Literature Work in India

Ours is a small assembly of believers gathering unto the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and trying to keep His testimony and stand for the New Testament church truths. Our literature ministry consists of publishing a few books for the edification of God’s people, gospel tracts in a few south Indian languages, and distribution of Bibles & portions. All our literature is sent out free, as the Lord enables. We also have a small library of books for the benefit of the Lord’s people. During the past years, the Lord has helped us to bring out several gospel tracts, and to distribute thousands of gospel portions, and Bibles, to our evangelists and assemblies, in three south Indian languages at subsidized rates.

Having the burden to rightly divide the Word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15), we have, by the grace of God, labored for over three years, with the kind cooperation of a few brethren, amidst several hardships, and were able to prayerfully bring out these instructive books, “Rightly Dividing the Word” and “The Gathering of the Church.” There is a general ignorance of the Word of God among the present generation of believers. Spirit-taught Bible teachers to expound the Word and to teach the sound doctrine among His people in the assemblies are not readily available. This burdened us to prepare these books. In our country, where the majority of His people do not know English, the wealth of teaching materials now available in that language, (if at all accessible) have little use. This was an added reason for us to prepare these books, first in English, and then, as the Lord would enable, to have the cooperation of various local brethren to translate them into their regional languages. Some papers in this book have been translated into Nepali & Orria languages. Translation into Tamil & Malayalam has been started. We desire to proceed in this endeavor, having, as a first step, brought them to be a standard basic material in English.

The first printing of “Rightly Dividing the Word” went out swiftly, and we have reprinted again. Similarly the stock of the book “The Gathering of the Church”, which was brought out in 1994, was all distributed and a revised version was printed during May 98 and the Tamil version in August 98. The Malayalam version of this book is now ready for distribution. We have published the valuable book, “The Church of God”, by Franklin Ferguson of New Zealand, during the past years in English and Malayalam, Telugu, and Tamil one after another. We do not have stock of them now.

Of late, there have been requests from different quarters, indicating that our brethren are eager to use these Scriptural truths and principles about the local assembly, among the believers of this generation. God has enabled us to reprint Telugu and Kannada versions now. A few new titles of gospel tracts in English, Tamil, and Telugu are under preparation. The coming of the Lord is nigh, and the “day of grace” will soon be over. We praise God for the blessed opportunity He has granted us to serve Him, in this manner.

The following English publications are available from us:

Rightly Dividing the Word, Things That Differ

This book is rightly sub-titled “Things That Differ” as it distinguishes helpfully between the Church, which is His body, and the church of God in Corinth or Ephesus; between the building and the flock; between the Lord’s table and the Lord’s supper; between Israel and the Church and the Sabbath and the Lord’s Day. It deals with spiritual gifts and in that context clearly marks out foundational, transitional and continuing gifts. Much space is devoted to prophecy. Important passages like Daniel 2 and 7 and Leviticus 23 are considered and illustrated by charts. Another chart covers God’s Prophetic Will in respect of the Gentile Nations and Israel. The Kingdom parables of Matthew 13 are included.

“The Gathering of the Church”

This book brings out the Biblical truths and principles under which true Christian believers are to meet together on the first day of the week to break bread and thus remember the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus Christ, offering thanks and praise. A morally and spiritually clean life and the needed spiritual preparation to observe this ordinance, and its implications are all presented under well-arranged chapters. What is true church reception? Who are those that are eligible to be in the local church fellowship? These questions are answered and many others in this book. Two other books in English are also available:

The Church of God and the House of God

The Bible – The Book of the Lord

Amainthakarai Christian Assembly. AMAINTHAKARAT GOSPEL HALL Post Box No.2051 24 (Old 15), Govindan Street, Ayyavoo Naidu Colony Amainthakarai, CHENNAI-600 029, India

These are valuable books, NWC