British Columbia
Vancouver: The 17-day Pacific National Exhibition, with close to one million attenders, was the sight once again of the Gospel Booth. The location was very favourable, and many people came in to look at displays and engage in conversation. Large quantities of literature were distributed. This effort is sponsored by the Deep Cove assembly and supported by area assemblies. Fruit from this work in the past has been far-reaching.
Squamish: The Word was proclaimed clearly each night of the two-week tent series, and on most nights there were some in from the community. The children’s meetings afforded a good opportunity to make some new contacts as well, and we trust that some fruit will result from this in due time.
Surrey: The Fleetwood assembly enjoyed a night of ministry from Stu Thompson in early September.
Mervin: Jim Webb conducted a week of gospel meetings here in August, with children’s meetings each morning.
Andrew Bergsma and Jack Gould continue to have open doors on the many Hutterite colonies in Manitoba. God is working in salvation. They had the privilege of witnessing a baptism of three believers obeying their Lord. This baptism attracted many who still live on the colony. Jack Gould has a weekly teaching meeting on a colony with at least 15 adults plus teenagers attending. They deeply value the prayers of the Lord’s people for the work in the city of Winnipeg as well as the many contacts still living on the colonies.
Clinton: Visits on July 29 by Alex Dryburgh, and on August 12 by Larry Steers were appreciated by the saints. George McKinley (N. Ireland) was with us for a mid-week meeting and a Lord’s Day in August, giving help in ministry and gospel.
Clyde: Lorne Mitchell spent a Lord’s Day with the saints in July. Don Nicholson and Tim Walker visited in August.
Lake Shore: The gospel tent meetings with Norman Crawford and Frank Sona during the month of July were well attended and supported by neighboring assemblies. The Lord was pleased to bless in salvation.
Parry Sound: The saints rejoiced when a young man was baptized in the Georgian Bay. Arnold Adams shared in the happy occasion along with many visitors.
St. Marys: The tent meetings held in July with brethren Lavery and Aiken were well attended and the Lord’s hand was seen in salvation.
Sudbury: Brian Owen and Allen LeBlanc had three weeks of gospel meetings with some interest shown. Ministry was also appreciated by the saints.
Nova Scotia
Blues Mills: On August 4, the saints were encouraged with the baptism of a sister and a young brother. A good number of unsaved family members attended. The ministry and gospel were shared by B. Bingham and E. Wong.
Prince Edward Island
Borden-Carleton: A. J. Joyce and P. Ramsay assisted the Crapaud assembly in five weeks of gospel tent meetings which commenced on July 1. Door to door visiting was encouraging. The meetings were well attended and God blessed in the salvation of souls.
Charlottetown: On July 8, three believers obeyed the Lord in baptism. The assembly enjoyed a night of ministry with brethren S. Vance and M. Derksen on August 28.
Montrose: R. McIlwaine and M. McCandless labored with the Rosebank and Springfield West assemblies in a gospel tent effort which commenced July 15. Good numbers of unsaved attended and the Lord blessed in the salvation of souls.
Poole’s Corner: A. Gratton and N. Burden had six weeks of gospel tent meetings, assisted by brethren from the Charlottetown assembly after Mr. Gratton returned to Ontario. God blessed in salvation.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander: Outdoor gospel meetings were held for a week from the August 12-19 with the use of George Whey’s trailer which was set up in the mall. Several brethren helped each night.
Gander Bay: Gospel tent meetings with G. Goff , K. Taylor, and A. Blake were very encouraging. Brother Blake gave help as his health allowed him, and did so with definite help from God. Good crowds came and the Lord worked in a real way, especially in our brother Alvin’s family. The tent came down on August 31, but the meetings are continuing in the Gospel Hall.
New Harbour: A special 25th anniversary was held to mark the start of the assembly. It was a good day of remembrance of how God has worked and is still working. Ministry was given to profit by G. Goff, K. Taylor, M. Derksen, C. Hiscock, A. Barbour, and Bryan Joyce.
Parsons Pond: B. Joyce and P. Mathews gave appreciated ministry in the monthly ministry meeting on August 26.
Anchorage: The assembly at Dimond Blvd. has been encouraged with a sister and four brethren added to the fellowship, one young man the fruit of Sunday School work. Please pray for his sister and another young man of 16 who are under definite conviction. Wynnfield Hooke (N. Ireland) gave appreciated ministry on the Seven Churches of Asia during the last week of August.
Arlington: Seven brethren shared in ministry and gospel at the Labor Day weekend conference. Bible readings on Colossians 3 were most practical. Stu Thompson had a ministry meeting in Marysville following the conference.
Tri Cities: A young man was baptized in September, fruit of the two-week tent effort in July. Sunday ministry and gospel meetings, and Tuesday Bible study continue each week. The Monday youth work resumed in September. Jack and Ellen Saword have located here temporarily while home from El Salvador to help Tom Hoy and Bryan Myers in the work.
Phoenix: Brethren John Dennison and Shad Kember, Jr. with the Sunnyslope assembly had much joy in the baptism of three of those that have been saved since the West Phoenix Spanish gospel effort began. One of those baptized was a quadriplegic. His mother and another man completed the rejoicing threesome. They were baptized in a spa at Jonathan Vizzini’s business, Aqua Spa, where the meetings have been held to date. A building has been purchased to continue the work in this West Phoenix area. Prayer will be appreciated for further guidance and blessing.
S. Dakota
Rapid City: Al and Gloria Christopherson have bought a house and plan to reside here until the Lord leads otherwise. On August 25, there was a baptism with four obeying the Lord. There was much joy.
Edgewood: Bert Kampman of the Marion assembly and Tom Stickfort of the Cedar Falls assembly have been having Sunday night gospel meetings here.
Evansdale: On August 1, Roy Weber and Jerry Jennings started gospel meetings in this Waterloo suburb. This is a joint effort of the Waterloo and Dunkerton assemblies. At the time of report, they were in their fifth week. God’s hand has been seen in salvation. Please pray for others that are interested.
Egg Harbor: Please pray for gospel meetings to begin on October 14 with Eugene Badgley and Lorne Mitchell. The meetings are to be held in the Community Center.
Waukesha: Gospel meetings in a rural schoolhouse near East Troy closed July 31 with a fair interest throughout. A good number from the area ventured in at least once. Some have come a number of times, including the owner of the building and his family. On Saturday August 11, the assembly commemorated five years of assembly testimony by having a one day conference with Bible Reading, ministry, and gospel.
Jackson: A tract booth at the County Fair was visited by many people and a number of texts, tracts, and Scriptures were given out.
Fort Wayne: Matthew Smith, with help from other brethren and sisters, is continuing with gospel efforts in this area.
Akron: The conference on Labor Day weekend was large with about 650 present. Many of these are young believers. Seven brethren took part in ministry and gospel. David Oliver opened a Bible reading on consecration. Norman Crawford spent a week at Akron on the Prophecy of Zechariah with good attendance.
Cleveland: Harold Paisley paid appreciated visits to the Monticello and Lorain assemblies before the Akron conference. After the conference, he visited Mansfield, then went on to Hardwick, Vermont to be present at their conference.
Clyde: David Oliver had four nights of meetings with the assembly. Jim Smith was expected for three nights after the Akron conference.
Bryn Mawr: Please pray for gospel meetings beginning on September 9 with Jon Procopio and David Oliver.
Collingdale: D. Oliver had a number of cottage meetings here in rented quarters. Some attended with interest.
Hatboro: Eric McCullough had a few nights of ministry here, as well as in Bryn Mawr and Pennsauken.
New Jersey
Egg Harbor Township: Please pray for gospel meetings that Don Draper and Gene Higgins plan to have here in a rented building beginning on September 9. Maryland
Jim Smith visited the Frostburg and Cumberland assemblies in August. His subject for ministry was the four gospels and the four characteristics of the Lord displayed in them.
Matoaca: The assembly was cheered by the baptism of two believers. David Oliver was here for the occasion
Augusta: The saints enjoyed a visit from Alan Turkington on July 15 and a visit from Bryan Joyce on August 26.
N. Ireland
Banbridge: A. Davidson and J. Rodgers are outside this town in a tent. Good numbers are attending and many unsaved are hearing the gospel.
Bangor: S. Ferguson and W. Boyd have been preaching the gospel nightly in a tent in this seaside town. A good number of strangers have been in to hear the gospel.
Bleary: J. Lennox and B. Currie are now in their fifth week and have moved into Bleary Gospel hall as weather conditions were not suitable for the tent. One girl has professed salvation.
Burnside: J. Meekin and R. Fairley (Lisburn) have commenced gospel meetings in the hall here.
Clones: The Gospel Hall was full for the annual believer’s meeting. The following brethren ministered the Word to profit: R. McKeown, W.J. Nesbitt, N. Turkington, R. Gault, and J. Hutchinson.
Edenderry: W. Lavery and W. Skates have commenced here in the gospel in brother Skates’ home assembly.
Fintona: The annual conference was well attended with a full hall. D. Kane, W.J. Nesbitt, Uel Ussher, and T. Flanigan ministered the Word. Presently, the gospel is being preached by two local brethren, A. Wilson and S. Nelson (Omagh).
Greyabbey: Gospel meetings concluded in this small village. Attendance was good and God was pleased to bless in a number of souls professing.
Kells: S. Wells and W. Fenton have commenced to preach the gospel in a portable hall outside the village. Good numbers are attending and the brethren are experiencing good help nightly to preach the gospel.
Lisburn: J. Martin and W. Martin are in their fourth week in a tent a few miles out on the Antrim side. Good numbers have been attending.
Newtownhamilton: W. J. Nesbitt continues to preach the gospel in a tent erected a few miles out of this border town.
Portadown: A. McShane and D. Gilliland are preaching the gospel in a tent on the Armagh Road. Good numbers of unsaved attend nightly.
Conferences. D.V.
Alpena, AR
October 27 and 28 in the Gospel Hall , 401 Lane St. Saturday: Bible Reading at 2 p.m. with ministry following.Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Ministry 1:30 p.m. For info/accom: Will Trowbridge, Tel: (501)665-4189, E-mail: wdtcat@madisoncounty.net
Blues Mills, NS
November 3 and 4 in the Gospel Hall, 34 Mountain Road, Blues Mills, Cape Breton. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Meetings Lord’s Day start at 10 a.m., Gospel 7 p.m. both evenings. Corr: John Bain, 12 Reynolds Street, Port Hawkesbury, NS, B9A 2Z1 Tel: (902)625-2409. email:jbain@ns.sympatico.ca
Saskatoon, SK
November 4 and 5 in the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road, with prayer and ministry on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Gospel at 6:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Ministry 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Inquiries: (306)242-1506, (306)249-5044.
Oshawa, ON
November 10 in the Gospel Hall, 150 Albert Street. Ministry is at 2 and 7 p.m..with supper served between meetings. Corr: Ken Nicholson, Tel:(905)579-7540.
Maberly, ON
November 17 at the Wheeler Pancake House and Sugar Camp. Directions: Hwy. 7 to Maberly, take County Rd. 36 North to Kingston Line (approx. 9 km.), right on Kingston Line (approx. 2.5 km.), right on Highland Line (approx. 4 km.) Meetings are at 2:30 and 7 p.m. Corr: Gordon McLeod, Tel: (613)268-2616.
Stout, IA
November 22 in the Gospel Hall commencing at 10 a.m.. Corr: Gary DeGroote, 28073 West Brook Street, New Hartford, IA 50660, Tel: (319)983-2713.
McKeesport, PA
November 24, 25 and 26. Annual Fall Studies will be held at Wilson Christian Academy, West Mifflin, PA. Meetings begin Friday 2:30 p.m. Subject: “Relationships with God, the Family and Other Believers”. Sessions will be handled by Norman Crawford, Gene Higgins, David Oliver, Bill Seale, Dan Shutt and Dale Vitale. To inform us you are coming, for directions, meeting times or other information visit www.mckeesport.gospelhall.com. Information also available from Tom Clark Jr. at (412)751-5283 or tclark5@aol.com. Accom: Rob Oliver at (412)664-1004 or roboliver@mail.com.
Phoenix, AZ
November 22-25 in the Garfield Street Gospel Hall, 1246 E. Garfield Street, with prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Bible Readings on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 10 a.m. (1 Timothy 4, 5 and 6). Ministry each afternoon at 2:30 p.m., Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Lord’s Day. Corr: Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Avenue, Glendale, AZ 85305, Tel: (623)872-1007, Hall (602)253-4932.
Conference Reminders:
Baldwin, KS – October 14
Blue River, WI – October 13-14
Lanse au Loup, Labrador – October 12-14
Edmonton, AB – October 13-14
Niagara Falls, ON – October 13-14
Livonia, MI – October 20-21
Terryville, CT – October 20-21
La Crosse, WI – October 27-28
Wallaceburg, ON – October 28
London, ON – November 3-4
Additions to T&T Address List, June 2001
Miss Emily McCandless, Apartado 05-208, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America
Mr. and Mrs. Joe (and Penny) Clark, 90 Purdue Court, Lethbridge, AB. T1K 4R8, Tel: (403)380-3519.
Change of Address
Allan Christopherson, 1017 E. Ohio St., Rapid City, SD 57701, Tel: (605)718-2210, email:alrchris@juno.com.
Bruce Cottrill, Yrjonkatu 2 A 5, 05900 Hyvinkaa, Finland
Change of Correspondent
Clyde, OH: Steve McMurray, 123 Washington Ave, Clyde, OH 43410; Tel: (419)547-0552.
Change in Meeting Times
Alpena, MI: The Lord’s Supper will be at 10 a.m. beginning, September 10, 2001.
With Christ
Geoffrey Dellandrea of Arnstein, ON on July 22, age 73. Our dear brother was saved at the age of 21. He was faithful to the Lord, and a well respected elder and pillar in the assembly. He and his wife were given to hospitality, and their home was a haven to many. Since 1986, he bore the effects of his illness with patience, courage, and dignity. He leaves to mourn his wife Shirley, three sons, two daughters, all in assembly fellowship, and eighteen grandchildren. The very large funeral was taken by his sons Tommy, Mark, Matthew, and brother, Ernie. David Booth, his son-in-law, spoke at the grave.
Mrs. Janet Gardner of Deckerville, MI on August 3, age 82. Our sister had heard the gospel as a girl, and sat in tent meetings by the late John Smith in the Forest, ON area. She was saved in 1972 through Isa. 53:5-6. She was baptized in 1977 and soon received into the fellowship of the assembly. William Metcalf spoke the gospel to a good number that gathered, many of them unsaved. She leaves two daughters and sons-in-law, and several grandchildren, some not saved.
Barbara Ankerman of Taylorside, SK on August 8, age 89. Our dear sister was born near Elstow, SK, February 11, 1912, and was saved April 4, 1937. She heard the gospel when coming to this district to teach school in the late 30s. She was a faithful witness to God’s saving grace and gave out many gospel tracts. She was predeceased by her husband, Sydney. The funeral was taken by Garry Seale and David Taylor. Prayer is requested for the family.
Lori Breekveldt of Arlington, WA on August 12, age 42, after a brief period of illness. Our dear sister was saved at the age of seven.. Lori loved to work with children. She volunteered at the Arlington Christian School and later ran her own private pre-school. She also taught Sunday School for 15 years, and ran an in-home day care for friends. She married Hank in 1988, and was a loving mother to Tia, 11, Brian, 9, and Kendon, 2. She also leaves her parents, Gerald and Loleta Klein, and eight brothers and sisters. Please pray for her husband and young family. Maurice Scandrett, Tim Klein, and Tom Hoy had liberty and help to speak at the large funeral.
Mrs. Sophia Studnicka of Blue River, WI on August 14, age 98. She was saved in October of 1932 during meetings of the late Stephen Mick. Along with her husband William, she was one of the believers that formed the assembly in Blue River in 1934. She was a faithful sister to her Lord and the assembly. Her husband preceded her in death in 1956. Sophia was cared for by her daughter, Mrs. Virginia Bethke for the last number of months. A son, Paul, also survives and their families, besides others. The funeral service was taken by Robert Orr.