Tidings – Canada
British Columbia
Squamish, A one day conference was held on October 2, encouraging the saints. William Bingham, Jim Currie, Bryan Funston, Gary Sharp and Dave Smith shared in the ministry.
Vancouver, In September, Bryan Funston and Aubrey Kelly conducted a week of children’s meetings and two weeks of gospel meetings with a good interest in the Nanaimo Road area where a children’s work has been maintained for over 50 years. Gary Sharp had a week of children’s meetings and a week in the gospel at West Richmond during the last two weeks of September. A one-day Sunday School Teacher’s conference was held with brother Sharp giving helpful ministry on children’s work. William Bingham visited the area from which he was commended, giving appreciated ministry in several assemblies.
Taylorside, The saints enjoyed a visit from Andrew Bergsma who gave a report on his work among the Hutterites.
Winnipeg, Peter Smith and Jack Gould expected to commence gospel meetings on October 10. Recent visits by Andrew Bergsma and Ed Miller were appreciated. A baptism was held recently and another baptism was planned for mid October.
Clinton, The conference on October 2 and 3 was perhaps the largest to date with eight of the Lord’s servants sharing in encouraging and timely ministry. Thought-provoking Bible readings on the Church relative to the Day of Christ, the Millennial Reign of Christ and the Day of God were ably led by David Oliver and James Smith.
Deseronto, Prayer is requested for our dear brother G.P. Taylor who suffered a stroke at the Arnstein conference. He was hospitalized in North Bay but is now at home and the doctors are pleased with his progress.
Grand Bend, Four weeks of tent meetings in July with a concurrent children’s effort, with William Seale and Gary Sharp, were blessed with encouraging attendance and the salvation of souls. The recent International Plowing Match in nearby Dashwood gave the assembly an appreciated opportunity to share in Lorne Langfeld’s gospel outreach.
Huntsville, The two day conference was blessed with much minlstry regarding our present and eternal blessings in Christ. Nine full time workers ministered and a large number of young believers were among the many saints who attended.
Lansing, Larry Steers and Stephen Vance had an encouraging gospel series with blessing in salvation.
Langstaff, On November 14, Harold Paisley expects to start a two week series of meetings, using his chart on the Revelation.
Maberly, On September12, three young believers were baptized in a nearby lake with a good number present for this happy occasion.
Manitowaning, The saints of the Clover Valley assembly rejoiced when two souls professed salvation during four weeks of tent meetings in August by Alvin Cook and Don Jongsma (Sudbury). On September 5, two young brethren were baptized at a public beach, bringing further joy to the believers.
Rexdale, Ten thousand Seed Sowers with invitations were distributed in the district prior to gospel meetings starting on September19 by Fred Krauss and Jim Jarvis. At last report, our brethren were in their third week and some from the neighbourhood had responded to the invitation.
Timmins, Murray Pratt and Brian Owen expected to commence a gospel series on October 17.
Toronto, On October 10, Peter Ramsay and James McClelland commenced the first series of gospel meetings in the Victoria Park hall.
Saint Donat, God graciously blessed in salvation during eight weeks of tent meetings by Grard Roy During the series, he was helped by local brethren from the Saint-Flavie assembly for the first three weeks, by Larry Buote the fourth week and by Leslie Wells the final four weeks.
New Brunswick
Fredericton, Noel Burden paid an appreciated visit in early October, giving helpful ministry.
Tracadie, On September19, Leslie Wells and Grard Roy commenced gospel meetings in this assembly where there are more than 25 believers’ children needing salvation.
Nova Scotia
Maitland, At last report, James McClelland was in his third week in the gospel, helped by local brethren from Halifax. Numbers from the area have been encouraging and a little interest has been created.
Prince Edward Island
Crapaud, On September 26, Peter Orasuk and Frank Sona started a series in the gospel with good numbers attend-mg.
Freetown, Two believers were baptized on September 26, bringing joy to the saints.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Fogo, At the annual conference in September, both the ministry and the number in attendance were most encouragmg.
Gander Bay, The assembly celebrated its 25th anniversary by having special meetings on October 1 and 2. The time spent together was very rewarding and uplifting.
New Harbour, Gospel meetings by Gaius Goff and Tom Hoy commenced on September 19 and our brethren have been encouraged to see unsaved attending.
Parsons Pond, Bert Joyce and Gaius Goff expected to begin a series in the gospel on October 24.
St. John’s, The assembly planned gospel meetings commencing October 31 with Robert McIlwaine and Bryan Joyce.
Templeman, On October 3, Marvin Derksen and Bryan Joyce concluded a gospel series in a rented building in the nearby town of Brookfield. The saints were encouraged with the number that came to the meetings and there was much joy when a man, who had been coming to gospel meetings for many years, professed salvation during the series.
Tidings – U.S.A.
Arlington, An enjoyable three-day conference over the Labor Day weekend was characterized by encouraging and edifying ministry. A good number were present, including many young believers, and the Lord blessed in saving a soul. On September 22, John Slabaugh and Allan Christopherson commenced a gospel series.
San Diego, The assembly appreciated a visit by Norman Mellish for four nights of helpful ministry.
Antioch, In late September, Jerry Jennings had three nights of appreciated ministry.
Cedar Falls, Eric McCullough left for Australia on September21 to give help in the work there.
Garnavillo, Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Murray McCandless and Dan Shutt expect to begin on November 10.
Hitesville, The conference in September was large and was considered to be excellent. The ministry given by 12 brethren was uniquely practical for the day in which we live. The Bible reading on the Meal Offering was led by Norman Crawford.
Manchester, Eleven of the Lord’s servants were present at the October conference which was very profitable.
Postville, At last report, Tom Baker and John Dennison were in their third week in the gospel, preaching in Spanish. While the gospel meetings are going on, brother Baker’s two sons, Glen and Ken, are having children’s meetings so that the adults can listen without distraction.
Waterloo, In mid September, Jerry Jennings gave three nights of profitable ministry.
West Union, Roy Weber and William Skates planned to start gospel meetings on October 14.
Kansas City, The annual Labor Day conference was very good with helpful ministry given by J. Webb, J. Portman, J. Jennings and E. Fowler. Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Joel Portman expects to begin on November 8.
Rolla, On October 10, Joel Portman and Arthur Ward started a series in the gospel.
Egg Harbor, Jerry Jennings had three nights of profitable ministry in September.
Fort Wayne, Helped by other brethren from Jackson, Matthew Smith is continuing in the gospel in a rented building two nights a week. Norman Crawford and Matthew Smith expect to have another nightly series after the new year. The few believers who meet here need encouragement.
Battle Creek, Norman Crawford visited the assembly recently.
Deckerville, On September 19, James Beattie and Larry Perkins began a series in the gospel and saw early blessing.
Jackson, The assembly continues to reach out to children with the gospel in several districts. Gospel meetings are held regularly in aged care centers. A brother who works in law enforcement has been able to have regular meetings in a facility for juvenile offenders.
Pelkie, In early October, Jerry Jennings had several nights of helpful ministry.
Sherman, William Lavery had a week of profitable ministry in late September.
Akron, The assembly appreciated visits and ministry from William Lavery, David Oliver and William Seale.
Clyde, Norman Crawford recently visited the assembly Several people are showing a new awakening about their need of salvation.
Lorain, There was rejoicing in seeing two precious souls profess salvation during recent gospel meetings by John Dennison who preached in Spanish and John Slabaugh who spoke in English.
Monticello, John Slabaugh gave helpful ministry on September 12. Gene Higgins had an encouraging start to a gospel series on October 3 with over half a dozen visitors attending.
North Carolina
Hickory, Jim Allen gave four nights of excellent ministry on the Principle, Pathway Power and Problems of Faith, mainly from the Epistle to the Hebrews. The assembly also enjoyed a Lord’s day visit from Peter Orasuk, his first visit to North Carolina.
Bryn Mawr, The saints had open air meetings on the main street of the town preceding their gospel meeting throughout the summer. They plan to participate in “Bryn Mawr Day” an annual event when the merchants have stalls on the main street and the saints have a table for the distribution of literature, calendars and other gospel materials.
Hatboro, Tom Wright had appreciated visits with ministry at Hatboro, Bryn Mawr and Pennsauken, following the Midland Park conference.
Indiana, The assembly recently baptized and received into fellowship a young college student, saved from a Catholic family. She has faced a significant amount of negatism from the rest of her family. The annual “Chili Cookout” was held at the end of September. Over a dozen unsaved friends, invited by the Christians, heard testimonies and then listened to a gospel message by William Seale.
New Jersey
Longport, Walter Gustafson visited the assembly and the saints were encouraged.
Pennsauken, On September 26, a good number attended a baptism with both the Barrington and Pennsauken assemblies joining together for this happy event. It was an encouraging result of the meetings in the summer.
Hardwick, The weather was excellent for the conference and the saints enjoyed ministry from Alex Dryburgh, Walter Gustafson, William Lavery, Robert Surgenor and G.P. Taylor.
Madawaska, A brother obeyed the Lord in the waters of baptism, bringing joy to the saints.
Tidings – Other Countries
N. Ireland
On September 9, Harold Paisley wrote, “The meetings in Chapman’s Store with the Revelation chart have created a very large interest. Last night around 400 attended with large numbers of outsiders and some were anxious. The five assemblies in the area are giving 100% support.”
Derriaghy, Malcolm Radcliffe and Jon Procopio saw a real move from God in nine weeks of gospel tent meetings. A large number of souls professed to be saved and they are giving joy to the saints.
Glengormley, Albert Hull and Murray McCandless are seeing good numbers of unsaved attending gospel meetings in the new hall.
Larne, Mr. McShane reports that God gave very special help and blessing with His Word at the Bible Reading conference.
Lurgan, Brethren from the UK and Frank Tornaquindici of USA are scheduled to open Bible Readings at the annual conference.
John McDowell recently sent this word of encouragement for all who distribute gospel tracts. “I had the pleasure of meeting Jim while preaching the gospel in a very remote area of Queensland. Let me give you Jim’s story He was under conviction of sin, but did not fully realize his problem. He picked up a gospel tract which he found on one of the tables on the Esplanade in Cairns. The question on the tract was, ‘What must I do to be saved?’ and the answer was, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house.’ His four children were rather wayward and were giving him great concern. His testimony was, ‘I told the Lord that I would trust Him right now if he would save my family,’ and within 18 months, his wife and family were all saved and rejoicing in what God had done for them. How encouraging this is to continue with the sowing of the good seed.”
Tokyo, On August 23, Jim Currie wrote, “At the end of last month I passed a most significant milestone. It was 50 years ago on July 28 that I first arrived in Japan from Canada. I never thought that I would be privileged to visit some 10 different Asiatic countries with the gospel. I have just finished a short series over in Tonami, a city on the Japan Sea coast, overlooking China.”
Puerto Vallarta, A series of gospel meetings was held. Many new people attended regularly and several souls trusted Christ.
Sam Maze visited Montserrat, his former field of service, on his way to St. Lucia recently. He wrote, “It is so sad to see its present state, with little or no improvement since I was there last year. People are still in public shelters and generally speaking the island is in a pitiful condition. Three-quarters of the island remains closed and clouds of dust follow every vehicle. However, we were able to visit some who attended our meetings regularly and they received us with open arms.”
Tobolsk, On September 23, Jesse Fitch wrote, “The gospel was preached for eight weeks, four nights weekly in July and August. Several professed faith in Christ, some received assurance of salvation, five were baptized and three others desire baptism. Brethren from the Kaskara assembly four hours away assisted with the baptism and on two Saturdays provided helpful ministry. On one Lord’s day a bus was rented and 16 people went to Kaskara to observe the remembrance feast. Louis Smith left for Russia in early September. He and Howard Pratt purpose follow-up meetings in October. We ask the Lord’s people to please pray for this work”
Yekaterinburg, David Richards expects to labour in this area from September 19 to December 13.
Conferences, D.V.
Arborfield, Saskatchewan
November13 and 14 in the Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Meetings both days begin at 10:30. Contact Wallace Miller (306) 769-8628 or Floyd Pickerng (306) 769-8608.
Fredericton, New Brunswick
November 28. All day meeting in the Gospel Hall, 109 McAdam Ave. Breaking of Bread at 9:30. Bible reading on Ephesians 5:12-33. Corr. Robert Griffin, 1192 Route 105 Hwy Douglas, NB, E3A 7K1, (506) 472-5512.
Blues Mills, Nova Scotia
November20 and 21 in the Gospel Hall, Mountain Road. Meetings both days start at 10 am. Correspondent, John Bain (902) 625-2409.
San Diego, California
January 1 and 2 in the Gospel Hall, 4646 Twain Avenue, with meetings both days at 10, 2 and 7. Prayer meeting on December 31 at 7:30 p.m. Bible reading on 1 John 3. Corr. William Smith, 5005 La Dorna St., San Diego, CA 92115, (619) 582-2109. Hall (619) 280-7021.
Kindly remember:
Maberly, ON – Nov. 20
Oil Springs, ON – Nov. 13 and 14
Oshawa, ON – Nov. 13
Picton, ON – Nov. 27
Phoenix, AZ – Nov. 25-28
Stout, IA – Nov. 25
Change of Address
S.J. Krauss, 89 Sunbird Blvd., Keswick, ON, L4P 3V8, phone (905) 989-0181.
With Christ
Norman Allport of Deseronto, Ontario on September 6, age 88. Our dear brother was saved as a young man in 1940 through the truth of Romans 5:8 while reading a gospel tract. Faithfully he attended all the meetings for nearly 60 years as long as his health permitted. He was a much respected elder who loved the Word of God, the truth of God’s assembly and the Lord’s people. With his brother Charlie, he put his wholehearted support behind all local efforts in the gospel. T. Kember and A. Madigan faithfully presented words of comfort and warning at his large funeral.
Mrs. Robert Boyle of Brandon, Manitoba on September10, age 78. Our dear sister Jean (nee Neill) was saved at age 12 in Belfast and was later received into the Ebenezer assembly. With her husband, she immigrated to Canada in 1951, settling first in Port Arthur and moving to Brandon in 1966. Jean was a faithful support to her husband who has served the Lord on the Canadian Praines for many years. Her friendly disposition and radiant smile were a cheer to all. She will be deeply missed. Her large funeral gave tribute to the high esteem in which she was held.
Mary Kampman of Marion, IA on Sept. 20, age 68. Our dear sister was saved in 1948 during gospel meetings in Manchester by O. Smith and P. Elliott. The following year she was received into the Manchester assembly. In March 1962, she and her husband Bert were among those in fellowship when the Marion assembly was planted. The past two years were filled with many health trials but she faced them with patience, subject to the will of God. Her husband survives along with four children. The well attended funeral was shared by R. Orr and A. Christopherson.
Sending Fellowship to Missionaries
During 1999, some assemblies and some of the Lord’s people experienced difficulties in seeking to send fellowship to missionaries in various countries of the world. Problems were caused by
(1) lost or stolen mail,
(2) inaccurately addressed mail and
(3) fellowship sent in the wrong currency.
Some information regarding the transmission of funds is not always available to individual believers and assemblies. For instance, the majority of missionaries from Canada and the United States to whom we send fellowship through the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trusts have requested us not to send cheques or money orders directly to them on the mission field. For various reasons, most missionaries have found it necessary to have their fellowship deposited in a bank account in Canada or the United States.
If you have experienced difficulties in sending fellowship abroad, we would remind you that for many years both the Canadian and the United States Gospel Trusts have faithfully and successfully remitted funds to missionaries worldwide. Experience gained during these years has taught us the safest and most practical way to forward fellowship to our missionary brethren and sisters.
Both the Canadian and United States Trust Funds are willing and able to help you in forwarding fellowship to missionaries on the field. You will find that the Gospel Trusts provide a secure and protected way of transmitting funds overseas. Their addresses are given in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover. Please remember that all cheques should be made payable to Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust.
Wahls Bookstand
For many years, believers have benefited from being able to buy books at discount prices from the Wahls. The family of Dale Wahls has decided to continue the bookstand at the same address: PO Box 195, Garnavillo, IA 52049. The phone numbers are also the same: (319) 964-2432 (day) and (319) 964-2059 (evening). Fax is (319) 964-2104. Orders can be sent by Email to wkuhse@netins.net.