side.
Mrs. Richard Cook (Mary) of Campbellford, ON on September 12, in her 90th year. She was saved as a young farm girl and received into the assembly where she continued until the hall closed a couple of years ago. She leaves two sons and a daughter. She was a woman that was much concerned about the salvation of her family. D. Booth presented the gospel clearly at the large funeral.
Mrs. Archie (Grace Martins) Stevenson of Englehart, ONon September 14, age 66. Our dear sister was saved as a girl of 16. She married Archie Stevenson in 1959, and moved from Toronto to Huntsville where she was in assembly fellowship until coming to Englehart in 1977. She nursed at the local nursing home for over 20 years and attendance of many of her colleagues at the funeral attest to her excellent testimony at work. She was a most faithful mother in getting her eight daughters to meetings. Pray for the family as some are not saved. D. Nicholson spoke faithfully at the large funeral.
Gertrude Palmer of Garnavillo, IA, age 86, on September 15. Our sister heard the gospel in meetings held by Mr. McBain in 1942 when she was saved, and she went on well for the Lord in faithful and consistent fellowship with the saints in Garnavillo. In latter years, she was a resident in a nursing home near here and not able to be at the assembly meetings. She left a good testimony and many from the local bank where she worked were present at the service to hear the gospel. Of her three children, two are in assembly fellowship. The gospel was preached at her funeral by J. Portman.
John Wilsdon, Toronto, ON on September 27, age 64. He was saved in 1963 through Romans 10:9 and in fellowship in Pape Ave. (now Victoria Park) since 1995. He was a faithful brother, and active in tract distribution. He bore his illness with patience and dignity, longing to be home with the Lord. The funeral was taken by R. Reilly and N. Lorimer.
Mrs. Beatrice Hobbs of London, ON on October 9, age 95. She was born in Surrey, England and came to Canada as an infant. She and her first husband, Arnold (1979) were saved as a result of a neighbor inviting their children to Sunday school. Our sister’s gospel zeal remained consistent throughout her lifetime, enhanced by her cheerful, godly demeanor. Her husband, Albert, passed away in 1998. She is survived by a son and daughter, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Ross Parker and Gordon Brodie took the funeral service.
Stanley Booth of Welland, ON on Oct. 14, age 87. Our dear brother was saved in 1933 under the faithful preaching of brethren Shivas and Gould. He came to Welland from St. Catherines in 1966 having shepherd experience. He exercised the work of an elder well from 1969 until confined with his wife to nursing home care the last ten years. His voice of experience in ministry, Bible exposition, and gospel is missed because it was always much appreciated. He leaves behind his wife, Violet, and daughter Joan, who would appreciate prayer. The funeral was shared by nephew Doug Booth and D. Nicholson, with nephew D. Booth at the grave side.
Joseph McClelland, Toronto, ON on October 20, age 94. He was born in Scotland, and saved there as a boy of 15. He was in happy fellowship in Scotland, United States and Canada for over 79 years, the last ten in Pape Ave. (now Victoria Park). Our brother was a true steward, a tender overseer, marked by devotion to his Lord, always ready with a word of encouragement for God’s people or a word of testimony to the unsaved. He was loved and esteemed by all and truly missed. He was predeceased by his three brothers, and survived by his three sisters and their families. The funeral was taken by R. Reilly and N. Lorimer.
Mrs. Esterina (Esther) Faita Falcone of Torrington, NJ on October 21, age 91. She was born in Maruggio, Taranto, Italy and was saved in 1952, readily accepting the gospel testimony she heard from her brother John Faita. She and her family moved to the US in the early 1950s and she was in happy fellowship in the Torrington assembly for many years. She is survived by her son, John. Her daughter, Gabriella, went to be with Christ in 1995. She was a warm, contented believer, with a deep exercise for the gospel, and she will be missed. Her funeral was taken by F. Tornaquindici and G. Higgins.
Mrs. Hazel Inglis of Moncton, NB on October 26, age 90. Saved in her late twenties through the preaching of the late John and Robert McCracken, she was with the saints in Swaine Street Gospel Hall, Halifax for most of her Christian life. She was a faithful sister, a lover of the gospel and given to hospitality. Many a student has been indebted to her for accommodation and care. Her last years were in the Royal Court Home in Moncton. The funeral was shared by our two brethren K. Taylor and A. Hull. All who were present received a clear message in the gospel.
Alfred Taylor of Taylorside, SK on October 26, age 98. Our dear brother was saved in 1938 and faithfully attended the Taylorside Gospel Hall, taking an active part until his health made it impossible for him to attend. Alfred was always a man of prayer. His life was marked by a godly consistent testimony. He is survived by his wife Ruth, three children and two grandchildren. Please pray for them. The well attended funeral service was shared by Murray Meyers, Bernard Taylor, with Arthur Taylor at the grave side.
Mrs. Ruby Hill of Orillia, ON on October 28, age 84. She was saved in 1933, and baptized with nine other young women at the Orillia Sunday School picnic in 1934. She continued in happy fellowship all these years until her home call after a period of some years of weakness. Andrew Adams took the funeral service which was attended by several unsaved family and neighbors. Please pray especially for a daughter and son, and their families, who are not saved.