Tidings – Canada
British Columbia
Westbank, The assembly enjoyed a brief visit from John Abemethy in early March. Noel Burden and Phil Atkinson had a week of encouraging gospel meetings from March 28 to April 4.
Fort McMurray. A large number of unsaved adults heard the gospel preached at a recent children’s program.
Glen Ewen, Appreciated meetings were held by Jim Webb (March 3-10) and William Seale (March 28-30).
Prince Albert, Peter Simms and James Ronald had a week of gospel meetings at the Federal Penitentiary with about 20 prisoners present each night. Our brethren hope that there will be a continuing opportunity to preach the gospel or have a Bible study here.
Saskatoon, In February, the Christians enjoyed visits by Gary Sharp and Joel Portman. In March, Jack Gould had an encouraging week of ministry on the local assembly.
Taylorside, Two were baptized and one professed salvation recently, bringing joy to the saints. Jack Gould had a week of appreciated ministry.
Barrie, The monthly ministry meetings were an encouragement to the assembly with A. Adams, K. Nicholson, K. Moore, M. Pratt, A. Fletcher and N. Lorimer taking part. Also, E. Dellandrea, L. Steers and T. Walker paid appreciated visits.
Chatham, Larry Perkins and James Beattie had an encouraging gospel series with blessing in salvation.
Huntsville, In March, Timothy Walker had a week of children’s meetings with a good response.
Kapuskasing, The Easter conference was a time of blessing and encouragement to the saints. C. Black, L. Buote, E. Dellandrea, E. Doherty, W. McBride, M. Pratt, B. Rodgers and D. Yade gave helpful and appreciated ministry.
Kenora, Murray Pratt and David Rodgers completed two and a half weeks of gospel meetings on March 10. Unsaved were present every night and a 15 year old girl professed to be saved. The saints look forward to tent meetings in the summer.
Kirkland Lake, Eugene Badgley had two weeks of ministry meetings using the Egypt to Canaan chart.
Langstaff, The new hall was opened by three weeks of gospel meetings by Harold Paisley and Norman Crawford. The meetings were large with many outsiders attending. God was pleased to save some precious souls. During the meetings, eight believers, previously saved, were baptized.
London, On March 28, Jim Currie was with the saints for the Lord’s day. He remained for three nights of appreciated ministry on Jonah and also gave an interesting report on the work in Japan, Egypt and North Korea.
Newbury, It was a happy time of fellowship at the recent conference when seven of the Lord’s servants ministered to profit.
Niagara Falls, On April 4, James Smith and Gary Sharp commenced a series in the gospel.
Oshawa, Bryan Funston and Jim Jarvis had four weeks of very encouraging gospel meetings with several souls professing and large numbers of unsaved attending.
Picton, God blessed in salvation during three and a half weeks of gospel meetings by Brian Owen and Ed Miller.
Toronto, As usual, more than 1,000 attended the three day Easter conference. The saints thank God for profitable ministry, instructive Bible readings, challenging pioneering reports and powerful gospel meetings. Help was given by A. Adams, J. Allen, N. Crawford, J. Curie, A. Hull, S. Kember, T. Kember, W. Lavery, T. McNeill, D. Oliver, H. Paisley and J. Smith. Following the conference, brethren Allen and Lavery had meetings in the area. On April 7, H. Paisley gave very timely ministry on “hitherto” and “henceforth” at the final meeting at Pape Avenue. Brother Paisley expected to be with the same assembly for their first Lord’s day at their new Victoria Park location on April 11.
Victoria Road, Ed Miller was expected for children’s meetings the last two weeks of April.
Longueuil, Larry Buote had one week of meetings in February.
Ste. Angle, Helped by a local brother, Leslie Well covered this village near Mont Joli with Seed Sowers texts, with about 56% receiving them.
Nova Scotia
Clementsvale, Leslie Wells had two weeks of ministry in late January and early February on the Book of Ezra.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Charlottetown, The saints were encouraged at their recent conference. A good number came by snowmobile from other assemblies, and the ministry by David Hunt, Bert Joyce and Peter Mathews was very encouraging.
Flowers Cove, On his return from Labrador, Andrew Bergsma gave appreciated ministry at Flowers Cove, Parsons Pond, Rocky Harbour and Corner Brook.
Fogo, On March 28, Bryan Joyce and Irving Payne commenced a series in the gospel. Gander Bay, Carl Payne and David Swan started gospel meetings on March 21.
Parsons Pond, The good hand of God was seen in salvation during gospel meetings by Wallace Buckle and Larry Steers.
Tidings – U.S.A.
Phoenix, The Sunnyslope assembly was greatly encouraged during four weeks of gospel meetings by Peter Orasuk and Jonathan Procopio. The hail was full every night and a lad professed to be saved.
St. Paul, On April 4, Robert Orr and William Skates began gospel meetings in a community building.
Hampton, The saints appreciated a report on the work in Zambia by James Hanna on March 7, and visits for ministry by E. McCullough (March 7), R. McIlwaine (March 22-23) and F. Krauss (April 4-6).
Hitesville, An all day meeting on March 28 attracted so many believers that the large hall and the minor hall were filled. Ministry was given by Norman Crawford, Harold Hatt (England) and Murray McCandless.
Manchester, There was blessing in salvation during gospel meetings by John Slabaugh and Allan Christopherson.
Stout, Albert Hull and Robert McIlwaine had well attended gospel meetings with blessing and encouragement.
Rolla, Joel Portman and Mark Van Der Hart (Omaha, NB) commenced gospel meetings on March21.
Mt. Sterling, The Bible readings on the Book of James were well attended. The readings were led by James Beattie, Arthur Ward, Tom Bentley, Sam Eadie and Stanley Wells.
Tylertown, On March 28, Lome Mitchell and Jerry Jennings began gospel meetings and have seen a number of people come who have never been in the Gospel Hall before.
Ferndale, William Lavery and Jack Nesbitt concluded three weeks of gospel meetings on March 18.
Jackson, Varied and very interesting reports on the work in Mexico were given at Jackson, Saginaw and Stark Road at the end of March. At the same time, Jim Allen gave much appreciated ministry at Stark Road, Jackson and Sarnia, Ontario.
Saginaw, The saints were encouraged the last week of March with a visit by Jim Allen for two nights and a Lord’s day.
Akron, Gary Sharp and Dale Vitale had an encouraging four week gospel series with a number of first time visitors attending the meetings.
Mansfield, Robert Surgenor gave a week of helpful ministry on the book of Nehemiah.
North Carolina
Hickory, Murray McCandless and Arthur Ward expected to commence a gospel series on April 14.
DeLand, During March, the assembly appreciated visits from Arnold Gratton and William Metcalf.
Bryn Mawr, David Oliver and Gene Higgins had two and a half weeks of encouraging gospel meetings in a rented hall in Broomall. Unsaved were present each evening and the Lord was pleased to bless in salvation.
McKeesport, On March 14, William Skates and James Smith finished three weeks in the gospel. A good number of visitors came in from the community.
New Jersey
Longbranch, Although smaller than usual, the conference was helpful, with ministry given by W. Gustafson, F. Tornaquindici, W. Oliver and M. Rauseo (Barrington).
Manchester, At the annual conference, the saints profited from ministry by M. Brescia, W. Gustafson, E. Higgins, Bert Joyce, E. McCullough, W. Oliver and F Tomaquindici.
Terryville, David Oliver and Gene Higgins expected to start a gospel series on April 14.
Watertown, The conference on March 20 and 21 was one of our largest and was cause for much rejoicing for all who attended.
Tidings – Other Countries
N. Ireland
Cookstown, Harold Paisley planned meetings here commencing April 18.
London, Harold Paisley expected to have a gospel meeting in the Grove Gospel Hall on April 16, with several of the surrounding assemblies attending.
Brian Owen, Brian Crawford, Steven Burns and Andr Drouin expected to spend the month of April here and planned two series of gospel meetings.
Conferences, D.V.
Kamloops, BC
June 26 and 27 in Westsyde Gospel Hall, 849 Wawn Road, with prayer and ministry on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. Phil Atkinson, 836 Puhallo Drive, Kamloops, BC, V2B 6P7, (250) 579-9484. Hall (250) 579-8799.
Glen Ewen, Saskatchewan
June 18, 19 and 20 in the Gospel Hall, eight miles south of Glen Ewen. Prayer meeting on June 17 at 7:30 p.m. Bible reading on the Coming of the Lord. Corr. Allan Macfarlane, Box 172, Glen Ewen, SK, SOC 1C0, (306) 925-4401. Hall (306) 925-4805.
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
June 11, 12 and 13. Prayer meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. and Friday meetings are in the Gospel Hall, 102 First St. N.W. Meetings Saturday and Lord’s day in William Glesbe Centre, 11 – 2nd Street NE. Bible readings on John 13 and 14. Corr. David Vanstone, (204) 857-8435. Accom: Dennis Walker, (204) 857-7794. Note: Please note new location.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
May 21, 22 and 23. Ministry on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 492 Victor St. Meetings on Saturday in M.B.C.A., 173 Talbot Ave., with Ministry at 10:30, 2, 4 and 7:15. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread in the Gospel Hall at 10:30. In the afternoon, Ministry at 2 and Gospel at 4:15 at M.B.C.A. Corr. Duncan Dunsire, 432 Beverly St., Winnipeg, MB, R3G 1T8, (204) 775-3704.
Eden Grove, Ontario
June 6 in the Gospel Hall, one mile west of Bruce County Road #3. Breaking of Bread at 10 and Ministry at 2. Prayer meeting on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. John W. Boddy Sr., RR4, Walkerton, ON, NOG 2V0, (519) 366-2302.
Sarnia, Ontario
May 15 and 16 in the Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:45 p.m. On Saturday, Ministry at 10, Bible reading at 1:15, Ministry at 3 and Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Corr. Shad Kember, 1726 Confederation St., Sarnia, ON, N7T 7H3, (519) 337-7476.
Victoria Road, Ontario
June 19 and 20 in the Gospel Hall, with prayer meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. On Saturday, Bible reading at 8:45 on 1 Peter 1, with Ministry at 10:30,2 and 7. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 8:45 on 1 Peter 2, Breaking of Bread at 10:30, Ministry at 2 and Gospel at 7. Supper served at 6:30 Friday evening. Corr. Ken Stone, RR 3, Woodville, ON, KOM 2T0, (705) 374-4688.
Halifax, NS
June 26 and 27 with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Bible reading conference on The Person of Christ. All meetings in Bedford Junior High School, 132 Rocky Lake Road, Bedford, (902) 832-8952. First meeting on Saturday at 9. Breaking of Bread at 10. Corr. Arthur Harnish, RR 1, Hubbards, NS, BOJ ITO, (902) 857-9265. Note: Please note new location.
Pugwash Junction, NS
July 3 and 4 with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Breaking of Bread at 10. Corr. Harold Elliott, RR 1, Wallace, NS, BOK IYO, (902) 257-2206. For advance accommodations, Brent Cottrill, (902) 243-3122.
Corner Brook, Newfoundland
June 26 and 27 in G.C. Rowe Junior High School, St. Marks Ave. with meetings each day at 10, 1:30 and 7:30. Prayer meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. in Gospel Hall, Country Rd. Bible reading on Eph. 4. Accom: Roy Foster, 30 East Valley Rd., Corner Brook, NF, (709) 634-5022 or Bernie Flynn, Box 2832, RR 2, Corner Brook, NF, (709) 783-2790.
Grants Pass, Oregon
May 29 and 30 in the Gospel Hall, 1611 SW “G” Street, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Bible reading on Saturday on I Cor. 15:1-28 and on Lord’s day on I Cor. 15:35-58. Breaking of Bread at 10. Corr. Don Gratius, 141 Timberlane, Grants Pass, OR 97526, (541) 479-4521. Hall (541) 476-3956.
Garnavillo, Iowa
June12 and 13 in Garnavillo High School Gymnasium. On Saturday, Ministry at 10 and 2, with Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 9 on Lev. 1, Breaking of Bread at 10:30 and Ministry at 2. Prayer meeting at 7 p.m. on Friday in the Gospel Hall, 506 5. Washington. Corr. Donald Kregel, 604 S. Washington St., P0 Box 488, Garnavillo, IA 52049, (319) 964-2588.
Hickory, NC
May 29 and 30 in the Gospel Hall, 253 17th Avenue, N.E. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Ministry at 10 and 2:30 with Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 9:45, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Accom: Arnold McDonald, (704) 263-8649 or Fred Dancy Jr., (828) 758-2202.
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
The assembly plans to change the date of the annual conference to the first weekend in November. Details will be given later.
Byfield, Massachusetts
May 29 and 30 in the Town Hall. On Saturday, Ministry at 10:30 and 2:30 with Gospel at 6:30. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10:30, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 6:30. Prayer meeting on May 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 1 Central Street. Corr. John H. Short, 145 Main Street, Byfield, MA 01922, (978) 465-2207. Hall (978) 462-5569.
Kindly remember:
Calgary, AB – May 22-24
Bancroft, ON – June 5
London, ON (Spanish) – May 29 & 30
Nipissing Junction, ON – June 12 & 13
Northern Ontario – June 26 and 27
Ottawa, ON – May 22 and 23
Midland / Waubaushene, ON – May 22 and 23
Prince Edward Island – May22 and 23
Frostburg, MD – May 15 and 16
Saugus, MA – June 5 and 6
Additions to T&T Address List, June 1998
Miss Sharon Follett, Hogar Evangelico, Apartado 38, Puerto Cabello, Edo. Carabobo, Venezuela, 2024A
Change of Address
John Abernethy, #170 Leisure Village, 3360 Old Okanagan Highway, Westbank, BC, V4T 1X9, (250) 768-4600
Change of Correspondent
Westbank, BC, Glenn A. Griffin, 3344 Elliott Rd., Westbank, BC, V4T 1P2, (250) 768-3343 Livingston, NJ, Alan Valvano, 31 Townsend Drive, Florham Park, NJ 07932-2318, (973) 377-7839
With Christ
Joan McChesney of Kenora, Ontario on February 16, age 77. Our dear sister was saved in her teens in England. With her husband Glen, she moved to Canada and lived in Kenora. They came into fellowship in Kenora in 1987. Mrs. McChesney suffered the effects of a stroke for many years and her last five years were in a care home. She leaves her husband, a daughter and her family, and a son. Please pray for those in the family not yet saved. Murray Pratt preached the gospel at her funeral and David Rodgers spoke at the grave.
Patsy R. DiBella of Methuen, MA on February 20, on the morning of his 90th birthday. Our beloved brother was saved in March 1943, when Frank Carboni brought the gospel to him in his home. He was baptized and received into the Methuen assembly shortly after, where he was in happy fellowship until his homecall. The funeral services were shared by Daniel Netti and Frank Tornaquindici. He leaves his wife Phyllis, his son Daniel and his wife Maryann of the Methuen assembly, three grandchildren, some not saved, and one great-grandson.
Mrs. Elsie Shaw of Claremont, California on February 27, age 91. Our dear sister was born in Scotland and saved in Detroit in 1930. She was in fellowship in the West Chicago Boulevard assembly for many years. After moving to California, she was in fellowship at Culver City and Monrovia. She spent the last five years in the Western Assemblies Home. Mrs. Shaw is survived by three children, 13 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. The large funeral was shared by Dr. Adam Thropay and Carl Drewery.
Eugene Burkart of Dubuque, Iowa on March 3, age 85. Our dear brother was saved in 1941 and was in the Gamavillo assembly for more than 50 years. He endured with patience his health problems for many years. His wife Helen, who faithfully took care of him, survives, also a daughter and her family. Leonard DeBuhr and Robert Orr took the funeral service with Donald Kregel speaking at the grave.
Mrs. Lorain Kramer of Dumont, Iowa on March 7, age 86. Our beloved sister was saved in meetings by Sam Hamilton at Aredale in 1940. She was in the assembly in Aredale for a number of years and the past several years in Hitesville. A nice number attended her funeral service showing their respect for her. Her husband Siegfried survives along with a son, a daughter and their families. R. Orr took the funeral service with F. Christopherson speaking at the grave.
Dorothy Boege of Evansdale, Iowa on March 9, age 78. Our dear sister was saved in 1938 during gospel meetings by Lorne McBain in Gamavillo at the time she was working in the area. She was in the fellowship of the Western Avenue assembly in Waterloo the past few years and sought to spread the gospel by tracts and poems. Her husband died in 1983. She is survived by two sisters. Ronald Wessels spoke a faithful word in the gospel at her funeral.
Dick Van Mill of Marion, Iowa on March 10, age 96. Our dear brother was saved on January 4, 1925 during meetings by Oliver Smith in Stout. He was in the Stout assembly for years until entering the Linn Manor Care Center in 1986 and going to the Marion assembly. He manifested faithfulness to his Lord, the assembly and his family. His wife Froney predeceased him in December 1988. Surviving are his son, two daughters and their families. His son Richard gave a short tribute to his father at the funeral service which was also shared by R. Weber and R. Orr.
Mrs. Janet (Jenny) Stainton of Unionville, ON on March 10, age 82. Our dear sister was born to Christian parents in Motherwell, Scotland, where she came to the Saviour as a young girl. With her mother and sisters, she came to Toronto in 1929 and found warm fellowship at Pape Avenue. In 1943 she married Cliff Stainton and enjoyed lifelong fellowship in several Toronto assemblies. Jenny was active in the Rexdale ladies missions group with a special concern for the Chitokoloki hospital in Zambia. She is lovingly remembered by her husband and family.
Ruby Kate (Kitty) Goff of Forest Grove, OR on March 10, age 88. Our beloved sister was saved at age 23 through the gospel preaching of Hector Alves in 1933. After salvation, she chose the people of God rather than a successful administrative nursing career, working close to home and assisting her parents for many years. Kitty was a faithful sister, always given to hospitality and any work in the assembly Gaius Goff preached the Word faithfully at his Aunt Kitty’s funeral service. Please remember unsaved family members in prayer. She will be greatly missed.
Mrs. Creda Lisney of Ontario, WI on March 14, age 86. Our dear sister was saved in the summer of 1952 after hearing the gospel in meetings by Alex Studnicka and Chauncey Yost at La Farge, WI. Along with her husband Vestor, she was among those who formed the assembly in Ontario in 1954. Vestor predeceased her in September 1995. Mrs. Lisney was a faithful sister who was given to hospitality. Two sons, two daughters and their families survive. Robert Orr took the funeral service with Kent Henrickson also taking part.
James Wright of St. Thomas, Ontario on March 16. Our dear brother was born in 1913 in Stirling, Scotland and came to Canada as a boy of 11. In his thirties, he was introduced to the gospel by a personal contact. Shortly after, he trusted Christ while reading John 3:16. He enjoyed teaching Sunday School and was rewarded with some won to the Lord. Mr. Wright is survived by his wife Marjorie, two sons and two daughters. The funeral was shared by Fred Krauss and a son-in-law, Hubert Geelen.
Bound Volumes
The twelve issues of Truth and Tidings for 1998 have been bound and are available from:
Mr. George Crarey
Rural Route # 3
Kirkfield, ON
Canada KOM 2B0
Canada prices are $12.00 plus postage, and USA are $10.00 plus postage.