
British Columbia

Squamish: Two weeks of Gospel tent meetings were held in August. Children’s meetings were held each morning conducted by local brethren. The assembly was encouraged by response from the community with some out each night. A follow-up effort next summer is planned in the will of the Lord.

Vancouver: The Gospel Booth at the Pacific National Exhibition continued for 17 days for the 27th year. Much literature was distributed and good conversations held. The effort had good support from the area assemblies. One-week children’s meetings were conducted in West Richmond and Burnaby during August.


Glen Ewen: Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Cain, A. Dryburgh, D. Richards, and J. Hanna paid appreciated visits recently.

Taylorside: J. Ronald and W. Rodgers labored in the gospel for a week in a rural area south of here.


Clinton: G. Sharp and Win. McBride were with the assembly on Lord’s Day, August 27. At the close of the well-attended Gospel meeting, a young brother was baptized, giving joy and encouragement to the saints.

Grand Bend: Four weeks of tent meetings with brethren F. Miller and G. Sharp ended July 23 with blessing in the gospel. Souls professed faith in Christ and prayer continues for others who evidenced concern.

Manitowaning: Two weeks of children’s meetings in March by Alvin Cook and local brethren were well attended, some nights 40-45 present with many children from the Wikwemikong Reserve. They were continued one night a week until June. Gospel meetings started June 4 with B. Owen, A. Cook, and local brethren. Unsaved were out every night and blessing was seen in salvation. The baptism of a young sister on July 9, saved out of the Christadelphians, brought much joy to the saints.

Midland: The assembly have planned a gospel series to commence Oct.22, DV. with F. Sona and Mr. R. McIlwaine responsible for the preaching.

Newmarket: Believers appreciated three nights of ministry in July by J. Yocum on Bible Prophecy Attendance was encouraging and some parents attended during one week of children’s meetings by T. Walker in August.

Toronto: The saints appreciated ministry meetings by T. Walker at Rexdale, Brock and Eglinton Halls.

Victoria Road: The Christians appreciated the “Good News” spread through three weeks of tent meetings with L. Mitchell and D. Kember. A large number of unsaved answered the invitations. Please pray for proposed children’s meetings planned for the last week of October, D.V.

Nova Scotia

Barrington Passage: P. Ramsay and A. Hull concluded four weeks of tent meetings on August 6. One lady professed salvation. Bro. Ramsay had a good week of children’s meetings, helped by brother Markle.

Cape Breton: On August 22-25, A. Hull had four nights of profitable and well attended meetings in the four assemblies. M. Cain had a report meeting in Blues Mills assembly on August 24.

Connwallis: J. McClellend and M. Cain had a fruitful seven-week series in the tent concluding August 27. They had an increased interest and three professed salvation. Some were present who for years had not attended meetings.

Nineveh: During the month of August the assembly enjoyed visits from P. Ramsay, M. Radcliffe, F. Fowler, and also M. Cain who gave a report on the work in Mexico.

Pugwash Junction: Prayer requested for the Alvin and Margery Elliott family who have been through distressing times recently in the loss of their dear daughter. Please remember them, their son-in-law and his two boys in prayer.

Tatatamagouche: Albert Hull was with the assembly for a Lord’s day and week-night in August. It was a cheer to witness the harmony among the saints and their desire for the Word.

Weaver’s Settlement: The Mullan family express thanks for the prayers of the Lord’s people for their son Nathan, who has made a remarkable recovery from inoperable cancer. Nathan still needs our prayers in his great weakness.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Central NF: G. Whey, along with help from other brethren, has been continuing the open air work on a nightly basis. A week of meetings was planned for Grand Falls-Windsor in the first week of September.

Gander Bay: The gospel tent meetings held in Carmanville by G. Goff and A. Blake continued into the last week of August. The Lord has been working in this area and much praise ascends to Him over the salvation of souls in the past few nights.

Main Point: On August 27, the gospel was preached and there was much encouragement over the obedience of two believers in baptism.

Trout River: Gospel tent meetings were held by Bert Joyce and Stephen Joyce for three weeks in the month of August. The meetings were encouraging with good contacts made. This area is an hour from any assembly gatherings.



Arlington: The Labor Day Conference was well attended with ten brethren sharing in ministry and gospel.


Phoenix: The Garfield Street assembly was encouraged recently when a young woman, a work contact of one of the brethren, was saved after the fourth time out to the meetings. Her mother is interested as well.


Evansdale: Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber planned to start gospel meetings on September 18, D.V.

Garnavillo: Marcus Cain gave a report on the work in Mexico. While in the area, he spoke in Spanish at Postville. He also gave reports in Cedar Falls and Hitesville.


New Lenox: The assembly appreciated a report of gospel and assembly work in Mexico from M. Cain. A Lord’s Day visit from Jack Gould encouraged and edified the saints. A week of Bible Readings with John Slabaugh regarding “things most surely believed” was very helpful and encouraging.


Ferndale: Please pray that strangers and loved ones of the Lord’s people will be saved in the gospel meetings scheduled to begin Sunday October 1 with brethren N. Crawford and B. Crawford.

Jackson: B. Crawford is to have children’s meetings in September. A.J. Higgins has promised to come for a weekend of ministry on the Christian home and family in late September.

Livonia: Please pray for gospel meetings at Stark Road to begin, God willing, on October29 with D. Shutt and N. Crawford.


Fort Wayne: With help of Christians from Jackson, Matt Smith is continuing with two or more meetings every week. In late August, Dan Petterson from Hickory, NC had a week of well attended children’s meetings with contacts made with several new families.


Akron: The conference over Labor Day weekend was large with many younger Christians present. A good number of the Lord’s servants gave helpful ministry. A Bible Reading on Creation Versus Evolution evoked much interest.

Clyde: The assembly was encouraged with many contacts from literature distribution at the county fair. Jack Gould was with the assembly during this effort.

Lorain: The English-speaking assembly had their two-day conference in August with help given in ministry and the preaching of the gospel.

Mansfield: The assembly appreciated short visits by H. Rodriguez, who labors in Mexico, and R. Surgenor.


Bryn Mawr: Jack Nesbitt had a week of children’s meetings in early August, helped by local brethren. The meetings were well attended with 96 children in for the closing meeting, Friday night.


Matoaca: The assembly is planning to hold Gospel Meetings in October, Lord willing, with D. Oliver and J. Portman.

North Carolina

Hickory: Ernie Moore was here for a week of ministry on the subject “Future Heavenly Events.” It was most informative, well-prepared, and practical.


Tampa: The assembly had recent visits from Brian Currie of Ireland and Craig Saword of El Salvador, and Ernest Moore of Chile. The ministry and reports of their work were greatly enjoyed by the saints.


Hardwick: J. Procopio and M. Radcliffe (Ayr, Scotland) were here for a ministry meeting on August 10. They gave excellent ministry on faith and on the Lord’s second coming.


Saugus: Five weeks of tent meetings with F. Higgins and D. Oliver closed on August liwith some blessing. The assembly was refreshed by clear and faithful gospel preaching, and exceptional response to the invitation mailing. On August13, the assembly enjoyed a brief visit from M. Radcliffe, and H. Rodriguez, who remained to give an account of the work in Mexico on August 15.


For two and a half weeks in late July and early August, 18 believers from Canada and the U.S. distributed Seed Sower texts. All told, 50,000 texts were distributed: 30,000 in the area surrounding the Fuchu Assembly in Tokyo and the remaining 20,000 were split between two areas surrounding the Kanzakigawa and Awaji Christian Assemblies in Osaka The believers in these three assemblies were very encouraged and amazed by the fact that young North Americans would give time and resources to come and distribute texts in Japan. Response from unbelievers was quite good, with many reply cards sent in and several coming to the regular Gospel Meetings. Refusals of the package were few and generally very polite, with one gentleman even hiring a taxi to return the text to us at the hail because it was “too nice to throw away”.


Ixtapa: Two weeks of well attended children’s meetings were held during August. Puerto Vallarta: In San Esteban local brethren had a week of meetings with 130 children in attendance.

Over three hundred people were present at a gospel meeting in Coapinole on August 20 followed by the baptism of four believers, one of which was a man of 95 years of age. In Volcanes, excellent attendance and souls being reached is encouraging.

Northern Ireland

Anahilt: S. Maze and R. Eadie have erected a large tent about three miles from the Growell assembly The assembly here is very small and has been reduced to single numbers in fellowship. The brethren have visited the district and have had encouraging results. Many local people have attended on a regular basis, with many unsaved present each night. We trust that the Lord’s hand will be seen in blessing and in the preservation of the assembly testimony

Ballyhay: N. Tinsley from Lisburn and N. Coulter from Newtownstewart are preaching the gospel each in a tent and are very encouraged with good attendance nightly.

Ballynure: S. Ferguson and W Boyd have erected a tent close to a main route with a good attendance nightly.

Clones: The hall was filled to capacity for their annual conference. J.G. Hutchinson, W.J. Nesbitt, T. Gracey, S. McBride, and T. Flannigan ministered the Word to profit.

Erryroe: S. McBride and T. Wright are preaching the gospel close to this small assembly in the border area.

Fintona: The assembly here held their annual conference with their new hall full. S. Ferguson, B. Currie, W.J. Nesbitt, D. Williamson, and J. McDowell ministered the Word.

Lurgan: J. Lennox and B. Currie are preaching the gospel in the hall with good numbers attending.

Maghaberry: W. Fenton withA. Rodgers and P. Trimble are preaching in a tent in this country area close to the Broom-hedge assembly. A good number have been in to hear the gospel.

Scarva: A. McShane and D. Gilliland have erected a tent near this small village and have a good response from locals attending.

J. McDowell from Australia paid a short visit to the province during the summer giving reports of the Lord’s work, ministering the Word, and preaching the gospel in many assemblies.

Many open-air meetings have been conducted throughout the province during July and August by local brethren with thousands of tracts being distributed. We trust that the Lord will bless His Word despite the fact that unrest has raised its ugly head in some parts.

Conferences. D.V.

Edmonton, AB

October 13, 14, and 15 in the Connor’s Hill Gospel Hall. Friday: Prayer and Ministry 8 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Remembrance of the Lord 10 a.m., Sunday School 12:30 p.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Accommodation and meals provided. Corr: Joseph Bowman, Tel: (780)450-0818, Fax: (780)461-9835, Email: josephjbowman@hotmail. com.

Alpena, AR

October 28 and 29 in the Gospel Hall, 401 Lane St. Saturday Bible Reading 2 p.m.( Ephesians 6:10-20 – Armor of God) with ministry following. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Ministry 1:30 p.m. For info/accom: Will Trowbridge, Tel: (501)665-4189, E-mail: wdtcat@ madisoncountynet

Wallaceburg, ON

October29 at the Gospel Hall, 121 Giliard Street, with a prayer meeting Saturday 28th at 7:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Remembrance Meeting. 10:30 a.m., Children’s Meeting. 1:15 pm, Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lunch and supper will be served. Contact C.Workman, Tel. (519)627-8743, or Email: mcbean @mnsi.net.

Saskatoon, SK

November 4 and 5 in the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road, with prayer and ministry on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Gospel at 6:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a . in., Ministry 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 7p.m. Inquiries: (306)242-1506, (306)249-5044.

Arborfield, SK

November 11 and 12 in the Arborfield Gospel Hall with a prayer meeting Friday at 7:30 p.m. Corr: Vernon Cummings, Tel: (306)769-8667.

Blues Mills, NS

November 11 and 12 in the Gospel Hall, 34 Mountain Road, Blues Mills, Cape Breton. Saturday: Ministry 10a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Meetings Lord’s Day start at 10:00 a.m. Gospel 7:00 p.m. both evenings. Corr: John Bain, 12 Reynolds Street, Port Hawkesbury, NS, BOE 2V0 Tel: (902)625-2409.

Bryn Mawr, PA

November11 and 12 in Colonial Elementary School, Plymouth Meeting, PA (directly behind Plymouth Whitemarsh High School). School is one mile southeast of intersection of Route 476 and PA Turnpike (Norristown exit). Saturday meetings are at 10:30 am., 2:30 and 7 p.m.; Lord’s Day meetings at 10 am., 2:30 and 7p.m. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 8 North Summit Grove Ave., Bryn Mawr. Corr: Harold Stewart, Tel: (610)825-0384.

Oil Springs, ON

November 11 and 12 in the Oil Springs Youth Centre, Cor. 21 Hwy and Victoria St. with prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m., Friday, November lOin the Gospel Hall, Victoria Street. Bible Reading on Saturday at I p.m. – 1 Peter 2. Corr: Art Whitton, R.R.3, Oil Springs, ON N0N 1P0, Tel: (519)882-1686.

Oshawa, ON

November 11 in the Albert Street Gospel Hall. Ministry at 2 and 7p.m.. Corr: Ken Nicholson, Tel:(905)579-7540.

Bolton/Brampton, ON

November18 in the Albion Bolton Community Centre. Meetings will be at 10 a.m., 1:30, 3:30, and 7 p.m. Corr: John Steen, 7 Marion Street, Caledon East, ON LON lEO, Tel: (905)584-2834.

Maberly, ON

November 18 at the Wheeler Pancake House and Sugar Camp. Directions: Hwy. 7 to Maberly, take County Rd. 36 North to Kingston Line (approx. 9km.), right on Kingston Line (approx. 2.5 km.), right on Highland Line (approx. 4km.) Meetings are at 2:30 and 7 p.m. Corr: Gordon McLeod, Tel: (613)268-2616.

Pheonix, AZ

November 23-26 in the Garfield Street Gospel Hall, 1246 F. Garfeld Street, with prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Bible Readings are on 2 Timothy 1, 2, and 3 on Thursday Friday and Saturday at 10 a.m. Ministry each afternoon at 2:30 p.m., Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Lord’s Day Corr: Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Avenue, Glendale, AZ 85305, Tel: (623)872-1007, Hall (602)253-4932.

Stout, IA

November 23 in the Gospel Hall commencing at 10 a.m. . Corr: Gary DeGroote, 28073 West Brook Street, New Hartford, IA 50660, Tel: (319)983-2713, Hall (319)346-1153.

Picton, ON

November 25 in the Gospel Hall, McFarland Drive. Ministry at 2 and 6:30 p.m. For information, (613)476-2040 and (613)476-6718. The assembly was established in 1950, and we are thankful to the Lord for preserving this testimony to His Name for 50 years.

Conference Reminders:

L’anse au Loup, Labrador: Oct. 13-15
Niagara Falls, ON: October 21-22
Livonia, MI: October 21-22
La Crosse, WI: October 28-29
Terryville, CT: October 21-22 (Correction: Gospel, Lord’s Day is at 4:30 p.m.)
London, ON: November 4-5

Change for Address List

Shad Kember Jr. Box 1884, St. Marys ON Canada N4X 1C2 Tel (519 284 1326 E-mail skember@hotmail.com.

Change of Correspondents

East Aurora, NY: – David Boies, 7357 Boies Road, West Falls NY 14170, Tel: (716)652-6935. (If no Answer e-mail: jassmith@juno.com).

Newmarket, ON: Timothy B. Scheer, 222 Lloyd Ave., Newmarket, ON, L3Y 5M3, Tel (905)898-4369, Email tescheer@excite.com.

Change in Meeting Times

Stout, IA: Gospel Meeting is at 7 p.m. Lord’s Day.

With Christ

Ernest John Radford of Toronto, ON on April 3, age 92. Emigrating from England in 1913, John accepted Christ at age 14, and thereafter devoted all his spare time to serving his Master. In his younger years, he spent his vacations in the Gospel Trailer, with young men who spread the gospel throughout Ontario. He gave out tracts two nights a week in downtown Toronto. His wife of 43 years, Edna Prentice, predeceased him in 1991. Their only child, David, is saved. Our brother was in fellowship for over 70 years in Junction and Bracondale. He was highly esteemed, and will be greatly missed. John was a great blessing to me in early days, NWC.

Tressey Ronald of Portage la Prairie, MB on June 18, age 91. She was saved in 1927 under the preaching of William Bunting and, together with her husband Russell who predeceased her, was in assembly fellowship in Esk, SK, Minitonas and Brandon, MB and in later years in Portage la Prairie. Until she was 90 years old, our sister devoted much of her time to making baby layettes for the hospital at Loloma, Zambia. She is survived by her eight children and a number of grandchildren, many of them in assembly fellowship.

Mrs. Esther Larson of Welcome, MN on July 6, age 94. She was saved in the late 1930’s through the testiunony of her dear friend Ethel Meyer and was in fellowship for many years in the assembly in Cylinder, IA. She had a steady and faithful testimony, and was held in high esteem. Robert Orr preached the Gospel at her funeral. She leaves three sons, 13 grandchildren, 27 great grandchildren, and two great great grandchildren. Many are unsaved and need our prayers. She hoped to see the rapture, but instead, she now sees her Lord in glory.

Donald T. Lockhart of Newtownhamilton, N.I. on July 20, age 45 years. He was saved in May 1991 when WI. Nesbitt and T.W. Wright were preaching at Altnamackin one year after the conversion of his wife, Mary. Both were baptized and received into fellowship where they sought to adorn the doctrine of God their Savior. The assembly has lost a brother whose growth was an example to all. One daughter is in fellowship and prayer is requested for the remaining one daughter and two sons. The funeral service was taken by W. J. Nesbitt and T. Wright with over 600 to hear the gospel.

Ralph G. Broadhead of Langley, BC on July 22, age 61. He was saved in 1948 at Maidstone, SK., and was in fellowship in assemblies in Calgary, London, N. Vancouver and Surrey He came to the Fleetwood assembly in 1972 where he was appreciated as an elder and will be greatly missed. Ralph will be fondly remembered for his genuine care, commitment and sound judgment. Our brother was given to hospitality, a service shared by his wife, Connie (Kember) who survives him as do a daughter with her family, a son, a brother and two sisters. The funeral service was taken by his brother Philip Broadhead, David Jones, and Stuart Thompson at the grave side.

Eddie Gould of Kenora, ON on July 24, age 74. Our dear brother was called home after a long and difficult illness patiently endured. His wife Ruth cared for him at home for a lengthy period of time, but the last two years he had hospital care. For many years he was a steady pillar in the assembly here. His care, teaching, and gospel activity will be missed. Please pray for his family. He leaves his wife, Ruth, his sons, Jack of Winnipeg, Paul of Edmonton, with their families, and daughter Margie of Loloma Mission, Zambia.

Mrs. Jeanette Hall of Earlton, ON on August 1, age 66. Jeanette was saved on April 13, 1951 in London ON. She married Clifford Hall in 1958 and moved to Earlton where she continued in happy fellowship until her sudden home call. She was predeceased by one daughter and is survived by her husband, Clifford, six sons, four daughters, all in assembly fellowship, and thirteen grandchildren. She will be sadly missed by her family and the believers in the area. The funeral service was taken by A. Dryburgh and M. Pratt.

Jane McRae of Portage la Prairie, MB on August 4, in her102nd year. Aunt Jean was saved in 1931 during meetings at Pine Creek, by Herb Harris and Robert McCracken. She and her husband were in the Pine Creek assembly at its formation, and later in Roseisle. Her husband, Archie was taken home in 1956, when she moved to Portage la Prairie where she was in happy fellowship. She is survived by two sons and grandchildren, many of them not saved. Dennis Walker spoke fitting words of comfort and gospel at the funeral.

Charles W. Pinches of Niagara Falls, ON on August 19, age 87. Charles, the son of the late Win. Pinches, a well known servant of God, was saved in 1925, and married Helen Pile of Cleveland in 1941 .They lived in Lewiston, NY where they used their home to entertain many of the Lord’s servants. Charles functioned as a godly elder for many years in the assembly here. They moved to Florida in 1980, but returned for part of each year. Helen mourns his loss along with fve children and their families, and an older sister, Ruth (Mrs. Robert Crawford). Their oldest daughter, Katherine Moore labors with her husband Ernest, in Chile.