British Columbia
Squamish: The assembly had the joy of receiving a brother into the fellowship recently who had been baptized earlier in the spring.
Vancouver: A one-day conference was held at West Richmond on May 20. Gaius Goff and David Jones shared in the ministry. A gospel outreach at the Chinatown Night Market commenced June 2 on weekend evenings into the summer sponsored by the Victoria Drive assembly. Prayer is also requested for the P.N.E. work in Vancouver, a 17-day gospel outreach that begins August 19. Gospel meetings with Gaius Goff and David Jones concluded in Deep Cove after 3 weeks with a young man professing faith in Christ.
Calgary: The May conference in West Hillhurst was well attended, with a good number of younger believers in attendance. Brethren sharing in the ministry and gospel were B. Funston, S. Jennings, S. Kember, P. Simms and C. Williams.
Paradise Valley: Prayer is requested for gospel meetings in early July with Bryan Funston and Dave Richards.
Taylorside: The saints enjoyed a visit over a weekend from Andrew Bergsma. He has been encouraged in his work among the Hutterite colonies.
Portage la Prairie: The saints were encouraged when seven young people, all saved during our regular Sunday night gospel meetings, obeyed the Lord in baptism on May 28. The hail was full, and a good number of relatives and school friends of those who were baptized were present to hear the preaching of the gospel.
Arnstein: Five and a half weeks of gospel meetings with Al Cook and David Booth ended on May 10 with blessing in salvation and restoration. A young man was received into fellowship the following Lords Day bringing joy to the saints.
Bolton: Tent meetings are being planned, Lord willing, in the Bolton Fair Grounds starting July 9 with Brian Crawford and Jim Jarvis, and also in the Brampton Chinguacousy Park starting August 14 when Jim Jarvis will be joined by Wm. Bingham. Please pray for these efforts.
Clinton: The assembly appreciated a visit with ministry and help in the gospel by Steve Kember on Lords Day May 14th.
Clyde: Gospel meetings were held April 30 to May 17 with T. Walker and D. Nicholson. Please pray for the children of the saints, as there are many that still need to be saved.
Newbury: We had a good conference in April with six of the Lords servants with us for ministry and nearly a full hall. The Lord gave help and a happy time was had in His presence.
London: The assembly appreciated ministry from Albert Hull on April 11, David Gilliland April 17-19, and Wm. Metcalf on May 7.
Ottawa: The assembly here has been refreshed and cheered by the goodness of our God since the beginning of the year with five being added to the number, with another couple expected shortly. Monthly ministry by M. McLeod (Jan.), R. Surgenor (Feb.), and T. Kember (Apr.) was excellent. Bro. Surgenor remained for a week on assembly truths. Our recent conference was a little larger than last year. Eight brethren shared in very practical, soul searching ministry, and the gospel was preached in earnestness and power. The Bible readings went well, with leading by the Holy Spirit very evident
St. Marys: Tent meetings were to commence June 25 with Norman Mellish and Stephen Vance.
Thunder Bay: Andrew Bergsma visited for the Lords Day May 7 and gave an interesting report on the Hutterite work in Canada and the U.S. Robert Boyle gave much appreciated ministry May 14-17 on Samuel, David, and Jonathan.
Toronto: The saints at Fairbank were encouraged during two weeks of Gospel meetings in March with Larry Steers and Stephen Vance. A good number attended and one soul professed faith in Christ, bringing much joy. The Christians were very grateful for the support of the Toronto Christians.
New Brunswick
Fredericton: A gospel tent series in downtown Fredericton with bre. Jonathan Procopio and Malcolm Radcliffe is planned to start July 16. Our conference at the end of April went well with eight brethren giving heart warming and challenging ministry The assembly also appreciated two additional nights of ministry after the conference by Hans Bouwman, including a missionary report meeting.
Nova Scotia
Amherst: On May 7 the saints enjoyed having Ken Taylor and Peter Ramsay for both ministry and gospel. Following the gospel meeting a young sister was baptised. Many of her unsaved family and friends were in attendance.
Barrington Passage: Gospel meetings in a rented building were well attended May 15-26. The last night upwards of fifty were present. Ken Yee joined Albert Hull in these meetings where seed was sown awaiting results. Commencing in the tent on July 9, Peter Ramsay and Albert Hull plan to labor again in the gospel. Bro. Ramsay will conduct one week of childrens meetings from the July 17-21 in the mornings. Please pray.
Cornwallis: Bre. James McClellend and Matthew Cain plan commencing on July 3 in tent meetings, a follow up from previous meetings. They will have the support of the Clementsvale assembly Prayer is valued. Clementsvale has been blessed recently with some younger folks saved.
Halifax: Prayer is requested for Elizabeth Flack who has been in the IC unit these past days. Our sister would appreciate the prayers of the saints for her recovery and for her family circle at this time of trial.
Blues Mills: On May 7, the saints were encouraged with the baptism of three young believers. The assembly profited from five nights of ministry by Robert McIlwaine May 8-12 as well as a visit on May 22 from Paul Thiessen with a report on Mexico. On May 26, Fred Bartlett, helped by local brethren, started gospel meetings in Sunnyville.
Sydney Mines: Profitable and edifying ministry was enjoyed recently from bre. Albert Hull, Tom Bentley and Noel Burden. The conference June 3-4 was well attended with a good spirit prevalent throughout. Seven of the Lords servants faithfully ministered Gods Word and gospel to an appreciative audience.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander: The saints appreciated the visit and report on the work in Japan and the Netherlands from Hans Bouwman on May 8. Our brother also visited Coiner Brook, McIvers, Parsons Pond and Rocky Harbour. Eric Fowler had a ministry meeting on May 24 on assembly truth.
Gander Bay: The annual conference on May 20 and 21 was smaller than usual, but ministry was given that was helpful to Gods people. The Bible study on Gospel Outreach as seen in Acts lead by Bert Joyce was a highlight.
Grand Falls-Windsor: There is no assembly in this town, but two weeks of gospel meetings started May 28 in a hotel conference room with Bert Joyce and Bryan Joyce. The meetings commenced with some interest. Please pray.
Main Point: The annual conference held May 19-21 went very well. There were several unsaved out both nights to hear the gospel preached.
McIvers: Please pray for the purposed gospel meetings under canvas following the Coiner Brook conference.
St. Johns: The saints appreciated the visit from Wallace Buckle and two visits from Eric Fowler during the month. The ministry given was encouraging.
Tidings – U.S.A.
Grants Pass: The annual conference was considered to be very encouraging and enjoyable. John Abernethy, James Beattie, Jerry Jennings and seven brethren from several local assemblies helped in the ministry. The bible readings on John 14 were helpful.
San Diego: The assembly had a brief visit by Jim Webb in May. Also S. Maze had two weeks of ministry including a report of the work in the West Indies. The saints were cheered and encouraged by these meetings.
New Mexico
Albuquerque: The saints appreciated about two weeks of gospel meetings in April with Jim Webb during which the gospel was clearly and faithfully preached. Several hundred homes were visited with tracts and invitations.
Egg Harbour: Joel Portman and William Skates just finished two weeks of Gospel meetings in this area. They were encouraged with a number of new contacts attending the meetings.
Ontario: Jim Frazier and Robert Surgenor started tent meetings on May 28.
New Lenox: The assembly appreciated multiple visits in March and May by R. Surgenor with very helpful and encouraging ministry regarding the assembly. The May conference was blessed with Gods presence, with practical and helpful ministry by N. Crawford,, E. McCullough, D. Oliver, J. Portman, W. Skates, M. Vanderhart, and A. Ward. God blessed with the salvation of a young woman and her stepson, after the gospel meeting.
Battle Creek: Gary Sharp and Norman Crawford started gospel meetings in the hall on May 28. In the first week, the attendance was good with unsaved ones coming.
Saginaw: The saints were encouraged with the interest shown during four weeks of gospel meetings ending May 12. The gospel seed was faithfully sown during this time by John Slabaugh and Jim Smith. Eric Parmenter and William Metcalf ably ministered the Word at the June 4th monthly ministry meeting.
Akron: Norman Crawford was with the assembly for very helpful ministry meetings. Bill Lavery also paid a short visit.
Cleveland: The assembly appreciated a visit from Bill Lavery for a Lords Day
Mansfield: Gary Sharp was with the assembly for a short visit. Joel Portman also visited for three nights of ministry during April. Dan Shutt gave help for a Lords Day. Paul Poidevin was also with them for a ministry and report meeting.
North Carolina
Hickory: Paul Poidevin visited the assembly on two weekends and gave helpful ministry The conference on May 27-28 was a time of encouragement, with ministry and gospel shared by five brethren. Mr. and Mrs. MacLeod are settling into their small apartment. Please pray for our esteemed brother, and his wife. He has a lung infection.
Byfield: The 116th annual conference in Byfield was well attended. The Word ministered by brethren Jim Baker, Marvin Derksen, Walter Gustafson, Gene Higgins, Robert McIlwaine, Ken Taylor, and Frank Tornaquindici was practical and profitable. The gospel meetings on both evenings were also well attended.
Saugus: The assembly was encouraged by the reception of a young lady and young man in May. Eugene Higgins presented a clear gospel message to a large number of parents and children at the Sunday School treat on May 12. The assembly appreciated visits from Robert McIlwaine on May 28 and James Baker May 30. The annual Bible Reading conference on June 3, 4, was well attended. Bible Readings on Genesis 1 to 4 were opened by Jim Baker, Norman Crawford, Albert Hull and David Oliver. There was a deep interest in the subject of creation.
Brookfield: The assembly concluded a series of childrens meetings May 6 that lasted over three months. Attendance was excellent, and a good number of parents were out at the last meeting, where brother Don Labbe of Terryville, CT spoke. The saints were very encouraged by these meetings, and also by a recent visit by Sam Maze with a missionary report and ministry on May 14 and May 16.
Terryville: Gene Higgins spent the Lords Day with the assembly on May 14. We enjoyed his ministry and gospel meeting.
Tidings – Other Countries
Guadalajara: On May 1, a building was rented for a special days meetings. Saints from three assemblies were able to attend. After the gospel meeting, three believers were baptized and a nice supper was served.
Matilde: Seven ministry meetings mostly on the subject of tongues and the other miracle gifts, were held and was very encouraged with the vivid interest in the Word of God. Five believers obeyed the Lord in baptism, two from Mexico City and three from Pachuca. They have advanced quite a bit on the permanent hall in Matilde as well.
Mexico City (Nezahualcyotl):Things continue to worsen here, and insecurity is terrible.
Zamora: The Easter Conference was very good with about two hundred attending. We enjoyed having John Dennison for that weekend. One woman from a new work in Tanctaro obeyed the Lord in baptism.
N. Ireland
Coleraine: Bre. McCandless and Orasuk have concluded meetings after 19 weeks. Many have heard the gospel and many have professed faith in Christ. There has been much thanksgiving for Gods hand in salvation.
Donacloney: J. Thompson and D. Kane have erected a tent near the village and are encouraged by good numbers attending.
Kingsmills: Bre. McKillen and Fenton continue in the gospel with good attendance.
Lisnaskea: W.J. Nesbitt continues to cover the area methodically with tracts and invitations, preaching nightly in a local hall.
Monaghan: Bre. Dawson and McKinley continue in the gospel with good interest.
Newry: Bre. Aiken and Rodgers continue in the gospel with blessing in salvation. Plantation,
Lisburn: Bre. Fairley and Glendinning have commenced in a portable hall.
Stonewall: Bre. Topley and S. McAuley have commenced gospel meetings.
The following conferences were held during May: Rathmines, Dublin; Ballymacashon; Mullafernaghan; Drumlough; Bellaghy
Conferences. D.V.
Sioux City, Iowa
July 15 and 16 in the Gospel Hall, 120 South Leonard Street, Sioux City, IA. 51103. Saturday: Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m.; Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:45 a.m., Bible Reading 11:15 a.m. on 1 Corinthians 3, Childrens Meeting 1:30 p.m., Ministry 2:30p.m., Testimony 6:15 p.m., Gospel 7:30p.m. Dinner and supper will be served. Corr: Sam Hayes, Tel. (712) 255-6843, Hall (712) 277-3647.
Westbank, BC
August 4, 5 and 6 in the Highway Gospel Hall, 2549 Hebert Road. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30 p.m.; Saturday: Bible Reading (John 17) 10:00 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Ministry/Gospel 7:00 p.m., Sing 9:00 p.m.; Lords Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:15 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Prayer 6:30 p.m., Gospel 7:15 p.m. Corr: Glenn A. Griffin, 3344 Elliott Road, Westbank, B.C. V4T 1P2, Tel. (250) 768-3343, Fax (250) 768-3312, Email: griffarin@telus.bc
Lorain, OH
August 19 and 20 in Grace Gospel Hall, 3006 Elyria Avenue. Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m.; Lords Day: Breaking of Bread 9:15 a.m., Sunday School and Ministry 11:15 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m.. Lunch and supper will be served. Corr: Randall H. Bradford, 1875 E 34th Street, Lorain, OH 44055, Tel. (216) 277-5461.
Akron, OH
September 2-3 in Copley High School, 3797 Ridgewood Road, Copley Prayer meeting Friday at 7:30p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 2705 Smith Road. Saturday: Ministry 10:00 a.m., Bible Reading 1:30 p.m. on “Creation versus Evolution”. Lords Day: Breaking of Bread 10:00 a.m. Accom: David Metcalf, 3228 Blake Road, Wadsworth, OH 44281, Tel. (330) 334-9691, e-mail: Corr: Kenneth Webb, P0 Box 13350, Akron, OH 44334, Tel. (330) 666-9466, Hall (330) 867-3818.
Huntsville, ON
Sept. 2 and 3 with prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Friday Sept 1. All meetings are in the Centennial Center on Park Drive, Huntsville, Tel (705) 789-6421. Meetings Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m., 2 p.m., and 7 p.m. Saturday Bible Reading: Doctrine Relative to the Local Church. Sunday Bible Reading: Christ in the Midst of His Gathered People. Corr: David Traves, 10A West Rd. Huntsville, ON P1H 1K9, Tel. (705) 789-8420.
Sault Ste. Marie, ON
September 2 and 3 in the St. Basil Secondary School, 250 St. Georges Ave. East, beginning with a prayer meeting Friday, September 1 in the Gospel Hall at 7:30 p.m. Corr: R.A. Clark, 462 MacDonald Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 1H9, Tel. (705) 759-0968.
Arnstein, ON
September 16 and 17 in the Gospel Hall, beginning with a prayer meeting on the 15th at 7:30 p.m. Supper will be served at 5 p.m. for those arriving early Breakfast will be served at 8 a.m. Saturday and Sunday followed by Bible Readings at 8:45 on John 15 and Hebrews 1. All visitors freely entertained. Corr: Don Brunne, Tel. (705) 757-2030.
Change of Address
Lou and Trudy Swaan, Esdoom Straat 21, 7775 BN, Lutten, Netherlands. Tel/Fax 0523 612209.
Correspondent Address Change
Tacoma Gospel Hall: Thomas E. Donofrio, 2100 S 375th St., Federal Way, WA 98003, Tel: (253) 925-5290; Email
Correction for Address List
Marvin Derksen, Correction of the address list in the June magazine. Tel. (709) 745-1294; Email Corrections: Please check the information in the address lists published in June and send corrections or additions to N. Crawford.
Change in Meeting Times
Tacoma, WA: Lords Day: Breaking of Bread 10:00 a.m., Sunday School/Bible Reading 11:30 a.m., Gospel 7:00 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer/ Bible Reading 7:00 p.m.
With Christ
Josephine McPhee of Newington, CT on December 19, age 85. Our beloved sister was saved at the age of 14 in Hartford, and went on well all her days. She was a quiet, consistent sister who was always at the assembly meetings together with Andrew, her husband of 65 years. They continued stedfastly, and our brother needs our prayers. Besides her husband, she leaves her daughter, Holly (Mrs. Donald Ramsay), and a son Andrew and their families. The large funeral was shared by Frank Tornaquindici, Matt Brescia, Gene Higgins, and David Oliver.
Mrs. Jeanie McDowell of Clonkeen, NI on January 2, in her 94th year. She was saved at 13, and was a faithful sister in the assembly for almost 70 years. Many enjoyed the warm hospitality of her home. She had been a widow for 46 years, and had the joy of seeing all her children and grandchildren saved. She is survived by four daughters, May (Crawford), Jean (Deyermond), Olive (McMeekin), Gladys (Wilkinson) and two sons, Carson, and John who serves the Lord in Australia. The large funeral, shared by A. McShane and M. Radcliffe, was an indication of the love and respect in which she was held.
Geerta Weber of Stout, IA on February 25, age 98. Our dear sister was saved in 1946. She was received in the assembly here and continued steadfastly. Her life was marked by hospitality and real Christian love and care for others. Geerta was preceded in death by her husband Conrad, Sr. in 1953. Survivors include a daughter, Millie Saul, and son, Roy Weber, who labors in the Lords work; also a step-daughter, Elizabeth Stickford and step-son Conrad, Jr. A large family remains with some not saved for which prayer is requested. The large funeral service was shared by Al Christopherson and Richard Van Mill.
Robert Pike of New Lenox, Il on March 26, age 73. “O man greatly beloved” suits our brother exactly. He was saved at fourteen and spent his life for God. He has left behind him a wife of like mind and a family who deeply loved and respected him. His years in the assembly proved him to be a true shepherd. His love to Christ, for Gods Word, for souls, for young believers and the assembly will not be forgotten. At the funeral service, Art Ward gave a tender, personal appreciation of Mr. Pike. Norman Crawford spoke about his salvation, separation, service and the seal of blessing on his labors for God. Joel Portman took the grave service.
Mrs. Rose Kulczycki of Ashfield, MB on April 19, age 85. Our beloved sister was saved, baptized and received into fellowship here in 1960 where she has been going on faithfully until she went to be with the Lord. Her husband, Frank, predeceased her in 1979. She leaves behind two daughters, two grandchildren as well as four sisters, most of whom are not saved and for whom prayer would be valued. The funeral was taken by Burke Dittbemer.
May King of Long Beach, CA on April 23, age 97. She was saved in 1920, and for many years was in the Long Beach Assembly, until she moved into the Western Assemblies Home in Claremont, California. She was predeceased by her husband, Stephen Allan, in 1969. She was the youngest sister of the late Hector Alves, and is survived by two daughters, a son-in-law and a grandson.
Hannah Johnson of San Diego, CA on May 6, age 78. Our sister was saved in 1933 in Philadelphia, PA and received into fellowship in the 20th and Dickinson St. assembly. She and her husband moved to California in 1949 and were in fellowship in San Diego for fifty years. She leaves three daughters, two sons-in-law, and four grandchildren. She was a faithful sister and will be missed in the assembly.
Stephen Fletcher of Gore Bay, ON on May 9, age 92. He immigrated to Canada from England and was saved at 12 in Cambridge, ON., where he was in fellowship for 30 years, and then moved to Manitoulin Island. Here he proved invaluable to the young assembly at Gore Bay teaching and preaching right to the end when he was called home after a brief illness. The assembly will feel this loss keenly. He leaves his wife Muriel, eight children, 25 grandchildren and 38 great grandchildren. The large funeral service was shared by his three sons, Paul, Philip and Andy.
Mrs. Irene Russell of Clinton, ON on May 13. Our beloved sister was saved in 1928 during tent meetings by Sam and Hugh McEwan in Toronto. She and her husband Albert, who predeceased her 1962, were in the former Birchcliffe assembly. Later our sister was in Pape Ave. and during the past eight years, in St. Thomas and Clinton assemblies. She had a keen exercise in supplying mission field needs, and encouraged others in it also. Her cheery presence will be sorely missed. The large funeral was taken by her son Graham, and son-in-law Steve Kember. A burial service was held in Toronto the following day. She is survived by her sisters, Kay (Mrs. Arnold Adams), Edith, brother Bert, her son and daughter, eight grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren.