What the Bible Teaches, Romans,
by the late F.E. Stallan
This is the eleventh and final book of the series of NT commentaries that have been so widely received and appreciated by believers around the world. Although this book was written during the final illness of Fred Stallan, it is an outstanding work on the Roman Epistle, a book that is basic to the understanding of Bible doctrine.
Tidings – Canada
British Columbia
Vancouver, Ian Irvine (Australia) gave four nights of profitable ministry in December at Victoria Drive. He also gave a stirring word on the call of God at the monthly missionary meeting on December 5. On January 3, Ross Vanstone gave challenging ministry at the missionary meeting at Carlton. The following day, the monthly ministry meeting at South Main was shared by brother Vanstone and Stewart Wilson. Prayer is requested for our dear brother John Frith who is hospitalized and very weak in body
Fort McMurray, The assembly enjoyed a visit by David Booth in December.
Lethbridge, On December 6, a new assembly was formed, with 17 present at the first Breaking of Bread here. Steve Kember and Gaius Goff commenced a gospel series in January.
Taylorside, The saints appreciated recent visits from Andrew Bergsma and David Booth. An eleven year old professed salvation on December 13. On December 20, the saints rejoiced to witness nine believers obey the Lord in baptism. On January 3, Joel Portman and Roy Weber started a series in the gospel.
Brandon, Gary Sharp had a good series of children’s meetings during the first week of December.
Winnipeg, Andrew Bergsma gave an informative report on the work among the Hutterites and David Booth reported on the work in Russia. Jim McMaster (England) visited a number of the prairie assemblies with profitable ministry.
Clinton, The assembly enjoyed a weekend visit from Frank Sona (Guelph) who also spoke at the Sunday School treat. Clyde, During October, the saints enjoyed ministry from Norman Mellish and also from David Kember who spoke from his chart on the Christian’s Life. In November, Max McLean gave details about the work in Russia. In December, Bruce Rodgers had ten nights of ministry on Stewardship.
Lake Shore, God blessed in the salvation of a number of souls during a well attended gospel series by Brian Owen and Brian Crawford. Brother Owen planned to return in January for ministry for those recently saved.
Maberly, Murray McLeod expected to commence prophetic gospel meetings on January 31.
Peterborough, The saints enjoyed visits from Larry Steers in October and Lome Langfeld in November. Ed Miller had a week of helpful ministry in December.
Sarnia, James Smith and William Aiken had a fruitful series in the gospel.
St. Mary’s, The assembly appreciated recent visits by N. Burden, T. Kember, W. Gustafson, N. Mellish, B. Owen and B. Crawford. Children’s meetings are planned for the March school break.
Toronto, Visits by Jack Yocum for two Lord’s days and two midweek meetings and by Harold Paisley for three Lord’s days and three weeknight meetings were appreciated by the saints at Eglinton.
Waubaushene, The assembly has grown somewhat in the last few years with the influx of some couples with young families. During the winter, there is a weekly outreach at a local school. Bimonthly ministry meetings by Midland, Orillia and Waubaushene have been conducted during the winter months for more than 35 years and have been times of encouragement, blessing and fellowship. Speakers this season have been Edward Doherty, Arnold Adams, Andrew Adams, William McBride and Jim Jarvis.
West Hill, A teenager was baptized on December 20, bringing joy to the saints.
Windsor, The saints enjoyed a recent visit by Marvin Derksen and Peter Orasuk.
Longueuil, From November 15 to December 10, Leslie Wells and Grard Roy had a gospel series and the saints were encouraged during this first outreach in their new location. On November 28, an all day meeting was held with help given by L. Buote, I. Poirier, G. Roy and L. Wells.
New Brunswick
Green River, At the ministry meeting on December 12, Larry Buote, Grard Roy and Leslie Wells took part.
Shediac, Grard Roy and Leslie Wells spoke at the monthly ministry meeting on December 27. Using his chart on Egypt to Canaan, brother Roy began a week of ministry on December 28.
Tracadie, The assembly had the joy of baptizing two believers after the gospel meeting on December 13.
Nova Scotia
Halifax, Grard Roy and Peter Ramsay expected to commence a gospel series in late January.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Charlottetown, Wallace Buckle and Paul Cockfield planned to begin gospel meetings at the end of January
Fogo, Bryan Joyce expected to start a series of children’s meetings on January 11.
Gander Bay, On December 17 and 18, Carl Payne had appreciated ministry meetings. Our brother went on to Templeman for the Lord’s day.
McIvers, Gospel meetings were expected to begin on January 10 with Alvin Blake and Sandy Feltham.
Tidings – U.S.A.
San Diego, The January conference was a time of encouragement for the saints in the Southwest. Eight of the Lord’s servants were present to help in gospel and ministry. Following the conference, James Smith and Alan Davidson (N. Ireland) remained for ministry.
Turlock, Walter Gustafson gave an appreciated visit in December when a young couple from the area attended to observe the Breaking of Bread and were encouraged by the ministry given. Visits in January by Alan Davidson and David Oliver were also appreciated.
Sunnyslope, Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Peter Orasuk and Jonathan Procopio expect to commence on March 7.
New Mexico
Albuquerque, The saints appreciated one week of ministry with William Lavery in November.
Eudora, In early December, Don Wardell and Jerry Jennings had two weeks in the gospel.
Hinckley, The saints were cheered as three young people obeyed the Lord in baptism on December 6.
Antioch, Fred Krauss and Arthur Ward had four weeks of gospel meetings with some blessing seen.
Manchester, During November, Arthur Ward had a week of ministry meetings on the Epistle of James.
Stout, The meeting on Thanksgiving Day was a time of blessing with a good number of saints attending. The ministry was very practical and timely with nine brethren participating. Time was set aside in the afternoon for comments and memories of the beginning of the assembly 75 years ago.
Waterloo, On December 6, an all day meeting was held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the assembly. Ten of the Lord’s servants and a large company of believers attended.
Kansas City, Walter Gustafson was with the saints for the all day meeting on November 15. The ministry was profitable and encouraging to all.
Egg Harbor, In early January, Arthur Ward and Jerry Jennings had a week of Bible readings.
LaCrosse, Allan Christopherson expected to begin gospel meetings on January 17.
Ontario, The assembly enjoyed visits from Stanley Wells (October19), James Beattie (October 25-30) and Robert Orr (November 29-December 2). William Skates and Robert Orr expected to commence a gospel series on January 17.
North Carolina
Hickory, Weekend visits in mid December by David Oliver and Sandy Higgins provided the assembly with very practical and edifying ministry which the saints enjoyed.
DeLand, William Lavery expected to give ministry from February 8-11.
Donora, In early January, William Lavery had appreciated ministry meetings.
Hatboro, Wallace Buckle was with the assembly on December 20 for the monthly ministry meeting.
Indiana, On January 3, Dale Vitale was with the assembly and shared the gospel with William Seale. The assembly appreciates the continuing new work in Apollo.
McKeesport, The assembly enjoyed visits by Murray McLeod on December12 and David Oliver on December 19.
New Jersey
Barrington, Five young people, fruit of personal work and the summer tent meetings, were baptized in December. Wallace Buckle and Gene Higgins were present for this happy event.
Pennsauken, On December 13, the monthly Bible reading was led by Jack Coleman (Hatboro).
Byfield, Wallace Buckle encouraged the assembly by his visit on January 3.
Cambridge, James McClelland was with the assembly for helpful ministry on December 7. Our brother also visited Byfield on December 6 and 9.
Methuen, A good number gathered for the monthly Bible reading on December 13 led by Frank Tornaquindici. The assembly appreciated the visit of Harold Paisley and Dale Vitale for help in the gospel on December 6.
Saugus, The December conference was large and profitable with 10 visiting brethren sharing in a good variety of ministry. The believers appreciated visits by James McClelland on December 8, and Robert McIlwaine and Jonathan Procopio on January 3.
Tidings – Other Countries
N. Ireland
Conferences, The following conferences were well attended and much appreciated ministry was given:
Gransha, December 25
Buckna, December 26
Kilkeel, December 26
Albertbridge, Belfast, January 1
Newtownstewart, January 1
Ahoghill, January 1
Ardmore, January 1
Gospel, Many of the Lord’s servants commenced gospel meetings in January. We pray that 1999 will be a fruitful year, if the Lord be not come.
Puerto Alegre, On December 14, H.M. Wilson wrote, “The conference last month at Capivari was a profitable time. Three believers were baptized and added to the assembly in Sao Jeronimo, and two are to be baptized next Saturday in Santa Cruz do Sul.”
Tokyo, On January 2, Jim Currie wrote, “Since returning to Japan in mid November, I have had a short series of gospel meetings in Osaka in which we rejoiced to see the hand of God in bringing in a good number of unbelievers under the sound of the Word. I have also had two series of ministry meetings in other assemblies.” Brother Currie expected to give help for three weeks in Malaysia and Singapore.
Guadalajara, Approximately 100,000 Seed Sowers texts and invitations were given out the last week in December. More than 60 saints from Canada and the United States, as well as Christians from the assemblies in Mexico helped in the distribution. Gospel meetings commenced on January 5 with a good number of strangers present.
Tepic, The saints broke bread for the first time on January 3.
Dave Richards and Louis Smith visited Russia from September21 to December 7. Our brethren spent two weeks with the assembly at Surgut, one week at Kaskara, four weeks at Severouralsk and the final Lord’s day at St. Petersburg. They held ministry meetings, preached the gospel, and visited schools, universities and orphanages.
Conferences, D.V.
Newbury, Ontario
March 27 in the Gospel Hall, 370 Walnut Drive. Meetings at 2:30 and 6:30. Corr. David Cooper, 234 Cherry St. W., Box 312, Bothwell, ON, NOP 1CO, (519) 695-2349.
Toronto, Ontario
April 2, 3 and 4 in Birchmount Park Collegiate, 3663 Danforth Ave., Scarborough. Meetings each day at 10, 1:30, 3:30 and 7:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Broadview Gospel Hall, 194 Broadview. Bible readings on (1) Baptism, (2) Breaking of Bread and (3) Gospel Outreach. Corr. Don Jennings, 53 Karnwood Dr., Scarborough, ON, M1L 2Z7, (416) 757-7019, and Robert Reilly, 30 Caronridge Cres., Agincourt, ON, MiW 1L2, (416) 499-0829.
Nineveh, N.S.
April 3 and 4 in Parkview Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater. On Saturday, Ministry at 10a.m. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7p.m. in Nineveh Gospel Hall. Supper served in the hall Friday at 5 p.m. For accommodations, contact Clark Hubley, (902) 543-3268. Corr. Robert J. Kaulback, (902) 543-5530. School, (902) 543-5536.
Stout, Iowa
April 10 and 11 in the Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. First meeting on Saturday at 10. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 9 on Isa. 52:13-53:12, with Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Con. Gary DeGroote, 28073 West Brook St., New Hartford, IA 50660, (319) 983-2713.
Mt. Sterling, Wisconsin
March27 and 28. Bible reading conference on the Epistle of James in North Crawford High School, north of Gays Mills, WI. First meeting on Saturday at 10a.m. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Mt. Sterling Gospel Hall. For accommodations, contact Richard Dudgeon (608) 734-3639 or Rodney Aspenson (608) 734-3825, in advance.
Matoaca, Virginia
February 13 and 14 in the Gospel Hall, 6204 River Road. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Ministry at 10 and 2:30, with Gospel at 7:30. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 9:30, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7:30. Corr. John Nobles, 5735 Beechnut Ave., Matoaca, VA 23803, (804) 590-2988.
Watertown, MA
March20 and 21 in the Gospel Hall, 226 Mt. Auburn St. with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Bible reading on 2 Peter I at 10:30, Ministry at 2:30 with Gospel at 6:30. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 6:30. Corr. Joe Grillo, 2201 Lewis 0. Gray Drive, Saugus, MA 01906, (781) 233-8520.
Change of Address
Gordon Williams, RR 2, Site 18, Box 5, Grande Prairie, AB, T8V 2Z9
Change of Address of Correspondent
Turlock, CA, David H. Hodgkins, 5600 Sun Gold Drive, Salida, CA 95368
New Assembly
Lethbridge, AB, 244 – 13th Street N., Lethbridge. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 9:30, SS & Ministry at 10:30, Gospel at 7. On Wednesday, Prayer at 6:30 p.m.
With Christ
Grace West of Elim Homes, Waubaushene, Ontario on October 4, age 91. Our beloved sister was saved in early life and was married to the late David William (Bill) West. Together they were in happy fellowship in the Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario assembly for many years and were a great help and blessing to the Lord’s people. A daughter and two sons, all in assembly fellowship, mourn her loss. Gary Sharp and Guido Cedolia spoke faithful words at her funeral.
John L. Westlake of Tampa, Florida on October 18, age 78. Our beloved brother passed into the Lord’s presence quietly after a one year battle with cancer. He was saved in the late fifties in Toronto, Ohio and moved to the Tampa area in 1961 where he was in fellowship in the North Tampa assembly. He will be missed by his wife Dorothy, his four children, eight grandchildren and the saints at North Tampa.
Leiland Larmon of Perth, Ontario on November 11, age 71, after a lengthy illness, Our dear brother was saved years ago during meetings by John Slabaugh and Murray McLeod at Maberly and was in happy fellowship until his homecall. He had a bright testimony during his long trial, remaining happy in soul and looking for the Lord Jesus. His wife Margaret faithfully nursed him at home. The funeral was large and the gospel was preached to a number of unsaved relatives and friends.
John Angus Linden of Moncton, NB on November 15, age 90. John’s three sisters were saved within a two week period in 1938 and this began a year of soul trouble for him. In August 1939, after a visit by J.J. Rouse to Moncton, John trusted Christ. He enjoyed his salvation and was most pleasant with all he met. This was evidenced by the large number of town folk that attended the funeral. They heard a clear gospel message by his son David and his brother-in-law, William Oliver. He was predeceased by his wife Gladys, and leaves two children, two sisters and two brothers.
Cecil Dell of Alpena, Michigan on November 30, age 81. Our dear brother was born in Charlevoix and was saved as a teenager after hearing the gospel preached by William Ferguson. He was baptized in 1991 and was an integral part of the Alpena assembly from its inception. Cecil was an extremely kind, humble and faithful man who will be greatly missed by the believers.
Mrs. Delores Palmer of Garnavillo, Iowa on December 5, age 56. Our dear sister was saved in 1959 during meetings held at Stout, IA. Delores was in fellowship in Garnavillo after marrying Leslie Palmer. She was a help to the assembly and a willing worker who attended all the meetings with a bright smile and without complaint, even when she was enduring the effects of cancer. She was a faithful sister who will be missed by the saints, her husband and five children as well as grandchildren. The large funeral was taken by Roy Weber and Joel Portman.
Hubert Bednarik of Halifax, NS on December 6, age 52. Hubert and his wife Antonia came from Czechoslovakia in the 70’s and were brought to gospel meetings by L. McBain and D. Oliver in Sarnia in 1975. Through Isa. 53:5, Hubert trusted Christ. He resided in Halifax since 1978. He was a kind and sacrificing brother who possessed a soul winner’s heart. The large funeral conducted by A. Hull and J. McClelland attested to the respect he had in the community. He leaves his wife and two married children, all in assembly fellowship, and three grandchildren.
Charles L. Trask of Tampa, Florida on December 8, age 65. Our beloved brother went to be with the Lord after a lingering illness. Charles was part of the North Tampa assembly since it began and he took an active part in all assembly functions. His home was always open to the Lord’s people. He is survived by his wife Aurora, who lovingly cared for him during his illness, his son Charles, daughter Sharon Garnham and six grandchildren, all saved. The funeral services were shared by 0. Dalfino, C. Trask and R. Garnham. Kindly remember the family in prayer.
Albert Hobbs of London, ON on December 9, age 94. Our dear brother was born in Greenwich, England and was saved as a young man of 17. He came into fellowship in 1931, meeting in a room over a bank at Dundas and Adelaide. He was a happy brother taking the responsibility of an elder. A keen interest in S.S. work caused him with two others to commence the work in Chelsea Heights. He was predeceased by his first wife and a daughter. His wife Beatrice and daughter Eunice mourn his loss. F. Burnside, A. Gratton and G. Brodie shared the funeral service.
Mabel Bachert of Clinton, ON on December 10, age 80. Our esteemed sister and her husband Bert along with their five children were saved when David Kember, with help from other brethren, brought the gospel to Walton. The Bachert home was one of the first opened for gospel meetings and a number of souls were reached over several years. Our dear sister gathered with the saints in Clinton for nearly 30 years. She was faithful to the Lord, the assembly and her family. It was her great joy to see a good number of grandchildren saved and in assembly fellowship.
Anne Webb of Bryn Mawr, PA on December 11, age 78. Our beloved sister was saved through her father, James Marshall, an earnest evangelist who passed away suddenly when Anne was in her late teen years. Her association with the Bryn Mawr assembly continued through all those years. In recent years, she suffered a great deal from skin cancer and related surgeries. Her wish was that at her homecall others would be reminded of the comfort and lifelong support a Christian enjoys because of the Savior’s great love.
Pearl Ismay of Phoenix, Arizona on December 29, age 98. Our dear sister was saved at the age of 14 while the family lived in New Jersey. After moving to Phoenix, she married Bill Ismay in 1929 and they were in the Phoenix assembly for many years. They were given to hospitality and enjoyed entertaining. Bill predeceased her in 1984. This past spring, Pearl moved to the Linn Manor Care Center in Iowa. Tom Baker spoke faithful words in the gospel at the funeral in Phoenix. She is survived by a son, a daughter, five grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Margaret Leys of Matoaca, VA on January 3, age 84. Our beloved sister suffered a sudden stroke and went home to heaven peacefully four days later. Saved in her youth, she was loyal to the assembly through all the years. In recent years, the Lord gave her the joy of seeing the answers to some of her prayers for family members. She was a humble servant of others, caring for her mother for many years and in recent years for her sister. The assembly will miss her consistent exercise.
Moncton, New Brunswick, Our beloved brother and servant of the Lord, Douglas Howard, was suddenly called home on December 29. A fitting tribute will appear in the March magazine, Lord willing.