British Columbia
Port Alberni: In June, the saints enjoyed a week of excellent ministry from John Abernethy.
Vancouver: Two weeks of children’s meetings closed in Nanaimo Rd. with 91 children and 28 adults, besides workers, present on the closing night. Some good contacts have been made in the area. A weekly children’s meeting for ten weeks is planned starting later in September. Deep Cove and Victoria Drive enjoyed a brief visit from Aubrey Kelly of Mexico. Summer children’s efforts are being undertaken in Burnaby and West Richmond in August.
Squamish: Tent meetings for the second summer will run from August 12-26. Children’s meetings are to be held in the mornings of the second week.
Taylorside: The conference on July 1st weekend was considered to be profitable. Helpful ministry was given by our brethren R. Boyle, J. Gould, J. Hanna, J. Ronald, Jr., P. Simms, and J. Webb.
Chatham: Marvin Derksen and Frank Sona had three weeks in a tent in June. A young lady from the community who was contacted by the Christians in January professed to be saved and has given joy to the saints.
Goderich: The attendance was most encouraging during tent meetings by Ross Vanstone of Portage la Prairie and Mark Bachert of Clinton from July 1-20. Just prior to the meetings, a Seed Sower distribution was done in the town and surrounding area. It was a joy to see God’s hand in salvation. There were new contacts made giving reason to be encouraged.
Lake Shore: The tent meetings with Frank Sona and Norman Crawford were in their fourth week with interest and some blessing in salvation. A lady and a teen-aged girl have professed salvation.
London: The saints appreciated the visit of James Walmsley for Lord’s Day June 10, and also June 14 for ministry and a report of the Lord’s work in Venezuela.
St. Marys: Tent meetings with William Lavery and William Aiken closed on July 20 with blessing in salvation on the final nights that greatly cheered both saints and servants.
Thunder Bay: Jim Webb spent a Lord’s Day in July with the assembly and had two nights of ministry on Romans 1 and 2.
Toronto: Frank Sona was expected for children’s meetings beginning August 13 at Langstaff. Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Marvin Derksen and Peter Ramsay expect to commence on September 16 in Victoria Park.
Wallaceburg: Tent meetings with Alex Dryburgh and Bert Snippe concluded in mid-July. A good number of unsaved heard the clear gospel, and a lady from Chatham professed to be saved.
Windsor: William Metcalf and Jack Nesbitt are expected for gospel meetings in the hall in September. The assembly tried to rent a lot for a tent, but none was available.
New Brunswick
Bathurst: Please pray for up-coming tent meetings. A few believers are burdened for souls in the area. Jim Walmsley from Venezuela, who is on a visit to the Maritimes, will conduct these meetings.
Nova Scotia
Blues Mills: The assembly appreciated visits during July by Peter Orasuk, John Meekin, and James Walmsley.
Clementsvale: Steve Vance and David McClelland commenced July 15 in tent meetings in this area. They have had some blessing in past summers. Prayer is requested.
Glenholme/Great Village: Albert Hull and Matthew Cain commenced gospel meetings on July 15. In their first week there was a little response. Your prayers are valued. Matthew Cain and Keir Ramsay conducted children’s meetings each morning and were encouraged by the numbers coming.
New Annan: Bill Bingham commenced tent meetings on July 15, helped by local brethren, with children’s meetings planned the following week. Prayer is requested for this needy area.
River Hebert: The assembly appreciated visits in June from David Hunt for a Lord’s Day, and Noel Burden for a Lord’s Day and two nights of ministry. In July, Allen Turkington gave a missionary report on the work in Venezuela which has prompted prayer on behalf of the workers in that country.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Buchans: George Whey and Kevin March of the Gander assembly had a week of well attended open air meetings in the month of June.
Corner Brook: Local brethren have been having a gospel meeting in the mall parking lot after the meeting in the Gospel Hall. They have been very encouraged by the response.
Gander Bay: The saints were encouraged by five believers obeying the Lord in baptism. Gaius Goff and Ken Taylor were present to share in the gospel. Alvin Blake, who is not well, was given strength by the Lord to do the baptizing. Please pray for him and his wife. Also pray for gospel meetings to start in the area with G. Goff, K. Taylor and A. Blake.
Goose Bay: Wallace Buckle had two weeks of children’s meetings with help from local brethren. Four thousand Seed Sower texts were given out in the town along with tracts and invitations.
Grand Falls-Windsor: Three weeks of tent meetings concluded on June 29 with Marvin Derksen and Bryan Joyce. Numbers were not overwhelming, but there was great joy over the salvation of two souls. Bramwell Lewis of the Sandringham assembly helped for a week of children’s meetings in the tent. The gospel was also preached in the open air in surrounding communities during the tent meetings.
New Harbour: The assembly appreciated a number of visits by Marvin Derksen during the month.
Seal Cove: The saints have been encouraged by the turn out at the open air meetings. Bramwell Lewis has been helping George Whey along with Bryan Joyce in the final four nights of the eight-night series.
South Coast: David Hunt has been operating the gospel boat along the south coast for a good part of the summer. There was a good response in the town of Grey River, which is completely isolated and can only be reached by boat. Also, in LaPoile, although there is no assembly at present, there has been a lot of gospel activity over the past number of years. On July 22, there was a baptism in the town with a number present to hear the gospel. U.S.A.
Seattle: There was good attendance and interest during a week of ministry in June by John Abernethy, who also spent a weekend in Tacoma.
Salem: John Abernethy encouraged the saints here during a weekend in July.
N. Dakota
Minot: Many people were contacted in the gospel outreach, July 18-23. There was a Seed Sower distribution, gospel meetings, and a gospel booth at the nine-day state fair. Regular weekly meetings continue in the home of Al and Connie Bulow, (701)837-9051.
S. Dakota
Rapid City: Dan Shutt is working in the area to give a short break to the Christophersons.
Hinckley: A lady who was saved last year in meetings W. Skates and E. McCullough had in the Minneapolis area was baptized. Also, another man who recovered from brain surgery two years ago was baptized.
Sandstone: R. Orr and Eric McCullough finished meetings here and were thankful for a little blessing. Sandstone is ten miles north of the little assembly in Hinckley.
Littleton: The recent meetings have closed with God’s hand in blessing. Bre. Jennings and Weber are now holding tent meetings in Evansdale. Pray on.
Black Earth: John Slabaugh and Stuart Thompson faithfully proclaimed the gospel for three weeks, ending the meetings on July 1. The believers were cheered during the meetings, and were encouraged by the attendance of relatives, friends, and strangers, some who attended several times.
E. Troy: S. Wells and W. Skates finished meetings in a schoolhouse in this place.
Juda: R. Orr and a local brother, R. Van Mill, are preaching in a tent here.
Lancaster: J. Frazier and T. Topley from Ireland are preaching in a tent here.
New Lenox: R. Orr and E. McCullough start gospel meetings here on September 30.
Alpena: Jim Beattie and Larry Perkins had a tent pitched for three weeks beside brother Perkins’ home, closing on July 28 with some interest and one profession of faith.
Saginaw: The saints here and from surrounding assemblies received needed encouragement and teaching from Norman Crawford and William Metcalf at the monthly ministry meeting August 5.
Akron: The assembly appreciated a visit from Bill Lavery in July. N. Crawford was expected for ministry on prophetic subjects in mid-August.
Cleveland: Tom Baker was with the assembly recently.
Clyde: Norman Crawford gave helpful ministry in early July.
Toronto: The assembly here enjoyed visits from John Slabaugh and Lorne Mitchell. We anticipate a gospel series with John Slabaugh and Art Ward beginning September 9, D.V.
Bryn Mawr: The assembly held a week of children’s meetings in Exton, PA, in mid-July with David Oliver, Shawn Sinclair, and local brethren. The children who attended were attentive and learned well. The brethren were encouraged with the location and hope to return again. The assembly was greatly encouraged at the baptism of a brother who has also asked for reception. Quite a number of visitors attended the gospel meeting and the baptism. David Oliver plans to have some gospel meetings in Delaware Community College in Collingdale, PA. Please pray for this effort.
Terryville: On July 9th, the assembly here reached the 90th anniversary of its commencement. We thank the Lord for the preservation of the lampstand and trust it will continue until the Lord comes.
N. Ireland
Armagh-braegne: W.J. Nesbitt is preaching in a tent in this area close to the border where he has labored over the years and seen much blessing.
Branbridge: A. Davidson and J. Rodgers have erected a tent close to the town and near to the A-1 dual carriageway.
Bangor: S. Ferguson and W. Boyd are preaching in a tent in the center of this seaside town.
Bleary: J. Lennox and B. Currie have commenced in a gospel tent at Dunkirk Road between Bleary and Waringstown.
Burnside: R. Fairley and J. Meekin have commenced meetings in the Gospel Hall.
Bushmills: The annual Bible Readings, conducted by David Kane, were well attended. The brethren held open air meetings each morning at the seafront and thousands of tracts were distributed to holiday-makers.
Greyabbey: Malcolm Radcliffe, helped by another brother from Scotland, have commenced to preach the gospel in this small village.
Portadown: A. McShane and D. Gilliland have commenced in a tent on the Armagh Road.
Stonewall: The small assembly held their annual conference. The hall was filled and the Word of God ministered to profit.
The following annual conferences were held during the holiday period: Ballymagarrick, Bleary, Kingsmills, Dunmullan, and Ballybollan. Good numbers attended and many of the Lord’s servants ministered the Word of God.
Conferences. D.V.
Manchester, IA
September 29 and 30, with prayer meeting Friday 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 1308 N. Third St. All other meetings are in the Middle School, 1001 Doctor St. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m. (Luke 24:13ff – On the Emmaus Road), Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Gospel in the evening (Gospel Hall). Corr: C.F. Foster, 130 Clare Ave., Manchester, IA 52057-1306, Tel: (319)927-2963.
Roseisle, MN
September 29 and 30 in the Roseisle Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Friday 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading (Oversight in God’s Assembly) 10 a.m., Prayer and Ministry 2 p.m., Ministry and Gospel 7 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 1:15 p.m., Prayer and Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Corr: P.H. Dyck, Box 46, Roseile. MN R0G 1V0, Tel: (204)828-3509 or (204)828-3414, email: oakridge@cici.mb.ca.
Cape Breton, NS
October 6, 7 and 8 in the Memorial High School, Memorial Dr., Sydney Mines, Tel: (902)736-6233. Saturday: Prayer Meeting 2:30 p.m., Ministry 3:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading (The Miracles of Calvary) 8:30 a.m., Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. Monday: Bible Reading (The Rapture) 9 a.m., Ministry 10:15 a.m. Corr: Junior MacDonald, 1 Cambridge Ave., Sydney Mines, NS B1V 2G4, Tel: (902)736-3133. Accom: Norman Brown, Tel: (902)736-3069 (advance notice appreciated).
Brandon, MB
October 8 in the Gospel Hall. Bible Reading at 10 a.m. on Ephesians 3, with ministry at 1:30 p.m. Corr: Alan Ritchie, Tel. (204)727-4971.
Baldwin, KS
October 14 at Coal Creek Gospel Hall, 1718 N. 466 Road (1 mile North of US 56 on Rd. 1055). Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Bible Reading 10:45 a.m. (John 19), Children 1:15 p.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel6:30 p.m. Corr: D. Olmstead, 1702 N. 466 Rd., Baldwin, KS 66006-7242; e-mail: daveolmstead@juno.com. Tel: (785)594-6628.
Blue River, WI
October 13 and 14 at St. John’s Gym in Muscoda, WI on Wisconsin Ave. with prayer meeting in the Gospel Hall of Friday 8 p.m. preceded by supper at 6 p.m. The ministry will begin Saturday 10 a.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m. (Revelation 1), Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Following the conference, four Bible Readings will be held October 15-18 at 8 p.m. in the Gospel Hall. Corr: Jim Frazier, 15513 Richwood Estates Lane, Blue River, WI 53518, Tel.(608)537-2977, email: woodind@mwt.net.
Edmonton, AB
October 13 and 14 in the Connor’s Hill Gospel Hall, 9302 – 95th Street. Friday: Prayer 8 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Accommodation and meals provided. Corr: Joseph Bowman, 1325 Knottwood Road East, Edmonton, AB T6K 2K5; Tel: (780)450-0818; Email: josephjbowman@hotmail.com.
Niagara Falls, ON
October 13 and 14 in the Oakwood Gospel Hall, Cor. Adams and Hawkins Street. Prayer meeting on Friday 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. and 2:45 p.m., Bible Study 1:30 p.m. (Lordship of Christ), Gospel 6:45 p.m., Young People’s 8:15 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Bible Study 1:30 p.m. (High Priestly Ministry of Christ), Gospel 6:45 p.m.. Corr: Wm. Smith, 7467 Merritt Avenue L2G 5C3, Niagara Falls, ON Tel: (905)354-8272.
La Crosse, WI
October 27 and 28 in Logan Middle School, 1450 Avon Street, with prayer and ministry Friday 7:30 p.m. at the Gospel Hall, 1928 George Street. First meeting on Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 10 a.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m., Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Corr: David L. Hardie, 708 – 11 Avenue S., Onalaska, WI 54650, Tel: (608)783-4067, School: (608)789-7755.
Wallaceburg, ON
October 28 at the Gospel Hall, 121 Gillard Street, with a prayer meeting Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 1:15 p.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lunch and supper will be served. Contact C.Workman, Tel. (519)627-8743, Hall: (519)627-7637, or Email: pngwork@juno.com.
London, ON
November 3 and 4 in the Gospel Hall, 1196 Highbury Avenue, with prayer meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m. Corr: Hugh R. Garnham, 843 Dalkeith Crescent, London, ON N5X 1S5, Tel: (519)433-1825, Hall (519)451-8233.
McKeesport, PA
November 24, 25 and 26. Annual Fall Studies at Wilson Christian Academy, West Mifflin, PA. Meetings begin Friday 2:30 p.m. Subject : “Relationships with God, the Family and Other Believers”. Sessions will be handled by Norman Crawford, Gene Higgins, David Oliver and Dan Shutt. To inform us you are coming, for directions, meeting times or other information visit www.mckeesport.gospelhall.com. Information also available from Tom Clark Jr. at (412)751-5283 or tclark5@aol.com. Accom: Rob Oliver at (412)664-1004 or roboliver@mail.com.
Conference Reminders:
Hardwick, VT – September 8-9
Hitesville, IA – September 15-16
Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON – September 22-23
Clinton, ON – September 29-30 (Bible Readings: Eph. 1, Believer’s Blessing in Christ; Eph. 6, Believer’s Resources in Christ)
Midland Park, NJ – September 29-30
Maidstone, Mervin, SK, Paradise Valley, AB – October 6-7
Vancouver, BC – October 6-8
St. Thomas, ON – October 6-7
Terryville, CT – October 20-21
Livonia, MI – October 20-21
Change of Address of Correspondent
Langstaff Gospel Hall, Thornhill, ON (Toronto): Harry Clingen, 1300 Langstaff Rd., Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8P8 Phone: (905) 889-1556
With Christ
Iris Tui Swan of Edmonton, AB on April 25. Our sister was born in Auckland New Zealand in 1914 and was saved and received into the fellowship of the Hiawatha Assembly in Saskatchewan in 1934 prior coming to Edmonton. Iris and her husband Alex were in fellowship in the old 97th Street Gospel Hall and during that time carried on a children’s work, first in their home and later in a local school. Our sister suffered poor health much of her life and longed for the Lord’s return. Her husband and two sons predeceased her. Douglas King took the service in a full hall. Remember those members of the family that are yet unsaved.
Mr. George William Richard Hubley of Nineveh, NS on May 27, age 82. Our beloved brother was saved in 1949 through the preaching of L.K. McIlwaine and A. Aiken. He was associated with assemblies in Clementsvale and Brickton, then for many years was in the Nineveh assembly until called home to glory. He was a faithful brother who loved the gospel and the assembly. With the late John McCracken, he was instrumental in seeing the assembly planted in Weymouth, NS. All but one of his family of five profess salvation. Pray for his widow Joyce. The service was conducted by A. Hull, G. Roy and B. Bingham. A large audience heard the clear presentation of the gospel.
Mrs. Murrelle Clark of Pittsboro, NC, on June 12, age 92. She is survived by her husband William, daughter Linda, and son-in-law, two grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. She was a native of Pittsburgh, PA, saved at the age of 17, and continued in happy fellowship until her death. Wherever she and her husband lived, they were actively involved in the assembly. She was active in Sunday School work, and showed an interest in young people. She encouraged many Christians with her letter writing and was a true prayer warrior. The funeral was taken by her nephew Stanley Moore and Clark McClelland, with her brother-in-law Harold Clark speaking at the graveside.
Angelo Halverson of Vancouver, B.C. on June 15, age 97. Our brother was saved in 1924, along with his parents and three others in the family, in meetings conducted by Walter Gratias in Watson, Sk. He was received to the Taylorside assembly and for a brief time in the West End assembly, Winnipeg, but for the last 53 years has been in the Fairview assembly where he was esteemed as a faithful brother. He never married and is survived by two sisters, Norine Breekveldt of Arlinton, WA, and Inanda Remple of Winnipeg.
John James Steen of Bolton ON, on July 9, age 63. He was born in 1937 in N. Ireland and trusted Christ in 1951. He came to Canada in his teens and was in fellowship in the West Toronto assembly, and Bolton, where he was a respected elder and correspondent for a many years. John was a kind, godly gentleman with a great love for Christ, His Word, and the assembly of God, as well as a devoted father and grandfather. He leaves his wife Dorathea, three daughters, and one son. John Vance, his son John Steen, and Harold Paisley, who faithfully preached the gospel, shared the very large funeral. Harry Clingen prayed at the graveside. He will be greatly missed.
Mary Ruth McCullough Dittmyer of Longport, NJ on July 13, age 94. Saved in 1920 on December 27, she was originally in the Friendship Avenue Assembly in Pittsburgh. She then moved to the McKeesport assembly and later to the Longport Home. A faithful and godly example, our sister displayed an excellent memory for Bible verses through her 94 years. She is survived by three sons and two daughters, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The gospel was presented at her funeral by her grandson, Bill Seale, Jr.
Margaret Lorimer of Toronto, ON on July 30, age 76. Our beloved sister was saved on the last night of a six-week gospel series in Toronto on Nov. 26, 1939. She was the fourth generation to be gathered to the Name of our Lord Jesus, and continued steadfastly in Highfield and Pape (now Victoria Park). Margaret spent much time making clothing and scriptural gifts for underprivileged children in other lands. She had the joy of seeing her three children saved, one of whom is already in heaven. Margaret was a true helpmeet to her husband Norman. At her request, the gospel was plainly preached at her very large funeral.
Bible Texts
Put God’s Word on display in your home with beautiful hand-painted Bible texts. They are also suitable for gifts. Visit www.bible-texts.com, or call Lydia Nordin of the Glen Ewen, SK assembly at (306)483-5153 for more information.